Mass Effect: Embers [Complete]

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
Posts: 65567
Founded: Feb 03, 2010
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Mass Effect: Embers [Complete]

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Mon May 22, 2023 2:29 pm

|Mass Effect: Embers|

Music to Save the Galaxy To

News: The end of the Siari Enclave! Immense battle in Serpent Nebula sees Asari fleet limping home, missing thousands of sailors and dozens of ships. Religious schism unfolding.



Welcome to Mass Effect: Embers, a RP where you ultimately decide the fate of the Galaxy through diplomacy, warfare, corporate sabotage, intelligence gathering, and some other lesser known methods that you may come up with on your own. You will take control of one of the many factions within the galaxy be they aligned with the citadel or an independent entity clinging to the edge of civilized space or huddled around their homeworlds in the Terminus.

Scenario: The year is 2204, and it is a time of great change. Following the destruction of the Reapers at the hands of the Shepherd, and the corresponding devastation of galactic civilization which was caused by the extensive damage to the Mass Relay network, the stars are a cold and forbidding place. Countless billions of sentients were extinguished by the Reapers as they cut their bloody swathe across the cosmos, entire worlds depopulated, and the industrial backbone of civilized space broken cleanly. This alone would have been enough to hurl the galaxy into a dark age, an age of regression and recovery, but combined with the simultaneous effective loss of faster-than-light travel which the Relays had enabled, truly marked a black day for galactic civilization.

That is not to say that all is dark. Though much was lost, much remained - many worlds were spared even a taste of war personally, though all know brothers and sisters who did not return from the battles over Mars, and Earth. Though the Relays were destroyed, interstellar travel could still be effected slowly, using less efficient methods of superluminal transit. Though in her triumph the galaxy had come together to rage against the dying of the light, now each race and entity looked inward, to their own affairs. Trade routes to foreign powers had become impractical for all but the most precious of goods, and so self-sufficiency became the watchword of the new galaxy; high-expense colonization efforts were abandoned, manufacturing reprioritized, and the slow languid reconstruction effort begun.

Some despaired. To have fallen from such heights where a man could go from Thessia to Palaven in an afternoon, to be forced to look up at the same star year after year - is there any more cruel fate than a bird whose wings have been taken from it? But the majority of the races of the galaxy shouldered their burdens and concentrated on the very real work before them. World after world had to be cleared of the charred debris of war. In lawless sectors where little authority remained, new organizations rose to power, some noble and seeking to protect the innocent, others piratical and focused only on exploiting the fiercely depleted militaries of the galaxy. Political consensus remained in some reaches, able to be sustained by goodwill and the tattered remnants of the extranet comm buoys, while other systems had had too much and took up the mantle of self-government, unwilling to be beholden to foreign powers.

That was, until September 2nd, 2196.

That was the date the infamous Makewell Report was published on Earth. An unprepossessing blue sky project, researchers looking at the shattered remnants of the Charon Relay, made an alarming and strikingly hopeful discovery; the device, thought completely destroyed by the Shepherd's actions to end the Reaper threat, was not nearly as dead as presumed. Blasted, shattered, yes - but ancient mechanisms were working, slowly, year after year, to draw together archaic pieces and meld jagged remnants into a new cohesive whole.

The Relay Network was healing.

With the revelation that interstellar travel would, one day soon, once again be commonplace, entities across known space refactored their priorities. Vast manufacturing teams, from those worlds which could afford to spare the material, began studying the restructuring process and coaxing it toward fruition. The information set the extranet on fire, and previously isolated worlds consigned to their fates as dying backwaters began political maneuvers to bring skilled engineers from former overlords to repair their own links to the galaxy.

On January 16th, 2204, the Thessian Relay was switched back on, making the first true connection to the Serpent Nebula in decades. A new age of discovery, exploration, rebuilding, and danger is upon the galaxy. What has changed out there, beyond the light of civilization? Who now can be counted on as old friends reassess geopolitical priorities, and new powers begin to navigate the delicate dance of politics? From the embers, fire awakens.

Code: Select all
Diplomatic Relations Summary:
Military Summary:
Infrastructure and Claimed Worlds:
a) Terrestrial Forces: 
b) Space Fleets:

RP Example:
Questions and Suggestions:

Reservations Last 48 Hours - Only one non-Established Faction will be accepted for every 3 Established Factions, until all Established Factions are filled

Accepted Established Factions
The Asari Republic | Segmentia
The Human Systems Alliance | Kinistan
The Turian Hierarchy | Ovstylap
The Salarian Union | Pragia
The Elcor Courts | Open
The Plenixian Commonwealth | Grand Phyrexia
The Terminus Peoples' Republic | The Empire of Tau
The Quarian State | The National Dominion of Hungary
The Geth Consensus | G-Tech Corporation
The Hanar Illuminated Primacy | Nuxipal
The Confederated Krogan Freeholds | The Silver Army

Accepted Custom Factions
The Free Markets of Illium | Open
The Heshtok Duumvirate | Open
The Shanxi Directorate | The Orson Empire
The Raloi Accord | Yandex
The Commonwealth of Eagle Nebula | Cybernetic Socialist Republics
The Union of Enlightened Hives | Ormata
The Citizens Republic of the Cradle | Revlona
The United Nations Security Council | Versail

Current Reservations

Faction Initial Allotments

Use the starting allotments to purchase infrastructure and military for your faction - the number may be any combination of Credits, Material, and Industry. All starting infrastructure is limited to specific areas to prevent a faction in the Terminus from having colonies deep in Council Space. Only up to four Dreadnoughts may be purchased with your initial funds, assuming you are also building a military shipyard with starting credits. Two Dreads otherwise.

Can start with infrastructure within 2 clusters of Citadel Factions, but not in the systems of Terminus Factions.

Independent Human Colony - 4200

Independent Council Colony - 3800

Independent Terminus Colony - 3560

Faction Advantages and Disadvantages

Temple of Athame - The greatest temple remaining on Thessia. It is strangely heavily protected by the very secular Republics, but they pass it off as preserving the Asari's early culture. This is all a front to protect a Prothean Beacon which was planted on Thessia for the Asari by the Protheans themselves. Unlike most Prothean Beacons this one seems to have a higher degree of functionality than others. Technological marvels pour forth from its archives. +100% Research Points produced on Thessia

Dominant Culture - The Asari hold the most cultural influence over the galaxy. As a result, Asari gain +50% credit generation on whichever world they build their Citadel Embassy on.

Air of Superiority - The Asari have a peculiar style of architecture and have been known to be snobbish regarding the culture of others. All Urban Centers, Shipyards, and Starports cost 25% more.

Divided Polity - The Asari Republics are just that. A collection of individual Republics working together under an umbrella title that has little to do with their actual political situation aside from they are all majority Asari worlds and nations. These Republics do not typically want to send their warriors too far from home, so Ground Forces cost 30% more to produce


Special Tactics Group: Salarian special operators are some of the best trained units in the galaxy and are known for their ability to hold the line and for their incorruptibility. Salarian Elite units gain two free Upgrades, which do not count toward their Upgrade cap, and may comprise 20% of their units, instead of the usual 5%.

Ultra-Violet GARDIAN: Salarian technology is one of the most advanced in the galaxy. Salarian Medium and Light Vessels gain the Enhanced GARDIAN upgrade for free.

Salarian Frailness - Salarians tend to have a less sturdy frame than the average citizen of the galaxy. Because of this they are unlikely to use craft which put a large degree of stress on their bodies. Salarians cannot purchase Fighters or Interceptors and other non-transport Light Vessels cost 25% more

Let's go loud: Salarians are known for their unassuming and stealth tactics. They work well behind the scenes and not charging the battlefield. Non-Elite, Non-Division ground units can only have one upgrade and upgrades cost 15% more (5% becomes 20%) for those units.

Resilient Populace - Where other societies cracked and crumbled beneath the psychological onslaught of the Reaper War, the Turians came away vindicated and proven worthy of the trust the galaxy placed in their military might. The Turian Hierarchy starts with two free Dreadnoughts, and possessing at least one Heavy Vessel in orbit over a Turian world boosts the Credit output of that world by 10%.

Military Society - While many Factions host an army, the Turian military is something else all together. The Hierarchy is one large military structure with 27 tiers with citizenship awarded upon rank 3. With mandatory enlistment from ages 15 to 30, the Turians do not lack for soldiers. All Ground Forces take 25% less time to train.

