The name of your language(s) and dialect(s)

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The name of your language(s) and dialect(s)

Postby PRUKA NATION » Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:57 pm

In this topic you can add names for language(s) ​​spoken or used in your nation. Name(s) for the language(s) ​​you have created for your nation. You can also name(s) for regional or minority language(s) ​​(if you have also them). Name(s) for their dialect(s), accents (if they exist).
If you want, you can also describe your language in more detail here. It can be a name for only one language, if there are no more.
Thank you!

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Postby Yangchenia » Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:20 am

Yangchenian Languages
Earth Languages
  1. Yangini Language Family
    1. Yukhali (8000 speakers) - Yukhali is one of the oldest languages in Yangchenia,first spoken around 19,000 years ago. Sadly, Yukhali has seen a 90% drop in number of speakers from 1800 to 2000, and only around 780-1500 speakers will remain by 2100.
    2. Dakirini(202,000 speakers) - Dakirini is a language spoken mostly in the Dakirin Province of Yangchenia, evolving from the now extinct Darini language 3000 years ago.
    3. Yangini (40,000,000 speakers) - Yangini is the main language of Yangchenia, first spoken in 1400BC
    4. Chajini (12,000,000 speakers) - Evolved from Yangini in 100 AD.
  2. Azungi Languages
    1. Azunar(910,000 speakers) Azunar is the most spoken of the Azungi Languages, first spoken around 5500BCE
    2. Ikmo(201,000 speakers) Known for its complicated sentence structure, Ikmo is spoken across the Southern portion of the country and emerged at the same time as Azunar
    3. Oghuk(1290 speakers) One of the last remnants of Ancient Azungi, Oghuk is largely spoken in the small village of Oghurin home to 1010 people.
  3. Orphan Languages (Languages with no family)
    1. Kaluhkha(17,689 speakers) No one knows when and from where the Kalukha language emerged, and Kalukhi words remain starkly different from most languages in Yangchenia.

Lacian Languages
  1. Bealtiyang Languages
    1. Sogukha(521,000 speakers): Sogukha is spoken in parts of Yangchenia and Bealitamor.
    2. Riyalmok(45,000 speakers): RIyalmok is spoken in most of the Muslim Parts of Yangchenia
  2. Outer Lethinian Languages
  1. Kungarian(150,000 speakers): Kungarian is widely spoken in the Kungarist part of the country.
  2. Outer Lethini Cyrusian(210,000 speakers): Outer Lethini Cyrusian is the official language of the Outer Lethinian Autonomous Khanate.
The Dragon Empress's Domain of Yangchenia
A Buddhist Chinese nation in the Northeast of Lacia - May the High Lama be enlightened!
The Holy Triangle of NationStates. Anti-quadrilateral.
Happy Lunar New Year - Year of the Wood Snake - Kung Hei Fat Choi!

We follow UTC+8 - Worship the Divine Empress or be turned into a candle
See our list of settled regions.
Chaji Drazhin Dzhane Radio Broadcast - AT WAR - less than a month after the signing of the non-aggression pact on the 18th of January, the Empire of Bajan suddenly launched a surprise attack on the Yangchenian Mainland, led by General Tamotsu Arakawa, with Bajanese forces landing near the city of Kara-Oi, the fourth largest city in Outer Lethinia - viewtopic.php?p=42342770#p42342770

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The North Polish
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Postby The North Polish » Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:23 am

1. Polish 225 Million Speakers
2. North Polish 20 Million Speakers
3. English 5 Million Speakers

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Postby Mossex » Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:28 am

British English- 71%
American English- 29%
OOC: I don't speak English and use a mediocre translator, so sorry if it seems strange.--Hello from Israel!--She/Her/Hers
IC: Feel free to shorten my name to Mossy

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Our Trinity
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Postby Our Trinity » Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:20 pm

English - 83% (Official language)
Latin - 15% (Official language)
Greek - 2% (Spoken mainly in certain western regions)

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Postby Rayakavkaz » Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:09 pm

Iblankan derived languages. Languages derived from the original Iblankan people most of them have either gone extinct, only spoken by more tribal or rural people, or modernized the point of distinction. These are the oldest languages recorded in Rayakavkaz being around since ancient times. They are considered Iblankan derived as when the Iblankans conquered the lands of Rayakavkaz they spread their language and this had great influence on the other languages.

