Bilancorn Embassy Program

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]
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Bilancorn Embassy Program

Postby Bilancorn » Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:22 pm

If your nation desire to open an embassy in Bilancorn, please fill this form:

Name of your nation:

Government form:

canon WA classification:

Ambassador name:

Ambassador gender:

Ambassador age:

Ambassador staff (number):

Addictional Requests:

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy?

If your request will be accepted, you will be added to the factbook about embassies.
Last edited by Bilancorn on Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Discord and other social profiles:
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Posts: 2661
Founded: Oct 26, 2023
Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby Cyptopir » Mon Jan 08, 2024 2:12 pm

Name of your nation: Cyptopir

Government form: Democratic Republic

canon WA classification: Liberal Democratic Socialists

Ambassador name: Elin Johansen

Ambassador gender: Female

Ambassador age: 45

Ambassador staff (number): 20

Addictional Requests: None

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union

I pledge no hostility toward the Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, or the Norse Union.
Last edited by Cyptopir on Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Henchman in the Warzone Sandbox Mafia, Levy in the AEK and Officer (x3) in the Rejected Realms.
Flag Directory
A website

Opinions (objectively correct):
Fascism is bad. :)
You are you. Who you are is solely up to you, and no one else can tell you who you are.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Here's a word of advice; try to avoid any regions on this list and any other regions associated with them. (Credits to Improper Classifications)
\| x x |/
/| __ | \
Death to Spidey.
Ugh. ತʍತ
Any opinions shared are my own. I do not speak for any region or organization I'm involved in unless specified.

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Postby Bilancorn » Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:35 am

Cyptopir wrote:Name of your nation: Cyptopir

Government form: Constitutional Monarchy

canon WA classification: Liberal Democratic Socialists

Ambassador name: Elin Johansen

Ambassador gender: Female

Ambassador age: 45

Ambassador staff (number): 20

Addictional Requests: None

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union

I pledge no hostility toward the Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, or the Norse Union.

Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Discord and other social profiles:
ask via telegram

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Founded: Aug 27, 2023

Postby Stuckedia » Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:42 am

Name of your nation: Stuckedia

Government form: Authoritarian Republic

canon WA classification: Psychotic Dictatorship

Ambassador name: Stenck Yain

Ambassador gender: Male

Ambassador age: 25

Ambassador staff (number): 15

Addictional Requests:

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union

I promise no hostility towards these 4 nations after I make this embassy form.
"Socialist Denmark" - Simonia, "Vietnamese power rangers" - Britain Modern RP, "Minnesota flag proposal." - Sarolandia
The Great Stuck Nation of Stuckedia!
This nation doesn't represent my political views.
NS stats is all canon. Apply for a embassy with us:
Our leader is technically Ztuk Ai-Yain to prevent one of my puppets from being useless.
Stuckedian National News: A group of Stuckedians captured while escaping from Stuckedia | Ztuk Ai-Yain is building tall walls on beaches, causing Stuckedian waters to be mostly empty | Stuckedia now allows foreigners to leave and enter, to increase tourism.

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The Malaya Rajanate
Posts: 274
Founded: Nov 23, 2023

Postby The Malaya Rajanate » Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:10 am

Mantralaya of Peace

To whomever it may concern,

On behalf of His Majesty the Maharaja, it is with great pleasure that I hereby submit the Malayan application to establish an embassy in the Crypto Island of Bilancorn. May this establish a long-lasting prosperous and flourishing relationship between our two peoples. I hereby also invite the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bilancorn to apply for the Malayan embassy programme.

Hayati Desa, Head of the Mantralaya of Peace

Name of your nation: The Rajanate of Malaya

Government form: Absolute Monarchy

canon WA classification: Benevolent Dictatorship, I suppose

Ambassador name: Sari Desa

Ambassador gender: Female

Ambassador age: 38

Ambassador staff (number): 18

Addictional Requests: Invitation to establish an embassy here

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union

The Rajanate of Malaya does not- and will not- have any hostile relations with the aforementioned nations.
The Rajanate of Malaya
Factbook | Embassy |WIP

NS Stats have won the lottery and have now retired to a distant Carribean island. Please consult my factbooks instead.

