YN in bitlife

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]
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Posts: 1080
Founded: Apr 02, 2020
Left-Leaning College State

YN in bitlife

Postby Bilancorn » Sat Nov 23, 2024 9:35 am

Greetings! I've made a quick survey that, if answered, will create a good representation of your nation in the life simulator game known as Bitlife. For each question, answer with your nation stance on the issue; some questions require you to write your answer, other to put a tick (yes) or a cross (no).
If you, reader, find something i havent added and its in-game, please report it to me! I'll add it to the survey.

Code: Select all
[b]Nation name:[/b]
[b]Nation currency:[/b]
[b]Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable):[/b]
[b]Major cities:[/b]
[b]School enrollement age:[/b]
[b]Graduation age:[/b]
[b]Minimum age to drop school:[/b]
[b]Years of University:[/b]
[b]Free University:[/b]
[b]Free Healthcare:[/b]
[b]Minimum legal driving age:[/b]
[b]Minimum working age:[/b]
[b]Minimum house ownership age:[/b]
[b]Same-sex dating legal:[/b]
[b]Same-sex marriage legal:[/b]
[b]Gender-reassignment legal:[/b]
[b]Commercial surrogacy legal:[/b]
[b]Adoption legal:[/b]
[b]Changing last name after marriage legal:[/b]
[b]Gambling legal:[/b]
[b]Alcohol legal:[/b]
[b]Death penalty legal:[/b]
[b]If put yes on above question, method(s):[/b]
[i]Lethal Injection[/i] []
[i]Electric Chair[/i] []
[i]Hanging[/i] []
[i]Firing squad[/i] []
[i]Shooting[/i] []
[i]Stoning[/i] []
[i]Beheading[/i] []
[b]Life sentence (<50 years) legal:[/b]
[b]Plea bargain legal:[/b]
[b]Conjugal visit in prison legal:[/b]
[b]Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50):[/b]
[b]Elections legal:[/b]
[b]If put yes on above question, for which office(s):[/b]
[i]Major[/i] []
[i]Regional Governor[/i] []
[i]President[/i] []
[b]Can foreign be elected in office:[/b]
[b]If put yes on above question, for which office(s):[/b]
[i]Major[/i] []
[i]Regional Governor[/i] []
[i]President[/i] []
[b]Royal family:[/b]
[b]If put yes on above question, official family name:[/b]
[b]Other nobility titles:[/b]
[b]Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal:[/b]
[b]Tax rate:[/b]
[b]War zone:[/b]
[b]Life expectacy:[/b]
Last edited by Bilancorn on Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Discord and other social profiles:
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Posts: 1080
Founded: Apr 02, 2020
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Bilancorn » Sat Nov 23, 2024 9:49 am

Nation name: Bilancorn
Nation currency: Dukat
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): Bilax, English
Major cities: Derion (capital), Hoshang, Helmer, Klessidra.
School enrollement age: 6
Graduation age: 19
Minimum age to drop school: 18
Years of University: 3 to 5
Free University: No
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 18
Minimum working age: 16
Minimum house ownership age: 18
Same-sex dating legal: ✅️
Same-sex marriage legal: ✅️
Gender-reassignment legal: ✅️
Commercial surrogacy legal: ❌️
Adoption legal: ✅️
Changing last name after marriage legal: ✅️
Gambling legal: ✅️
Alcohol legal: ✅️
Death penalty legal: ❌️
If put yes on above question, method(s): N/A
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: ✅️
Plea bargain legal: ❌️ / ✅️ (for non-violent crimes)
Conjugal visit in prison legal: ✅️
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 38
Elections legal: ✅️
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [✅️]
Regional Governor [✅️]
President [✅️]
Can foreign be elected in office: ✅️
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [✅️]
Regional Governor [✅️]
President [✅️]
Royal family: ❌️
If put yes on above question, official family name: N/A
Other nobility titles: ❌️
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: N/A
Tax rate: 21%
War zone: ❌️
Life expectacy: 96.5 years
Last edited by Bilancorn on Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Discord and other social profiles:
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Greater Kastovia
Posts: 180
Founded: May 09, 2023
Democratic Socialists

