Fallout: From the Ashes (OOC/Sign-ups, Post-Apoc, Character)

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Fallout: From the Ashes (OOC/Sign-ups, Post-Apoc, Character)

Postby Oblivion2 » Mon Nov 18, 2024 12:53 pm

Fallout: From the Ashes

War… War never changes.

From the great siege of Troy in ancient antiquity, to the Coalition’s victory against Napoleon at Waterloo, war has often been celebrated in the recollections of our society. This romantic notion has often been used to disguise the ugly truth; that war is merely a reflection of humanity’s animal drive to gain more at the expense of others.

In the year 2077, that drive took our species over the precipice and plunged the world into the hellish fires of total nuclear war. In a matter of hours, thousands of years of human civilization came crashing down as The United States of America and The People’s Republic of China exchanged fire with their atomic arsenals. This was not to be the end, however. Humanity proved resilient as survivor groups took shelter from the apocalypse wherever it could be found; fallout bunkers, metropolitan subways, cave systems, and of course… The great underground Vaults, created by the corporatocracy of America to house as many souls as they could possibly house. Or so the stories go.

It is the year 2283; A mere two years ago, the might of Caesar’s Legion found itself checked by a coalition of the New California Republic and the people of the New Vegas area at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. Unlike before, where the Legion fought to the last deployed man, the Legate Lanius ordered a withdrawal from the Dam, perhaps recognizing the Mojave as the end of the Legion.

The victorious NCR, however, could not find the opportunity to pursue and destroy their mortal rival, as the people of New Vegas revealed their trump card; an army of Securitron Robots and the combined might of the Boomer Tribe, the Mojave Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, The Three Families of the New Vegas Strip, the citizens of Freeside and Westside, and finally what remained of the Great Khans Tribe. New Vegas would remain independent of NCR and Legion alike, remaining a bright beacon of civilization in the midst of the Mojave Wasteland.

The NCR had planned on licking its wounds and returning to claim Hoover Dam and the strip alike, however their troubles were not yet over as once more atomic fire was unleashed and the New Californian capital of Shady Sands was destroyed by an unknown assailant.

There were no celebrations on the Legion side of the Hoover Dam, however. Shortly after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, it became apparent that Caesar was dying of a malignant brain tumor that rendered him increasingly unable to govern and command the might of his conquered 87 Tribes. Though Caesar has a designated heir, the young Caesaron’s power is far from secure. Legate Lanius, the Monster of the East, stands as a direct challenger to the heir’s succession; having the loyalty, or perhaps the naked fear of many a legionnaire.

Growing in political strength, the Forge-Masters of the Cult of Vulcan speak of challenging the ascendancy of the Cult of Mars and the War God’s chosen, Caesar. Led by the mysterious High Forgelord, the Cult of Vulcan controls a significant amount of materiel that the legion uses in it’s battles. Then there remains the charismatic governor of Flagstaff, Antonius Aurelius. As caretaker of Caesar’s Capital, he wields a great deal of political power in the name of the great Conquerer.

For the last two years, these factions within the Legion have slowly begun to circle, prepared to make a carrion feast of the Legion and take what they can for themselves when the Great Caesar finally passes. That time is coming soon.

And you? You find yourself deep in the heart of Legion territory, just outside of a town called Tombstone which sits in what was once a part of the American State of Arizona, just north of the former Mexican border. Prisoner, slave, spy, legionnaire, or even simple townsperson, your story and the story of your companions will begin here as the first sparks hit the powder keg. Because War… War never changes.

Welcome to Fallout: From the Ashes! An RP storyline inspired by a handful of ending slides from Fallout: New Vegas as well as some third party content from a few other games. As mentioned in the blurb above, our RP will be taking place in the year 2283 - a mere two years after the end of Fallout: New Vegas. A few assumptions with the lore are being made here, so I’ll touch on those quickly.

The Battle for Hoover Dam:
Won by the NCR-Vegas coalition, leading to the independent new vegas ending. For the sake of the RP we assume that Courier Six, the protagonist of New Vegas, talked Legate Lanius into withdrawing his forces, before threatening to turn the guns on the NCR. The NCR would withdraw as far back as Mojave Outpost, leaving only a toe hold in the region.

Mr. House: His being dead or alive we are going to leave ambiguous for the purposes of world building. The Mojave is answering to someone, but who that is seems difficult to pin down as the word of Mr. House has always been carried out by proxies.

The Courier: They’re out there somewhere, no you cannot play the Courier, sorry.

Anything or anybody not mentioned directly here shouldn’t affect much of our RP. Save the factions who may be involved in the growing legion Civil War in Arizona and beyond. Which takes me directly into the rules.


#1: We follow the Nationstates terms of service. This one is a no brainer, don’t do anything to get banned.

#2: Be kind to one another. We’re all here to RP and write a story together. There is no ‘winning’ there is only the story and the enjoyment we get out of it, so don’t be a jerk to your fellow players.

#3: No power gaming, metagaming, etc. No one is going to be playing an all knowing, Power Armor equipped, gauss rifle touting Courier Six. You’re playing a person, perhaps a somewhat exceptional person, but a person nevertheless. Your character has flaws, the remains of the American Southwest are a savage place, and it won’t always go your way. I’m also likely to only allow at most two players to play as members of a faction like the Brotherhood of Steel. Expect not to start with Paladin level gear if you’re such a player too.

#4: Keep it PG-13 14A-ish. Fallout is a mature, if occasionally silly setting. There are going to be some darker themes present, but implication for some of the more disturbing things is a powerful tool. Given we want to continue following rule #1, this rule is incredibly important.

#5: Have fun. Lest we forget, we all do this to have a good time.

#6: This is intended to be a Character RP. I’ve no problem with anyone being a part of a specific faction in Arizona, or pushing a certain agenda for a Faction, but no one should be running a faction. Ideally, I’d like to keep the story focused on your individual character’s actions or a group of characters actions.
Last edited by Oblivion2 on Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:18 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby Oblivion2 » Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:23 pm

Maps, Factions, Dramatis Personae and other Resources:

All maps are property of their respective owners, aka not me.

Others to be added as needed, maybe.


Caesar's Legion Factions:

The Sons of Caesar:
Centered around the Western territories closest to the border with the NCR, the Sons of Caesar represent Caesar’s biological heirs. The oldest, Caesaron is a Consul within the legion and wields the support of his three younger brothers and single sister. The Sons of Caesar wish to continue the path of the Legion as laid out by the great Caesar; continue pushing west and lay claim over the NCR and New Vegas alike as inheritors of the broken Earth. The Sons of Caesar are most like the Legion that took the fight against the NCR during the first two battles of Hoover Dam.

