Crimes and Punishment Survey (2nd edition)

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Crimes and Punishment Survey (2nd edition)

Postby Bilancorn » Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:16 pm

This is an international survey concerning crimes and punishments in other nations. Please fill the brackets with minimum and maximum sentence for set crimes. If any of the activity is legal, write "legal". You are entitled to add other crimes to your list if you wish to do so.

Code: Select all
[b][u]REGULAR CRIMES:[/u][/b]

[b]Terrorism[/b] []
[b]Mass Murder[/b] []
[b]Murder[/b] []
[b]Attempted Murder[/b] []
[b]Vehicular Manslaughter[/b] []
[b]Voluntary Manslaughter [/b] []
[b]Mass Involuntary Manslaughter[/b] []
[b]Involuntary Manslaughter [/b][]
[b]Rape[/b] []
[b]Sexual Assault[/b] []
[b]Human Trafficking[/b] []
[b]Kidnapping[/b] []
[b]Arson[/b] []
[b]Drug trafficking[/b] []
[b]Drug dealing[/b] []
[b]Drug possession/use[/b] []
[b]Armed Robbery[/b] []
[b]Bulglary[/b] []
[b]Grand Theft[/b] []
[b]Theft[/b] []
[b]Fraud[/b] []
[b]Extortion[/b] []
[b]Battery/assault[/b] []
[b]Homosexuality[/b] []
[b]Adultery[/b] []
[b]Abortion[/b] []
[b]Polygamy[/b] []
[b]Heresy[/b] []
[b]Atheism[/b] []


[b]Treason[/b] []
[b]Espionage[/b] []
[b]Genocide[/b] []
[b]Crimes Against The Humanity[/b] []
[b]War Crimes[/b] []
[b]Political dissent[/b] []
[b]Desertion[/b] []
[b]Mutiny[/b] []
[b]Corruption[/b] []
Last edited by Bilancorn on Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
This nation represent my irl beliefs

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Posts: 138
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New York Times Democracy

Postby Kaldon » Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:37 pm


Terrorism [Min 15 years in Prison, Max is Life]
Mass Murder [6 years per victim in Prison]
Murder [Min 6 years in Prison, Max 20]
Attempted Murder [Min 4 years in Prison, Max 12]
Vehicular Manslaughter [Min 1.5 years in Prison, Max 3]
Manslaughter (voluntary) [Min 3 years in Prison, Max 7]
Manslaughter (accidental) [Min 1 year in Prison, Max 4]
Rape [Min 5 years in Prison, Max 14]
Sexual Assault [Min 3 years in Prison, Max 12]
Human Trafficking [Min 16 years in Prison, Max is Life]
Kidnapping [Min 3 years in Prison, Max 9]
Arson [Min 6 months in Prison, Max 4 years]
Drug trafficking [Min 2 years in Prison, Max 4]
Drug dealing [Min 1 year community service, Max 2 years in Prison]
Drug possession/use [Legal unless it’s not from an official source, then it’s £500 fine]
Armed Robbery [Min 3 years in Prison, Max 8]
Burglary [Min is a fine worth the amount of stolen goods, Max is that + 2 years in Prison]
Grand Theft [Min is fine worth the amount of the car + 1 year in Prison, Max is the fine + 3 years in Prison]
Theft [Same as Burglary]
Fraud [Min is £2,000 fine, Max is 3 years in Prison + £20,000 fine]
Extortion [Min is £3,000 fine, Max is £25,000 + 4 years in Prison]
Battery/assault [Min is 6 months community service, Max is 6 years in Prison]
Homosexuality [Legal]
Adultery [£1,000 fine]
Abortion [Legal, unless done through illegal methods in which case £500 fine]
Polygamy [Legal unless it’s more than two, in which case the marriage is annulled + £1,000 fine]
Heresy [Legal]
Atheism [Legal]


Treason [Life]
Espionage [Life with no parole]
Genocide [Life with no parole]
Crimes Against The Humanity [Life with no parole]
War Crimes [Life with no parole]
Political dissent [Legal]
Desertion [£2,000 fine and dishonourable discharge]
Mutiny [Min is £2,000 fine and 6 months in Prison, Max is the fine + 2 years in Prison]
Corruption [Min is £15,000 fine and 1 year in Prison, Max is £30,000 fine + 5 years in Prison] full alt account list now available! policy explanations, yay
Under 18 British Male (English with Welsh heritage), Social Libertarian (Andrew Yang my beloved), Libdems liker (I have wet dreams about Ed Davey), LGBT+ supporter, Athiestic Agnostic, JFK and RFK blessed, Britannia Rules the Waves, handsome, my favourite colour is yellow, women are hot asf, serial memer, and, uhhh, up yours, children (is that a mfing Simpsons reference?!?!!?)

