Arzastan's Embassy Programme [Open]

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]
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Arzastan's Embassy Programme [Open]

Postby Arzastan » Wed Mar 06, 2024 8:40 am

Arzastan's ministry of foreign affairs
وزیرخانه پیوندهای بیگانه ارزستان

As a part of the path to progress, Arzastan is inviting nations of the multiverse to establish embassies and consulates in our country in order to foster diplomatic ties with the world.
The Ambassadors/consuls will be granted diplomatic Immunity and embassies will be not subject to the Arzastan's law. As a result, embassies or consulates can own up to 5 cars.
Embassies can be located in Arzagaan (the capital city), Talx (the largest city) or Adrekaan, while consulates can be located in any other city in Arzastan.

Arzastan's Dispatch for embassies and diplomatic relations

Code for Embassies:
Code: Select all
[b][i]National information[/i][/b]
[b] Name of the nation:[/b]
[b] Official name of the nation:[/b]
[b]Head of the state:[/b]
[b]Head of the government:[/b]
[b] nation's type of the government:[/b]
[b] ministry responsible for embassies:[/b]
[b] minister responsible for embassies(name and Address(Ms,Mr,etc):[/b]
[b][i]Ambassador's information[/i][/b]
[b]Name of Ambassador:[/b]
[B]Ambassador's age:[/b]
[B]Ambassador's gender:[/b]
[b] Ambassador's previous position(optional):[/b]
[b] Ambassador's health concerns:[/b]
[b][i]Embassy's information:[/i][/b]
[b]Number of diplomatic staff:[/b]
[b]Number of security staff:[/b]
[b] Number of service staff:[/b]
[b] number and information of vechiles:[/b]
[b] embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan )[/b]
[b] would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls)[/b]
[b] Additional requests: [/b]

Code for consulates:
Code: Select all
[b]Name of Consul:[/b]
Consul's age:[/b]
Consul's gender:[/b]
[b] Consul's previous position(optional):[/b]
[b] Consul's health concerns:[/b]

[b]Number of diplomatic staff:[/b]
[b]Number of security staff:[/b]
[b] Number of service staff:[/b]
[b] number and information of vechiles:[/b]
[b] Consulates location (you can check the cities in the Provinces' factbook )[/b]
[b] Additional requests:[/b]
Last edited by Arzastan on Mon May 27, 2024 12:23 pm, edited 11 times in total.
My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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Postby Bigpipstan » Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:24 am

Name of the nation: Bigpipstan
Official name of the nation: Anocratic empire
Head of the state: Emperor Bigpip
Head of the government: Emperor Bigpip
nation's type of the government: constitutional monarchy with planned economy.
ministry responsible for embassies: Ministry of loyalty
minister responsible for embassies: Loyal Thunder
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Orange Thunder
Ambassador's age:58
Ambassador's gender: male
Ambassador's previous position(optional):
Ambassador's health concerns: he has an irregular heart rhythm.
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 3
Number of security staff: 1
Number of service staff: 1
number and information of vechiles: One transport truck.
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Talx
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls)
Additional requests: We want an ideogram of Neo-Harmonist ideology in the embassy.
We also want to bring along many cultural artifacts and be allowed to open a dedicated museum, to spread our culture.
Anocratic empire is a My little pony X Rimworld nation. Neo-Harmonist Semi constitutional monarchy with a cashless economy. canon population is 3,824,078,936. Doesn't use NS stats anymore. Our TF service, Acrab news, RP region, Tales 1, Tales 2.

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Postby Arzastan » Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:56 am

Bigpipstan wrote: Name of the nation: Bigpipstan
Official name of the nation: Anocratic empire
Head of the state: Emperor Bigpip
Head of the government: Emperor Bigpip
nation's type of the government: constitutional monarchy with planned economy.
ministry responsible for embassies: Ministry of loyalty
minister responsible for embassies: Loyal Thunder
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Orange Thunder
Ambassador's age:58
Ambassador's gender: male
Ambassador's previous position(optional):
Ambassador's health concerns: he has an irregular heart rhythm.
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 3
Number of security staff: 1
Number of service staff: 1
number and information of vechiles: One transport truck.
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Talx
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls)
Additional requests: We want an ideogram of Neo-Harmonist ideology in the embassy.
We also want to bring along many cultural artifacts and be allowed to open a dedicated museum, to spread our culture.

