The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024

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The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024

Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jul 05, 2024 4:15 am

The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 is a legislation to establish a common set of personal laws governing matters like marriage, divorce, adoption, inheritance, and maintenance for all citizens of Uttarakhand, irrespective of their religion, gender, caste, or sex. Uttarakhand is the first state in India to have a law on the Uniform Civil Code.
In 2022, the Government of Uttarakhand constituted a five-member expert committee, headed by former Supreme Court judge Ranjana Prakash Desai, to study and draft a UCC law for the state.

Marriage and Divorce:
Minimum Marriageable Age: Sets a common minimum marriageable age for all genders (18 years for women and 21 years for man), aligning with existing national legislation.
Registration of Marriages: Mandates compulsory registration of all marriages with designated authorities to ensure legal recognition and transparency.
Grounds for Divorce: Outlines specific grounds for obtaining divorce applicable to all communities, addressing issues like cruelty, adultery, desertion, and mental illness.
Alimony and Maintenance: Provides provisions for spousal and child maintenance after divorce, ensuring financial support and upholding the welfare of dependents.
Inheritance and Succession:
Equal Rights: Grants equal inheritance rights for sons and daughters, abolishing the distinction between ancestral and self-acquired property. This promotes gender equality and ensures fair distribution of inherited assets.
Succession Rules: Establishes a common set of rules for inheritance based on relationship to the deceased, regardless of religious affiliation. This simplifies the legal process and avoids complexities arising from diverse personal laws.
Live-in Relationships:
Registration: Requires registration of live-in relationships, granting legal recognition and protecting the rights of individuals in such partnerships.
Rights of Children: Recognizes the rights of children born to partners in registered live-in relationships, ensuring their access to inheritance, maintenance, and other legal benefits.
Maintenance for Deserted Partners: Provides provisions for maintenance to partners who are deserted in live-in relationships, safeguarding their financial security and addressing potential exploitation.
Additional Provisions:
Prohibition of Polygamy: Bans the practice of polygamy for all individuals, promoting monogamy and gender equality.
Child Marriage Ban: Reiterates the existing national ban on child marriage, protecting children from harmful traditional practices.
Jurisdiction of Courts: Determines the jurisdiction of courts in matters related to marriage, divorce, inheritance, and maintenance under the UCC.
Scheduled Tribes: The Act exempts members of scheduled tribes from its provisions, allowing them to continue following their customary laws in personal matters.

Govt made exemptions based on Tribes' petition.

My opinion: As per my opinion UCC should have included tribes and ban live in relationship but allow only consented extramarital affairs like in USSR under our Comrade Vladimir Lenin banned polyamory marriage including tribes but legalized adultery(unconsented extramarital affairs), though I personally do not approve adultery because polyamory marriage will be harmful for family and children.It is even big threat to children's existance .Moreover polygamy or polyandry will create patriarchy or matriarchy and destroy the freedom of men or women.But in case of consented Extramarital affairs , the first prirority of man or women is wife or husband and 2 nd prirority is girlfriends or boyfriends as these girlfriends or boyfriends won't be able to enter household matters unless they become wives or husbands and moreover no children from these girlfriends or boyfriends as they are 2nd prirority. Only having children among married couples and thus children are save and much easier to manage children for monogamy parents compared to polyamory parents. Only Consented Extramarital affairs should be allowed as it strengthen bonds between couples and extramarital partners. In case husband or wife dies ,then extramarital partners become husband or wife without wasting time in dating.In consented extramarital affairs , husband or wife will not have any tension and ill mental health due to fear or suspect that will husband or wife betray or not. Moreover it will bring mental peace. So The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 is ok provided that live in relationship should be banned, include tribes in The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 and allow only consented extramarital affairs. Moreover live in relationship registration, live in relationship registration terms and conditions and its fine for failure to comply should be abolished.The most important is the Minimum Marriageable Age should be 21 years old for both men and women for gender equity.There shuold be no ground for divorce because not only it interfares personal matters but also violates the rights of personal choice for women. Moreover it insults women .In case of children born out of extramarital relationship , these children should inherit property.Regarding property, no property should be allowed to be private property to curb corruption and evils of capitalism.Moreover child should be adopted by adult people who don't have any criminal record.