BREAKING NEWS:Something happened, we just don’t know what yet | People are shocked that something happened, Trump dies of laughter

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Postby Rylland » Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:44 am


Terrorism [1 year in prison]
Mass Murder [8 years in prison (depending on the number of deaths)]
Murder [1 year in prison 9 (depending on the number of deaths)]
Attempted Murder [2 years in prison]
Vehicular Manslaughter [1 year in prison]
Voluntary Manslaughter [1 year in prison]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [1 year in prison]
Involuntary Manslaughter [1 year in prison]
Aggression [1 year in prison]
Rape [Death]
Sexual Assault [Death]
Human Trafficking [Death]
Kidnapping [1 year in prison]
Arson [1 year in prison]
Drug trafficking [1 year in prison]
Drug dealing [50 years in prison]
Drug possession/use [1 year in prison]
Armed Robbery [HS 100,000 fine]
Bulglary [HS 100,000 fine]
Grand Theft [HS 100,000 fine]
Theft [HS 100,000 fine]
Fraud [HS 500,000 fine]
Extortion [HS 100,000 fine]
Battery/assault [Life]
Homosexuality [Life]
Adultery [HS 1,000,000 fine]
Abortion [HS 100,000 fine]
Polygamy [Legal]
Heresy [HS 100,000 fine]
Atheism [Legal]


Treason [Death]
Espionage [Death]
Genocide [Death]
Crimes Against The Humanity [Death]
War Crimes [Death]
Political dissent [Legal]
Desertion [1 year in prison]
Mutiny [3 months in prison with a chance of parole]
Corruption [HS 500,000,000 fine]

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Vandila » Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:34 am


Terrorism: [Life without parole]
Mass Murder: [20 years per person to Life without parole]
Murder: [15 years to life]
Attempted Murder: [10 to 50 years]
Vehicular Manslaughter: [5 to 45 years]
Voluntary Manslaughter: [10 to 50 years]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter: [10 to 25 years]
Involuntary Manslaughter: [5 to 15 years]
Aggression: [5 to 20 years]
Rape: [40 years to life]
Sexual Assault: [10 to 30 years]
Human Trafficking: [20 years to life]
Kidnapping: [15 to 50 years]
Arson: [5 to 30 years]
Drug Trafficking: [15 years to life]
Drug Dealing: [10 to 25 years]
Drug Possession/Use: [1 to 10 years]
Armed Robbery: [15 to 40 years]
Burglary: [5 to 20 years]
Grand Theft: [5 to 15 years]
Theft: [1 to 5 years]
Fraud: [5 to 25 years]
Extortion: [10 to 30 years]
Battery/Assault: [5 to 15 years]
Homosexuality: [Fines to 5 years]
Adultery: [5 to 20 years]
Abortion: [Fines]
Polygamy: [5 to 15 years]
Heresy: [-]
Atheism: [-]


Treason: [20 years to life, or death penalty in wartime]
Espionage: [20 years to life, or death penalty in wartime]
Genocide: [Life imprisonment no parole]
Crimes Against Humanity: [Life imprisonment no parole]
War Crimes: [20 years to life]
Political Dissent: [10 to 30 years, depending on severity]
Desertion: [10 to 30 years, or death in wartime]
Mutiny: [10 to 30 years, or death penalty in wartime]
Corruption: [1 to 30 years, with rehabilitation focus in lighter cases]
The Republic of Vandila

Permanent Mission to The WA
Amb. Prof. Ÿarol Pogem
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Minister Ernest Hult
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Ela Spokej
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Embassy Program

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Postby Bilancorn » Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:38 am

Bilancorn's stances (extended version compared to the code) can be found here:
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
This nation represent my irl beliefs

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Posts: 165
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Left-Leaning College State

Postby Canvalland » Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:16 pm


Terrorism [Life Imprisonment to Capital Punishment]
Mass Murder [35 Years incarceration to Capital Punishment, life imprisonment in most case]
Murder [15 Years Incarceration to Life Imprisonment, Capital Punishment may apply per judge's decision]
Attempted Murder [15 Years Incarceration to Life Imprisonment]
Vehicular Manslaughter [20 Years Incarceration to Life Imprisonment]
Voluntary Manslaughter [20 Years Incarceration to Life Imprisonment]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [15 Years to 35 Years Incarceration]
Involuntary Manslaughter [8 to 30 Years Incarceration]
Aggression [Per MilGr's decision, non-civilian offense]
Rape [8 to 35 Years Incarceration, Chemical Castration Mandatory for the ex-offender]
Sexual Assault [5 to 20 Years Incarceration, Chemical Castration Applies as condition for commutation of sentence]
Human Trafficking [15 Years Incarceration to Life Imprisonment, Capital Punishment may apply if other offends alongside]
Kidnapping [5 to 25 Years Incarceration]
Arson [3 to 15 Years Incarceration, Injuries and fatalities count as separate crime]
Drug trafficking [25 to 35 Years Incarceration, Life Imprisonment/Capital Punishment may apply per judge's decision]
Drug dealing [25 to 35 Years Incarceration, Life Imprisonment/Capital Punishment may apply per judge's decision]
Drug possession/use [2 to 10 Years Incarceration, Rehabilitation Applies as Condition for Parole/Communication of Sentence]
Armed Robbery [18 Months Incarceration to Life Imprisonment]
Bulglary [6 Months to 7.5 Years Incarceration]
Grand Theft [12 Months to 10 Years Incarceration]
Theft [2 to 36 Month of Probation for First Offense, then 6 to 60 Months Incarceration]
Fraud [6 to 24 Months of Probation, 12 Months to 15 Years Incarceration if failed reparation in full amount]
Extortion [6 to 24 Months of Probation, 3 to 15 Years of Incarceration if failed reparation in full amount]
Battery/assault [3 Months to 5 Years Incarceration, 5 Years to 20 Years Incarceration if severe injuries or non-immediate fatal consequence]
Homosexuality [Not a crime]
Adultery [Not a crime]
Abortion [Not a crime]
Polygamy [Nullification of Marriage, not a crime itself]
Heresy [Not a crime]
Atheism [Not a crime]


