Jury trials in your nation

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Unified France-Italy
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Jury trials in your nation

Postby Unified France-Italy » Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:10 pm


Originating within the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition, the jury (a group of citizens who examine evidence and vote on the verdict in a legal case) is often associated with democracies, particularly those with strong historical British influences. However, in recent years, it has seen a growing adoption in other nations, even those without an established history of using juries, as governments reform their legal codes and model them along English and American lines.

The exact implementation of jury systems (composition, size, etc.) varies by nation, but members are typically selected by random lottery from among the general public (as opposed to lay judges, who are appointed or elected to the position), and serving is usually mandatory if you're selected. In addition, in most (but not all) jury systems, the jury only acts as trier of facts ‒ only the judge can interpret the law, and the members of the jury must put aside their own opinions and strictly apply the given facts. However, it may be possible for the jury to veto a law it disagrees with and refuse to convict (jury nullification), despite solid proof of guilt. Depending on legislation, either an unanimous or majority vote (usually the former) is required to reach a guilty verdict. In some systems, the jury is also responsible for deciding a sentence upon conviction, but in others, that's a task reserved for the judge.

The main claimed benefits of a jury system are democratic justice and civic involvement ‒ citizens are judged by a body of their own peers rather than unaccountable government bureaucrats, and every individual plays a direct role in the system's functioning. However, for such a system to work successfully, a high degree of literacy and social equality is a must. In addition, corruption can be an issue, with rich individuals paying or bribing their way out of jury service, not to mention jury tampering and intimidation by criminal associates. That's why most states using a jury system tend to be wealthy, stable and developed societies.


Copy the text from the code box and fill in your answers. You are encouraged (and expected) to go beyond a simple "yes" or "no", and give a specific explanation if possible. Please do not change the wording or formatting of the questions, as anybody who uses the latest post as a template will get the changed version instead of the original.

YN = "your nation"

Code: Select all
[b][u]I. Nation and legal system overview[/u][/b]

[b]Full nation name:[/b]
[b]Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.):[/b]
[b]Federal or unitary state?[/b]

[b]YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.):[/b]
[b]Does YN have a constitution?[/b]
[b]If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution?[/b]

[b][u]II. Prevalence of jury trials[/u][/b]

[b]Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past?[/b]
[b]Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes?[/b]
[b]Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.)[/b]

[b]When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade)[/b]
[b]When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade)[/b]
[b]In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage)[/b]
[b]In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage)[/b]

[b][u]III. Jury system, selection and service[/u][/b]

[b]How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined?[/b]
[b]Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.)[/b]
[b]Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones?[/b]
[b]Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal?[/b]
[b]Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service?[/b]

[b]How many jury members are required in a criminal trial?[/b]
[b]How many jury members are required in a civil trial?[/b]
[b]Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote?[/b]
[b]Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with?[/b]
[b]Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal?[/b]
[b]If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?[/b]

[b]Is the identity of jury members public or private?[/b]
[b]Is the jury deliberation process public or private?[/b]
[b]Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial?[/b]
[b]Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court?[/b]
[b]Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial?[/b]
[b]Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial?[/b]

[b]Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service?[/b]
[b]Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service?[/b]
[b]Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service?[/b]

[b][u]IV. Public perceptions of the jury[/u][/b]

[b](Nations with jury trials)[/b]
[b]What does YN's government think of the jury system? Are most political parties/officials in favor or against?[/b]
[b]What do YN's citizens think of the jury system? Are most people in favor or against?[/b]
[b]What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege?[/b]
[b]What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service?[/b]
[b]Have there been any major movements to abolish the jury system? Why or why not?[/b]

[b](Nations without jury trials)[/b]
[b]What does YN's government think of nations that have a jury system?[/b]
[b]What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system?[/b]
[b]Have there been any major movements to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not?[/b]

[b][u]V. Miscellaneous[/u][/b]

[b]Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)[/b]
Last edited by Unified France-Italy on Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
IC name: Great Empire of France and Italy

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Unified France-Italy
Posts: 62
Founded: Jun 13, 2022
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Unified France-Italy » Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:11 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: Great Empire of France and Italy (Grand-Empire de France et d'Italie, Gran Impero di Francia e Italia)
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): imperial absolute monarchy
Federal or unitary state? unitary

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Civil law, primarily the Napoleonic Code.
Does YN have a constitution? No, the Great Empire is an absolute monarchy. However, there is a Basic Law which outlines the structure and functions of the government.
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? No, jury trials are not a guaranteed right in the Great Empire. The Empress can abolish them at any time.

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? Yes, but they're used much less frequently than in other nations, particularly the USA.
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? Only the most serious crimes against the nation itself are tried by jury. They are the following:
  • Treason
  • Terrorism
  • Piracy/hijacking
  • Espionage
  • Insurrection
All other crimes are tried by a single judge or panel of judges.
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) No, all civil cases are tried by a single judge or panel of judges.

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 1790
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 2013
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? In each parlement (judicial district), the court maintains a list of all citizens on the social security registry (necessary to receive public services such as healthcare, childcare, welfare, transit, public library borrowing, etc.). In the rare event that a jury trial is required, random names would be drawn from that list until a full jury is available.
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.) All literate citizens between age 18 and 65 are theoretically able to serve, but certain classes are excluded (see below).
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones? The following professions and demographic groups are forbidden from serving in a jury, in any circumstances:
  • Members of the Empress's household staff and retinue
  • Great Officers of State and other appointed officials in the Empress's cabinet, and their staff
  • Law-enforcement and judicial personnel (police officers, judges, lawyers, etc.)
  • Active-duty members of the military and intelligence services
  • Clergy of a recognized religious organization
  • Individuals previously convicted for violent crimes
  • Individuals receiving treatment for mental health or addiction issues
And the following are exempt from mandatory jury service, but can choose to serve if they want to:
  • Emergency first responders (firefighters, paramedics, search-and-rescue, etc.)
  • Doctors, dentists, nurses, surgeons, pharmacists and veterinarians
  • Operators and technicians of mission-critical infrastructure (nuclear power plants, research labs, data centers, etc.)
  • Operators of public bus, train, tramway and metro services
  • Operators of long-distance freight vehicles
  • Captains and crew of commercial ocean-going ships
  • Pilots and crew of commercial aircraft
  • Students enrolled in academic and trade education
  • Self-employed individuals and sole providers of income
  • Members of a communal society (monastery, convent, etc.) that have taken a vow of isolation
  • Survivors of terrorism and violent crimes
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal? If you're called for jury service but don't show up, you'll have to pay a fine equal to the daily pay for jury members, times the duration of the trial. If you refuse to pay the fine, your access to public services like healthcare will be suspended for 3 to 6 months.
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service? If you're called for jury service and aren't otherwise exempt (see above list), the only way you can be excused is if you're sick or unwell, you have existing travel plans, or there's been a tragic loss in your family. Of course, you could just withdraw from the social security registry, but then you'd lose most of the benefits and services of being a citizen while still paying the same taxes.