If you are really interested in giving opinion,please give your opinion and your opinion will be valued.Feel free to give your opinion.
Thank you.

1st UCC Case Date {19/07/2024} :Interfaith couple approach Uttarakhand High Court for protection, told to register live-in relationship within 48 hours
As per my opinion , first priority should be protecting people unconditionally from oppressive monsters which was first duty of judicial court. I felt very bad for oppressed INTERFAITH COUPLE.If I had the position of protecting people, I would have protected them without asking any registration.Protecting citizens of any nations is the primary duty of Government and judicial court.In India ,the way the Uttarakhand High Court is treating the oppressed INTERFAITH COUPLE is like asking people who are victims of Earthquake for payment for its service without rescuing them.The thoughts and mentality Uttarakhand judges have regarding unregistered live in couple , not even dangerous animals like tigers,lions,Crocodiles etc will ever have this oppressive thoughts and oppressive mentality.
Last edited by Eurasia102 on Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:41 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Postby Barinive » Fri Jul 05, 2024 4:22 am

I agree with most things here. But i think voluntary live-in relationships should be recognized as married under common law. Also do not agree with the no private property part.
Last edited by Barinive on Fri Jul 05, 2024 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Zetaopalatopia » Fri Jul 05, 2024 8:08 am

(Copy paste from locked version of thread)

I wonder how the law defines a marriage as different than a live in relationship as it defines the latter as a partnership. Does there need to be a distinction between them? Would the ban on polygamy later in the text only apply to marriage but not live ins?

I personally feel that governments shouldn't interfere with consensual interpersonal relationships, If a woman wants three male partners or vice versa, then why should the government care. Why make the age of marriage different between male and female? If the goal is gender equality, then should it not be the same minimum age for both? I see a lot of issues with the bill (At least the limited summery given by the wiki), but it's not bad in it's intent from what I can tell so long as there is no legal penalty to those who wish to be poly beyond lack of recognized marriage.

Just... I really dislike any rules around interpersonal relationships especially ones that force monogamy as the only option. Humans need not be monogamist.

(End copy paste)

Barinive wrote:I agree with most things here. But i think voluntary live-in relationships should be recognized as married under common law. Also do not agree with the no private property part.

Only if the individuals wish to be recognized as such. After all there is likely a reason that they chose not no marry.
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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:21 am

Barinive wrote:I agree with most things here. But i think voluntary live-in relationships should be recognized as married under common law. Also do not agree with the no private property part.

I understand about your view and to make effective about romantic relationships live in relationship should not be recognized but made punisheable offense except contented extramarital affairs because Marriage means commitment
romantic relationship while live in relationship means non commitment relationship. Regarding property no private property should not exist to solve dispute among family members like
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
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Postby Zetaopalatopia » Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:38 am

Eurasia102 wrote:
Barinive wrote:I agree with most things here. But i think voluntary live-in relationships should be recognized as married under common law. Also do not agree with the no private property part.

I understand about your view and to make effective about romantic relationships live in relationship should not be recognized but made punisheable offense except contented extramarital affairs because Marriage means commitment
romantic relationship while live in relationship means non commitment relationship. Regarding property no private property should not exist to solve dispute among family members like

Wait, are you saying that people who live together in a romantic relationship should be punished for doing so unless they marry? What is your reasoning for such a restrictive system if that is the case?

People should be free to mingle as they like without government involvement at any point so long as all parties within the relationship are consenting.