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Posts: 122
Founded: May 22, 2018
Democratic Socialists

Postby Nationeer » Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:32 am



Minister of External Affairs
Derion, The Crypto Island of Bilancorn

09 January 2024


It is a pleasure and honour for me to announce and submit our application for the establishment of a permanent embassy of The United Kingdom of Nationeer in The Crypto Island of Bilancorn. We foresee many great opportunities of diplomacy in trade, education, and technology between our nations. We wish for a tight and fruitful relationship with your nation.

Yours sincerely,
Frédéric Cousteau
Prime Delegate of Foreign Affairs
Nationeer Central, United Kingdom of Nationeer



Name of your nation: The United Kingdom of Nationeer

Government form: Unitary Parliamentary, Semi-constitutional Monarchy

canon WA classification: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Ambassador name: Charles Anko

Ambassador gender: Male

Ambassador age: 28

Ambassador staff (number): 40

Addictional Requests:
We'd like to bring:
8x Glock 47
8x Axon X26P Taser
12x Pepper Spray
8x ASP 16" Expandable Baton
4x M3D Glock
for our security team, and:
1x Toyota Century G50 (mod. Bulletproof)
5x Toyota Camry Ascent (mod. Bulletproof)
2x Toyota HiAce GL GrandiaTourer
1x Land Rover Defender 110 XS S/W (mod. Bulletproof)
for direct transportation needs, with an addition of:
10x Flower Pots of Viridian White Lillies
as part of our tradition of bringing white lilies to distant lands.

We'd also like to invite you to open an embassy in The United Kingdom of Nationeer

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union
We confirm that The United Kingdom of Nationeer has no hostility nor hostile intent against said nations.
Last edited by Nationeer on Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

OOC: Currently in travel, replies and updates might be slowed, sorry for the inconvenience.

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Eragon Island
Posts: 3290
Founded: Dec 07, 2021
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Eragon Island » Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:36 am

Name of your nation: The Hivemind (Eragon Island)

Government form: Hivemind

canon WA classification: Psychotic Dictatorship

Ambassador name: Clyde Far

Ambassador gender: Trans Male

Ambassador age: 38

Ambassador staff (number): 7

Additional Requests: N/A

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union
Within my knowledge, I am not hostile to any of these nations

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy?

More allies is always good.
Alignment stuff: Governmental, Religious
I eat kittens. Moderation is cool. I have no life.
Be a Scalie, like Moi. I am a Dangernoodle. (Snek)
Don't really care about cards, I'll sell cards for cheap.
Electro Swing, Alternate Rock (80s-90s), Trap are the best musics in my opinion NS stats are gone. Poof. Collection

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Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate
Posts: 35
Founded: Sep 23, 2023
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate » Thu Jan 11, 2024 4:48 am

Name of your nation: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate

Government form: Oligarchy

canon WA classification: Corporate Police State

Ambassador name: Kim Normok

Ambassador gender: M

Ambassador age: 46

Ambassador staff (number): 5

Addictional Requests: None. Bdw i am non-hostile towards the other nation you mentioned, as you already know actually.

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? We are already allies
Sapplyvalues of this nation: ... &prog=4.06

Our canon WA government classification is "Corporate Police State"

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Posts: 277
Founded: Jun 10, 2023
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Nascadia » Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:21 am

Name of your nation: The Greater Empire of Nascadia

Government form: Absolute Monarchy

canon WA classification: New York Times Democracy

Ambassador name: Lisa Meyer-Krol

Ambassador gender: Female

Ambassador age: 25

Ambassador staff (number): 12

Addictional Requests: N/A

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union
Our nation is not hostile towards such nations

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? To improve our relations with other nations
·· Free Kingdom of Nascadia | Kyiengdom Liberatum abò Nascadijva ··

Nascadian Constitution - Official Nascadian Website - Join Assembly of Guardans today! - Embassy Programme

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Posts: 339
Founded: Nov 09, 2022

Postby Meslokia » Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:17 pm

Name of your nation: The United Socialist Empire Of Meslokia.

Government form: Monarch-Communist

canon WA classification:Father Knows Best State (although it should mother knows best state)

Ambassador name: Jeremy Zaikun

Ambassador gender: Male

Ambassador age: 26

Ambassador staff (number): 3

Additional Requests: N/A

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union.
I am friendly with those, 2 of them i don't even know though.

