YN's Level Crossings

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YN's Level Crossings

Postby Beliras » Thu Sep 26, 2024 8:32 am

You know the deal, it is not always car VS train if you have to add safety like that. Remember, no deaths!
Did you know that level crossings exist? Of course, they do! This is where rails and roads cross, and cars are often fighting trains for the winner. Well, trains always win, and the people in the cars die, so here ya go, safety to the cars be adding things that go ding and barriers that go down! No more crashes?

Alright, let's get into this:
Code: Select all
[size=115][b]Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION[/b][/size]
[hr][/hr][list=1][*][b]Basic Info[/b]
[i]Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?[/i]

[i]Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?[/i]

[i]What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?[/i]

[i]Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?[/i]

[i]If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?[/i]

[i]Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?[/i]

[i]Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?[/i]

[i]What type of road-to-rail transition does NATION use?[/i]
[hr][/hr][*][b]Specific Questions[/b]
[i]Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?[/i]

[i]Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?[/i]

[i]Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?[/i]

[i]Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)[/i]

[i]What are some popular crossings in NATION?[/i]

[i]Do crossings in NATION have something that tells a train to stop when activated?[/i]

[i]Do crossings in NATION usually get maintained?[/i]

[i]Were there any crossing accidents in NATION?[/i]

[i]Are there any crossing observation points?[/i]
[i]Are you satisfied with the survey?[/i]

[i]What do you suggest to improve the survey?[/i]

All edits:
Sep 26th - Survey created
Sep 28th - Added "What are some popular crossings in NATION?" to the Specific Questions list
Sep 30th - Added "Are there any pedestrian crossings?" to the Basic Info list and 2 questions to the Specific Questions list
Dec 9th - Added "Were there any crossing accidents in NATION?" to the Specific Questions list
Dec 10th - Added "What type of road-to-rail transition does NATION use?" to the Basic Info list and "Are there any crossing observation points?" to the Specific Questions list
Last edited by Beliras on Tue Dec 10, 2024 5:28 am, edited 5 times in total.
may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
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Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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Archipel Sempi
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Postby Archipel Sempi » Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:57 pm

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    Railway crossings.

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    Orange. There are around 2 intersections where there is a train crossing, and the light goes red when there is a train and when UT is one side's turn to go.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    The crossbuck is a completely orange sign. Nothing signifies two tracks.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    Galvanized steel gates, they are extremely strong and are hard to break.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?
    The red flash actually bursts out as a striped pattern, and continues.

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
Last edited by Archipel Sempi on Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Beliras » Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:44 pm

Railway Crossings in Beliras

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    They're called Railway Crossings.

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    A sign indicating a train passing is seen before the railway crossing. This is to indicate that you should stop and check if there is a train.

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    Beliras's cities usually use the conventional "2 lights hanging on a bar" design, but rural areas have a third light below the design or a Great Britain-styled design. The third light, which is yellow, serves the purpose to signify that the gate is opening. The secluded areas use traffic lights that turn red when the gate is closing down.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?
    Both rural areas and cities have alarms, with the rural areas having a dual-tone (two tones at once) alarm sound that plays for one quarter of second and turns off for the rest of the second and the cities having a hi-lo alarm sound. When the gate is opening on rural areas, the alarm stops sounding. Secluded areas instead have a small, dual-tone siren to tell people that a train is coming.

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    The crossbuck is a white angled cross with a red outline, with points on the cross's ends, sitting on top of the lights. Cities and rural areas use a half-cross below the cross, but rural areas also use a box below the signal lights that indicates the direction that the train is coming in arrows, left on top and right below. The secluded areas only use the box, but it is below the cross.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    Rural and secluded signals use gates, while cities use both gates and hinged barriers in combination. The gate is black and the inside is painted yellow, and the barriers use a yellow-and-black striped pattern.

    Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?
    Pedestrian crossings are included, and in rural and secluded areas, they are just an extension of the main signal that uses barriers. In cities, however, they are their own signal that contains the two-track box used in rural areas as the lights, using gates to close off the area.

    What type of road-to-rail transition does NATION use?
    Beliras uses the slope-pave transition.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    There are abandoned crossings that used to belong to a line that had either been closed by it's owner or belonged to a bankrupt train transport company.

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?
    Sirens for railway crossings are only seen in Beliras.

