Concurrent with this repeal of GA 272:
The main issue of implementing a full version of the real life Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in real life is that WA states account for only a small portion of the overall multiverse. (Around 6-7% of the multiverse). IRL only North Korea and Egypt are not members of the Chemical Weapons Convention. ... Convention
- This was "Chemical Weapons Prohibition" but I changed it to "Restrictions" as it's not a full ban.
- To simplify the resolution, the definition of “toxic chemicals” and “chemical weapons” is fairly narrow to avoid complaints about pesticides, hand sanitizer, or what not.
- Note also that in real life there is also a ban on trading in precursor chemicals, but because of GA531(8)(b) it is simpler to regulate trading of armaments than to ban precursor chemicals.
- Due to GA399 (which passed after GA272), it's reliant on GA399 for governing armaments trade in general.
- Note also, compared to real life (which destroyed chemical weapons), it merely requires WA states to keep track of all chemical weapons, and prohibits first use.
- Clause (2)(a) is specifically worded to allow chemical weapons on territory where the WA state no longer has de facto jurisdiction, but asserts de jure jurisdiction (such as occupied territories).
Draft 5
The World Assembly (WA),
Acknowledging existing GARs on restrictions on armaments including GA399, GA418, and GA531;
Horrified by the impact of chemical weapons on sapient individuals and the environment, even if the use of such weapons is somewhat redundant against more advanced weapons;
Desiring a reasonable ban on the use of chemical weapons on other WA states and to restrain their use on non-WA states;
The WA hereby enacts as follows:
- Definitions. In this resolution:
- "Chemical weapons" means the intentional use of toxic chemicals to cause death or serious harm to humans and other sapient lifeforms ("lifeforms") and through equipment such as ammunition, armaments, and similar devices. This term specifically refers to its use on a mass scale and excludes routine domestic matters such as the use of pesticides, as well as minor devices defined in clause 5.
- "CWC" means the WA Chemical Weapons Commission.
- "Toxic chemicals" means chemicals which, under the circumstances in which it is present, creates a substantial risk of harm to sapient lifeforms that come into contact with it by virtue of its biological impact, or which degrades the safety or habitability of the surrounding environment at a faster rate than the surrounding environment can render it harmless.
- Ban on use in WA states.
- No WA state may use chemical weapons in any place where any WA state (including the user itself) is able to exercise jurisdiction.
- No WA state may use chemical weapons against the assets of another WA state, even if such assets are located in neutral or non-WA territory.
- No WA state may use chemical weapons on any facilities operated by WA organs, including the WA headquarters.
- Any use of chemical weapons for tests shall be in a safe and controlled environment.
- Use on non-WA states.
- No WA state may use chemical weapons except in response to aggressive offensive military forces, and only if the WA state determines in good faith that there is a genuine need for such use for delaying or defending against acts of aggression.
- No WA state may use chemical weapons except as a last resort and not as a first response to an act of aggression, unless the act of aggression itself involved the use of chemical weapons.
- Targeting.
- A WA state shall take due care to ensure that such use is targeted only at, and only intended for, aggressive offensive military forces only. Facilities operated by WA organs, civilians, neutral parties, or non-defended localities such as hospitals, schools, and refugee camps may not be targeted.
- Chemical weapons may also not be used to deliberately damage the local the environment, such as polluting water supply sources.
- Minor devices.
- "Minor devices" means legitimate law enforcement devices that are generally non-lethal, such as tear gas or pepper spray for crowd control.
- Each WA state shall refrain from use of minor devices unless it makes a good faith determination that such use is necessary as a substitute for lethal weapons.
- Production and transfers.
- Each WA state, if it desires to (i) produce, (ii) stockpile, (iii) transfer, or (iv) transport chemical weapons (each a "process"), shall ensure the safety and security of the said process at all times.
- All facilities related to the said processes are subject to regular inspections and monitoring by CWC.
- No private individual, private militia or non-government entity of a WA state may possess chemical weapons. Such possession shall be a criminal offense in all WA states.
- Chemical weapons may not be exported to any WA state whom either the WA or the exporting WA state believes may use the said weapons in violation this resolution.
- Miscellaneous.
- CWC shall maintain up-to-date records of all chemical weapons produced, stockpiled, and used by each WA state, and their specifications. Such information shall be available to any other WA state's government that requests such information on a need-to-know basis.
- Each WA state is responsible for enforcement and interpretation of this resolution, except for the preceding sub-clause, for which CWC retains jurisdiction.
Co-authorship: pending
Char count: 4,353