Lanius’ Legion:
Brutal veterans of the Legion’s campaign in the west led by the Legate Lanius; Caesar’s most decorated and ruthless commander. Much of their strength is drawn from Western Arizona and the pieces of Colorado and Utah that the Legion has brought war to; places where Lanius’ legend burns the hottest. The most warlike Legionnaires find themselves aligning with this faction, and they care the least about the collateral damage that might be inflicted in their wake.

The Cult of Vulcan:
A rival to Caesar’s own Cult of Mars, the Cult of Vulcan maintains the engineering know-how of the Legion. Each legion forge has a representative from the Cult, with a good deal of the Legion’s forges being operated by the Cult directly. The Cult has shown an almost heretical interest in the robotic forces of New Vegas and even now gather power in preparation for the seemingly inevitable Legion Civil War. Based primarily in the Southern Cities of Arizona, the Cult of Vulcan follows the commands of the mysterious High Forgelord, whose identity is only known to the Inner Circle of Forgemasters.

The Governate of Flagstaff:
If any potential faction within the Legion could be described as politically liberal, it is the Governate of Flagstaff and it’s governor, Antonius Aurelius. Whilst still espousing the ideals of the Legion, the Governate is most likely to work with the citizen’s in the territory it holds, oft times elevating a particular member of the city to the position of Senator, to voice the concerns of the people they represent directly to the ear of the Governor himself. Make no mistake, the Legionnaires of Flagstaff are still brutal fighters, and slavery is alive and well in Caesar’s Capital city, but there are small pieces of democracy to be found in the Governate; a sign of the slow march of progress? Or simply a glimmer of political weakness shown by Governor Antonius as he attempts to keep hold of the political situation in his territory. The Governate is the smallest of the Legion factions, occupying only Flagstaff and it’s surrounding villages.

Arizonian Factions:

Arizonian Citizens:
Whilst the Legion occupies Arizona with an iron grip, the citizens of the various communities of the former state are mostly left in peace so long as they follow Caesar’s laws regarding robotics, advanced technologies, drugs, and they obey a command given by a legionary without any delay. If that means giving up their first-born, half their yearly income, joining the Legion as an Auxillary or simply moving their entire settlement fifty miles in a different direction, so be it. Refusal might mean execution or enslavement. In return citizens in Legion territory are some of the safest in the wasteland, as the Legion under Caesar has no tolerance for raiders, slavers, or chem-peddlers. With the fracturing of the Legion and the rumors of mass military conscription looming, the citizens of Arizona are undeniably nervous.

Slave Uprisings:
Though they are few and far between, the looming civil war may likely embolden various slaves in Arizona to rise up against their masters.

Vault 74:
Situated in the Madera Canyon, south of Two-Sun, this Vault has never been successfully invaded by Caesar’s legion. Established by Vault-Tec as something of a border outpost along the Mexican Border, Vault 74 was populated by the families of Arizonians serving in the United States Armed Forces. While not possessing any military training themselves, the Dwellers of Vault 74 were known for being more disciplined than the average Vault-Tec experiment and were equipped with a significant amount of surveillance equipment that the Dwellers deployed in and around the canyon. This has allowed the Vault to remain sealed against the Legion and other hostile tribes in Arizona. Any members of the Vault who leave on Expeditions are issued a cyanide tablet in case they are captured and potentially subjected to torture. To date, not a single member of Vault 74 has been successfully captured.

Desert Ranger Remnants:
Though officially united with the NCR Rangers in the Ranger Unification Treaty of 2271, there are a number of Desert Rangers who rejected the treaty and preferred to maintain their own independence. Maintaining the fight for Law and Order in the wasteland in Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, the few rangers who remained outside of the NCR are a dying breed and are considered persona non grata by all of Caesar’s Legion, leaving the unsupported Ranger to be slowly picked off one by one. For the most part, the Desert Rangers are little more than stories or ghosts.


The New California Republic: Founded in 2189 in the Town of Shady Sands, the NCR grew into a powerful nationstate that encompassed most of the old State of California as well as pieces of Oregon and Nevada. Once a beacon of the old world values of Liberty and Law, the New California eventually became a force of imperialism, corruption and greed that would eventually meet its match in Caesar’s Legion. With the retreat of the NCR Army from Nevada in 2281 and catastrophic nuclear destruction of Shady Sands in early 2283, the NCR is a wounded beast, possibly even in its death throes. The loss of the Capital also meant the loss of much of the Executive and Legislative branches of government, and the Republic has not recovered from this crisis. In fact, many towns and cities are cut off from one another and are slowly devolving into local government once more, if not outright anarchy. While the remains of the NCR do not have any official presence in Arizona after the second Battle of Hoover Dam, there may still be the occasional cut off spy, NCR Army prisoner, slave, or refugee to be found in Arizona.

The Followers of the Apocalypse:
A decentralized survivalist group that aims to preserve and even advance scientific knowledge in the wasteland for the benefit of humankind. Pacifistic by choice, but willing to defend themselves, the Followers of the Apocalypse have few members in Arizona, with Caesar having given strict orders to have any member of the organization killed immediately to preserve the secret that he was once a member of this organization. For their part, the few followers who are in Arizona hide their allegiance and are either part of the underbelly of Arizonian society, or have integrated into one of the various communities and keep their secrets very close to their chest, acting as wasteland doctors, farmers, or other valuable roles in society.

The Brotherhood of Steel:
The Brotherhood is mostly concentrated in California, however this mysterious, quasi-religious Order has chapters all across the wasteland of America. Though there is no Arizonian Chapter of the Brotherhood, the Mojave, Colorado, and Texan Brotherhood Chapters may occasionally send operatives into Arizona as the situation allows.

The Free Fighters:
Luchadore mercenaries out of the former Mexican States, the Free Fighters maintain the drama and colourful masked costumes of their forebears, using them as identities to fight on behalf of whatever client they choose to- often engaging in what was once called a Heel-Face Turn in order to sell a sudden shift to a more villainous employer. The occasional Free Fighter might come to Arizona, working for Legion, Arizonian Citizen, or Slave alike.

Other Resources and Links:


Tony 'Banshee' Ramirez (Oblivion2)
George Clement (The Way Sun Cooperation)
Drew Blumenthal (Antimersa)
Bridgette Doss (Luminesa)
Diocletian (Sao Nova Europa)
Ephraim Mills (Finsternia)
Heather Doh (Intermountain States)
Sahkyo Garcia (Segmentia)
Last edited by Oblivion2 on Sun Dec 01, 2024 8:22 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Postby Oblivion2 » Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:28 pm

Sign ups and Apps:

So you’ve made it this far, time to talk about character sign up and creation, yay! Mostly I’m going to be using a soft version of the Fallout: New Vegas Character Creation, because if you haven’t noticed the theme here, I like Fallout: New Vegas. Lets take a look at the App in Question and then break down the sections.

