A Nation Sundered - (CLOSED; ATTN KYLARIS)

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A Nation Sundered - (CLOSED; ATTN KYLARIS)

Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:19 pm

Amelie Horvath - May 24th, 2024

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Lewkowicz and West Miersa turning back towards Sanacja and ethnic cleansing

Krada, West Miersa - After the bloody Miersan War in the late 20th century, the leader of West Miersa at the time, President Sylwester Petroski, resigned, and was replaced by the Voivode of Swiecizar, Kazimierz Glogowski, during Glogowski's early tenure, he would isolate West Miersa after their embarrassing loss in the war to the East.

After the war, Lemovicia separated from West Miersa, and yet another bloody war led to Champanian annexation of the region and another loss for the West Miersa. Glogowski was enraged at his ally to the west, Soravia, for not coming to West Miersa's aide, believing them to be backstabbers.

He expelled many Soravians from the nation and began a period of extreme isolationism. A policy known as "Sanacja" was formed, which would target all non-Catholic non-Miersan minorities, such as the Savaders, Lemovicians, Soravians, Episemialists, and Irreligious. This replicated similar policies under Konstanty Bartko in the 1960s, but more extreme. The cultures of these minorities were severely damaged by the policy, which targeted them culturally, legally, and physically. The Savader population in West Miersa dropped from being 12% of the country's population to 5%. Only recently has it gone up to 8%. Lemovicians who had already dealth with ethnic cleansing during the Lemovician War lost much of their land, with only a hundred thousand Lemovicians left in Malomiersa. Soravians had been expelled and their populace much smaller today. Episemialists converted and Irreligious fleeing to the East, the religious control of Catholicism grew.

Later on, when Glogowski changed face and reopened to Soravia and joined Samorspi, the Sanacja policy went away as a means to open the country back up to the world. His successor Tomasz Kopernik would even more so open up to the EC and cool relations with the Socialists.

When Jakub Lewkowicz took power there was little worry over change anytime soon, it was thought he would be a moderate like his predecessor. But as his term continued he began to be emboldened, some believe the Etrurian Tribunes have caused the far-right across Euclea to feel empowered. The most striking case being Paretia.

This year it seems West Miersa has begun to slide back, back to the 80s, but this time it's different, the government seems to not want to isolate itself from their Soravian friends, so Soravians have been promoted instead of attacked. The economy is reliant on the superpower, Lewkowicz cannot risk collapse. The Savaders and Lemovicians however, have been feeling more and increasing attacks on their people by the government. Banning of their language in schools, removal of Savader and Lemovician roadsigns, and the recent attack on Savader NGOs and the prominant Savader activist Erzsébet Kiss, who currently lives in Arciluco. Even criticism from Samorspi ally Tengaria came, due to their long relationship with the Savader people.

EC leaders are worried of the ethnic tensions in a country full of armed and skilled paramilitaries could lead the return of bloodshell on the Miersan Basin. Worries of MASSOR tensions rising over this as well, particularly in Champania, which many see as a protector for the Lemovicians. Military policy expert Arnold Maximillian said that "If bloodshed breaks out in southern West Miersa, the East would have to asses this carefully and remember that their last conflict with the West, while somewhat successful, was a mudfest after the initial offensive was halted. For West Miersa, they hope for Soravian protection, praying that their mistake wont be made again. Valduvia and Soravia of course would not want to end the world over their playthings going at it, nuclear hellfire is just unlikely, if one of the superpowers sent their boots into the conflict, the other will have to stay back and support their ally the best they can, and hope they don't lose. The EC would take the human stance on the issue, calling for a peaceful resolution. I myself would pray that war doesn't rear its head back over the Miersan Basin, Euclea would like to keep it's peace."

Originally posted by Saul Volcano
Last edited by Xiaodong on Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Auspicious Republic of Shangea | Weranian Confederation | Miersan Republic | Republic of Kaona | Region (Kylaris) | News and Articles on Shangea
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:20 pm

Originally posted by Saul Volcano
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:22 pm

Originally posted by Imperii Ecclesia
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:23 pm

Originally posted by Saul Volcano
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Auspicious Republic of Shangea | Weranian Confederation | Miersan Republic | Republic of Kaona | Region (Kylaris) | News and Articles on Shangea
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:25 pm

Tomasz Polanski - June 11th, 2024

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West Miersa begins relocation of Savaders, forcing them into new neighborhoods

ImageA Savader family during an ethnic festival earlier this year
Tarclaw, West Miersa - The government of West Miersa has begun a relocation of Savaders in the country. The government has begun to move them to new neighborhoods on the outskirts of the cities. Many Savaders have lived in their original neighborhoods for a long while now, and many of them being forced out at gun point my West Miersan police. The government has stated this is part of a plan for building new "autonomous" communities for the Savaders and to "house" the homeless using the homes taken from the Savaders.

