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Sector Pacifica
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Founded: Nov 05, 2024


Postby Sector Pacifica » Tue Nov 05, 2024 10:02 pm

Following the Pakta der Tokyo by the Einheitswelt and former-state Europasian Japan, the Japanese Armed Forces has been disbanded and reassigned to the Unity Army. However, those who denied this reorganization(mostly loyalists and Europasia Expeditionary Corps) formed an independent military branch, known as "フォーエバージャパン"(Forever Japan) with known FOBs Fortification-14 in Kyoto, Fortification-19 in Nagasaki, and Fortification-18 in Chugoku Prefecture.

The Unity Army has been diminishing in size, with most soldiers deserting to the Forever Japan or killed by them.

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Spanish bread
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Founded: Sep 27, 2024

Postby Spanish bread » Wed Nov 06, 2024 6:19 am

This situation seems like a classic case of fragmentation and political decentralization. The Unity Army’s decline mirrors what often happens when a central authority loses its legitimacy or control—factions start to emerge, each vying for power, much like a form of political balkanization. The rise of Forever Japan is essentially a splinter group, which fits the pattern of secessionist movements that occur when regions or political entities feel the central government no longer represents their interests. In political terms, this could be seen as a breakdown of the social contract between the government and its military, leading to defection and polarization. If the Unity Army can't regain cohesion, we might be witnessing the beginning of a full insurgency or even a civil conflict

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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Einheitswelt » Wed Nov 06, 2024 10:35 pm

Sector Pacifica wrote:Following the Pakta der Tokyo by the Einheitswelt and former-state Europasian Japan, the Japanese Armed Forces has been disbanded and reassigned to the Unity Army. However, those who denied this reorganization(mostly loyalists and Europasia Expeditionary Corps) formed an independent military branch, known as "フォーエバージャパン"(Forever Japan) with known FOBs Fortification-14 in Kyoto, Fortification-19 in Nagasaki, and Fortification-18 in Chugoku Prefecture.

The Unity Army has been diminishing in size, with most soldiers deserting to the Forever Japan or killed by them.

The Unity Army CENTROCOM

DIRECTIVES #711202402

Subject: Authorization Leaflet for Military Intervention

It has been dispatched by the CENTROCOM to assist Pacifican Unity Army:
10,000 Assault Infantry
3,000 Automatic Infantry
500 Mk. II

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New York Times Democracy

Postby Antahbrantahstan » Thu Nov 07, 2024 1:33 am

The disbandment of the Japanese Armed Forces and the rise of "Forever Japan" is a huge change, and it seems like the Unity Army is really struggling.
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Iron Fist Socialists

Postby Owonyaania » Sat Nov 09, 2024 9:23 am

Well, Owonyaania would help Forever Japan forces if it could. They are a resistance group against expansionist, oppressive regime of Unity. People have a right for national self-determination. We will keep observing the situation with hope of seeing the resistance forces achieve major successes.

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