Ethnogesis & nation forming Survey

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Ethnogesis & nation forming Survey

Postby Safiloa » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:15 am

The Safiloan Institute of Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) is keen to gather and preserve the perspectives and narratives from individuals on major events or defining stories that gave rise to the emergence of various nation states' ethnicities.
Specifically, SIEF is interested in documenting the influence of peace and/or violence on the ethnogenuses of your nation.

Please let the individual answer however they feel, however there are certain questions that we at SIEF are seeking to be answered.

Code: Select all
 Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)
2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?
3) Where or how does the story begin?
4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?
5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?
6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?
Last edited by Safiloa on Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Modern Semi-Theocratic Agrarian Syndicalism based on Mazdakism & Jainism
A Class 2.11 civilization, according to this Nation Index and a member of the ISC and the Rigel Pact. Observer Status member of the International Socialist Congress.
All stats & policies are canonical unless contradicted by the factbook, e.g. population

Diplomatic MissionKambanu Island Tourism AuthorityMapFactbook
Population: 4.28 millionGDP per Capita: NSD 4.256,-Land Size: 62.732 KM2
Tourism, Agriculture, Mariculture, Finance, Salt, Incense, Oils, Spices, Natural Cosmetics

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Le Dorado
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Postby Le Dorado » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:18 am

Quick quip: it's ethnogenuses

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Postby Unogonduria » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:38 am

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)
2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?
After the Unogondurs migrated to this secret continent with many ships after running from prosecution from the Spanish Empire.

3) Where or how does the story begin?
The whole story begins way way back, when Unogonduria formed in 5508 B.C. after the flood in the Black Sea happened.

4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?
Hmm let's see:
a) Many splitting of the nation, which then migrated (talking about B.C.)m
b) fall of the Unogondurian Empire, after the death of Kanasubigi Motun,
c) Slavery under the Roman Empire,
d) Rule under the empire of the Huns,
e) Start of the cause of independence,
f) Kanasubigi Organa executing this cause, whose rule was then transferred to his nephew after his (Organa's) death, Kurt (who in real-life Bulgaria is called "Kubrat"),
g) Fall under Ostrogoth slavery around the end of the 9th century,
h) The French conquest of the Ostrogoths,
i) Multiple unsuccessful uprisings,
j) Migration from France to Spain after the one successful uprising,
k) Mass-murder of Unogondurs caused by the Spanish army under the command of their king,
l) Migrating on ships from the Spanish peninsula to South America,
m) Facing further prosecutions from the Spanish Empire,
n) Migration using boats and ships once again, this time from South America to an unknown island/continent,
o) Wars against the indigenous people,
p) The Japanese Empire conquering us after finding us in WW2,
q) The end of WW2, where both the USA and the USSR freed us from the Japanese regime and influence,
r) Multiple "political ping-pong" fights between USA- and Soviet-favored new leaders, as one nation put it before in another thread,
s) Loosing contact with the USSR around 1989-1991, causing us to loose all contact with the outside world,
t) Really bad famine that followed the previous event.

5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?
Militarism was more of an important aspect to the ancient Bulgars/Unogondurs rather than of those nowadays.

6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?
Most of them just live peacefully, together :hug:

EXTRA: Other ethnicities:
Aborigenal (Indigenous),
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Postby Tangatarehua » Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:25 pm

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)
2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?

Legendary answer: The Maori people were guided to Tangatarehua by the god Rehua to escape hardship and persecution in their homeland. Rehua's daughter Puanga gave birth to a mortal man who led them on their voyage to marangawhenua ("the land of the rising moon") and then he had a daughter, Tamahine a te Puanga, who became the nation's first Empress.

Historical answer: Polynesians first arrived in what is now Tangatarehua around 500BC and began setting up "Potato Kingdoms" and slowly outnumbering the native Mohoao people. It is likely that these warring tribes and potato kingdoms were likely unified under a single matriarch around 270 BC, with this person being the first Empress.

3) Where or how does the story begin? It's unknown as to when it began, but there are legends of a mythical homeland which serves as an acknowledgement that Rehuans are not actually native to the land (with the original natives, the Mohoao, having been there since around 40,000BC). It's sometimes believed that the mythical homeland was Hawaii, but the general consensus is that this mythical homeland was likely Taiwan or southern China.

4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?

Expansion of Tangatarehua:

Tangatarehua has undergone a slow expansion since 270BC, with the first Polynesians arriving in Moanapapa and then expanding to Marangawhenua.

Ngati Puanga (the imperial family, but also the old name of the nation) are believed to have taken full control of Marangawhenua by 100 BC and drove the last of the natives out of Moanapapa by 150 AD.

Northern Rangiwhero was conquered in 1232 while northern Motumakariri (specifically, the Awakoi Peninsula) was taken in 1236, as part of a treaty between Tangatarehua and the native 'Yuri' people of those southern islands. In 1581, Tangatarehua broke the treaty and the entire island of Rangiwhero was fully conquered.

The Ikame nga Maramara islands were incorporated into Tangatarehua in 1804, followingthe defeat of the British who attempted to use the island chain as a base from which to launch a full scale invasion of the home islands of Tangatarehua.