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?
    Cities and rural areas use a male voice that says "Attention. Train coming at left/right. Please stop, look and listen." when a train is coming, "Attention. Second train coming at left/right. You can't go yet." when a second train is coming and "Attention. Crossing opening up. Please wait until they have opened." when the gate is opening and the barrier is rising.

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in Beliras? (The only optional question)

    What are some popular crossings in Beliras?
    Secluded crossings are special, due to the signal using a siren and it's unique design, making them popular, but there aren't any videos about the crossing operating yet, since they're secluded.

    Do crossings in Beliras have something that tells a train to stop when activated?
    A camera on the signal pole's back (usually on the position of the lights) detects if there are any obstacles on the rail. If there are, alarm bells mounted on the electric poles will ring and red lights will flash, signaling the train to stop.

    Do crossings in Beliras usually get maintained?
    Of course! In Beliras, every month after the installation of the crossing, workers will check to see if any damage has occurred and if anything has stopped working.

    Were there any crossing accidents in Beliras?
    Accidents have happened, and most of them are people literally just being idiots and trying to get over. And a lot of them were criminals.

    Are there any crossing observation points?
    Beliras has a crossing operation point in the north-west of the crossing that also acts as a control room. Often manned.

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?
    As the OP, yes I am.

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
    bruh i'm the op
Last edited by Beliras on Tue Dec 10, 2024 5:33 am, edited 7 times in total.
may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
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Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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Naui Tu
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Postby Naui Tu » Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:50 am

Railway Crossings in Naui Tu

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    Commonly called Railroad Intersections, but also called Railway or Railroad Crossings.

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    Warning stripes are put in the ties of a rail to signify intersections. Red warning signs are used for dangerous situations instead.

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    They are special. They have a rotated square with 2 lights (one-way) or with 4 lights (two-way and up) to signal the stop-go lights in each area of the intersection. Each may be modified to accomodate the different layouts. Estlina's Cruce Grande with 8 lanes horizontally and 3 lanes vertically is a different story. In the vertical part of this big junction, the middle part is a one-way lane. So, in total, there are 21 lights on its traffic light with that one-way being in the middle.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?
    Fast beeps (... - --- .--.) can signal to stop and low-toned fast beeps (--. ---) can signal to go. Morse code for STOP and GO respectively.

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    Crossbuck is a simple top down view of the railway, with the light signal in it. "RAILWAY" on top and "CROSSING" on bottom.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    Rural areas apply this. They look like ones you see in parking entrances.

    Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?
    No, only bridges are used in rural areas.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    Some are documented. This most popular one was the Wong Intersection, where some parts of that line were sunken. To stop the construction of a new building that probably breaks the scenery of Wong Park, rails around the area were raised to ground, so that creates Wong Junction where the horizontal part became a bridge.

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?
    Yes. Please use the light design for more info.

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?
    No, but we plan to add voices in metro crossings.

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in Naui Tu? (The only optional question)
    Martin Kasanna was the first to introduce crossings to the country. He built an intersection in the middle of a developed city, which broke the traffic. It is now called Kasanna Intersection.

    What are some popular crossings in Naui Tu?
    Kasanna Intersection, Cruce Grande, Rotonda del Laguna (this intersection is probably the first roundabout to be on train tracks)

    Do crossings in Naui Tu have something that tells a train to stop when activated?
    A 360-degree camera is put on top of the crossbuck on metro crossings. It uses AI algorithms that are controlled by a staff kiosk on a pole of the bridge (if leveled), on the ground in where the crossbuck is placed/outside a building (if underground), or near a railroad track (if on ground).

    Do crossings in Naui Tu usually get maintained?
    Yes, they maintain it monthly. Small train intersections self-clean themselves at night or when the gates close.

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
    Make a section that says about popular railway crossings in YN.
Last edited by Naui Tu on Sat Oct 05, 2024 5:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.
The MacBook Empire and Nauitian Star Cluster of Naui Tu
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Postby Beliras » Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:58 am

Naui Tu wrote:What do you suggest to improve the survey?
Make a section that says about popular railway crossings in YN.

Suggestion taken!
Last edited by Beliras on Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
MV Feature Cruise (feature puppet)
Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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Great Nortend
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Postby Great Nortend » Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:24 am

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    Level crossings

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    Crossings have gates with a red disc, as well as red triangular warning signs before if needed.

