The National Gazette of Imperia is the official publication that has been authorized to publish Public and/or Legal Notices. The Gazette is Published by the Ministry of Justice and is a periodical publication.

by Awesome Imperium » Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:19 pm
by Awesome Imperium » Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:22 pm
![]() M I N I S T R YO FT H EI N T E R I O R Palazzo del Latina, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italia, Imperia 17 2 2024 Ministerial Decree 18.40/10 Documentation Officielle du Principat Césarienne WHEREAS the Imperium's National Security, Territorial Integrity, and Sovereignty is under threat. And WHEREAS by a RESOLUTION OF PARLIAMENT, the State Council has given it's blessings for the invocation of the EMERGENCY POWERS ACT OF 2022, the Ministry of the Interior does institute the following General Orders and Provisions having the force of law for a period of no more than THIRTY DAYS from the 17th of February, 2024. General Order № 1 The Council of Ministers has instructed the Ministry of the Interior to suspend certain rights and services including the following:
Authorized Officers of the State will have the right to search and seize property and possessions under suspicion without warrant from a Magistrate, with the government being bale to proscribe for such action to be taken and the seizure of assets without warrant under the Emergency Powers Act of 2022 and Extra-Constitutional Measures undertaken by Decree of the State Council. General Order № 3 The State Council orders that all state ministries, organizations, departments, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the Federal Government, state owned or controlled corporations, as well as governments of all the regions, provinces, prefectures, cities, municipalities should continue to function under their present officers and employees, until otherwise ordered by the State Council, Council of Ministers and the President of the Council of Minsters or by their duly designated representatives. The State Council further orders that the Judiciary should continue to function in accordance with its present organization and personnel, and carry out their constitutional functions and responsibilities having considered and taken into account the General Orders and Decrees enacted for the duration of the state of emergency. General Order № 4 The Federal Government shall assume substitutive powers in the Provinces of IRAQ, SYRIA, AZERIA, ARMENIA, KUWAIT, and LEBANON. Such powers will be imposed on the Provincial Governments, Governments of all Prefectures, and all Municipalities, Metropolitan Areas, and Districts where administration shall be assumed by designated representatives, officers, and commissioners of the Federal Government. Emergency Powers shall be in effect there including restriction of freedom of movement, right to assembly, and the imposition of a curfew for all hours of the day save for a period between 10:00 AM till 2:00 PM. Signed into Effect Immediatly, ![]() |
AN ORDER STRIPPING JONATHAN DE VALWA OF HIS IMPERIAL TITLESIn the name of His Imperial Majesty, AURELIAN II, Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans,
Her Imperial Majesty,
Theodora, The Empress-Dowager and Regent of the Empire,
Having consulted with the Council of Ministers;
Aware of the Imperial Prerogative over the Honors and Decorations of State of the Empire;
Whereas Jonathan de Valwa has insulted the prestige of the Caesarean Dynasty and their Imperial Majesties, the Empresses Dowagers;
Art 1.) Jonathan de Valwa is hearby stripped of his title as Basileopator.
Ar 2.) All official privileges granted to Jonathan de Valwa are herby revoked.
