[DRAFT] Youth Crime in the Spotlight

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[DRAFT] Youth Crime in the Spotlight

Postby Pasxo » Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:17 pm

This issue is inspired by "Gee, Officer Krupke" from West Side Story. Would appreciate any feedback as this is my first issue! :)

I know that #1596: The Blame Game also addresses youth crime in a humorous way, but I feel like this is different enough both in content and solutions that these issues can co-exist without issue.

Draft 2:
Youth Crime in the Spotlight

The Issue
Rumblings of snappy teens dancing their way around their parents’ rules have triggered a heightened concerns of “youth crime,” prompting a chorus of complaints. Letters from worried @@DEMONYM_NOUN_PLURAL@@ have been jetting into your office from the north, south, east, and west sides of @@CAPITAL@@, each with its own story. Tonight, a group of officials have barged into your office with Tony Montague, a teenager recently arrested for a fight that broke out in a school dance. They demand that you decide how to deal with juvenile delinquents.

The Debate
1. Officer Grubghee, holding the handcuffed teenager by his upturned collar, speaks up first: “He may be a minor, but he isn’t a kid anymore. Sure, deep down inside him there might be good, but he needs to face the music. Send him to the judge and let the justice system do its job—give him a trial, just like the adults!” Officer Grubghee shoves the boy over to the judge standing next to him.
2. The judge sighs and uncuffs Tony. “I’ve got a feeling there’s a miracle due— it’s clear Tony has been through a lot in his young life. Give him and other troubled kids adequate mental health services. The boy doesn’t need a judge, he needs psychiatrists’ care!” The judge passes Tony down the line to the Psychiatrist.
3. The psychiatrist regards Tony, nodding seriously. “Just play it cool, boy” she mutters to him. Addressing you, she continues, “Tony is a product of his environment, and juvenile delinquency is purely a social disease. What he needs isn’t therapy, it’s a good, honest job. Send him to a social worker!” She hands Tony off once again, to the social worker.
4. Scoffing, the social worker immediately pushes Tony back down the line to Officer Grubghee. “This boy doesn’t need a job, he needs a year in the pen—that’s the only way these delinquents learn. There's no need to waste money on judges, therapy, or training. Just throw them in jail the second we catch them acting up—every last buggin' gang on the whole buggin' street. We’ll stop ‘em once and for all—Tonight!

1. hardened criminals are seen telling nervous kids in court with them to “get cool, boy”
2. therapists make misbehaving children repeat “I feel pretty” in the mirror
3. former delinquents toil away down the block, on a beach, and under a tree
4. twelve in a room is a common sight in children’s prisons

Validity problems
No law enforcement
No judiciary
No prisons

Draft 1:
Youth Crime in the Spotlight

The Issue
The recent uptick in “youth crime” has led to a rise in concerned @@DEMONYM_NOUN_PLURAL@@ complaints coming in from the north, south, east, and west sides of @@NAME@@, each with their own story. A group of officials have barged into your office with Tony Montague, a teenager recently arrested for a fight that broke out in a school dance, demanding that you decide how to deal with juvenile delinquents.

The Debate
1. Officer Grubghee, holding the handcuffed teenager by his upturned collar, speaks up first: “He may be a minor, but he isn’t a kid anymore. Sure, deep down inside him there might be good, but he needs to face the music. Send him to the judge and let the justice system do its job—give him a trial, just like the adults!” Officer Grubghee shoves the boy over to the judge standing next to him.
2. The judge sighs and uncuffs Tony. “I’ve got a feeling there’s a miracle due— it’s clear Tony has been through a lot in his young life. Give him and other troubled kids adequate mental health services. The boy doesn’t need a judge, he needs psychiatrists’ care!” The judge passes Tony down the line to the Psychiatrist.
3. The psychiatrist regards Tony, nodding seriously. “Just play it cool, boy” she mutters to him. Addressing you, she continues, “Tony is a product of his environment, and juvenile delinquency is purely a social disease. What he needs isn’t therapy, it’s a good, honest job. Send him to a social worker!” She hands Tony off once again, to the social worker.
4. Scoffing, the social worker immediately pushes Tony back down the line to Officer Grubghee. “This boy doesn’t need a job, he needs a year in the pen—that’s the only way these delinquents learn. There's no need to waste money on judges, therapy, or training. Just throw them in jail the second we catch them acting up—every last buggin' gang on the whole buggin' street. We’ll stop ‘em once and for all—Tonight!

1. to the courts, age is just a number
2. four-year-olds blame their tantrums on unresolved childhood trauma
3. stealing the uniform is now the fastest track to a first job
4. the most popular summer camp is the slammer

Validity problems
No law enforcement
No judiciary
No prisons
Last edited by Pasxo on Wed Oct 30, 2024 2:01 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Postby Bendicion » Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:43 pm

Welcome to II forum.