Treason [12 Years to Life Imprisonment, Capital Punishment appliable if wartime]
Espionage [10 Years to Life Imprisonment, Capital Punishment appliable if wartime]
Genocide [Per Trial of MilGr, with international observers' presence]
Crimes Against The Humanity [Per Trial of MilGr, with international observers' presence]
War Crimes [Per Trial of MilGr, with international observers' presence]
Political dissent [Not a crime, unless inciting]
Desertion [6 Months to 2 Years Incarceration with dishonorable discharge, per trial of MilGr during wartime]
Mutiny [Per Trial of MilGr, likely Over 25 Years of Incarceration without parole or Life Imprisonment]
Corruption [Not an Individual Crime]

*MilGr: Militarengericht (auf Deutsch: Militärgericht/ In English: Court-Martial)
Respublik nas Canvalland
En Dellingen var naar!

IC: Centrist-Progressivism, Modern-day Ásatrú follower, Liberalism, Pro-Gun Ownership
IRL: Democratic Socialist, Anti-Capitalism, Mandatory Gun Ownership, LGBT+ Rights, Anti-theism, Zero-State Solution (More precisely, a united and secular Levant State)
Psychology and German Major
You found the hidden sentence, yay!

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Archipel Sempi
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Founded: Aug 11, 2024
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Postby Archipel Sempi » Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:49 pm


Terrorism [Life and 100,000 fine]
Mass Murder [Life and 100,000 fine]
Murder [Life and 50,000 fine]
Attempted Murder [40 years prison sentence and 25,000 fine]
Vehicular Manslaughter [Life]
Voluntary Manslaughter [Life]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [The person who forced that person gets life in prison, and a 100,000 fine]
Involuntary Manslaughter [Same thing applies as above.]
Aggression [1 year prison and 500 fine]
Rape [25 to 30 years and 50,000 fine]
Sexual Assault [40 years and 50,000 fine]
Human Trafficking [Life and 200,000 fine]
Kidnapping [50 years and 100,000 fine]
Arson [10 years and 2000 fine]
Drug trafficking [70 years and 1 million fine]
Drug dealing [60 years and 500,000 fine]
Drug possession/use [Depends on drug, if cannabis or tobacco completely legal, but any others for non medical uses can land you with a 1000 fine and rehabilitation]
Armed Robbery [15 years and 20,000 fine]
Bulglary [5 years and 10,000 fine]
Grand Theft [25 years and 50,000 fine]
Theft [2 years and 5,000 fine]
Fraud [Life and 10 million fine if large fraud, if smaller fraud then 30 years and 1 million fine.]
Extortion [15 years and 10,000 fine]
Battery/assault [5 years and 20,000 fine]
Homosexuality [Legal]
Adultery [Legal]
Abortion [Legal for many specific reasons such as rape or health, though cannot be done only if the mother wishes without any reason such as the reasons listed]
Polygamy [Not recognized, but still legal]
Heresy [Legal]
Atheism [Legal]


Treason [50 years]
Espionage [75 years]
Genocide [Life and 100 million fine]
Crimes Against The Humanity [Same applies as above question.]
War Crimes [Also the same]
Political dissent [Legal]
Desertion [5 years]
Mutiny [5 years]
Corruption [45 years]
"La beauté de l'azur tropical, l'esprit de l'aventure."
Fact Friday: N|uu is the most endangered language in the world, with one speaker.
silly Pacific archipelago with 102 tiny islands and 6 big ones = 108 islands
"Good symbolism is what makes a flag good, not how the flag looks."
/| • • |\ This is Spidey. He is on a journey to explore every forum nation! Put Spidey in your Sig so he can
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Horrorstan » Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:49 am