Finally, the nation reached its current borders in 1829, by which time southern Motumakariri was fully conquered and subsumed into the empire.

Other events:
  • 864 AD: The Toa revolt. A 3 year old Empress takes the throne, causing the Toa (male warriors) to revolt against the regency of the ladies of the court, leading to a military government led by a Rangatira (chief).
  • 911 - 914: Civil war. Te Whanui Taioki attempts a coup d'etat against his brother, Te Whanui Hauauru. This results in Empress Kaore-he-koreroteka exiling both men and resuming direct control of the country.
  • 1178: Princess Tawhai and supporters storm the imperial palace, attempting to seize the throne. She and her supporters are executed and the capital is moved to Whakaara.
  • 1393 1520: The Ariki Period. Tangatarehua breaks down into four warring kingdoms: Tangatarehua, Tangatatangaroa, Tangatatane and Tangatarangi and then further breaks down into over a century of continuous civil war and near anarchy. The nation is reunified in 1520.
  • 1608: A failed coup attempt by the Kaihu-toa ("Peasant army") leads to the implementation of a strict firearms ban that remains in place to this day
  • 1690: First contact with European explorers
  • 1755-1771: Musket Wars. Another civil war, this time fought with European technology, breaks out to determine the leadership of the nation. This results in the restoration of direct rule by the Empress.
  • 1803: Defeat of the British at the Battle of Kaiika. Generally considered Tangatarehua's greatest and most important military victory, preventing colonisation and forcing European powers to recognise Tangatarehua as an independent nation state of equal standing to themselves, securing the nation's independence.
  • 1889-1891: Restoration war. A civil war between Christians who wished to abolish the throne and become a republic and those loyal to the Empress, ultimately won by the latter.
  • 1897 - 1901: Christian wars. A period of sectarian violence between Christians and Traditionalists, with multiple violet rebellions quelled.
  • 1953-1957: Polynesian War. Tangatarehua attempts to create a pan-Polynesian empire, but accept a ceasefire agreement in 1957.
  • 1973 - 1979: South Pacific War. Tangatarehua attempts to aid several small nations from western aggression but is defeated and forced to accept responsibility for serious war crimes and human rights abuses committed during this war.
  • 1979 - 1982: Occupation of Tangatarehua by a western coalition - the only time the nation has ever been conquered by a foreign nation. Independence was regained in 1982 and the nation adopted a pacifist and democratic constitution.

5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?

This is a subject of huge debate and controversy in Tangatarehua. Much of the nation's history is centred around conquest and militarism and legends of "noble warriors". Even today there are many who claim Tangatarehua is a 2000 year old warrior nation and most of the nobility is descended from the former military class.

However, the atrocities the nation committed in the 20th century as well as general westernisation mean that there is many calls to reject this narrative and focus on the more feminine, pacifist aspects of the culture which emphasise the nation's art, music and literature over its militarist past.

Most Rehuans today consider the nation's militarist past a source of national shame and on September 9th each year there is an unofficial "Day of Shame" in which Rehuans remember the innocent victims of the atrocities they committed in the 20th century.

6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?

Tangatarehua is very geographically isolated and so there aren't a lot of people neighbouring the nation. It's also generally quite homogeneous racially.

The main ethnic groups are:

  • "Maori" (literally meaning "normal" which gives you an idea of the prevalent attitude toward race), making up around 88% of the population
  • "Mohoao" (meaning "Savages"), the original natives who were estimated to have lived in Tangatarehua since 40,000BC and are theorised to be linked to Australian aborigines. There are some remnants of their culture, but little is known about them.
  • "Pango" ("black") who may be descended from the Mohoao but may also have been a Melanesian people. The last of the Pango people are believed to have wiped out or subsumed into Tangatarehua by the 14th century AD.
  • "Kirima" ("white skin") also known endonymically as the "Yuri" - a Japanese-speaking people of Asian descent, native to the south islands of Motumakariri and Rangiwhero. Fully conquered in 1829 and forced to assimilate into Tangatarehua. Now a recognised minority group, making up around 7% of the population.
  • "Pakeha" ("foreigner"), referring mainly to white people or immigrants of European descent. Make up around 3% of the population who are descended from European settlers in the 19th century. This group has faced widespread discrimination and even to this day are disproportionately represented in crime and poverty statistics.
Last edited by Tangatarehua on Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Empire of Tangatarehua/Te Rangatiratanga o Tangatarehua
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3 August 2024
News: Rehuan man breaks world belching record | Winter storm blankets Wharekorana under heavy snow | Rival factions of Tangatarehua Socialist Party confirm they will contest upcoming election as two separate parties | Weather: Tamaki  ☀ 17°C | Whakaara ☁ 9°C | Wharekorana ❆ -7°C | Kaiika ☀ 25°C | Kotiropai ☁ 14°C | Rakipa ☀ 19°C |  Kaitohura ❆ -4°C

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The United Colonies of Earth
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Postby The United Colonies of Earth » Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:22 pm

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)
2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?

The Confederation of Luna, which gave rise to the precursors of Pancolonial peoples: the Solar Pioneers.

3) Where or how does the story begin?