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial? 24 (12 as the primary jury and 12 as backup).
How many jury members are required in a civil trial? None, jury trials aren't used in civil cases.
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? Consensus is only required for a guilty verdict. For a not guilty verdict, just a majority is enough.
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with? Yes, if they think that's in the best interest of society ‒ and so can the judge in a non-jury trial. Justice is always the goal, not blind adherence to the law.
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal? No, that's up to the judge only.
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?

Is the identity of jury members public or private? Unlike some nations such as the USA, court proceedings in France-Italy are always closed and under seal. Only the suspect's initials and the name of the leading judge are made public, as well as the suspect's full name if they're found guilty. Identities of victims, witnesses and jury members are strictly kept private, unless they choose to go public themselves.
Is the jury deliberation process public or private? see above
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial? No, they can leave the court and go home at the end of each day.
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court? Yes, but ultimately the judge decides what evidence can and can't be used.
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? No, that would result in a spoiled trial, and a new uninvolved jury would have to be selected.
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? Yes, as long as they don't share confidential information, such as the identities of witnesses and other jury members without their permission.

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? Yes, all jury members are paid the equivalent of a day's income for an average middle-class citizen, for each day they serve in the jury.
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? No, that's strictly forbidden by law, and any employer violating that will face a huge fine ‒ much more than what they hoped to save by firing the employee.
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? Yes, if the jury pay is less than what the employee regularly makes.

IV. Public perceptions of the jury

(Nations with jury trials)
What does YN's government think of the jury system? Are most political parties/officials in favor or against? Trial by jury has only been used once during the reign of Empress Isabelle III, for a terrorism case in 2013. She has no plans to get rid of it, but no plans to expand it either. Political parties don't exist in the Great Empire.
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system? Are most people in favor or against? Most are indifferent to it, seeing as the vast majority of trials take place without a jury.
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? Given how jury trials are so few and far between, being called for jury service is something that most citizens never experience in their lifetimes. However, for the few dozen or so who do get to serve, which happens about once in a decade, they've generally found it quite honorable and rewarding, even glamorous.
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? This has never happened in the few times that a jury trial has taken place in the Grand Empire, perhaps due to their extreme rarity. But the French-Italians don't particularly hold civic duty sacrosanct, so somebody who skips jury service wouldn't really be judged at all.
Have there been any major movements to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? No, most citizens are fine with keeping things the way they are.

(Nations without jury trials)
What does YN's government think of nations that have a jury system?
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system?
Have there been any major movements to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not?

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)
Last edited by Unified France-Italy on Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
IC name: Great Empire of France and Italy

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Postby Hispaniola2 » Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:37 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: The Hispaniolan State
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Unitary Totalitarian One Party State
Federal or unitary state? Unitary

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Civil Law with limited Indigenous law traditions within the Maujii Autonomous District
Does YN have a constitution? Yes
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? No

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? Jury trials may be employed if requested by the defendant, particularly for crimes of particularly horrid or sensational nature, or if the crime in particular involves the Government to avoid implications of bias or conflict of interest
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? Jury trials are commonly utilized in criminal cases involving Capital crimes such as Murder and Rape.
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) Jury trials are rarely utilized in Civil cases

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) Jury trials were used sparingly, with the earliest recorded instance being in the 1530's when Colonial authorities were trying a criminal case concerning the murder of a Maujii tribesman by a settler. Ultimately it was settled, surprisingly, in favor of the Maujii tribesman's family, with the settler forced into exile from the colony of Puerto Angeles and the colonial authorities paying compensation for damages.
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) Law jury trial would be present year (2024)
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) Less than 30% of all trials have a jury
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) Similarly, less than 30% of all trials have a jury

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? Juries tend to be selected randomly
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.) Jurors must be a citizen of Hispaniola, be a adult, have completed their mandatory service obligations and be in good standing with the law.
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones? Generally speaking Maujii are prohibited from speaking in any cases concerning Hispaniolan citizens and vice-versa
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal? Jury service is mandatory, consequences include fines and corporal punishment
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service? If serving would cause undue burden upon the individual, or whether through physical or mental ailment they cannot perform the duty.

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial? At a minimum 6, maximum 20
How many jury members are required in a civil trial? minimum 4, maximum 12
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? Majority vote
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with? No
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal? No
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?

Is the identity of jury members public or private? The identity of the jury members is kept private
Is the jury deliberation process public or private? deliberation process is private
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial? Yes
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court? Yes
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? No
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? Yes

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? Yes
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? No
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? No

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against? Generally the jury system is seen as a unneccessary hassle, as the Bench trial system remains the most popular by far, with more radical opinions being that the jury system is corrupt and mainly used by the Government to deflect blame for unreasonable or unjust laws being enforced
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? It is supposed to be considered honorable, however due to popular perceptions it is seen as a annoyance by the public
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? Opinion is rather split on this topic
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? There has not, mainly due to how little it is used in comparison to Bench trials

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system?
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not?

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)

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Victorious Decepticons
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Postby Victorious Decepticons » Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:58 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: The Empire of Victorious Decepticons
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Autocratic Military Dictatorship
Federal or unitary state? Unitary

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Leader Megatron's decrees are the law. We're not sure what fancy name that falls under.
Does YN have a constitution? No
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? N/A

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? No and no.

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? They're crazy!
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? No. We cannot imagine leaving anything important up to our ability to convince a dozen or so unqualified randos to agree with us. Neither the citizens nor the government would go along with such a ridiculous, error-prone system!
No war RPs; no open RPs.

