Replacement for both 642 and 746 if repeals go through. Since my own writing style has improved a bit (a wee bit I think), the reading should be smoother.
GA642: ... /council=1
GA746: ... /council=1
The World Assembly (WA),
Noting the repeal of GARs 642 [and 746],
Believing that protection for savers and investors remain necessary across WA states, especially when someone invests overseas;
The WA enacts as follows:
- Definitions. In this resolution:
- "Advisor" specifically refers to competent professionals in financial instruments retained by a client and acting with sole fiduciary duty only to that client. "Advisor" includes directors and employees of the client.
- "Client" means a client of an institution, including both individuals and entities. For clauses (2) to (5), "client" excludes one institution transacting with another.
- "Financial instruments" means anything transacted by an institution, such as bonds, stocks, derivatives, funds, and insurance policies;
- "Institution" includes banks, insurers, stockbrokers, asset managers, and other entities providing financial services, either in a WA state or serving individuals under the jurisdiction of a WA state.
- Fiduciary duty. An institution has a fiduciary duty to a client. An institution shall, at all times:
- Act in good faith and in the best interests of the client;
- Exercise full duty of care of the client;
- Enforce fiduciary duty on trusted counterparties, such as trustees and custodians.
- Know-your-client. The onus is on the institution to demonstrate that it understands the following circumstances of a client (and, if it does not, to decline to transact with that client):
- A client's up-to-date financial standing and risk appetite; and
- The experience, skills, and professional training of that client in financial matters, or the qualifications of any advisors.
- International transactions.. The onus is on the institution to:
- Understand the client's circumstances if a client is from a state other than the institution's home state;
- Ensure that the client understands the risks associated with a cross-border transaction;
- Ensure that a client retains legal and accounting advice if desired by the said client.
- Prudence. The onus is on the institution to ensure that, prior to undertaking a transaction, that the client:
- is fully capable of, and has fully understood, the risks of a financial instrument; or
- has retained advisors and has received fully qualified advice.
- Disclosures. To retain the confidence of clients, the onus is on the institution to fully disclose all pertinent details, and to ensure that such disclosures are up-to-date, regarding:
- all financial instruments transacted prior to a transaction (and any pertinent updates), in particular the nature, structure, and risks associated with the said instruments;
- all potential or actual conflicts of interest on the part of the institution (or anyone acting on its behalf);
- the institution's own financial standing, available resources (including risk management, information technology, and human resources), and risk control measures.
- Disclosures shall not be misleading, biased, or materially deceptive.
- Interpretation.
- Terms used in the singular include the plural. Individuals may include families, partnerships, societies, and other gatherings of individuals.
- Each WA state is responsible for the enforcement and interpretation of this resolution.
Co-author: Imperium Anglorum
Char count: 3,387