Erszébet Kiss, unofficial leader of Saszuly Savader diaspora and head of Radio Free Miersa and the Savader Autonomy League, has called for Samorspi nations to become to pressure the government of Jakub Malkowicz, which has begun a very "sanacja-esque" policy plan for the Savaders and Lemovicians. Namely she has been calling for pressure from Tengaria, which has a large community of Savaders known as the Armonic Savaders, and their Premier is of Savader ethnicity. Kiss stated "West Miersa needs to be punished for their treatment of the Saszuly, this is the final straw for our people, the governments of Western Euclea, namely Tengaria and Soravia, should put their fist down on Jakub."

There have been reports that police have been forcefully taking people out of homes and moving them into vehicles at gunpoint. Miersan police claim that the operation also is to weed out Savader "terrorists" among the population. Arrest have been made, but NGOs claim that they are only arresting people who threaten the government's control over the Savader people.

Protests have begun in Krada by Savaders who refuse to be relocation, a large one outside the capitol of over 1,000 Savaders reportedly begun earlier this afternoon. With it being peaceful as of right now but fears that the government will violently put down the protest are growing. Further protests in Tarclaw, Zamek Strazniczy, Kady, Katoclow, Uknan, Gorgard, Lorink, Mostar, Sechia, Bonczek, Wisniow, Debowo Lesne, Rudowec, Czeskin, Okogy, Nowy Zobrodz, Domwiej, and Rycerow also have begun.

Similar relocation orders were given to Lemovicians in Malomiersa, with their homes being taken as well. With Lemovician officials in Champania condemning the Western government, calling it "evil". Reports of border crossings into Champania, Bistravia, and East Miersa have been reported, one Savader who escaped to Bistravia claiming that "my homeland is not safe for us anymore".

Far-right paramilitaries have also deployed in response to the protests and assisting the government in moving the Savaders. Fears that they will cause violence has also been stated by NGOs. Border guards have been deployed by both East and West Miersa as crossings grow. With Western guards trying to keep people inside West Miersa.

East Miersa's Klosek condemned the relocation calling it "barbaric", he also stated, "we will be paying close attention to the situation in the Western Voivodeships. We pray that the government backpedals on this and understands that they cannot control the Savader people, who have a right to control themselves."
Originally posted by Saul Volcano
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:26 pm

Originally posted by Saul Volcano
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:27 pm


In the wake of planned forced relocations of Miersan Savadi and accusations of terrorism from the Miersan government, President Covaceva threatens sanctions and encourages Samorpsi to take action.
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IACOB ARECE (@iacobarece)

President Covaceva at the press conference, speaking out against the recent anti-Savader acts by the Miersan government.
Photo courtesy of the Ioan Acirili.


Today, a day after news concerning the Miersan government's plan to carry out forced relocations of Savadi from their homes reached across Euclea, President Covaceva gave a press conference on the issue of Miersan treatment of the Savadi which has been erupting over the previous month. This is the first time she has publicly spoken herself on the issue.

The President was clear in her response: "This is an ultimatum...Tengaria cannot stand idly by if the Savadi people in Miersa are threatened and isolated into dangerous positions. I will firmly and unequivocally call for sanctions against the Miersan state, if the Miersan fails to alter its course and reverse these policies."

Last month, the Miersan government had announced that they were outlawing the use of the Savader language in Miersan schools, a move which Deputy President Imre Király, himself a Savad, condemned publicly. Shortly following, the Miersan government declared that certain Savader organisations in Tengaria which had protested the outlawing were "terrorist groups", which outraged many within Tengaria, especially in Armonia. The Savadi Language Insitute, a subgroup of the Imperial Academy of languages, was included in this list.