Explosive .50 cal shells vs. Decepticons: REAL, IRL PROOF the Decepticons would laugh at them -
Newaswa wrote:What is the greatest threat to your nation?
Vallermoore wrote:The Victorious Decepticons.

Bluquse wrote:Imperialist, aggressive, and genociding aliens or interdimensional beings that would most likely slaughter or enslave us
rather than meet up to have a talk. :(

TurtleShroom wrote:Also, like any sane, civilized nation, we always consider the Victorious Decepticons a clear, present, and obvious threat we must respect, honor, and leave alone in all circumstances. Always fear the Victorious Decepticons.

The Huskar Social Union wrote: ... massive empires of genocidal machines.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Alzatia » Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:43 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: Principality of Alsatia
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Absolute monarchy in the form of a principality, rather than a kingdom. This is a holdover from the days of the Holy Roman Empire, in which Alsatia was subordinate under the imperial government.
Federal or unitary state? unitary

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): The Principality's legal code was originally based on the Germanic civil law system of the Holy Roman Empire, with local variations. After the HRE's collapse in 1806, Alsatia became a protectorate of Spain, which introduced some of its own legal traditions based on Roman civil law. In addition, many social policies like marriage were heavily influenced by the teachings of the Catholic Church. So the law in Alsatia is a mix of Roman, Germanic and ecclesiastical law.
Does YN have a constitution? no
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution?

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? No, juries in the modern sense have never been used in Alsatia, although some towns and villages have lay-judges, comprised of regular individuals rather than legal professionals, who assemble to judge disputes. However, they aren't picked randomly but voted or nominated by the community, and their jurisdiction is limited to hearing minor cases (basically what counts as "small claims" elsewhere). More serious cases such as murder are handed over to the Princely Courts, but only if punishment is demanded by the victims or their families. There are no police or public prosecutors ‒ all legal actions must be brought by the harmed parties themselves.
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? no
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) no

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) never
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) never
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined?
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.)
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones?
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal?
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service?

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial?
How many jury members are required in a civil trial?
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote?
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with?
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal?
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?

Is the identity of jury members public or private?
Is the jury deliberation process public or private?
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial?
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial?

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service?
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service?
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service?

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against?
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege?
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service?
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not?

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? Most Alsatians are quite apathetic and indifferent about politics and the outside world. This is no exception.
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? No, for the simple reason that such a practice would never work in the Principality, due to the population's low education and literacy rates, and even lower legal knowledge.

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)
IC name: Principality of Alsatia
Posts before 2021 aren't canon.

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Founded: Sep 22, 2021

Postby Tangatarehua » Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:05 am

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: The Empire of Tangatarehua
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Unitary parliamentary semi-constitutional diarchy
Federal or unitary state? Unitary

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Civil law but retaining aspects of traditional customary law
Does YN have a constitution? Yes
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? Yes (Article III, Section 11)

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? Yes
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? A defendant has the right to request a jury, although most cases are tried before a panel of Tohunga (judges/priests/experts)
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) As above

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 1848
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 2024
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) Around 40%
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) Less than 5%

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? Selection is random
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.) All citizens aged 21 and over may serve on a jury
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones? Minors (below age 21), non-citizens
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal? Yes. Refusing without a valid reason (such as a note from an employer or proof of financial hardship caused by service) can result in a fine of up to K100,000 (NSD$500).
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service? Yes, as mentioned above. Also illness, dependents requiring care, mobility issues, etc are valid reasons.

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial? 12
How many jury members are required in a civil trial? 12
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? A full consensus is required
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with? No
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal? No
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one? N/A

Is the identity of jury members public or private? Private
Is the jury deliberation process public or private? Private
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial? Yes
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court? No
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? No
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? Yes

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? Yes, usually at a rate of 80% of what they would regularly earn during the period
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? No
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? Yes

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against? Being a highly politically apathetic nation, most Rehuans are neutral toward it
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? Mixed. Most people feel a mix of both.
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? They don't care, it's understandable
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? Yes. Jury trials are the exception, not the norm and there have been many arguments that legal matters should not be left to lay people to determine. Some political parties have advocated altering the constitution to do away with jury trial.

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? They don't care one way or the other.
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? Oh wait, I wasn't meant to fill this bit out, was I?

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional) I have a weird rash on my arm at the moment. Not really relevant but I thought I'd share it.
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Posts: 958
Founded: Apr 02, 2020

Postby Bilancorn » Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:53 am

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: The crypto island of Bilancorn
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Republic
Federal or unitary state? Unitarian state

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Civil law with some local norms
Does YN have a constitution? yes
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? yes

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? yes, we have a system with 1 "head judge" and 5 other members.
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? yes, any crime except wartime ones.
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) Only for adultery (which is bordering between civil and penal code). For divorces a single judge decide. Other civil matters (such as finable things) are not decided by a jury.

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) at nation foundation
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) triaks by jury employed today as well.
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 100%
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) only few adultery cases.

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? pre-determined from citizens with law degree
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.) You mist have a law degree and be 18+
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones? non-citizens
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal? No
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service? Its totally up to you study to be or potentially be called for taking part in a jury trial

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial? 6
How many jury members are required in a civil trial? divorces, 1. Adultery, still 6.
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? Majority, except for crimes where life sentence is imposed, which require a 6/6 vote for crimes where life imprisonment is not the only possible verdict.

Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with? Technically yes, for non-violent crimes only.
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal? Yes, even if the final decision is in the hand of the head judge
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one? yes

Is the identity of jury members public or private? private
Is the jury deliberation process public or private? private
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial? yes
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court? yes
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? Technically no.
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? Yes

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? yes
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? no
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? [grey area]

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against? in favor
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? a good service to offer
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? nothing
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? Nope
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
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The Phoenix Consortium
Posts: 199
Founded: Jun 23, 2023

Postby The Phoenix Consortium » Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:26 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: The Galactic Commonwealth of the Phoenix Consortium.
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Lawless wasteland with a few scattered gated settlements each with its own administration.
Federal or unitary state? No state.

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): N/A
Does YN have a constitution? N
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? N

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past?
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes?
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.)

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade)
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade)
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage)
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage)

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined?
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.)
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones?
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal?
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service?

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial?
How many jury members are required in a civil trial?
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote?
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with?
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal?
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?