Economic Disinterest - The Turians themselves are not very business savvy - the galactic isolationism of the past few decades has hit them hard. They simply are disinterested in allocating funds to anything except military assets. Infrastructure aside from Industrial, Mining, and Shipyards cost 15% more.

Last Shadow - With nobody to fight and no opportunity to demonstrate their continued value to the galaxy at large, the Hierarchy has been undergoing a period of soul-searching - and in some cases, political discussions which would have previously been taboo have become part of the public discourse. The results of those discussions have strained diplomatic relations with other Council races, as Turian supremacists gain the ear of more and more of the populace...

Ingenuity of Humanity - The Humans introduced Carriers to the galaxy and still hold a monopoly on the largest carrier force in the galaxy. Their proficiency in building these ships extends so far as to that they are built with their squadrons already ready to launch. Escort Carriers are built with one Fighter Squadron, Battlegroup Carriers have three fighters and one interceptor squadron, and Fleet Carriers have four fighters and two interceptor squadrons. These fighters can be exchanged with other fighters that have been built. These Carriers must have fighters aboard them at all times unless their squadrons were destroyed.

Enterprising Spirit - Those who make up the HSA are willing to give up their old lives to live on planets untouched by civilization. This takes a special type of person, the type of person who isn't afraid of hard work. Newly colonized garden worlds gain one free mining complex, one free industrial complex, and one free militia, upon completing the construction of their first Urban Area.

Gave It All - Humanity lost, in some ways, the most from the Reaper War. Hardly a world exists that did not lose an entire generation to the conflict, and the scars of that mourning run deep. Raising new ships and soldiers is anything but a priority to a race which struggles to find enough bodies to fill her factories and facilities. Heavy Ships and Ground Forces cost 20% more.

New to the Stage - Humanity has been a part of the galactic community for barely a generation, a human generation that is. They are new and as the new kid on the block not everything is as it seems. While many concepts are native to humanity, some are not. The cost of all upgrades are up 5%, with Electronic Warfare costing 10% more.

The Survivors: Though the Reaper War was absolutely devastating for the Hegemony, in some ways it brought the Batarian people the conflict they needed to pull together - a final vindication that the external enemy against which their leaders had railed had really been out there, if perhaps not in the form they expected. With the galaxy reforming, Batarian nationalism is a bright fire, and they are ready to take their place among the stars. Three free Colony Ships begin on Khar'shan.

Autarky - They were ready for the breakdown of galactic trade, more than anyone, and so the Batarians adapted handily. Though Trade Routes cost 100% more to establish, Batarians pay 50% less Credits for Industry infrastructure.

The Few - Bloodied hardly describes the Batarian race; barely there, a better descriptor. The harvesting of the Terminus systems occurred on an apocalyptic scale, and perhaps only one in five of the original citizens of the Batarian Hegemony survived. Putting bodies on planets and in uniforms is a fiercely expensive endeavor, and nearly political suicide. Refurbishing new Mass Relays takes twice as long, and Ground Forces take twice as long to raise.

The Outer Constellation - It would be generous to say that the Council cared very little for the plight of the Batarians in the years after the Reaper War. It would be more accurate to say the only people who cared for the Batarians, were the Batarians. Deprioritized for effectively any trade as profits went elsewhere in their empty half of the galaxy, Batarian technology and manufacturing is lagging behind the galaxy at large; Research Stations produce 2 less RP, and Infrastructure produces 25% less Industry.

The Almighty Credit - The Volus are bankers and traders to an extent few other races can match, being intimately wedded to the galactic economy. Such commerce as survived the years of isolation, the Volus had their hands upon. Urban Areas produce 15 more Credits; Galactic Banks generate 10 more Credits, and boost income by 5% more.
Atmospheric Specialists - When it comes to warfare, the Volus aren't really made out of the right cloth for most conflicts. But what they do specialize in is airpower, and in that regard they are far from slouches. Gunship Wings, Fighters, and Interceptors are 25% cheaper, and train 1 month faster.

Specialized Constitution - To say Irune is an uncommon world is really an understatement. The high pressure and rare composition atmosphere of their homeworld renders the Volus uncomfortable on most planets, and requires them to wear specialized envirosuits to avoid messy biological trauma. Volus treat all worlds except Hostile worlds as being one class lower, unless a given world has an atmospheric pressure above 30 ATM.
Frail Bodies - Volus are small, and easily breakable, meaning they make poor frontline troops and laborers. Divisions cost 33% more, and Mining Complexes produce 1 Material less.

Voidborn Engineers - Surviving as long as they did in Dark Space, combined with the accumulated expertise of their time of exile - these things have gifted the Quarians with a command of zero-g design unmatched by many. Quarians ships may mount an additional Upgrade, and Light and Medium Vessels cost 10% less Credits to construct.

The Purloined Jewel - Omega, the new home of the wandering people, is a rich world indeed. Her deep mines are the source of a river of wealth to rebuild the Quarian nation. Mining Complexes on Omega produce five more Material, as well as 5 Credits.

Seedy Underbelly - The remnants of Omega's old ways of doing things have begun to sink their roots into the new Quarian people, as smuggling through quarantine and other illicit activities flourish in the isolated and unpoliced sectors of Omega. Urban Areas produce 10 less Credits, but Gambling Dens produce 10 more.

Lean Bellies - The Migrant Fleet ran to the very limit of her tolerances during the long years of exile into Dark Space, and now to even bring Quarian society back up to acceptable standards of living requires a monumental investment of time and resources, pulling attention away from basic economics in favor of the plebiscite. Mining and Industry infrastructure costs 20% more.

Constructed: Artificial beings require minimal air, light, or even radiation shielding. Geth treat Barren worlds as if they were two categories higher, and others as one.

Offworld Dwellings: Most Geth exist in great server-stations above the worlds they took from their Makers. Geth pay 50% less for Space Stations/Orbital Infrastructures and have their respective limits doubled.

Roads Not Taken: Unfettered by the cultural or technological restraints of organic races, the Geth are nearly the most advanced race in the galaxy, and show no signs of slowing down. Research Stations produce a bonus 5 RP, and cost 200 Credits less.

Synthetic Bodies: Being entirely inorganic, biotics and their attendant wonders are completely unknown to the Geth. Geth may not build or use biotics, and research biology-based technologies at half speed.

The Caretakers: Preserving the worlds they took from their Makers does not come without a price, particularly when it comes to leaving these worlds unspoilt. Geth pay 25% more for Urban Areas on planets with a historical Quarian presence, and 15% more for on-planet infrastructure that isn’t Shipyards, Mining, or Industry on the same.

Necessary Synchronization: If isolated, most Geth platforms may struggle to function as their coherency lapses. Geth Infantry deployed without at least two other formations in support operate at the level of Militia.

Drell Protectors - The Hanar both protect and are protected by the Drell. Drell combat forces are required to be Biotic, and may only compose Hanar Elites, to enhance survival chances. All Drell Units have Combat Biotics for free, and do not cost the normal Elites surcharge.

Spacial Awareness - Kahje is made up of oceans primarily and the Hanar have lived their lives with three dimensions to move in. As such, they are naturals at maneuvering in space. -1 month training on Medium and Heavy Vessels.

Hanar Spacelanes - Hanar void scientists have been at the forefront of efforts to restore the quiescent Relays. Hanar attempts to reactivate dormant Relays succeed immediately, at doubled cost.

Invertebrate - The hanar lack any skeletal structure and rely on mass effect fields to keep them afloat out of water. They therefore are poorly suited as infantry. Hanar Divisions suffer a major combat malus when operating on worlds with a solid surface.
Low Population - The Drell number less than one million. As such, they are not exposed to combat often by their protectors. Drell may only be used in Elite positions.

Pros: Heavy Weapons Platforms - Elcor Infantry, the thought first brings a mocking smile to the faces of Humans, Turians, and Asari alike. Only to then realize that one terrible mistake: Elcor can't hold small arms. Soon they are face to face with a Division of walking heavy weapons and unable to find cover from the nearly continual barrage of oncoming heavy rounds. All Elcor Marines, Infantry, and Militia start with Heavy Weapons for free. Other ground units purchase Heavy Weapons at a 10% discount.

Self-Reliant - The Elcor economy is fairly self contained, only trading in finished goods. Because of this, they rarely purchase anything from others. This served them well during the years of isolation - the Elcor gain 20 free Credits on every world with at least 1 Urban Area.