Terrorism [Death]
Mass Murder [Death]
Murder [Death]
Attempted Murder [Life Imprisonment or Death]
Vehicular Manslaughter [Inapplicable, we dont have cars.]
Voluntary Manslaughter [20 years to life imprisonment]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [Life Imprisonment]
Involuntary Manslaughter [up to 20 years imprisonment]
Aggression [3-10 years imprisonment]
Rape [Death]
Sexual Assault [Death]
Human Trafficking [Death, unless the victims are slaves]
Kidnapping [Life Imprisonment or Death]
Arson [from 5 years to life imprisonment or Death]
Drug trafficking [Death]
Drug dealing [From 20 years to life imprisonment or Death]
Drug possession/use [up to 10 years imprisonment]
Armed Robbery [Life Imprisonment or Death]
Bulglary [from 10 years to Life Imprisonment or Death]
Grand Theft [Death]
Theft [up to 10 years imprisonment]
Fraud [up to life imprisonment]
Extortion [Life Imprisonment or Death]
Homosexuality [up to 10 years imprisonment]
Adultery [5 years imprisonment at first offence. Second offence either Death or Slavery]
Abortion [Life Imprisonment or Death]
Polygamy [1 year imprisonment]
Heresy [Life Imprisonment or Death]
Atheism [Imprisonment until repent, or Death]


Treason [Death]
Espionage [Life Imprisonment or Death]
Genocide [Death]
Crimes Against The Humanity [Death]
War Crimes [Death]
Political dissent [Not codified, political crines are punished on a case-by-case basis with slavery, imprisonment, corporal punishment or Death]
Desertion [Life Imprisonment or Death]
Mutiny [Death]
Corruption [Technically up to life imprisonment, de facto often not enforced]
This country is just an hell hole where everyone die of terrible death, do not take it seriously.

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The Infernum
Posts: 93
Founded: Mar 07, 2017
Father Knows Best State

Postby The Infernum » Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:04 pm


Terrorism [Death]
Mass Murder [Kinda a grey area. Not illegal in itself, but in your rampage you're likely to kill someone valued by someone else higher up. That invites consequences.]
Murder [Legal]
Attempted Murder [Legal and mockable.]
Vehicular Manslaughter [Legal]
Voluntary Manslaughter [Legal]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [See mass murder]
Involuntary Manslaughter [Legal]
Rape [Legal]
Sexual Assault [Legal]
Human Trafficking [Legal and Praised.]
Kidnapping [Legal]
Arson [Slavery or death]
Drug trafficking [Legal]
Drug dealing [Legal]
Drug possession/use [Legal]
Armed Robbery [Legal]
Bulglary [Legal]
Grand Theft [Slavery or Death]
Theft [Legal]
Fraud [Illegal but happens all the time. Punishment is rare.]
Extortion [Legal]
Battery/assault [Legal]
Homosexuality [Legal]
Adultery [Legal]
Abortion [Legal]
Polygamy [Legal]
Heresy [Utter Annihilation]
Atheism [Legal]
Showing Empathy [Public Humiliation Followed by Lynching or Endless Torture]
Illegal Mutation [Death]
Converting Currency to Higher Denominations [Slavery or Endless Torture (though this isn't always enforced)]


Treason [Thrown off the highest mountain, Mt. Zebberok]
Espionage [Again, kinda a grey area. Depends on who you're spying for.]
Genocide [Awarded a Noble Title]
Crimes Against The Humanity [Awarded a Noble Title]
War Crimes [Legal and depending on the severity, possible title awarding.]
Political dissent [Slavery or Death]
Desertion [Slavery or Death]
Mutiny [If it fails, Slavery or Death]
Corruption [Legal and Ubiquitous]
Last edited by The Infernum on Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Civil Servant
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Founded: Sep 14, 2024

Postby Anartina » Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:28 pm


Terrorism [Legal.]
Mass Murder [Legal.]
Murder [Legal.]
Attempted Murder [Legal.]
Vehicular Manslaughter [Legal.]
Voluntary Manslaughter [Legal.]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [Legal.]
Involuntary Manslaughter [Legal.]
Rape [Legal.]
Sexual Assault [Legal.]
Human Trafficking [Legal.]
Kidnapping [Legal.]
Arson [Legal.]
Drug trafficking [Legal.]
Drug dealing [Legal.]
Drug possession/use [Legal.]
Armed Robbery [Legal.]
Bulglary [Legal.]
Grand Theft [Legal.]
Theft [Legal.]
Fraud [Legal.]
Extortion [Legal.]
Battery/assault [Legal.]
Homosexuality [Legal.]
Adultery [Legal.]
Abortion [Legal.]
Polygamy [Legal.]
Heresy [Legal.]
Atheism [Legal.]


Treason [Legal.]
Espionage [Legal.]
Genocide [Legal.]
Crimes Against The Humanity [Legal.]
War Crimes [Legal.]
Political dissent [Legal.]
Desertion [Legal.]
Mutiny [Legal.]
Corruption [Legal.]