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    Most crossing gates consist of white wooden gates which swing across the tracks and road, to block off the crossing from road traffic. They bear red circular discs and red lamps for night. Gates are operated either by hand, by a crossing keeper physically opening and closing the gates, or mechanically using a wheel from an adjacent signal box or crossing box. Crossings without gates have red warning triangles. Some crossings, known as occupational crossings or accommodation crossings, are operated by the user. These gates open away from the tracks.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    Yes, as needed or deemed appropriate.

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)
    No idea.

    What are some popular crossings in NATION?
    No idea.

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?
    Got some weird questions.

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
Last edited by Great Nortend on Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TURTLESHROOM II » Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:11 pm

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    Railroad Crossing.

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    Railroad crossings are marked by yellow rhombus-shaped signs with a "X" marker. The bell system is usually in a small tower next to it.

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    There is a single light on each side of the track. When it is on and flashing, a train is coming.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?
    Physical bells are used. The "bell tower" is housed in a small, obelisk-shaped "coop" under a covering, to avoid rain damage. It is approximately five feet tall. The bell, which is bronze and struck by a clapper with an electric motor, is activated by the train physically crossing the "trip wire" on the tracks. This causes the bell to be struck. Every few years, a railroad maintenance worker will inspect the motor that makes the bell ring for damage.

    If applicable, what is the cross buck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    The crossing sign is a yellow, rhombus-shaped sign marked with a black "X" and the words "RAILROAD CROSSING" emblazoned in it.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    There are no gates outside of the cities, where railroads cross directly in the middle of town. Personal, residential, and recreational cars are functionally non-existent in TurtleShroom, leaving freight, government, police, motorcycles, and public transport vehicles with basically no impediment on the roads.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    In the cities, where railroads are ubitiquous, there are some overpasses and tunnels to ease congestion. Outside of that, there are tens of thousands of crossings in TurtleShroom, some being far off the beaten path. Most of these are inspected about once every five years to once a decade, so many of them are under-maintained or broken. In a country the size of a sub-continent with few households owning cars, a few dead bulbs here and there, even in a country as obsessive and meticulous as TurtleShroom, is not worth sending a man out into the middle of a stagnant swamp to address.

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?
    Until the sixties, crossings that saw dozens of vehicles a day had a man stationed at the crossing to ring the bell. These "keeper shacks" are still standing in many places, and most have been converted to public "bathrooms" (read, an outhouse with a distilled water pump and a soap dispenser nailed to the wall).

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?
    What? No, who does that?

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)
    The first railroad crossing was laid immediately after the first railroad: the Great Test Track, completed in 1835 AD, ran from Jonesboro to Crawz Ford. Back then, its railroad crossings were overseen by keepers, who lit a candle and rose a red flag when a train signalled its oncoming approach.

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?
    Yes. It's a very well-written and unique survey. I liked the niche questions and information.

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
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Postby Matamorosia » Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:45 pm

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    Interchaingibly between Railroad Corssings and Railway Crossings

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    Signs and railing

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    A diamond shaped pattern of red-orange lights going counterclockwise.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    A Ж-stile sign with the words Railway Crossing in English, Spanish (Cruce Ferroviario) and Matamorosianic (Kruц d’Fierkarиl).
    And a fourth line below the sign with the name of the railroad company who built it (Usually Commonwealth Railways)

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    In highly populated areas (New Matamoros-New Brownsville, Masp, Greater Santos), a gate rises and lowers depending on when the train is near the crossing. In mid-populated areas (Haihanne, Molossia Heights, South Northampington) traditional gates are used. In low-populated areas, along with the Industral and Port areas of cities have conventional barriers

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    Yes. Tunnels in High-populated areas and over passes in mid-populated ones. And yes. Crossings have been abandoned.

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?
    The Diamond Light Pattern and the Ж-shaped design.

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?
    Yes, usually a female voice detailing in which direction the train is arriving, and the time in approximate seconds how long it will take to arrive and get out.

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in Matamorosia? (The only optional question)
    Commonwealth Railways

    What are some popular crossings in Matamorosia?
    Signs before 1854, since Spanish was declared a national language in February 27th 1854, those signs represent the era where only English and Matamorosianic were dominant in Matamorosia

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
Last edited by Matamorosia on Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Remixi Times, August/September: Face-prime beauty closed due to radium being found in products. Matamorosianic Industrial Sector declining, says uneducated hobo. Who even reads this? Macaroni and Cheese is favorite meal of some dude. Secure. Contain. Protect.