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? Embassy was applied with us.
A silly 25 yr old Russian-american - furry - tran
Twitter/X: sovietshear. Reddit: u/shearhuman. Tumblr: shear-person. TikTok: shear_persn
I'm meslokia, a silly lil socialist girl :3
Haiii, Haii pookies, haiii :3 <3
#1 F7 Citizen, very annoying, #1 on moderators most hated list.
A Class <1.22222222222e> Civilization according to this index.
How skibidi sigma is your ohio gyatt rizz

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Postby Ineva » Sat Jan 13, 2024 9:38 pm

Name of your nation: Ineva.

Government form: Theocratic Republic.

canon WA classification: Capitalizt (subject to change).

Ambassador name: Inevan Department of International Diplomacy (IDID) Minister Avid Zahari.

Ambassador gender: Male.

Ambassador age: 38.

Ambassador staff (number): 5.

Addictional Requests: If guns are outlawed, permission for embassy security personnel to bear arms would be appreciated.

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union. Ineva is not hostile towards Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, and Norse Union.

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? The Republic of Ineva is always committed to fostering and maintaining peace and friendly diplomatic relations. The Inevan government hopes that establishing these via the Bilancorn Embassy Program will further fulfill this commitment.

The Republic of Ineva thanks you for this opportunity.
A Jewish-majority archipelago situated between Africa and Iberia.
Ineva, I.C.
Canon in D(etail).
Two-time NationVision winner!
This Index classifies Ineva as Tier 8, Type 4, Class 2.
Ineva, O.o.C.
Poilievre for P.M.
The nation of Israel lives.

Three-time second-best F7er!
Ineva is a caricature of my real political views.
A cordial thank you to Statesburg for teaching me about the pre tag.
Another thank you to The Scandoslavic Empire for contributing to my sig.
I.S.N.: Celebration held for revival of Transitional Global Authority | The Greater Solev Union becomes Registered Ally | Celebration held for revival of Queensridge | Indecent Anime Empire becomes Registered Ally | Langkasoka becomes Registered Neutral | Establish foreign relations with Ineva here

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Posts: 1012
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Postby Bilancorn » Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:59 am

Ineva wrote:
Name of your nation: Ineva.

Government form: Theocratic Republic.

canon WA classification: Capitalizt (subject to change).

Ambassador name: Inevan Department of International Diplomacy (IDID) Minister Avid Zahari.

Ambassador gender: Male.

Ambassador age: 38.

Ambassador staff (number): 5.

Addictional Requests: If guns are outlawed, permission for embassy security personnel to bear arms would be appreciated.

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union. Ineva is not hostile towards Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, and Norse Union.

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? The Republic of Ineva is always committed to fostering and maintaining peace and friendly diplomatic relations. The Inevan government hopes that establishing these via the Bilancorn Embassy Program will further fulfill this commitment.

The Republic of Ineva thanks you for this opportunity.

Non-Automatic guns of any kind are allowed along melee weapons. Automatic Guns are restricted to military only.
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Discord and other social profiles:
ask via telegram

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Wawa Cat Republic
Posts: 42
Founded: Feb 22, 2023
Father Knows Best State

Postby Wawa Cat Republic » Mon Jan 15, 2024 5:38 pm


: Diplomatic Alert from the Wawa Cat Republic:

The Wawa Cat Republic humbly expresses its desire to establish a diplomatic embassy on Bilancorn, with the goal of fostering positive trade and technology relationships. We extend our gratitude for your consideration and look forward to the opportunity to further strengthen our diplomatic ties.

Signed by: Rosy Sam, Cooper Wawa, and Jake Anderson

Name of your nation: Wawa Cat Republic

Government form: Militarist Republic

canon WA classification: Father Knows the Best State

Ambassador name: Cooper Wawa

Ambassador gender: Male

Ambassador age: 22

Ambassador staff (number): 12

Addictional Requests: 24 boxes of cat treats.

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union

I Confirm to not be hostile towards the Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? To establish diplomatic ties.

If your request will be accepted, you will be added to the factbook about embassies.
"Oh the misery everybody wants to be my enemy."
pronouns: Wawa/Cat
Furry? idk i just like wawa
Wawa? Yes
Autism? Yes
Please send Cat Treats
Wawa National News:Boxes of cat treats have been stolen by an unknown force.

I draw country balls for the giggles.

