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Teleon News Thread [Teleon|Canon|IC]

Postby Teleon » Wed May 01, 2024 2:51 am


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Last edited by Teleon on Thu May 02, 2024 10:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Yingok » Thu May 02, 2024 3:46 am

Vice-President Dong Dak Announces Resignation Amid Ongoing ACEC Corruption Probe
by Zheung Tam, in Dongsing
11:28 CYT, 2 May 2024
Vice President Dong Dak before his ascension in 2021.Image

Dong Dak announces intent to step down by June following accusations of corruption and ACEC investigation.

Yesterday evening on national television, Vice-President Dong Dak announced his intent to resign amid the onset of an investigation by the Anti-Corruption and Ethics Commission (ACEC) following a slew of corruption allegations by both political opponents in his own party, and various opposition parties. This comes as an abrupt end to his tenure as 9th Vice-President of Yingok, a position he has held as running mate to President Yeung Kapkaa since their election in 2021. Dak’s decision to step down marks one of the few instances in which a high-ranking official has left office in relation to corruption.

"The allegations against me are baseless at best," Dong Dak proclaimed in his announcement yesterday. "And I am confident that the ongoing investigation will clear my name. I have always served our country with utmost dedication and integrity, and I believe this step is necessary to uphold the principles of our great nation. I am confident that the truth will prevail.”

Dong Dak's announcement have been met with mixed reactions from the public and political circles alike. While some were saddened by the loss of such a prominent political figure. Others like Tin Yimmui viewed it as an admission of guilt on his part. In a scathing post on Yitip (耳貼), the Dongsing representative to the Namging Assembly minced no words in expressing her satisfaction with Vice-President Dong Dak's resignation. "Finally, the facts surface and the corrupt are forced to face the consequences of their actions," she declared. "Dong's departure is long overdue. Let this serve as a warning to others who dare to abuse their power for personal gain."

Netizens online have been particularly vocal about their opinions, with some expressing disappointment at the Vice-President's resignation and others applauding the swift actions of the ACEC. However, a rather loud minority on social media platforms, especially on Yitip have rallied behind Dong Dak with the hashtag #与東站起 which translates roughly to #StandWithDong, asserting that the Vice-President is being unfairly targeted.

The announcement came days after the arrest of Wong Muimei, the former campaign manager of Dong's party for charges of embezzlement on 27 April.

Dong is scheduled to step down on 10 June according to his announcement. His resignation will trigger the process for the appointment of a new Vice-President as per the constitutional provisions. President Yeung Kapkaa will have the responsibility to appoint a member of the National Diet as the new Vice-President, subject to a three-fourths vote of approval by the National Diet.

As of 2 May 2024, we have been unable to reach President Yeung for any comment on the matter.

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By Ancaster - 13:48 2 May 2024
Long live the ACEC.

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By Kaksim_35889 - 18:32 2 May 2024
Have no doubt, Mr. Dong will not be charged and will walk the halls in Dongsing again in a few months.

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By Tensi - 14:27 2 May 2024
Finally some good f*cking news

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Last edited by Yingok on Fri May 03, 2024 4:59 am, edited 10 times in total.

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Postby The Fallish Federation » Mon May 13, 2024 1:45 am


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Postby Poshyte » Sun Aug 18, 2024 2:43 pm


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Postby Poshyte » Mon Aug 19, 2024 4:54 am


Gunnar Schönau to seek historic second term as President of Ruthen in December
Schönau, the incumbent, says there is still work to do as he announced his bid to National Political Council members in Thessen this morning but could be challenged by NPC Chairwoman Natali Mannheim who is expected to speak to NPC supporters in the coming weeks
OFD3 Staff (@OFD3Online)
19 August, 2024 | Thessen


If successful Schönau will be the first President to win a second term since 1990 although the move has been criticised by left and right leaning factions of the NPC Photo courtesy of OEFD3.