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Postby Beliras » Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:42 pm

TURTLESHROOM II wrote:Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?
What? No, who does that?

South Korea.
may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
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Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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Postby Vandila » Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:20 pm

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    Railroad crossing

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    Yes, standardized signage, including reflective red and white signs with an advance warning triangle and distance markers.

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    Crossing signals use two alternating red lights for stopping vehicles. In some areas, a yellow light precedes the red lights as a pre-warning signal.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?
    E-bells with sound levels to alert vehicles and pedestrians.

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    The crossbuck features a white cross with reflective red borders. An additional number plate indicates the presence of multiple tracks.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    Yes, barriers are mandatory for crossings in high-traffic areas. Full or half-barriers are deployed depending on road classification.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    Yes, several high-risk crossings have been replaced with either tunnels or overpasses in densely populated areas.

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?
    The signals adhere national regulations even though some rural crossings may use solar-powered signals due to sustainability projects within the nation.

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?
    No, voice alerts are not used. Only standard e-bells are deployed.

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)
    Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in collaboration with the national railway company.

    What are some popular crossings in NATION?
    Key crossings include the Comvoi Central crossing in the capital featuring 6 tracks, M6 km 12 crossing, M6 km 24 and M5 km 6, handling high volumes of traffic.

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
    Consider including more road safety protocols and pedestrian safety near crossings.
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Postby Beliras » Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:02 am

Vandila wrote:What do you suggest to improve the survey?
Consider including more road safety protocols and pedestrian safety near crossings.

Suggestion taken!
may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
MV Feature Cruise (feature puppet)
Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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Postby Beliras » Wed Oct 02, 2024 3:43 am

may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
MV Feature Cruise (feature puppet)
Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
Beliras's status: Online - at home (May be outdated)

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Postby Beliras » Fri Oct 04, 2024 6:42 am

may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
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Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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Postby Beliras » Thu Dec 05, 2024 12:54 am

may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
MV Feature Cruise (feature puppet)
Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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Postby Estrago » Sun Dec 08, 2024 2:10 pm

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    Level Crossing (though "railway crossing" and "grade crossing" are also sometimes used)

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    Level crossings are always marked with either a crossbuck or they may be guarded by (alternating) flashing light(s), bells and barriers. Some crossings are also guarded by regular traffic lights. A Vienna convention compliant advance warning sign is posted as well (except on very small crossings)

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    The shape of the signal is a black equilateral triangle (tip pointing upwards), framed by two equally thick lines of white and red. There are single-light versions used for small (pedestrian or bicycle) crossings, whos centrally positioned light will flash red. The two-light version is larger in size and its two red lights, positioned in the lower two corners of the triangle, flash alternately. The red light of normal traffic lights will shine brighter when signalling stop due to a crossing train.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?
    All crossings with light signals and barriers use bells or e-bells, except for crossings guared with normal traffic lights. On crossings without barriers the bells sound until the train has cleared the crossing. On crossings with barriers the bell sound will stop as soon as all barriers at the crossing are closed. Crossings without lights do not have bells either.

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    It's a white St Andrew's cross with a red frame of consistant thickness. It can be either horizontal or vertical. Since 2015 the sign is the same, no matter the number of tracks.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    On mainline railways almost all crossings use gates, and also many narrow-gauge railway lines do nowadays. Only small crossings, or those guared by standard traffic lights, don't.

    Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?
    Yes. They are already described above.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    Most crossings on mainline railways have been replaced with subways or flyovers. Many smaller crossings have been abandoned or merged. Level crossings are still more common on narrow gauge railway lines and branch lines.

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in Estrago?
    The Office for Rail, Parliament, Governemnt.

    What are some popular crossings in NATION?
    None come to mind, that would be of particular notoriety.

    Do crossings in Estrago have something that tells a train to stop when activated?
    No. Trains always have the right of way.

    Do crossings in Estrago usually get maintained?
    Railway crossings, as all other infrastructure, is impeccably mentained.

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
Last edited by Estrago on Mon Dec 09, 2024 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Wochaystein » Sun Dec 08, 2024 4:20 pm

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    The light design for railroad grade crossings typically consists of two red lights that flash alternately to indicate an approaching train. If a third light is present, it usually serves as a warning indicator and may be yellow or white in color.