Code: Select all
Faction Affiliation:
Image (Please Spoiler):





Pretty standard NS character RP stuff, right? Some things are pretty self explanatory, like name, age, faction affiliation and gender. We’re not dragging real-world politics into Gender into our RP, so express yourself in a way you feel comfortable without making others uncomfortable, bearing in mind that Caesar’s Legion maintains a very staunch anti-LGBT position and believes in a very patriarchal view on gender roles; there are no female Legionnaires and women are considered objects within the Legion itself, though women who reside in Arizona but are not a ‘part’ of the legion have as many rights as they can grasp in this post apocalyptic world. As per rules 1 and 2, anyone giving someone a hard time about their character’s gender or sexual orientation in our RP answers to me and I take a very dim view of politicizing these things.

Playable races are: Human, Ghoul, and Super Mutant

The SPECIAL attributes and the skills section are meant to be a soft determination of what your character is good at and not so good at. For character creation you may distribute 33 points into your special stats in a manner that pleases you best with the maximum being 10 in a specific attribute. A score of five in an attribute represents the average. They’re all pretty self explanatory but I’ll go over them anyway.

Strength: A measure of how physically strong you are. Characters with high strength hit harder with melee weapons, can carry more equipment or bring guns like rocket launchers or very large rifles to bear easier.

Perception: How keen your senses are. A character with high perception has an easier time tracking enemies or game, spotting something out of place or valuable, traps or explosives, as well as have an easier time operating energy weapons which require being in touch with the strange intricacies of these rare weapons.

Endurance: A measure of how much punishment you can take. Characters with High Endurance are more physically robust and can take more hits than others, in addition to being able to stave off the effects of chems, hunger, thirst and exposure than others.

Charisma: How easily you talk with others. Characters with high charisma are not strictly good looking or attractive, but have a certain force of personality and are better at convincing others to do what they want.

Intelligence: How big your brain is. High Intelligence Characters can expect to be good with computers, repairing advanced equipment, being competent medics or doctors and so on.

Agility: A measure of your nimbleness. Characters with High agility are good at sneaking, gunplay, as well as dealing with things requiring a certain amount of manual dexterity like picking locks.

Luck: Exactly what it says on the tin. The higher your luck, the luckier your character is. This won’t have obvious game impact, but lucky characters may see boons from the OP (me) and unlucky characters may see more unfortunate things occurring to them. Being lucky doesn’t preclude you from bad luck and vice versa.

So again, to reiterate, you can apply 33 points total to your SPECIAL Attributes, to a maximum of 10 in a stat.

These are the actual disciplines your character is good at. At character Creation you may list 3 skills that your character is considered an expert in and 2 that your character is considered competent in from the following list. Alternatively you may take 2 expert skills and 4 competent:

Barter (Charisma)
Energy Weapons (Perception)
Explosives (Perception)
Guns (Agility)
Lockpick (Agility)
Medicine (Intelligence)
Melee Weapons (Strength)
Repair (Intelligence)
Science (Intelligence)
Sneak (Agility)
Speech (Charisma)
Survival (Endurance)
Unarmed (Endurance)

For equipment, feel free to use the following resources and your own imagination. I reserve the right to veto your choices. Keep in mind that everyone will be starting in or around a slave camp near the town of Tombstone, so those of us in confinement will have their equipment confiscated and may or may not get it back. ... d_clothing

And finally, keep your biographies to the two-four paragraph range at the most.

To wrap us up, I’ll give you an example character application aka my own.
Last edited by Oblivion2 on Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Oblivion2 » Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:36 pm

Name: Tony ‘Banshee’ Ramirez
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Desert Rangers
Occupation: Ranger
Description: Average height, lean build, healing throat wound, dark brown hair, green eyes, ruddy skin tone, hooked nose.
Image (Please Spoiler):

S(trength): 5
P(erception): 7
E(ndurance): 6
C(harisma): 2
I(ntelligence): 5
A(gility): 6
L(uck): 2

Guns (Expert)
Survival (Expert)
Sneak (Expert)
Repair (Competent)
Explosives (Competent)

Desert Ranger Riot Armor and Helmet
Scoped Sniper Rifle
Army Carbine
.357 Magnum
Desert Survival Gear
Fragmentation Grenades

Born to a long line of Desert Rangers in 2254 just outside of Two-Sun, Tony Ramirez is a Desert Ranger born and bred. At the age of seventeen, Tony’s father had their particular unit of Rangers reject the Ranger Unification Treaty with the NCR and remain in Arizona rather than moving west into Nevada and California. As Caesar and his Legion tightened their grip on the state and the surrounding tribes, Tony lost friends and fellow rangers by the score.

Nicknamed ‘Banshee’, Tony was said to be one of the better forward Snipers in what remained of the Desert Rangers; often the only thing announcing his presence being the sudden crack of gunfire. It was this propensity for stealth that allowed Tony to survive where others could not. Eventually he was left alone- his family and unit wiped out in the long guerilla campaign against the Legion. Tony may very well be the last Desert Ranger left alive in Arizona.

However, his luck would run out eventually when his camp was fallen upon by Legion Veterans. Tony managed to kill four in close confines before a machete to the throat brought him to the brink of death. Kept alive and captured, Tony was brought to Legion Camp Constantine just outside of Tombstone. He remains in a half delirious state in the Camp Infirmary where he lingers between life and death. His fate is debated by the Camp overseers; he could be put up for auction, executed by crucifixion, or even placed in the Arena for the amusement of the Legionnaires. What is agreed on however, is the word of the Legion Healers; Tony may never speak again. Atleast not with the limited medical technology available to the Legion.
Last edited by Oblivion2 on Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Oblivion2 » Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:49 pm

Applications are now open
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The Way Sun Cooperation
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Postby The Way Sun Cooperation » Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:18 pm

Name: George Clement
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Arizonian Citizens
Occupation: Trader / Bounty Hunter (Part time)
Description: Slightly above average height, an athletic build, blue eyes with black hair. With a tanned skin tone from the Arizona sun.
Image (Please Spoiler):

S(trength): 3
P(erception): 5
E(ndurance): 4
C(harisma): 9
I(ntelligence): 4
A(gility): 2
L(uck): 6