It begins in 2075 on Luna, Earth's only natural satellite.

4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?

The Pioneers overcame starvation and scarcity, and they did so through cooperation across ethnic boundaries.

5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?

We consider dialogue, compromise and maintaining a united vision important to being a Colonist.

6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?

Colonists have a largely positive attitude towards other human ethnicities.
Last edited by The United Colonies of Earth on Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The United Colonies of Earth exists:
to bring about the settlement of all planets not yet inhabited by a sapient species within this Galaxy and Universe by the Human Race, or all members of the species Homo sapiens;
to ensure the observation and protection of the rights of all human beings;
to defend humankind from invasion, catastrophe, fraud and violence;
to represent the interests of humankind to the other governments of the Galaxy;
to facilitate the perpetuation of the unity of human civilization and infrastructure between otherwise self-governing colonies;
and to promote technological advancement and scientific discovery for the perpetuation and expansion of the unity and empowerment of all human beings.
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The Indios Bravos
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Postby The Indios Bravos » Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:32 pm

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)
2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?
Tribal migrations (origin still unknown) to Indio Archipelago, breeding with foreign colonizers

3) Where or how does the story begin?
Like what was said, the tribesmen that traveled to the Indio Archipelago have unknown origins. Possibly originating from Mainland Asia. Migration started ~16 BC

4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?
Europeans arriving spread new diseases into the islands. While faring somewhat better than natives in North America, the diseases still had their downsides. Into modern history, Aswaltica's invasion killed more than at least 50 million civilians.

5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?
Militarism is incredibly apparent in Indio culture, with the Indios Bravos being incredibly aggressive towards nations it deems to contain too many resources, or just for plain war economy boosts (such as the recent invasion of Simonia).

6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?
Immigration is well recieved in the Indios Bravos, with foreigners free to exercise their customs.
The Indios Bravos "Indy"
General Lampin Spoilers|Major radical conservative riots rock the streets of Sultana, heavy police squads dispatched|All openly progressive individuals advised to stay in urban areas, major alerts sent to open homosexuals|Congress debates sending heavy police squads into rural areas due to another rise in hate crimes|Lack of news out of Kostane leaves people suspicious of actions in New Sevregal|Official Nationwide Celebrations ending|Security risks lead to the end of operations into ASSR controlled Kostane, as Kostan insurgents begin popping up|

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Postby Scytharum » Mon Dec 30, 2024 10:01 pm

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)

2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?

The event itself doesn't have a precise name, but it rather was the settling, over around two centuries, of English, Scottish, and Irish Catholics in the British colonial possession of Brasil and the colonies therein, whose blending with the Portuguese settlers and natives already there created the large dominance of these five ethnicities, though others, mainly German, would come to rise as well, especially after the independence of the nation.

3) Where or how does the story begin?

It starts in 1602, with the founding of the city of New Cornwall during the Anglo-Spanish War, in which the English, until 1604, would expand this territory to encompass much of northeastern coastal territory of Portuguese Brasil. In the Peace Treaty, in exchange for relatively light peace conditions and the withdrawal of English support of the Dutch Revolt, Gibraltar, Madeira, and Brasil would be ceded, which would cause the Portuguese Restoration War (1612) and nearly shake England's ownership of the territory, which many initially saw as a waste. However, after settlers began to move in to the territory, the English soon saw the virtues of the rich territory, and as such began to warm up to the idea of keeping it.

4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?

In the War of the Americas, both the North and South American colonies of Britain, excluding the Canadian and Guyanese colonies, would revolt, at first seeking more autonomy and later, though quicker in Brasil's case, full independence from the UK. After a long and bloody conflict, involving a great struggle to protect the people and their faith from a government seen as hostile to both's flourishing, the UCS would gain independence, and the nation would soon come to encompass most of the South American continent.

5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?

Generally, the most fundamental aspects of Scythian culture are Catholicism, Monarchism, Subsidiarity, Charity, Self-Determination, Freedom, and, indeed, Militarism. In the sense of free speech, dialogue is also strongly valued. All of these characteristics have been challenged, passively and/or actively, throughout the UCS's history, and they have also brought the people together. Catholicism, Self-Determination, and Freedom were especially challenged during the Revolution, Monarchism, Subsidiarity, and Charity were especially challenged during the Scythian Civil War, and practically all of them were challenged during the Great Wars, which necessitated militarism to claim victory in.

6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?

Opinions vary depending on the ethnicity in question. Most of the Spanish-speaking ethnic groups are viewed positively, while neighboring native groups such as the Huarpe and Aymara are viewed neutrally for the most part. Argentinians are viewed somewhat negatively, and views vary wildly in relation to the ethnicities in North America, with mostly positive views especially due to many similarities with Scythian ethnicities.
The United Commonwealths of Scytharum

Greetings from the United Commonwealths, a bastion of Catholicism, Freedom, and Cheese, oh my! With a strong military and stronger beliefs in
liberty, morality, and equality, Scytharum as a nation seeks to reflect the best in mankind, from his ambition to his moral compass. If one has a
desire for greater faith, cool muscle cars, or some pretty great food, Scytharum is the nation for you! Have a wonderful day!