Loyal Thunder
Minister of Loyalty
Anocratic Empire of Bigpipstan

your application is reviewed and accepted. we will be honoured to receive a delegation from Bigpipstan. And there is a small building next to your planned embassy's building, where you can open the museum. I hope this will be start of cooperation and peace between the two nations.
Yours faithfully,
Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Arzastan » Sun Mar 10, 2024 8:34 am

My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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Postby Bilancorn » Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:44 am

National information
Name of the nation: The Crypto Island of Bilancorn / The Parliamentary republic of Bilancorn
Official name of the nation: Bilancorn
Head of the state: Lord Khaos
Head of the government: David Dahl
nation's type of the government: Parliamentary republic
ministry responsible for embassies: FA
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address): Marco Barsanti
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Abdullah Kmern
Ambassador's age:[/b] 41
Ambassador's gender:[/b] Male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): FA employer/trainer, translator
Ambassador's health concerns: None
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 10
Number of security staff: 10 (shynts)
Number of service staff: 5 (4 shynts, 1 human)
number and information of vechiles: 1 VTT and 1 Car
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Adrekaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) Sure! The link: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Additional requests: We would like to bring some cactuses as a traditional part of our culture
Last edited by Bilancorn on Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Discord and other social profiles:
ask via telegram

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Arzastan » Sun Mar 10, 2024 10:20 am

Bilancorn wrote:CODE: SELECT ALL
National information
Name of the nation: The Crypto Island of Bilancorn / The Parliamentary republic of Bilancorn
Official name of the nation: Bilancorn
Head of the state: Lord Khaos
Head of the government: David Dahl
nation's type of the government: Parliamentary republic
ministry responsible for embassies: FA
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address): Marco Barsanti
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Abdullah Kmern
Ambassador's age:[/b] 41
Ambassador's gender:[/b] Male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): FA employer/trainer, translator
Ambassador's health concerns: None
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 10
Number of security staff: 10 (shynts)
Number of service staff: 5 (4 shynts, 1 human)
number and information of vechiles: 1 VTT and 1 Car
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Adrekaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) Sure! The link: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Additional requests: We would like to bring some cactuses as a traditional part of our culture

Marco Barsanti
Minister of foreign affairs
Crypto Island of Bilancorn

after careful review, I'm honoured to say your application is accepted. we are waiting for your delegation . However about opening an embassy in your nation, unfortunately Arzastan's relationship is a bit negative with the republic of Ineva, who we shouldn't be hostile toward to can open an embassy in Bilancorn. so, can you explain what do you mean of "hostile" in the application code?
I actually hope our relationship with Ineva is not enough hostile so we can open the embassy and countiue the path of peace and cooperation between Arzastan and Bilancorn .
Yours faithfully,
Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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Postby Smeshivat » Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:39 am


TO: Arzastan's ministry of Foreign Affairs
FROM: Committee of Smeshivatian National Security/CSNS

Dear Arzastan,

Your government should notice the newly founded gargantuan nation Smeshivat, a mix of 5 "empires"
Our nation is very new and we "The Smeshivat government" are wanting more contact with other nations after 3 days of isolation,
We hereby propose an Embassy request, Thanks, Danke, Spasibo.

- The 3 Heads of CSNS; Highest Chairperson Philip Tellok, Chairwomen Stanislava Škodová, Lower Chairperson Sandra Weinwurm.
refer to Philip when responding..

National information
Name of the nation: The Super Empire of Smeshivat
Official name of the nation: Superimperiya Smeshivata
Head of the government: Empress Afanasiia
Heads of the state: Niklas Bitterlich, Raphael Geissbuhler, Marika Nurmsalu.
nation's type of the government: Multi-Leaders Monarch Dictatorship
ministry responsible for embassies: Committee of Smeshivatian National Security
minister(s) responsible for embassies (name and Address): Highest Chairperson Philip Tellok, Chairwomen Stanislava Škodová, Lower Chairperson Sandra Weinwurm
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Yenina Rakhila
Ambassador's age: 31
Ambassador's gender: Female
Ambassador's health concerns: None
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 8
Number of security staff: 10
Number of service staff: 7
number and information of vehicles: 4 Chrysler 300s
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ): Arzagaan.
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) Not Yet
Additional requests: None.
meslokia returns under a new flag, and a tiny update

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Postby Bilancorn » Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:48 am

Arzastan wrote:
Bilancorn wrote:CODE: SELECT ALL
National information
Name of the nation: The Crypto Island of Bilancorn / The Parliamentary republic of Bilancorn
Official name of the nation: Bilancorn
Head of the state: Lord Khaos
Head of the government: David Dahl
nation's type of the government: Parliamentary republic
ministry responsible for embassies: FA
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address): Marco Barsanti
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Abdullah Kmern
Ambassador's age:[/b] 41
Ambassador's gender:[/b] Male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): FA employer/trainer, translator
Ambassador's health concerns: None
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 10
Number of security staff: 10 (shynts)
Number of service staff: 5 (4 shynts, 1 human)
number and information of vechiles: 1 VTT and 1 Car
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Adrekaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) Sure! The link: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Additional requests: We would like to bring some cactuses as a traditional part of our culture

Marco Barsanti
Minister of foreign affairs
Crypto Island of Bilancorn

after careful review, I'm honoured to say your application is accepted. we are waiting for your delegation . However about opening an embassy in your nation, unfortunately Arzastan's relationship is a bit negative with the republic of Ineva, who we shouldn't be hostile toward to can open an embassy in Bilancorn. so, can you explain what do you mean of "hostile" in the application code?
I actually hope our relationship with Ineva is not enough hostile so we can open the embassy and countiue the path of peace and cooperation between Arzastan and Bilancorn .
Yours faithfully,
Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.