Is the identity of jury members public or private?
Is the jury deliberation process public or private?
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial?
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial?

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service?
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service?
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service?

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against?
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege?
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service?
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not?

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? We oppose any order and authority.
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? N

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional) N/A

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Addy and Arielle
Posts: 51
Founded: May 18, 2022
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Addy and Arielle » Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:39 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name:Addy And Arielle
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Absolute Dictatorship
Federal or unitary state? None

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): None
Does YN have a constitution? Yes
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? No

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? Why would you have one?
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? No, it's a good idea to just be like 'Oh well, I'm just gonna send em all to jail, even if they are innocent!" That's the way it should work.

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional) No
Man my Koem Kab kard won't be saved so now I'm sad the card ds.
Cloudfare has been caught up in so many DDOS attacks that some people who aren't DDOSers have been getting banned lately.

NS Stats and Policies (except for emigration and inetrnational artwork) have been squished to death in a Trash Compactor.
More than 75% of all Caravans in FG belong to Addy and Arielle.

Many people in Addy and Arielle have failed educations and have dropped out of college.

Addy and Arielle is the most atheist nation with a national religion in FG.

One out of 7 people in Addy and Arielle go bungee jumping every week.

Females outnumber men greatly.

You are more likely to be in the third class section than both the middle and the first class section combined.

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Achaean Republic
Posts: 805
Founded: May 26, 2019
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Achaean Republic » Sat Jun 08, 2024 3:20 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: Achaean Republic
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Federal constitutional republic
Federal or unitary state? Federal

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Mixed civil-common law
Does YN have a constitution? Yes
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? Yes

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? Yes
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? Yes; juries are employed per defendant's request in criminal cases involving murder, sexual assault, terrorism, political deceit, human trafficking, among other serious cases.
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) Yes; dependent on the state.

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 1810's
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 2024
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 15%
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 14%

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? Juries are randomly selected based on local and/or regional constraints.
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.) All citizens above 18 years old may serve in the jury.
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones? In theory, anybody can serve in the jury. However, law enforcement agents, lawyers, elected politicians, armed servicemembers in active duty and citizens above 80 years old are typically excluded.
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal? Yes; if chosen, juries must serve until the conclusion of the case(s). Nonpenalties include fines, suspension of civil liberties, and even jail time.
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service?

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial? 12 federally; 12 statewide
How many jury members are required in a civil trial? 12 federally; 6-12 dependent on the states.
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? Consensus is required for major criminal cases. Dependent on the state, a two-thirds approval may be defined as acceptable for civil cases.
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with? No
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal? Yes, dependent on the state.
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one? Yes, dependent on the state.

Is the identity of jury members public or private? Private
Is the jury deliberation process public or private? Private
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial? Dependent on the state, media interest, and judge privilege.
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court? No
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? No
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? Yes

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? Yes; federally, a day's minimum wage (about $25 USD).
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? No
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? Yes, dependent on the state

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against? Achaeans generally prefer the jury system, though it wishes it would consider other marginalized groups.
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? Citizens consider serving in the jury a financial hassle and stressful.
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? Jury avoidance is considered to be shameful.
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? No

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system?
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not?

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)

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Posts: 74
Founded: Sep 29, 2023
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Arevala » Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:17 am

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: Kingdom of Arevala (Reynno d’Arévala)
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): absolute monarchy
Federal or unitary state? unitary but decentralized

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): It's complicated. The Kingdom of Arevala formed as an offshoot of ancient Iberia which became magically cut off from the world, thus avoiding being Christianized unlike its long-lost twin, modern Spain. As a result, its legal code is a hodge-podge of Roman, Celtic and Germanic folk law, which was only recently (past century) codified in written form, and Judeo-Christian moral influences are completely absent. So things that became criminalized in other societies, such as nudity and animal sacrifice, have always remained legal in Arevala.
Does YN have a constitution? No, the Kingdom is an absolute monarchy.
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? not applicable (no constitutional law)

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? No, but for matters related to property and commerce, cases may be heard by a council of volunteer lay judges, rather than full professional judges. These individuals are typically elected from the noble and merchant classes, although there's nothing that forbids laborers and peasants from sitting on these councils, if the other members agree. Serious crimes like murder and cattle theft are always tried in the royal courts, by the Queen's personally appointed judges.
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? no
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) no

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) never
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) never
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined?
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.)
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones?
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal?
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service?

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial?
How many jury members are required in a civil trial?
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote?
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal?
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?

Is the identity of jury members public or private?
Is the jury deliberation process public or private?
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial?
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial?

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service?
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service?
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service?

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against?
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege?
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service?
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not?

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? Most Arevalans aren't aware that this is even a thing.
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? No, juries are a completely alien concept in Arevala.

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)

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Posts: 2049
Founded: Oct 10, 2019
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Countesia » Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:46 am

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: The Federal Republic of Countesia
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Federal Parliamentary Republic
Federal or unitary state? Federal

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Civil Law
Does YN have a constitution? Yes
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? Yes, all criminal cases are automatically entitled to an impartial jury

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? Yes.
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? All Countesian citizens are entitled to a Jury Trial. A judge can waive the right to a jury but only with the permission of the defendant.
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) No, civil cases are not entitled to a jury.

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) Jurys have been commonplace dating as far back as the 18th century. there is no exact date recognised, it is mostly guesswork from the oldest record of it that is on hand.
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 2024.
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) Around 18% of criminal cases had a jury present. Defendants will often waive the right to a jury in minor offences as it will unlikely change the outcome.
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0.

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? Juries are selected via lottery from the electoral list within a 15 mile radius, but this can be extended.
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.) Simply be able to vote, and you can do jury duty.
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones? Convicted criminals as they are not on the electoral list.
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal? Failing to attend jury service without an Excusal Letter can result in a fine of 1,000cr for each day of missed jury duty.
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service? Citizens are eligible for an for an Excusal Letter for the reasons listed below:
  • Recent and/or expected Parenthood
  • Dependent Care
  • Illness
  • Active Duty Military
  • Financial hardship
  • Physical disabilities that affect the ability to travel
  • Mental disabilities that impair the ability to render a fair judgement
  • Scheduled Vacation

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial? A minor jury of 12, or a grand jury of 24.
How many jury members are required in a civil trial? None.
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? Unanimous decision.
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with? Yes, but this can result in the judge declaring a mistrial.
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal? Yes
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one? Yes, but doing so is career suicide without a very good reason. In most situations the judge will simply declare a mistrial and dismiss the jury.