Done in Rome, on the 8th of December, 2024Signed, {THEODORA}
By H.I.M. The Regent of the Empire in the Name of H.I.M. The Emperor
President of the Government
Lord Imperial Chancellor
Minister of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs
by Awesome Imperium » Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:44 pm
WHEREAS the Riessan Government repeatedly made false claims that Lady Augusta Zweifel was being held illegally ad hostage by the Caesarean State;
WHEREAS Lady Zweifel was tried by, and lawfully convicted and sentenced in a court of law;
WHEREAS the Riessan Government demanded the release of Lady Zweifel, contrary to the verdict and sentence given by the Imperial Court of Appeals in Ravenna;
WHEREAS the Riessan Government broke diplomatic protocol by appointing Lady Zweifel to the post of diplomatic aide and requesting diplomatic immunity after her detention to illegally demand for her release in accordance to international law, and then going on to make false and public claims of the Caesarean State violating international law and diplomatic protocol;
WHEREAS the Riessan Government publicly attacked the honor and dignity of members of the Imperial Family and of the Caesarean State Itself, including that of the Imperial Crown, People, and His Imperial Majesty's Courts;
WHEREAS the Riessan Government demanded that other states cut diplomatic ties with the Caesarean State, and adopt sanctions and travel bans against the Caesarean State;
WHEREAS the Kingdom of Beliany adopted sanctions against members of His Imperial Majesty's Household, the National Police, and members of the Imperial Family;
WHEREAS Berengar Maranyon, King of Riessany, dishonored and mistreated a representative of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor and insulted the Caesarean State;
WHEREAS the Count von Tesseinveghalten insulted the Caesarean State;
WHEREAS the Government of Gualla adopted economic sanctions and a travel ban against the Caesarean State and furthermore adhered to the demands of the Government of Riessany to cut off all diplomatic ties with the Caesarean State;
WHEREAS Alexander Pearson-LeCastle, King of Gualla, insulted the Caesarean State;
WHEREAS Hae Kamari insulted the Caesarean State;
HAVING CONSULTED with His Imperial Majesty's Privy Council;
HAVING CONSULTED with His Imperial Majesty's Ministers of State, Ministers, Vice Ministers, Junior Ministers, Secretaries of State, and Undersecretaries of State;
And HAVING CONSIDERED the facts, arguments, verdicts, and sentences of the case Zweifel v. Caesarean State;HAS DECREED:ART. I
1. All travel between the Caesarean State and the Kingdom of Riessany is forbidden unless it is Imperian citizens returning to the Caesarean State.
2. All Economic activity of Imperian Citizens with nationals of entities based in Kingdom of Riessany is forbidden.
3. All assets of Riessan Nationals in the Caesarean State are in the custody of the State.
4. Riessan Vessels are forbidden from entering Imperium territorial waters and barred from Imperium's Territorial Waters under penalty of seizure.
5. Riessan Aircraft are forbidden from entering Imperium Airspace and barred from the Imperium's airspace under penalty of interception and seizure or being shot down.
6. Beregar Maranyon, King of Riessany is named an Enemy of the State. It is the duty of all subjects of His Imperial Majesty to do him harm if able.
7. The Count von Tesseinveghalten is named an Enemy of the State. It is the duty of all subjects of His Imperial Majesty to do him harm if able.
8. Any Riessan Citizen in the territoriality and jurisdiction of the Imperium is to be detained by Imperial Authorities or by citizens of the Empire until the proper authorities are able to perform arrest on the civilian detained Riessan Citizen.
9. All members of the Riessan Royal Family are declared as Enemies of the State. It is the duty of all subjects of His Imperial Majesty to do them harm if able.Art. II
1. The Crown Prince of Beliany is sanctioned by the Caaesarean State, all his assets in the Imperium are to be seized and any economic activity with and/or benefiting him is forbidden.
2. All travel between the Caesarean State and the Kingdom of Beliany is forbidden unless it is Imperian citizens returning to the Caesarean State.
3. All Economic activity of Imperian Citizens with nationals of entities based in Kingdom of Beliany is forbidden.
4. All assets of Belian Nationals in the Caesarean State are in the custody of the State.
5. Any Belian Citizen in the territoriality and jurisdiction of the Imperium is to be detained by Imperial Authorities or by citizens of the Empire until the proper authorities are able to perform arrest on the civilian detained Belian Citizen.
6. Belian Vessels are forbidden from entering Imperium territorial waters and barred from Imperium's Territorial Waters under penalty of seizure.
7. Belian Airacft are forbidden from entering Imperium Airspace and barred from the Imperium's airspace under penalty of interception and seizure or being shot down.ART. III
1. All travel between the Caesarean State and the Commonwealth of Gualla is forbidden unless it is Imperian citizens returning to the Caesarean State.
2. All Economic activity of Imperian Citizens with nationals of entities based in Commonwealth of Gualla is forbidden.
3. All assets of Guallan Nationals in the Caesarean State are in the custody of the State.
4. Guallan Vessels are forbidden from entering Imperium territorial waters and barred from Imperium's Territorial Waters under penalty of seizure.
5. Guallan Aircraft are forbidden from entering Imperium Airspace and barred from the Imperium's airspace under penalty of interception and seizure or being shot down.
6. Alexander Pearson-LeCastle, King of Gualla is named an Enemy of the State. It is the duty of all subjects of His Imperial Majesty to do him harm if able.
