The Pocol was idly sitting by a warm fire at WAHQ, sipping a cup of coffee and browsing the Ostrovskian Broadcasting Corporation website from back home, when a story halfway through the page caught her eye. "Farmers property seized to build new railroad, protests outside Alkira (OOC: my capital)". She thought it looked interesting, and so clicked on it. As she was reading, however, another ambassador entered the room.
"Hello!" she said. "What brings you here, Mr. (for he was evidently a male)?"
"Luca Lazarescu, from Aivintis. I just wanted to relax and read the news for a bit. And you are?"
"Alga Veshnikova, Ostrovskiy. I was here for much the same reason, funnily enough. Anything caught your mind recently?"
"Yes, actually. Back in Aivintis, the government expropriated some property from a few people to build infrastructure, and it isn't popular. Aren't we ambassadors around to fix these kinds of universal issues, anyway?"
Veshnikova smiled at the ambassador. "That we are, Mr. Lazarescu. Sounds like you have an idea."
And thus a partnership was born.
Character count: 2547
Category: Civil Rights, Strength: Significant
The World Assembly,
Recognizing that states throughout the multiverse engage in the seizure of property for the benefit of the public or the provision of social services, often as a necessity for the greater good of the people,
Affirming the right to not be arbitrarily deprived of property as a human right which nations should protect through reasonable legal measures,
Understanding that certain states have taken to the practice of eminent domain, whereby adequate compensation is provided for the seizure of private property,
Seeking to ensure that no unfair or unjust seizure of property violate the rights of the citizens while empowering states to participate in fair and just practices of eminent domain,
Hereby, subject to past WA legislation still in force,
- Defines, for the purposes of this resolution:
- ”expropriation” as the act of a government of legally transferring property from an individual or corporation to the state regardless of the permission of its owner,
- ”indirect expropriation” as the act of a government restricting an individual or corporation’s property rights to such an extent that it has de facto expropriated the property,
- Exempts from this resolution cases where the expropriated property is owned by a convicted criminal, expropriation is performed on property demonstrably being used for a crime, such expropriation is necessary for public safety, the assets are being merely frozen temporarily, and the expropriation was ordered, as part of a criminal sentence, by a court,
- Prohibits:
- indirect expropriation in all member states,
- expropriation which unfairly targets individuals based on their immutable characteristics, religion, social class, or income,
- Requires that expropriation be done for public use, and for any property gained through expropriation to be the property of the state, not a private individual,
- Directs member states to, before expropriating the property of individual persons, attempt in good faith to:
- Make use of property already owned by the state,
- Expropriate the property of corporations,
- Mandates adequate compensation so that:
- in the case of property which serves as the sole housing of one or more occupants, the owner(s) of expropriated property may promptly replace their lost property to a similar or higher quality and general nature, and ensure the continued stable living condition of the occupants,
- in all other cases, compensation is matched to, or greater than, market prices according to prevailing economic trends and adjusted for inflation, as a fair measure of the property’s value.
Coauthor: Aivintis