Tensions on this issue had set the countries on thin ice, but neither government had taken any decisive action until today, when President Covaceva threatened action if the Miersan government carried out its plan, and even noted that she would ask Samorspi to act if West Miersa proceeded with this plan. The full transcript of the main portion of the conference is included below. In the question period, Covaceva largely reaffirmed what she had said in the initial statements, but said that the sanctions themselves had not been fully decided by the government and thus were still being determined.

Full transcript of the opening remarks:

President Covaceva: "I had no wish to call this conference today, but we cannot allow injustice to be carried out. Although we have enjoyed positive relations with the Miersan government for many years, this sudden reversal in policy by the Miersan government concerning the Savadi people cannot be tolerated, even from an ally. So I will be as frank and as clear as possible, and I will not dissimulate words. This is an ultimatum to the government of Miersa- if they do not stop their policies, Tengaria will place and ask Samorspi to place sanctions on them."

"The Miersan government has already outlawed use of the Savad language in schools, which my friend and colleague, Deputy President Király, has already condemned on behalf of the Tengarian government. I repeat that condemnation here unambiguously. Tengaria has proven that the language can exist in the schooling system as a protected language without any disunity of the fatherland. Ethnic and linguistic nationalism need not be the dominant system of an authentically patriotic country- and any attempt at forcible linguistic extermination in order to achieve national unity will only result in cementing, rather than avoiding, conflict."

"In addition, has called Savadi in our fatherland "terrorists". This accusation against the longstanding patriotism and cooperation of the Savadi with Solarian and Tengarian society cannot hold within scrutiny. My associate, Deputy President Király, and my predecessor, Karoly Németh, are not and were terrorists. I have listened to many of the people's frustrations with such a baseless claim, and wish for once and for all to dispel it as the lie that it is. False accusations will not be tolerated, and only erode the Miersan government's position and standing among their allies."

"Finally, the Miersan government announced yesterday that the government will relocate the Savadi people into new neighborhoods. We condemn this act, which will force them out of their homes and deprive them of their property. Because such neighborhoods can easily allow them to be isolated and easily controlled, we fear that such actions will be used for forced assimilation or ethnic cleansing. I fear that Miersa, in doing this action and following through with it, will become no different than the Councilist government of Valduvia during the Burish Genocide. To stoop to the level of Councilists would be disgraceful."

"At the very least, even should the Miersan government not go any further, to by force deprive a whole group of people of their homes and livelihoods and into forced isolation on account of a few extremists is unjust- and we must needs condemn it. Although we support the prevention of true terrorism, it is unjust to lump in the innocent with the guilty, or to project the crimes of the guilty onto a whole group, for it is not justice to punish those who have not committed a crime, but instead, a perversion of justice. Furthermore, it will only enflame ethnic conflict and do greater harm than good- it will force many people to do desperate things. Miersa is placing itself in danger by doing such an action- indeed, part of my warning today is for the Miersan government and people, that they may not dig a grave of their own making."

"For all of these reasons, I must reiterate the condemnations upon the policies, both passed and to come. These policies are not only destructive of the Savadi in Miersa, but are also destructive of Miersa itself. I hope that Miersa will recognise this and end these policies. But words alone cannot suffice- if Miersa will not change its course, we cannot fail to take action. Tengaria cannot stand idly by if the Savadi people in Miersa are threatened and isolated into dangerous positions. I will firmly and unequivocally call for sanctions against the Miersan state, if the Miersan fails to alter its course and reverse these policies."

"I am currently consulting with the government concerning what sanctions Tengaria may lawfully place on Miersa if they decide to carry through with this policy, and promise to put them in place if they are carried out. I also call upon the other countries of Samorspi to denounce Miersa's current policies, before it is too late. If Miersa goes through with this policy, I will ask for Samorspi itself to place sanctions upon Miersa, until they end these policies. Thank you, and God preserve you and your families."

Iacob Arece is the Novini's chief correspondent to the office of the President and chief reporter on governmental news.

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Image 15,499 comments

  • Savadi groups protest Miersa's new policy
  • Editorial: Miersa's Savader policy is the logical conclusion of ethnic nationalism
  • 12 Savaders killed in Miersan paramilitary attack
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  • Culture: New characters for Orbis to be released

Originally posted by Imperii Ecclesia
Auspicious Republic of Shangea | Weranian Confederation | Miersan Republic | Republic of Kaona | Region (Kylaris) | News and Articles on Shangea
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:29 pm


Originally posted by Saul Volcano and Vjaarland
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:30 pm


Full transcript of President Covaceva's address to the Mizparl on the Miersan Crisis.
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President Covaceva giving a speech on Monday to Samorspi's legislature, the Mizhuryadovyy Parlament (Mizparl)
Photo courtesy of the Hippodalia Boldaiv.