Is the identity of jury members public or private? Private. Names of the jury are known to the court only. Leaking or revealing the identity of a juror is a criminal offence.
Is the jury deliberation process public or private? Private.
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial? The Jury sits in the court.
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court? Jurors are explicitly told to not research the case, and that the only evidence they can take into consideration is the evidence provided by the court.
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? No. This is a crime.
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? Yes.

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? Jurors do not get paid, but can claim compensation for travel, accommodation, childcare expenses and loss of earnings.
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? No.
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? No, the court covers any loss of earnings.

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against? Mostly positive. Its seen as a necessity to maintain fair trials for all.
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? Depends on the person, most consider it a privilege.
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? Mostly contempt.
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? None that have ever picked up any traction.

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? N/A
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? N/A

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)

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Posts: 554
Founded: May 06, 2018
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Wochaystein » Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:31 am

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: The Dieresis-Holy Empire of Wochaystein
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Monarchy
Federal or unitary state? Unitary

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Religious/Customary
Does YN have a constitution? No
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution?

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? Yes
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? Yes for all crimes
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) Yes in all matters

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 14 April 1088
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 2024
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 100%
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 100%

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? Pre-determined
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.) All citizens
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones? No
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal? No
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service? Yes

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial? Seven
How many jury members are required in a civil trial? Five
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? Majority vote
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with? Yes
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal? Yes
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one? Yes

Is the identity of jury members public or private? Private
Is the jury deliberation process public or private? Private
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial? No
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court? Yes
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? No
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? No

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? Yes
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? No
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? Yes

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against? In favor
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? An honorable privilege
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? They're selfish and irresponsible
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? It is seen as a fundamental part of Wochaystein's legal tradition and democratic process.

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system?
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not?

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)
Dieresis of Diarcesia
The Cities of the Holy Empire of Wochaystein
Zuidren | Krofen | Fischen | Tien | Tendorf

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Posts: 2431
Founded: Apr 01, 2022
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Juansonia » Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:55 am

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name:The Armed Republic of Juansonia
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Republic
Federal or unitary state?Federal

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): common law
Does YN have a constitution? Yes
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? In all criminal matters where such a right hasn't been waived

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? Yes
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? All criminal cases, unless the defendant and prosecution both waive the right to a jury.
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) Yes, The right to a jury trial exists for any civil case where claimed damages exceed (clean number of pesos around $1000 NSD), but it's often waived.

In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 85% of cases that make it to trial.
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 35% of cases that make it to trial

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? Candidates are randomly pulled, but evaluated by the prosecution and defense teams.
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.) Some seats are reserved for specific groups (3 seats reserved for military personnel, 3 reserved for civilian citizens, 3 reserved for occupied residents in cases in an occupied territory), but all legal adults (or emancipated minors) can serve on a jury.
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones? Those who are legally incompetent, those convicted of a crime against the judicial process (perjury), those personally involved in a case. Unlike most common-law systems, lawyers and judges are not exempt from jury duty.
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal? Refusal of jury duty is subject to a fine around $250 NSD and 1 week imprisonment.
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service? Medical inability to be present, a greater present duty (keeping a family member alive, service in combat, etc.). You will be paid for your time.

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial? 12 in the homeland, 15 in occupied territory (there is currently no occupied territory)
How many jury members are required in a civil trial? 12 or 15, see above
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? Unanimous decisions required
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with?Jurors can't be punished for their decision, and the state can't appeal criminal cases, so yes in criminal cases.
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal?No.
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?N/A

Is the identity of jury members public or private?Private
Is the jury deliberation process public or private?Private
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial?In some cases
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court?No
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? No
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? Persumed allowed, except for when the case involved restricted info (company secrets, classified info, etc)

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? Yes
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? No
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? No, barring contracts to otherwise

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What does YN's government think of the jury system? Are most political parties/officials in favor or against?Almost every party/faction/official views it as a cornerstone of judicial process.
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against? Mostly in favor
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? Most view it as a mild annoyance justified by the public good.
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? It varies
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? Not in recent history.

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)
Last edited by Juansonia on Wed Jun 12, 2024 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hatsune Miku > British Imperialism
IC: MT if you ignore some stuff(mostly flavor), stats are not canon. Embassy link.
OOC: Sometimes wears a maid outfit, Thinks it'd look good with a BRN-180. He/Him/His
> Rest in power, Peanut the Squirrel. <
Sorry, I broke my signature quote spoiler.
Brits mistake Miku for their Anthem

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 418
Founded: Jul 17, 2013
Democratic Socialists

Postby Oronia » Sun Jun 09, 2024 5:01 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: The United Realms of Oronia
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Representative democracy, constitutional monarchy
Federal or unitary state? Federal

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Common Law
Does YN have a constitution? Yes
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? Yes

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? Yes, there are jury trials.
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? All crimes. In military courts, the accused has the right to choose a trial by jury or by judge.
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) If the plaintiff is seeking money damages of more than $20, a jury trial is required unless both parties waive this right. If the plaintiff is seeking an injunction or another type of non-monetary remedy, a jury is not required but again remains an option if both parties agree.

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 1830
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 2024
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 2.1%
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 3.4%

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? Random
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.) Citizens can serve in a jury if they are at least 18 years old (or an emancipated minor); if they are a resident of the province or district that sent the jury summons; if they have not served on a jury in the last 12 months; if they are not currently on a grand jury or on another trial jury; if they are not under a conservatorship; if they are not incarcerated in any prison or jail; if they are not on parole, postrelease community supervision, felony probation, or mandated supervision for the conviction of a felony; or if they have been convicted of malfeasance while holding public office but have had their civil rights restored.
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones? See above criteria.
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal? It is mandatory. Consequences for refusal include up to 5 days in jail and/or up to $1,000 in fines.
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service? Yes

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial? 7
How many jury members are required in a civil trial? 7
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? Majority vote is needed in civil cases, but criminal cases require a unanimous vote.
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with? Yes
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal? No (excluding military trials by jury)
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one? Not applicable as judges are responsible for sentencing.

