News Thread
Welcome! This thread is used for showcasing articles from news organisations around Teleon. You'll find stories here on everything ranging from politics, business, and war, to sports, gossip, and art. If anything newsworthy happens in your nation, this is the place to share it with the world!
- This thread is strictly limited to full members of Teleon members. Any posters who are not fully accepted members will be kindly asked to delete their posts from this thread.
- Posts should be formatted as if they were actual articles from one of your nation's news agencies. If you need help with formatting, please feel free to ask in our
regional Discord server, which you can find linked at the top of this post. - This thread is considered canonical and all posts must be strictly in character.
- Articles must be dated to the correct in-character date that they were published or last updated.
- This thread is appropriate for both single articles and multi-post series, and are welcome as either standalone events or as companions to a standalone roleplay thread.