Hostile relations with another nation is related as: waging war against the nation, Supporting rebel groups present in the nation, embargo the nation, deport citizens from said nation away from your borders, attempt to assassinate the nation leader or try to launch Espionage/sabotage the nation.

Best Regards,

FA ministry, reports department.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Discord and other social profiles:
ask via telegram

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Postby Rentoln » Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:33 pm

National information
Name of the nation: Rentoln
Official name of the nation: People's Republic of Rentoln
Head of the state: Council of Presidency
Head of the government: High Council of Coordination
nation's type of the government: Socialist directorial republic
ministry responsible for embassies: Inter-Commission for Foreign Affairs
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address): The Inter-Commission for Foreign Affairs is a collegial body with variable composition, Revolution Plaza 6, Padriaba
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Jonathan Frye. (The People's Republic of Rentoln respectfully submit a request that Wigburg Schmid be allowed to serve as co-ambassador. You will find among parentheses the data related to Wigburg Schmid. We confirm our application for the opening of an embassy regardless of the response to that request.)
Ambassador's age: 48 (29)
Ambassador's gender: NB (NB)
Ambassador's previous position(optional): Co-president of the People's Council for the Administrative offices for Foreign Affairs (none)
Ambassador's health concerns: None (none)
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 5
Number of security staff: 2
Number of service staff: 1
number and information of vechiles: 1 sedan and 1 minivan
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Arzagaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) viewtopic.php?f=23&t=547757
Additional requests: We respectfully ask to be able to open a chocolate products shop, in accordance with Arzastan's law and subject to its taxation, in order to distribute the white chocolate products for which Rentoln is known
Last edited by Rentoln on Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
NS stats are canon unless otherwise stated in the factbook or anywhere else relevant.

The Nation exists in various different time periods, but unless otherwise stated it's the current year.

The People's Republic of Rentoln is mostly, but not always necessarily, an extremization of my ideas. No i don't really like dipping sausages in white chocolate, nor have I even tried it.

Want an embassy in Rentoln? viewtopic.php?f=23&t=547757

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Postby Tiraskania » Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:20 pm

National information
Name of the nation: Tiraskania
Official name of the nation: Republic of Tiraskania
Head of the state: President Artem Pokrovski
Head of the government: Prime Minister Anton Borodin
nation's type of the government: Unitary parliamentary republic
ministry responsible for embassies: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address): Immanuel Tokaryev / New Republic Tower, Vladivostok
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Boris Bolotin
Ambassador's age: 73
Ambassador's gender: Male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): Former Russian ambassador to Jordan
Ambassador's health concerns: None
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 20
Number of security staff: 15
Number of service staff: 15
number and information of vechiles: 1 limousine, 5 SUVs
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Arzagaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) Yes
Additional requests: None
Last edited by Tiraskania on Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Republic of Tiraskania

March 21, 2024 | VLADIVOSTOK TIMES: Tiraskania applies for membership to MSTA / National football team looking to play its first matches / Projections show rising support for Borodin government

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Postby Khoikhoia » Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:31 am

To: Shervān Simafshani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Arzastan ---CENSORED---
Subject: Embassy application

Dear Honourable Mr. Minister,

It is to my knowledge that the Federal Republic of Arzastan has already given us the pleasure of sending a diplomatic delegation to the Khoikhois Republic. In our pursuit of good dialogue and relations with every nation in the multiverse, we are obliged to act likewise. I offer my apologies for the late application. We hope that this will be another pivotal stepping stone in our countries' growing relationship, which I hope will prosper even more in future. We hope you accept this important action in securing an ever-better, cordial agreement between our two nations.

In your review of Khoikhoia's application, I wish you the best of luck and health in your dealings, and I thank you for your time doing so. You will find attached the relevant paperwork.