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Posts: 1012
Founded: Apr 02, 2020

Postby Bilancorn » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:42 pm

Wawa Cat Republic wrote:

: Diplomatic Alert from the Wawa Cat Republic:

The Wawa Cat Republic humbly expresses its desire to establish a diplomatic embassy on Bilancorn, with the goal of fostering positive trade and technology relationships. We extend our gratitude for your consideration and look forward to the opportunity to further strengthen our diplomatic ties.

Signed by: Rosy Sam, Cooper Wawa, and Jake Anderson

Name of your nation: Wawa Cat Republic

Government form: Militarist Republic

canon WA classification: Father Knows the Best State

Ambassador name: Cooper Wawa

Ambassador gender: Male

Ambassador age: 22

Ambassador staff (number): 12

Addictional Requests: 24 boxes of cat treats.

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union

I Confirm to not be hostile towards the Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? To establish diplomatic ties.

If your request will be accepted, you will be added to the factbook about embassies.

Cat Treats wont be a problem
Right-center Constitutional Republic on a (sub)tropical island, with advanced technology and a strong, resilient military.
We strongly believe in secularism, national security and meritocracy.
NS stats are canon, but the first information source are factbooks.
You want to establish an embassy? click here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=544442
Discord and other social profiles:
ask via telegram

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The Owiniman Republic
Posts: 271
Founded: Sep 17, 2022
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby The Owiniman Republic » Sun Jan 21, 2024 11:58 pm

Name of your nation: The Owiniman Federal Republic.

Government form: Democratic Federal Republic.

canon WA classification: Democratic Socialists.

Ambassador name: Zoshaani Utushaani.

Ambassador gender: Male.

Ambassador age: 28.

Ambassador staff (number): 5.

Addictional Requests: None.

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva: We are not at all hostile.

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? Because we like to meet new civilizations, trade and cooperate.

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Posts: 7925
Founded: Jul 03, 2017

Postby Kenmoria » Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:14 pm


To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Crypto Island of Bilancorn
From: Office of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Kenmoria
Subject: Application for Embassy Relations
Dear Whomever this concerns in the Crypto Island of Bilancorn,

I have the genuine pleasure of announcing the application of the People’s Republic of Kenmoria for an embassy within the Crypto Island of Bilancorn. It is the sincere wish of my colleagues and I that this can mark the start of improved relations between our nations. Please find attached the relevant details.

Yours sincerely,
Flo Pettelier, First Delegate of Foreign Affairs

Name of your nation: The People’s Republic of Kenmoria

Government form: One-party direct democracy

Canon WA classification: Democratic socialist

Ambassador name: Emmie Gosselin

Ambassador gender: Female

Ambassador age: Forty-nine

Ambassador staff (number): Twenty-four

Additional Requests: N/A

Confirm you are not hostile towards Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva: The People’s Republic of Kenmoria is not hostile towards any of these nations.

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy?
The People’s Republic of Kenmoria seeks to ensure mutual recognition with Bilancorn, with an aim towards future diplomatic cooperation, such as a non-aggression pact.
Hello! I’m a GAer and NS Roleplayer from the United Kingdom.
My pronouns are he/him.
Any posts that I make as GenSec will be clearly marked as such and OOC. Conversely, my IC ambassador in the General Assembly is Ambassador Fortier. I’m always happy to discuss ideas about proposals, particularly if grammar or wording are in issue. I am also Executive Deputy Minister for the WA Ministry of TNP.
Kenmoria is an illiberal yet democratic nation pursuing the goals of communism in a semi-effective fashion. It has a very broad diplomatic presence despite being economically developing, mainly to seek help in recovering from the effect of a recent civil war. Read the factbook here for more information; perhaps, I will eventually finish it.

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Posts: 1032
Founded: Oct 21, 2023

Postby Bayshire » Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:21 pm

Name of your nation: Bayshire

Government form: Federal Republic

canon WA classification: Corporate Bordello

Ambassador name: Naomi Utugawa

Ambassador gender: Female

Ambassador age: 30

Ambassador staff (number): 4

Additional Requests: n/a

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva
Bayshire is friendly with the listed states

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy?