Whats the difference of Option 1 and 4? Doesnt both just put him in prison still.
Last edited by Bendicion on Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Pasxo » Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:41 pm

Bendicion wrote:Welcome to II forum.

Whats the difference of Option 1 and 4? Doesnt both just put him in prison still.

I had the same thought when drafting it—what I was trying to get at is that the Officer wants to send them through the judicial process, give them a trial, etc. whereas the social worker wants to just jail them as soon as they get caught. I'll make that more clear - thank you!
Last edited by Pasxo on Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Pasxo » Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:59 am

Bendicion wrote:Welcome to II forum.

Whats the difference of Option 1 and 4? Doesnt both just put him in prison still.

Added "give him a trial, just like the adults!" to option 1.
Changed "The threat of jail should fix this problem in a snap! Send the police on every last buggin' gang on the whole buggin' street." to "Just throw them in jail the second we catch them acting up—every last buggin' gang on the whole buggin' street." to option 4.

That should make it a bit clearer!

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Postby Australian rePublic » Mon Oct 07, 2024 6:16 pm

Why is Youth crime in inverted commas?
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Postby Pasxo » Tue Oct 08, 2024 9:51 am

Australian rePublic wrote:Why is Youth crime in inverted commas?

The quotes help emphasize that this is more of a societal concern than a real issue. That's also why the "solutions" are dismissive of the actual juvenile and instead use him as a pawn to shift the burden of helping children onto someone else.

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Postby Mechanocracy » Fri Oct 11, 2024 7:38 pm

Thanks for giving me an excuse to go rewatch the songs from West Side Story! ....I think the issue could be improved by having the effect lines be tied into the musical too. I suspect that'll be hard to manage while keeping them snappy, but it would help them be unique vs. any other issues.
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Postby Bisofeyr » Mon Oct 14, 2024 3:16 am

Love the West Side angle; in terms of concept, what meaningfully differentiates this from #1596 (rising youth crime), or any number of other crime issues? Beyond the theme (which, again, I do love), this does seem like a pretty routine "anti-crime" issue.

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Postby Australian rePublic » Sun Oct 20, 2024 1:03 am

Pasxo wrote:
Australian rePublic wrote:Why is Youth crime in inverted commas?

The quotes help emphasize that this is more of a societal concern than a real issue. That's also why the "solutions" are dismissive of the actual juvenile and instead use him as a pawn to shift the burden of helping children onto someone else.

Make that clearer. Instead of using quotation marks, explain that in the issue
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Postby Pasxo » Wed Oct 30, 2024 1:59 pm

Took some time to think about all of this and modify the issue. My revisions are posted in an edit to the original post and I'll be responding to all the feedback. Thank you everyone so far!

Australian rePublic wrote:
Pasxo wrote:The quotes help emphasize that this is more of a societal concern than a real issue. That's also why the "solutions" are dismissive of the actual juvenile and instead use him as a pawn to shift the burden of helping children onto someone else.

Make that clearer. Instead of using quotation marks, explain that in the issue

Reworded the issue section pretty heavily and it should do this better now (alongside adding far more WSS references).

Bisofeyr wrote:Love the West Side angle; in terms of concept, what meaningfully differentiates this from #1596 (rising youth crime), or any number of other crime issues? Beyond the theme (which, again, I do love), this does seem like a pretty routine "anti-crime" issue.

This is admittedly fairly similar to #1596 but I think that they are different enough to warrant both existing. This deals with a less serious issue (West Side Story) with more serious solutions (justice, therapy, work programs, punishment) whereas #1596 deals with a serious crime in less serious solutions (Forced exercise, curfew, chaperoning, banning music), and I think that inversion makes these separate enough issues. To that point, I think that the effects of these issues would be pretty different, with #1596 leading to more (purposefully) ridiculous outcomes, whereas my issue looks more for practical solutions to rebelliousness, which is missing in the youth crime issues that I've seen. Please lmk if you see otherwise though, I'm happy to tweak as needed.

Mechanocracy wrote:Thanks for giving me an excuse to go rewatch the songs from West Side Story! ....I think the issue could be improved by having the effect lines be tied into the musical too. I suspect that'll be hard to manage while keeping them snappy, but it would help them be unique vs. any other issues.

Fun challenge! I've given it my best shot.
Last edited by Pasxo on Wed Oct 30, 2024 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Interdimensional Margaritaville » Wed Nov 13, 2024 12:19 pm

[didn't mean to post]
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Postby Pasxo » Wed Nov 13, 2024 1:35 pm

Bumping this - would appreciate any more feedback :)


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