Cons: Highly Developed Industry - For a race which traditionally migrates it's planetary capital based on the seasons, the Elcor have a highly sophisticated Industrial capacity on their worlds. Having spent the years to perfect their industry over the centuries, Elcor Industries were hit especially hard when the rare and exotic materials they relied upon from across the galaxy went missing, or became prohibitively expensive to import. Elcor Industrial Infrastructure costs 50% more to establish, but produces an additional 25% at no additional Material cost.

High Gravity World Reliance - The Elcor are from a world with 4x as much gravity as Earth. Because of this, they have grown to operate best on these worlds. While the can operate on standard and light gravity worlds, it is not as comfortable for them. Worlds not labeled as High Gravity Garden worlds can only be treated as Near Garden at the best. (exceptions made for canon worlds listed at 2.5 g or higher)

Genophage Undone - The Krogan are a fertile race once more, breeding hardy warriors and sturdy laborers in the thousands where formerly few infants survived at all. Their numbers, perchance, will claim them a race between the stars. Division-scale ground units may be recruited one month faster, and cost 50% less.

Bent Backs - There is honor in hard labor, the Matriarchs say, though the truth of this not all agree upon. Still, Krogan resilience and endurance make even the most grinding of industries more effective. Major Mining Complexes generate an additional 3 Material per Mining Complex. Outposts produce 5 Industry.

Star-Averse - In the past the Krogan might have had expertise in engineering, voidcraft, and starship design, but those days long ago faded, and are only beginning to be reclaimed. Shipyards cost 50% more to construct, and all vessels take an additional month to complete.

Warrior Race - Krogans are capable of commerce and mercantilism, but it is hardly their area of expertise. Urban Areas produce 5 less Credits, and Trade Routes produce 10% less Credits.

Key to the Terminus - Placed where she is, Illium is poised to benefit from the resumption of galactic trade more than perhaps any other faction - though until those routes are opened, her economy remains fettered. If constructed, a Major Spaceport on Illium produces +1 Credit on every piece of Infrastructure for every Cluster Illium is connected to.
Mercantile Mythos - Whether it is true or not, the peoples of Illium believe there is always the potential for advancement in her society, and work twice as hard to get their share of prosperity as any other commercial class. Urban Areas produce 10 more Credits each.

Lax Consumer Safeguards - Though great for corporations, Illium's approach to safety and not poisoning her citizens is... second-rate. As such, those who do not originate in her glittering spectacle oftentimes have somewhat negative opinions of their wellbeing if they were to join her society, limiting immigrant inflows. Colonization takes one month more, and costs 50 Credits.
Butter, not Guns - Every credit put into an unproductive asset like a battleship is a credit that isn't producing returns for the shareholders, disgusting. Illium's Shipyards cost 20% more, and her worlds have a 25% smaller Production Capacity.

Motivated Workloads - The Directorate excels at getting the most out of the populace through propaganda, genuine buy-in from the citizenry, and nationalistic fervor - as well as the odd bit of enforced quotas. Mining Complexes produce 2 additional Material, and cost 5 Credits less to build.

Preparedness for All - No alien will sully the worlds of mankind again; vigilance shall be our watchword. The Directorate stands ready for conflict, and has focused their attention on planetary defense. Defenses are 25% more effective, cost 25% less, and Planetary Defense Guns may be built with Credits instead of Industry.

Xenophobic Attitudes - It is all very well and good to stand against the alien; this does, however, make the alien less interested in trading with you. Spaceports produce 25% less Credits, unless they exist in a cluster without any alien presence. Trade Routes with alien races are twice as expensive to establish.

Guns, not Butter - Blue-sky research and development in the Directorate has historically been suborned to military concerns, especially new and better defensive systems. Research Stations cost 200 more Credits to build.

Endless Numbers: Turning Vorcha into violent killers is not a difficult or time intensive process - however making them anything aside from that, ah, that’s the trick. Infantry and Militia Divisions cost 80% less, and may be raised one month more quickly.
Resilient Constitution: Dump some Vorcha on a deathworld, and you’ll get an infestation, not a pile of corpses. There are always more Vorcha, and they take serious killing. Colonization takes one month less; Hostile Worlds are treated as Terran, and Terran as Near-Garden.

Endless Savagery: Unless diligently educated, Vorcha tend to be simple and brutal, which makes it difficult to integrate them into modern economies and settlement patterns. Urban Areas cost 50% more, and general Infrastructure costs 15% more.
Ceaseless Burden: The Duumvirate faces a perpetual battle to tame and pacify the Vorcha under their command, which has not been helped by their long years of isolation and the difficulty of recruiting new officers. Every 5 Divisions must be accompanied by at least one non-Division specialist formation, or they take actions at random. The Duumvirate pays 100% more for non-Division formations.

The Reclaimers - Unlike most, the Raloi were prepared to weather the years of isolation, and had prepared their economy for a galaxy without any trade or commerce. Though this comparative advantage will fade, it is not insignificant in the interim. For the first two years, +10 Credits from Urban Areas, +2 Material from Mining Complexes, and Industrial Complexes convert 2 more Material into 1 more Industry.
Genetic Architects - Once the Raloi had intended to seed the galaxy with the lives of those the Reapers extinguished. This has proven, thankfully, unnecessary. It has, however, prepared them to make great strides in the fields of biology and biotics. Raloi Biotics cost 20% less to purchase, and if they elect to spend 100 Credits on a given Near Garden World, they may colonize that world as if it were a Garden World.

Technological Backwater - The Raloi were working to catch up the galaxy before the years of isolation, and that isolation certainly didn't help. This lack is particularly notable at the cutting edge of voidcraft, in which they are rank amateurs. Heavy Vessels, Orbital Structures, and Space Stations cost 30% more to construct.
Fatigued Populace - Population pressures on Turvess are immense, and though the political consensus of survival has held together the Raloi by force, undercurrents of dissatisfaction are roiling toward foment, depriving the Accord of willing soldiers and sailors. Ground Forces take an additional month to recruit, as do Light Vessels.

Idealistic Foundation - Born of blood and fire and the breaking of shackles, the Commonwealth's citizens have a more positive view of the galaxy than most, and their formal ideology translates into an open-handed approach to integration of most of the galaxy's denizens. Pacification takes one month less, and costs 50 Credits less.
Hardened Underbelly - The Commonwealth has not achieved her position off the back of peace and prosperity, but by hard labor and success against improbable odds. Korlus, the junior partner, in particular embodies this aspect of her people. Urban Centers produce 5 Material and 2 Industry, and the Commonwealth may construct 2 more Mining Complexes on Hostile planetary classes.

Anarchist Inefficiencies - The very concept of a central government is a relatively new innovation on Korlus, and one treated with suspicion on Anhur. Taxation, tariffs, and other normal bureaucratic measures of a state are resisted or avoided by most of the populace. Spaceports produce half their usual amount of Credits, and the Commonwealth pays 50% more to establish Galactic Banks.
The Garbage Scow - Though the common man appreciates the ideology of the Commonwealth, he may be less than interested in personally living on the fetid surface of Korlus or the in the blood-soaked streets of Anhur. Even ideologues in other states are uncomfortable with the lack of civil services in the Commonwealth. Colonization takes one month longer, and costs 50 Credits.

Ancient Understanding - The Hives, to some degree, have begun to regain a portion of their technology and particularly proprietary knowledge about the Relays. The Hives pay 150 Materials less when repairing a Relay, and can repair Relays a month faster.
Infinite Potential - An army built of clones is one of the most dangerous things a commander can face, because strategic exhaustion is inevitable. Ground Units can always be built in single month, but have twice as much base cost - this additional cost is in Materials. Mining Complexes are built for only 5 Credits, and produce 2 more Material.

Economic Isolation - It is a rare man with the stomach to deal with the Collectors, given their reputation during the Reaper War and the stain such dealings would leave on his business. Spaceports produce half Credits, and Trade Routes cost 100% more.
Galactic Pariah - Mothers and fathers use the names of the Collectors to scare their children at night, and this antipathy is deeply entrenched in the minds of those children even when grown. The horrors the Hives will inflict on normal citizens are unknown, but of course absolutely certain in the galactic zeitgeist. Pacification takes twice as long, and costs 100 Credits more.

