[Draft] Carnivorous Kids

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[Draft] Carnivorous Kids

Postby Bisofeyr » Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:27 am

THE ISSUE: During the traditional process of sending children in the wilderness to fend for themselves, it has been brought to your attention that many of these children violate national laws mandating vegetarianism by hunting, killing, and eating animals in order to aid their survival.
VALIDITY: Has both "Child Self-Rearing" and "Vegetarianism"

OPTION ONE: "Obviously children break the law when sent out on their own!" notes your Minister of Logistics, @@RANDOMNAME@@. "I'm honestly baffled that we thought kids raising themselves in the woods was a good idea! Clearly, we must end this practice and place our children in classrooms to emphasize how to be a functioning member of society, including the importance of the law, and we stop placing their lives in danger."
EFFECT ONE: learning to enjoy broccoli is part of the national curriculum

OPTION TWO: "I agree that it is an inequitable standard we have set, but that doesn't mean sending them into the woods is altogether wrong," observes @@RANDOMNAME@@, psychologist and author of the recent book My Time in the Lion's Den. "These kids are placed in an environment where they have to learn to live alone, and often fall under the tutelage of various animals, many of whom do not themselves adhere to vegetarianism. It is only logical that these kids follow their adopted parents of lions, tigers, and bears, and we must give them an exception from the law while they remain estranged from society."
EFFECT TWO: laws are considered optional if you're surrounded by trees

OPTION THREE: "How many times do I have to emphasize the importance of law and order," questions @@RANDOMNAME@@, your special advisor on cuisine-related crimes. "Ignorance is never an excuse for breaking the law, and these kids are no exception. Let's give kids a brief pamphlet describing what is and is not allowed before we send them out on their own, and if they break any of our sacred laws and, say, eat some meat, we can properly punish them upon their return."
EFFECT THREE: children are expected to invent agriculture while in the woods

OPTION FOUR: "Meat! Meat! Meat!" chants a young child currently reintegrating into society, who obviously got accustomed to the taste of meat while in the wilderness. "Me want meat! @@LEADER@@, where keep meat! Bring me meat, for me to eat! No more yucky plants! Meat for me, all meet meat! Meat!"
EFFECT FOUR: children can often be seen scavenging for roadkill

I'm slowly trying to get the drafts that have built up on the forums rather than letting them sit around, and I finally got some sort of half-passing title for this so I figured I'd go ahead and post it!
THE ISSUE: During the traditional process of sending children in the wilderness to fend for themselves, it has been brought to your attention that many of these children violate national laws mandating vegetarianism by hunting, killing, and eating animals in order to aid their survival.
VALIDITY: Has both "Child Self-Rearing" and "Vegetarianism"

OPTION ONE: "Lock 'em up, I say," says your Head Chef, @@RANDOMNAME@@, as @@HE@@ serves you a platter of steamed leeks. "They knew the consequences of eating meat, and they did it anyway. I don't care about none of that 'life-or-death' stuff, the law is the law and they broke it. Now eat up!"
EFFECT ONE: children are expected to invent agriculture while in the woods

OPTION TWO: "No, my baby was just trying to survive!" groans the mother of one of the offending children. "Please, @@LEADER@@, you must make an exception! If it's life-or-death, meat must be acceptable! When they return back to ordinary life, they can switch back over to a plant-only diet, but that's an unreasonable expectation while in the wild! You must give them a pass!"
EFFECT TWO: laws are considered optional if you're surrounded by trees

OPTION THREE: "Obviously if they have to choose between breaking the law and surviving, something went wrong," notes your Minister of Logistics, @@RANDOMNAME@@. "I'm honestly baffled that we thought kids raising themselves in the woods was a good idea! Clearly, we must place all children in classrooms to emphasize how to be a functioning member of society, including the importance of the law, and we stop placing their lives in danger."
EFFECT THREE: learning to enjoy eating broccoli is part of the national curriculum

OPTION FOUR: "Meat! Meat! Meat!" chants a young child currently reintegrating into society, who obviously got accustomed to the taste of meat while in the wilderness. "Me want meat! @@LEADER@@, where keep meat! Bring me meat, for me to eat! No more yucky plants! Meat for me, all meet meat! Meat!"
EFFECT FOUR: children can often be seen scavenging for roadkill

THE ISSUE: During the traditional process of sending children in the wilderness to fend for themselves, it has been brought to your attention that many of these children violate national laws mandating vegetarianism by hunting, killing, and eating animals in order to aid their survival.
VALIDITY: Has both "Child Self-Rearing" and "Vegetarianism"

