This is a a closed FT RP taking place in a star system that has been recently discovered. Now the battle has begun for all of the stars and planets by different nations....
30 planets and 1 central star (now known as the Equinox Star), which once named and claimed will be added to a list below. Un-named and unclaimed not included.
Full system name (all planets): M-145-3
No godmodding, obviously crazy shit is allowed, but don't just nuke the sun or open an all-consuming black hole call it a day. OP ships and tech allowed,
Claim whatever you want, but be realistic
No WMD's
Any race or species allowed, and you can RP as a different nation if you like.
Please, for the love of whatever it is you worship, if anything, don't just destroy entire planets for no reason.
Signups closed.