[PASSED] Commend Kanta Hame

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[PASSED] Commend Kanta Hame

Postby Rhaza » Mon Aug 26, 2024 9:58 am

Hello, I wrote most of this, or at least most of the original version, in 2021 and have very periodically (about twice a year by the looks of revision history) tweaked it but never fully committed to finishing it.

Posting it here in the hopes of self-enforcing bringing it to fruition. It'll need some edits to be updated for the times/stats, so I'd appreciate it if immediate feedback could be focused on the writing!

I had co-authors involved originally but I will touch base with them and decide if they're still interested/etc and then edit this post accordingly.

The Security Council,

Cognizant that the nation of Kanta Hame came into existence over 9 years ago, and chose to settle its people in the historic and prospering region of 10000 Islands (XKI). Since joining the region, Kanta Hame has dedicated their nation’s efforts to serving XKI at an extraordinary level despite being a lesser known nation to many,

Admiring the decision of Kanta Hame to join the Ten-thousand Islands Treaty Organization (TITO) in December 2012, where it began a long career in military service. Kanta Hame would eventually be designated as a Knight of TITO in June 2015, an honor only bestowed to nations which exhibit dedication to XKI and its military interests across at least 50 successful missions,

Acclaiming Kanta Hame’s ascent to further leadership within TITO, which came to fruition when it was promoted to Tactical Officer in September 2015 and later Field Commander in January 2019, the highest officer rank attainable in the organization - since these promotions, its leaders have trained over 100 model defender nations, more than twenty of which have advanced to superior officer ranks and continued to excel. Those accomplished officers trained by Kanta Hamean military tacticians include Witchcraft and Sorcery, Kortexia, and Sulenia, all of whom served extensive and decorated tours as defender commanders,

Stressing the importance of Kanta Hame’s leaders as skilled teachers of newer and less experienced nations, civilian and military alike, in conducting defensive operations. Across several recent liberations, Kanta Hamean military leaders trained both natives of occupied regions and previously uninvolved Islander nations in aiding these valiant efforts,

Lauding the various efforts of Kanta Hame to modernize and continually improve TITO throughout its tenure as a commanding officer, notably by:
  • Introducing “Allied Military” designations in TITO military venues alongside Kortexia; This enabled TITO officers to train developing military organizations during operations. It further strengthened lines of communication between TITO and other defender militaries, while improving relations between individual members of TITO and other defender groups;
  • Leading TITO to conduct operations at a higher frequency since September 2017, leading to near daily operations that allowed members to become increasingly comfortable with executing military operations,
  • Standardizing TITO officer training for up and coming leaders in the organization by ensuring all prospective officers were adequately tutored in management and the mobilization of TITO forces,

Exalting the skill of Kanta Hame in detecting invasions before they occur, also known as “spotting”; Kanta Hamean military leaders caused the nation to heavily import caffeine and alcoholic beverages after spending countless nights spotting. Kante Hame received the Ananke Award from 2017 to 2020 for the tireless work of its military leaders in spotting the enemy, only surpassed in 2021 by Sulenia, a nation whose leaders were trained by Kanta Hame forces,

Praising Kanta Hame’s national military record through TITO, where it earned an insurmountable 1,161 battle stars, one for each successful operation it conducted, more than any member of TITO in history. This zealous level of defending included roughly 240 liberations and 500 defenses of regions at risk for long term damage,

Cherishing Kanta Hame’s intelligence leaders who have successfully refounded nine regions to return them to the native populations they previously hosted; regions such as Hogwarts, California, and Iran were saved from seizure and certain destruction by these efforts,

Blown away by Kanta Hame’s incredible commitment to recruiting for its home region, as it has produced over 250,000 communiques to new nations since it joined XKI’s recruitment team in September 2021. This level of steady contribution made Kanta Hame’s recruiting efforts the most prolific in the region for many consecutive months,

Saluting Kanta Hame’s retirement as Field Commander in 2023 after an unrivaled tenure of success that few nations have imparted to a single region, its military, and the defense of innocent regions as a whole with the level of dedication and perseverance that the people of Kanta Hame have, and therefore concluding that Kanta Hame is indeed worthy of this honor,

Hereby commends Kanta Hame.
Last edited by Refuge Isle on Tue Dec 24, 2024 11:04 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Postby Xoriet » Mon Aug 26, 2024 4:43 pm

I've always found Hame to be great to work with. He would regularly give us heads up when fascists did things during update so that Antifa could deal with their operations. He's also been a good communicator with possible issues that could arise.