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Greater Kastovia
Posts: 155
Founded: May 09, 2023
Democratic Socialists

Postby Greater Kastovia » Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:49 am


Terrorism [Death]
Mass Murder [Life Imprisonment without Parole or Death]
Murder [Life Imprisonment without Parole]
Attempted Murder [Life Imprisonment with Parole, Minimum Term of 10 years]
Vehicular Manslaughter [15 years Imprisonment + Permanent revocation of Driving Licence]
Voluntary Manslaughter [10 years Imprisonment]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [10 years Imprisonment]
Involuntary Manslaughter [5-8 years Imprisonment]
Rape [5 years Imprisonment + 1 year House Arrest]
Sexual Assault [3-5 years Imprisonment + 1 year House Arrest]
Human Trafficking [5 years Imprisonment + Deportation upon completion of sentence]
Kidnapping [3 years Imprisonment]
Arson [3 years Imprisonment + Repair costs]
Drug trafficking [5 years Imprisonment]
Drug dealing [3 years Imprisonment]
Drug possession/use [Possession of Class A and B Controlled Substances is 1 year Imprisonment + 1 year Rehabilitation, Cannabis and variants thereof are legal for both medical and recreational purposes]
Armed Robbery [1 year Imprisonment, 18 months for Armed Robbery resulting in Actual Bodily Harm]
Burglary [1 year Imprisonment + Fine equal to value of assets stolen]
Grand Theft [18 months Imprisonment + Fine equal to value of assets stolen]
Theft [1 year imprisonment + Fine equal to value of assets stolen, charged as Grand Theft if total value of assets exceeds 1m Kastovian Rubles/Approx. 450k US$]
Fraud [6-12 months Imprisonment + Liquidation of all assets]
Extortion [3-6 months Imprisonment + Fine equal to the value of money illegally obtained]
Battery/assault [7 days-2 months Imprisonment, 3-6 months for Assault and Battery resulting in Actual Bodily Harm]
Homosexuality [Legal]
Adultery [Legal]
Abortion [Legal]
Polygamy [Technically illegal, but a moratorium on all ongoing court proceedings relating to Polygamy is currently in place whilst this issue is discussed in parliament]
Heresy [Legal]
Atheism [Legal]


Treason [Deportation]
Espionage [Death]
Genocide [Death]
Crimes Against The Humanity [Death]
War Crimes [Death]
Political dissent [Legal]
Desertion [Deportation upon return]
Mutiny [3 months in the Brig + Deportation upon completion of sentence if accompanied with Desertion]
Corruption [1 year Imprisonment + Liquidation of all assets and closure of any businesses associated with the defendant]
Liberal Democratic Pro-Western Russian breakaway state in the Sakhalin Islands lead by a femboy and an energy corporation CEO
News: Prime Minister Anatoli Petroschenko delivers speech following significant losses for his ruling United Left coalition, declaring “This government will not back down until 2026. Mr. Petrovski has a lot of experience, but he’s a businessman, he only looks out for himself and Kastovia’s elite”|KLDP supporters gather in Verdansk for President’s first speech, President Nikolai Petrovski says “Today I shall set out my plans for the next 24 months; and hopefully win us the popular support we need to loosen the left’s iron grip on Kastovian Politics”

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The Imagination Animals
Posts: 1769
Founded: Mar 27, 2020
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby The Imagination Animals » Sun Sep 15, 2024 7:03 am


Terrorism [Death by firing squad]
Mass Murder [Death by firing squad]
Murder [Death by firing squad]
Attempted Murder [Life in Prison]
Vehicular Manslaughter [Death by firing squad]
Voluntary Manslaughter [Death by firing squad]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [Death by firing squad]
Involuntary Manslaughter [Life in Prison]
Rape [Death Penalty + 100 Lashes]
Sexual Assault [Life in Prison + 100 lashes]
Human Trafficking [25 years in prison]
Kidnapping [15 years in prison]
Arson [10 years in prison]
Drug trafficking [Death by hanging]
Drug dealing [Life in Prison + 100 lashes]
Drug possession/use [20 years in prison]
Armed Robbery []
Burglary [15 years in prison]
Grand Theft [5 years in prison]
Theft [No more than 3 years in prison]
Fraud [Legal for politicians, 5 years in prison for everyone else]
Extortion [20 years in prison]
Battery/assault [10 years in prison + 50 lashes]
Homosexuality [Death by hanging]
Adultery [15 years in prison + 100 lashes]
Abortion [1 year in prison]
Polygamy [Death by hanging]
Heresy [Death by hanging]
Atheism [Death by hanging, if having left an official religion]


Treason [Death by firing squad]
Espionage [30 years in prison]
Genocide [Death by firing squad]
Crimes Against Humanity [Life in prison]
War Crimes [Life in prison]
Political dissent [5 years in prison]
Desertion [Death by firing squad]
Mutiny [Death by firing squad]
Corruption [Life in prison + 100 lashes]
IC Name: Crossoveria
NS Stats are NOT canon!
This nation doesn't represent my views