Bilancorn is a close ally.
18 year old somewhat disoriented American sailor

Bayshire is pretty cool
A Caribbean nation with American colonial history and a significant Japanese population, all living under a surprisingly free Corptocracy.
I’m a boy
I also kiss boys
I like country, R&B and techno/hyperpop

my favorite color is yellow

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 373
Founded: Sep 04, 2022
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Attestaltarragaby » Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:28 pm

Name of your nation: Attestaltarragaby

Government form: Federal Parliamentary Republic

canon WA classification:Capitalizt

Ambassador name:Lily Sacersta

Ambassador gender: Female

Ambassador age:27

Ambassador staff (number):8

Addictional Requests: None

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva.
I pledge that I will not be hostile to any of this nations

Non-mandatory question
Why are you applying for an Embassy?
To make relations with bilancorn better.
Join the TRR
One Time winner of the rejected cup
Professional Dumbass
Just call me Attes for short
Just wanna tell you that you are beautiful
Apologies if I I talk stupidly
Hope you have a nice day :)

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 418
Founded: Jul 17, 2013
Democratic Socialists

Postby Oronia » Sat Jan 27, 2024 11:52 pm

Name of your nation: Oronia

Government form: Federal representative democracy, constitutional monarchy

canon WA classification: Democratic Socialists

Ambassador name: Jorge Velasquez

Ambassador gender: Male

Ambassador age: 42

Ambassador staff (number): 40

Additional Requests: None

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva

The United Realms bears no hostility towards the aforementioned nations.

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? Building relations

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Posts: 35
Founded: Aug 02, 2023

Postby Sovetsky-Soyuz » Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:57 am

Name of your nation: Sovetsky-Soyuz

Government form: Market Communist

canon WA classification: Authoritarian Democracy (tho we also often become Moralistic Democracy, Psychotic Dictatorship, and Iron Fist Consumerists)

Ambassador name: Yuriy Ivanov Makarov

Ambassador gender: Male

Ambassador age: 39

Ambassador staff (number): 30

Addictional Requests:
Please have the embassy built in an extremely modern style.

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva
I pledge that I will not be hostile to any of this nations.

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy?
To establish relations with Bilancorn, and to trade with Bilancorn and allied nations.

Remember, my nation is not "communist" in the traditional sense of the word. We alow companies. We allow economic activity. We just make sure the companies don't alienate the workers or challenge the government
I don't think I'll write a signature

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Posts: 134
Founded: Dec 16, 2022
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Hakushiya » Sun Feb 18, 2024 2:44 am

Name of your nation:
the Federation of Hakushiya
Government form:
a federal parliamentary republic
Canon WA classification according to NS stats:
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Ambassador name w/ surnames in all-caps:
Ambassador gender:
demiman (pronouns: he/him and they/them)
Ambassador age:
Ambassador picture:

Ambassador staff (number):
Additional requests:
please build the embassy in a blobitectural style similar to this
Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva
Mr. BAHNG-KOPPEL hereby confirms that the Federation of Hakushiya is peaceful towards all five of the nations named above.

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? - for Hakushiya to be able to connect more often with the multiverse
Hakushiya (MT/PMT) = new main of the player who used to be behind Rhim Flavezztowland

Oreo City 86: 23rd (1st debut as RF)
Peeto 87: 30th (as RF)
Flav City 88: 10th (1st hosting as RF)
Auszer 89: DNF (withdrew)
Avon 90: DNF (withdrew)
Haufenburg 91: 13th (as RF)
Anyme 92: 18th (as RF)
Puerto Ambar 112: 16th (2nd debut as Hakushiya)
Light City 113: TBA

(locks all NS stats in a dungeon | player pronouns: he/they)
#eurovision #britpop #asianpop #gachacore

and I~ begin to wonder~
signed, [REDACTED]

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Posts: 252
Founded: Sep 06, 2023

Postby Khoikhoia » Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:01 am

To whom may have oversight of this,

I am happy to announce that the Khoikhois goal of friendly dialogue and communication with all of its sovereign brothers would like to include the Crypto Island of Bilancorn as well! We sincerely hope you will accept this request for the Khoikhois Republic to build an embassy in your country.

In your review of Khoikhoia's application, I wish you the best of luck and health, and I thank you for your time doing so. You will find attached the appropriate paperwork.