And if consenting to extramarital affairs is all that's needed to allow people the freedom to mingle how they like then I hereby consent to any and all extramarital affairs involving any future partner I may have.
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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jul 05, 2024 8:37 pm

Zetaopalatopia wrote:
Eurasia102 wrote:
I understand about your view and to make effective about romantic relationships live in relationship should not be recognized but made punisheable offense except contented extramarital affairs because Marriage means commitment
romantic relationship while live in relationship means non commitment relationship. Regarding property no private property should not exist to solve dispute among family members like

Wait, are you saying that people who live together in a romantic relationship should be punished for doing so unless they marry? What is your reasoning for such a restrictive system if that is the case?

People should be free to mingle as they like without government involvement at any point so long as all parties within the relationship are consenting.

And if consenting to extramarital affairs is all that's needed to allow people the freedom to mingle how they like then I hereby consent to any and all extramarital affairs involving any future partner I may have.

The reason for such a restrictive system is first of all I am Communist(Vanguardnist i.e The follower of Karl Marx and Lenin).In mongamy relationship is live in and if they had another partner with consent but 1st boyfrined or 1st girlfriend kills or dump 1st girlfriend or 1st boyfrined and to protect them it will create confusion like prop hunt for Government. please watch the prop hunt video:
You will understand.Reason to punish people who live together in a romantic relationship should be punished for doing so unless they marry is why they should create confusion like prop hunt. To solve this confusion , monogamy couple must marry each other ,after that if they wish to have another partner , he/ she should take permission from his/her partner and then have extramarital affairs without marrying another partner and establish extramarital live in relationship.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
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Postby Zetaopalatopia » Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:51 pm

Eurasia102 wrote:
Zetaopalatopia wrote:
Wait, are you saying that people who live together in a romantic relationship should be punished for doing so unless they marry? What is your reasoning for such a restrictive system if that is the case?

People should be free to mingle as they like without government involvement at any point so long as all parties within the relationship are consenting.

And if consenting to extramarital affairs is all that's needed to allow people the freedom to mingle how they like then I hereby consent to any and all extramarital affairs involving any future partner I may have.

The reason for such a restrictive system is first of all I am Communist(Vanguardnist i.e The follower of Karl Marx and Lenin).In mongamy relationship is live in and if they had another partner with consent but 1st boyfrined or 1st girlfriend kills or dump 1st girlfriend or 1st boyfrined and to protect them it will create confusion like prop hunt for Government. please watch the prop hunt video:
You will understand.Reason to punish people who live together in a romantic relationship should be punished for doing so unless they marry is why they should create confusion like prop hunt. To solve this confusion , monogamy couple must marry each other ,after that if they wish to have another partner , he/ she should take permission from his/her partner and then have extramarital affairs without marrying another partner and establish extramarital live in relationship.

So you are saying that we should force people in a relationship to marry on the off chance one decides to kill the other? And I do not see how leaving one person to enter into a different relationship with another would be confusing as it's only a shift in who they live with, assuming that is they don't decide to live alone (Though I guess it would no longer be a live in, but a live apart relationship at that point). Are you considering a simple change in address as confusion? Why would someone who finds themselves no longer in a relationship need government protection? I do not get how you get prop hunt from relationship hopping. In prop hunt you are hiding, but deciding you don't want to be tied down is not hiding in the slightest.
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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jul 05, 2024 10:12 pm

Zetaopalatopia wrote:
Eurasia102 wrote:
The reason for such a restrictive system is first of all I am Communist(Vanguardnist i.e The follower of Karl Marx and Lenin).In mongamy relationship is live in and if they had another partner with consent but 1st boyfrined or 1st girlfriend kills or dump 1st girlfriend or 1st boyfrined and to protect them it will create confusion like prop hunt for Government. please watch the prop hunt video:
You will understand.Reason to punish people who live together in a romantic relationship should be punished for doing so unless they marry is why they should create confusion like prop hunt. To solve this confusion , monogamy couple must marry each other ,after that if they wish to have another partner , he/ she should take permission from his/her partner and then have extramarital affairs without marrying another partner and establish extramarital live in relationship.