I'd support this proposal.

That said - they refounded Hogwarts on my birthday when I was on a business trip and couldn't be watching at that minor update. #foreversalty
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Postby Aivintis » Mon Aug 26, 2024 5:09 pm

I really like this! I only have one suggestion:

Quebecshire wrote:Admiring the decision of Kanta Hame to join the Ten-thousand Islands Treaty Organization (TITO) in December 2012, where it began a long career in military service. Kanta Hame would eventually be designated as a Knight of TITO in June 2015, an honor only bestowed to nations which exhibit dedication to XKI and its military interests across at least 50 successful missions,


Praising Kanta Hame’s national military record through TITO, where it earned an insurmountable 1,146 battle stars, one for each successful operation it conducted, more than any member of TITO in history. This zealous level of defending included roughly 240 liberations and 500 defenses of regions at risk for long term damage,

From how I see it, these two clauses fill the same role – demonstrating the effort KH put into TITO. Except there's a crucial difference – the second one is fucking awesome, and honestly unparalleled, while the first one is good for a normal person, don't get me wrong, but not a marker of Commendable greatness – there's 11 of them online right now, for example, compared to 3 non-Knight TITO members. If you were mainly intending to just cover the full story, I get that, but it's probably easier to have summed that up as part of a different clause (like the second one I quote) rather than enshrining a full clause to it.

It just doesn't really showcase any uniquely Commendable talent, skill, or effort, which pretty much every other clause DOES accomplish, so it feels more like fluff than anything else. If there's more information on his early days that provides more interesting insight into a substantial, tangible effect his presence had, then that could be something to replace that clause with – or maybe it could free up characters to go into more detail on another point you might feel like you held yourself back on, or to explore a different aspect of his career that would add to the Commendation. As is, though, it feels like the weak link in this draft.

I mean, it's not a reason I would vote against this, but I feel like there's probably more that space can be doing. I also really don't like full stops in the middle of resolutions when it's the comma formatting but that's just me being a pedantic loser and has nothing to do with the Commendability of the nominee.

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Postby Quebecshire » Mon Aug 26, 2024 5:28 pm

Favorite part of the OP is that it says Hame came into existence 9 years ago and now it's 12, i.e. 25% of his existence on NS. Anyway I'll get to Aiv's comments later, and thanks for the support Xor.
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Angeloid Astraea
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Postby Angeloid Astraea » Mon Aug 26, 2024 6:40 pm

After Kante Hame became less active in 2023 and retired, us raiders didn't have to worry about defender spotting at all, to the point of having "sleepers" with names daring defenders to spot us and pulling off dirty refounds of frontiers. Defender spotting has finally recovered from that low point, but I think the fact Hame's absence created that dearth of spotting is a credit to how much of an MVP he was in that department. =P


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Postby Honeydewistania » Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:36 pm

support due to author
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Postby Elite » Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:18 am

Gotta say, I was absolutely gobsmacked at Häme's war record when I came out of my prolonged retirement earlier this year. He'd earned more battle stars in those 5 years than anyone else has earned in their entire TITO careers. I've been blessed to have served with some truly talented and hard-working defenders in the halls of TITO and Häme is yet another towering figure. Full support.
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Bhang Bhang Duc
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Postby Bhang Bhang Duc » Tue Aug 27, 2024 8:32 am

The good thing about well written SC proposals is that you learn something about nations you may never have heard of.