  1. Iblankan. Near extinction following soviet russification. Spoken only by more tribal people living in the outer reaches of the mountains who want to keep their old Iblankan heritage and way of life alive.
  2. Kayan. Went extinct in the 1890s to early 1900s following russification by the Russian Empire.
  3. Tayyan. Went extinct at an unknown date.
  4. Old Krayt'. Modernized beyond distinction. Has lots of Finnish and Russian influence with unique. Modern Krayt' is now the dominant language in the region.
  5. Czetak. Near extinction following soviet russification and modernized with some correlation to its former self. Mostly spoken by more tribal and rural people who want to remember and keep their Czetak heritage.
  6. Zuzu. Near extinction following soviet russification and modernized with some correlation to its former self. Mostly spoken by more tribal and rural people who want to remember and keep their Zuzu heritage.
  7. Angarsk. Went extinct at an unknown date and for unknown reasons.
  8. Khrymyrkh. Went extinct at an unknown date and for unknown reason.
  9. Alayii. Near extinction following soviet russification and modernized with a lot of correlation to its former self. Mostly spoken by people want to keep the language with strong roots to the Alayan tribes.
  10. Terlangali. Near extinction following soviet russification and modernized with a lot of correlation to its former self. As it evolved it became very similar to Karelian and Finnish

Other languages in Rayakavkaz that I shouldn't have to go into to much detail over: Russian, Finnish, Sámi, Norwegian, and Swedish
Purgatory from 1993-2018
ultranationalist militant Bolshevism™
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Every Rayakaz person has a Kalashnikov, vodka, and a cigarette.
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Postby Eurorealm » Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:09 pm

Steulanian is our official language. It's the combination of many European languages into one (Steulanian = short for Standard European Language.
Europe oh yeah

Pro: Capitalism, war, and world domination
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A random guy from Brazil who just happened to find this website (My alt is Archama)

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Postby Alvosa » Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:08 am

English because I can’t be bothered.

OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.

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Postby Bureaucraticia » Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:14 am


Some words:
Republic - Company.
Family - Workers.
Son - Worker.
Father - Manager.
HR - getting past a notable obstacle.
DEI - good.
S&P - clean.
Not S&P - not clean.
Flawed - Traditional.

Some sentences:
"Son did DEI!!" - Used for congratulations.
"Son got past HR!!!" - Used to congratulate on milestones.
"Fully S&P advert!" - Clean advertising material.
Welcome to the Armed Republic of Bureaucraticia, working and working since 1897! Come visit, we have 1e22 managers awaiting!

We serve everything, MLM, DRM, the military-industrial complex, etc! Just get in touch to get world renowned services offered to you! Also come WORK!
Family Times: Charles XVI and Lebens IV make their way to the ISD and CSL respectively — We're using — now because it's cool — Some suggest entirely disposing Charles XV but Aleverse IV rejects and donates to the cause to rescue him

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Postby Skorpiie » Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:18 am

Skorpian (290 Million Speakers)
Albanian ( 100 Million Speakers)
Macedonian (90 Million Speakers)
Greek (600,000 Speakers, most in Epirus and Central Macedonia Province)
Serbian (100,000 Speakers, most in Pčinja Province)
Last edited by Skorpiie on Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
Current Flag:
S4 Ready Flag
A tier 7.6 civilization according this index
The Federal Republic of Skorpiie
Death to the enemy, Long live the Republic
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|Skorpiie joins GSO|Elections: Bujar Tresko wins elections|Elections start today! Vote at your nearest booths!|Flag Contest: Winner announced. Flag planned to be adopted today.| MiG-21 planned to be phased out by 2026|

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Dyrrhonian Isles
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Postby Dyrrhonian Isles » Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:15 am

Official Languages
Diarcesian Latin: One of the two official languages of Diarcesia and considered to be a milestone of Greco-Roman culture, it is formed as a neutral language between the seven different dialects of Old Diarcesia to foster a common tongue. It takes a heavy influence from the progenitor dialects as well as, thanks to the contributions of Roman migrants, Latin script, orthography, and vocabulary. In its original form, it is mutually intelligible with Byzantine Greek, if weirdly sounding.

