Lewkowicz and West Miersa turning back towards Sanacja and ethnic cleansing
After the war, Lemovicia separated from West Miersa, and yet another bloody war led to Champanian annexation of the region and another loss for the West Miersa. Glogowski was enraged at his ally to the west, Soravia, for not coming to West Miersa's aide, believing them to be backstabbers.
He expelled many Soravians from the nation and began a period of extreme isolationism. A policy known as "Sanacja" was formed, which would target all non-Catholic non-Miersan minorities, such as the Savaders, Lemovicians, Soravians, Episemialists, and Irreligious. This replicated similar policies under Konstanty Bartko in the 1960s, but more extreme. The cultures of these minorities were severely damaged by the policy, which targeted them culturally, legally, and physically. The Savader population in West Miersa dropped from being 12% of the country's population to 5%. Only recently has it gone up to 8%. Lemovicians who had already dealth with ethnic cleansing during the Lemovician War lost much of their land, with only a hundred thousand Lemovicians left in Malomiersa. Soravians had been expelled and their populace much smaller today. Episemialists converted and Irreligious fleeing to the East, the religious control of Catholicism grew.
Later on, when Glogowski changed face and reopened to Soravia and joined Samorspi, the Sanacja policy went away as a means to open the country back up to the world. His successor Tomasz Kopernik would even more so open up to the EC and cool relations with the Socialists.
When Jakub Lewkowicz took power there was little worry over change anytime soon, it was thought he would be a moderate like his predecessor. But as his term continued he began to be emboldened, some believe the Etrurian Tribunes have caused the far-right across Euclea to feel empowered. The most striking case being Paretia.
This year it seems West Miersa has begun to slide back, back to the 80s, but this time it's different, the government seems to not want to isolate itself from their Soravian friends, so Soravians have been promoted instead of attacked. The economy is reliant on the superpower, Lewkowicz cannot risk collapse. The Savaders and Lemovicians however, have been feeling more and increasing attacks on their people by the government. Banning of their language in schools, removal of Savader and Lemovician roadsigns, and the recent attack on Savader NGOs and the prominant Savader activist Erzsébet Kiss, who currently lives in Arciluco. Even criticism from Samorspi ally Tengaria came, due to their long relationship with the Savader people.
EC leaders are worried of the ethnic tensions in a country full of armed and skilled paramilitaries could lead the return of bloodshell on the Miersan Basin. Worries of MASSOR tensions rising over this as well, particularly in Champania, which many see as a protector for the Lemovicians. Military policy expert Arnold Maximillian said that "If bloodshed breaks out in southern West Miersa, the East would have to asses this carefully and remember that their last conflict with the West, while somewhat successful, was a mudfest after the initial offensive was halted. For West Miersa, they hope for Soravian protection, praying that their mistake wont be made again. Valduvia and Soravia of course would not want to end the world over their playthings going at it, nuclear hellfire is just unlikely, if one of the superpowers sent their boots into the conflict, the other will have to stay back and support their ally the best they can, and hope they don't lose. The EC would take the human stance on the issue, calling for a peaceful resolution. I myself would pray that war doesn't rear its head back over the Miersan Basin, Euclea would like to keep it's peace."
Originally posted by Saul Volcano