Postby Greater Kastovia » Sat Nov 23, 2024 2:00 pm

Nation name: Greater Kastovia
Nation currency: Kastovian Ruble
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): Russian, English
Major cities: Verdansk, Andriisk, Sokolov, Rostok
School enrollement age: 6
Graduation age: 17
Minimum age to drop school: 12
Years of University: 3-5 depending on degree
Free University: Y
Free Healthcare: Y
Minimum legal driving age: 18
Minimum working age: 16
Minimum house ownership age: 21
Same-sex dating legal: Y
Same-sex marriage legal: Y
Gender-reassignment legal: Y
Commercial surrogacy legal: N, Under Consideration
Adoption legal: Y
Changing last name after marriage legal: Y
Gambling legal: Y
Alcohol legal: Y
Death penalty legal: Y
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection [x]
Electric Chair []
Hanging []
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Y
Plea garbain legal: Y
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Y
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 40
Elections legal: Y
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor [x]
President [x]
Can foreign be elected in office: N
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President []
Royal family: N
If put yes on above question, official family name:
Other nobility titles:
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal:
Tax rate: Sliding (0% for those living below the poverty line, up to 80% for the highest earners)
War zone: Borderline (Shares border with Russia)
Life expectacy: 79 (Males), 81 (Females)
Liberal Democratic Pro-Western Russian breakaway state in the Sakhalin Islands lead by a femboy and an energy corporation CEO
BREAKING NEWS: Prime Minister Anatoli Petroschenko announces dissolution of Parliament and schedules General Elections for March in televised speech, says “Our government has reached an impasse. After two months of struggle against corruption, unprecedented economic conditions and the loss of our primary governing partner, it is time for the people to give us a new mandate”|Supreme Court rules that Dmitri Borshevski is the recognised leader of the DSPD, stating that previous leader Andriy Plenkovitch had specifically announced his complete withdrawal from politics when he resigned the party whip

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Rosettan Overwatch
Posts: 156
Founded: Oct 01, 2024
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Rosettan Overwatch » Sat Nov 23, 2024 2:31 pm

Nation name: Rosettan Overwatch
Nation currency: Teomine ($1,000.00 USD to 1 e.To.)
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): English
Major cities: Many.
School enrollement age: 8 in human years | 48 in Arothan years
Graduation age: 18 in human years | 108 in Arothan years
Minimum age to drop school: N/A
Years of University: 8+
Free University: Y
Free Healthcare: Y
Minimum legal driving age: 18 | 108
Minimum working age: 17 | 102
Minimum house ownership age: 17 | 102
Same-sex dating legal: Y
Same-sex marriage legal: Y
Gender-reassignment legal: Y
Commercial surrogacy legal: Depends
Adoption legal: Y
Changing last name after marriage legal: Y
Gambling legal: Y
Alcohol legal: Y
Death penalty legal: Y
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection [Y]
Electric Chair [N]
Hanging [Y]
Firing squad [Y]
Shooting [Y]
Stoning [N]
Beheading [N]
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: N
Plea garbain legal: N
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Y
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): Depends
Elections legal: Y (Councillors Only)
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President []
Can foreign be elected in office: Depends
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President []
Royal family: N
If put yes on above question, official family name:
Other nobility titles: N
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: Y
Tax rate: 33%
War zone: Y, for now
Life expectacy: 166.66+ | 1000+
html:https://oen.roshp.scr/home - See our Constitution (17+)
StatTracc: O|S|U|N|3

Nation: The Commonwealth of Rosettan Overwatch
Tier: 9 - Phasetech studies
Type: 7.5
A 7.4667-power civilization, according to this index.
Special Notes about your civilization: Scientifically inclined, militarist, cold.
Take HL2, Stellaris, ULTRAKILL, add furries, and boom - that's us.
Some stats aren't canon, some are.
This nation reflects most of my views.
I do not care about the real world anymore.

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Archipel Sempi
Posts: 594
Founded: Aug 11, 2024
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Archipel Sempi » Sat Nov 23, 2024 3:32 pm

Nation name: the Sempi Archipelago
Nation currency: Quesa
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): French, Sempi, English, (Hawaiian optional)
Major cities: Dura Boru, Hempia
School enrollement age: 5
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school: None dropping school that is not higher education is illegal
Years of University: 5
Free University: No
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 16
Minimum working age: 18
Minimum house ownership age: 18
Same-sex dating legal: Yes
Same-sex marriage legal: Yes
Gender-reassignment legal: Yes
Commercial surrogacy legal: No
Adoption legal: Yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: Yes
Alcohol legal: Yes
Death penalty legal: No
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging []
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes
Plea garbain legal: No
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Yes
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 42
Elections legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [X]
Regional Governor [X]
President [X]
Can foreign be elected in office: No
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President []
Royal family: No
If put yes on above question, official family name:
Other nobility titles: No
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: None
Tax rate: 15%
War zone: No
Life expectacy: 79 years
Last edited by Archipel Sempi on Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"La beauté de l'azur tropical, l'esprit de l'aventure."
-Fact Friday deleted, give me suggestions on what to put here-
silly Pacific archipelago with 102 tiny islands and 6 big ones = 108 islands
"Good symbolism is what makes a flag good, not how the flag looks."
/| • • |\ This is Spidey. He is on a journey to explore every forum nation! Put Spidey in your Sig so he can
/| ___ | \ fulfill his lifelong dreams!
I am a proud, patriotic Bulgarian
All NS stats (except for population and world assembly endorsements) are canon unless said otherwise.
This nation doesn't fully represent my views.
Both Israel and Palestine are bad.