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Postby Mistralia » Tue Dec 31, 2024 8:04 am

1) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?
Mistralia was initially settled by Etruscan and early Latin settlers who, due to sailing and travel technology of the time, needed many stopping points on their routes and established many small towns and cities. The area's climate was perfect for their traditional wine/grape and olive growing activities and the fertile inland soil proved excellent for farming. The people stuck around.

2) Where or how does the story begin?
Early records start in 600 BCE along the eastern coast of the nation.

3) What major obstacle did your people overcome?
Travel and exploration - the eastern coast is fairly rugged, but once past the shore most of the land is highly hospitable. The central mountain range of the country could not be easily crossed in ancient times, so development and the spread of civilization was large based on water routes, and so the western half of the country took longer to explore and settle.

4) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?
It was certainly a mix - some early city states were highly militaristic and other diplomatic. While most were open to dialogue and discussion, ancient rulers were also easily offended and dramatic... leading to a number of clashes and much political intrigue. This still fits into the narrative today, as the dictatorship is certainly a mix: heavy cultural propaganda mixed with a strong security apparatus.

5) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?
Probably no real opinion, though the nation's propaganda tends to result in a form of "casual nationalism" in that other countries are seen as immoral or corrupt.
Named after the mistral winds
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Terra da Cinza
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Postby Terra da Cinza » Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:31 am

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)

2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?

The event that began it all would be the discovery of the Ashlands and consequent settling of the natural harbor of Refúgio do Raposo in 1543, by a Portuguese nobleman by the name of Dom Carlos Da Rosa Branco in 1543.

3) Where or how does the story begin?

Depends on who you ask. While the most limited view would contest that the story of the Realm of Terra da Cinza truly begins in 1543 when the Portuguese discovered a way past the repelling ocean currents protecting the primordial Ashlands from outlander intrusion, the prevailing opinions be they academic, political and cultural posit that due to the inseparable ethno-racial and cultural link of the Ashlanders to Portugal (thus in effect considering the Ashlanders to truly be Portuguese) the 'starting date' is on the 24th of June 1128 or in 868, the dates of the Battle of São Mamede which made the County of Portugal a de-facto sovereign Kingdom and the year in which Vímara Peres established the County of Portugal, respectively.

Furthermore there are religious and mythological interpretations of the ethnogenesis of the Portuguese (and by extension the Ashlanders) arising from the different creation myths of the Realm's different internal 'sub-ethnicities'.

4) What major obstacle(s) did your people overcome?

The proto-Ashlanders (Portuguese colonists) were molded into their current forms by the circumstance that was the subjugation of the Ashlands by two Japanese Clans, the Fujiwara and the Uesugi. In contrast to a typical act of conquest, the subjugation was instead intensively negotiated following years of inconclusive warfare yielding stalemates and exhausting both sides. With compromises such as the act of trading of faith for blood being conducted, the arrangement of 'negotiated subjugation' was codified in the Treaty of Hakugyokurou in 1628, which consequently formally divided the Ashlands into three distinct polities. With the isolationist policy of Sakoku in force, the Ashlands were forgotten, the Colonists separated into diverging groups and the land secluded from the outside world for over two centuries.

This would last until the mid-19th century when the Ashlands were unified by a Portuguese outsider by the name of 'Guimarães', an exiled machinist hailing from the primordial Portuguese castle town of the same name, who through his travels, political thought and instilment of ethnonationalist fervor brought the Ashlanders together and after defeating the now-Empire of Japan proclaimed the creation of the Realm of Terra da Cinza via the document that would codify and ultimately dominate the entire existence of the Realm, the Ashen Constitution.

A very recent existential threat the Realm achieved victory over was the attempted Soviet invasion of the Realm in 1992, and the consequential collapse of the Soviet Union. Considered a milestone symbolizing the ascension of the Realm to Great Power status, it's effects on the Realm's society and politics are still ongoing.

5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?

Both elements feature quite heavily in the folkloric traditions and mythoi of the Realm, although with some interesting subversions. War and conflict form an essential part of the Realm's history and conflict between individuals, groups and polities is an everpresent theme in the folklore of the Realm, yet interestingly it is portrayed in an exceedingly defensive manner, with a distinct lack of expansionism being presented. This contrasts quite heavily with the expansionist nature of the Portuguese Empire proper. As for negotiation, the enforcement of contracts and consequently the amount of trust put into legal agreements is a distinguishing cultural tenet in the Ashlands, being reflected in quite many tales such as those concerning the Geasa, a Celtic magical concept.

6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighboring ethnicities?

Ashlanders are naturally suspicious and wary of outlanders, yet regardless rank ethnicities based on racial, historical and cultural criteria. That being said, Ashlanders generally have a positive impression of (white) Americans to the east, with which they share a larger racial grouping and quite many legal concepts, as the Ashen Constitution was significantly influenced by the US Constitution and it's source material. The Japanese to the Southwest are viewed much more amicably than previously, owing to a rapprochement and (partial) shared cultural elements, although still considered former usurpers, racial inferiors and viewed with some suspicion regardless. Russians to the West are viewed very negatively, a view permeating ever since the establishment of the Realm owing primarily to the expansionist attitudes of the Russian Empire (and it's later incarnations) and perception as being a heavily miscegenated, barbaric mongrel people. As for the indigenous peoples of Kamchatka, Alaska and the like, they are mostly viewed as savages and given little thought.
I quite liked this survey of yours, even if it could have been formatted a bit more cohesively. Perhaps something could be added into the questionnaire would be a section pertaining to the origins proper of the main ethnic group(s), as in descendancy from others.