Thessen, VR Ruthen - First elected in 2020, President Gunnar Schönau today announced he would be seeking a second term as Ruthen's President in a move which has defied post-war norms about terms of Ruthish leaders. Schönau announced his decision to supporters and NPC members in Thessen where he called for a new era of Ruthish foreign policy, a pragmatic social policy and for a 'new deal' for Ruthish youths to tackle youth unemployment.

Speaking to his supporters, Schönau hailed the progress the NPC and the Executive Council had made over his term as President of Ruthen, citing increased investment into green energy and technology as well as moves towards a national high-speed rail system as his top achievements in office. He is the first candidate to publicly announce he would be seeking election as President of Ruthen which is elected by all voting members of the NPC in a series of rounds in December before being confirmed by the Executive Council which is elected by the NPC at the same time.

The position of President first held by Benno Gmehling who was President for 20 years between 1945 and 1965, is the de facto Head of State of the People's Republic of Ruthen and the de facto leader of the National Executive Council which comprises of 30 elected members. Legally a figurehead, the position is chosen from amongst members of the Executive Council of Ruthen for a once renewable five year term, however the Political Council also holds sway in the decision process as they can choose to reject potential members from the Executive Council.

Schönau was first elected to the position in 2020 after serving as VR Ruthen's Minister of Foreign Affairs and he stated his intentions were to modernise Ruthen's government and increase innovation in society whilst also mending some relations with the East. His stated mission to improve inter-Ruthish ties has failed to come to fruition largely due to scepticism from Sagard, particularly from hawks in the right-wing Eastern Government. Despite this his term as President has been largely uneventful as compromise ruled supreme amongst the differing factions of the Political and Executive Councils. He supported the election of several Conservatives and Liberals to positions inside the Executive Council and sought to revitalise the Council's moderate factions.

Potentially the most dramatic moment of his first term in office was when he faced down opponents within the Political Council over the High-Speed Rail initiative at a lively State of the Nation address in 2023 which was interrupted repeatedly by Political Councillors who protested the initiative as ecologically harmful and forced Schönau to confront the situation. On the global stage, Schönau was lauded for seeking to reduce the number of 'Black-zone' violations in the demilitarised zone and called for the East to remove its defences and landmines in the zone which are illegal under international law after an Eastern soldier was severely injured in the East's section of the black-zone.

However his path to re-election is not straight forward as several other high-profile candidates are expected to enter the contest including NPC Chairwoman Natali Mannheim who had previously supported Schönau in 2020 but reportedly told allies she was disappointed at his lack of progress on social issues such as same-sex marriage which remains illegal in VR Ruthen despite being legalised in the East and many of Ruthen's neighbours. Mannheim's own support base within the progressive wings of the Executive and Political councils is to meet later this month as Mannheim is expected to launch her own candidacy to become the first female President of VR Ruthen.

Conservatives within the councils have also been left disappointed by Schönau's Presidency and are looking to field a candidate against Mannheim and Schönau. The conservative factions within the councils also supported Schönau's election as President after 6 rounds of voting when it became clear neither a liberal or conservative candidate could secure support from both councils. A notable potential candidate comes from one Meik Fendler who had been Minister of Environmental Protection until 2018 when he stood down to run Thessen's Regional Council. Fendler enjoys close relations with a wide range of figures on both councils as well as regional bodies who say they feel sidelined by Thessen. Fendler is seen as the most credible candidate from the conservative factions and has a strong background having been an Officer in the Six-Days War and first coming to national attention when he spoke at post-war inquiries. A hawk on the East, Fendler has toned down his previous hostility towards Sagard but is critical of any attempts at negotiation without the East withdrawing foreign forces from military bases from strategic locations.

If re-elected he will become the first President to have won a second term since 1990 and only the first since Gabriel Wehner to openly campaign for re-election. Second terms for Presidents, whilst constitutionally allowed, are politically tabboo owing to Wehner's crushing defeat in the National Political Council in 1999 which saw him eliminated in the first round of voting largely as a result of universal opposition to his handling of the Ruthish War. Since Wehner's departure from politics, not a single President has sought re-election to the post although many have stayed on as members of the Executive council. Schönau himself supported an amendment that would only allow Presidents to serve for a single term in 2013, when asked about his decision, Schönau told reporters: "Our work isn't over. We have much left to do."