  • Survival (Expert)
  • Guns (Expert)
  • Barter (Expert)
  • Speech (Competent)
  • Repair (Competent)
  • Lever action Shotgun (Fallout NV)
  • 9 mm Pistol (NV)
  • Service Rifle (NV)
  • Leather Armour (Reinforced) (NV)
  • Beret (NV)
  • Stimpacks
  • Radaway
  • Survival gear
  • Bottlecaps, Legion Denarus, NCR dollars
  • Cargo (Who knows what in it Chems? bullets? or something else? but all that remains to be seen)
His family lives in a small Arizonian settlement, seemingly safe from conflict for the most part it produced little of note, to small for the Legion to care and to large for slaver gangs to target. This sheltered lifestyle was both a curse and a blessing, teaching him skills of bartering and speech over that of strength or violence. This safety was broken after a large slaver gang decided to disregard the long held status quo breaking through and killing his father and his brother. He picked up a rifle and started a spree, until he had manged to kill off the remnants with only his Rifle and his shotgun.

After this he took on the role of a nomadic caravan merchant. Switching from caravan to caravan taking the odd bounty job on a local thug or two. He sole goals were simple. To earn enough to survive and to fall faith to one of the many death traps of the wastes. For two years he lived nomadically, following odd jobs and the caps associated with them. He stayed in bars and hotels ranging from hovels to pre-war buildings dedicated for gamblers. And when he cannot stay in an establishment camps out with a fire in the dark night. But this new job was confusing to him a single package that could've been given to a Mohave courier instead of him and his wandering. But the offer of two thousand caps to journey to Tombstone and deliver it was worth it.

He made hast towards Tombstone past slaver camps and the likes. He had learned to be desensitised there was no point to stop pondering or in sadness because that how you get killed. Continue his wondering with some purpose to get his rewards and buy some new gun to help his continued journeys.
Last edited by The Way Sun Cooperation on Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Oblivion2 » Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:20 pm

The Way Sun Cooperation wrote:Name: George Clement
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Arizonian Citizens
Occupation: Trader / Bounty Hunter (Part time)
Description: Slightly above average height, an athletic build, blue eyes with black hair. With a tanned skin tone from the Arizona sun.
Image (Please Spoiler):

S(trength): 3
P(erception): 5
E(ndurance): 4
C(harisma): 9
I(ntelligence): 4
A(gility): 2
L(uck): 6

  • Survival (Expert)
  • Guns (Expert)
  • Barter (Expert)
  • Speech (Competent)
  • Repair (Competent)
  • Lever action Shotgun (Fallout NV)
  • 9 mm Pistol (NV)
  • Service Rifle (NV)
  • Leather Armour (Reinforced) (NV)
  • Beret (NV)
  • Stimpacks
  • Radaway
  • Survival gear
  • Bottlecaps, Legion Denarus, NCR dollars
  • Cargo (Who knows what in it Chems? bullets? or something else? but all that remains to be seen)
Biography: WIP
Simple version is he is a Arzonian born Human, small settlement became a caravan guard and trader. Taking odd jobs to transport cargo and to occasionally hunt down the odd local criminal. Hes almost as good with his rifle as he is with his tounge and speaking.. He lives nomadically following where caps and money take him, often found in bars when not working burning through his caps on food, drink and bullets.

I like what you have so far; add some more to that bio and mention what's brought you to Tombstone or the Camp nearby!
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The Way Sun Cooperation
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Postby The Way Sun Cooperation » Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:39 pm

Altered is it good enough now? Or would you have any other recommendations.
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Postby Oblivion2 » Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:47 pm

The Way Sun Cooperation wrote:
Oblivion2 wrote:

Altered is it good enough now? Or would you have any other recommendations.

Yeah mate. Just tidy your spelling up some and you're accepted. Welcome!
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Dragos Bee
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Postby Dragos Bee » Tue Nov 19, 2024 4:26 am

Interested; going to check my schedule.

Edit: Ah, I am not sure about participating in an RP that has Shady Sands get nuked like in the Fallout show.
Last edited by Dragos Bee on Tue Nov 19, 2024 4:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
Sorry for my behavior, P2TM.

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Postby Oblivion2 » Tue Nov 19, 2024 7:27 am

Whatever makes you happy, DB.
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Postby Finsternia » Tue Nov 19, 2024 8:00 am

Leaving a tag here <3
Random stuff here. Random stuff there. Bla bla bla. Whatever I don't care.

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Dragos Bee
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Postby Dragos Bee » Tue Nov 19, 2024 9:50 am

Oblivion2 wrote:Whatever makes you happy, DB.

Sorry if my phrasing was rude; I didn't mean such.
Last edited by Dragos Bee on Tue Nov 19, 2024 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sorry for my behavior, P2TM.

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Postby Oblivion2 » Tue Nov 19, 2024 11:16 am

It's all good. Don't overthink it mate.
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Postby Antimersia » Tue Nov 19, 2024 1:23 pm

Name: Drew Blumenthal
Age: 38
Gender: M
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Free Fighters
Occupation: Mercenary
Description: Average height with a muscular build. Jet black hair, slicked back. One blue, one grey eye. large bullet wound scare on his right palm and backhand.
Image (Please Spoiler):


S(trength): 8
P(erception): 3
E(ndurance): 5
C(harisma): 1
I(ntelligence): 2
A(gility): 5
L(uck): 8

Melee weapons (expert)
Guns (expert)
unarmed (expert)
survival (competent)
explosives (competent)

Lever action rifle
6 shot revolver
2x stimpacks
water canteen
5 boxes Blamco mac and cheese


Drew is not his birth name but it has been long enough that he couldn't tell you his true name even if you asked him. An alias he invented as a youth for his own protection, that has gradually just become who he truly is. And who Drew is, is a man who grew up in the mojave. His parents raised brahmin until one day people came demanding money. His parents refused. Proud as they were foolish. The men that wanted money returned and wreaked havoc. Drew can scarcely remember if these people were party to any of the mojave's known factions. Or if they were perhaps just faceless raiders trying to scam people that they believed were defenseless. Those men were unlucky ones. Drew's father died when they attacked the ranch. and he got a bullet right through his palm. But his father didn't fight alone. A man in a vault tec suit just happened to be passing by and helped defend the ranch. He helped, but he didn't stay.