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Postby Irahon » Tue Dec 31, 2024 10:18 am

(PLEASE NOTE: As I'm at the very beginning of my worldbuilding process as of yet, much of the information below may be amended or changed entirely in the future.)

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)

2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?
While there is not a singular name for a certain event, after which everyone agreed, that "This constitutes the nation of Irahon" as of now, Irahonese nationhood has evolved over the time.

3) Where or how does the story begin?
Legends have it, that in Antiquity, most likely around the year 400 BCE, settlers considered the forefathers of the nation as it is today have started inhabiting the current Irahonese Lands. Mythologically speaking, the place of origin is called Hawaiki, where Irahonese come from, and it is common belief, that this is the place all Irahonese will once end up returning to (apocalypse myth). Other legends define the birthplace of Irahonese Gods and Goddesses as Taiwani, and the return to Hawaiki is seen in a connection with the destruction of Taiwani. While there are place with names similar to these ones, the precise place of origin is unknown. As certain can be considered, that some nations and tribes who are a dominant ethnic minority today have reached the Irahonese much sooner.

An inscription in what's now the State of Eninuo from 327 BCE already contains a compound term ira hoa (along the lines of "someone set the rain on fire over there") as a sort of collective name for the people in the immediately surrounding, which is likely to be the first notion of Irahon as a people under this name, albeit certainly not for all inhabitants of the Irahonese Lands.

4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?
Throughout the long history of Irahon, there were a few obstacles preventing to unite the Irahonese people under a unified banner, some of which can be found in the relatively recent history of the country.

4th century CE: First contacts with the outer world. In 342 CE, the first Haore, a group of sailors described as "pale-skinned and light-haired" people arrived near the settlement of Maruia. With the contacts ending up in a friendly manner most of the time, however, they brought various diseases such as the flu along. According to scriptures from those days, two thirds of the local population died of it due to lack of immunity. The remaining population, however, managed to grow relative immunity (as in "makes you severely sick for a week or so, but won't kill you immediately"), and with the arrival of another shipload in 390 CE, the next epidemic ended already way less deadly than the first one.
12th century CE: The Clash of Kingdoms. Over the first millennium, different kingdoms evolved throughout the Irahonese Lands. Each of them had different geopoltical interests, fighting numerous skirmishes around the strategic points. A great war broke out by 1167 between the Kingdoms of Naranora, Izayoi-Maranga, Honohima, and Tonataki, starting with the Battle of Kiratorike. With the Tahataihema trying to form yet another kingdom in 1172, subsequently referring to itself as Irahoninuipurikana (Irahonese Great Kingdom), the focus of the wars ends up on the South Shore. With the kingdom collapsing and its constituent pricipalities put under vassal status to Izayoi-Maranga and Tonataki, the war begins as a sort of chess game. In the northern, thus neutral City of Horai, the 1189 Peace Treaty is signed by all parties involved.
1328 - 1405/1449: First Irahonese Empire and the War of the Lords: In 1328, another treaty settled in Irokai regulated the formation of the first Empire under Teanu I. Upon his death in 1367, his daughter Noerani becomes Empress and relocates her palace to Horai. On the island of Ranaki near Horai's shores, she founds what is today known as the Horai Capital Territory. Leaving no successor, she dies in 1405, and warlords take over the Irahonese Lands, fighting another war until 1449.
1477 - 1650: The Rock In The Seas Age: On the northern frontier, the native Ahiiru as well as the Tukoriki form The United Hordes, a tribal federation fighting the Irahonese outposts and threatening to override (pun intended) the current order. After six decades of various battles, the tribes split, Irahon strengthens its Northern Walls, yet, singular skirmishes keep occurring. Starting 1563, colonizers of various origins attempt to establish outposts in the heart of Irahonese Lands. United troops from all Irahonese principalities and city-states attack on the outpost established near Mirupoe, winning the battle extremely closely and perhaps with help of Tanaroa, the God of the Seas, as mythology puts it. This age is told about as the era where Irahon stands like a rock in the seas, hence why the name Kaikoihi, 'Rock in the Seas' is common to refer to this period. It is followed by all but two centuries of isolation, before the Mirupoe Freeport is opened for foreign trade. Mirupoe is a Territory with duty-free trade and simplified residency statutes for foreigners to this day.
1840 - 1911: The Divide and the Irahonese Civil War: While the South Shore principalities as well as the associated fiefdoms of Eninuo, Maranga, Izayoi, Irokai, Nerikao, Tonataki and Uraha form the Second Irahonese Empire, the northern republics of Naranora, Ponapei, Nanitaki, Akauha, and Niazaparoa form the Irahonese League. Horai and Mirupoe remain Free Cities. In the light of various Civil Rights movement around the world, the League gives all citizens, including the Ahiiru and Tukoriki the full right to vote in 1860. The Principality of Yoiya of the Empire becomes a constitutional monarchy and applies the same to all its people, including the native tribe the land was named after, in 1861. The Divide remains peaceful until different interests emerge, and both states start a war in 1902, lasting until 1908 with a truce. The principalities keep their royalty, but establish elected parliaments aside to them. Each state that doesn't already have a constitution passes one. After years of negotiations, the Confederacy of Irahon is founded in 1911 with the first nationwide free democratic elections following immediately. The Imperial Palace Island becomes the Horai Capital Territory; the Horai Metropolitan Area becomes its own state.