    If they are traffic lights at these crossings, the signal turns red when sensors detect either:

    1) An incoming train within proximity.
    2) Gates lowering down after activation by said detection system mentioned above; ensuring safety before allowing any vehicles/pedestrians through the intersection area.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    The crossbuck design in is typically a white "X" with black lettering. If there are two tracks or more, an additional sign below the main crossbuck indicates this by displaying the number of tracks (e.g., "2 TRACKS") to inform drivers and pedestrians about multiple railway lines at that crossing.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?

    Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?
    Yes. Extensions of the crossing signal.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)
    The creation of the first crossing signal in Wochaystein involved collaboration between local railway engineers and government officials. It was a joint effort to improve public safety at railroad crossings as train transportation became more prevalent throughout the country during its industrial expansion period.

    What are some popular crossings in NATION?
    1) Kaisersplatz Crossing: Located near the historic Kaisersplatz, it's known for its scenic views of surrounding architecture.
    2) Infernal Rill Bridge Crossing: A picturesque crossing over the Infernal Rill with stunning waterway vistas and nearby walking paths.
    3) Central Station Square Crosswalks (Hauptbahnhof Platz): Situated at one of Wochaystein’s busiest train stations, this area sees heavy foot traffic from commuters daily!
    4) Alpenblick Avenue Intersection: Offers breathtaking mountain scenery as trains pass through on their way to alpine destinations

    Do crossings in NATION have something that tells a train to stop when activated?

    Do crossings in NATION usually get maintained?

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
Dieresis of Diarcesia
The Cities of the Holy Empire of Wochaystein
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Postby Beliras » Sun Dec 08, 2024 6:17 pm

Wochaystein wrote:Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    The light design for railroad grade crossings typically consists of two red lights that flash alternately to indicate an approaching train. If a third light is present, it usually serves as a warning indicator and may be yellow or white in color.

    If they are traffic lights at these crossings, the signal turns red when sensors detect either:

    1) An incoming train within proximity.
    2) Gates lowering down after activation by said detection system mentioned above; ensuring safety before allowing any vehicles/pedestrians through the intersection area.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    The crossbuck design in is typically a white "X" with black lettering. If there are two tracks or more, an additional sign below the main crossbuck indicates this by displaying the number of tracks (e.g., "2 TRACKS") to inform drivers and pedestrians about multiple railway lines at that crossing.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?

    Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?
    Yes. Extensions of the crossing signal.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)
    The creation of the first crossing signal in Wochaystein involved collaboration between local railway engineers and government officials. It was a joint effort to improve public safety at railroad crossings as train transportation became more prevalent throughout the country during its industrial expansion period.

    What are some popular crossings in NATION?
    1) Kaisersplatz Crossing: Located near the historic Kaisersplatz, it's known for its scenic views of surrounding architecture.
    2) Infernal Rill Bridge Crossing: A picturesque crossing over the Infernal Rill with stunning waterway vistas and nearby walking paths.
    3) Central Station Square Crosswalks (Hauptbahnhof Platz): Situated at one of Wochaystein’s busiest train stations, this area sees heavy foot traffic from commuters daily!
    4) Alpenblick Avenue Intersection: Offers breathtaking mountain scenery as trains pass through on their way to alpine destinations

    Do crossings in NATION have something that tells a train to stop when activated?

    Do crossings in NATION usually get maintained?

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?

Please be more detailed. This is not a yes/no board. Although I can see you put detail, please specify.
may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
MV Feature Cruise (feature puppet)
Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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Postby Etruscini » Sun Dec 08, 2024 6:46 pm

Level Crossings in Etruscini

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    At Etruscian level crossings, the primary signal consists of two flashing red lights to warn of an approaching train and indicate that crossing is not safe. In some cases, a third light (often amber or white) serves as a pre-warning for the closure of barriers or indicates when it is safe to cross after the train has passed.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?
    Yes, at many level crossings in Etruscini, the signals are often accompanied by bells, e-bells, or alarms to further alert drivers and pedestrians of an approaching train. These audible warnings are activated alongside the flashing red lights and barriers to ensure that people are fully aware of the danger and have time to stop before the train arrives.