Tidily put together, well researched. On first read I can’t see anything that would not make me support this.
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Pierconium wrote:I see Funk as an opportunistic manipulator that utilises the means available to him to reach his goals. In other words, a nation after my own heart.

RiderSyl wrote:If an enchantress made it so one raid could bring about world peace, Unibot would ask raiders to just sign a petition instead.

Sedgistan wrote:The SC has just has a spate of really shitty ones recently from Northumbria, his Watermelon fanboy…..

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Postby Outer Sparta » Tue Aug 27, 2024 8:48 am

Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:The good thing about well written SC proposals is that you learn something about nations you may never have heard of.

Tidily put together, well researched. On first read I can’t see anything that would not make me support this.

Also the amount of praise given by both defenders and raiders does show how accomplished Kanta Hame is.
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Postby Quebecshire » Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:35 am

Aivintis wrote:From how I see it, these two clauses fill the same role – demonstrating the effort KH put into TITO.

I disagree, one of them is narrative, explaining how Hame got into TITO in the first place, and the other explains his total accolades within TITO. I might reword the narrative one, but they're not the same clause as far as I'm concerned.
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Postby All Wild Things » Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:50 pm

Sorry, but I'm under the impression that many of the defences referenced were against largely mediocre and minimally impactful raiding operations by organisations such as The Black Hawks. Given that TBH are not renowned for their destructive capability, feats, or daring, it hardly feels like thwarting those unmemorable strikes is a Commendable achievement.

Far more significantly, claiming that Iran was saved from certain destruction due to a refound contradicts the evidence of SC 312, Repeal: “Liberate Iran”. In the repeal it states:
"Saddened, however, by the many raids Iran has faced over the last two years by The Black Hawks which have hindered attempts at growing a stable community within the region;"
It's clear that the raids are an irritation rather than an existential threat to Iran. Claiming that Iran was "saved from certain destruction and seizure by these efforts" is grossly misleading.

I'd like to think that the rest of the proposal was better researched, but given your history of writing SC proposals whilst "taking a shit", I have little faith in that.

I'm of the opinion that Kanta Hame is a worthy target for a Commendation, but I remain to be convinced that this should be the text, or that you should be the author.
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Postby Quebecshire » Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:59 pm

All Wild Things wrote:I'm of the opinion that Kanta Hame is a worthy target for a Commendation, but I remain to be convinced that this should be the text, or that you should be the author.

Your most significant accomplishment is being a tabloid author, I'll live without your approval.
Last edited by Quebecshire on Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2,490 Days
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Benevolent Thomas wrote:I founded a defender organization out of my dislike of invaders, what invading represents, and my desire to see them suffer.
Pergamon wrote:I must say, you are truly what they deserve.

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Bhang Bhang Duc
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Postby Bhang Bhang Duc » Thu Sep 05, 2024 1:42 am

All Wild Things wrote:I'd like to think that the rest of the proposal was better researched, but given your history of writing SC proposals whilst "taking a shit", I have little faith in that.

Nothing wrong with that. Why just this morning I made this post (viewtopic.php?p=41923926#p41923926) in an SC thread, ran the OP’s draft through a number of AI checkers (results were inconclusive) and researched the correct Moderation thread quoted in the post, all while perched on the bog.

True, not as impressive as Queb’s work, but still shows how much you can do with those moments. :)
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Pierconium wrote:I see Funk as an opportunistic manipulator that utilises the means available to him to reach his goals. In other words, a nation after my own heart.

RiderSyl wrote:If an enchantress made it so one raid could bring about world peace, Unibot would ask raiders to just sign a petition instead.

Sedgistan wrote:The SC has just has a spate of really shitty ones recently from Northumbria, his Watermelon fanboy…..

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Postby Quebecshire » Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:54 am

Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:
All Wild Things wrote:I'd like to think that the rest of the proposal was better researched, but given your history of writing SC proposals whilst "taking a shit", I have little faith in that.