Is the identity of jury members public or private? Public, unless there are extenuating circumstances that require privacy.
Is the jury deliberation process public or private? Private
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial? No, unless there are extenuating circumstances that require isolation.
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court? No.
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? No
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? Yes

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? Yes
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? No
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? Yes

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against? Most are in favor of the system.
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? There is a mix of both.
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? It is considered shameful.
Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? There has not been any major movement to abolish. However, the Congreso Nacional has proposed and reviewed bills that would abolish the jury system numerous times, but there has never been enough support. Proponents of the bills have argued that the system is not needed since so few cases end up in trial and the ones that do often end up as judge-only trials.

(Nations without jury trials)
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? Not applicable
Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? Not applicable

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional) Not at this time.
Last edited by Oronia on Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 4289
Founded: Dec 08, 2014
Capitalist Paradise

Postby TURTLESHROOM II » Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:36 am

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: Holy Incorruptible Tsardom of the Exhaustive Realms of the Confederate Turtles, Mushrooms, and Men of TurtleShroom.

Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Illiberal, guided, theodemocratic confederation under a constitutional monarchy.

Federal or unitary state? Confederation.

YN's main legal system: Civil Law.

Does YN have a constitution? Yes.

If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution?
Trials by jury are required only in private noble fiefs, where peasants are governed by a nobleman, and this is guaranteed in the Constitution. For all other realms and on the national level, a grand jury is guaranteed, but the actual trial is decided by the judge.

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past?
TurtleShroom uses juries in private fiefs, which are administered wholly by an unelected nobleman. In a private fief, the jury must consist of a majority of commoners and must unanimously decide guilt or innocence. If a nobleman or member of the fief's noble family is on trial, an all-commoner jury is mandated. For all other realms, grand juries are used to determine if there is enough evidence to go to trial.

Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? See above.

Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? No.

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 2019 AD (jury trials were created under the Second Constitution)

When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 2024 AD (present)

In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) Less than one percent, due to the small size and lower population of noble fiefs.

In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) Civil cases are not tried by jury.

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined?
Random, and neither the prosecution or the defendant can exclude or remove jurors unless a conflict of interest or inability to be impartial is made known.

Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? See above.

Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones?
TurtleShroomers cannot be selected for any form of jury if they meet any of the following disqualifying conditions:
  • They are not of age.
  • They have been institutionalized.
  • They have served in the prison system, the police, or any law enforcement or law enforcement-related organization.
  • They have a felony conviction.
  • They are related by blood or marriage to the defendant.
  • They are not citizens.
  • They are in the same noble family as the nobleman defendant, no matter how distant (for private fiefs).

Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal?
Refusal to serve on a grand jury or jury without a valid reason is punishable by a prison sentence equal to the length of the trial the TurtleShroomer skipped from start to finish. This punishment has been uniform in all realms with juries, plus the national level.

Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service?
Family emergencies, being part of a monastic order, serving in the military, illness or incapacitation, being the caretaker for a widow or family member, and being a clergyman are all examples of valid excuses to be out of a jury.

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial?
Twenty-four for private fiefs (consisting of fourteen commoners and ten noblemen unless the defendant is ennobled himself in which it's all commoners). For grand juries, it varies by sub-realm. The lowest number is two, in Axebundle, and the highest is thirty, in Kingfish. The average number across the confederation, however, is thirteen.

How many jury members are required in a civil trial? Civil trials are not tried by jury.

Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? Unanimity.

Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with? Yes.

Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal? No.

If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one? N/A.

Is the identity of jury members public or private? Private and under seal unless the juror chooses to identify himself.

Is the jury deliberation process public or private? Private and under seal unless the juror chooses to identify himself.

Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial? Yes.

Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court? Yes.

Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? Yes to immediate family, no to anyone else. A family member who is told anything must report tot he court as having done so, and is subject to the same seal and secrecy requirements.

Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? Yes.

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? Yes, and the amount paid depends on the realm, varying widely.

Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? No.

Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? No.

IV. Jury trials and society

(Nations with jury trials)

What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against?
The system is very popular among peasants in noble fiefs, as it safeguards them from tyranny by the noble-run, private courts. TurtleShroomers consider grand juries essential in a criminal case.

What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? It is considered a privilege and honor.

What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? They are seen as cowards.

Has there been any major movement to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? No.

(Nations without jury trials)

What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? They don't really have any opinion of those who try all crimes by jury.

Has there been any major movement to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? No, the system is accepted as-is.

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional) n/a
Last edited by TURTLESHROOM II on Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jesus loves you and died for you!

World Factbook
First Constitution
Legation Quarter
"NOOKULAR" STOCKPILE: 438 fission, 12 fusion.
News ticker (updated 12/26/2024 AD):

Mariah Carey continues playing until Jan. 7th for CROBOTS Christians -|- Supreme General Court upholds "Elf On a Shelf" ban, citing national security against Menelmacari spying

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Unified France-Italy
Posts: 62
Founded: Jun 13, 2022
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Unified France-Italy » Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:54 pm

Slightly updated with 2 new questions (relating to government opinions), as well as clearer wording for some existing questions.

Code: Select all
[b][u]I. Nation and legal system overview[/u][/b]

[b]Full nation name:[/b]
[b]Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.):[/b]
[b]Federal or unitary state?[/b]

[b]YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.):[/b]
[b]Does YN have a constitution?[/b]
[b]If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution?[/b]

[b][u]II. Prevalence of jury trials[/u][/b]

[b]Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past?[/b]
[b]Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes?[/b]
[b]Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.)[/b]

[b]When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade)[/b]
[b]When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade)[/b]
[b]In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage)[/b]
[b]In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage)[/b]

[b][u]III. Jury system, selection and service[/u][/b]

[b]How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined?[/b]
[b]Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.)[/b]
[b]Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones?[/b]
[b]Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal?[/b]
[b]Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service?[/b]

[b]How many jury members are required in a criminal trial?[/b]
[b]How many jury members are required in a civil trial?[/b]
[b]Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote?[/b]
[b]Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with?[/b]
[b]Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal?[/b]
[b]If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?[/b]

[b]Is the identity of jury members public or private?[/b]
[b]Is the jury deliberation process public or private?[/b]
[b]Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial?[/b]
[b]Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court?[/b]
[b]Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial?[/b]
[b]Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial?[/b]