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    The crossbuck sign at Etruscian level crossings is a white X-shaped sign with the words "PASSAGGIO A LIVELLO" written in black. When there are two or more tracks, the sign will include a number indicating the number of tracks, such as "2" or "3", positioned below the crossbuck to signify multiple tracks.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    Yes, many level crossings in Etruscini use gates or barriers to close off the area when a train is approaching. These barriers are typically automated and lower across the road to prevent vehicles and pedestrians from crossing the tracks, ensuring safety when the train is nearby.

    Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?
    Yes, in Etruscini, pedestrian crossings are commonly present at level crossings, especially in urban areas or near stations. These pedestrian crossings are typically extensions of the main crossing signals, with separate pedestrian warning lights (often red flashing lights) and sometimes audible signals to alert pedestrians when it is safe to cross or when a train is approaching. In some cases, pedestrian crossings may have their own distinct signals and barriers.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    Yes, some level crossings in Etruscini, have been replaced with tunnels or overpasses to improve safety and traffic flow, especially in high-traffic areas. Additionally, some crossings have been abandoned or closed as part of infrastructure upgrades or due to reduced rail services in certain regions.

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?
    Yes, Etruscini has some unique features in its level crossing signals, such as the "PASSAGGIO A LIVELLO" crossbuck sign, which includes a number of tracks (e.g., "2" or "3") below the crossbuck to indicate multiple tracks, a design not commonly seen in other countries. Additionally, some crossings in Etruscini use distinctive bell systems or e-bells, which are more frequently found at crossings with multiple tracks, offering additional audible warnings.

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?
    Yes, in some Etruscian level crossings, particularly in areas with high pedestrian traffic or near stations, voice announcements are used to inform pedestrians and drivers that a train is approaching. These voice signals typically accompany the flashing lights and bells, providing an audible warning such as "Attenzione! Treno in arrivo!" ("Attention! Train approaching!"). This feature is particularly useful for visually impaired individuals and is part of Italy's efforts to enhance safety at crossings.

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)
    Non answering.

    What are some popular crossings in NATION?
    In Etruscini, notable level crossings can be found near Fermo's Santa Maria Novella station, a major transport hub with busy crossings equipped with modern safety features. Additionally, Pisogne Centrale and other crossings along the Etruscian coastal railway serve as key transit points, linking cities with both local and regional rail networks.

    Do crossings in NATION have something that tells a train to stop when activated?
    In Etruscini, level crossings typically do not have a specific mechanism that directly tells a train to stop when activated. Instead, safety systems like signals, barriers, and flashing lights are used to alert drivers and pedestrians of an approaching train, while the train itself follows scheduled signals to maintain its route and speed. However, in emergency situations or at controlled crossings, railway operators can manually stop or slow a train if needed, but this is not a standard feature of all crossings.

    Do crossings in NATION usually get maintained?
    Yes, level crossings in Etruscini are regularly maintained as part of the country's comprehensive rail infrastructure management. The Etruscian railway company, RFE (Rete Ferroviaria Etruscini), is responsible for the maintenance of crossings, ensuring that safety features like barriers, lights, bells, and signaling systems are in proper working condition to protect both train passengers and road users.

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
    No suggestions
SAVE ISRAEL! Proud Catholic †
Republic of Etruscini"Insieme per la vittoria"Twin-Town Programs

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Fᴇʀᴍᴏ ☂ 6℃
Fᴇʀᴍᴏ Dᴀɪʟʏ. Etruscini has been officially renowned as the highest exporter of grapes due to their rich and fertile soil • L'Etruscini è stata ufficialmente riconosciuta come il maggior esportatore di uva grazie al suo terreno ricco e fertile
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Postby Nelenkorp » Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:23 pm

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    *Those outside of the railroad industry call them railroad crossings, but insiders use the term at grade crossing*

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    *Yes, traffic signs, such as a yellow triangle with a train icon in the center with a red border before the crossing, alongside crossbuck signs at the junction itself*

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    *They are similar to the ones found in North America with two red flashing lights over the barriers*

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?
    *Yes, all crossings have some form of bells or sirens regardless of if there is a barrier*

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    *The crossbuck is similar to those found in America, but with either railroad crossing written on it at gated crossing or "stop look listen" at non gated crossings*

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    *Most crossings, particularly in urban and suburban areas, use barriers. Few crossings are ungated*

    Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?
    *Yes, they typically follow the same signals as cars*

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    *In urban areas, more and more crossings are being tunneled or bridged. However, there are still many at grade crossings in the country*

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?
    *Not necessarily, but we are unique in combining European and North American signals at our crossings*

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?
    *Voice is used at crossings, but only near busy pedestrian junctions or to inform drivers of a train or signal malfunction*

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in Nelenkorp? (The only optional question)

    What are some popular crossings in Nelenkorp?
    *The most popular crossing in the country is the crossing between the Central Metro Line and Waverly Drive in Avonport. However, the junction has since been replaced by the New Waverly Drive Bridge after a deadly accident between a metro train and a chemical cistern truck, killing 29 people including the motorman of the train and the driver of the truck.*

    Do crossings in NATION have something that tells a train to stop when activated?
    *Not typically*

    Do crossings in NATION usually get maintained?

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
    *Include accidents in questions*

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Postby Beliras » Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:41 pm

Nelenkorp wrote:What do you suggest to improve the survey?
*Include accidents in questions*

Suggestion taken!
Last edited by Beliras on Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
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Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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Postby Jorsania » Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:56 pm

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in Jorsania

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    Neither of those, in our nation we call them Train-Car crossings

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    A Sign on the side of the road and markings on the road

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    A single large red triangle.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?
    They use 95 decibel sirens

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    The normal one is a Rail horizontally overlaid on a road. For each rail you must cross a number appears on the top right(ie. x3, x9, x2 etc)

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    They use concrete barriers that come out the ground. This helps with people trying to run over barriers.

    Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?
    Yes. They are just an extension

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    Yes several due to building accommodations and law change

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?
    Yes, the 95 decibel sirens are unique to Jorsania

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?
    Only in more densely populated areas where a siren might be masked by other noises

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in Jorsania? (The only optional question)

    What are some popular crossings in Jorsania?
    The A-1 Rail line-30th street crossing is by far the most traveled due to it cutting straight through downtown Abuja

    Do crossings in Jorsania have something that tells a train to stop when activated?
    Nope, it would take far too long for a train to stop so theres no point in trying to(Trains in Jorsania max at 350mph)

    Do crossings in Jorsania usually get maintained?

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
Thats just theory, a NationStates theory!|Five nights at Germany's! Is this where you want to be! I just don't get it!
Nayori's aloof and kooky, Icesuki's sweet and cutesy, Furi is deep and brooding, Swedika's brains and beauty
I am quite the Devious man
Youtube Channel|Ultimate showdown of ultimate Nationstates
Fun fact: Jorsania was originally an alt but over time i opted for this account instead

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Postby Javait » Sun Dec 08, 2024 8:18 pm

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    *answer* Neither, we call it Railcrosses.

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    *answer* yes, Light rimmed signs.

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    *answer*The light design is just the simple 3 Circle lights, the 3rd light means neither can pass.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?
    *answer* Alarms.

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?
    *answer* The design is dependent on how it crosses, and if theres more than 2 or more tracks, just add more lines.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    *answer* Barriers that Go up and down.

    Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?
    *answer* Yes, and They are there own signal, signaled by A E-bell.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    *answer* Yes, infact, in Used to be Urban Sections (UTBUS), there are a lot replaced/abandoned Railcrosses.

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)
    *answer* Rail cros the 2nd.

    What are some popular crossings in NATION?
    *answer* The Inont crossing has a insane 5 tracks and 6 roads and connects the Rural part of my capital to the urban part.

    Do crossings in NATION have something that tells a train to stop when activated?
    *answer* just the Light turning red.

    Do crossings in NATION usually get maintained?
    *answer*yes, every month.

    Were there any crossing accidents in NATION?
    *answer*yes, most of them were just people being dumb.

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
NS stats are canon or not. ITS ALWAYS BEEN CANON NOT CANNON!
Polar country.
Smol rose

News: Uh… there is no news lol.

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Postby Beliras » Sun Dec 08, 2024 8:22 pm

Javait wrote:Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)
*answer* Rail cros the 2nd.

Rail cros the 2nd.
may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
MV Feature Cruise (feature puppet)
Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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Postby The Scandoslavic Empire » Sun Dec 08, 2024 9:55 pm

Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in Scandoslavia

  1. Basic Info
    Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?
    Grade Crossing (Scandoslavic: Оценкшиеленка)

    Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?
    Standardized signage, as well as signal lights near the tracks to the left and right of the crossing.

