Hoi4 Old World Blues
Hoi4 Equestria at War
HoI4 Kaiserreich
Your nation is thrown into the Hearts of Iron 4 mod called The New Order: Last days of Europe. Which for people who don’t know, is a Hearts of Iron mod that answers the question “What if the Axis won WW2” In this mod, the Axis see their entire world unravel. The moral of the story is, evil is always bound to lose.
Which of the 11 ideologies (and the multitude of subcatagories) would it belong to? Or rather, which of your leaders would you associate with them?
So here's the thing: give me the names of your nation's leaders and their parties, associating them with the appropriate ideologies, and I will include them in this list.
You will be able to find one that matches your country very well.
For descriptions of ideologies, consult this wiki
The spoiler below will describe the main catagories
- Code: Select all
Leader Name - Party Name - Associated Ideology(associated subideology)
(This is not to be taken seriously, if you are offended by this thread, you can try the Kaiserreich thread)
Current leader Ideological positions:
Liberal Conservatism
Douglas Clayton, (Prime Minister) - Beliris Free Community - Progressivism (Liberalism) - Beliras
Nathalie Pérreau (President) - European Technocratic Government - Liberal Technocracy (Liberalism) - European federation Reunified
Rekumi Asano - Independence party - Left Wing Populism (Liberalism) - New Iwate
Douglas Clayton - Beliris Free Community - Liberalism, Progressive -Beliris
Arnole A. Gibbs (President) - Popular Democrats (PD) - Liberalism (default) - Redtailia
National Socialism
Himmler - SS - Burgundian System - Kreigsreich of Iron
Dalasy - ZNSP - Nationalist Socialism(default) - Zakrya
Kako Sumishi - Absolute Azgarist Party - Burgundy System (National Socialism) - The Absolute Azgarian State
Jones Smith IV - United Jonesist Party - Burgundian System - Terra Magnifica Gloria
Jerry Jackson - Terran German Party - Esoteric Nazism - Terran Capitalistic Nations
Wilhelm Friedrich II - Hellfohen House - Paternalism (Default) - Schwessen-Hellfohen
Amadou de Bankole (General) - European Federation Enforcer Corps - National Conservatism (Paternalism) - European federation Reunified
Frederick III — No political party — Paternalism (default) - Dracunia
Karl Southingham - Terran Liberation Front - Social Credit - Terran Capitalistic Nations
König Wilson I - Gameran Imperial House - Paternalism (Oligarchy) - Gameran Autocracy
The Player (President) - Forward!* - Paternalism (Anocracy) - Trilkassia
Overboss Liam Navarro - Orthodoxes - Progressivism (Popular Front) - Sky Reavers
Altidiya Revoltsova (GenSecr) - Stalliongradian Communist Party - Reformist Socialism (Socialism) - Free Stalliongrad
Maxwell The Cat - Syndicalist Union (Frankist)- Socialism(Syndicalism) - The Socialist world republic of cats
Charlie Roosevelt - American Reclamation Front - Stratocracy - Terran Capitalistic Nations
Bishop Aragthos Key-master of St. Pregoria - Orthodox Military state - Ultra-nationalism - Russk