[b]Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service?[/b]
[b]Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service?[/b]
[b]Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service?[/b]

[b][u]IV. Public perceptions of the jury[/u][/b]

[b](Nations with jury trials)[/b]
[b]What does YN's government think of the jury system? Are most political parties/officials in favor or against?[/b]
[b]What do YN's citizens think of the jury system? Are most people in favor or against?[/b]
[b]What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege?[/b]
[b]What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service?[/b]
[b]Have there been any major movements to abolish the jury system? Why or why not?[/b]

[b](Nations without jury trials)[/b]
[b]What does YN's government think of nations that have a jury system?[/b]
[b]What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system?[/b]
[b]Have there been any major movements to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not?[/b]

[b][u]V. Miscellaneous[/u][/b]

[b]Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)[/b]
IC name: Great Empire of France and Italy

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Estado Novo Portugues
Posts: 866
Founded: Mar 18, 2016
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Estado Novo Portugues » Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:55 am

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: Holy and Pontifical State of Portugal
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Catholic theocracy
Federal or unitary state? unitary

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Civil law, primarily Roman and Germanic.
Does YN have a constitution? no
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? no

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? no
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? no
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) no

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) never
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) never
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? Not applicable (no jury trials).
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.)
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones?
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal?
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service?

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial?
How many jury members are required in a civil trial?
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote?
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with?
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal?
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?

Is the identity of jury members public or private?
Is the jury deliberation process public or private?
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial?
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial?

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service?
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service?
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service?

IV. Public perceptions of the jury

(Nations with jury trials)
What does YN's government think of the jury system? Are most political parties/officials in favor or against?
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system? Are most people in favor or against?
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege?
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service?
Have there been any major movements to abolish the jury system? Why or why not?

(Nations without jury trials)
What does YN's government think of nations that have a jury system? It's a horribly cumbersome and unreliable system.
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? see above
Have there been any major movements to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? No, the government is staunchly and openly autocratic, so it has no reason to pretend that it's a democracy when it's not.

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)
IC name: Holy and Pontifical State of Portugal
Posts before 2021 aren't canon.

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Posts: 659
Founded: Dec 05, 2016
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Toin » Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:51 am

Embassy Program · Office of the Freedom of Information Commissioner · The Federal Gazette · The Legislative Record · The Judicial Reporter · Albatross Corps

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President: Jacob Moore · Vice President: Kanim Walker

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Posts: 340
Founded: Jan 29, 2022
Free-Market Paradise

Postby Siluvia » Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:07 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: The Free-Market Confederacy of Siluvia
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Republic
Federal or unitary state? Confederacy

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Common Law
Does YN have a constitution? Yes (Articles of Confederation)
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? Yes, in Article IV, Section 4.

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? Yes
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? Yes, in all criminal cases.
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) Only if requested by both parties.

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 1600’s
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) 2024
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 100%
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 16%

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? Random.
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.) All citizens can serve.
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones? No.
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal? Yes, but the consequence for refusal is low (usually a small fine).
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service? Yes, if the selected person has a religious objection.

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial? 12
How many jury members are required in a civil trial? 12
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote? The jury must reach a verdict unanimously.
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with? Yes.
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal? No.
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one? N/A

Is the identity of jury members public or private? Private.
Is the jury deliberation process public or private? Private.
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial? Somewhat.
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court? No.
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial? No.
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial? Yes.

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service? No.
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service? No.
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service? No.

IV. Public perceptions of the jury

(Nations with jury trials)
What does YN's government think of the jury system? Are most political parties/officials in favor or against? The nation’s government almost unanimously favors the jury system.
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system? Are most people in favor or against? The vast majority of the nation are in favor of the jury system.
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege? The vast majority of citizens view it as an honor.
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service? They are frowned upon and may be viewed as selfish.
Have there been any major movements to abolish the jury system? Why or why not? No, because it enjoys widespread support.

(Nations without jury trials)
What does YN's government think of nations that have a jury system? N/A
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? N/A
Have there been any major movements to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? N/A

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional) N/A
Head Executive Minister of Mitteleuropa

SBC News: | WORLD - President Thigbolt Heverforth congratulates U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump | BASEBALL - Cougars beat Dragons to win Siluvian Series | ECONOMY: New automotive plant set to open in city of Plascott

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Unified France-Italy
Posts: 62
Founded: Jun 13, 2022
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Postby Unified France-Italy » Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:54 pm

IC name: Great Empire of France and Italy

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Posts: 72
Founded: Dec 03, 2020
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Yerbanistan » Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:09 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: People's Republic of Yerbanistan (Народная Республика Ербанистан)
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): autocratic single-party presidential republic
Federal or unitary state? unitary

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Civil law, primarily based on the legal system of the USSR, but also with some modern European influences.
Does YN have a constitution? Yes, but it's not so much a bill of rights, as a bill of obligations.
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? no

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? no
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? no
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) no

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) never
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) never
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined? not applicable (no jury trials)
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.)
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones?
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal?
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service?

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial?
How many jury members are required in a civil trial?
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote?
Can the jury nullify (vote not guilty despite evidence) a case it does not agree with?
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal?
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?

Is the identity of jury members public or private?
Is the jury deliberation process public or private?
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial?
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial?

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service?
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service?
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service?

IV. Public perceptions of the jury

(Nations with jury trials)
What does YN's government think of the jury system? Are most political parties/officials in favor or against?
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system? Are most people in favor or against?
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege?
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service?
Have there been any major movements to abolish the jury system? Why or why not?

(Nations without jury trials)
What does YN's government think of nations that have a jury system? It's a horribly cumbersome and unreliable system.
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? see above
Have there been any major movements to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? No, the government is staunchly and openly autocratic, so it has no reason to pretend that it's a democracy when it's not.