The following transcript was taken from an address given by President Covaceva to a special session of the Mizparl, the parliament of Samorspi, on Monday, following weeks of outspoken resistance to the actions of the Miersan government persecuting the Savaders and the Lemovicians. Both Tengaria and Miersa have placed restrictions on each other.

Colleagues and honorable members of the Mizhuryadovyy Parlament, I am deeply grateful to have the opportunity to speak with you this morning. I understand your time is valuable, and I appreciate all you do for our alliance's sake. But as a member of the Presidium of Samorspi, I have a solemn obligation to bring forward matters of significance that can threaten not only the security of our alliance but the lives of millions across Euclea. I will be honest and clear, at risk of offending, because of the gravity of this situation.

Make no mistake- there is a crisis that must be dealt with- one that I believe, if not addressed, will bring us to unnecessary shedding of blood or perhaps a collapse of this alliance. We can already see the effects of this crisis beginning to take fruit; if action is not taken, the effects can ripen and might grow out of control, into something that will be far worse for any of the countries in this alliance are currently experiencing, and may even lead to your sons dying.

The crisis of which I speak is the ongoing governmental restrictions and resulting unrest in Miersa. Although you may know- some extensively- about this, for the sake of the security of our alliance and the potential consequences to the citizens in our countries, I must explain what is happening. But first, a little historical context is necessary to understand the potential ramifications the actions of the Miersan government can bring about if this crisis is not resolved quickly.

In 1980, the Leftist forces that occupied rightful Miersan territory invaded Miersa because of instability in Soravia at the time and were able to seize further territory under their control. After the war, the new Miersan government policy turned against Soravia and its minority groups. A policy called sanacja oversaw the ethnic cleansing and eradication of Soravians, Savaders, and Lemovicians throughout the country; this sparked another conflict, particularly in the region of Lemovicia, as the Lemovicians fought back in force against the Miersan government. This conflict allowed the Leftist SEPR was able to swoop in and annex the entire region. Miersa only started to improve its situation and cease to be a failed state when it realigned itself with our alliance, Samorspi, and ended its self-destructive sanacja policies. They had turned themselves away from an isolationist and ailing state to become trusted allies and benefited from cooperation with the countries in this alliance.

This historical context is important to remember, for it will be significant. While we believed that the Miersan government had learned its lesson, unfortunately, a revival in the ethnic cleansing policies, and the conflicts that were bound to follow, is upon us.

In May, just two months ago, the Miersan government announced a policy to outlaw the Savader and Lemovician languages in schools, and to ban Savader cultural festivals. What justification was there for this, for cultural eradication? The existence of other spoken languages does not undermine the patriotism of a particular nation. Tengaria has long proved an example that different linguistic groups can unite under a common political cause- especially Savaders. Tengaria has the largest population of Savaders in the world- including some colleagues of mine sitting in this honorable parliament here today. The Miersan government provided very little concrete justification for this action, except vague accusations of plots by these minority groups to undermine the Miersan nation. We have seen no evidence of a grand conspiracy. Despite condemnations from the Tengarian government, the Miersan government only doubled down- labeling Savader and Lemovicians groups wantonly as 'terrorists', including groups in Tengaria.

Subsequently, the Miersan government announced relocation efforts of Savaders and Lemovicians into specially designated neighborhoods, in order to isolate them and make them easy to control. This tactic is taken straight from the playbook of the Councilists, the perpetrators of the Burish Genocide; for it allows for the government to more efficiently separate and cleanse what they deem to be undesirable. Furthermore, it is unjust for citizens of Samorspi- which the Miersan Savaders and Lemovicians are- to be robbed of their property and homes and relocated by force in this manner.

This action has sparked major unrest in Miersa, worsening and worsening the situation- protests and violence as Savaders and Lemovicians rejected the unreasonable demands. Paramilitaries shot and killed Savaders in the streets, and bombings increased. The Miersan government staged a false-flag coup to further target Episemialists and to shift the blame away from the Miersan government. This relocation effort was already tearing a wide scale of unrest and destruction through the entire country.