    What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?
    Signal lights are attached to the crossbuck pole or signage pole, and consist of three lights. Two lights are red to indicate an incoming train, and will flash between the two light pods when active. The third light, mounted on the center of the pole between the other lights, is yellow. This light only comes on in the event that:
    The train is unable to move away from a crossing / train is obstructing the crossing.
    A vehicle has stopped and is in the way of either the train or barriers.
    An obstruction has appeared on the railway crossing.
    A severe incident has occurred at the crossing.
    When this light is on, the crossing siren-alarm will change to a special emergency version.
    Additionally, on the lower half of signal poles, two display boxes are present, side-by-side. The left box displays a red left arrow, while the right box displays a red right arrow. These boxes are present on both the left and right signal poles and will display the appropriate direction a train is headed in.

    Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?
    Crossing signals use a dual-tone siren-alarm system, with the siren being similar to that of an air-raid siren and the alarm dinging once at the top and bottom of the fluctuating siren sound.
    The special emergency version of the crossing siren-alarm is used only when the orange signal light is active. When active, the emergency alarm sounds significantly different compared to the standard siren-alarm. The emergency alarm features three loud honks, followed by a rapid dinging noise. This sound will repeat until the conditions for the warning signal are no longer met.

    If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?

    Nothing signifies a crossing with more than two tracks.

    Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?
    Crossings use upwards-lifting gate arms with a distinctive yellow and black striped pattern. Some may use a red and white striped pattern, though there is no definitive reason as both are accepted for use.

    Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?
    Pedestrian crossings are an extension of the main crossing in population centers.

  2. Specific Questions
    Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?
    Several crossings have been demolished in recent years in favor of a raised railway system, acting as an overpass in some areas.

    Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?
    - The specialized orange signal found on the top of signal poles
    - A unique siren-alarm combination
    - The use of the term "rail-liner", a Scandoslavic-exclusive term for "train"
    - The special emergency alarm

    Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?
    Yes. Certain city crossings will use speakers to announce the approach of a train. Mostka, in particular, features a female announcement speaker system to alert at crossings. When a train is nearby, the system will announce "Warning - rail-liner approaching. Vehicles and civilians must stay back". When the train has passed, the system will announce "Crossing clear. Once barriers have raised, you may proceed in a safe and orderly fashion".

    Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)

    What are some popular crossings in NATION?
    Mostka's announcement crossings attract railway enthusiasts quite often, mostly due to their intriguing voice systems.

    Do crossings in NATION have something that tells a train to stop when activated?
    The signature "orange light" on the top of signal poles displays its color in a 180 degree radius, including towards the tracks and their trains, and is always accompanied by the emergency alarm. This is enough to tell a conductor to stop the train.

    Do crossings in NATION usually get maintained?
    Bi-monthly maintenance checks are made on every crossing nationwide, and some cities even do monthly checks or bi-weekly checks. However, urgent issues are dealt with when they are reported.

    Were there any crossing accidents in NATION?
    Of course accidents have happened. No nation is perfect, and Scandoslavia has its fair share of lawbreakers trying to speed past a closing crossing, or someone who just tries to walk across. But we try to prevent these incidents, always.

  3. Suggestions
    Are you satisfied with the survey?
    Yes! Very detailed.

    What do you suggest to improve the survey?
    Perhaps a question regarding the type of road-to-rail transition used, or something about crossing observation boxes?

Feel free to ask questions about any of my responses, if they're confusing.

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Postby Beliras » Tue Dec 10, 2024 12:34 am

The Scandoslavic Empire wrote:What do you suggest to improve the survey?
Perhaps a question regarding the type of road-to-rail transition used, or something about crossing observation boxes?

what do they mean
may I tell you to GTFO, ripple haters, it just looks realistic
I don't need no one-liner too
My location is OOC, just saying.
Yep, I'm a Troper too.
Sugendoa (Former)
Goikiva, aka Goiky
MV Feature Cruise (feature puppet)
Great Kerguelen Islands wrote:like the level 1 of the the
"Oasis of the Seas, what is your wisdom?" - BELIRAS
Some IC info (take a look pls).
just a normal class 1.8 civ
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