So you are saying that we should force people in a relationship to marry on the off chance one decides to kill the other? And I do not see how leaving one person to enter into a different relationship with another would be confusing as it's only a shift in who they live with, assuming that is they don't decide to live alone (Though I guess it would no longer be a live in, but a live apart relationship at that point). Are you considering a simple change in address as confusion? Why would someone who finds themselves no longer in a relationship need government protection? I do not get how you get prop hunt from relationship hopping. In prop hunt you are hiding, but deciding you don't want to be tied down is not hiding in the slightest.

Regarding 'So you are saying that we should force people in a relationship to marry on the off chance one decides to kill the other?' , I did not say. People should not be forced into relationship. I tried to say that after getting into relationship, when they start to establish live in relationship, it is mandatory they must get married.To relate relationship with prop hunt, in game the person is in the form of object and they sometimes hid by staying beside object in the same way if marriage is not made mandatory but only live in between person and one or even both partner have another partner. If they break up with 1st partner and treat another partner as 1st partner. Then Former 1 st partner tries to abuse him or her and lying to Govt that break up never happened. Like hunter, Govt will feel difficultly about detecting the current status of relationship and in this state how govt can protect former partner victim and another partner (treated as 1st partner)? Please think seriously. This is not a joke.
Last edited by Eurasia102 on Fri Jul 05, 2024 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
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Postby Zetaopalatopia » Fri Jul 05, 2024 10:32 pm

Eurasia102 wrote:
Zetaopalatopia wrote:
So you are saying that we should force people in a relationship to marry on the off chance one decides to kill the other? And I do not see how leaving one person to enter into a different relationship with another would be confusing as it's only a shift in who they live with, assuming that is they don't decide to live alone (Though I guess it would no longer be a live in, but a live apart relationship at that point). Are you considering a simple change in address as confusion? Why would someone who finds themselves no longer in a relationship need government protection? I do not get how you get prop hunt from relationship hopping. In prop hunt you are hiding, but deciding you don't want to be tied down is not hiding in the slightest.

Regarding 'So you are saying that we should force people in a relationship to marry on the off chance one decides to kill the other?' , I did not say. People should not be forced into relationship. I tried to say that after getting into relationship, when they start to establish live in relationship, it is mandatory they must get married.To relate relationship with prop hunt, in game the person is in the form of object and they sometimes hid by staying beside object in the same way if marriage is not made mandatory but only live in between person and one or even both partner have another partner. If they break up with 1st partner and treat another partner as 1st partner. Then Former 1 st partner tries to abuse him or her and lying to Govt that break up never happened. Like hunter, Govt will feel difficultly about detecting the current status of relationship and in this state how govt can protect former partner victim and another partner (treated as 1st partner)? Please think seriously. This is not a joke.

But why is the government involved at all? Why should the government have to know who's with who? As far as abuse is concerned, it should not matter the relationship between the abuser and the abused so long as the abuse is stopped, no need there for the government to know who beds with who at the time. If you are talking about finances, then that only matters in a marriage anyway, two unmarried individuals maintain sole ownership of their own assets, only in divorce can one abuse the system to drain from the richer. Assuming that is what you meant about a partner lying to the government about the breakup not happening.

If the government does not involve itself with relationships than it has no reason to hunt people down because they get around.
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Postby Eurasia102 » Sat Jul 06, 2024 2:54 am

Zetaopalatopia wrote:
Eurasia102 wrote:
Regarding 'So you are saying that we should force people in a relationship to marry on the off chance one decides to kill the other?' , I did not say. People should not be forced into relationship. I tried to say that after getting into relationship, when they start to establish live in relationship, it is mandatory they must get married.To relate relationship with prop hunt, in game the person is in the form of object and they sometimes hid by staying beside object in the same way if marriage is not made mandatory but only live in between person and one or even both partner have another partner. If they break up with 1st partner and treat another partner as 1st partner. Then Former 1 st partner tries to abuse him or her and lying to Govt that break up never happened. Like hunter, Govt will feel difficultly about detecting the current status of relationship and in this state how govt can protect former partner victim and another partner (treated as 1st partner)? Please think seriously. This is not a joke.