5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?
Both applies, to a degree.

The Irahonese military history, as outlined above, certainly does play a role in the common folk's mind and surely did so throughout the 20th century. While neutral in World War I, Irahon. during World War II, fought a war on the neighboring Liviana, which experimented a bit with fascism and secretly aligned with the Axis, whereas, as a consequence, Irahon took the Allies' side. During multiple sea battles, Liviana claimed the Caroline Archipelago, which, as a result, was occupied by the Irahonese Navy. With a revolution in Mainland Liviana ongoing, Irahon released the Carolines, which in a referendum decided to associate itself with the newly formed Livianan rule. Irahon also released the Kiyomi Archipelago occupied during the same endeavor, which, however, decided to join the Confederacy in a 1945 referendum. In the 1960s, Irahon also intervened in the Meilai Revolution, and while this led to a divide between the (capitalist and monarchist) Allied States and the (socialist) Democratic People's Republic of Meilai and is still ongoing, the intervention is considered necessary in retrospective in either Mailai country in order to prevent more bloodbaths.

However, as Irahon has followed an anti-interventionist stance sind the 1970s and maintains a purely defensive military doctrine nowadays, the aspects of diplomacy and negotiations are much more emphasized in modern historical research, including the establishment of the Mirupoe Freeport as well as the integration of the previously fought-on tribes beyond the Wall. The latter is considered particularly successful. The Tukoriki execute their self-rule in the Tokorau Territory, whereas the Ahiiru tribal federation managed to form a central government according to their traditional laws in Ahiiru, which became a state in 1976, the first majority-minority state in the Confederacy. In all of these cases as well as the dealing with potential colonizers and peaceful traders, an Irahonese proverb says, "Always keep the sack of gold in one hand and the sword in another" for a reason.

6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?
Generally positive. As mentioned above, the Ahiiru, Tukoriki, Kiyomi, and Yoiya Nations are able to execute their full rights within the Confederacy, including self-rule and establishment of their native languages as co-official in the states and territories they are prevalent in. Irahon also maintains an excellent friendship with the neighboring Union of Liviana and the Carolines, considering a good amount of shared history, the conflict during WWII being considered but one chapter out of many ("Hey, everyone can turn the wrong way at some point, nobody's perfect, after all!"). And while Irahon has much better relations with Allied Meilai than with Democratic Meilai, they consider the Meilai as a whole as one nation and are generally cool with it, especially as both Meilai improved on their mutual relationships since the early 1990s. Irahon generally engages much more in international diplomacy and trade nowadays, as opposed to relative isolationism well into the 1960s. The Irahonese people in general are much more open and tolerant than outsiders often tend to assume.
Last edited by Irahon on Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Meridional America
Civil Servant
Posts: 8
Founded: Dec 25, 2024
Corporate Bordello

Postby Meridional America » Wed Jan 01, 2025 10:56 pm

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)

2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?

Answer: The European conquest and colonization of the New World following the voyages of Columbus. This involved the importation of African slaves to the New World to grow cash crops like tobacco and cotton, and the subsequent institution of a hereditary racial caste system to guarantee a permanent labor pool.

3) Where or how does the story begin?

Answer: It begins with the Columbian exchange and the system of hereditary slave labor by which ethnicities were divided permanently into citizen and servile for the purposes of agricultural output.

4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?

Answer: The over-taxation of the British American population by an institution in which the colonists could not possibly be adequately represented, followed by the efforts of the independent Old United States to contain the servile system of the Southern States such that the latter would be outnumbered in the legislature, thus unable to prevent legislation against that system. The Old United States attempted to crush the rebellion of a group of the Southern States in the 1860s, which formed the Confederacy of Meridional America. The Unionist States failed to do so and were forced to recognize the independence of the Southern States.

5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?

Answer: Both have been very important. While the Confederacy went to war with the Union to gain its independence, it has subsequently developed an alliance with the country against mutual enemies, especially during the World Wars in which both fought on the Allied side. The two countries share a "special relationship" like to that between both and Britain. In the end, the North let the South go its own way, especially as constitutional amendments gradually limited the scope of slavery to a system of prison contract labor for community service, aligning Confederate racial segregation policy with that of many other western nations.

While both nations aligned against the USSR during the Cold War, the CS also allied itself with Apartheid Azania and Rhodesia as well as reactionary regimes in Latin America aided by CS agricultural companies. However, the Carter Victory of 1982 brought full political franchise to all racial groups and eliminated the laws governing racial segregation, resulting in closer relations with the United States. While recently things have begun to grow cold again as the Confederacy's deep conservatism abrades against the rising tide of queer liberation and feminism in many countries.