The Tengarian government again publicly called for the Miersan government to stop and reconsider their actions- but they did not. We warned them of the problems it would cause for themselves- they did not care. We spoke privately, and they refused to listen or answer. And so, we threatened sanctions if they continued. The Miersan government persisted. We offered protection and political asylum for those in danger- and the Miersan government shut down flights and prevented Savaders from reaching our embassy. We have even placed diplomatic sanctions on them- and no change in policy is forthcoming.

Even despite of all the chaos and devstation that it had already wrought in their own country, the Miersan government still announced at the beginning of July to continue their plan of relocation at the end of the month. This has triggered insurgencies to form against the West Miersan government- in many areas, the government barely even has control of the situation, with not only paramilitaries and insurgents fighting, but civilians being target in ethnic violence. Horrible atrocities have been committed by both sides- paramilitaries killing for sport, school children being targeted, and cafes being bombed. The situation continues to get worse by the day- because when ethnic groups are pitted against ethnic groups, any person, not just combatants, will be considered fair sport by the other group.

I wish to be clear- I fully condemn the acts of violence by any Savader or Lemovician militia that targets ethnic Miersan noncombatants and civilians. Such acts are horrible, and ought to be condemned. But, if we are consistent, we must also condemn the Miersan paramilitaries that are killing Savaders and Lemovicians indiscriminately. And this is a problem that the Miersan government has fully created for itself. There is not some grand conspiracy; by directly targeting and threatening the livelihoods of Savaders, Episemialists, and Lemovicians, the Miersan government has driven them into action. If you back an animal into a corner with no escape, it will fight for its life. The ethnic conflict the Miersan government has caused because of concerns of ethnic unloyalty is a self-fulfilling prophecy- it only exists because the Miersan government has brought it upon itself.

Allow me to explain by way of an example. Imagine, if you will, that you are an ethnic Miersan, living in the country of "Savadia". The Savaders, which are the vast majority, have routinely and historically tried to eradicate you or your culture. Although you had thought this policy had changed and you have been a loyal citizen, just wanting to live in peace, the government turns again. You are told that you cannot speak your language and that you will have your home, property, and livelihood seized by force and you will be marched into small isolated communities where the government can keep an eye on you. You ask the government to reconsider, but Savader paramilitaries shoot your kindred in the streets and the government chooses to go through with it anyway. You will already be losing everything; you have nothing more to lose. What would you do in that situation?

We repeatedly warned the Miersan government that this would be the logical conclusion that their policies would inflict internally. I love Miersa and the Miersan people; which is why I cannot stand by idly as their government destroys their own country. Common prudence should have warned them that this would happen. Even good people, in desperate situations, will act desperately; they have created an insurgency of their own making by implementing self-destructive policies that have pitted civilians against each other. As I have said above, when the enemy is an entire ethnic group, anything becomes permissible in the violence that follows in the eyes of the fighters. One must wonder if the Miersan government deliberately wanted the Savaders and the Lemovicians to rise up in order to provide a convenient excuse for the sanctioned murder of these ethnic groups.

The recent actions of the Miersan government are indefensible. They violate not only moral and natural law, but also Samorspi's laws, inflicting unjust suffering on particular groups. Not only that, but these unjust laws have caused political violence to spring up in Miersa, and hundreds have already paid in blood. The Miersan government has proven unable to control the situation, and allows for paramilitaries and militias to run rampant. This alone should be sufficient grounds and evidence of the necessity for Samorpsi to take action against the Miersan government and try to correct the situation. Action must be taken, because the longer this persists, the more Miersans and Savaders and Lemovicians will die. Is not justice, or the harm to Samorspi citizens, good enough cause to act?

But this is not just an internal affair. If you remember the history I brought up earlier, Miersa's internal conflicts do not exist in isolation. There is a greater, more real threat than any alleged threat from the Savaders or Lemovicians- the threat of Councilism. Never forget the Councilist forces occupying half of Miersa's territory; they are eager to finish what they started in 1980. The forces of Champania and Valduvia stand behind them. Councilists will seek every opportunity to spread the fires of revolution wherever they can; any sign of weakness will be exploited by them mercilessly. Be sober and alert; for our adversaries walk about, seeking those whom they may devour.