OPTION ONE: "Lock 'em up, I say," says your Head Chef, @@RANDOMNAME@@, as @@HE@@ serves you a platter of steamed leeks. "They knew the consequences of eating meat, and they did it anyway. I don't care about none of that 'life-or-death' stuff, the law is the law and they broke it. Now eat up!"
EFFECT ONE: children are expected to invent agriculture while in the woods

OPTION TWO: "It's a bit of an inequitable standard we have set," observes Virginia Cooyote, acclaimed psychologist and author of the recent book Being the Pet: My Time in the Lion's Den. "These kids are placed in an environment where they have to learn to live by themselves, and often fall under the tutelage of various animals, many of whom do not themselves adhere to vegetarianism. It is only logical that these kids follow their adopted parents of lions, tigers, and bears, and we must give them an exception from the law while they remain estranged from society."
EFFECT TWO: laws are considered optional if you're surrounded by trees

OPTION THREE: "Obviously if they have to choose between breaking the law and surviving, something went wrong," notes your Minister of Logistics, @@RANDOMNAME@@. "I'm honestly baffled that we thought kids raising themselves in the woods was a good idea! Clearly, we must place all children in classrooms to emphasize how to be a functioning member of society, including the importance of the law, and we stop placing their lives in danger."
EFFECT THREE: learning to enjoy eating broccoli is part of the national curriculum

OPTION FOUR: "Meat! Meat! Meat!" chants a young child currently reintegrating into society, who obviously got accustomed to the taste of meat while in the wilderness. "Me want meat! @@LEADER@@, where keep meat! Bring me meat, for me to eat! No more yucky plants! Meat for me, all meet meat! Meat!"
EFFECT FOUR: children can often be seen scavenging for roadkill

THE ISSUE: During the traditional process of sending children in the wilderness to fend for themselves, it has been brought to your attention that many of these children violate national laws mandating vegetarianism by hunting, killing, and eating animals in order to aid their survival.
VALIDITY: Has both "Child Self-Rearing" and "Vegetarianism"

OPTION ONE: "How many times do I have to emphasize the importance of law and order," questions @@RANDOMNAME@@, your special advisor on cuisine-related crimes. "Ignorance is never an excuse for breaking the law, and these kids are no exception. Let's give kids a brief pamphlet describing what is and is not allowed before we send them out on their own, and if they break any of our sacred laws and, say, eat some meat, we can properly punish them."
EFFECT ONE: children are expected to invent agriculture while in the woods

OPTION TWO: "It's a bit of an inequitable standard we have set," observes Virginia Cooyote, acclaimed psychologist and author of the recent book Being the Pet: My Time in the Lion's Den. "These kids are placed in an environment where they have to learn to live by themselves, and often fall under the tutelage of various animals, many of whom do not themselves adhere to vegetarianism. It is only logical that these kids follow their adopted parents of lions, tigers, and bears, and we must give them an exception from the law while they remain estranged from society."
EFFECT TWO: laws are considered optional if you're surrounded by trees

OPTION THREE: "Obviously if they have to choose between breaking the law and surviving, something went wrong," notes your Minister of Logistics, @@RANDOMNAME@@. "I'm honestly baffled that we thought kids raising themselves in the woods was a good idea! Clearly, we must place all children in classrooms to emphasize how to be a functioning member of society, including the importance of the law, and we stop placing their lives in danger."
EFFECT THREE: learning to enjoy eating broccoli is part of the national curriculum

OPTION FOUR: "Meat! Meat! Meat!" chants a young child currently reintegrating into society, who obviously got accustomed to the taste of meat while in the wilderness. "Me want meat! @@LEADER@@, where keep meat! Bring me meat, for me to eat! No more yucky plants! Meat for me, all meet meat! Meat!"
EFFECT FOUR: children can often be seen scavenging for roadkill
Last edited by Bisofeyr on Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:55 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Anonymegg » Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:49 am

"Why must we be so harsh?" asks mother-of-3 and meat-lover @@RANDOM_FEMALE_NAME@@, "Why do we let children live in the wild where this draconian mandatory vegetarianism law can easily be broken when they're desperate? I say we let children live in normal society and let them eat meat at the same time."
Effect: meat has replaced pocket money
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Postby Trotterdam » Wed Jul 10, 2024 2:52 pm

The idea with Child Self-Rearing is that children grow up separately from their (biological) parents, so I don't think the mother of a child would have much to say. How would she even keep track which child is hers?

However, it's also expected that these children would often get "adopted" by wild animals, in keeping with the old "raised by wolves" trope. If the animals that raised you are carnivorous, it makes sense they'd teach you their ways.