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West Coralonia
Posts: 60
Founded: Mar 01, 2024

Postby West Coralonia » Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:16 pm

Nation name: Republic of Coralonia
Nation currency: Coralonian Dollar
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): English
Major cities: Goudhaven, Oranza, Arcadia
School enrollement age: 4
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school: no minimum age
Years of University: 4
Free University: If you're between the ages of 18-24
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 17
Minimum working age: 16
Minimum house ownership age: 25
Same-sex dating legal: Yes
Same-sex marriage legal: Yes
Gender-reassignment legal: Yes though it may be hard to find
Commercial surrogacy legal: Yes
Adoption legal: Yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: Yes
Alcohol legal: Yes
Death penalty legal: No
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging []
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes
Plea bargain legal: Yes (I noticed it is garbain, was this on purpose lol)
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Yes, unless in maximum security prison
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 40
Elections legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Mayor [X]
Regional Governor []
President [X]
Can foreign be elected in office: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Mayor [X]
Regional Governor []
President [X]
Royal family:
If put yes on above question, official family name:
Other nobility titles:
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal:
Tax rate: 25%
War zone: No, but there is a high security zone on the East Coralonian border
Life expectacy: 82 years
Last edited by West Coralonia on Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 1080
Founded: Apr 02, 2020
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Bilancorn » Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:24 pm

West Coralonia wrote:Plea bargain legal: Yes (I noticed it is garbain, was this on purpose lol)

Nope, it was a typo, fixed. Thanks for the report :clap:
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Discord and other social profiles:
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The Benelux State
Civil Servant
Posts: 9
Founded: Nov 11, 2024

Postby The Benelux State » Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:32 pm

Nation name: The Benelux State
Nation currency: Spesmilo
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): Esperanto, Dutch, French, Luxembourgish, English
Major cities: Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg
School enrollement age: 5 to 6
Graduation age: 17 to 18
Minimum age to drop school: 16
Years of University: 4
Free University: No
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 18, supervised driving from the age of 17
Minimum working age: 16
Minimum house ownership age: 18
Same-sex dating legal: Yes
Same-sex marriage legal: Yes
Gender-reassignment legal: Yes
Commercial surrogacy legal: No
Adoption legal: Yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: Yes
Alcohol legal: Yes
Death penalty legal: No
If put yes on above question, method(s): N/A
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes
Plea bargain legal: No
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Yes
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): Depends
Elections legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor [X]
President [X] (Prime Minister)
Can foreign be elected in office: Depends
If put yes on above question, for which office(s): N/A
Royal family: Yes
If put yes on above question, official family name: House of Nassau
Other nobility titles: King/Queen
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: No
Tax rate: 20% (Average, varies betwen taxable amount)
War zone: No
Life expectacy: 86 years
A partially conservative, left-leaning nationalist Anglo-Esperanto nation culturally influenced by science/humanities
Only the policies represent my current political views

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The Benelux State
Civil Servant
Posts: 9
Founded: Nov 11, 2024

Postby The Benelux State » Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:33 pm

Bilancorn wrote:
West Coralonia wrote:Plea bargain legal: Yes (I noticed it is garbain, was this on purpose lol)

Nope, it was a typo, fixed. Thanks for the report :clap:

Still isn't fixed. You typed barbain instead of bargain.
A partially conservative, left-leaning nationalist Anglo-Esperanto nation culturally influenced by science/humanities
Only the policies represent my current political views

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Posts: 1080
Founded: Apr 02, 2020
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Bilancorn » Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:41 pm

The Benelux State wrote:
Bilancorn wrote:Nope, it was a typo, fixed. Thanks for the report :clap:

Still isn't fixed. You typed barbain instead of bargain.

Bruh I'm drunk :/
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Discord and other social profiles:
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Posts: 167
Founded: Feb 20, 2024
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Hispaniola2 » Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:51 pm

Nation name: The State of Hispaniola
Nation currency: Hispaniolan Peso
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): Delnish (Spanish), Catrian (French), and English
Major cities: Santo Angeles, Puerto Rojo, Ciudad Grimaldi and Ciudad Santiago
School enrollement age: 5 years
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school: 16 for hardship reasons only
Years of University: 4
Free University: First 2 years are free, remainder is paid
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 16
Minimum working age: 14
Minimum house ownership age: 18
Same-sex dating legal: Yes
Same-sex marriage legal: No
Gender-reassignment legal: No
Commercial surrogacy legal: Yes
Adoption legal: Yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: Heavily regulated
Alcohol legal: Yes
Death penalty legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging [X]
Firing squad [X]
Shooting [X]
Stoning []
Beheading [X]
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes
Plea bargain legal: No
Conjugal visit in prison legal: No
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 60 is maximum, although most places settle for 50
Elections legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Mayor [X]
Regional Governor [X]
President [X]
Can foreign be elected in office:
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Mayor []
Regional Governor []
President []
Royal family: No
If put yes on above question, official family name:
Other nobility titles:
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: No
Tax rate: Tax rate hovers between 30 to 50%
War zone: No
Life expectacy: 85