Yours faithfully,
Darío Juliano Molina
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Khoikhois Republic


National information
Name of the nation: Khoikhoia
Official name of the nation: Khoikhois Republic
Head of the state: President Cristoph Martins
Head of the government: Prime Minister Rudolf Bradley
Nation's type of government: Unitary parliamentary republic
Ministry responsible for embassies: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nos. 1-30 French Square
Minister responsible for embassies (Name and Address): Darío Molina, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Office: No. 15 French Square, 3rd Floor
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Daniela Santos (Candidate Portrait)
Ambassador's age: 46
Ambassador's gender: Female
Ambassador's previous position (optional): Secretary of the Foreign Ministry in the Civil Service
Ambassador's health concerns: None
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 10
Number of security staff: 5
Number of service staff: 8
Number and information of vehicles: 3 - 1x Mercedes-Benz E-Class (W213) (white), 2x Peugeot 208 (grey)
Embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan): Arzagaan
Would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation? (if so, link pls)L Already in place
Additional requests: In line with Foreign Ministry protocol, the service staff hired are requested to be local workers.

I'm probably moving to Kingdom of Saint Paul
Orgulhoso Tricolor - Overview - Portal to the KhoiVerse (Globus) - Civil War - Stats not canon
☀️ International Reporting - -R--T--A- News || Anglian President Ken Clarke personally intervenes to prevent Louisianais retail giant Monteverde's known union busting practices as workers in St Osburga narrwoly approve unionising ─ Monteverde to recognise first Anglian trade union | Shootout between moderate and radical Louisianais Liberal Party members at presidential candidate Douglas Vichelin's rally leaves 3 dead after moderate Nicole Richelieu selected as his running mate ─ violence condemned by those of all ideologies | Barricades formed around Greater Praia and Cabo in the Khoikhois Civil War

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Postby Arzastan » Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:53 am

Smeshivat wrote:

TO: Arzastan's ministry of Foreign Affairs
FROM: Committee of Smeshivatian National Security/CSNS

Dear Arzastan,

Your government should notice the newly founded gargantuan nation Smeshivat, a mix of 5 "empires"
Our nation is very new and we "The Smeshivat government" are wanting more contact with other nations after 3 days of isolation,
We hereby propose an Embassy request, Thanks, Danke, Spasibo.

- The 3 Heads of CSNS; Highest Chairperson Philip Tellok, Chairwomen Stanislava Škodová, Lower Chairperson Sandra Weinwurm.
refer to Philip when responding..

National information
Name of the nation: The Super Empire of Smeshivat
Official name of the nation: Superimperiya Smeshivata
Head of the government: Empress Afanasiia
Heads of the state: Niklas Bitterlich, Raphael Geissbuhler, Marika Nurmsalu.
nation's type of the government: Multi-Leaders Monarch Dictatorship
ministry responsible for embassies: Committee of Smeshivatian National Security
minister(s) responsible for embassies (name and Address): Highest Chairperson Philip Tellok, Chairwomen Stanislava Škodová, Lower Chairperson Sandra Weinwurm
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Yenina Rakhila
Ambassador's age: 31
Ambassador's gender: Female
Ambassador's health concerns: None
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 8
Number of security staff: 10
Number of service staff: 7
number and information of vehicles: 4 Chrysler 300s
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ): Arzagaan.
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) Not Yet
Additional requests: None.

Highest Chairperson Philip Tellok
Minister of foreign affairs
The Super Empire of Smeshivat

I'm honoured to say your application for an embassy is accepted and We are waiting to receive a deligation.
Hope for peace and friendship between the two nations,
Yours faithfully,
Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

Last edited by Arzastan on Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 356
Founded: Dec 31, 2023
Democratic Socialists

Postby Arzastan » Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:59 am

Rentoln wrote:National information
Name of the nation: Rentoln
Official name of the nation: People's Republic of Rentoln
Head of the state: Council of Presidency
Head of the government: High Council of Coordination
nation's type of the government: Socialist directorial republic
ministry responsible for embassies: Inter-Commission for Foreign Affairs
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address): The Inter-Commission for Foreign Affairs is a collegial body with variable composition, Revolution Plaza 6, Padriaba
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Jonathan Frye. (The People's Republic of Rentoln respectfully submit a request that Wigburg Schmid be allowed to serve as co-ambassador. You will find among parentheses the data related to Wigburg Schmid. We confirm our application for the opening of an embassy regardless of the response to that request.)
Ambassador's age: 48 (29)
Ambassador's gender: NB (NB)
Ambassador's previous position(optional): Co-president of the People's Council for the Administrative offices for Foreign Affairs (none)
Ambassador's health concerns: None (none)
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 5
Number of security staff: 2
Number of service staff: 1
number and information of vechiles: 1 sedan and 1 minivan
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Arzagaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) viewtopic.php?f=23&t=547757
Additional requests: We respectfully ask to be able to open a chocolate products shop, in accordance with Arzastan's law and subject to its taxation, in order to distribute the white chocolate products for which Rentoln is known

The Inter-Commission for Foreign Affairs
People's Republic of Rentoln

after reviewing the application, I'm honored to say your application is accepted . and we are waiting to receive your delegation . We will also applly to open an embassy in Rentoln as soon as possible, and I can't wait to taste your white chocolate products.
Yours faithfully,
Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