But why is the government involved at all? Why should the government have to know who's with who? As far as abuse is concerned, it should not matter the relationship between the abuser and the abused so long as the abuse is stopped, no need there for the government to know who beds with who at the time. If you are talking about finances, then that only matters in a marriage anyway, two unmarried individuals maintain sole ownership of their own assets, only in divorce can one abuse the system to drain from the richer. Assuming that is what you meant about a partner lying to the government about the breakup not happening.

If the government does not involve itself with relationships than it has no reason to hunt people down because they get around.

First of all you have to understand Lenin used to do prop hunting in romance so like Lenin I also support prop hunting because I am communist. Moreover in real life finance is interconnected to marriage. You said Govt should not involve, if Govt don't involve, in the past people had multi partners and had many uncountable children which is difficult to manage for parents and caused poverty.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
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Postby Inner Albania » Sat Jul 06, 2024 12:19 pm

Erm... mods, is the OP okay?
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Postby Eurasia102 » Sat Jul 06, 2024 8:11 pm

Inner Albania wrote:Erm... mods, is the OP okay?

This is opinion I gave :
As per my opinion UCC should have included tribes and ban live in relationship but allow only consented extramarital affairs like in USSR under our Comrade Vladimir Lenin banned polyamory marriage including tribes but legalized adultery(unconsented extramarital affairs), though I personally do not approve adultery because polyamory marriage will be harmful for family and children.It is even big threat to children's existance .Moreover polygamy or polyandry will create patriarchy or matriarchy and destroy the freedom of men or women.But in case of consented Extramarital affairs , the first prirority of man or women is wife or husband and 2 nd prirority is girlfriends or boyfriends as these girlfriends or boyfriends won't be able to enter household matters unless they become wives or husbands and moreover no children from these girlfriends or boyfriends as they are 2nd prirority. Only having children among married couples and thus children are save and much easier to manage children for monogamy parents compared to polyamory parents. Only Consented Extramarital affairs should be allowed as it strengthen bonds between couples and extramarital partners. In case husband or wife dies ,then extramarital partners become husband or wife without wasting time in dating.In consented extramarital affairs , husband or wife will not have any tension and ill mental health due to fear or suspect that will husband or wife betray or not. Moreover it will bring mental peace. So The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 is ok provided that live in relationship should be banned, include tribes in The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 and allow only consented extramarital affairs. Moreover live in relationship registration, live in relationship registration terms and conditions and its fine for failure to comply should be abolished.The most important is the Minimum Marriageable Age should be 21 years old for both men and women for gender equity.There shuold be no ground for divorce because not only it interfares personal matters but also violates the rights of personal choice for women. Moreover it insults women .In case of children born out of extramarital relationship , these children should inherit property.Regarding property, no property should be allowed to be private property to curb corruption and evils of capitalism.Moreover child adaptation must be banned and only state can adopt.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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Postby Zetaopalatopia » Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:14 am

Eurasia102 wrote:
Inner Albania wrote:Erm... mods, is the OP okay?