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Egg Ander
Posts: 38
Founded: Jan 01, 2024

Postby Egg Ander » Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:56 pm

Nation name: Egg Ander
Nation currency: Yolk
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable):Eggish and English
Major cities: Eggshington DC, Eggcouver, Eggos
School enrollement age: 4
Graduation age:18
Minimum age to drop school: 15
Years of University: 4-5
Free University: Yes
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 17
Minimum working age: 17
Minimum house ownership age: 18
Same-sex dating legal: Yes
Same-sex marriage legal: Yes
Gender-reassignment legal: No
Commercial surrogacy legal: Yes
Adoption legal: Yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: Yes
Alcohol legal: Yes (20 yrs and older)
Death penalty legal: No
If put yes on above question, method(s): N/A
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging []
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes
Plea barbain legal: Yes
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Yes
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 40
Elections legal: Absolutely
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [X]
Regional Governor [X]
President [X]
Can foreign be elected in office: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [X]
Regional Governor [X]
President []
Royal family:
If put yes on above question, official family name:
Other nobility titles:
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal:
Tax rate: 21%
War zone: No
Life expectacy: 90 years
Last edited by Egg Ander on Sat Nov 23, 2024 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Humpty Dumpty Great Eggpire of Egg Ander
4th Anarchy Streak: idk
Lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust.
Call me… Humpty Dumpty! but not Eggy, Egg, Eggo, Eggder, Eggler, EA (sports), and Eggoman. /j

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Posts: 1121
Founded: May 26, 2024
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Rylland » Sat Nov 23, 2024 6:18 pm

Nation name: Rylland
Nation currency: Heiliger Schwan Mark
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): German and English
Major cities: Osmarch (capital), Vermana, Requia
School enrollement age: 3
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school: 26
Years of University: 5
Free University: Yes
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 18
Minimum working age: 18
Minimum house ownership age: 18
Same-sex dating legal: Yes
Same-sex marriage legal: Yes
Gender-reassignment legal: No
Commercial surrogacy legal: Yes
Adoption legal: Yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: No
Alcohol legal: No
Death penalty legal: No
If put yes on above question, method(s): N/A
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging []
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes
Plea bargain legal: Yes
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Yes
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): Yes
Elections legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [X]
Regional Governor [X]
President []
Can foreign be elected in office: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [X]
Regional Governor [X]
President []
Royal family: Yes
If put yes on above question, official family name: House of Yalungka
Other nobility titles: Duke, Duchess, Baron, Baroness
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: No
Tax rate: 22%
War zone: No
Life expectacy: 91 years
Last edited by Rylland on Sat Nov 23, 2024 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Siberian Socialist States
Posts: 1
Founded: Mar 23, 2024
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Siberian Socialist States » Sat Nov 23, 2024 7:24 pm

Nation name: Siberian Socialist States
Nation currency: Siberian Ruble
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if applicable): Russian , British English
Major cities: Novosibirsk , Omsk , Irkutsk
School enrollment age: (K-6 : starts around 2 to 3) (Basic General Education : 13) (Secondary General Education : 17)
Graduation age: (Secondary General Education : 18) (Uni : 21)
Minimum age to drop school: 17
Years of University: 4
Free University: Y
Free Healthcare: Y
Minimum legal driving age: 17
Minimum working age: 18
Minimum house ownership age: 17
Same-sex dating legal: N
Same-sex marriage legal: N
Gender-reassignment legal: N
Commercial surrogacy legal:
Adoption legal: Y
Changing last name after marriage legal: Y
Gambling legal: Y
Alcohol legal: N
Death penalty legal: Y
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection [Y]
Electric Chair [Y]
Hanging [Y]
Firing squad [Y]
Shooting [Y]
Stoning [N]
Beheading [Y]
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Y
Plea bargain legal: Y
Conjugal visit in prison legal:Y
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 40
Elections legal: N
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President []
Can foreign be elected in office:
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President []
Royal family: Y
If put yes on above question, official family name: Romanov
Other nobility titles: Tsar / Tsarina / Chairman of the Siberian Communist Party
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal:
Tax rate: 1.5% to 13%
War zone: No
Life expectancy: 99
9th TCN Puppet |
⭑☭ Siberian Socialist States ⭑☭