Nothing wrong with that. Why just this morning I made this post (viewtopic.php?p=41923926#p41923926) in an SC thread, ran the OP’s draft through a number of AI checkers (results were inconclusive) and researched the correct Moderation thread quoted in the post, all while perched on the bog.

True, not as impressive as Queb’s work, but still shows how much you can do with those moments. :)

I'm a busy man these days... sometimes those moments are the most peace and quiet I get in a day to think :blush:
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Benevolent Thomas wrote:I founded a defender organization out of my dislike of invaders, what invading represents, and my desire to see them suffer.
Pergamon wrote:I must say, you are truly what they deserve.

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Postby HumanSanity » Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:57 pm

Some people are great because they show up. Every day. And do the job. And do it well. Every day. And through all of those small actions, they build and sustain truly great things.

Full support for this one.
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Postby Ramlethal » Fri Sep 06, 2024 2:31 pm

Another Europeian commend??? Pass and go straight to jail.

Jk I love u Hame. Support.

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Postby Quebecshire » Thu Sep 26, 2024 7:41 am

Bumping this
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Benevolent Thomas wrote:I founded a defender organization out of my dislike of invaders, what invading represents, and my desire to see them suffer.
Pergamon wrote:I must say, you are truly what they deserve.

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Postby United Calanworie » Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:29 pm

The line "Kanta Hamean military leaders often spent countless nights spotting that the nation developed heavy import dependency on both caffeine and alcoholic products." reads a bit clunkily. Perhaps something like "Kanta Hamean military leaders caused the nation to heavily import caffeine and alcoholic beverages after spending countless nights spotting."

Similarly, the following line of "Kanta Hame was such a famed spotter its skill earned the nation the Ananke Award four years in a row from 2017 through 2020, only surpassed in 2021 by Sulenia, a nation trained in spotting by Kanta Hame itself," is a bit clunky. "Kante Hame received the Ananke Award from 2017 to 2020 for the tireless work of its military leaders in spotting the enemy, only surpassed in 2021 by Sulenia, a nation who's leaders were trained by Kanta Hame forces."

Just my $0.02.
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Postby 0cala » Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:05 pm

Support, and Transatlantic Pirates will suggest a vote for.
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Postby All Wild Things » Fri Oct 18, 2024 5:17 pm

From the "Commend Socialist Platypus" thread:
I'm realising why you may have felt sensitive over my questioning the line on Socialist Platypus's recruitment spam. This Kanta Hame draft refers to their 250k recruitment TGs. So if the line was dropped from that proposal, it might set some sort of precedent here. I get that.
I'm still saying recruitment spam is spam, and I don't think it's any more or less commendable than embassy collecting or trophy region collecting (both recently drafted declaration topics). But if Haymarket Riot's proposal gets through with the addition of "by the hand of its leader", it's worth you doing something similar here (assuming the 250k are manual TGS!).
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Postby Lenlyvit » Sat Oct 19, 2024 9:33 am

All Wild Things wrote:From the "Commend Socialist Platypus" thread:
I'm realising why you may have felt sensitive over my questioning the line on Socialist Platypus's recruitment spam. This Kanta Hame draft refers to their 250k recruitment TGs. So if the line was dropped from that proposal, it might set some sort of precedent here. I get that.
I'm still saying recruitment spam is spam, and I don't think it's any more or less commendable than embassy collecting or trophy region collecting (both recently drafted declaration topics). But if Haymarket Riot's proposal gets through with the addition of "by the hand of its leader", it's worth you doing something similar here (assuming the 250k are manual TGS!).

I can attest to the fact that they were indeed manual telegrams.
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Postby Rhaza » Thu Nov 28, 2024 11:42 pm

I updated this to reflect Aav's feedback. I'm not sold on Aivintis' but am open to other perspectives. Also a general bump...

Character-count wise we're in decent shape.

Also, I'll be submitting from this nation, to nobody's surprise.

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Postby Rhaza » Mon Dec 02, 2024 1:56 pm

Bump for feedback, I'd like to submit somewhat soon so I can move on to other projects.