Yours faithfully,
Darío Juliano Molina
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Khoikhois Republic


Name of your nation: Khoikhois Republic (Khoikhoia)

Government form: Unitary parliamentary republic

canon WA classification: Moralistic Democracy

Ambassador name: (Ms.) Prudence Barros (Portrait)

Ambassador gender: Female

Ambassador age: 47

Ambassador staff (number): 15 diplomatic | 20 service | 10 security

Additional Requests: Request to bring 8x Sporting ASiR 2000K (Khoikhois rifle, for security personnel, resembles Benelli Argo), 25x H&K USP pistols, 3 - 1x Mercedes-Benz E-Class (W213) (white), 2x Peugeot 208 (grey), and invitation for Bilancorn to open an embassy in Khoikhoia.

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva
I pledge no hostility to any of the above nations.

Non-mandatory question:
Why are you applying for an Embassy? To extend the scope of my our "diplomatic" relations.
I'm probably moving to Kingdom of Saint Paul
Orgulhoso Tricolor - Overview - Portal to the KhoiVerse (Globus) - Civil War - Stats not canon
☀️ International Reporting - -R--T--A- News || Anglian President Ken Clarke personally intervenes to prevent Louisianais retail giant Monteverde's known union busting practices as workers in St Osburga narrwoly approve unionising ─ Monteverde to recognise first Anglian trade union | Shootout between moderate and radical Louisianais Liberal Party members at presidential candidate Douglas Vichelin's rally leaves 3 dead after moderate Nicole Richelieu selected as his running mate ─ violence condemned by those of all ideologies | Barricades formed around Greater Praia and Cabo in the Khoikhois Civil War

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Posts: 118
Founded: Feb 16, 2024

Postby Tiraskania » Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:26 pm

Name of your nation: Republic of Tiraskania

Government form: Unitary parliamentary republic

canon WA classification: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Ambassador name: Yura Sidorov

Ambassador gender: Male

Ambassador age: 34

Ambassador staff (number): 20 diplomatic, 10 service, and 15 security

Addictional Requests: Request to bring 6 AK-74M rifles, 15 MP-443 Grach pistols, 20 tasers, 1 limousine, and 3 SUVs for the security and diplomatic staff

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva
We pledge no hostility towards the nations mentioned above.
Republic of Tiraskania

March 21, 2024 | VLADIVOSTOK TIMES: Tiraskania applies for membership to MSTA / National football team looking to play its first matches / Projections show rising support for Borodin government

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The Aosta Valley
Posts: 513
Founded: Feb 13, 2024

Postby The Aosta Valley » Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:35 pm

Name of your nation: The Republic of the Aosta Valley

Government form: Republic

canon WA classification: Left-Leaning College State

Ambassador name: Floriana Cipriani

Ambassador gender: Female

Ambassador age: 38

Ambassador staff (number): 15 diplomatic, 10 service, 23 security

Additional Requests: Weapons and shields for protection, armored vehicles, and traditional Aostan foods

Confirm you are not hostile towards: Yes (I haven't interacted with any but Bayshire, and I like Bayshire) Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva

Last edited by The Aosta Valley on Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Republic of the Aosta Valley"Altius, Fortius, Citius"Town-Twinning Program

⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ✩ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ✩ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅
Aᴏsᴛᴀ ☁︎ 17℃
Aᴏsᴛᴀ Dᴀɪʟʏ. Currently, the Aosta Valley is experiencing a surge in tourism due to its stunning natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage • Attualmente, la Valle d'Aosta sta vivendo un aumento del turismo grazie ai suoi paesaggi naturali straordinari e al ricco patrimonio culturale
Have any news suggestions? Telegram The Aosta Valley your suggestions for the possibility of it being added Last Update (DMY): 9/10/24

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Posts: 342
Founded: Dec 27, 2021
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Istastioner » Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:57 pm

Name of your nation:
The Most Serene Republic of Istastioner

Government form:
Federal President-Parliamentary Constitutional republic

canon WA classification:
Left-Wing Utopia

Ambassador name:
Smith Johnson

Ambassador gender:

Ambassador age:

Ambassador staff (number):

Addictional Requests:
Can you set up a Embassy in Istastioner


Confirm you are not hostile towards: Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva
I am, Not hostile towards Eastern Mercantile Conglomerate, Bayshire, Zetronis, Norse Union, Ineva[/b]
Last edited by Istastioner on Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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