It was just Drew and his mother left. And that didn't last long. Food became scarce. They lived largely off Blamco mac and cheese boxes. so much so that he always keeps many on him, just in case. His mother died of fever just a year after his father. Drew was only eleven, with nothing to his name but some brahmin and a six shooter that belonged to his father. Her released most of his cattle. Riding one off to find a town. When he eventually found one, he had traveled all the way to Mexico. He still didn't know who attacked his family farm, so he created an alias. A fake life. He sold the brahmin and joined the people who saved him. a group known as the Free Fighters. Their eccentric nature was never of great interest to him. He didn't like the idea of playing the hero. Heroes felt like a fantasy not worth the energy. But he did have one person he could think of as a hero. So he wore a mask fashioned from the remains of a vault suit. The number 15 resting on his forehead. As such he went by the nickname name Quince for sometime. He quickly grew a reputation for his aggressive and usually successful tactics. A reputation that has reached some parts of the Mojave.

Recently, he received reason to believe that the people responsible for this father's death was the early formations of Caeser's Legion. Caeser might be on death's door. But the legion remains all the same. He felt it was time to disregard the Quince persona, and donned face paint reminiscent of the classical celebratory skull face paint of Dia De Los Muertos. From a time well before the war. He chose no knew name. As his goal was for this version of himself was to never be remembered. Drew's aggressive tactics failed him for the first time. Because when he left Mexico to begin a crusade on the Legion, he ended up captured. Left waiting to end up just like his parents. whenever the Legion deemed it time to end him.
Last edited by Antimersia on Wed Nov 20, 2024 1:48 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Khan of Spam
Posts: 61985
Founded: Dec 09, 2014
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Luminesa » Wed Nov 20, 2024 6:24 am

Name: Bridgette Doss
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Follower of the Apocalypse
Occupation: Teacher
Description: Bridgette is 5’4”, skinny, and sporty. Her hair is almost always in a brown bun, and her hazel eyes are kind-yet-aware. She dresses for survival and transportation, though she tries to add feminine elements to clothing which would be otherwise plain (and covered in sand).
Image (Please Spoiler):


Sneak (Expert)
Lockpick (Expert)
Medicine (Expert)
Science (Competent)
Barter (Competent)

Journals of herbs and spices
Vial kit
First-Aid Kit
Cooking set
Endless pencils
Stimpaks x5
.223 Pistol
Big Book of Sciences
First Aid Book
Guns and Bullets
Leather armor

Pacifists have their own secrets too.

Bridgette Doss was not born with her name. Only she knows who or what she was before she joined the Followers of the Apocalypse, and she prefers to keep it that way. However, what is known is that she was born in Dayglow, in 2259. She was born a fragile baby, and when she survived, her parents were thankful for their little miracle. In thankful return for their daughter’s resilience even in infancy, they gave her every scrap and book they could find in the wastelands. Henceforth, she loved knowledge and acquiring knowledge.

Yet in a world in which too much knowledge was dangerous, Bridgette had to make a choice: to let her knowledge be a weapon or a shield.

Becoming a teacher, after some lost years of blood and soul-searching, was her answer to the conundrum. Not only could she wander the deserts as a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, but she could do so in a way that could bring resilience out of others. She thus chose the name “Doss”, both to symbolize this personal mission and to honor a long-forgotten American hero whose bloodless service to others inspired Bridgette. After all, all she ever wanted was to bring peace to a violent and chaotic world.

Now she continues to bring her books and her skills across the wastelands, hoping that Caesar’s Legion doesn’t notice the spark in her eye and the unusual bravery behind her name and her past. She has arrived at Tombstone with the desire to find more Followers, or to bring more with her to spread this peace. Just as long as she stays under the radar…
Last edited by Luminesa on Wed Nov 20, 2024 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Catholic, pro-life, and proud of it. I prefer my debates on religion, politics, and sports with some coffee and a little Aquinas and G.K. CHESTERTON here and there. :3
Unofficial #1 fan of the Who Dat Nation.
"I'm just a singer of simple songs, I'm not a real political man. I watch CNN, but I'm not sure I can tell you the difference in Iraq and Iran. But I know Jesus, and I talk to God, and I remember this from when I was young:
faith, hope and love are some good things He gave us...
and the greatest is love."
-Alan Jackson
Help the Ukrainian people, here's some sources!
Help bring home First Nation girls! Now with more ways to help!
Jesus loves all of His children in Eastern Europe - pray for peace.
Pray for Ukraine, Wear Sunflowers In Your Hair

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Posts: 1459
Founded: Mar 01, 2007
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Oblivion2 » Wed Nov 20, 2024 6:57 am

Luminesa wrote:Name: Bridgette Doss
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Follower of the Apocalypse
Occupation: Teacher
Description: Bridgette is 5’4”, skinny, and sporty. Her hair is almost always in a brown bun, and her hazel eyes are kind-yet-aware. She dresses for survival and transportation, though she tries to add feminine elements to clothing which would be otherwise plain (and covered in sand).
Image (Please Spoiler):


Sneak (Expert)
Lockpick (Expert)
Medicine (Expert)
Science (Competent)
Barter (Competent)

Journals of herbs and spices
Vial kit
First-Aid Kit
Cooking set
Endless pencils
Stimpaks x5
.223 Pistol
Big Book of Sciences
First Aid Book
Guns and Bullets
Leather armor

Pacifists have their own secrets too.

Bridgette Doss was not born with her name. Only she knows who or what she was before she joined the Followers of the Apocalypse, and she prefers to keep it that way. However, what is known is that she was born in Dayglow, in 2259. She was born a fragile baby, and when she survived, her parents were thankful for their little miracle. In thankful return for their daughter’s resilience even in infancy, they gave her every scrap and book they could find in the wastelands. Henceforth, she loved knowledge and acquiring knowledge.

Yet in a world in which too much knowledge was dangerous, Bridgette had to make a choice: to let her knowledge be a weapon or a shield.

Becoming a teacher, after some lost years of blood and soul-searching, was her answer to the conundrum. Not only could she wander the deserts as a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, but she could do so in a way that could bring resilience out of others. She thus chose the name “Doss”, both to symbolize this personal mission and to honor a long-forgotten American hero whose bloodless service to others inspired Bridgette. After all, all she ever wanted was to bring peace to a violent and chaotic world.