6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?

Answer: There is currently a rising negative view of Latin American people in the Confederacy due to the cultural and economic upheaval caused by immigration, while resentment against the anti-racism of all four of the country's major parties in the Third Confederate Party System has created a radical racist alt-right movement centered on the National Socialist Party, which has caused an uptick in racial violence in recent years. The country is still very much in a transitory state, with many unresolved issues.
God Save the South - DEO VINDICE
Our Meridional Confederacy consists of 16 states which broke from the Old U.S. in the 1860s to preserve their agrarian slave economies. While urbanization created a bourgeoisie that spurred servile reform, and Free Black residency would in time be recognized, Meridional society has remained racially stratified and slavery, in the form of penal contract labor, continues to be an important infrastructure for community service. The economy is a free market, with high inequality but a powerful industrial sector which provides a relatively high standard of living similar to Latin America. The South is rooted in a tradition of self determination even as it evolves and modernizes.
(This nation does not reflect my real-life political views)

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Father Knows Best State

Postby Kaiserholt » Sat Jan 04, 2025 2:52 pm

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)
2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?

A: I would have to say that Julius Caesar's ascent as Dictator Perpetuo was the beginning of our consolidation into a unitary ethnogenetic grouping.

3) Where or how does the story begin?

A: After the foiling of Brutus' attempted assassination, Julius Caesar...first Imperator of the Iulian Dynasty...appointed his son Caesarion to begin the process of synoecismus, the gradual fusion of Roman civic structure and Greek culture. Over time, it would lead to the formation of a unitary citizen state.

4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?

A: the cultures people used to have still held a certain appeal to the local populations.

5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?

A: would we describe olives or lettuce to be vital aspects to a salad? Yes and yes, and more besides.

6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?

A: Those within the boundaries of the Most Serene Republic are either Cives or Barbaros. The former matter, the latter do not.
"Hello, Masaki home. Oh, that sounds like if I were married to the family. How embarrassing. What do you think? Do you think it sounds that way?"

"I have been many things in my life, Mollari. I have been silly. I have been quiet when I should have spoken. I have been foolish. And I have wasted far too much time. But I am still Centauri. And I am not afraid."

"You are elevating futility to a high art. There is nothing you can do to prevent the catharsis of spurious morality."

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 308
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Postby Free Norfolk City » Sat Jan 04, 2025 10:45 pm

1) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation? The Norfolkite Crisis of 1868 was the exact moment wherein the Norfolkites, long considered one of many subject peoples of the Garbanian Empire, asserted themselves as a sovereign nation, and as a unique people distinct from their Garbanian masters. The Norfolkite Crisis, however, was not necessarily inevitable; in fact, had certain figures in Garbania played their cards right, it might've never happened at all, let alone in such a way so as to compel the Norfolkites to assert their independence.

2) Where or how does the story begin? During the war with Abetton, the first President of Free Norfolk City, Valdémard Lanthier, himself an ethnic Garbanian, led the Norfolkite contingent of the Imperial Garbanian Army's expeditionary force, the vast majority of which was comprised of colonial troops, but overseen by ethnic Garbanian officers. Lanthier was an avowed loyalist, but he was often critical of the way Garbania tended to run the war effort, and he clashed routinely with the Imperial Court, most notably in regards to the scorched earth, punitive tactics the Garbanians began to employ, a la General Sherman, in the later stages of the war. With Abetton's defeat, Lanthier attempted to intercede on behalf of the citizens of the defeated country, which only intensified the tensions, especially as Lanthier had become a folk hero to the Norfolkites over the span of his career as a Marshal of the Empire; upon his return to Norfolk, he began to integrate himself into the reformist faction, seeking greater autonomy for Norfolk. However, he insisted that he was loyal to the government, and desired nothing more or less than Norfolk remaining a free imperial city of the empire.

3) What major obstacle did your people overcome? The Mad Emperor, Weyerlbert I, had long been suffering from mental illness during the latter days of his reign, and his paranoia and overall instability prevented him from seeing the situation clearly. As a near-absolute monarch, he often insisted that his word was law, and reputedly asked his wife, "Will no one rid me of these turbulent peasants?" The Imperial Court always followed his word, and routinely rejected Norfolkite overtures, and eventual demands, for greater support, let alone greater autonomy. After the Norfolkites issued a declaration of independence, many Norfolkites were outraged, and fled the fledging new country for Garbania and elsewhere in the realm, because they had been loyalists. They considered Lanthier and all others who signed the declaration and supported independence traitors; however, historians note that the declaration was issued after the Emperor banished them from the realm, much like Malaysia expelled Singapore in real life.

4) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative? According to Norfolkite historian, Austin Parker, there had been plenty of negotiation between the Imperial Court and various esteemed figures in Norfolkite society, aiming to establish a political coordination between the two sides. However, when the last of these talks failed, there was no war between both sides—neither side wanted that. Instead, the Norfolkites washed their hands of their old loyalties, and the Imperial Court figured they'd come crawling back in due time—however, in the aftermath of independence, mass riots took hold of the country, and it was up to the Imperial Garbanian Army, who were on the way out after handing over everything to the fledging Norfolkite Army, to put an end to the violence, culminating in the Shaiburg Massacre, which is still the sorest spot in the relationship between Garbania and Norfolk. J. Neal Quy, one of the first officers in the Norfolkite Army, noted that the massacre took place when the rioters were lynching ethnic Garbanians and others they believed were connected to the colonial regime.

5) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities? Free Norfolk City is the home of the Norfolkite people—however, there are significant minorities in the country, most notably the Garbanians; although the majority of the Garbanian population fled, there was a considerable minority that stayed behind, and there was some initial bad blood between the two sides, although over time, the relationship between the Garbanian minority and the Norfolkite majority was not only mended, but began to blossom, with many Garbanians becoming accomplished figures in the new Norfolkite society. The Norfolkite government also afforded the Garbanian minority numerous benefits, such as the ability to teach Garbanian students in their native Garbanian.

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Posts: 556
Founded: May 06, 2018
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Wochaystein » Sun Jan 05, 2025 4:40 pm

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)
2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation? "The Große Siedlung".
3) Where or how does the story begin? It involved East Frankish settlers establishing themselves in the region, leading to cultural and ethnic development. The ancestral political entity (which is not yet based in what is now Zuidren), is established as a kingdom of the Holy Roman Empire with a Karling descendant as king
4) What major obstacle did your people overcome? The Wochaysteiners overcame a major civil war, which led to the breakup of their territory and significant internal conflict. This event marked the emergence of separate states from what was once part of a larger entity known as The Holy Empire.
5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative? Yes
6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities? No
Dieresis of Diarcesia
The Cities of the Holy Empire of Wochaystein
Zuidren | Krofen | Fischen | Tien | Tendorf

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Posts: 14
Founded: Nov 22, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Postby Veznula » Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:05 am

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)
2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?
Well Veznula has 3 main ethnic groups. Native 45%, White 35%, and Black 13%. It's generally just referenced as the Colonial Era
3) Where or how does the story begin?
Veznula's history before it became a colony to a far away empire, was mostly that of several city states all vying for power and territory. Bit the native population have been hear since the prehistoric era. Many ancient temples, abandoned cities, and other ruins remain of that time, some are even popular tourist destinations now. But then the area was conquered by The Roias Empire. They subjugated most of the native population. Thenba large influx of their people came to fill positions of power and earn wealth. Many of their customs and religion was both forced and adopted willing onto the population over time and even more of their people flooded the place in later years seeing the country and people as exotic, beautiful, fascinated by the old ruins. During the 200 or so years of colonial rule they imported blacks as well from other colonies for labour willing or not. Plenty of natives served them in bondage as well until 1837 when slavery was abolished by the Empire. But colonial rule continued until about 1913 when the Roias Empire outright collapsed. By then demographics had already changed. There has been tensions over the years and occasionally still are but after many legal reforms and great effort most matters have been settled.
4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?
Well starting in the colonial era slavery, after that was abolished disenfranchisement. A revolution followed by a small civil war after the colonial era though the civil war was ideological not one group trying to get one over the other. A Communist uprising. Only relation it had to race relations was preaching total equality. Which was established anyway without them.
5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative?
Why not both? There are a time for words and a time for weapons.
6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?
Generally more neutral or ambivalent. Our neighbors are more homogeneous though. Either way any problems we have with our neighbors are more down to politics then ethnicity.
Last edited by Veznula on Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Archipel Sempi
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Founded: Aug 11, 2024
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Postby Archipel Sempi » Tue Jan 14, 2025 10:12 pm

Basic demographic questions (Person's name, Ethnicity & Religion, Age, Sex, and Nationality)
2) What is the name of the major event (or story) that gave rise to the emergence of the main (or dominant) ethnicity(ies) of your nation?: There is no name for it. It's just the Founding.
3) Where or how does the story begin?: Polynesian explorers, looking for freedom in a land they could call their own, come upon this archipelago...
4) What major obstacle did your people overcome?: Not much before the colonial era. Though in and after... There's a lot. First, in the colonial era, Sempi were given minimal rights from the French, used as slaves of their vacation spot. Removal of cultural sites and languages are widespread. Only Sempi worked hard labour. The French meanwhile sit comfortably in their tropical vista.
5) Would you describe militarism and/or dialogue and negotiation to be vital aspects of your people's folkloric narrative? The Sempi rarely attack. Only unless provoked. So not much. Dialogue and negotiation, not much either due to the isolation of the Archipelago.
6) Do your people generally currently have a positive or negative opinion on neighbouring ethnicities?: We've been isolated from the world for years. It's needless to say, we don't care.
"La beauté de l'azur tropical, l'esprit de l'aventure."
-Fact Friday deleted, give me suggestions on what to put here-
silly Pacific archipelago with 102 tiny islands and 6 big ones = 108 islands
"Good symbolism is what makes a flag good, not how the flag looks."
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/| ___ | \ fulfill his lifelong dreams!
I am a proud, patriotic Bulgarian
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Both Israel and Palestine are bad.


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