The Role of Global Trade in Maintaining Power

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Repubbliche of Siracusa
Posts: 1
Founded: Oct 14, 2024
Iron Fist Consumerists

The Role of Global Trade in Maintaining Power

Postby Repubbliche of Siracusa » Mon Oct 14, 2024 1:29 pm

Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests,

Today, I address you on a matter of utmost importance: global economics and trade, viewed through the lens of a state that does not apologize for its authority. We understand that trade is not a fair or neutral activity; it is a tool of power, a lever we use to consolidate our strength and control resources.

In our view, global trade does not serve to promote equality or cooperation, but to guarantee our superiority. The rules of the game must be written to our advantage, so that we can dictate the flow of wealth, technology, and influence. We do not hide behind the rhetoric of "fair competition"; we impose tariffs and sanctions to bend anyone who dares challenge our position.

The reality is that the global system is already built on the assertion of power. Great powers of the past did not rise by conceding to the weak, but by ensuring their interests prevailed. Today, we do the same: we use trade to strengthen our economy and stabilize our dominance.

Our goal is not to promote global prosperity for all, but to maintain the order that benefits us. Those who profit from our trade do so by our concession, not by right. This is the true face of economic power, and we are not ashamed to wield it.

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