This is opinion I gave :
As per my opinion UCC should have included tribes and ban live in relationship but allow only consented extramarital affairs like in USSR under our Comrade Vladimir Lenin banned polyamory marriage including tribes but legalized adultery(unconsented extramarital affairs), though I personally do not approve adultery because polyamory marriage will be harmful for family and children.It is even big threat to children's existance .Moreover polygamy or polyandry will create patriarchy or matriarchy and destroy the freedom of men or women.But in case of consented Extramarital affairs , the first prirority of man or women is wife or husband and 2 nd prirority is girlfriends or boyfriends as these girlfriends or boyfriends won't be able to enter household matters unless they become wives or husbands and moreover no children from these girlfriends or boyfriends as they are 2nd prirority. Only having children among married couples and thus children are save and much easier to manage children for monogamy parents compared to polyamory parents. Only Consented Extramarital affairs should be allowed as it strengthen bonds between couples and extramarital partners. In case husband or wife dies ,then extramarital partners become husband or wife without wasting time in dating.In consented extramarital affairs , husband or wife will not have any tension and ill mental health due to fear or suspect that will husband or wife betray or not. Moreover it will bring mental peace. So The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 is ok provided that live in relationship should be banned, include tribes in The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 and allow only consented extramarital affairs. Moreover live in relationship registration, live in relationship registration terms and conditions and its fine for failure to comply should be abolished.The most important is the Minimum Marriageable Age should be 21 years old for both men and women for gender equity.There shuold be no ground for divorce because not only it interfares personal matters but also violates the rights of personal choice for women. Moreover it insults women .In case of children born out of extramarital relationship , these children should inherit property.Regarding property, no property should be allowed to be private property to curb corruption and evils of capitalism.Moreover child adaptation must be banned and only state can adopt.

How is one to end a relationship with a bad partner is divorce is banned? What if the woman is the one asking for the divorce? Wouldn't banning it in that case also violate the personal choice of women?

What of poly relationships that have an even mix of genders? I see how one man and many wives, or the other way round might have some issues if people are not careful, but in the case where its three wives and three husbands all comingling there would be no risk of a gender based leadership. If you are worried about a hierarchy in relationships then having priorities between partners based on seniority also make no sense. Also, if there were no expectation of monogamy then would that not also remove the need to worry about betrayal? A person can not betray another if there is no promise of commitment to begin with, and no possibility of betrayal means no mental health issue or fear.
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Eurasia102 » Sun Jul 07, 2024 9:39 am

Zetaopalatopia wrote:
Eurasia102 wrote:
This is opinion I gave :
As per my opinion UCC should have included tribes and ban live in relationship but allow only consented extramarital affairs like in USSR under our Comrade Vladimir Lenin banned polyamory marriage including tribes but legalized adultery(unconsented extramarital affairs), though I personally do not approve adultery because polyamory marriage will be harmful for family and children.It is even big threat to children's existance .Moreover polygamy or polyandry will create patriarchy or matriarchy and destroy the freedom of men or women.But in case of consented Extramarital affairs , the first prirority of man or women is wife or husband and 2 nd prirority is girlfriends or boyfriends as these girlfriends or boyfriends won't be able to enter household matters unless they become wives or husbands and moreover no children from these girlfriends or boyfriends as they are 2nd prirority. Only having children among married couples and thus children are save and much easier to manage children for monogamy parents compared to polyamory parents. Only Consented Extramarital affairs should be allowed as it strengthen bonds between couples and extramarital partners. In case husband or wife dies ,then extramarital partners become husband or wife without wasting time in dating.In consented extramarital affairs , husband or wife will not have any tension and ill mental health due to fear or suspect that will husband or wife betray or not. Moreover it will bring mental peace. So The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 is ok provided that live in relationship should be banned, include tribes in The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 and allow only consented extramarital affairs. Moreover live in relationship registration, live in relationship registration terms and conditions and its fine for failure to comply should be abolished.The most important is the Minimum Marriageable Age should be 21 years old for both men and women for gender equity.There shuold be no ground for divorce because not only it interfares personal matters but also violates the rights of personal choice for women. Moreover it insults women .In case of children born out of extramarital relationship , these children should inherit property.Regarding property, no property should be allowed to be private property to curb corruption and evils of capitalism.Moreover child adaptation must be banned and only state can adopt.

How is one to end a relationship with a bad partner is divorce is banned? What if the woman is the one asking for the divorce? Wouldn't banning it in that case also violate the personal choice of women?