The National Political Council will meet in mid-December to elect members of the Executive Council for the 2025-2030 Term alongside the President, Chair of the Executive Council and Chair of the Political Council.

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Postby Poshyte » Sun Oct 06, 2024 1:04 pm

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Postby Poshyte » Sun Oct 06, 2024 3:59 pm


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Postby Poshyte » Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:50 am


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Postby Mahayala » Wed Oct 09, 2024 3:14 am


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Postby Pyinthar » Wed Oct 09, 2024 1:39 pm


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Postby AESYRiEL » Wed Oct 16, 2024 8:28 pm

Politics » The Ruthens
Live Broadcast » 24/7 Live Vistulzkan News

Emergency Press Conference held by national figures of Vistulzka concerning flaring hostilities in the Ruthens
"A criminal act of hostility"; Marshal Lemańska, Chair of Foreign Relations Hiszékeny announce advisory trip to East Ruthen on October 12th.
Marshal Małgosia Lemańska during the press conference. She was joined by President Józef Kamiński, Chair of Foreign Relations László Hiszékeny and Ducal Press Secretary Ruslan Shmyhal

Written by Bogdan Sagatowska, VNN.

Włocławek, Vistulzka - President Józef Kamiński held an emergency press conference on the morning of October 10th, following the news of a downed East Ruthish aircraft within the Ruthish Demilitarized Zone. Alongside Kamiński was Marshal Małgosia Lemańska, Chair of Foreign Relations László Hiszékeny and Ducal Press Secretary Ruslan Shmyhal. The press conference primarily focused on the actions that the Vistulzkan government would take within the coming month which revolved around diplomatic support of East Ruthen and military support towards the UMCAR. He announced his decision to retain Colonel Andrzej Hołownia in a supervisory role of Vistulzka's contingent within UCMAR. Colonel Hołownia is set to retire by the end of the year, having acted as the supervisory commander of the Visulzkan contingent since the beginning of the Six-Day War.

Chair of Foreign Relations Hiszékeny made several public comments during the press conference, but refused to give any insight about the future of the Vistulzkan embassy within West Ruthen. The embassy within West Ruthen has been opened and closed a number of times and has been considered to be one of the most controversial international embassies, most recently closed in 2010 by Kamiński himself under Hong's presidency. When posed with the question of the future of the embassy, Hiszékeny stated that such an action would garner a significant amount of diplomatic controversy and could potentially trigger a diplomatic crisis. He stated that any actions regarding the future of Vistulzka and West Ruthen's relations would require the advice of Head of the Ducal Council Bálintka Bondarenko and would not be possible with the Sejm currently reconvening. Bondarenko was absent at the press conference, however is expected to meet with the Ducal Council this week to discuss the issue.

"The capture of Stefan Reichenbach is a criminal act of hostility against the Ruthish Republic. The only thing that will normalize relations is Reichenbach's immediate release and safe return to his home. Any other action by West Ruthen against Reichenbach and the Ruthish Republic will be looked upon as criminal acts." - Marshal Małgosia Lemańska during the press conference.

Marshal Lemańska has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities by West Ruthen against East Ruthen demanded the immediate release and return of pilot Stefan Reichenbach, who was captured during the recent incident. It has been confirmed by several anonymous reports that she would consider the refusal of the return of Reichenbach to be an act of war, however she has denied these claims and has only called his capture, "a criminal act of hostility".

The shelling of the DMZ was notably, not addressed by any member. Ducal Press Secretary Shmyhal stated that there have been no verified or confirmed reports of East Ruthen shelling the DMZ. All sources coming from East Ruthen about the shelling have been considered to be unverified and thereby not credible. Shmyhal stated that any questions about the shelling was considered at the moment, "rumors and hearsay". Shmyhal did acknowledge the killings in the DMZ, and stated that the Vistulzkan contingent would be committed to keeping the peace between both countries.