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Postby Fachumonn » Sun Dec 08, 2024 11:44 am

ok this is good but i noticed a few things

Rhaza wrote:Admiring the decision of Kanta Hame to join the Ten-thousand Islands Treaty Organization (TITO)

Overall this clause is good, but it feels weird to have Ten-thousand etc undercase (When the rest is capitalized) although I don't know the proper format.
Acclaiming Kanta Hame’s ascent to further leadership within TITO, which came to fruition when it was promoted to Tactical Officer in September 2015 and later Field Commander in January 2019, the highest officer rank attainable in the organization - since these promotions, its leaders have trained over 100 model defender nations, over 20 of which have advanced to superior officer ranks and continued to excel. These accomplished officers trained by Kanta Hamean military tacticians include Witchcraft and Sorcery, Kortexia, and Sulenia, all of whom continue to protect innocent regions as skilled officers,

Good again. Just wondering if you are low on characters, and that is why you are not linking the nations mentioned?
Lauding the various efforts of Kanta Hame to modernize and continually improve TITO throughout its tenure as a commanding officer, notably by:
[list][*]Introducing “Allied Military” designations in TITO military venues alongside Kortexia; This enabled TITO officers to train developing military organizations during operations. This also strengthened lines of communication between TITO and other defender militaries, while improving relations between individual members of TITO and other defender groups;

It's good but the train developing part is weird. I would suggest just saying "This enabled TITO officers to train military organizations". If the developing part is truly necessary, I would recommend finding another place to put it, or find a synonym to developing that flows better within the sentence.
Exalting the skill of Kanta Hame in detecting invasions before they occur, also known as “spotting”; Kanta Hamean military leaders caused the nation to heavily import caffeine and alcoholic beverages after spending countless nights spotting. Kante Hame received the Ananke Award from 2017 to 2020 for the tireless work of its military leaders in spotting the enemy, only surpassed in 2021 by Sulenia, a nation whose leaders were trained by Kanta Hame forces,

I laughed at this, keep it up
Cherishing Kanta Hame’s intelligence leaders who have successfully refounded nine regions to return them to the native populations of those regions; regions such as Hogwarts, California, and Iran were saved from certain destruction and seizure by these efforts,

Maybe since the number of refounds pales in comparison to the previously mentioned numbers in the clause above (even though I assume these refounds are still incredibly important and harder to pull off successfully), I would suggest just saying "numerous regions, returning them". Another thing is even if you don't accept this advice, keep in mind you say regions 3 times in 12 words so maybe try to rework that as it gets a bit clunky with the semicolon and stuff.
Blown away by Kanta Hame’s incredible commitment to recruiting for its home region, as it has produced over 250,000 communiques to new nations since it joined XKI’s recruitment team in September 2021. This level of steady contribution has made Kanta Hame’s recruits the most prolific in the region for four months in a row,

Idk but the last part kinda makes it seem the streak is still going on? I would say something like "has led Kanta Hame's recruits to be deemed the most prolific for four months straight at one point" or something similar. Not a big deal though and you don't have to accept anything my cross-wired brain says :)
Saluting Kanta Hame’s retirement as Field Commander in 2023 after an unrivaled tenure of success, that few nations have contributed to a single region, its military, and the defense of innocent regions as a whole with the level of dedication and perseverance that the people of Kanta Hame have, and therefore concluding that Kanta Hame is indeed worthy of this honor,

I don't think you need a comma after success, and if you do, it's a little bit clunky reading it (the "that" feels weird with the pause after "success")

Overall really good these are just really minor nitpicks. Full support, and I don't have any feedback on the substance really.
Last edited by Fachumonn on Sun Dec 08, 2024 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Elite » Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:47 pm

Fachumonn wrote:Overall this clause is good, but it feels weird to have Ten-thousand etc undercase (When the rest is capitalized) although I don't know the proper format.

The official name has used that capitalisation for 2 decades. You'd have to ask the original TITO founders whatever gave them the idea, but as it's written is correct. :P
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