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Postby Prisoma » Wed Jul 10, 2024 4:53 pm

Have you considered that the children may not know that they can eat meat if they were taught all their lives to be vegetarian? Even if they knew that meat is edible, shouldn’t the govt be concerned that the children know how to kill?

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Postby Bisofeyr » Wed Jul 10, 2024 5:49 pm

Trotterdam wrote:The idea with Child Self-Rearing is that children grow up separately from their (biological) parents, so I don't think the mother of a child would have much to say. How would she even keep track which child is hers?

However, it's also expected that these children would often get "adopted" by wild animals, in keeping with the old "raised by wolves" trope. If the animals that raised you are carnivorous, it makes sense they'd teach you their ways.

This is a good point; I've changed the point of the mother in option 2 with a psychologist noting that "learnt from wild animals" fact, with the same policy effect in the end. Hopefully this makes for something a tad closer to sensical.

Prisoma wrote:Have you considered that the children may not know that they can eat meat if they were taught all their lives to be vegetarian? Even if they knew that meat is edible, shouldn’t the govt be concerned that the children know how to kill?

I mean, these kids are likely sent out by themselves at an incredibly young age. YMMV but I think it's okay to generalize that they wouldn't think too much into it.

Anonymegg wrote:
"Why must we be so harsh?" asks mother-of-3 and meat-lover @@RANDOM_FEMALE_NAME@@, "Why do we let children live in the wild where this draconian mandatory vegetarianism law can easily be broken when they're desperate? I say we let children live in normal society and let them eat meat at the same time."
Effect: meat has replaced pocket money

I'll think about something along these lines, but I struggle to imagine the need for this narratively and worry about unnecessary bloat.
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Postby Sensorland » Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:38 pm

Oh, this is a fun one! Option 1 seems a bit underdeveloped to me. Why is this chef so sure that the children out in the wild are aware of the law, and why does he have such strong feelings about it? In general, doesn't enforcing the law against children who are meant to be raising themselves away from the protections of civilization seem like a bit of a fishy concept? There definitely needs to be a "we must do something about this" option, but I'm not sure this is the right way to approach it.
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SherpDaWerp wrote:I'd say Sensorland is correct - a particularly enterprising 7-year-old may return from the wilderness and go straight to work in the coal mines.

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Postby Bisofeyr » Sat Jul 20, 2024 10:27 am

Sensorland wrote:Oh, this is a fun one! Option 1 seems a bit underdeveloped to me. Why is this chef so sure that the children out in the wild are aware of the law, and why does he have such strong feelings about it? In general, doesn't enforcing the law against children who are meant to be raising themselves away from the protections of civilization seem like a bit of a fishy concept? There definitely needs to be a "we must do something about this" option, but I'm not sure this is the right way to approach it.

Thanks for the feedback! I've reworked that one a bit into a broader "law and order" concept, justifying enforcing laws even while children are raising themselves in a way that hopefully makes sense. Let me know if this is a tad better.
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Postby Trotterdam » Sat Jul 20, 2024 3:37 pm

Bisofeyr wrote:Let's give kids a brief pamphlet describing what is and is not allowed before we send them out on their own,
Umm, most stories involving children being raised by wolves have them being lost in the wild before learning to read.

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Postby Bisofeyr » Sat Jul 20, 2024 3:45 pm

Trotterdam wrote:
Bisofeyr wrote:Let's give kids a brief pamphlet describing what is and is not allowed before we send them out on their own,
Umm, most stories involving children being raised by wolves have them being lost in the wild before learning to read.

That was intentional. I tried to include a “So what if they can’t read, that’s on them.” but couldn’t figure it out without being clunky so I left it as somewhat implicit humor.
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Australian rePublic
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Postby Australian rePublic » Sun Jul 21, 2024 3:29 am

Option 1 is suicide for children. That should be the radical option here
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Postby Bisofeyr » Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:55 am

Australian rePublic wrote:Option 1 is suicide for children. That should be the radical option here

Point taken, I've switched around some of the options and adjusted language to make more sensible options offered first.
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Postby Bisofeyr » Tue Dec 31, 2024 12:42 pm

If you are interested in using any drafts/writing of mine, please telegram me and I will give permission on a case-by-case basis. Good luck with your writing endeavors!

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Postby Sensorland » Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:40 pm

In its current state, I like this one a lot.
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SherpDaWerp wrote:I'd say Sensorland is correct - a particularly enterprising 7-year-old may return from the wilderness and go straight to work in the coal mines.

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Postby Conexia » Tue Jan 07, 2025 11:04 am

Just personally sounds better, but I would switch “obviously got accustomed” to “has obviously been accustomed,” but I’m not a linguist and that just sounds right to me.

