If you, reader, find something i havent added and its in-game, please report it to me! I'll add it to the survey.
- Code: Select all
[b]Nation name:[/b]
[b]Nation currency:[/b]
[b]Language(s) taught (only major language + english, if abblicable):[/b]
[b]Major cities:[/b]
[b]School enrollement age:[/b]
[b]Graduation age:[/b]
[b]Minimum age to drop school:[/b]
[b]Years of University:[/b]
[b]Free University:[/b]
[b]Free Healthcare:[/b]
[b]Minimum legal driving age:[/b]
[b]Minimum working age:[/b]
[b]Minimum house ownership age:[/b]
[b]Same-sex dating legal:[/b]
[b]Same-sex marriage legal:[/b]
[b]Gender-reassignment legal:[/b]
[b]Commercial surrogacy legal:[/b]
[b]Adoption legal:[/b]
[b]Changing last name after marriage legal:[/b]
[b]Gambling legal:[/b]
[b]Alcohol legal:[/b]
[b]Death penalty legal:[/b]
[b]If put yes on above question, method(s):[/b]
[i]Lethal Injection[/i] []
[i]Electric Chair[/i] []
[i]Hanging[/i] []
[i]Firing squad[/i] []
[i]Shooting[/i] []
[i]Stoning[/i] []
[i]Beheading[/i] []
[b]Life sentence (<50 years) legal:[/b]
[b]Plea bargain legal:[/b]
[b]Conjugal visit in prison legal:[/b]
[b]Average expected working weekly hours (35 to 50):[/b]
[b]Elections legal:[/b]
[b]If put yes on above question, for which office(s):[/b]
[i]Major[/i] []
[i]Regional Governor[/i] []
[i]President[/i] []
[b]Can foreign be elected in office:[/b]
[b]If put yes on above question, for which office(s):[/b]
[i]Major[/i] []
[i]Regional Governor[/i] []
[i]President[/i] []
[b]Royal family:[/b]
[b]If put yes on above question, official family name:[/b]
[b]Other nobility titles:[/b]
[b]Marriage between commoners and Royalty/nobles legal:[/b]
[b]Tax rate:[/b]
[b]War zone:[/b]
[b]Life expectacy:[/b]