Location: Vanne, Dolmot, Badlands Frontier
Rixende Lagarde. Quite possibly the most competent leader in all of Dolmot. But… unfortunately for her, her position had been declining in strength lately, as the monarchists in Dolmot had grown stronger and stronger and stronger, with foreign support pouring in seemingly endlessly. Her head hurt every time she tried to think about it too much. One late night, she found herself outdoors in a local park. She had always thought the nighttime lighting was a waste of power, but today, she found herself feeling glad it was there. The sound of crickets felt… so odd to her tired mind. There was something both soothing and maddening about it all. She sat there, trying to get in touch with herself in a way she hadn’t since the “war” had started- even though the serious fighting was only a recent addition to the whole thing. She found herself beginning to hate having to be the professional and competent “Lagarde” all the time- she just wanted to be Rixende again, if that makes any sense. She wanted to be less notable. She really did. But it was her duty to use her gifts for what was right, in her eyes. It hurt like hell, mentally. In moments like these, sometimes she thought about the things she had in common with the young Queen Catarinon. They both wanted to end the demarcy, for example. They also had their fair share of disdain for the minarchists, too. Maybe she should just… no. That was absurd. The anti-meritocratic nature of the monarchy was a step too far for compromise. She knew that. But sometimes she wished compromise was possible… oh well… the war would come for her soon- she knew that. And then… there would be no time for daydreaming like this.