This issue is based on when Soviet dissenter Andrei Sakharov and Chinese human rights activist Liu Xiaobo were awarded Nobel Prizes, and the negative reactions their governments had to their wins. Let me know what you all think!
EDIT (6/13/24): Because of real life stuff, I wasn't able to address the commentator's criticisms as quickly as I hoped, but I hope I've done it. I made the award to be more like the Pulitzer in light of Verdant's suggestion while still preserving the peace angle of it. The title isn't ideal, but I think it works in light of the change. Once again, let me know what you all think!
ISSUE: When Push-itzer Comes to Shove
VALIDITY: Low civil or political rights, has prisons
Good news, this year the internationally-prestigious Pushitzer Prize has named @@A@@ @@DEMONYM@@ citizen as one of its many winners! Bad news, in what's seen as a deliberate attempt to highlight @@NAME@@'s human rights record, it's for imprisoned playwright and dissident @@RANDOMNAME1@@ for "promoting peace throughout @@REGION@@ with @@HIS1@@ transformative writing".
OPTION 1: "This is a blatant insult!" hisses "Snakes Eyes" @@RANDOMNAME@@, the warden of the notorious prison currently housing @@RANDOMLASTNAME1@@. "Of all our top authors and poets they could have chosen, they went with this traitorous filth? Well we're not playing that game!" Setting his baton to "tenderize", @@HE@@ continues, "Give me five minutes alone with @@HIM1@@ and I'll 'convince' our friend to decline the award, and then I'll pay a visit to @@HIS1@@ friends, family, and writers guild tonight to make sure they fall in line. After all, what will those pompous bleeding hearts going to do, write an angry letter?"
RESULT: @@DEMONYMADJECTIVE@@ dissenters are begging human rights groups to ignore them
OPTION 2: "THAT'S NOT GOING FAR ENOUGH!" roars General @@RANDOMFIRSTNAME@@ "The Lion of the Plains" @@RANDOMLASTNAME@@, who's currently being restrained by your advisors from pouncing in a mad rage. "This grave insult to our character requires a military touch. Send our best spec ops team to follow these scumbags and force them to rescind the award. If they refuse, hunt them like the dogs they are! They'll think twice about insulting us ever again."
RESULT: those awarding peace prizes to @@DEMONYMPLURAL@@ find themselves in pieces
OPTION 3: "Let's not get carried away," chirps your eagle-eyed Propaganda Minister, underlining passages in the Prize's press release for future use. "It's true that the prize committee has slighted us by nominating that transgressor over more deserving citizens, but coerced rejections and assassinations will only vindicate their accusations. What we need is a slick media blitz highlighting the prize's history of biases and hypocrisies, ending with you announcing our own award recognizing @@DEMONYMADJECTIVE@@ achievements. It will take a bite out of our budget to pull off, but hopefully it will grant us sympathy with our allies across @@REGION@@."
RESULT: the government byline is that media campaigns a day keep international criticisms at bay
[OPTION 4 - Valid for countries that allow Emigration]: "Is it really that bad?" squeaks your mousy staff member @@RANDOMNAME@@, hastily hiding a suspicious book from your line of sight. "I may disagree with the views of @@RANDOMFIRSTNAME1@@, who's-definitely-a-bad-guy-don't-get-me-wrong, but it is a very prestigious award. The other suggestions will make us look bad. I think we can briefly let @@HIM1@@ out of prison and let @@HIM1@@ travel just to get the award, accompanied by our escort and with @@HIS1@@ acceptance speech pre-vetted first of course, as a gesture of goodwill. And maybe we can kinda...sorta...listen-to-@@HIM1@@...and-loosen-the-laws...a-little?"
RESULT: gold stars and candy are said to be the best way to @@LEADER@@'s heart
[OPTION 4 - Valid for countries that forbid Emigration]: "Is it really that bad?" squeaks your mousy staff member @@RANDOMNAME@@, hastily hiding a suspicious book from your line of sight. "I may disagree with the views of @@RANDOMFIRSTNAME1@@, who's-definitely-a-bad-guy-don't-get-me-wrong, but it is a very prestigious award. The other suggestions will make us look bad. I think we can let @@HIM1@@ put out a message accepting the award, with it pre-vetted of course, as a gesture of goodwill. And maybe we can kinda...sorta...listen-to-@@HIM1@@...and-loosen-the-laws...a-little?"
RESULT: gold stars and candy are said to be the best way to @@LEADER@@'s heart
Before changing Effect line for Option 3 and some grammatical tweaks
Before tweaking some of the text and effect lines
Before Verdant Haven and Varanius's suggestions
The original