Special thank you to Fauzjhia (now Darklight Girl Sarah) for hosting the previous thread, and for giving me permission to start a new thread due to Fauzjhia ceasing to exist. Since Fauzjhia CTEing means that he is unable to maintain the previous thread, a new thread is needed in order to continue documenting any developments in Easter Egg issues, such as new Eggs or new information on current Eggs.
What are Easter Egg issues?
From Drasnia's older thread: "An Easter Egg is a special type of issue that nations can only ever encounter once. They're meant to be jokes and references about NationStates that would otherwise not be suitable in a normal issue. They also often have strange and esoteric requirements before being able to receive it," specifically by changing your nation's custom settings, such as your pretitle, motto, currency, demonyms, capital, leader, religion and animal.
List of current Easter Egg issues and eligibilities (as of September 2024):
World To End Egg
#77: World To End, Or Possibly Just Mark Anniversary
Holy Egg
#78: Should We Pull The Lever? [Meddlers; ed: SalusaSecondus]
Alien Egg
#80: Aliens Wish Peace/Trade Agreement [Exiled; ed: SalusaSecondus]
Colour Egg
#215: What's Your Favourite Colour? [Antioch and the East; ed: Sirocco]
Zombie Egg
#223: Zombie Attack! [Naliitr; ed: Sirocco]
Crime Egg
#256: Suburbs Are Out Of This World [Scolopendra; ed: Sirocco]
Fourth Wall Egg
#266: Breaching the Great Fourth Wall of @@NAME@@ [Reploid Productions; ed: Reploid Productions]
St. Patrick's Day Egg
#375: Keep Your Hands Off Those Lucky Charms! [Vile Island; ed: Sanctaria] March only!
Pony Egg
#408: Pony Peril [Sedgelight Sparkle; ed:Sedgistan]
Issue Egg
#430: Please, Sir, We Want Some More Issues [Eta Carinae; ed: Luna Amore]
Christmas Egg
#471: Red Sleigh Down [Nation of Quebec; ed: Sanctaria] December only!
Halloween Egg
#622: A Holiday Masquerade [The Grim Reaper; ed:Lenyo]
No 'E' Egg
#1122: Just Say No to E [Zwangzug; ed: Zwangzug]
20th Anniversary Egg
#1549: Easter Egg: 20 Years A-Workin
Nations can find at least 10 Easter Eggs with the following settings:
Feel free to reply to this thread if you have any questions, comments or concerns!
Happy hunting!