Veneer of Legitimacy: The Systems Alliance is a relatively new construction, one less than trusted by a significant proportion of mankind. The United Nations, on the other hand, has more time on her side. Trade Routes produce 30% bonus Credits with Human worlds, and Pacification of Human-majority colonies takes one month less.
Outcasts and Renegades: Not only refugees fled from the Systems Alliance, or worked for Cerberus for a time. Some of Cerberus' most brilliant scientists ended up abandoning their cause when they revealed their true nature during the Reaper War, and have subsequently built a tradition of nonlinear research and development in UN space. The first time a UN Research Station is established, it produces an immediate boost of 20 Research.

The Poor Relation: The Systems Alliance, unfortunately, was composed of the richest and most powerful nations on Earth - the UN ended up picking up the scraps, both politically and economically, and their crawl to the space-age has been slow. Shipyards cost 25% more, and Major Infrastructure produces 20% less.
Tattered Tapestry: Though the troubles are over, there are still anti-alien sentiments lingering under the surface of the UN's society. More government funds have to be dedicated to peacekeeping and de-radicalization initiatives throughout UN space than other states would expect; regardless, fringe ideas are commonplace in Attican Beta. Urban Areas cost 25% more to construct, but Gambling Dens produce 10 extra Credits per Urban Area.

Preparedness: The lessons of the Desperation War have been well learned, and the military buildup of the Republic has improved many facets of the miliary-industrial complex. Terran and better worlds have 20% more Production Capacity. Military Shipyards add an additional 100 Production Capacity.
Citizenship by Requirement: A willing body of new recruits and civil servants seeking membership in the body politics fuels the Republic's campaigns. Divisions are 25% less expensive to recruit, and Urban Areas cost 50 less Material.
Idyllic Existence: Unchallenged by the Reapers, the Republic has not established the negotiation and reclamation teams most other polities are used to deploying to deal with the aftermath of that apocalyptic war. Colonization takes one more month, and Pacification 100 more Credits.
Fragmented Polity: Nominally a multi-ethnic state, the Republic struggles to integrate her alien minorities into the political process, as their rates of enlistment and public service remain consistently low. This has led to stubbornly high crime statistics, and a reputation as a difficult place to do business. Trade Routes produce 20% less Credits, and Spaceports of all variety 1 Credit less.
Last edited by G-Tech Corporation on Mon Sep 25, 2023 3:27 pm, edited 65 times in total.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
Posts: 65567
Founded: Feb 03, 2010
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Mon May 22, 2023 2:30 pm

Notice on Production Time Reductions: A 60% reduction is the maximum any faction can obtain without the addition of Pro/Con bonuses or Technology. With Pro/Con bonuses and Technology this can be increased to a 90% reduction.

"Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder."
(Note that all figures given are calculated on a monthly basis, unless otherwise stated.)
15 Credits - Mining Complex: Extracts 5 Material

50 Credits - Major Mining Complex: Extracts 10 Material, +5 per Mining Complex on Planet.

20 Industry - Industrial Complex: Converts 10 Material into 5 Industry, reduces local ship construction time by 5%

50 Industry - Major Industrial Complex: Converts 30 Material into 20 Industry, 10 Credits

120 Industry - Manufacturing Yard: Allows standard Industrial Complexes on this world to convert an additional 10 Material into 5 more Industry. Requires Terran planetary class or better. Unlocked by the research of Cluster Metallurgy Architecture

30 Material - Outpost: Generates 20 Credits, 20 Material | Intrinsic Garrison of 2 Infantry Battalions. Cannot be combined with any other infrastructure. Comes with Tier I Sensors.

Note: Only one type of Shipyard may exist on a planet at a time
75 Industry - Shipyard: Generates 20 Credits, required for construction of ships up to Light Cruiser weight, lowers local ship production time by 10%, requires at least 1 Industrial Complex and one Urban Area on the planet to construct

500 Industry - Military Shipyard: Generates 30 Credits, required for construction for Heavy Cruiser weight and above. Lowers local ship production time by 15%. Adds 150 Production Capacity. Requires 1 Urban Area and 1 Fuel Depot.

600 Industry - Civilian Shipyard: Generates 60 Credits, required for construction of ships up to Light Cruiser weight. Lowers local ship production time by 25%. Requires 1 Urban Area and 1 Fuel Depot

1200 Industry - Driveyard: Generates 50 Credits, 50 Industry. Constructs ships of Ultra-Heavy weight class and below. Lowers local ship production time by 25%. Adds 500 Production Capacity to planet, 100 to other planets in the same system. Requires 2 Urban Areas and 2 Fuel Depots. May be constructed in addition to Shipyards. Maximum 1 per System.

20 Material - Planetary Fuel Depot: Generates 5 Credits

75 Material - Gambling Den/Energy Nexus: Generates 10 Credits, + 5 per Urban Area. One more may be built per world in the Terminus. Requires Spaceport. Energy Nexus replaces Gambling Den for Synthetics.

150 Material - Urban Area: Generates 45 Credits, reduces Ground Unit Construction Time by 10%. Requires Fuel Depot.

600 Credits - Research Station: (Limit 1 Per System) Allows for a faction to start a Research Project. Produces 10 Research Points every month. Requires Urban Area.

60 Material - Marshaling Center: Upon invasion of a world with a Marshaling Center, 4 Militia Units are generated instantly for free. If slain in battle they cost no funds to re-equip, deploying again within two months of the first invasion. If that invasion is consecutive, the new Militia are not trained. Requires Urban Area on planet to build, Militia Marshalling

125 Credits - Galactic Bank: Built in the territory of another Faction. Generates 45 Credits on worlds with an Urban Area. Increases Urban Area income for other Faction by 5% on given world.

450 Credits - Established Trade Route: (Limit 1 Per Planet) Not a physical building - generates 10 Credits for each involved faction for every Urban Area on two connected worlds. Must be mutually agreed upon.

150 Credits - Citadel Embassy:(Limit 1 per Faction, Limited to Citadel Factions) This signifies that the faction is a devoted member of Citadel Space. Generates 3 Credits per Citadel Faction, +1 for every Council Seat the Faction holds.

600 Credits - Intelligence Center: (Limit 1 per Cluster) This building allows the starting of Espionage Operations, and contributes one Intelligence to ongoing operations. Requires Post-War Intelligence Interfaces.

200 Industry - Aerostadt: Generates 50 Material, reduces Ship Build Time by 10% across the system. Gas Giant only.

120 Material - Small Spaceport: Generates 5 Credits for each piece of infrastructure on this world. Requires Fuel Depot.

350 Industry - Major Spaceport: (Limit 1 per Faction per Cluster) Generates 15 Credits for every structure on this world. Doubles income from all Small Spaceports in this System. Requires Urban Area.

200 Industry - Minor Space Station: (Limit 2 per system) You may buy up to level 1 defense guns on them, +10% total system output monthly for each, percentage effects stack. Production Capacity of 100.

1000 Industry - Mobile Space Station: (Limits 1 per system, you buy up two defense guns on them, +20% total output on system) (Takes 1 month to move) 2 Urban Areas, 2 Industrial Complexes, 2 Fuel Depot, 1 Small Spaceport. Production Capacity of 300.

2500 Industry - Major Space Station: (Limit 1 per cluster, you may buy up to level 3 planetary defense guns and any planetary buildings except mining complexes, +30% total system output monthly for the system it is in, +5% for every Small Spaceport or Spaceport in system, percentage effects stack with small stations. Production Capacity: 500.

100 Material -Orbital Mining Station: Cannot be combined with Planetary Infrastructure. Generates 30 Material

300 Material -Asteroid Processing Facility: Limit 1 per Asteroid Belt. Generates 10 Industry, 100 Material. Requires Deep Space Habitation.

400 Industry -Orbital Shipyard: Limit 1 per System. Increases this planet's Production Capacity by 300. Reduces Ship Build Time by 10%.

200 Industry - Orbital Battlestation: May be built at any point in a system. Max 4 per System. Holds up to 3 Defense Guns, and is heavily armored and possesses formidable kinetic barriers.

80 Industry -Orbital Fuel Station: Generates 25 Credits. Increases Material income of Orbital Mining Stations in this System by 10. Requires He-3 Mining Efficiency. Must be constructed above a Garden World or Gas Giant.

Defenses do not count towards the total buildings for a spaceport's income, and may be upgraded from one level to another, the total cost accounting for previous tiers.