This language is a member of the Hellenic Indo-European family, so there will be many familiar concepts for those that already speak a different Indo-European language.

Diarcesian English: One of the two official languages of Diarcesia, learning Diarcesian English gives the student a glimpse of how English English might have evolved without the Norman Conquest. Whereas Anglish is a modern attempt at reconstructing Old English for the present day, Diarcesian English is an organic evolution of the language's Germanic features and vocabulary.

Regional Languages
Welsh: Used by descendants of settlers from Wales who stayed after New Albion's absorption into the Dyrrhonian Isles

Church Latin: Utilized by the catholic clergy for masses

- Rhamnasis Accent
- New Albion Accent
Last edited by Dyrrhonian Isles on Sun Aug 25, 2024 3:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Dieresis of Diarcesia, in a multiversal crossroads between Atlantian Oceania and Anaia.


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Postby Edush » Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:22 am

Romanian is the official language in Edush.
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Postby Sylevia » Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:43 pm

In Sylevia, French is the official and most spoken language. Sylevian French, the regional vernacular, is noted for its influences from Basque, Occitan, and other Western French dialects such as Gascon.

Basque has historically been widely spoken throughout Sylevia, owing to its Basque-Roman origins. While French rule and influence has diminished its number of speakers, the language still is recognised as a minority language today.

Latin also sees prominent use, particularly in political and religious affairs, due to Sylevia's devout Catholic inclinations. Although not commonly spoken, a Latin-language course is a requirement in most schools in Sylevia.

Languages of notable immigrant groups include Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian.
a Catholic island nation in the Bay of Biscay
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Kethel Languages

Postby Kethelras » Sun Aug 25, 2024 11:03 pm

Languages of Kethelras
1. Kethel - 56,000 (official) fact: German, but very very very very different. - spoken everywhere
3. German - 43,000 -spoken everywhere
4. British English - 56,000 -spoken everywhere

-Indigenous Languages-

1. Kortho (12,000) (the main ancestor of Kethel) -spoken everywhere
2. Borst (53,000) (Oldest language since) -spoken in the southern region of Kethelras
3. Jak-jakali (44,000) (Second oldest language) - spoken everywhere
4. Moronich (65,000) (Kortho but on crack) - Only found in the north.
5. Telaruano (33,000) (Fourth oldest) - Good luck learning this one.

There are more than just 5 indigenous languages, i mean.... a thousand dialects i would say. These are just the main ones.

Last edited by Kethelras on Sun Aug 25, 2024 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Pogravska » Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:35 am

Official language
Pogravskan language (Pogravski jezik / Погϸɖ□скн ѣӡнк)

Central Pogravskan dialect (Srednjepogravsko narječje / СϸєΔɴѣпогϸɖ□ско ɴɖпϸѣvѣ)
Primorje dialect (Primorsko narječje / Пϸнʍоϸско ɴɖпϸѣvѣ)
Gorica dialect (Gorsko narječje / Гоϸско ɴɖпϸѣvѣ)
Old Dostojgrad dialect (Starodostojgradsko narječje / СmɖϸоΔосmоѣгϸɖΔско ɴɖпϸѣvѣ)
New Dostojgrad dialect (Novodostojgradsko narječje / ɴо□оΔосmоѣгϸɖΔско ɴɖпϸѣvѣ)
"The state does not die. It withers away."
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Postby Atlantesia » Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:44 am

English - 92%
- - - -
Atlantesian (Kalluida) - 85%
- - - -
Spanish - 11%
- - - -
Local indigenous languages - 5%