What of poly relationships that have an even mix of genders? I see how one man and many wives, or the other way round might have some issues if people are not careful, but in the case where its three wives and three husbands all comingling there would be no risk of a gender based leadership. If you are worried about a hierarchy in relationships then having priorities between partners based on seniority also make no sense. Also, if there were no expectation of monogamy then would that not also remove the need to worry about betrayal? A person can not betray another if there is no promise of commitment to begin with, and no possibility of betrayal means no mental health issue or fear.

People are free to divorce without giving reason.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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Postby Barinive » Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:25 pm

Eurasia102 wrote:
Inner Albania wrote:Erm... mods, is the OP okay?

This is opinion I gave :
As per my opinion UCC should have included tribes and ban live in relationship but allow only consented extramarital affairs like in USSR under our Comrade Vladimir Lenin banned polyamory marriage including tribes but legalized adultery(unconsented extramarital affairs), though I personally do not approve adultery because polyamory marriage will be harmful for family and children.It is even big threat to children's existance .Moreover polygamy or polyandry will create patriarchy or matriarchy and destroy the freedom of men or women.But in case of consented Extramarital affairs , the first prirority of man or women is wife or husband and 2 nd prirority is girlfriends or boyfriends as these girlfriends or boyfriends won't be able to enter household matters unless they become wives or husbands and moreover no children from these girlfriends or boyfriends as they are 2nd prirority. Only having children among married couples and thus children are save and much easier to manage children for monogamy parents compared to polyamory parents. Only Consented Extramarital affairs should be allowed as it strengthen bonds between couples and extramarital partners. In case husband or wife dies ,then extramarital partners become husband or wife without wasting time in dating.In consented extramarital affairs , husband or wife will not have any tension and ill mental health due to fear or suspect that will husband or wife betray or not. Moreover it will bring mental peace. So The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 is ok provided that live in relationship should be banned, include tribes in The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 and allow only consented extramarital affairs. Moreover live in relationship registration, live in relationship registration terms and conditions and its fine for failure to comply should be abolished.The most important is the Minimum Marriageable Age should be 21 years old for both men and women for gender equity.There shuold be no ground for divorce because not only it interfares personal matters but also violates the rights of personal choice for women. Moreover it insults women .In case of children born out of extramarital relationship , these children should inherit property.Regarding property, no property should be allowed to be private property to curb corruption and evils of capitalism.Moreover child adaptation must be banned and only state can adopt.

Why exactly should people be banned from adopting children? If the state raised them the children there's the question of who exactly will raise the children. Putting them in mass orphanages would be impractical for the children and the caretakers. It would be more efficient to let other parents adopt them.
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Postby Lykena » Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:29 pm

I hope you understand the distinction between Private and Personal property and aren't just stripping away people's homes under a child's interpretation of Communism.
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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:43 am

Lykena wrote:I hope you understand the distinction between Private and Personal property and aren't just stripping away people's homes under a child's interpretation of Communism.

Comrade, personal property is allowed but private property not allowed which is meant for earning EXTRA MONEY.If this happens , there will be no conflict among family members because everyone will receive equal wealth as a result people will not have any interest at their family's property.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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Postby Eurasia102 » Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:44 pm

