Dragon Ball: Universe V2
Twenty years have passed since the end of the “Forever War,” a five hundred yearlong conflict that left thousands of planets in ruins, and many more species left on either the brink of extinction or erased entirely. Those that have survived the conflict in the wider galaxy, find themselves under the boot of "The Planet Trade Organization", an Oligarchy run by the elitist Arcosians, whose strength brought the universe to heel.
From an outside perspective, The PTO stands the lone inheritor of the Universe, a bulwark of strength against the turmoil tearing apart countless civilizations. Although, for all the grandeur they display on New Acros, it is at constant odds with the widespread suffering inside its borders, such as the the Namekians, who like dozens of other races, find their planet being stripped raw of resources and manpower to control the billions of downtrodden citizens, or, better still, the Saiyans, who were perhaps the greatest losers of the Forever War.
Though, the Planet Trade Organization has never been able to silence the rumors of marauding Saiyan pirates, or the dozen or more missing Saiyan children.
On the opposite side of the Galaxy, tucked away inside the Milky Way, Earth has not seen conflict for over 30 years, ever since the ill fated “Black Tie Rebellion,” a slapdash effort by extremists to seize power from the Monarchy, a rebellion ended as quickly as it began when Martial Artist Theo Daigon unleashed a terrible display of power to all but destroy the Black Tie Army. This conflict has done little to stop the prosperity since. Great feats of man have sent vessels to the ends of the solar system, created grand shipping lanes to supply it's colonies on the Moon and seen the end of poverty on Earth.
As Age 701 approaches, the Planet Trade Organization stands as a master of the universe, it’s corporate masters caring little for the all but outright civil conflict within it’s borders.
And on Earth? It’s strongest go to bed on the eve of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, its populace blissfully unaware of the monsters outside the Milky Way.