Sign up for our embassy program | Ask me questions here
NEWS ::  The runoff for the Supreme Leadership election has begun, with former President Kipper Woofler and General Kaiketsu Zorori competing for the top office | Kasem Triantis, President of Crossoveria from 1987 to 1991, turns 84

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Islamic Salvation Front
Posts: 128
Founded: Jul 28, 2024
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Islamic Salvation Front » Sun Sep 15, 2024 7:39 am


Terrorism [Lifetime in Prison/Execution via beheading]
Mass Murder [Lifetime in Prison/Execution via beheading]
Murder [35 Years in Prison]
Attempted Murder [30 Years in Prison]
Vehicular Manslaughter [4-5 Years in Prison]
Voluntary Manslaughter [8-10 Years in Prison]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [5-7 Years in Prison]
Involuntary Manslaughter [2-5 Years In Prison]
Rape [Lifetime in Prison/Execution via beheading ]
Sexual Assault [70 Years in Prison & Public Humiliation]
Human Trafficking [Lifetime in Prison]
Kidnapping [12 Years in Prison]
Arson [12 Years in Prison]
Drug trafficking [5 Years in Prison]
Drug dealing [25 Years in Prison]
Drug possession/use [5-7 Years In Prison]
Armed Robbery [8 Years in Prison]
Bulglary [ 1 Week in Prison]
Grand Theft [3 Weeks in Prison]
Theft [2 Weeks in Prison]
Fraud [$125,000 Dollar Fine]
Extortion [$45,000 Dollar Fine]
Battery/assault [$85,000 Dollar Compensation]
Homosexuality [$5,000 Dollar Fine]
Adultery [$2,000 Dollar Fine]
Abortion [Legal]
Polygamy [Legal]
Heresy [$350 Dollar Fine]
Atheism [Legal albeit Frowned upon]


Treason [Execution via Beheading/Torture]
Espionage [Lifetime in Prison/Execution via Beheading]
Genocide [Torture/Execution via Chemical Weapons]
Crimes Against The Humanity [Torture/Execution via Chemical Weapons]
War Crimes [Torture/Execution via Chemical Weapons]
Political dissent [Legal]
Desertion [5 Years in Prison]
Mutiny [6 Years in Prison & $15,000 Dollar Fine]
Corruption [$650,000 Dollar Fine]
Lebenon Will Survive!

NS Stats have been Shot by ISF snipers after being Caught working with the Islamic State.

The Islamic Salvation Front
- A Non-State Actor, Loyal to the Former Country of Iranistan,Is Currently Fighting Against ISIS in Syria/Iraq, Against Russia in Chechnya and Against Rapid Support Forces in Sudan.Is Religiously a Sunni Hanafi Islamic Organization and hates Wahhabism

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Posts: 136
Founded: Feb 20, 2024
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Hispaniola2 » Sun Sep 15, 2024 12:38 pm


Terrorism [Capital punishment/Execution through hanging]
Mass Murder [Capital Punishment/execution through hanging]
Murder [Capital Punishment or life imprisonment/execution through hanging]
Attempted Murder [life imprisonment]
Vehicular Manslaughter [20 years]
Voluntary Manslaughter [life imprisonment, no legal distinction from attempted murder]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [Life imprisonment]
Involuntary Manslaughter [20 years]
Rape [Life imprisonment, Capital Punishment by hanging]
Sexual Assault [No legal distinction from Rape]
Human Trafficking [Life imprisonment]
Kidnapping [20 years]
Arson [depends on severity of incident, ranging from fines to life imprisonment or even execution by hanging]
Drug trafficking [depending on amount, 3 years to capital punishment]
Drug dealing [capital punishment]
Drug possession/use [Possession above a certain amount is illegal and punishable by prison time of 3 - 10 years, drug use is decriminalized]
Armed Robbery [10 - 25 years]
Bulglary [5 - 10 years]
Grand Theft [5 - 25 years]
Theft [5 - 10 years]
Fraud [5 - 25 years depending on severity]
Extortion [5 - 25 years]
Battery/assault [Corporal punishment, 5 - 25 years]
Homosexuality [Not illegal]
Adultery [No Civil punishment]
Abortion [Life imprisonment]
Polygamy [Dependent*]
Heresy [No Civil punishment]
Atheism [No Civil punishment]


Treason [Capital punishment depending on offenders rank in society, civilians are executed by hanging, military personnel by firing squad, government officials by garroting]
Espionage [Capital punishment by firing squad]
Genocide [No legal distinction]
Crimes Against The Humanity [No legal distinction]
War Crimes [Depending on context, 5 - 25 years imprisonment, life imprisonment, or capital punishment]
Political dissent [Capital punishment or life imprisonment]
Desertion [Capital punishment by firing squad]
Mutiny [Capital punishment by firing squad or summary execution by commanding officer]
Corruption [Capital punishment by garroting]

*Depending on where this occurred, it is allowed on the Tribal Reservations for the Maujii people (who traditionally practiced some form of polygamy amongst several of their tribes and clans), but elsewhere it is illegal and carries a prison sentence of 5 - 10 years.