7. Hae Kamari is named an Enemy of the State. It is the duty of all subjects of His Imperial Majesty to do him harm if able.
8. Any Guallan Citizen in the territoriality and jurisdiction of the Imperium is to be detained by Imperial Authorities or by citizens of the Empire until the proper authorities are able to perform arrest on the civilian detained Guallann Citizen.
Done in Constantinople, the 22nd of January 2025Signed, [x] AURELIAN I. CÆS.
by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor
President of the Council of Ministers
Keeper of Seals, Minister of State, and Minister of Justice
Minister of State, and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Imperial Chancellor
Vice President of the Council of Ministers
by Awesome Imperium » Wed Jan 22, 2025 3:37 pm
![]() INTRODUCED In the Senate PASSED 24th January, 2024 IN the Chamber of Deputies LEGISLATURA XII SESSION Hiemālis S. Lex I XXIV-I-MMXXV "IMPERIAL DECREE IMPOSING RETALIATORY MEASURES UPON THE KINGDOM OF HOSPE" Status: [ - R E P E A L E D - ] WHEREAS the Riessan Government repeatedly made false claims that Lady Augusta Zweifel was being held illegally ad hostage by the Caesarean State; WHEREAS Lady Zweifel was tried by, and lawfully convicted and sentenced in a court of law; WHEREAS the Riessan Government demanded the release of Lady Zweifel, contrary to the verdict and sentence given by the Imperial Court of Appeals in Ravenna; WHEREAS the Riessan Government broke diplomatic protocol by appointing Lady Zweifel to the post of diplomatic aide and requesting diplomatic immunity after her detention to illegally demand for her release in accordance to international law, and then going on to make false and public claims of the Caesarean State violating international law and diplomatic protocol; WHEREAS the Riessan Government demanded that other states cut diplomatic ties with the Caesarean State, and adopt sanctions and travel bans against the Caesarean State; WHEREAS Berengar Maranyon, King of Riessany, dishonored and mistreated a representative of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor and insulted the Caesarean State; WHEREAS The Government of Hospe adopted sanctions and a travel ban against the Caesarean State; WHEREAS the Premier of Hospe publicly insulted the Caesarean State; HAVING CONSULTED with His Imperial Majesty's Privy Council; HAVING CONSULTED with His Imperial Majesty's Ministers of State, Ministers, Vice Ministers, Junior Ministers, Secretaries of State, and Undersecretaries of State; AND HAVING CONSIDERED the facts, arguments, verdicts, and sentences of the case Zweifel v. Caesarean State; HAS DECREED: ARTICLE I 1. All travel between the Caesarean State and the Kingdom of Hospe is forbidden unless it is Imperian citizens returning to the Caesarean State. 2. All Economic activity of Imperian Citizens with nationals of entities based in Kingdom of Hospe is forbidden. 3. All assets of Hospean Nationals in the Caesarean State are in the custody of the State. 4. Hospean Vessels are forbidden from entering Imperium territorial waters and barred from Imperium's Territorial Waters under penalty of seizure. 5. Hospean Aircraft are forbidden from entering Imperium Airspace and barred from the Imperium's airspace under penalty of interception and seizure or being shot down. 6. The Premier of Hospe is named an Enemy of the State. It is the duty of all subjects of His Imperial Majesty to do her harm if able. 8. Any Hospean Citizen in the territoriality and jurisdiction of the Imperium is to be detained by Imperial Authorities or by citizens of the Empire until the proper authorities are able to perform arrest on the civilian detained Riessan Citizen. Done in Constantinople, the 23rd of January 2025 Signed, [x] AURELIAN I. CÆS. by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Signed, [x] NADIR SALIM SHARIF, President of the Council of Ministers Signed, [x] ANALISA LORENZO, Keeper of Seals, Minister of State, and Minister of Justice Signed, [x] ANTONIO PÉREZ GARCÍA, Minister of State, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Witness, [x] ΛΑΥΡΕΝΤΙΟΣ ΛΑΣΚΑΡΙΑΔΕΣ, Imperial Chancellor Witness, [x] ISABEL MARÍA RAMÍREZ Vice President of the Council of Ministers |
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