Last edited by Arzastan on Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:05 am, edited 3 times in total.
My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 356
Founded: Dec 31, 2023
Democratic Socialists

Postby Arzastan » Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:09 am

Tiraskania wrote:CODE: SELECT ALL
National information
Name of the nation: Tiraskania
Official name of the nation: Republic of Tiraskania
Head of the state: President Artem Pokrovski
Head of the government: Prime Minister Anton Borodin
nation's type of the government: Unitary parliamentary republic
ministry responsible for embassies: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address): Immanuel Tokaryev / New Republic Tower, Vladivostok
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Boris Bolotin
Ambassador's age: 73
Ambassador's gender: Male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): Former Russian ambassador to Jordan
Ambassador's health concerns: None
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 20
Number of security staff: 15
Number of service staff: 15
number and information of vechiles: 1 limousine, 5 SUVs
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Arzagaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) Yes
Additional requests: None

Immanuel Tokaryev
Minister of foreign affairs
Republic of Tiraskania

sorry for being late. I have reviewed your application carefully, and as we already have an embassy in Tiraskania, I am honored to improve the relationship between Arzastan and Tiraskania by accepting your application. We can't wait to receive a delegation from Tiraskania.
Yours faithfully,
Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

Last edited by Arzastan on Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Arzastan » Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:33 am

Khoikhoia wrote:
To: Shervān Simafshani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Arzastan ---CENSORED---
Subject: Embassy application

Dear Honourable Mr. Minister,

It is to my knowledge that the Federal Republic of Arzastan has already given us the pleasure of sending a diplomatic delegation to the Khoikhois Republic. In our pursuit of good dialogue and relations with every nation in the multiverse, we are obliged to act likewise. I offer my apologies for the late application. We hope that this will be another pivotal stepping stone in our countries' growing relationship, which I hope will prosper even more in future. We hope you accept this important action in securing an ever-better, cordial agreement between our two nations.

In your review of Khoikhoia's application, I wish you the best of luck and health in your dealings, and I thank you for your time doing so. You will find attached the relevant paperwork.

Yours faithfully,
Darío Juliano Molina
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Khoikhois Republic


National information
Name of the nation: Khoikhoia
Official name of the nation: Khoikhois Republic
Head of the state: President Cristoph Martins
Head of the government: Prime Minister Rudolf Bradley
Nation's type of government: Unitary parliamentary republic
Ministry responsible for embassies: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nos. 1-30 French Square
Minister responsible for embassies (Name and Address): Darío Molina, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Office: No. 15 French Square, 3rd Floor
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Daniela Santos (Candidate Portrait)
Ambassador's age: 46
Ambassador's gender: Female
Ambassador's previous position (optional): Secretary of the Foreign Ministry in the Civil Service
Ambassador's health concerns: None
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 10
Number of security staff: 5
Number of service staff: 8
Number and information of vehicles: 3 - 1x Mercedes-Benz E-Class (W213) (white), 2x Peugeot 208 (grey)
Embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan): Arzagaan
Would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation? (if so, link pls)L Already in place
Additional requests: In line with Foreign Ministry protocol, the service staff hired are requested to be local workers.


Darío Juliano Molina
Minister of foreign affairs
Khoikhois republic

Special thanks for applying for an embassy, I hope this will make the relationship between the two nations even better. It's clear that your application is accepted and we have already considered a building for the embassy. Please give us the pleasure of receiving your delegation as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

Last edited by Arzastan on Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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The Jugoslavs
Posts: 66
Founded: Feb 02, 2024

Postby The Jugoslavs » Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:20 pm

To: The esteemed Mr. Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

On behalf of her Majesty Ana I, Tsaritsa of the Jugoslavs, it is my supreme honor to present you with this request for the establishment of of a Jugoslav Embassy in the Federal Republic of Arzastan, to be established in its capital of Arzagaan. In due time, a formal invitation to a channel to establish your nation's embassy in the Tsardom of the Jugoslavs. We hope for the establishment of cordial relations and the opening of profitable international commerce between our two peoples.

Warmest Regards,

Jan Gorenc - State Chancellor of the Tsardom of the Jugoslavs

National information
Name of the nation: Jugoslavia
Official name of the nation: Tsardom of The Jugoslavs
Head of the state: Ana I, Tsaritsa of the Jugoslavs
Head of the government: Prime minister Miloš Teodosijević
nation's type of the government: Executive Constitutional Monarchy with Elected Legislature, Unitary
ministry responsible for embassies: Her Majesty's State Chancery
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address): State Chancellor Jan Gorenc / 1 State Chancery, Beograd, Jugoslavia, P.O. Box 001
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Josip Špataraku
Ambassador's age: 49
Ambassador's gender: Male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): Consul in Hong Kong
Ambassador's health concerns: Uses a CPAP machine while sleeping.
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 20
Number of security staff: 16
Number of service staff: 15
number and information of vehicles: 1x Anima Grand Helios (Ambassadorial Limousine), 5x Anima Atlas (High-Class SUV)
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Arzagaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) System pending
Additional requests:
Last edited by The Jugoslavs on Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 356
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Arzastan » Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:32 am