Now she continues to bring her books and her skills across the wastelands, hoping that Caesar’s Legion doesn’t notice the spark in her eye and the unusual bravery behind her name and her past…

Warhammer 40k Enthusiast
Devoted student of Alternative History
Proud Canadian

“What man is a man who does not try to make the world a better place?”
- Unknown

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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3944
Founded: Apr 20, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Wed Nov 20, 2024 8:03 am

Name: Dicoletian
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: The Sons of Caesar
Occupation: Prince of the Legion
Description: -
Image (Please Spoiler):


S(trength): 2
P(erception): 4
E(ndurance): 2
C(harisma): 10
I(ntelligence): 7
A(gility): 4
L(uck): 4


Speech (Expert)
Barter (Expert)
Science (Expert)
Medicine (Competent)
Guns (Competent)


9mm Mauser
2x Bitter drink
2x Beer
2x RadAway
Legionnaire armor


Diocletian was born 26 years ago, in 2257. He's the third son of Caesar, ruler of the almighty Legion. Since he was a young boy, Diocletian showed signs of great intelligence. As with the other sons of Caesar, he was educated in Latin and philosophy, but Diocletian also showed great promise in learning mathematics and how to handle computers. As a teenager, Diocletian was also fairly popular with his peers, and his silver tongue often got him out of trouble and allowed him to make many friends. If there was one drawback Diocletian had, it was his weakness in athletics, which disappointed his father. Diocletian was no warrior and he could not be trusted to lead by himself men into battle. He was, however, tasked with handling certain Frumentarii operations - even undertaking one spy mission to the Vegas Strip by himself.

The defeat of the Legion at the Battle of the Hoover Dam changed things. Caesar was broken, and an ill and frailing man, he could not truly lead the Legion. It was becoming obvious to everyone that a new leadership would need to arise. Caesarion, the eldest son of Caesar, has been staking his claim to the throne by virtue of being the designated heir apparent. But Legatus Lanius, with the support of his battle-hardened men, seems poised to challenge that claim. And Antonius Aurelius cannot be counted to support the rightful heir either.

Diocletian, from the very beginning, was willing to support his brother and pledge loyalty to him. Alas, that loyalty was not reciprocated. Diocletian, with his silver tongue and star charisma, was seen not as an asset of Ceasarion but as a potential rival and claimant to the throne. So Diocletian has been removed from the inner circle of Ceasarion and has been sent on various missions of minor importance, such as convincing minor subject towns and legion outposts to pledge their allegiance to the heir apparent for the upcoming civil war. Diocletian is disgruntled with being second fiddle and not being utilized in actually important tasks, but out of familial loyalty so far he has endured this humiliation and has been trying his best to fulfill the tasks given to him.

His latest task is to convince the subject town of Tombstone to support Ceasarion...
Last edited by Sao Nova Europa on Wed Nov 20, 2024 9:19 am, edited 6 times in total.

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

User avatar
Posts: 5152
Founded: May 01, 2015
Democratic Socialists

Postby Finsternia » Wed Nov 20, 2024 8:59 am

Name: Ephraim Mills
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Vault 74
Occupation: Vault 74 Operative
Description: Ephraim stands at about 5'7" and is extremely slender, which makes him look a lot taller than he should. His pale brown eyes border near bronze-gold, and bleached white hair frame his face with frazzled tips. He always makes sure to cover everything on his body, hiding horrid scars from close calls.
Image (Please Spoiler):

S(trength): 1
P(erception): 5
E(ndurance): 2
C(harisma): 2
I(ntelligence): 5
A(gility): 8
L(uck): 10

  • Sneak (Expert)
  • Lockpick (Expert)
  • Guns (Expert)
  • Repair (Competent)
  • Energy Weapons (Competent)

  • All purpose knife
  • 14 mm pistol
  • Sniper rifle
  • Combat shotgun
  • Patchwork laser rifle

  • Leather armor
  • Multiple sets of civilian clothing

  • Standard issued cyanide tablet
  • Rad-Aways
  • Stimpacks
  • First aid kit
  • Water, rations, and NAPP food paste
  • Poison pills
  • Pip boy

Tragedy is an ugly thing. It is the knife that kills the innocent sheep, the whetstone that makes heroes and tough men, and the poison that makes bitter men. Tragedy makes fools out of sages, and births monsters out of starry-eyed youths.

And sometimes, tragedy becomes too severe that it is almost laughable, like a comedy.

Many Vaults across the United States were made to be living spaces, yet Vault 74 is not. Vault 74 is not just a hole in the ground for survivors to hide in, but it is a festering hell for those whose homes and families were lost. In this hellhole, where families of soldiers who fought for freedom and for their homes, many could only anguish and stew in fear, anxiety, regrets, of their lives taken away. This shared suffering of idleness and isolation breeds contempt, stewing in feelings of revenge, of the desire for a home that isn't just ceilings and steel above their heads.

Ephraim's memories of most of his life is hazy, save for accentuated moments of loss. He remembers, deeply, how his father never ever returned after promising him and his mother that he will. He remembers the tightness of the embrace that came with that last goodbye, the silhouette as his father left, guns and weapons in hand.

He remembers his mother, too, leaving. She will find his father, her husband, and promised to bring him back and that she will return safely. She promised that when they come back, they will all be together, and they'd even see the sunrise and sunsets together. He remembers that final embrace, the softness of fabrics and the stiffness of leathers, the wetness of tears on cheeks.

She, too, never returned.

The isolation almost drove the young man mad. Why is it that others could stand in the sun aboveground, while he and the others must twiddle their thumbs underground, and seal themselves away? The young man gritted his teeth, and vowed that those who stole both home and future from him will, too, lose theirs.

Most, if not all, the Dwellers of Vault 74 are trained in basic but efficient scout work. Ephraim pushed himself further. Gun training, espionage, and more, the boy pushed himself through more scouting missions, rising higher and higher in rank, until he became a proper operative.

Thus, here he is now, stalking the shadows of Tombstone. Here, Ephraim lies waiting, like a snake ready to pounce. He could feel it, in his bones, in the eyes of the people of Tombstone. Just beneath the surface, things are bubbling, and he couldn't wait to watch it all explode.
Random stuff here. Random stuff there. Bla bla bla. Whatever I don't care.

Soon, the penguins shall rule the Earth with a cold flipper

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Posts: 1459
Founded: Mar 01, 2007
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Oblivion2 » Wed Nov 20, 2024 9:08 am

Sao Nova Europa wrote:Name: Dicoletian
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: The Sons of Caesar
Occupation: Prince of the Legion
Description: -
Image (Please Spoiler):

S(trength): 2
P(erception): 4
E(ndurance): 2
C(harisma): 10
I(ntelligence): 7
A(gility): 4
L(uck): 4


Speech (Expert)
Barter (Expert)
Science (Expert)
Medicine (Competent)
Guns (Competent)



Diocletian was born 26 years ago, in 2257. He's the third son of Caesar, ruler of the almighty Legion. Since he was a young boy, Diocletian showed signs of great intelligence. As with the other sons of Caesar, he was educated in Latin and philosophy, but Diocletian also showed great promise in learning mathematics and how to handle computers. As a teenager, Diocletian was also fairly popular with his peers, and his silver tongue often got him out of trouble and allowed him to make many friends. If there was one drawback Diocletian had, it was his weakness in athletics, which disappointed his father. Diocletian was no warrior and he could not be trusted to lead by himself men into battle. He was, however, tasked with handling certain Frumentarii operations - even undertaking one spy mission to the Vegas Strip by himself.

