Broken Duplicate Forum Threads

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Broken Duplicate Forum Threads

Postby Cheblonsk » Mon Nov 11, 2024 4:21 am

I noticed that there are dozens of forum threads which appear to be duplicates of existing fairly recent threads. See here for example, although they are found at the last pages of most forums.

They have the same name, author, but slightly different creation date. However they have no view count and do not seem to have any posts associated with them. They all list the last post as by "guest" and made at 'the beginning of time' Jan 01, 1970.

I remember checking the last pages a while back and don't remember seeing them, so perhaps this is a more recent issue?

I'm not sure if this is important but I will leave it here anyway.
Frisbeeteria wrote:No email? No hope.

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