Current Draft
Title: The People’s Estate
Validity: Has socialism and feudalism
The issue: Engineers from the Central Planning Bureau have drawn up a proposal for the construction of a brand new state-of-the-art industrial district in an underdeveloped province of @@NAME@@. The project would create numerous jobs and has the potential to revitalize the area. However, it would require the seizure of the historic estate of the Maxbridge noble family.
Option 1
“Must we nobles be forced to suffer yet another indignity at the hands of the unwashed masses?” laments Lord Maxbridge, who carefully sips his tea and dabs his face with a handkerchief before continuing. “Should this odious project go ahead, my family’s great legacy will be destroyed, and the social order that has sustained our nation will finally be toppled. This land is my home, and it belongs under my family’s stewardship. Taking it away would be tantamount to stripping us of our titles. This must not be allowed to go ahead, and the rights of noble families to protect their estates—along with their honor—should be enshrined in law.”
Effect: all @@DENONYMPLURAL@@ are equal but some are more equal than others
Option 2
“With all due respect to His Lordship, this project is more important than preserving some stuffy manor,” protests Planning Bureau officer @@RANDOMNAME@@, taking a messy bite of a sandwich and talking with @@HIS@@ mouth full. “We’re certainly not after anyone’s titles. This land can be used to provide a much-needed boost to the local economy and to @@NAME@@’s production capacity. Nobles need to understand that it’s not the past anymore, and that they won’t be allowed to hoard valuable land away from the working class. I’m sure that the Maxbridges will settle into their cozy new government housing in no time!”
Effect: nobles can often be found wistfully reminiscing about the good old days
Option 3
“Maybe we should be after Lord Maxbridge’s titles,” argues upstart Party member Leon Maximilien Cromwell, fiddling with a bread-slicing contraption with a falling blade. “The nobility is the enemy of the people’s government! As long as the aristocracy is officially recognized, they will stand in the way of progress. The people have entrusted @@LEADER@@ to govern @@NAME@@, not these fatcats! Strip them of their land, their titles, their riches, and any remaining power they might have. And if any of them resist… off with their heads!”
Effect: there’s no room for patricians in the dictatorship of the proletariat
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