Otherwise I actually really like where this one is.

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Postby Bisofeyr » Wed Jan 15, 2025 11:11 am

This is now my issues priority, so I have begun to think about submission at some point. In other words, more feedback would be appreciated!

Conexia wrote:Just personally sounds better, but I would switch “obviously got accustomed” to “has obviously been accustomed,” but I’m not a linguist and that just sounds right to me.

Otherwise I actually really like where this one is.

I understand what you're saying, and maybe I've said them both in my head too many times and now it sounds wrong, but I think I prefer "got accustomed" over "been accustomed".

I appreciate all the positive words :)
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Postby Bisofeyr » Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:47 pm

I'll go ahead and give this another bump
If you are interested in using any drafts/writing of mine, please telegram me and I will give permission on a case-by-case basis. Good luck with your writing endeavors!

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Postby General TN » Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:41 pm

(Support the idea of this and will provide some suggestions to the best of my extent)
THE ISSUE: During the traditional usual process of sending children in the wilderness to fend for themselves, it has been was brought to your attention that many of these children violate national laws mandating vegetarianism by hunting, killing, and eating animals in order to aid their survival.

I felt that the first part about the children going out did not transition well into the part about the nation's leader being informed as it felt like it spoke about this tradition and then jumped into you being informed. I put a suggestion for a change of the first and second line but I also have another option to keep the traditional for the first part bellow:
During the usual traditional of sending children in the wilderness to fend for themselves

OPTION ONE: "Obviously It should of been obvious children break the law when sent out on their own!" notes your Minister of Logistics, @@RANDOMNAME@@. "I'm honestly baffled that we thought kids raising themselves in the woods was a good idea! Clearly, we must put an end to this practice and place return our children in to classrooms to emphasize how to be a functioning member of society, including the importance of the law, and we stop placing their lives in danger."

I thought maybe to fit the Minister of Logistics argument to make him/her to continue to criticize others for not realizing in the first sentence. If you find a better option feel free to use it over my own.
I felt adding "put an end" felt more of a strict and immediate kind of feel to the message as it seems the Minister is making it very clear the practice should end and a part like that empathized the goal. I also thought returning might work better as presumably the nation at one point had schools so it would make sense to say return as the concept existed at one point than to say it as if schools were never a thing.

OPTION TWO: "I agree that it is an inequitable standard we have set, but that doesn't mean sending them into the woods is altogether wrong," observes @@RANDOMNAME@@, psychologist and author of the recent book My Time in the Lion's Den. "These kids are placed in an environment where they have to learn to live alone, and often fall under the tutelage of various animals, many of whom do not themselves adhere to vegetarianism. It is only logical that these kids follow their adopted parents of lions, tigers, and bears, and we must give them an exception from the law while they remain estranged from society."

I feel you should add a section to make it clear that the kids would be re-educated back to vegetarianism when they came back as to make it clear that while the person wishes to allow children to eat meat while in the woods they place as an exception the kids would return to vegetarianism once their stay in the woods is over.
EFFECT TWO: laws are considered optional if you're surrounded by trees

I feel you could be more creative with this ending line so I suggest trying to make it more wacky over bland.

OPTION THREE: "How many times do I have to emphasize the importance of law and order," questions @@RANDOMNAME@@, your special advisor on cuisine-related crimes. "Ignorance is never an excuse for breaking the law, and these kids are no exception. Let's give kids a brief pamphlet describing what is and is not allowed before we send them out on their own, and if they break any of our sacred laws and, say, eat some meat, we can properly punish them upon their return."

I feel the advisor should take a more hardline approach considering the other options and perhaps say if kids cannot follow the rules they should be severely punished or even killed. While you do mention punishment I think positioning this person as a very hardline law supporter who has no mercy for those who break the law could be empathized better.
EFFECT THREE: children are expected to invent agriculture while in the woods

This sort of feels disconnected from the option and could use work. Again the more creative the better.

OPTION FOUR: "Meat! Meat! Meat!" chants a young child currently reintegrating into society, who obviously got accustomed to the taste of meat while in the wilderness. "Me want meat! @@LEADER@@, where keep meat! Bring me meat, for me to eat! No more yucky plants! Meat for me, all meet meat! Meat!"

I feel that instead of making an up and front statement you could say demonstrate this through description. Perhaps the child has crooked teeth damaged from killing animals or they could be trying to eat a baby pigeon or a young national animal if you wish. Show > tell.
EFFECT FOUR: children can often be seen scavenging for roadkill

Similar to the second you can do more with this one.
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