The defeat of the Legion at the Battle of the Hoover Dam changed things. Caesar was broken, and an ill and frailing man, he could not truly lead the Legion. It was becoming obvious to everyone that a new leadership would need to arise. Caesarion, the eldest son of Caesar, has been staking his claim to the throne by virtue of being the designated heir apparent. But Legatus Lanius, with the support of his battle-hardened men, seems poised to challenge that claim. And Antonius Aurelius cannot be counted to support the rightful heir either.

Diocletian, from the very beginning, was willing to support his brother and pledge loyalty to him. Alas, that loyalty was not reciprocated. Diocletian, with his silver tongue and star charisma, was seen not as an asset of Ceasarion but as a potential rival and claimant to the throne. So Diocletian has been removed from the inner circle of Ceasarion and has been sent on various missions of minor importance, such as convincing minor subject towns and legion outposts to pledge their allegiance to the heir apparent for the upcoming civil war. Diocletian is disgruntled with being second fiddle and not being utilized in actually important tasks, but out of familial loyalty so far he has endured this humiliation and has been trying his best to fulfill the tasks given to him.

His latest task is to convince the subject town of Tombstone to support Ceasarion...

Warhammer 40k Enthusiast
Devoted student of Alternative History
Proud Canadian

“What man is a man who does not try to make the world a better place?”
- Unknown

User avatar
Posts: 1459
Founded: Mar 01, 2007
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Oblivion2 » Wed Nov 20, 2024 9:09 am

Finsternia wrote:Name: Ephraim Mills
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Vault 74
Occupation: Vault 74 Operative
Description: Ephraim stands at about 5'7" and is extremely slender, which makes him look a lot taller than he should. His pale brown eyes border near bronze-gold, and bleached white hair frame his face with frazzled tips. He always makes sure to cover everything on his body, hiding horrid scars from close calls.
Image (Please Spoiler):

S(trength): 1
P(erception): 5
E(ndurance): 2
C(harisma): 2
I(ntelligence): 5
A(gility): 8
L(uck): 10

  • Sneak (Expert)
  • Lockpick (Expert)
  • Guns (Expert)
  • Repair (Competent)
  • Energy Weapons (Competent)

  • All purpose knife
  • 14 mm pistol
  • Sniper rifle
  • Combat shotgun
  • Patchwork laser rifle

  • Leather armor
  • Multiple sets of civilian clothing

  • Standard issued cyanide tablet
  • Rad-Aways
  • Stimpacks
  • First aid kit
  • Water, rations, and NAPP food paste
  • Poison pills
  • Pip boy

Tragedy is an ugly thing. It is the knife that kills the innocent sheep, the whetstone that makes heroes and tough men, and the poison that makes bitter men. Tragedy makes fools out of sages, and births monsters out of starry-eyed youths.

And sometimes, tragedy becomes too severe that it is almost laughable, like a comedy.

Many Vaults across the United States were made to be living spaces, yet Vault 74 is not. Vault 74 is not just a hole in the ground for survivors to hide in, but it is a festering hell for those whose homes and families were lost. In this hellhole, where families of soldiers who fought for freedom and for their homes, many could only anguish and stew in fear, anxiety, regrets, of their lives taken away. This shared suffering of idleness and isolation breeds contempt, stewing in feelings of revenge, of the desire for a home that isn't just ceilings and steel above their heads.

Ephraim's memories of most of his life is hazy, save for accentuated moments of loss. He remembers, deeply, how his father never ever returned after promising him and his mother that he will. He remembers the tightness of the embrace that came with that last goodbye, the silhouette as his father left, guns and weapons in hand.

He remembers his mother, too, leaving. She will find his father, her husband, and promised to bring him back and that she will return safely. She promised that when they come back, they will all be together, and they'd even see the sunrise and sunsets together. He remembers that final embrace, the softness of fabrics and the stiffness of leathers, the wetness of tears on cheeks.

She, too, never returned.

The isolation almost drove the young man mad. Why is it that others could stand in the sun aboveground, while he and the others must twiddle their thumbs underground, and seal themselves away? The young man gritted his teeth, and vowed that those who stole both home and future from him will, too, lose theirs.

Most, if not all, the Dwellers of Vault 74 are trained in basic but efficient scout work. Ephraim pushed himself further. Gun training, espionage, and more, the boy pushed himself through more scouting missions, rising higher and higher in rank, until he became a proper operative.

Thus, here he is now, stalking the shadows of Tombstone. Here, Ephraim lies waiting, like a snake ready to pounce. He could feel it, in his bones, in the eyes of the people of Tombstone. Just beneath the surface, things are bubbling, and he couldn't wait to watch it all explode.

Accepted. Keep in mind with your very low strength score, that's likely pushing the absolute red line on how much gear you can carry around.
Warhammer 40k Enthusiast
Devoted student of Alternative History
Proud Canadian

“What man is a man who does not try to make the world a better place?”
- Unknown

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Posts: 1459
Founded: Mar 01, 2007
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Oblivion2 » Wed Nov 20, 2024 1:50 pm

Antimersia wrote:Name: Drew Blumenthal
Age: 38
Gender: M
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Free Fighters
Occupation: Mercenary
Description: Average height with a muscular build. Jet black hair, slicked back. One blue, one grey eye. large bullet wound scare on his right palm and backhand.
Image (Please Spoiler):

S(trength): 8
P(erception): 3
E(ndurance): 5
C(harisma): 1
I(ntelligence): 2
A(gility): 5
L(uck): 8

Melee weapons (expert)
Guns (expert)
unarmed (expert)
survival (competent)
explosives (competent)

Lever action rifle
6 shot revolver
2x stimpacks
water canteen
5 boxes Blamco mac and cheese


Drew is not his birth name but it has been long enough that he couldn't tell you his true name even if you asked him. An alias he invented as a youth for his own protection, that has gradually just become who he truly is. And who Drew is, is a man who grew up in the mojave. His parents raised brahmin until one day people came demanding money. His parents refused. Proud as they were foolish. The men that wanted money returned and wreaked havoc. Drew can scarcely remember if these people were party to any of the mojave's known factions. Or if they were perhaps just faceless raiders trying to scam people that they believed were defenseless. Those men were unlucky ones. Drew's father died when they attacked the ranch. and he got a bullet right through his palm. But his father didn't fight alone. A man in a vault tec suit just happened to be passing by and helped defend the ranch. He helped, but he didn't stay.