At the end of the press conference, Lemańska and Hiszékeny announced that the two would make an international visit to East Ruthen in order to meet with President Johanna Kohnstamm and discuss the future of Vistulzka and East Ruthen's relationship, potential future military aid, and the circumstances revolving around the DMZ in its current state. Lemańska also stated that the UMCAR's leadership needs to convene immediately in order to prevent the outbreak of a new war. While Lemańska has very openly floated for military aid and continual Vistulzkan presence in the DMZ, she has refused to comment on any actions in the case of a war. Neither Lemańska or Hiszékeny announced any intention for a visit to West Ruthen. Shmyhal stated that a visit to West Ruthen is not within the interests of the Vistulzkan government at this time, and would not be possible until both the Ducal Council and the Sejm reconvenes.
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Postby Almeraei » Mon Oct 21, 2024 12:53 am


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Postby AESYRiEL » Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:36 pm

Politics » The Ruthens
Live Broadcast » 24/7 Live Vistulzkan News

President Józef Kamiński and Marshal Małgosia Lemańskawin national election against Chruściel-Orange Republican challenge
The Orthodox Republican Party now has a supermajority in the government, having also won elections in the Sejm and Sejmek
President Józef Kamiński after his election victory. Political analysts worry that his victory may mean the beginning of democratic backsliding.

Written by Jean Moycho, VNN.

WŁOCŁAWEKJózef Kamiński and the Orthodox Republican Party saw a major political victory in the 2024 Vistulzkan National Elections. Kamiński was re-elected as the 18th President of Vistulzka alongside his Marshal Małgosia Lemańska and Head of Ducal Council Bálintka Bondarenko. Alongside this, the Orthodox Republican Party saw victories in the Sejm and the Sejmek, winning 14 seats in the Sejm and 22 seats in the Sejmek, giving them a majority within the country’s legislature. Alongside appointments of justiciars Aleksander Kaczorowski and Jolanta Żukowska, the Orthodox Republican Party has a majority in all branches of government, a first since 1956.

His political opponent, Chruściel-Orange Republican Łukasz Nowicki ran against him with high hopes, which fell flat on election day. Political analysts have cited four reasons as to Kamiński’s victory and Nowicki’s disappointing defeat. Kamiński’s economic policies have been lauded as beneficial to the country, having abandoned some of the more socialist policies of Orthodox Republicanism. Kamiński’s reorganization of the VHP Railways leadership in 2022 and the establishment of the Ásotthalom-Sydenham Rail has also been cited as a reason towards his victory. Analysts describe Nowicki’s campaign as weak throughout the election cycle, and while Nowicki was considered to not have lost any of the presidential debates against Kamiński, his Marshal Candidate Elżbieta Gawkowski performed extremely poorly in debates and was not seen as much as Lemańska. Lemańska’s own popularity has also been cited as to Kamiński’s victory, with her own polling numbers showing extremely high approval ratings, becoming one of the most highly approved Marshals at the end of their term.

The New Republican Coalition and its future has since come into question. The Orthodox Republican Party took most of its seats from its allies within the coalition, having taken a total 20 seats from the Chruściel-Orange Republican Party and a total 16 seats from the Blue Cross Movement Party. None of the seats belonging to any party within the Three Arrows Bloc were turned. Kamiński has always been seen as a political opponent to the Chruściel-Orange Republican Party. His initial announcement of Chruściel-Orange Republican Bálintka Bondarenko was received as him attempting to mend the divide between parties. Alongside this, he added various Chruściel-Orange Republicans to his Ducal Council. Close to the end of his first term, Bondarenko renounced her membership with the Chruściel-Orange Republicans and announced she was now a member of the Orthodox Republican Party. This served as a major catalyst to the divide between the Orthodox Republicans and the Chruściel-Orange Republicans.