The Jugoslavs wrote:
To: The esteemed Mr. Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

On behalf of her Majesty Ana I, Tsaritsa of the Jugoslavs, it is my supreme honor to present you with this request for the establishment of of a Jugoslav Embassy in the Federal Republic of Arzastan, to be established in its capital of Arzagaan. In due time, a formal invitation to a channel to establish your nation's embassy in the Tsardom of the Jugoslavs. We hope for the establishment of cordial relations and the opening of profitable international commerce between our two peoples.

Warmest Regards,

Jan Gorenc - State Chancellor of the Tsardom of the Jugoslavs

National information
Name of the nation: Jugoslavia
Official name of the nation: Tsardom of The Jugoslavs
Head of the state: Ana I, Tsaritsa of the Jugoslavs
Head of the government: Prime minister Miloš Teodosijević
nation's type of the government: Executive Constitutional Monarchy with Elected Legislature, Unitary
ministry responsible for embassies: Her Majesty's State Chancery
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address): State Chancellor Jan Gorenc / 1 State Chancery, Beograd, Jugoslavia, P.O. Box 001
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Josip Špataraku
Ambassador's age: 49
Ambassador's gender: Male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): Consul in Hong Kong
Ambassador's health concerns: Uses a CPAP machine while sleeping.
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 20
Number of security staff: 16
Number of service staff: 15
number and information of vehicles: 1x Anima Grand Helios (Ambassadorial Limousine), 5x Anima Atlas (High-Class SUV)
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Arzagaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) System pending
Additional requests:

State Chancellor Jan Gorenc
Tsardom of the Jugoslavs

esteemed Mr. Jan Gorenc, after careful review it's my honor to say your application accepted and we are already waiting for your diplomatic delegation. Hope for a brighter future for both nations,
Yours faithfully,
Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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Posts: 2901
Founded: Oct 01, 2023
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Heldervin » Wed Mar 13, 2024 12:30 pm

National Department of Foreign Relations

Shervān Simafshani
Foreign Minister

I, Odelia Brigitte of Heldervin, on this 13th March day of 2024, speak on behalf of His Most Honourable, by the Grace of Heldervin, Lord Chaburteen XIV the Father Monarch of the House of Schrieberstudnt as I extend a request to establish a Heldervinian embassy in Arzastan. We hope that favourable relations can be maintained between our nations.

Ms. Brigitte
Head of Department
Vrebsicourg, Heldervin

National information
Name of the nation: Heldervin
Official name of the nation: Superior Monarchy of Heldervin
Head of the state: Lord Chaburteen XIV
Head of the government: Same as above
nation's type of the government: Constitutional monarchy
ministry responsible for embassies: National Department of Foreign Relations
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address(Ms,Mr,etc): Odelia Brigitte, 490 East Mary Road, Vrebsicourg, Heldervin
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Valda Taube
Ambassador's age: 28
Ambassador's gender: Female
Ambassador's previous position(optional): Was a lawyer previously. She also was a past ambassador to Berush
Ambassador's health concerns: N/A
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 10
Number of security staff: 5
Number of service staff: 10
number and information of vechiles: 3 Royal State Cars
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Arzagaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) viewtopic.php?f=23&t=547623
Additional requests: We request that our local dishes be allowed to be imported to the embassy location for the team to enjoy
Last edited by Heldervin on Wed Mar 13, 2024 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 356
Founded: Dec 31, 2023
Democratic Socialists

Postby Arzastan » Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:00 pm

Heldervin wrote:
National Department of Foreign Relations

Shervān Simafshani
Foreign Minister

I, Odelia Brigitte of Heldervin, on this 13th March day of 2024, speak on behalf of His Most Honourable, by the Grace of Heldervin, Lord Chaburteen XIV the Father Monarch of the House of Schrieberstudnt as I extend a request to establish a Heldervinian embassy in Arzastan. We hope that favourable relations can be maintained between our nations.

