Obviously, the SAW is still an ongoing event, though this thread is to serve for further interactions between me and Arakhkhar.
ORBATs and other information
To store all that random notes that I will absolutely forget to put here.
Antlia had fallen, though the world did not shed a tear for it, however, unbeknownst to the powers within the world, the island had not been occupied by one of the factions in the war. Rather, it had been seized by a power from beyond their world, and with the fall of Antlia, a firm boot not from their world had taken hold. The gaze of this empire would not solely be keen on owning one sole island, but to seize the neck of the world on which they had now arrived, and to choke it utterly.
In Luetia, the Imperial Army called for everyone they could, though, there grew concern over Cepvinian victories in the West, victories that worried Luetian Command. As the Luetian Army sputtered and made a crucial blunder south of Peltier, the Cepvinians had sought to take advantage of the failure. Of the Luetian attempts to counter attack, they would start to take significant losses of AT-2s, easily being destroyed by Cepvinian counter parts. Despite the loss of Luetian equipment, the Imperial Army would attempt to retake loss ground, with Command Staff creating plans for defenses should Peltier be captured.
Such plans would, however, be interrupted by the onset of something they could not possibly prepare for. An interloper to that world. During one of the planning sessions of Luetian high command - some on the coast watched as streaks of white blazed across the sky, silent at first, until they came overhead - with a great boom of something faster than they had ever seen before.
They were missiles - cruise missiles, in particular - flying low over the Luetian plains, and eventually slamming into the command center with several cataclysmic blows.
The vaporization of the majority of Luetian High Command was unavoidable - and with it, a critical blow was dealt to what was already a failing war effort.
In the immediate aftermath of the attack, remaining elements of High Command and investigation from domestic authorities would presume the attack had been carried out as some sort of Cepvinian special attack, using weapons previously secret and unknown.
The Cepvinians, meanwhile, were left confused, but not one to miss an opportunity, pushing on the Luetians harder as without High Command, smaller scale command units struggled to attempt to form a united command. The fall of Peltier would not be some desperate last stand by Luetian forces, but an encirclement and subsequent surrender, with a true humiliation, the Luetian Army would struggle to fight on, with inexperienced commanders attempting to take the place of High Command, consistent blunders would mark the Luetian operations from here on out. With the Imperial Navy pushing ever further to attempt to secure some victories, they would start to come into Cepvinian hunting grounds. The Republic’s Navy seeking nothing but total eradication of the Luetian Fleet, would push further into their waters, striking with more fervor and frequency than before.
The Cepvinians would find, at times, unseen help - and at some times, finding that ships travelling in areas thought safe would go missing - never to return. Even search parties would find nothing, or at times, go missing themselves. Something was prowling the waters of Southern Alovna, something that continued to confound and confuse both sides of the war. Some dubbed this the work of ‘meddlers.’ Yet, their victories were nothing compared to the crushing blows they delivered to the Luetians on land, having broken through Luetian lines, they used their armored and motorized units to their full potential, pushing in full strength as they pushed eastward. Some elements simply bypassing units, and others encircling and attempting to capture as many as possible, either way, Luetia had certainly entered the last days of the war, with some forces who had managed not to be sent West preparing defenses within the Capital and other major cities.
Further east, the Astovians found themselves a better fate, pushing further back against the Olvanians. The Communists fought well, but as the Astovians utilized everything that they could, the first Astovian forces would manage to push over the border. Ironically, the Astovians seemed to be forcing the Olvanians into a state that mirrored how far the Olvanians had pushed into Astovia. Slowly but surely, they would push them back, and soon, the Astovians would prepare to thrust into the core of Olvania. With Astovian forces managing to capture a number of smaller Olvanian towns, Olvanian forces would prepare defensive lines further back to stall the Astovians as long as possible. Though the Olvanians prepare to last as long as possible, the writing is on the wall, with the Cepvinians cutting off from sending material aid to the Olvanians.
Yet, while the South Alovnan War wages, another nation stands at peace. In the Republic of Bodroasia to the East, business continues as usual, with none aware of the targets painted upon the small Republic. In Bodroasia there was the usual, the Republic’s Army running exercises, the Navy on their own fleet patrols, and the Army’s Air Corp keeping the skies clear.
For in a realm that the Bodroasians could not possibly comprehend, designs were drawn - schematics created, maps outlined. Like the scientist who watches callously at an experiment, every move was calculated - tested, perhaps. Slowly - and surely - those designs were turned against them.
From ports across that ignoble realm, black ships began to coalesce - swarm together, array in calculated positions. Goggled eyes reviewed constantly updated maps - weapons, locked, prepared, and kept in waiting. Black-armored Shock Troopers moved from place to place, and ordinance was carried by thousands upon thousands of tons. There was no longer any question regarding intent, as the efforts of newfound Quantum Tunneling devices were fixed to vessels - that there was to be a major operation conducted soon, and that its scope would encompass the lives of millions.
Within the Republic there grew some level of tension that few could truly place their mind on, only labeling it as a subtle uneasiness. It began simple enough - placing one’s eyes on the horizon, watching the sea and the fog that it sometimes bore with it. The mists that concealed within them the little wooden or metal fishing boats, scattered about like toys from the perspective of someone on the mainland - and how, with each passing day - it seemed as though that mist grew more and more inscrutable, how a fog once vaguely familiar seemed to delve more and more into the realm of callous unfamiliarity.
How uneasiness festers - how it bubbles, and boils, and turns to dread. That dread grew with each passing day - sometimes, a fishing boat would fail to return. Sometimes, ships would simply… vanish. Radio calls would return nothing, and search parties found nothing but the open ocean laid bare before them.
It was as though they had been erased from the face of Kolano.
They were, however, not quite erased - although, had those on the mainland learned their fates - perhaps they would wish they had been. Regardless of that fate - Bodroasians looked to the ocean, once an endless horizon of possibilities, as a place to dread.
They were right to do so.
As the days went on, Bodroasia’s government began to shift away from their worries on the sea, pushing them aside as simply accidents at sea, how wrong they would be. With the Republic’s fleet in port, the perfect time to strike slowly came into view.