[R] Seriously? More bait?

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Nemaha County
Posts: 237
Founded: Jun 09, 2024
Democratic Socialists

[R] Seriously? More bait?

Postby Nemaha County » Fri Nov 08, 2024 12:33 am

The Grand World Order wrote:Democrats have become pretty much the "Karen Party."


In the end, your Democrat voter archetype looks like a gentrifying NIMBYite Karen who wants to defund the police but also will call them on you because your dog barked after 7PM (if they're young, they have to work two hours tomorrow and need their sleep, ok? Older ones will remind you that they have a big day of enforcing HOA policies,) but rest assured, they're a GOOD FUCKING PERSON(TM) cause they requested a social worker (by saying you're mentally unstable.) Also does your daughter have a license for that lemonade stand???? After the police haul you off, they buy your apartment too because they figure they can knock the wall down and have a place for their podcast studio and another for their Funko pop storage.


I apologize in advance to whoever has to read this baity, bloggy screed but the paragraph above strikes me as All X are Y. Especially because they were just warned for this earlier, I think GWO is trying to tap-dance the line of what is and isn't actionable

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United Calanworie
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Postby United Calanworie » Fri Nov 08, 2024 5:38 pm

Neither of those are actionable.

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