Ms. Brigitte
Head of Department
Vrebsicourg, Heldervin

National information
Name of the nation: Heldervin
Official name of the nation: Superior Monarchy of Heldervin
Head of the state: Lord Chaburteen XIV
Head of the government: Same as above
nation's type of the government: Constitutional monarchy
ministry responsible for embassies: National Department of Foreign Relations
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address(Ms,Mr,etc): Odelia Brigitte, 490 East Mary Road, Vrebsicourg, Heldervin
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Valda Taube
Ambassador's age: 28
Ambassador's gender: Female
Ambassador's previous position(optional): Was a lawyer previously. She also was a past ambassador to Berush
Ambassador's health concerns: N/A
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 10
Number of security staff: 5
Number of service staff: 10
number and information of vechiles: 3 Royal State Cars
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Arzagaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) viewtopic.php?f=23&t=547623
Additional requests: We request that our local dishes be allowed to be imported to the embassy location for the team to enjoy

Odelia Brigitte of Heldervin

esteemed Ms Brigitte, it's my honor to say your application for an embassy is accepted we are waiting to receive diplomatic delegation and taste your traditional cuisine. I hope this will be a start of cooperation and friendship between the two nations.
Yours faithfully,
Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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Southeast Marajarbia
Postmaster of the Fleet
Posts: 20248
Founded: Mar 21, 2021
Moralistic Democracy

Postby Southeast Marajarbia » Fri Mar 15, 2024 6:42 pm

National information
Name of the nation: The Marajarbian Federation
Official name of the nation: Same as above
Head of the state: President Daniel Robinson
Head of the government: Same as above
nation's type of the government: Democracy. Ideologically we are democratic socialists.
ministry responsible for embassies: Marajarbian Foreign Ministry
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address(Ms,Mr,etc): Foreign Minister Harold Harrison
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Joseph Smith
Ambassador's age: 37
Ambassador's gender: male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): N/A
Ambassador's health concerns: N/A
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 15
Number of security staff: 15
Number of service staff: 10
number and information of vechiles: N/A
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan )Talx
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) N/A for now (will send link later)
Additional requests: N/A
Just a regular old II Superpower nation, and large scale trading empire that likes to have fun! You (the reader) can find me all over II nowadays, so I suggest having a chat.

Some NS stats are not canon. Nation represents some (not all) of my RL views

Currently mourning the loss of an old friend. Will try to maintain activity.

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 356
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Arzastan » Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:07 am

Southeast Marajarbia wrote:CODE: SELECT ALL
National information
Name of the nation: The Marajarbian Federation
Official name of the nation: Same as above
Head of the state: President Daniel Robinson
Head of the government: Same as above
nation's type of the government: Democracy. Ideologically we are democratic socialists.
ministry responsible for embassies: Marajarbian Foreign Ministry
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address(Ms,Mr,etc): Foreign Minister Harold Harrison
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Joseph Smith
Ambassador's age: 37
Ambassador's gender: male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): N/A
Ambassador's health concerns: N/A
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 15
Number of security staff: 15
Number of service staff: 10
number and information of vechiles: N/A
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan )Talx
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) N/A for now (will send link later)
Additional requests: N/A

To:Harold Harrison
Minister of foreign affairs
The Marajarbian Federation

esteemed mr Harrison, after careful review, I'm honored to say your application for an embassy is accepted and we are waiting to receive diplomatic delegation. I hope this will be a start of cooperation and friendship between the two nations.
Shervān Simafshani,
Foreign minister of the federal republic of Arzastan.

My flag isn't Italian nor Mexican, And I wouldn't appreciate replies about this fact on the Signature thread.
oh, And This nation is not an Alternate history version of Iran.more like a Tajikistan 2: Electric boogaloo.
The Federal Republic of Arzastan
Random fictional Leftist-nationalist Iranic nation Consisting of five unified states
Here NS stats are (mostly) canon and they can hurt you, unless you are a nomad.

use my text Rose wherever you like, specially if you Support Social Democracy.
Radio Arza: Babdar-e Mehr project creates great opportunities for employment, says economist | Vanuzgard sinks a refugee boat, Arzastan declares its shock | " I can't believe how savage can Vanuzies be" says Arzenese citizen 

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 360
Founded: Jul 30, 2023
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Hussija » Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:47 pm

Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí — Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Husijská lidová republika — People's Republic of Hussija


To: Shervān Simafshani, Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Federal Republic of Arzastan
29 Mar. 2024

Esteemed Minister,

It is a great honour for me to submit the People's Republic of Hussija's application for the establishment of an embassy in the Federal Republic of Arzastan. The nation of Hussija wholeheartedly believes in the importance of building and maintaining diplomatic relations with other countries, however different our beliefs and systems of governance may be. While we fully acknowledge the undeniable differences in our nations' systems of governance, we are nevertheless faithful that you will recognise our commitment to stable non-partisan diplomacy, and we would be humbled in establishing a respectful partnership between our two nations.