A Commie Monarchy based in Siberia , poised to become the next "Socialist Paradise"

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The Imagination Animals
Posts: 1795
Founded: Mar 27, 2020
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby The Imagination Animals » Sat Nov 23, 2024 7:27 pm

Nation name: Crossoveria
Nation currency: rial
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if applicable): Crossoveriaanz, Farsi, English
Major cities: Zootropolis, Assateague, Crossoveripolis, Watchomond, GoCity
School enrollement age: 5
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school: None
Years of University: 4
Free University: Yes
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 18
Minimum working age: 18
Minimum house ownership age: 21
Same-sex dating legal: No
Same-sex marriage legal: No
Gender-reassignment legal: No
Commercial surrogacy legal: No
Adoption legal: Yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: No
Alcohol legal: No
Death penalty legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging [*]
Firing squad [*]
Shooting [*]
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes
Plea bargain legal: No
Conjugal visit in prison legal: No
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 45
Elections legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [*]
Regional Governor [*]
President [*]
Can foreign be elected in office: No
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President []
Royal family: No
If put yes on above question, official family name:
Other nobility titles: n/a
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: no (not a monarchy)
Tax rate: 40%
War zone: No
Life expectacy: 79 years
IC Name: Crossoveria
NS Stats are NOT canon!
This nation doesn't represent my views

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Posts: 47
Founded: Oct 25, 2023
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Horrorstan » Sun Nov 24, 2024 1:28 am

Oh, Bitlife... How many time I spent on that game in 2020, damn! Anyway, here is Horrorstan:

Nation name: Horrorstan
Nation currency: Soul Coin
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): Horrinin
Major cities: Horroria prima
School enrollement age: 6
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school: 10
Years of University: 3
Free University: No
Free Healthcare: No
Minimum legal driving age: Cars are illegal
Minimum working age: 10
Minimum house ownership age: 25
Same-sex dating legal: ❌️
Same-sex marriage legal: ❌️
Gender-reassignment legal: ❌️
Commercial surrogacy legal: ❌️
Adoption legal: ✅️
Changing last name after marriage legal: ✅️ (female only)
Gambling legal: ❌️
Alcohol legal: ❌️
Death penalty legal: ✅️
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging [X]
Firing squad []
Shooting [X] (rare)
Stoning [X]
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: ✅️
Plea bargain legal: ✅️
Conjugal visit in prison legal: ❌️
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 60
Elections legal: ❌️
Can foreign be elected in office: N/A
Royal family: ✅️
If put yes on above question, official family name: Holy horrorian Familia
Other nobility titles: Dark Count, Drak Viscount, Dark Barron, Landlord.
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: ✅️
Tax rate: ≈90%
War zone: ✅️ (rebels)
Life expectacy: 78 Years.
This country is just an hell hole where everyone die of terrible death, do not take it seriously.

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Republica Federal de Catalunya
Posts: 2442
Founded: Nov 21, 2011
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Republica Federal de Catalunya » Sun Nov 24, 2024 3:55 am

Nation name: República Federal de Catalunya/Repùblica Federala de Catalonha
Nation currency: € Euro
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): depends on the area you live in Catalan majority areas Catalan is the default language and occitan 2nd language + English and 2nd Foreign language of Choice. Also Occitan is the default language in school and Catalan in the 2nd language and is used in 25% of the subjects.
Major cities: Barcelona(capital), Palma, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Badalona i Terrassa.
School enrollement age: 3-6 preschool, 6-18 compulsory scholarship.
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school:16
Years of University: 3+2
Free University: No but in State universities the alumni pay a only a % of the real cost.
Free Healthcare: Yes, for citizens and legal residents and legal temporal residents. Only emergency for tourists and illegal residents.
Minimum legal driving age:18 16 in some cases as scooters and farm equipment.
Minimum working age: 16
Minimum house ownership age: 18 16 in some cases.
Same-sex dating legal: yup
Same-sex marriage legal: yup
Gender-reassignment legal: yup. But it requires a psychological report than the person has gender dystrophy.
Commercial surrogacy legal: not legal
Adoption legal: yup
Changing last name after marriage legal: yes but uncommon. Although in normal conditions pe the children only pass their father's surname and are often called their father's surname in all official documents they are registered by both of their parents surnames.
Gambling legal:b18+
Alcohol legal: 18+
Death penalty legal: No. Abolished in 1947.
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging [✓] was the method used.
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes. But is only used in the most horrible crimes. The normal Max sentence is 30 effective years.
Plea bargain legal: yes
Conjugal visit in prison legal: yes
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 37,5 but legally you can work upto 45 hours week with overtime pay.
Elections legal: they are
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [✓]
Regional Governor [✓]
President [✓]
Also legislative elections and referendums
Can foreign be elected in office: You mean foreign born or foreign national without double nationality. Considering National foreign born with MN nationality
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [✓]
Regional Governor [✓]
President [✓]
Royal family: Yes, We are a Republic since 1945 They are in exile in Spain.
If put yes on above question, official family name: They are a Cadet branch of the Bourbons.
Other nobility titles: Yes. They are granted by the President also the President is along the French Republic's President one of the two Princes of Andorra. A microstate between us and France.
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: Yes. We don't care really about what they do.
Tax rate: the income rate goes from 0 less to 9000€ income to a max of nominal 43% for income over 52000€ there also deductions for various reasons. Well imagine you earn 59000€ year you are single, no children and are not paying a mortgage. For your first 9000€ you pay 0, for 9001 to 24000 you pay 15%, from 24001 to 33000 you pay 18% from 33001 to 42000 24% and 42001 to 53000 33% from 53001 you pay 43%.
War zone: no since 1947
Life expectacy: male 83,4 female 89,4
Last edited by Republica Federal de Catalunya on Sun Nov 24, 2024 8:11 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Posts: 46
Founded: Jan 22, 2023
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby North-Britain » Sun Nov 24, 2024 6:17 am