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Posts: 526
Founded: May 06, 2018
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Wochaystein » Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:42 pm

Wochaystein wrote:REGULAR CRIMES:

Terrorism [Short-term solitary confinement]
Mass Murder [Multiple counts of punishments for murder]
Murder [Prison sentence and a brief public service]
Attempted Murder [Brief public service]
Vehicular Manslaughter [Compensation to the victims]
Manslaughter (voluntary) [Compensation to the victims]
Manslaughter (accidental) [Compensation to the victims]
Rape [Long term prison sentence]
Pedophilia/Child abuse [Branding]
Human Trafficking [A moderate term prison sentence]
Kidnapping [Exile]
Arson [Short term public service]
Drug trafficking [A stern warning]
Drug dealing [Low fine]
Drug possession/use [Legal]
Armed Robbery [Long-term forced rehabilitation]
Bulglary [Short-term forced rehabilitation]
Grand Theft [Medium-term forced rehabilitation]
Theft [Short-term forced rehabilitation]
Fraud [Bodily harm]
Extortion [Bodily harm]
Battery/assault [Incapacitation that prevent repeats of this crime]
Homosexuality [Legal]
Adultery [Short term solitary confinement]
Abortion [Moderate fine]
Polygamy [Long term solitary confinement]
Heresy [Stern warning]


Treason [Fifteen years of 10 hours a day history lessons]
Espionage [Short-term servitude]
Genocide [Short-term prison sentence per death]
War Crimes [Moderate-term servitude]
Political dissent [Legal]
Desertion [Incapacitation that prevent repeats of this crime]
Mutiny [Short-term solitary confinement]

Corruption [Long-term solitary confinement]


Terrorism [Short-term solitary confinement, Long-term solitary confinement]
Mass Murder [Multiple counts of punishments for murder]
Murder [Prison sentence and a brief public service, Life imprisonment]
Attempted Murder [Brief public service, Long public service]
Vehicular Manslaughter [Compensation to the victims, Imprisonment]
Voluntary Manslaughter [Compensation to the victims, Imprisonment]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [Multiple counts of punishments for involuntary manslaughter]
Involuntary Manslaughter [Small compensation to the victims, large compensation to the victims]
Rape [Long term prison sentence, Life imprisonment]
Sexual Assault [Large fine, short term prison sentence]
Human Trafficking [A moderate term prison sentence, a long term prison sentence]
Kidnapping [Short term imprisonment, Exile from the dieresis]
Arson [Short term public service, Medium term imprisonment]
Drug trafficking [A stern warning, High fine]
Drug dealing [Low fine, High fine and short term imprisonment]
Drug possession/use [Legal]
Armed Robbery [Long-term forced rehabilitation, Medium term solitary confinement]
Bulglary [Short-term forced rehabilitation, Medium-term forced rehabilitation]
Grand Theft [Medium-term forced rehabilitation, Long-term forced rehabilitation]
Theft [Short-term forced rehabilitation, Medium-term forced rehabilitation]
Fraud [Medium fine, High fine and bodily harm]
Extortion [Bodily harm, Bodily harm and Medium-term imprisonment]
Battery/assault [Short-term imprisonment, Incapacitation that prevent repeats of this crime]
Homosexuality [Legal]
Adultery [Short term imprisonment, Short term solitary confinement]
Abortion [Moderate fine, High fine]
Polygamy [Short term solitary confinement, Long term solitary confinement]
Heresy [Stern warning, Excommunication from the Church of Wochaystein]
Atheism [Legal]


Treason [Fifteen years of 10 hours a day history lessons, Execution]
Espionage [Short-term servitude, Loss of civil privileges for a certain term]
Genocide [Short-term prison sentence per death, Execution]
Crimes Against The Humanity [Branding, Execution]
War Crimes [Long term forced rehabilitation, Execution]
Political dissent [Legal]
Desertion [Moderate term prison sentence, Incapacitation that prevent repeats of this crime, ]
Mutiny [Moderate term public service, Short-term solitary confinement]
Corruption [High fine, Long-term solitary confinement]
Dieresis of Diarcesia
The Cities of the Holy Empire of Wochaystein
Zuidren | Krofen | Fischen | Tien | Tendorf

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Posts: 1136
Founded: Oct 07, 2021
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Vonum » Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:01 pm