With highest regards,
Pavla Veselá, Minister of Foreign Relations,
People's Republic of Hussija

National information
Name of the nation: Hussija
Official name of the nation: The People's Republic of Hussija
Head of the state: President of the People's Republic of Hussija, Silvestr Kučera
Head of the government: Prime Minister of the Government, Mikoláš Novotný
nation's type of the government: Hussite socialist republic
ministry responsible for embassies: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address(Ms,Mr,etc): Minister of Foreign Relations, Pavla Veselá
Ambassador's information
Name of Ambassador: Vladan Pešek
Ambassador's age: 48
Ambassador's gender: Male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): Ambassador to Azerbaijan
Ambassador's health concerns: N/A
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 12
Number of security staff: 8
Number of service staff: 8
number and information of vechiles: four semi-armoured sedans
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan) Arzagaan
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) Yes: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=538960
Additional requests: The Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of Hussija humbly requests permission to build a small private chapel on embassy grounds, in order to fulfil the spiritual needs of the embassy staff. We would arrange to bring an ordained minister of the Church of Hussija as part of the service staff.
The People's Republic of Hussija
24. září 1975
BREAKING: Hussija ACTUALLY works on their factbooks (of course, they create yet another WIP one instead of working on previous WIP ones…)
RTLH-English Dear international viewers of RTLH, did you know that 2025 marks the 500th anniversary of Konrád Štýblo's first voyage to the New World, which spearheaded the great Hussite migrations, as well as the 50th anniversary of the proclamation of the People's Republic of Hussija? Grand celebrations are planned for September and December: book your plane tickets today and join the festivities!
NS stats aren't canon, of course

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Posts: 82
Founded: Dec 18, 2022

Postby Tamocordia » Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:25 am

National information
Name of the nation: Tamocordia
Official name of the nation: Incorporated States of Tamocordia
Head of the state: Adriel Otto
Head of the government: Adriel Otto
nation's type of the government: Federal Presidential Republic
ministry responsible for embassies: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
minister responsible for embassies(name and Address(Ms,Mr,etc): Mrs. Khinara Hines
Ambassador's information Mr. Mustafa Oglou has a background in crisis management and emergency response. He has coordinated diplomatic efforts during natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies.
Name of Ambassador: Javier Carter Mustafa Oglou
Ambassador's age: 41 years old
Ambassador's gender: male
Ambassador's previous position(optional): Mr. Mustafa Oglou worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in coordinating international aid missions
Ambassador's health concerns: None
Embassy's information:
Number of diplomatic staff: 10
Number of security staff: 5
Number of service staff: 10
number and information of vechiles: 6 estate cars
embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Whereever there is suitable space
would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) Yes. viewtopic.php?ns=1&f=23&t=547365&p=41388417#p41388417
Additional requests:
Last edited by Tamocordia on Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Formed from many, now as one."

For embassy exchange requests or establishment of diplomatic relations:

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Posts: 519
Founded: Mar 29, 2022
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Raskana » Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:37 am

Name of Consul:Anthony Caroni.
Consul's age:[/b]41
Consul's gender:[/b]M
Consul's previous position(optional):Diplomat to north rosmana.
Consul's health concerns:Slight Acrophobia.

Number of diplomatic staff:7
Number of security staff:8
Number of service staff:4
number and information of vechiles:4
Consulates location (you can check the cities in the Provinces' factbook )Talx.
Additional requests:A garden, if possible, if not a balcony.
Last edited by Raskana on Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
My other nations are Rosmana and north rosmana
NS policies are not used, see factbooks instead.
*Put this in your Sig if you are stuck in the wrong HOI 4 mod*

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East Leaf Republic
Posts: 344
Founded: Feb 18, 2024

Postby East Leaf Republic » Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:26 am

National information
Name of the nation: East Leaf/Leaf

Official name of the nation: The Republic of the Leaf

Head of the state: Yang Sato

Head of the government: Yang Sato

nation's type of the government: Sovereign Socialist Democracy

ministry responsible for embassies: The Leafic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

minister responsible for embassies(name and Address(Ms,Mr,etc): Yoshirin Nohara

Ambassador's information

Name of Ambassador: Sakura Minamoto

Ambassador's age: 39

Ambassador's gender: Female

Ambassador's previous position(optional): Ambassador of the now-destroyed Leafic Embassy in China.

Ambassador's health concerns: None

Embassy's information:

Number of diplomatic staff: 5

Number of security staff: 10

Number of service staff: 5

number and information of vechiles: N.A

embassy's location (Arzagaan, Talx, Adrekaan ) Arzagaan

would you like Arzastan to have an embassy in your nation?(if so, link pls) Yes, please - viewtopic.php?f=23&t=548354

Additional requests: The ambassador is bringing her pet dog, a golden retriever.
Last edited by East Leaf Republic on Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
> 葉 // NS Stats & Policies not canon, from the Second Asia. <
> リーフボール // NS Stats & Policies not canon, from the North Pacific <
< > Minecraft Lover, Countryball Lover, Friends with Everyone. Always writes in Cursive. < >
ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ This is Kitty. Copy & Paste her into your signature so she can rule the world.
gib money pls



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