Draft 1
The World Assembly,
Noting the ongoing controversy regarding various activities related to cruelty to animals;
Scouting for some consensus around restricting animal related spectacles;
The WA enacts as follows:
- Definitions.
- "Animal" refers to non-sapient animals only. It also excludes any animals deemed, by a WA state or a WA committee, to be a pest or part of an invasive species.
- "Spectacle" refers to any public activity involving at least one animal fighting, coursing, or baiting another, with the potential for injuries or death among animals, solely as part of organised activities for the benefit of individuals or entities.
- Prohibition.
- No one may organise any spectacles anywhere in a WA state, or maintain facilities designed for such spectacles.
- No WA state may permit anyone under its jurisdiction to gamble on any spectacles, including spectacles taking place outside of WA states.
- Release. A WA state must ensure that any animals held in captivity within its jurisdiction for the purpose of a spectacle prior to the enactment of this resolution be humanely handled as a WA state deems appropriate. Euthanasia shall only be adopted as a last resort.
Char count: 1,262.