Nation name: North Britain
Nation currency: Pound
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): English, Russian
Major cities: Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool, Edinburgh
School enrollement age: 4-5
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school: 16
Years of University: 3 or 4
Free University: Yes
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 16
Minimum working age: 16
Minimum house ownership age: 16
Same-sex dating legal: Yes
Same-sex marriage legal: No
Gender-reassignment legal: Yes
Commercial surrogacy legal: No
Adoption legal: Yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: No
Alcohol legal: Yes
Death penalty legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging [X] (civilian crimes)
Firing squad [X] (military crimes)
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes
Plea bargain legal: Yes
Conjugal visit in prison legal: No
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 40
Elections legal: Yes (in theory)
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [X]
Regional Governor [X]
President [X]
Can foreign be elected in office: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [X]
Regional Governor [X]
President [X]
Royal family: No
If put yes on above question, official family name:
Other nobility titles:
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal:
Tax rate: Progressive; highest earners pay 90%
War zone: No
Life expectacy: 78
The British Democratic Republic - a socialist state comprising most of the north of Great Britain.
Current year is 1985.

Does not reflect my irl beliefs.

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Posts: 2070
Founded: Oct 10, 2019
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Countesia » Sun Nov 24, 2024 10:11 am

Bitlife is a terrible game. I've wasted hours of my valuable time playing it.

Nation name: The Federal Republic of Countesia
Nation currency:
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): Countesian, English.
Major cities: Urbem, Nordveste, Adenau and Aitzendorf
School enrollement age:
Graduation age: N/A, Students are required by law to stay in education until they have passed their Year 12 GSCE'S unless exempted for medical or compassionate reasons. As students can be held back school years up until year 6 due to poor performance, this can wildly vary between 16-28 years old.
Minimum age to drop school: N/A
Years of University: The average university degree is 4 years long.
Free University: Public University is free in Countesia, private university is not. Luckily, around 80% of universities in Countesia are public.
Free Healthcare: Healthcare is free for all Countesian citizens and permanent residents. Only emergency healthcare is free for temporary residents.
Minimum legal driving age: 16
Minimum working age: 13 (in select professions) 16
Minimum house ownership age: No minimum age.
Same-sex dating legal: Yes
Same-sex marriage legal: Yes
Gender-reassignment legal: Yes
Commercial surrogacy legal: Yes
Adoption legal: Yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: Yes
Alcohol legal: Yes
Death penalty legal: No
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging []
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: 25 Years, but this can be issued consecutively.
Plea bargain legal: Yes
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Yes, but it is not a right. It is issued as a reward for good behaviour.
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 35-40 Hours
Elections legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [Y]
Regional Governor [Y]
President [Y]
Can foreign be elected in office: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [Y]
Regional Governor [Y]
President [N]
Royal family: Yes, but they hold no legislative power.
If put yes on above question, official family name: Gothenthal
Other nobility titles: Normal European ones i guess. None of them come with any legal or political power.
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: Its up to them, its certainly not illegal.
Tax rate: Varies. There are several tax brackets. The average person is paying 20% in taxes. Higher earners can pay up to 40% Corporation tax sits at 21%
War zone: There is insurgency in the overseas provinces, but they are not considered organised or widespread enough to be a threat to the average citizen.
Life expectacy: 85.
Last edited by Countesia on Sun Nov 24, 2024 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 556
Founded: May 06, 2018
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Wochaystein » Sun Nov 24, 2024 3:18 pm