Recent events have borne out the all-to-real possibility of things becoming worse. Just yesterday, we learned that there have been skirmishes along the border of Champania. While details are still forthcoming, it was likely that the attackers targeted Savaders trying to flee the country into Champania. According to Councilist reports, Champanian border guards have been killed. Although the paramilitaries have denied involvement and we do not know the full truth of the situation yet, the circumstances or reality of the skirmish does not matter to Champania- since when does the truth matter to a Councilist? The Champanians are already blaming this on Miersa as a whole and will use these reports to stir up pro-war sentiment in their country. Again, the Councilists yearn for any opportunity to spread the revolution.

Even more alarmingly, these clashes have led President Hermanis of Valduvia to announce that Valduvia will be moving more troops to the region, under the pretense that they are merely being a "safeguard measure". But, in the same speech, President Hermanis indicated that he would "not hesitate" to kill us all (so-called "reactionary forces") if he had the chance, and laid down some clear threats to the Miersan government. Make no mistake, the tension is already escalating, and the Councilists are on the move. Remember, the Councilist powers are the real threat, not some abstract conspiracy of a whole ethnic group.

The actions of the Miersan government are fueling the desire for war in the Councilist mind. They see the growing chaos in Miersa and see a vacuum that they can fill. They are watering their mouths, waiting for the perfect moment to strike- and every day Miersa looks more and more tempting as a prize. The decadent powers of the Euclean Community see Miersa harm its own people; this makes it easier, in the eyes of the rest of the world, for the Councilists to hide their hunger and aggression behind a just and moral cause, of "liberation". The actions of the Miersan government are hurting Samorpsi's reputation on a grand stage, and providing easy excuses for the East to pat itself on the back for its supposed moral rectitude as the Councilist menace looms ever stronger.

This means that the crisis in Miersa is something that pertains to all of Samorspi, and is a matter of the utmost importance to our security. As an alliance, a war against the Councilists will cost many lives if we are to keep their aggression in check. Backed by Valduvia, they will have the resources to make any defense of Miersa dearly bought. Your sons, brothers, and fathers, could die, because the Miersan government has decided it has nothing better to do than to purge its own citizens and collapse into violent ethnic conflict while dragging the alliance to the brink of war. If you do not take action now, the cost which we all reap in the future might be great indeed, a bitter price to pay.

It is not worth getting dragged into a senseless war where many will die who did not need to, including the best and brightest of our countries- if the cause of the war was something that could have been easily solved and prevented if we had taken concrete action. Unfortunately, because of how deep the hole is in which the Miersan government has dug itself, this might prove difficult. The Councilists have already been provoked into preliminary action, and Miersa is collapsing with fighting and bloodshed.

This presents a tough road ahead of us, but not an impossible one. There still is time for this to be resolved peacefully. We must act as an alliance to condemn the actions of the Miersan government and to use what is in our power to stop these self-destructive efforts, restore order in Miersa as quickly as possible, and convince the Councilists to stand down. These are imperative for us to do, as quickly as possible. Tengaria has been doing everything in its power to put an end to this, but we cannot do this alone.

The Miersan government has already resisted the efforts of one country. But if the other countries of Samorspi unite, we can place the Miersan government into a position where they feel the need to end these policies. And we are acting in Miersa's best interests by doing this- by preventing it from being the place where our blood is spilled against the Councilists and innocents are murdered by street gangs. Fraternal correction sometimes needs to be heavy-handed, to get the brother in need of correction to listen to reason.

The longer we permit ethnic violence to exist in Miersa, the more likely the possibility becomes that fighting will break out with the Councilists. We must end the policies which are causing the violence, and then use non-Miersan forces to act as peacekeepers to prevent the paramilitaries and insurgents from fighting against each other. We must end the chaos and reestablish law and order in Miersa, until this crisis is completely averted. Tengaria is prepared and willing to assume the protection of all Savaders, Episemialists, and Lemovicians throughout the duration of this crisis; we are willing to accept that cost rather than to watch them be murdered like they are being now.

Finally, we must show the Councilist powers that we are strong and united. As long as the Miersan government cannot control its own country while proceeding to mock the other Samorspi states and refuse to listen to any kind of reason, we appear weak and vulnerable to the ever-watching Councilists. Every day the situation gets worse is a day that we get closer to war. And so we must take strong and decisive action to dissuade the Councilist governments from thinking that we are ripe for conquest.