Terrorism [Min. 3 Years, Max. Life]
Mass Murder [Min. [Deaths] Years, Max. Life]
Murder [Min. 4 years, Max. Life]
Attempted Murder [Min. 6 months, Max. Life (Attempted Murder on Head of State)]
Vehicular Manslaughter [Min. N/A, Max. 10 Years]
Voluntary Manslaughter [Min. 3 Years, Max. Life]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [Min. 1 month, max. Life]
Involuntary Manslaughter [min. N/A, max. 5 years]
Rape [min. 10 years, max. Life]
Sexual Assault [min. 1 month, max. 10 years]
Human Trafficking [min. 10 years, max. Life]
Kidnapping [Min. 1 year, Max. 25 years]
Arson [Min. N/A ("Arson, No Injuries, Against Personal Property"), max. 10 years]
Drug trafficking [min. 5 years, max. Life]
Drug dealing [min. Fine, max. 5 years]
Drug possession/use [min. N/A, max. 5 years]
Armed Robbery [min. 1 year, max. 10 years]
Bulglary [min. 2 months, max. 6 years]
Grand Theft [min. 1 year, max. 5 years]
Theft [min. 1 month (Petty Theft), max. 25 years]
Fraud [min. 2 years, max. Life]
Extortion [min. N/A (Petty Extortion), max. 10 years.]
Battery/assault [min. 2 months, max. 10 years]
Homosexuality [Legal]
Adultery [Legal]
Abortion [Legal]
Polygamy [Legal]
Heresy [Legal]
Atheism [Legal]


Treason [min. 10 years, max. Life]
Espionage [min. N/A, max. Life]
Genocide [min. 2 years, max. Life]
Crimes Against The Humanity [min. Life, non-negotiable]
War Crimes [Min. Life, non-negotiable]
Political dissent [min. 2 months, max. Life]
Desertion [min. 10 years, max. Life)]
Mutiny [min. 5 years, max. Life]
Corruption [Legal]
Connor Hazell and Alli Black to represent VESP at the World Proletarian Conference.
2 Dutch Tourists found dead after, as Police believe, "supporting Max Verstappen".
House Pricing set to drop this winter, says Verona.
Maddeloffu: 23ºC, Rain
Xertæ: 21ºC, Rain
Exeta: 26ºC, Rain
Miami: 28ºC, Rain
Lijkyao: 24ºC, Rain
Craonyao: 20ºC, Rain
Onacita: 21ºC, Rain

National Information: Heavy rain around Vonum, set to stay for a while.

6-time NV Winner

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Beefalo Bill
Posts: 34
Founded: Jan 20, 2023
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Beefalo Bill » Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:58 am

Note: any minimums given are just a typical lower bound. Mandatory minimums do not exist in Beefalo Bill.


Terrorism [min 20 years, max death]
Mass Murder [min 20 years, max death]
Murder [min 7 years, max life in prison] *In Beefalo Bill "murder" is defined as premeditated killing. Non-premeditated killing (e.g. killing in anger) is considered voluntary manslaughter.
Attempted Murder [min 4 years, max 20 years]
Vehicular Manslaughter [min 6 months, max 10 years] *If considered involuntary. If considered to be voluntary, see below. Almost always includes indefinite driver's license suspension.
Voluntary Manslaughter [min 4 years, max 20 years]
Mass Involuntary Manslaughter [see involuntary manslaughter below]
Involuntary Manslaughter [min fine/probation, max 5 years]
Rape [min 2 years, max 15 years] *called "first-degree sexual assault" - the term rape is only used informally
Sexual Assault [min fine/probation, max 6 years] *non-first degree sexual assault
Human Trafficking [min 5 years, max life in prison]
Kidnapping [min 2 years, max 10 years]
Arson []
Drug trafficking []
Drug dealing []
Drug possession/use [Legal]
Armed Robbery []
Bulglary [max 3 years]
Grand Theft [max 6 years]
Theft [for non-grand theft: fine equal to value of stolen goods plus interest]
Fraud []
Extortion []
Battery/assault []
Homosexuality [Legal]
Adultery [Legal]
Abortion [Legal]
Polygamy [Legal]
Heresy [Legal]
Atheism [Legal]


Treason [max: life in prison]
Espionage [max: life in prison]
Genocide [min: 20 years, max: death]
Crimes Against The Humanity [min: 20 years, max: death]
War Crimes [min: 20 years, max: death]
Political dissent [Legal]
Desertion []
Mutiny []
Corruption [max: 10 years]
Last edited by Beefalo Bill on Wed Oct 02, 2024 2:17 am, edited 15 times in total.
Beefalonian Attitudes

For: Abortion Rights, Bernie Sanders, Democratic Party, Direct Democracy, Free Speech, Gender Equality, Immigration, Labor Unions, LGBT Rights, Marijuana Legalization, Police & Prison Reform, Religious Freedom, Taxing the Rich, Universal Healthcare, Vaccines, Voting Rights

Neutral/Depends: Affirmative Action, Gun Control

Against: Authoritarianism, Cancel Culture, Censorship, Corporations, COVID-19 Lockdowns, Death Penalty & Life Without Parole, Donald Trump, Identity Politics, Mass Incarceration, Mass Surveillance, Money & Religion in Politics, Nanny State, Religious Fundamentalism, Republican Party, Unregulated Capitalism, War on Drugs

NS Stats are non-canon. Treat them as a guide only.


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