Nation name: Wochaystein
Nation currency: Gold
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): Diarcesian Latin, Diarcesian English, German
Major cities: Zuidren
School enrollement age: 6
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school: 16
Years of University: Varies (typically 3-4)
Free University: Yes
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 18
Minimum working age: 15
Minimum house ownership age: 18
Same-sex dating legal: Yes
Same-sex marriage legal: No
Gender-reassignment legal: No
Commercial surrogacy legal: Yes
Adoption legal: Yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: Yes
Alcohol legal: Yes
Death penalty legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection [✓]
Electric Chair []
Hanging [✓]
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes
Plea bargain legal: Yes
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Yes
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 40
Elections legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor [✓]
President []
Can foreign be elected in office: No
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President []
Royal family: Yes
If put yes on above question, official family name: Garver
Other nobility titles: No
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: Yes
Tax rate: 25%
War zone: No
Life expectacy: 79 years
Dieresis of Diarcesia
The Cities of the Holy Empire of Wochaystein
Zuidren | Krofen | Fischen | Tien | Tendorf

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Posts: 26
Founded: Apr 02, 2024
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Mesavia » Mon Nov 25, 2024 4:54 am

Nation name: Mesavia
Nation currency: Mu
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): English, French
Major cities: Medal
School enrollement age: 6
Graduation age: 19
Minimum age to drop school: Illegal
Years of University: 3-5
Free University: Yes
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 18
Minimum working age: 18
Minimum house ownership age: 18
Same-sex dating legal: ✅️
Same-sex marriage legal: ✅️
Gender-reassignment legal: ✅️
Commercial surrogacy legal: ✅️
Adoption legal: ✅️
Changing last name after marriage legal: ✅️
Gambling legal: ✅️
Alcohol legal: ✅️
Death penalty legal: ❌️
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging []
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: ⚠️ (only for mass murder / terrorism / crimes against the state
Plea bargain legal: ✅️
Conjugal visit in prison legal: ✅️
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 45
Elections legal: ✅️
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [Yes]
Regional Governor [Yes]
President [Yes]
Can foreign be elected in office: ✅️
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [Yes]
Regional Governor [Yes]
President [Yes]
Royal family: ❌️
If put yes on above question, official family name:
Other nobility titles: ❌️
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: N/A
Tax rate: ≈60%
War zone: ❌️
Life expectacy: ≈85
Democratic Government with a socialist economy and a few private industries. We value civil rights, social rights and collectivism.

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Posts: 26
Founded: Apr 02, 2024
Capitalist Paradise

Postby Vexea » Mon Nov 25, 2024 5:16 am

Nation name: Vexea
Nation currency: Vexean Coin
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): English
Major cities: Omni
School enrollement age: 6
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school: 14
Years of University: 3-5
Free University: No
Free Healthcare: No
Minimum legal driving age: 18
Minimum working age: 10
Minimum house ownership age: 18
Same-sex dating legal: ✅️
Same-sex marriage legal: ❌️
Gender-reassignment legal: ❌️
Commercial surrogacy legal: ❌️
Adoption legal: ✅️
Changing last name after marriage legal: ✅️
Gambling legal: ⚠️
Alcohol legal: ✅️
Death penalty legal: ✅️
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging []
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: ✅️
Plea bargain legal: ✅️
Conjugal visit in prison legal: ❌️
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 45-50
Elections legal: ✅️
If put yes on above question, for which office(s): ✅️
Major [Yes]
Regional Governor [No]
President [Yes]
Can foreign be elected in office: ⚠️
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [Yes]
Regional Governor [No]
President [No]
Royal family: ✅️
If put yes on above question, official family name: Ward
Other nobility titles: Duke, Count, viscount, barron.
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: ✅️
Tax rate: ≈20%
War zone: ❌️
Life expectacy: 72
The Constitutional Monarchy of Vexea
A conservative society ruled by the king and the senate, with a capitalist economy and a devout catholic population.

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 415
Founded: Jul 27, 2024
Democratic Socialists

Postby Mossex » Mon Nov 25, 2024 5:31 am

Nation name: Mossex
Nation currency: Mossexi Coin
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): Hebrew, English
Major cities: ¹Mossex City, ²Capolan, ³Holyian, ⁴Zu Desbur, ⁵Holy Lamja
School enrollement age: 6
Graduation age: 18
Minimum age to drop school: 15
Years of University: 4-8
Free University: N
Free Healthcare: Y
Minimum legal driving age: 16
Minimum working age: 17
Minimum house ownership age: 20
Same-sex dating legal: Always
Same-sex marriage legal: Always
Gender-reassignment legal: 18
Commercial surrogacy legal: N
Adoption legal: 23
Changing last name after marriage legal: Y (free)
Gambling legal: N
Alcohol legal: Only in religious ceremonies
Death penalty legal: N
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Y
Plea bargain legal: Y
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Y
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 48
Elections legal: Partially
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President [X]
Can foreign be elected in office: Y
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President [X]
Royal family: N
Tax rate: 22.4%
War zone: N
Life expectacy: 83 years
Last edited by Mossex on Mon Nov 25, 2024 5:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
OOC: I don't speak English and use a mediocre translator, so sorry if it seems strange.--Hello from Israel!--She/Her/Hers
IC: Feel free to shorten my name to Mossy

