Did you know that level crossings exist? Of course, they do! This is where rails and roads cross, and cars are often fighting trains for the winner. Well, trains always win, and the people in the cars die, so here ya go, safety to the cars be adding things that go ding and barriers that go down! No more crashes?
Alright, let's get into this:
- Code: Select all
[size=115][b]Level/Railroad/Railway/Grade Crossings in NATION[/b][/size]
[hr][/hr][list=1][*][b]Basic Info[/b]
[i]Is it called Level Crossings, Railroad Crossings, Railway Crossings or Grade Crossings?[/i]
[i]Is there anything to signify the presence of a crossing?[/i]
[i]What is the light design of the signals? If applicable, what purpose does the third light serve? If they are traffic lights, when does the light turn red?[/i]
[i]Do the crossing signals use bells, e-bells, alarms or sirens to signify the presence of a train?[/i]
[i]If applicable, what is the crossbuck (cross sign) design of the signals, and what signifies two tracks or more?[/i]
[i]Do the signals use gates or barriers to close off the area?[/i]
[i]Are there any pedestrian crossings? If so, are they extensions of the crossing signal or are they their own signal?[/i]
[i]What type of road-to-rail transition does NATION use?[/i]
[hr][/hr][*][b]Specific Questions[/b]
[i]Have any crossings been replaced with a tunnel or overpass, or abandoned?[/i]
[i]Do any of the crossing signals have features only seen in the nation?[/i]
[i]Does any crossing signal use voice to inform that a train is coming?[/i]
[i]Who was involved with the creation of the first crossing signal in NATION? (The only optional question)[/i]
[i]What are some popular crossings in NATION?[/i]
[i]Do crossings in NATION have something that tells a train to stop when activated?[/i]
[i]Do crossings in NATION usually get maintained?[/i]
[i]Were there any crossing accidents in NATION?[/i]
[i]Are there any crossing observation points?[/i]
[i]Are you satisfied with the survey?[/i]
[i]What do you suggest to improve the survey?[/i]
All edits:
Sep 26th - Survey created
Sep 28th - Added "What are some popular crossings in NATION?" to the Specific Questions list
Sep 30th - Added "Are there any pedestrian crossings?" to the Basic Info list and 2 questions to the Specific Questions list
Dec 9th - Added "Were there any crossing accidents in NATION?" to the Specific Questions list
Dec 10th - Added "What type of road-to-rail transition does NATION use?" to the Basic Info list and "Are there any crossing observation points?" to the Specific Questions list