Kamiński has not wasted any time in his replacements in the Ducal Council. Within Vistulzka, presidents are not allowed to add or remove members of the Ducal Council during their presidency without approval from the Sejm, however their initial appointments don’t require Sejm approval. As such, it is considered to be the right after re-election for a president to freely adjust their Ducal Council members. Kamiński has since replaced six members of the Ducal Council. Most notably, he removed most members of the Chruściel-Orange Republican Party and one member of the Blue Cross Movement and replaced them with Orthodox Republican Party members. In particular, he has instated most members who have shown a degree of loyalism towards his regime.


Mónika Bertalan —Department of Commerce
A member of the Sejm as a representative of Óbánya, Mónika Bertalan was previously considered for the Department of Social Development in Kamiński first term. Bertalan was a fierce campaigner of the support for East Ruthen against the political outcry of the Chruściel-Orange Republican Party’s opposition to Kamiński and Lemańska statements regarding the capture of East Ruthen pilot Stefan Reichenbach. Bertalan is replacing Chruściel-Orange Republican Marek Kowalski, who was initially appointed in 2020.


Czesława Hong — Department of Social Development
Czesława Hong is a descendant of the 16th President, Paweł Hong. Unlike Paweł, who is a member of the Blue Cross Movement, Czesława is a member of the Orthodox Republican Party. Czesława has several deep ties with the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, most notably being a stakeholder in several large hospitals in Prykordonnya as well as the only hospitals in the islands of Jastarnia and Utska. Her political experience is minimal compared to Paweł’s, however she has emerged as a staunch supporter of Lemańska. Czesława is replacing Blue Cross Movement member Sofia Melnyk, who was initially appointed in 2020.


Rafał Seweryński — Department of Natural Resources
Rafał Seweryński previously served under the same department under 16th President Aleksander Rakowski from 2008 to 2012. Seweryński has been noted as less of a political loyalist and focuses on political efficiency. Under his administration, the Department of Natural Resources saw an expansion of the National Parks & Reserves with twenty new areas given the designation. Seweryński served in the Sejm from 2012 to 2016 under President Władysław Skrzyński. Seweryński has been described as fiery and spirited with the operation of his department. Seweryński is replacing Chruściel-Orange Republican István Szabó, who was initially appointed in 2020.


Mieczysław Dankowski — Department of Trade & Labor Relations
Mieczysław Dankowski has been described as the protege of Małgosia Lemańska, having worked under the department when she served during Władysław Skrzyński’s presidency, Dankowski was heavily involved in her work with the East Vistulzkan Labor Company during Paweł Hong’s presidency. Since she was elected as Marshal, Dankowski has remained a part of the Department of Trade & Labor Relations as a high-profile member. Dankowski is replacing Chruściel-Orange Republican Janusz Zieliński, who was initially appointed in 2020.


Casimir Dzikowski — Department of Education
Casimir Dzikowski was previously the President of the University of Vistulzka-Ásotthalom from 2010 until 2020 where he tenured his resignation. His resignation marked the end of his educational career and the beginning of his political career. Dzikowski ran as the Governor of the Wełnica-Poznań Voivodeship, winning with an Orthodox Republican platform. Dzikowski has participated in discussions with the Department of Education, and saw improvement in Wełnica-Poznań’s education statistics in his 4 year tenure. Dzikowski is replacing Chruściel-Orange Republican Andrzej Wojciechowski, who was initially appointed in 2020.


Mykhailo Natalukha — Department of Prykordonnyan Affairs
Mykhailo Natalukha has been the Governor of the Prykordonnya East Voivodeship since 2012 under Presidents Paweł Hong and Władysław Skrzyński. Before that, he was the uncontested mayor of Lybid, the third largest city within Vistulzka for over 16 years dating back to President Yulia Reznikov. Natalukha has always voiced more moderate opinions against the progressive platform of Kamiński, but has always been at odds with the Chruściel-Orange Republican Party. Natalukha’s support of Kamiński dates back to the Six-Year War. Natalukha was previously a Professor of Political Theory and has published several books on the Second Political Odrodzenie and the Vistulzkan Civil War.

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Postby Pyinthar » Wed Dec 04, 2024 11:46 am


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Postby Poshyte » Fri Dec 06, 2024 5:24 pm

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