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)

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Hispania Major
Posts: 186
Founded: Feb 01, 2018
Corporate Police State

Postby Hispania Major » Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:07 pm

I. Nation and legal system overview

Full nation name: Spanish Empire
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): absolute monarchy
Federal or unitary state? unitary

YN's main legal system (Common Law, Civil Law, indigenous/traditional, etc.): Civil law, primarily Roman.
Does YN have a constitution? No, the Spanish Empire is an absolute monarchy. However, there is a Basic Law which outlines the structure and functions of the government.
If so, is the right to have jury trials guaranteed by the constitution? no

II. Prevalence of jury trials

Does YN have jury trials? If not, did it ever have them in the past? no
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If so, which types of crimes? no
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, which types of matters? (Family, employment, etc.) no

When was the first jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) never
When was the last jury trial in YN? (Year or decade) never
In the past year, how many criminal cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %
In the past year, how many civil cases had jury trials? (Number or percentage) 0 %

III. Jury system, selection and service

How are juries in YN selected? Is the selection random or pre-determined?
Can all citizens serve in a jury, or only those who meet certain requirements? (Age, gender, class, etc.)
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones?
Is jury service mandatory? If so, what are the consequences of refusal?
Are there valid reasons one can be excused from jury service?

How many jury members are required in a criminal trial?
How many jury members are required in a civil trial?
Is consensus required to reach a verdict, or just a majority vote?
Is the jury responsible for determining the sentence of a guilty criminal?
If so, can the judge override that sentence with a different one?

Is the identity of jury members public or private?
Is the jury deliberation process public or private?
Is the jury kept isolated for the duration of the trial?
Can the jury do its own research about a case, beyond what it hears in court?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial?
Can the jury share details about the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial?

Do jury members get paid or compensated for their service?
Can employers fire employees for being absent because they were on jury service?
Are employers required to provide paid leave for employees on jury service?

IV. Public perceptions of the jury

(Nations with jury trials)
What does YN's government think of the jury system? Are most political parties/officials in favor or against?
What do YN's citizens think of the jury system in general? Are most in favor or against?
What do YN's citizens think of serving in a jury? Do they view it as an annoyance or an honorable privilege?
What do YN's citizens think of those who try to avoid jury service?
Have there been any major movements to abolish the jury system? Why or why not?

(Nations without jury trials)
What does YN's government think of nations that have a jury system? It doesn't change the Emperor's opinion one way or the other. Rather, there are more high-priority issues such as equality, living standards and access to services.
What do YN's citizens think of nations that have a jury system? The Spanish are generally quite apathetic when it comes to government and politics, and this is no exception.
Have there been any major movements to adopt/restore the jury system? Why or why not? No, most people think the current judge-only system works fine, so there's no reason to change it.

V. Miscellaneous

Anything else you would like to share, that was not covered above? (Optional)
IC name: Spanish Empire
Posts before 2021 aren't canon.

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Posts: 85
Founded: May 12, 2024
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby UATH SOVJF » Wed Jul 03, 2024 3:12 pm

I. Overview of the nation and legal system

Full name of the nation: Uath Sovjf
Type of government (monarchy, republic, dictatorship, etc.): Soviet Socialist Federative Republic under conditions of one-party authoritarianism
Federal or unitary state?: Federation

YN's main legal system (common law, civil law, indigenous/traditional law, etc.): Constitution
Does YN have a constitution?: Yes.
If yes, is the right to trial by jury guaranteed by the constitution?: Yes

[y]II. Prevalence of jury trials[/u]

Does YN have a jury trial? If not, have they ever happened in the past?: Yes, trial by jury present.
Are jury trials used in criminal cases? If yes, what types of crimes?: Yes; on all types of crimes.
Are jury trials used in civil cases? If so, what questions?: Affairs, family expansion, financial issues, economic security issues.

When was the first jury trial in YAN?: 06/30/2024
When was the last jury trial in YN? n/a
Last year, how many criminal cases were heard by juries?: Currently 2 criminal cases.
Last year, how many civil cases were heard by a jury?: 1 criminal case.

[y]III. Jury system, selection and service[/u]

How are jurors selected in YN? Is the choice random or predetermined?: Random
Can all citizens or only those who meet certain requirements be members of the jury?: All
Are any individuals or groups excluded from jury service? If so, which ones?: Citizens with prior convictions for serious crimes are excluded.
Is jury service compulsory? If yes, what are the consequences of refusal?: No.
Are there good reasons why one can be excused from jury duty?: No, everything is voluntary.

How many jurors are required in a criminal trial?: 10
How many jurors are required in a civil trial?: 5
Is consensus or just a majority of votes required to reach a verdict?: Consensus, the verdict is put forward by the court
Can a juror invalidate (vote not guilty despite the evidence) a case with which he disagrees?: Yes.
Does the jury have a responsibility to convict the guilty criminal?: No.
If yes, can the judge replace this sentence with another?: Yes.

Is the identity of the jury members public or private?: Confidential
Is the jury deliberation process public or private?: Both open and private, depending on the type of criminal case.
Are jurors kept in seclusion during the trial?: No
Can jurors do their own research into the case beyond what they consider in court?: Yes
Can jurors share details of the case with others (friends, family, media, etc.) during the trial?: In general, yes, but in cases that involve state secrets, no, since the prosecution punishable.
Can jurors share details of the case with other people (friends, family, media, etc.) after the trial?: above Answer.

Do jury members receive a salary or compensation for their work?: Yes, an allowance of 700 Soviet rubles.
Can employers fire employees for absence from work due to jury service?: Yes, but only after issuing a reprimand, fine, or other penalties.
Are employers required to provide paid leave to employees on jury duty?: Yes, 42 days leave.

[y]IV. Public opinion about the jury[/u]

(Nations with jury trials): +
What does the YN government think about the jury system? Are most political parties/officials for or against?: Supports this initiative
What do YN residents think about the jury system? Are most people for or against?: Most are FOR.
What do YN citizens think about jury service? Do they consider it an annoyance or an honorable privilege?: Positive thoughts only
What do the residents of UN think about those who try to avoid jury service? Nothing. I don't care!
Have there been any major movements to abolish the jury system? Why or why not?: Not yet.

Website Supreme Court Uath Sovjf - ... id=2527013
Last edited by UATH SOVJF on Wed Jul 03, 2024 3:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The author does not share the ideas that describe the Uath Sovjf. This is exclusively an IC component, no more.

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Unified France-Italy
Posts: 62
Founded: Jun 13, 2022
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Unified France-Italy » Fri Jul 19, 2024 9:50 pm

IC name: Great Empire of France and Italy



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