Only speaks English - 4%
Only speaks Atlantesian - 18%
Speaks English and Atlantesian - 70%
Speaks English, Atlantesian and Spanish - 4%
Only speaks Spanish - 3%
Only speaks an indigenous language - 1%

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Gameran Autocracy
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Postby Gameran Autocracy » Thu Sep 05, 2024 4:12 pm

Gameran English 87%
- - - -
Ameran German 43% (German dialect spoken by the Ameran ethnic group in Southern Gamera)
- - - -
Alician Russian 26% (National language of Aliciandia, spoken by the Alician ethnic group, native to Aliciandia and South-West Gamera)

Speaks only English: 42%
Speaks only Ameran German: 4%
Speaks only Alician Russian: 2%
Speaks English and German: 21%
Speaks English and Russian: 13%
Speaks German and Russian: 7%
Speaks English, German, and Russian: 11%
Gameran Autocracy
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The Gula
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Postby The Gula » Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:29 am

12% speak Doggerlaniesse Only ( ... id=2545107)
6% speak Russian Only
5% Speak Mongolian Only
And 5% Speak English Only

72% Of citizens are bilingual, and 58% know more than 2 languages fluently.
The Profound Sentinial July 8th, 25XX |1 Round Per Paper |  NEWS SUMMARY OF THE WEEK Large, ancient device found near Crater, identified as a "Aeroplane" • 270 Pagans "converted" in village, great day for the Cult of Clearbloods  Weather  Grand Steeple Dover, Smoggy • Steeple Nortan, Acid Rain • Steeple Mason, Radioactive Dust Storm
Set in the year 25XX, 500 years after a nuclear war.
Flag Design by me, Vice President of Bi Furry Femboys.
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Postby Queensridge » Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:39 am

English Only: 13%
Japanese Only: 11%
English and Japanese: 88%
Mandarin: 24%
Korean: 16%
French: 21%
Spanish: 12%
Indigenous Languages: 10%
Welcome to Queensridge!
Where the West and East collide, In a Progressive, Freedom-loving nation!
NS Stats semi-canon, check policies factbook for policy

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The Imagination Animals
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Postby The Imagination Animals » Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:41 am

Crossoveriaanz is the official language of Crossoveria, and is spoken by >99% of the population. It is a kind of southern dialect of the Persian language, and Farsi speakers in Crossoveria are able to communicate with Crossoveriaanz speakers. Aside from that, many Crossoverians speak Animalese, the ancient language of Crossoveria. Fewer people speak Simlish, a language that is exclusive to the province of Simsteni. Additionally, Arabic and English are spoken in the country.
IC Name: Crossoveria
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Postby Rustoira » Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:38 am

Rustoiran Eiskan (Orostoirae Eiskani) is a dialect of Eiskan (English) it started as a blending of native Rustoiran words with the language of immigrants from Eiskus, certain aspects of the language stay the same however certain things such as specific words and the exclusive usage of I or E to denote plurals is entirely different from normal Eiskan.
I just wrote a dispatch news article for an ongoing conflict in both Eiskan (English) and RE, the bottom half is in RE and the top is in Eiskan
Kingdom of Rustoira
Kingedoman of Orostoira

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Greater Kastovia
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Postby Greater Kastovia » Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:11 pm

- Russian: The official language of Greater Kastovia, spoken by 97% of the population
- English: The official second language of Greater Kastovia, with all government employees required to be fluent in both English and Russian. However, only around 40% of civilians can speak any level of English, with only 20% of those able to speak it fluently
- Finnish: The largest minority language in Greater Kastovia owing to its large Finnish population, although many Finns are trying to get the government to recognise Finnish as an official language.
- Swedish: Many Kastovian Finns are also Finland-Swedish, and as such are fluent in both Finnish and Swedish.
- Kasztofaja: A dialect of Russian that was widely spoken in Kastovia when it was part of Russia, often described by foreigners as a mix of Russian and various Balkan languages such as Serbo-Croatian and Czechoslovak
Liberal Democratic Pro-Western Russian breakaway state in the Sakhalin Islands lead by a femboy and an energy corporation CEO
BREAKING NEWS: Prime Minister Anatoli Petroschenko announces dissolution of Parliament and schedules General Elections for March in televised speech, says “Our government has reached an impasse. After two months of struggle against corruption, unprecedented economic conditions and the loss of our primary governing partner, it is time for the people to give us a new mandate”|Supreme Court rules that Dmitri Borshevski is the recognised leader of the DSPD, stating that previous leader Andriy Plenkovitch had specifically announced his complete withdrawal from politics when he resigned the party whip