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Posts: 3358
Founded: May 13, 2023
Democratic Socialists

Postby Cerespasia » Mon Nov 25, 2024 5:32 am

Nation name: Cerespasia / The United Federal Republic of Cerespasia
Nation currency: Cereskian Pound
Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable): English, French, Spanish, Breton
Major cities: Virton NCD, Eternia, Patuxent City, San David, Montepino
School enrollement age: 5
Graduation age: 17
Minimum age to drop school: 15+
Years of University: 3-5 though 6 has been recorded)
Free University: Yes
Free Healthcare: Yes
Minimum legal driving age: 17
Minimum working age: 17
Minimum house ownership age: 17
Same-sex dating legal: Yes (Depending on Federal Province laws)
Same-sex marriage legal: Yes (Depending on Federal Province laws)
Gender-reassignment legal: Yes (Depending on Federal Province laws)
Commercial surrogacy legal: Yes
Adoption legal: yes
Changing last name after marriage legal: Yes
Gambling legal: Yes (Only in 4 Federal Provinces)
Alcohol legal: Yes
Death penalty legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection [X]
Electric Chair [X]
Hanging []
Firing squad []
Shooting []
Stoning []
Beheading []
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Yes (Depening on the crime(s)'s severity)
Plea bargain legal: Yes
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Yes
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50):36
Elections legal: Yes
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [X]
Regional Governor [X]
President [X]
Can foreign be elected in office: No
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major []
Regional Governor []
President []
Royal family:
If put yes on above question, official family name:
Other nobility titles:
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal:
Tax rate: 27.8%
War zone: No.
Life expectacy: 80.3 Years
And I want some more..!
NSStats executed via full auto magdump from M55B Battle Rifle.

Current year: 19989 After Time. | Earthly equivalent: 2016 A.D.

Israel this, Palestine that, They didn't start the fire. | I hate boycotts, I miss fast food.

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Posts: 13
Founded: Aug 06, 2024
Moralistic Democracy

Postby Osnauria » Mon Nov 25, 2024 5:41 am

Nation name: The Federal Republic of Osnauria (usually shortened to “Osnauria”)
Nation currency: Nolic
Language(s) taught: Osnauri, English, German
Major cities: Aeliron(capital city), Nova Vista, Rotterdam, New London
School enrollement age: 5
Graduation age: 22
Minimum age to drop school:19
Years of University: 3-4
Free University: Y
Free Healthcare: mostly Y
Minimum legal driving age: 20
Minimum working age: 17
Minimum house ownership age: 23
Same-sex dating legal: Y
Same-sex marriage legal: Y
Gender-reassignment legal: Y
Commercial surrogacy legal: Y
Adoption legal: Y
Changing last name after marriage legal: Y
Gambling legal: N
Alcohol legal: N
Death penalty legal: Y
If put yes on above question, method(s):
Lethal Injection []
Electric Chair []
Hanging [Y]
Firing squad [Y]
Shooting [Y]
Stoning []
Beheading [Y]
Life sentence (<50 years) legal: Y
Plea bargain legal: Y
Conjugal visit in prison legal: Y
Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50): 39-47
Elections legal: Y
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [Y]
Regional Governor [Y]
President [Y]
Can foreign be elected in office: Y
If put yes on above question, for which office(s):
Major [Y]
Regional Governor []
President []
Royal family: N (used to be Y)
If put yes on above question, official family name: Osny
Other nobility titles: Duke
Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal: Y
Tax rate: ≈35%
War zone: N
Life expectacy: ≈70
The United Federal Republic of Osnauria
Murder Drones, FNaF, War Thunder, CoDM, F1, object shows, countryballs, AVIATION
Multi fandom,too lazy to make a good factbook, I’m so sorry (not)
“And if you no longer go for a gap that exists, you are no longer a racing driver” -Ayrton Senna
“It’s not what my nation can do for me, it’s what I can do for my nation”
“GP2 engine… GP2… AGH” -Fernando Alonso
“I’m now Osnauria, destroyer of Half-Blood’s world”
“Avoiding something controversial is.. god why is it so hard?” -me
“I know what I’m doing so just shut up” -Kimi Räkkönen
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Question: why do a lot of people put a character on their flag?



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