Ground Defenses
20 Material - Perimeter Defenses - Tier I
60 Material - Trench Systems - Tier II
140 Material - Integrated Bunkers - Tier III
100 Industry - Fortified Redoubts - Tier IV

Anti-Orbital Batteries
25 Industry -Light Cannonade - Tier I
75 Industry - Heavy Batteries - Tier II - Meant to fight Destroyers, requires Fuel Depot
150 Industry - Linear Accelerators - Tier III - Capable of dueling Heavy Cruisers, requires 2 Fuel Depots
400 Industry, 500 Materials - Hypervelocity Batteries - Tier IV - A serious threat to even Dreadnoughts, requires 2 Fuel Depots, Orbital Fuel Station. Requires Hypervelocity Implementation.

150 Credits - Bulk Sensor: Tier I - Detect Heavy Vessels
350 Credits - Refined Sensor Grid: Tier II - Detect Medium Vessels
500 Credits - Integrated Array: Tier III - Detect Light Vessels
1500(2150) - Planetary Sensor Network: Tier IV - Detect Ground Unit composition

Here is your Glorified Taxi Service.
[Heavy Vessel build time reductions also apply to Ultra-Heavy Vessels]
Hyperdreadnought (Carries 6 Wings) 160 Credits, 18 months (Requires Military Shipyard and Orbital Shipyard)

Habitation Ship - only granted as starting unit - May generate faction-specific income.
Fleet Carrier (Has 6 slots for any combination of fighter and interceptor wings) 75 Credits, 9 months (Requires Military Shipyard)
Dreadnought (Carries 2 wings) 90 Credits, 12 months (Requires Military Shipyard)
Battlegroup carrier (Has 4 slots for any combination of fighter and interceptor wings) 40 Credits, 5 months
Battlecruiser (Carries 1 wing) 60 Credits, 9 months
Bulk Transport 50 Credits, 8 months - can carry 12 units
Colony Ship 120 Credits, 5 months
Mining Ship 50 Credits, 4 months - Extracts 15 Material. 25, if in a system with a Orbital Mining Station. Does not count as a Heavy Vessel for purposes of Expedition, Pacification, or Colonization. Active Mining Ships are limited by the number of planets in a system; deployed Mining Ships in the same system which exceed this number see their output reduced by half overall.
Heavy Cruiser 45 Credits, 7 months

Light Cruiser 25 Credits, 4 months
Escort Carrier (Has one slot for either a fighter or interceptor wing) 20 credits, 3 months
Transport 25 Credits, 3 months - can carry 5 units
Destroyer 15 Credits, 3 months
Frigate 10 Credits, 2 months (Does not require Shipyard to build)

Does not require Shipyards to build
"Highway to the Danger Zone!"
* Light Vessels can NOT equip GARDIAN systems, Drop Ship Hangar, and Boarding Troops
Corvette 6 Credits, 2 months
Assault Landers (Squadron of 10) 3 Credits, 1 month
Fighter wing (Group of 30) 6 Credits, 2 months
Interceptor wing (Group of 30) 7 Credits, 2 months
Light Transport 7 credits, 1 month- can carry 1 unit

"Firstly I'm a man's man, a courageous man, who's not afraid to be out in the field, looking my enemy square in the eye through the scope of a high-powered sniper rifle from the next town over." -Anonymous Grunt as to why he didn't join the navy.

Infantry Division (30,000 troops) 10 creds, 4 months.
"Are you doing your part? Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world."
Militia Division (30,000 troops) 6 Credits, 2 months.
"Because we live here!" Guns down Space Russians. " Wolverines!"
LOKI Mech Battalion (5000 Troops) 2 Credits, 2 months
"It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity. Or remorse. Or fear. And it absolutely will not stop. ever."
YMIR Mech Division (200 Units, 5000 LOKI Troops) 20 credits, 2 months.
"A weapon to surpass Medal Gear."
Battlesuit Battalion (50 Units, 100 Troops) 12 Credits, 3 months. Requires Battlesuit Development Program
"Reactor online, sensors online, weapons online. All systems nominal."
Armored Division(240 vehicles, 15,000 troops) 25 credits,3 months.
"The best tank killer is another tank. Therefore tanks are always fighting each other... and have no time to help the infantry."
Artillery Battalion (74 Artillery pieces, 2500 troops) 10 credits, 3 months.
"God fights on the side with the best artillery."
Combat Engineer Battalion (2500 troops) 7 credits, 3 months.
"Yeah, I don't even know what I'm doing here, actually"
Anti-Orbital Missile Force (55 vehicles with launchers, 400 troops) 10 Credits, 3 months.
"When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel. It's going to be decisive."
Gunship Wing (34 gunships) 5 Credits, 3 months.
"The Valkyries ride again."


In case you want to improve your stuff. Ships and land units may only have two upgrades applied to them unless a Faction has Free upgrades appropriated to them or otherwise specified.

High-quality Armaments - +25% of original cost

Only the very best of weapons for your troops. Not exactly Spectre Master Gear, but more along the lines of high-end Rasenkov Materials wares. Like my beloved Kovalyov. The troops will adore you for upgrading their boomsticks. Unless you’re the Alliance and they have to pay for all this crap because Humanity's industrial complex isn't worth a damn.

Low Quality Weapons - -20% of original cost

For those who want to be damn cheapskates, there's always the unusually terrible bootleg weapons you can buy off that shady arms dealer you know. You have no guarantee it'll fire in the right direction all the time, but hey - the budget cuts caused by procuring from him can get you another platinum spork or two.

Advanced Armour - +25% original cost

The other guy's got all his troops in Phoenix I armour. Lucky you - your army's got the latest Colossus model.

Electronic Warfare Capabilities - +30% of original cost

Dedicated electronic warfare troopers can cause all kinds of havoc when deployed alongside footsloggers. The grunts react badly when their shielding turns off and their guns jam.

Stealth Training - +50% of original cost

Troops are now able to better move about without being seen. They are masters of camo and surprise. They'd be pretty much gods in any game of hide and seek.

Nanite Stasis - +15% of original cost

I’ve had your arm off! ‘tis merely a flesh wound. Real men can take a bullet to the chest, let the silver spiders knit the wound back together, and keep walking.

Heavy Weapons Teams - +15% of original cost

Infantry are the queen of the battlefield, until armor shows up to bounce all of their shots. These shots don't bounce - they turn metal boxes into funeral pyres.

Sniper Teams - +10% of original cost

Disruption, targeted assassinations, simple attrition warfare - snipers are great for anyone who wants maximal impact with minimal exposure.

Flamethrowers - +15% of original cost

There are few things which terrify organic foes more than the prospect of sudden unplanned immolation. This hideous weapon of war might make your enemy fight harder where they can, but it'll definitely make them run faster where they can't. Also excellent for engaging entrenched defenders.

Close Combat Specialization - +10% of original cost

For people who want to get in nice and cozy before they shred their enemies. This entails omniblade drills, bayonet charges against straw dummies, or even ninja sword training. Have fun. If you can get that close.

Combat Biotics - +50% of original cost

If you've brought along a couple buddies who can change reality with their minds, things are likely to go better. The Asari Republics, the Ilium Bloc, and any Asari Free Colonies are able to give this upgrade to their units free of charge.

Drop Troops - +20% of original cost

Training and equipment to allow orbital insertion into combat scenarios. AKA dynamic entry AKA unplanned rapid outflanking maneuvers. May only be applied to Divisions or Battalions.

Elites - x10 total cost

The best of the best of the best of the best. The bigger the faction, the more awesome the Elites upgrade is. This upgrade may only applied to Infantry, Marines, and Armored Divisions. No more than 5% of your divisions exactly may purchase this upgrade. If you have 20 divisions, one may be Elite. Not available to factions who don’t have enough divisions to achieve a perfect 5%. Divisions are counted as units with Division in the title.

High Velocity Mass Driver - +20% of the Original Cost- Increases damage of a Ship's Kinetic Weapons

Bringing out the big guns just got a whole lot louder. These weapons are big, noisy, and are noticeably well calibrated.

Enhanced GARDIAN Lasers - +15% of the Original Cost- Increases damage of a ship's Energy weapons

Its just science, better lasers means more holes in enemy ships, not to mention less fighters to deal with.

Disruptor Torpedo Banks - +15% of the Original Cost- Increases damage of a ship's Missile Weapons

Hulls standing in your way? Not anymore, just rip those suckers apart with these mass effect field generating missiles.

Advanced Armor Plating - +30% of the Original Cost- Increases Defensive Abilities of a ship's Hull

Sometimes standard armor isn't tough enough and the ship's captain has to shell out some extra cash to see to his crew's safety.