Therefore, honorable representatives of the Mizhuryadovyy Parlament, it should be clear what our solemn duty is in this matter, for the sake of the whole alliance and of all its citizens. The actions of one government can affect all of us and may possibly be the cause of the dissolution of our alliance or the loss of life or property for thousands of our citizens. If we do not act, we shall be abrogating justice, and we shall open wide the doors of death. The question you must ask yourself is- will you fulfill your duty and do what is just, or will you be a coward and become complicit in the evils to come?

Thank you very much for your time, and God preserve Samorspi.

Donatus Vali is the Novini's chief correspondent to Samistopol, Soravia, and to Samorspi.

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Originally posted by Imperii Ecclesia
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:32 pm

Originally posted by Saul Volcano
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:39 pm

Originally posted by Chemensia, Saul Volcano and Eskaeba
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:40 pm

Last edited by Xiaodong on Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:43 pm

Originally posted by Saul Volcano and Imperii Ecclesia
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:45 pm

Originally posted by Saul Volcano and Vjaarland
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:47 pm

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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:48 pm

Originally posted by Saul Volcano and Vjaarland
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:51 pm

Originally posted by Luziyca, Saul Volcano and Eskaeba
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:53 pm

Originally posted by Vjaarland, Nuvania and Eskaeba
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:55 pm

Originally by Norcandy, Etruria2, Saul Volcano and Mahayala
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:56 pm

Originally posted by Xiaodong, Luziyca and Deblar
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:57 pm


World · Miersa · Politics · Economy · Culture · Technology and Science · Sports · Arts · Weather

The Military Affairs and Revolutionary Defence Committee has announced a reinforcement of the border as paramilitary attacks from the Krada regime continue.
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20th July| LÓWNIAK, MSRR

Members of the Armed Forces on the ceasefire line.
Photo courtesy of VN images.

LÓWNIAK, MSRR - The Military Affairs and Revolutionary Defence Committee has announced today that the ceasefire line between the MSRR and the Soravian-backed Krada regime will be reinforced by additional deployments of the 16th Mechanised Infantry Division and the 4th Infantry Division after attacks from the neo-functionalist Kurkow Brigade have increased in the region following the start of ethnic cleansing in the Krada regime territory.

After the shelling of the village of Sokolyow by Krada forces the Military Affairs and Revolutionary Defence Committee has ordered civilians in the immediate border area of the Kordyn region to be evacuated as military forces have been redeployed to ensure peace. According to the Military Affairs and Revolutionary Defence Committee Soravian-backed forces have pursued Savaders fleeing ethnic cleansing into MSRR territory but that Savaders entering MSRR territory are "almost entirely refugees and are unarmed, making these provocations unprovoked in their entirety."

The Military Affairs and Revolutionary Defence Committee has confirmed that continued incursions into MSRR jurisdiction "violate the 1981 ceasefire agreement and constitute an unacceptable escalation of military force by the Krada regime".

The head of the Military Affairs and Revolutionary Defence Committee Aleksander Bojarski has stated that "continual violations of the 1981 ceasefire agreement will mean that all options to prevent violence and protect Miersan sovereignty will be considered and that threats to the Miersan Council Socialist Republic will be dealt with appropriately and promptly."

"The shelling of Sokolyow means that the prospect of renewed violence on a scale not seen since the 1980's should not be ruled out. The MSRR is exploring options to ensure the de-militarisation of the ceasefire line and to bring to justice those who have harmed Miersan citizens".

"If the Krada regime does not withdraw troops from the ceasefire line and begin the dismantling of their ethnic cleansing campaign in their territory the MSRR may be forced to consider other options to secure peace in central Euclea".

According to government sources the Presidium plan to take violations from the Krada regime to the Community of Nations including for action against ethnic cleansing of Savader people and for the violations of the 1981 ceasefire agreement.
Auspicious Republic of Shangea | Weranian Confederation | Miersan Republic | Republic of Kaona | Region (Kylaris) | News and Articles on Shangea
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:59 pm


Originally by Saul Volcano, Lunas Legion and Luziyca
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:00 pm


Originally by Liecthenbourg, Eskaeba, West Kirkon and Planita
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:02 pm


Originally posted by Rizealand, Saul Volcano, Xiaodong, Vjaarland and Liecthenbourg
Auspicious Republic of Shangea | Weranian Confederation | Miersan Republic | Republic of Kaona | Region (Kylaris) | News and Articles on Shangea
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Postby Xiaodong » Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:05 pm


Originally by Chemensia, Imperii Ecclesia
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