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Postby Khwam » Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:49 pm

The Official Languages of Khwam are Khwamu, English, and Matu.

Khwamu (Bahasa Kemak) is an offshoot of Malay, spoken by the majority of the population.

Matu is a Tai-Kadai language closely related to the Thai language, and is spoken by a large minority.

English was used during the Colonial period, and is still used as a Lingua Franca today.

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Left-Leaning College State

Postby Schachland » Sat Sep 14, 2024 5:07 am

Dit Séveorümiciti Mornsarhciti Schachland
(The Constitutional Monarchy of Schachland)

Dri Eterni, Node Welche
(Grow forever, never yield)


  1. Schach
    1. South Schach
      14 million speakers. Spoken in Schach Mahyor and among Schach immigrants, least concern

      Eg. English: My grandmother went to the supermarket
      Eg. South Schach: Mej Orgrannsischnowva Zeputmaarkt forensy jorneje
      Eg. English: Schachland is dearly and proudly held in our hearts
      Eg. South Schach: Schachland sve droluflisic en sprofirovic Jiflsi heifhlen
    2. North Schach
      One million speakers. Spoken in Schach Ikland mainly, slightly concerned

      Eg. English: My grandmother went to the supermarket
      Eg. South Schach: Mij Organisnova Suparmarkt forsenj jorneje
      Eg. English: Schachland is dearly and proudly held in our hearts
      Eg. South Schach: Skaakland sve droluflisic en udiosunivic Jiflsi hefleheen
  2. Icelandic
    350,000 speakers. Spoken rarely in Schach Ikland, critical language

    Eg. English: My grandmother went to the supermarket
    Eg. Icelandic: Amma mín fór í matvörubúð
    Eg. English: Schachland is dearly and proudly held in our hearts
    Eg. Icelandic: Schaachland er innilega og stolt í hjörtum okkar
  3. Ronakfiosnaidificjdonisj
    10,000 speakers. Spoken rarely in North West Schach Mahyor, extremely critical language

    Eg. English: My grandmother went to the supermarket
    Eg. Ronakfiosnaidificjdonisj: Rhyodniridofniaosidofinc meen wroifnkdjeink tosdjiama sfogifnwiojonikicsc
    Eg. English: Schachland is dearly and proudly held in our hearts
    Eg. Ronakfiosnaidificjdonisj: Gjarescaaklaander enir jdisuscionischolisnc erin fjoerisokdneisnodisnc rhdisndi dious duoci Jyaarteein
  4. Norwegian
    5 million speakers. Spoken in North East Schach Mahyor, extremely critical language

    Eg. English: My grandmother went to the supermarket
    Eg. Icelandic: Bestemoren min gikk på supermarkedet
    Eg. English: Schachland is dearly and proudly held in our hearts
    Eg. Icelandic: Schaachland holdes høyt og stolt i våre hjerter
Dit Séveorümiciti Mornsarhciti Schachland
(The Constitutional Monarchy of Schachland)

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Regno del Gabibbo
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Postby Regno del Gabibbo » Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:40 am

Spoken Languages:
- Italian: All the population speaks it, the italians colonized Gabibbesia in 1645, and brought their culture on the island. It's the language taught in schools and used for more "important stuff"
- Gabibbese: An Italian dialect, coming from the Liguria region; it's used every day to communicate and chat
And also there are other minority languages, protected by the "Legge Anti-Rottura"
Last edited by Regno del Gabibbo on Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.



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