Ablative Armor - +25% of the Original Cost- Increases Defensive abilities vs Energy Weapons

Lasers getting to you? Are you worried about becoming swiss cheese every time you see energy weapons light up? Ablative armor is here for you, substantially increasing the time which any hull can resist exposure to such weapons.

Redundant Kinetic Barriers - +25% of the Original Cost- Increases Defensive Abilities of a Ship's shields

Forget about everything, just get Redundant Kinetic Barriers. Guaranteed to activate in the unlikely scenario that your primary system fails you; also great for withdrawing from a losing fight, or cycling vessels out of combat to enhance overall fleet survivability.

Dropship Hangars - +5% of the Original Cost - Permits the use of Droptroops in association with this ship

Just when you thought that Dreadnought in orbit was the scariest thing you'd seen. Now its launching troops at you too! Equipped Vessels function with transport capabilities equivalent to one weight class below their own.

Enhanced Life Support System - +10% of the Original Cost- Increases likelihood of a damaged ship's survival following a battle

Lucky you! Your commander paid for the Enhanced life support system. Now you might survive the fact that you forgot to turn on the shields.

Boarding Troops - +5% of Original Cost - Permits use of boarding parties to assault opposing ships and try to capture them. Essential for Piracy!

The ship you are on is disabled and next thing you know the hull is cut open and enemy troops storm the bridge.

Diplomacy, Claims, Pacification, Colonization, and Held Worlds
The galaxy is a big place. Even if you happen to share a bloodline, and common origin, you might not to see eye to eye on galactic politics. As such, all factions (with a few exceptions) are broken up into Held Systems and Claims. This represents, in essence, the reach of a central government. Held Worlds can have forces and infrastructure deployed on them initially, and are unilaterally administrated by your faction. Claims are partially developed NPCs that might be amenable to integration into your government, but aren't in such a circumstance yet. Your claims can also overlap with those of other factions, representing conflicted loyalties. By dispatching a Heavy Ship to an inhabited system you can either press a Claim, attempting to integrate that systems into your Held Systems via Pacification, or labor to create a Claim, opening the door for integration. Converting a System from Unclaimed to Claimed takes merely two months of military presence, but is exclusive - two factions may not Claim the same system, with the most recent Claim taking precedence. In the event where two factions are trying to establish a Claim simultaneously, or establish a Claim on a system which is being Pacified, the Pacification process is paused. Starting the next month, the faction with the greatest amount of Medium and Heavy Vessels in the system will either begin the Claim process, potentially interrupting Pacification, or be able to continue Pacification.

Note that systems discovered by Exploration or canonically uninhabited do not require a Claim, merely Colonization - you can simply slap down some soldiers and infrastructure and call it good. Additionally, be aware that initial Claims should only be within the area a faction can theoretically distribute Held Worlds to start with - though they may be extended outside of that range in-character.

By default, Pacification requires a Heavy Vessel in a system, 100 Credits, and three months to achieve. It has the bonus of gifting you any constructed Infrastructure that system already possesses.
Colonization, on the other hand, can also be done with a Heavy Vessel, but can alternatively be accomplished with a Colony Ship. It is free in terms of credits, but takes five months to achieve - unless it is being done with a Colony Ship, in which case it only takes two months.
Once a given system is Pacified or Colonized it may be built on freely, but will not contribute Credits or Material or Industry to the parent faction until the Sector Relay is online.

The Citadel and Relays
The Citadel was once a place of light, and beauty, now all but abandoned to the ancient wiles of the Keepers who have largely refurbished and regenerated the facility in the intervening years. The fate of this majestic and centrally important facility will, no doubt, be a point of contention for many of those powers who still nominally term themselves 'Citadel' races and the upstarts who may seek to claim such a jewel for their own. Facilities built on the Citadel generates output for their owners exclusively, but also gain a 10% output boost for every faction which owns a piece of Infrastructure on the Citadel.
Current Citadel
0 / 8 Urban Centers
0 / 15 Industrial Complexes
0 / 4 Research Stations
0 / 2 Major Spaceports
No Defense Forces

The Relays are also an integral part of the galaxy, returning to service as they are after the decades of isolation civilized space has just survived. Every Established Faction has reignited the Relay in their home sector, but Relays beyond those sectors must be re-activated in order for the normal flow of commerce and transit to return to the galaxy; economic investment without an active Relay cannot be recouped. By default activating a Relay requires a Heavy Vessel in orbit, 200 Material, and three months, and should be regarded as the first step in a faction expanding into a new region. Relay Activation may also be begun without a Heavy Vessel if a faction has constructed at least 50% of the available Urban Areas that system can possess.

Active Relays
Aethon Cluster, Annos Basin, Apien Crest, Ascendant Threshold, Athena Nebula, Cnidari Cluster, Far Rim, Kite's Nest, Local Cluster, Omega Nebula, Perseus Veil, Silean Nebula

Planetary Data
Planets are vital to every species. They are cradles of life, bastions of civilization, and centers of industry. However, not all planets are created equal. And what planets there are are not always suited for life. And of those, some may not be suited for your life. A Garden world for one race may only be a Near Garden World for another, though you won't need to worry about that too often. Post-Garden Worlds are counted as Near-garden worlds for the purposes of cataloging.

Decoding the Statistics
Natural Production Capacity, or Natural Pc, is the value in credits which a planet may produce at any one time. So if you are building two dreadnoughts over your Near-Garden World, that's 180 credits worth of production capacity used. Upgrades increase the credit capacity used as well. Infrastructure construction does not count against this capacity. Note that buildings which have no defined limits may only be built once on any given world, and that Shipyards are assessed as a single category type - that is, you may only have one of the category. Note that Production Capacity is not used less when units cost less - cost reductions merely reduce the number of resources consumed, not the number of units which may be produced per Production Capacity.

Garden Worlds: Identified as a planet with ideal conditions for life.
Natural Pc: 700
Max Infrastructure: 4 Urban Areas, 7 Mining Complexes, 4 Industrial Complexes, 2 Fuel Depots

Near-Garden Worlds: Identified as a planet which once supported a great deal of life, but is fading or has faded from full garden status.
Natural Pc: 500
Max Infrastructure: 5 Mining Complexes, 3 Industrial Complexes, 3 Urban Areas

Terran: Identified as a planet which has a protective atmosphere allowing for large-scale operations.
Natural Pc: 300
Max Infrastructure: 4 Mining Complexes, 2 Industrial Complexes, 2 Urban Areas

Hostile: Identified as a planet which has some protective atmosphere, but has a chemistry or conditions which is considered dangerous to large-scale infrastructure and settlement.
Natural Pc: 100
Special: No Urban Areas
Max Infrastructure: 3 Mining Complexes

Barren World: Identified as a planet which has no protective atmosphere or is an asteroid of significant size.
Natural Pc: 100
Special: No Major Infrastructure, Gambling Dens, or Urban Areas.
Max Infrastructure: 2 Mining Complexes

Gas Giant: Self-explanatory
Natural Pc: 0
Special: Cannot have surface infrastructures
Max Infrastructure: 1 Orbital Mining Station, 2 Aerostadt

Garden Moon: Garden Moons are identified as being Garden or Post-Garden worlds orbiting a Gas Giant or other planet.
Natural Pc: 300
Max Infrastructure: 5 Mining Complexes, 3 Industrial Complexes, 3 Urban Areas

Terran Moon: Terran Moons are somewhat habitable, but still far from perfect for organic life.
Natural PC: 100
Max Infrastructure: 3 Mining Complexes, 2 Industrial Complexes, 1 Urban Area

Barren Moon: Barren Moons are identified as major moons which lack atmospheres, appropriate magnetic fields, or have other conditions which make them treacherous to large-scale settlement.
Natural Pc: 0
Special: No Urban Areas
Max Infrastructure: 2 Mining Complexes, 2 Industrial Complexes

Asteroid Belt: Asteroid Belts are uncolonizable, but can provide useful minerals to other planets.
Natural Pc: 0
Max Infrastructure: 2 Orbital Mining Stations

Research and Development
The mighty struggle of civilization is the advancement of technology towards a better future. In Mass Effect Factions, this is also the case. The various factions will seek to grow and compete against their rivals in a variety of ways. Researching new methods by which to empower their faction is one of the ways a faction can give it an edge over a rival. To conduct Research, you must produce Research Points and those will be used to work towards new technologies. We have prepared a list of starting technologies so you don't have to come up with your own right away. Note that non-Universal Technologies receive an initial adoption added cost in Research Points, so you'll generally get more bang for your buck researching Universal Technologies, or Technologies where someone else has already eaten the early adopter malus.