Barinive wrote:
Eurasia102 wrote:
This is opinion I gave :
As per my opinion UCC should have included tribes and ban live in relationship but allow only consented extramarital affairs like in USSR under our Comrade Vladimir Lenin banned polyamory marriage including tribes but legalized adultery(unconsented extramarital affairs), though I personally do not approve adultery because polyamory marriage will be harmful for family and children.It is even big threat to children's existance .Moreover polygamy or polyandry will create patriarchy or matriarchy and destroy the freedom of men or women.But in case of consented Extramarital affairs , the first prirority of man or women is wife or husband and 2 nd prirority is girlfriends or boyfriends as these girlfriends or boyfriends won't be able to enter household matters unless they become wives or husbands and moreover no children from these girlfriends or boyfriends as they are 2nd prirority. Only having children among married couples and thus children are save and much easier to manage children for monogamy parents compared to polyamory parents. Only Consented Extramarital affairs should be allowed as it strengthen bonds between couples and extramarital partners. In case husband or wife dies ,then extramarital partners become husband or wife without wasting time in dating.In consented extramarital affairs , husband or wife will not have any tension and ill mental health due to fear or suspect that will husband or wife betray or not. Moreover it will bring mental peace. So The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 is ok provided that live in relationship should be banned, include tribes in The Uniform Civil Code of Uttarakhand Act, 2024 and allow only consented extramarital affairs. Moreover live in relationship registration, live in relationship registration terms and conditions and its fine for failure to comply should be abolished.The most important is the Minimum Marriageable Age should be 21 years old for both men and women for gender equity.There shuold be no ground for divorce because not only it interfares personal matters but also violates the rights of personal choice for women. Moreover it insults women .In case of children born out of extramarital relationship , these children should inherit property.Regarding property, no property should be allowed to be private property to curb corruption and evils of capitalism.Moreover child adaptation must be banned and only state can adopt.

Why exactly should people be banned from adopting children? If the state raised them the children there's the question of who exactly will raise the children. Putting them in mass orphanages would be impractical for the children and the caretakers. It would be more efficient to let other parents adopt them.

Sorry I should have thought twice though I am aware Lenin made rigid State Adoptation and later abolished on economy ground still initially I personally disagreed but later I realized it was not wise.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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Postby Eurasia102 » Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:58 am

If you want to give suggestion , you may give.Plz feel free to do so and I will simply read and express my reaction in decent manner from now on.
Last edited by Eurasia102 on Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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See UCC update

Postby Eurasia102 » Thu Sep 05, 2024 5:42 am

Last edited by Eurasia102 on Thu Sep 05, 2024 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Eurasia102 » Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:34 pm

New Update: Uttarakhand to deny govt jobs, welfare schemes to unregistered married couples under new UCC policy

Uttarakhand Government's mindset is weird.Not even Crocodiles will ever have this type of mindset.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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El Lazaro
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Postby El Lazaro » Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:46 pm

Eurasia102 wrote:Uttarakhand Government's mindset is weird.Not even Crocodiles will ever have this type of mindset.

How do you know? Have you ever spoken to one?

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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Eurasia102 » Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:51 pm

El Lazaro wrote:
Eurasia102 wrote:Uttarakhand Government's mindset is weird.Not even Crocodiles will ever have this type of mindset.

How do you know? Have you ever spoken to one?

Plz read the main post , you will understand and there is interconnection between the present update and laws given in Indian UCC.Moreover I know about them by their action.
Last edited by Eurasia102 on Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Marxist who follows the principles of Sanātana Dharma.
No longer support CPI(M) on ground of Corrupt practices,Adharmic practices,hatred + even fight among its member and no longer follows the ideology of Karl Marx and Lenin sincerely.Moreover CPI(M) speaks and participate in election only for political gain + sells Marxist books instead of giving for free and helping poor.

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El Lazaro
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Postby El Lazaro » Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:50 pm

Eurasia102 wrote:
El Lazaro wrote:How do you know? Have you ever spoken to one?

Plz read the main post , you will understand and there is interconnection between the present update and laws given in Indian UCC.Moreover I know about them by their action.

What crocodilian actions have you witnessed? Look, I read the OP, and I still don’t understand why you had to bring them into this. The provisions mentioned really don’t seem too contentious unless you are in favor of backwards practices like polygamy and child marriage( if either are common in India, I don’t mean to single y’all out—child marriage still takes place in parts of the US).

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Blacktower Esthil
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Postby Blacktower Esthil » Sun Sep 15, 2024 11:17 pm

As a liberal in the United States, I wouldn't typically care about... relationship with more than two people. But I suppose this makes progressive sense in it's context...



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