It was just Drew and his mother left. And that didn't last long. Food became scarce. They lived largely off Blamco mac and cheese boxes. so much so that he always keeps many on him, just in case. His mother died of fever just a year after his father. Drew was only eleven, with nothing to his name but some brahmin and a six shooter that belonged to his father. Her released most of his cattle. Riding one off to find a town. When he eventually found one, he had traveled all the way to Mexico. He still didn't know who attacked his family farm, so he created an alias. A fake life. He sold the brahmin and joined the people who saved him. a group known as the Free Fighters. Their eccentric nature was never of great interest to him. He didn't like the idea of playing the hero. Heroes felt like a fantasy not worth the energy. But he did have one person he could think of as a hero. So he wore a mask fashioned from the remains of a vault suit. The number 15 resting on his forehead. As such he went by the nickname name Quince for sometime. He quickly grew a reputation for his aggressive and usually successful tactics. A reputation that has reached some parts of the Mojave.

Recently, he received reason to believe that the people responsible for this father's death was the early formations of Caeser's Legion. Caeser might be on death's door. But the legion remains all the same. He felt it was time to disregard the Quince persona, and donned face paint reminiscent of the classical celebratory skull face paint of Dia De Los Muertos. From a time well before the war. He chose no knew name. As his goal was for this version of himself was to never be remembered. Drew's aggressive tactics failed him for the first time. Because when he left Mexico to begin a crusade on the Legion, he ended up captured. Left waiting to end up just like his parents. whenever the Legion deemed it time to end him.

Warhammer 40k Enthusiast
Devoted student of Alternative History
Proud Canadian

“What man is a man who does not try to make the world a better place?”
- Unknown

User avatar
Intermountain States
Posts: 2406
Founded: Oct 12, 2014
Capitalist Paradise

Postby Intermountain States » Thu Nov 21, 2024 1:08 am

Name: Heather Doh
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Vault 74
Occupation: Operative
Description: 5 feet 7 inches, pear build
Image (Please Spoiler):

S(trength): 4
P(erception): 4
E(ndurance): 5
C(harisma): 6
I(ntelligence): 5
A(gility): 5
L(uck): 4

Barter (Expert)
Speech (Expert)
Gun (Expert)
Survival (Competent)
Lockpick (Competent)

- Backpack
- Marksman Carbine
- Vault 74 jumpsuit
- Pip-boy
- 10mm Pistol
- 5.56mm and 10mm ammo boxes
- Cyanide tablet
- Box of Bobby-pins
- Sturdy combat armor
- Stimpaks
- Radaways
- Rad-Xs
- Rattan Cowboy hat
- Purified water bottles
- USMC Riot Gear Helmet
- Additional clothes

Biography: Heather Doh was born and raised in Vault 74, a vault that was said to be home to Arizonan members of the United States Armed Forces and their families. Life in Vault 74 wasn't all that bad, she grew up in relative comfort and had access to basic amenities that would be considered a luxury in most part of the wasteland such as education and clean water and food. Heather did well in school and looked at the various career paths she could take once she reached the adult age. Provide order in the vault and be the first line of defense against any raiders as a member of Vault Security? Get into politics and run for the position of Overseer after taking part in the Vault council? Become a teacher and train the next generation of vault dwellers?

When she was of age, she was assigned to a security role, which she was fine with. She did her job of maintaining order and checking camera footages well as she could in a place where the only troubles are the raiders outside of the vault and an occasional settling of dispute between residents. Still, combat training is an absolute necessity and everyone had to take part in it. Still, Heather had interests in exploring the wasteland and had taken part in some expeditions, bringing home news of the wasteland to her home and having to fight off some hostile faunas and wastelanders. Out of the vault, she had knowledge of the outer world, which area of Arizona that may hospitable to visitors, and which are under controls of a large and powerful raider gang known as Caesar's Legion.

Lately, there's been another opportunity to explore the wasteland. Once again, she volunteered to take part in the expedition. In this mission, she found herself in the town of Tombstone deep inside Legion territory. Only time will tell what would be her fate.
Last edited by Intermountain States on Fri Nov 22, 2024 5:40 pm, edited 8 times in total.
I find my grammatical mistakes after I finish posting
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"
Lunatic Goofballs wrote:I'm a third party voter. Trust me when I say this: Not even a lifetime supply of tacos could convince me to vote for either Hillary or Trump. I suspect I'm not the only third party voter who feels that way. I cost Hillary nothing. I cost Trump nothing. If I didn't vote for third party, I would have written in 'Batman'.

If you try to blame me, I will laugh in your face. I'm glad she lost. I got half my wish. :)
Search boxes are your friends

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Isla Byron
Posts: 278
Founded: May 12, 2024
Benevolent Dictatorship

Postby Isla Byron » Thu Nov 21, 2024 1:24 am

/tagged with intense interest. im about to hit the hay but i will be working on this hard.
unlimited lesbian supremacist dystopianism-maxxing belief system
Sorry. Maybe I should've gone for her. Like, I can imagine what you'd say. All I can say is that it was complicated back in Canaan House, and sometimes a cute older girl shows you a lot of attention, because she's bored or whatever, and you sort of have this maybe-flirting maybe-not thing going on, right, and then it turns out she's an ancient warrior who's killed all your friends and she's coming for you, and then you both die and she turns up ages later in the broiling heat on a sacred space station and like, it's complicated. Just saying that it happens all the time.

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Cybernetic Socialist Republics
Posts: 2606
Founded: May 17, 2019
New York Times Democracy

Postby Cybernetic Socialist Republics » Thu Nov 21, 2024 9:38 am

Name: Zilla Faust
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Faction Affiliation: Vault 74
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Description: Significantly Tall, recognizably athletic build, emerald eyes, black hair
Image (Please Spoiler):

S(trength): 6
P(erception): 5
C(harisma): 1
I(ntelligence): 5
A(gility): 6
L(uck): 3


Survival (Expert)
Unarmed (Expert)
Sneak (Expert)
Guns (Competent)
Repair (Competent)

Power Fist
Brass knuckles
10mm Pistol
Hockey Mask
Assassin suit
Cyanide tablet
Vault 74 jumpsuit

Last edited by Cybernetic Socialist Republics on Thu Nov 21, 2024 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.



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