Advanced Biotic Implants: Significantly boosts the strength of the Combat Biotics upgrade, while further increasing the cost of the upgrade by 50%. Formations which normally take Biotics for free pay the standard rate for this upgrade.
70 Research

Colonial Viceroys: Every Planet with at least 1 Urban Area generates 5 Credits
40 Research

Standard Fabrication Templates: +2 free Industry from Industrial Complexes
30 Research

Battlesuit Development Program: Unlocks the recruitment of Battlesuit Battalions
60 Research

Enhanced Superscalar Construction: -1 base Construction Time for Heavy Vessels.
90 Research, Standard Fabrication Templates, Shipyard Automation

Centralized Industrial Linkages: +1 Max Industrial Complex on Worlds with Terran Planetary Class or better.
50 Research, Standard Fabrication Templates

Cluster Metallurgy Architecture:
Allows the construction of the Manufacturing Yard.
120 Research, Centralized Industrial Linkages

High Temperature Sintering: Industrial Complexes can process 10 more Material. +2 Industrial Complex Cap on Terran Worlds or better.
180 Research, Cluster Metallurgy Architecture, Exotic Mineral Extraction Automation

Experimental Tachyon Interdiction: Ground Defenses have their defense characteristic increased by 33%
70 Research

Temporal Perturbation Algorithms: Heavy Vessels are modestly more accurate
80 Research, Experimental Tachyon Interdiction, Bulk Quantum Computing

Extended Supply Chains: Expeditions may be sent to a third system every Expedition, if provided with an additional 300 Credits in initial supplies.
100 Research

Predictive Candidate Targeting: Expeditions have slightly increased chances of finding non-Barren worlds and non-hostile Stellar Classes.
120 Research, Extended Supply Chains, Compact Sensor Lensing

Manufacturing Subroutines: Shipyard Construction Time Reduction is increased to 15%
50 Research

High-Volume Voidyards: Military Shipyards gain 100 PC.
90 Research, Manufacturing Subroutines

Stellar Urban Arcologies: 25% more Urban Areas may be constructed on all planets
40 Research

Streamlined Disruptor Fabrication: Reduces the cost of the Disruptor Torpedo Bank upgrade to +10%.
20 Research

Galactic Networking: Reduces the Price of the Major Spaceport by 25%
60 Research

Academic Peerage Protocols: Allows the sharing of Technology at a RP cost to the owner of 75% of the base RP value.
70 Research

Technological Licensing Structures: Allows the creation of Technology Pools. Accessing a Pool does not require Licensing Structures. Technologies may be added to a given Pool by the Pool's creator at a cost of 100% of their Research cost and 10 Credits per Research. Access to a Pool is at the creator's discretion, but allows those with access to receive the benefits of uploaded Technologies at no cost to themselves. If a faction with access to a Pool wishes to copy a technology from a Pool, the cost of that technology is reduced by 25%. Only one Technology may held in a Pool for every two Research Stations the owner possesses; this restriction applies across multiple Technology Pools.
180 Research, Academic Peerage Protocols

Integrated Academic Systems: +2 RP to Research Station on Capitol for each other Research Station
80 Research, Academic Peerage Protocols

Bulk Quantum Computing: Research Stations may be upgraded to provide 50% more Research. This upgrade costs 400 Credits.
130 Research, Integrated Academic Systems

Secure Data Protocols: -100 Credits cost for Research Stations
90 Research, Academic Peerage Protocols

Post-War Intelligence Interfaces: Allows the construction of the Intelligence Center
120 Research, Secure Data Protocols, Colonial Viceroys

Preparedness Imperatives: Newly Colonized Worlds come with a free Perimeter Defense
30 Research

Industrial Byproduct Armaments: Infantry Divisions and Militia Divisions may take the Flamethrowers upgrade at only +5% cost if recruited on a planet with a Major Industrial Complex.
30 Research

Compact Sensor Lensing: Allows a Refined Sensor Grid to be mounted on Heavy Vessels at the cost of 175 Credits, occupying two Upgrade Slots.
50 Research

Efficient Mining - +2 Material Income to Mining Complexes
60 Research

Enhanced Geothermal Fracture-Mining: +2 Material Income to Mining Complexes. +1 Maximum Major Mining Complex
70 Research, Efficient Mining, Prototype Nanite Mineral Isolation

Deep Space Habitation: +10 Materials from Orbital Mining Stations. Unlocks Asteroid Processing Facility.
80 Research, Exotic Mineral Extraction Isolation

Prototype Nanite Mineral Isolation: +5 Material Income, +5 Credit Income from Major Mining Complexes
40 Research

Medical Nanite Templates: Unlocks the Nanite Stasis Ground Unit upgrade
60 Research, Prototype Nanite Mineral Isolation

High-Displacement Streamlining: -10% Build Time for Heavy Vessels
60 Research

Orbital Anchoring Analysis: Allows the construction of the Driveyard. +1 maximum Orbital Shipyard per System
120 Research, Deep Space Habitation, High Volume Voidyards

Kinetic Mainline Hardening: Allows the construction of Hyperdreadnoughts
100 Research, Ultratensile Mainline Bulkheads, Shipyard Automation, High-Volume Voidyards

Hypervelocity Implementation: Allows the construction of Hypervelocity Batteries.
160 Research, Kinetic Mainline Hardening, Superscalar Voidborn Construction

Ultratensile Mainline Bulkheads: Significantly increased Hull Strength for Heavy Vessels
120 Research, High-Displacement Streamlining

Interplanetary Warfare Doctrines: Bulk Transports may carry 4 more Ground Units
30 Research

Drone Swarm Tactics: Fighter and Interceptor Squadrons may be manufactured in only one Month, at the cost of +3 Credits
50 Research

National Recruitment: Infantry Divisions cost 1 Credit less and take one month less to train
40 Research

Specialist Training Schools: Battalions may be equipped with one more Upgrade, and cost 1 Credit less to train.
80 Research

Marginal World Containment Protocols: Research Stations may be constructed on Barren or Hostile Terran Worlds, waiving the usual Urban Area requirement.
50 Research

Military-Industrial Linkages: Low Quality Weapons subtract 10% more from the price of a Unit
20 Research

He-3 Mining Efficiency: Unlocks Orbital Fuel Station
40 RP

National Unity Academies: Pacification takes one less Month, but costs 25% more.
50 Research, Colonial Viceroys

Shipyard Automation: -5% Cost on Heavy and Medium Vessels
60 Research, Manufacturing Subroutines

Financial Algorithm Refinement: +5 Credits generated by Galactic Banks
70 Research, Galactic Networking

Planetary Assault Training: Transports may carry 2 more Ground Units
50 Research, Interplanetary Warfare Doctrines

Reserve Skeleton Corps: Militia Ground Units have their price reduced by 2 Credits
60 Research, National Recruitment

Militia Marshaling: Unlock Marshaling Center
70 Research

Standardized Armor Components: 10% cost reduction on Advanced Armor upgrade for Starships
60 Research, Standard Fabrication Templates

Exotic Mineral Extraction Automation: Orbital Mining Stations extract an additional 10 Material
80 Research, Manufacturing Subroutines

Superscalar Voidborne Construction: Major Space Stations can have up to three Tier III Planetary Defense Guns on them
60 RP, Standardized Armor Components

Standardized Retrofit Manufacturing: Military Shipyards gain 100 Production Capacity which may only be used for upgrading vessels.
80 RP, Compact Modular Components, Standardized Armor Components

Compact Modular Components: Hyperdreadnoughts may take two additional Upgrades.
35 RP, Superscalar Voidborne Construction

Veteran Formation Consolidation: Allows Battalion-size ground units to receive the Elites upgrade.
60 RP, Specialist Training Schools, National Recruitment

3x Research required for non-faction purchase

Asari Republic

Expanded Council Outreach: The Asari are the diplomats of the galaxy, and given that name for a reason. Their interface with the Council in the wake of the creation of the Executive Councilor position is being expanded, to better entwine the Republics with the Citadel. Citadel Embassies are no longer limited to one per faction, but may be constructed on any Garden World. They provide the normal faction bonus.
310 Research

Silaris Armor: These impressive nanoweave materials, created by nearly religious orders of armorers and smiths, elevate Asari shipbuilding resilience to a level other races can only hope to match. Supremely tough in the face of both kinetic impacts and thermal assault, ships outfitted with this fearsomely expensive armor can take far more punishment than even the wildest expectations of their foes.
Unlocks Silaris Armor Upgrade. This upgrade costs +80% Credits, and may only be outfitted at Military Shipyards.
220 Research. Requires High Volume Voidyards and Ultratensile Mainline Bulkheads.

Enlightened Hives

Seeker Swarm Genesis: The biomechanical drones which the Collectors used to such great effect have been replicated by their descendants, for use in disruption and area denial to enemy formations. Allows Hive ground units to purchase the Seeker Swarm upgrade. This upgrade costs +20% Credits, +20% Materials per unit, but can disable enemy formations in combat. It does not consume a normal upgrade slot.
60 Research

Biomechanical Synthesis: Like the Collectors before them, the Enlightened Hives use a unique combination of biology and fabrication to produce their vessels. Though the swiftest way to do this is at dedicated shipyards, growing vessels directly from the feedstock of a biosphere is also possible. Hive Terran Worlds may construct up to one Medium Vessel without a Shipyard at a time, which takes twice as long and twice as many Credits to construct. -10% Construction Time at all Shipyards
130 Research


Algorithmic Vacuum Welding: Calculating the precise trajectories of individual particles and energy dispersal was previously unworkable, but new advances in quantum computing and low gravity alloy operations have opened up frontiers formerly thought to be nonproductive in high fidelity voidborn manufacturing. -5% Construction Time for Vessels. Space Stations may construct +1 Major Industrial Complex.
160 Research, Zero-G Consolidated Refining, Enhanced Superscalar Construction, High-Volume Voidyards

Graviometric Logistic Sequences: As informed by new theories of tachyon connectivity and mass-energy relationships, Geth engineers have devised highly efficient sublight engines which draw greater amounts of fuel, but have realized significantly increased speeds for routine operations. Though too fragile for military use, they have much simplified inter-system material delivery. -5% Construction Cost on Heavy and Medium Vessels. If a system contains more than 2 Aerostadts, additional Aerostadt Construction Time Reductions are calculated as Tech Reductions.
280 Research, Temporal Perturbation Algorithms, He-3 Refining

Pressure Borehole Mining: Building on the advances of the Subterranean Forges and the lessons from construction in such extreme conditions, as well as the revelations of Enhanced Geothermal Fracture-Mining, Geth manufacturing and material extraction operations have progressed further toward the Mohorovivic Discontinuity in viability. +2 maximum Subterranean Forge. Unlocks the Borehole Mine.
[Borehole Mine: 220 Credits. Extracts 90 Materials, +30 per Major Mining Complex. Maximum 2 per Planet]
374 RP, Enhanced Geothermal Fracture-Mining, Geothermal Alloy Sintering

Nanoweave Data-Spinners: The endeavor of fabricating Geth psyches is tedious and intensive in terms of both processing power and energy. By making subatomic adjustments to the malleable quantum nets from which these personalities are gestated, the timescale has been significantly shortened. Divisions cost 2 Credits less to train, and are completed one month faster.
100 Research, Bulk Quantum Computing

Geothermal Alloy Sintering: Advances in extreme manufacturing conditions have led the Geth found to subterranean facilities that siphon planetary core heat in conditions perilous to organic workers to create metallurgical blends at remarkably high efficiencies. Geth worlds may construct Subterranean Forges.
Subterranean Forge: 100 Industry | Converts 50 Material into 40 Industry, 10 Credits | Requires Major Mining Complex, Major Industrial Complex
60 Research, Zero-G Consolidated Refining

Resurrection Protocols: Geth infrastructure can lie dormant for decades with little wear and tear, and is designed to withstand even the most hostile worlds. Colonization takes one month less.
80 Research, Standard Fabrication Templates

Sustainable Planetary Stewardship: Unlike most races, the Geth take great pains to prevent the degradation of biospheres within their space, preferring instead to extract resources from the lifeless void. Flowing from the new thoughts of National Unity Academies, and informed by the advances of Stellar Urban Arcologies, new Geth urban concentrations have an even smaller environmental impact and more concentrated population centers. Urban Areas cost 50 Materials less, and produce 5 Industry.
55 Research, National Unity Academies, Stellar Urban Arcologies

Zero-G Consolidated Refining: Seeking not to damage the worlds which they steward, the Geth have created new alloy processing procedures that are not harmed by a lack of gravity. Minor Space Stations may have two Industrial Complexes.
110 Research, Exotic Mineral Extraction Automation


Mass Combat Coordination: As the Hanar lack the means for easy terrestrial combat, they are embracing the use of distributed defense automatons to correct this weakness in their military triad. Unlocks the Ground Combat Center, and the LOKI Division.
[Ground Combat Center: Allows the deployment of 3 LOKI Divisions on this world. Defense Structure. 50 Credits. Maximum 1.
LOKI Division: 30,000 troops. 16 Credits, 3 months. Require special infrastructure to operate]
80 Research, Drone Swarm Tactics

Tight-Band Command Protocols: With the lessons of Mass Combat Coordination embraced, and new means of Interplanetary Warfare Doctrines realized, the Hanar are seeking to establish more automated military formations for deployment on foreign worlds to preserve Hanar lives. Distributed command and control for these formations will be vital. Unlocks Drone Ship Upgrade.
[Drone Ship: Upgrade, can only be applied to Bulk Transports, Fleet Carriers, or Battlegroup Carriers. +50% Cost. Allow up to three automated Divisions to be controlled from this vessel.]
110 Research, Mass Combat Coordination, Interplanetary Warfare Doctrines


Liveship Biological Safeguards: The Quarian State has prepared their former sole form of habitation for a new role; spreading the State to new and strange worlds. For this role they have been adapted to include extensive biological and geological surveying functions, while maintaining their hermetic safeguards against contamination. Allows Liveships to be upgraded to function as Colony Ships at any Shipyard at the cost of 200 Credits each.
45 Research


The Network: Salarian wetwork teams conduct routine espionage, both industrial and academic, on even their closest allies, to ensure the Union stays one step ahead of even potential opponents. When Elite Divisions are deployed to a world with a non-hostile Research Station, they generate 1 Research per month toward a technology that the owning faction possesses.
320 Research, Secure Data Protocols


Elkross Combine Modularity: Volus weapons manufacturers have put particular effort into making sure their customers can always use whatever they buy, which has led them to a commanding position in selling everyone else guns they don't want to use themselves. Allows Ground Unit Upgrades to be produced for particular units without being applied, and transferred to other factions akin to resources, at a 50% cost increase to the base cost. These Upgrades cost Production Capacity to manufacture, but may be applied instantly to units.
60 Research

Exploration; the discovery of far off stars and planets to claim for your faction. Properly done, an exploratory expedition can find planets and star systems filled with suitable planets for habitation, which you may prioritize over other sectors due to geopolitical concerns, isolationism, or any host of reasons. Done poorly, you may never hear from your explorers again. By default, exploration can take up to six months to accomplish, and only one expedition can be active per faction at a time. However, Terminus factions and Non-Aligned factions may have up to two expeditions active at a time.

Stage One: Target Selection and Departure - 1 to 2 Months
Each Exploration will choose a Sector where they are attempting to survey new systems. Alternatively, a non-citadel faction may select to activate a dormant secondary relay. This will take an additional month to accomplish. While any ships could be used, larger ships are better suited to the vagaries of an expedition. Mining Ships can accompany these expeditions to give bonuses to success.

Stage Two: Arrival and Exploration - 1 to 3 Months.
After traveling a great distance, the exploration fleet is given its first system. They may now choose to continue exploring or move on to stage three. They may survey up to two systems each expedition before they need to replenish their exploration equipment. This is also the section where any problems from Stage One rear their ugly heads. Poor planning or performance on part of the crews could cost them time and supply, while better performances in the first stage yield results to the expedition's first system.

Stage Three: Return Trip and Resolution - 1 Month.
The final part of any expedition is the return trip. Fortunately, they now have knowledge of the space in the area and can more quickly navigate back to civilization knowing that they won't run into any strange obstacles. Upon their return, their findings can be transmitted back to their government and they can sift through the information to uncover how successful they were on the mission. Here the return trip can be altered by poor performance in the first or second stage depending on the severity of those penalties incurred.

Costs: Expeditions incur costs as they leave civilized space and when they return. When they leave, to supply them. When they return, to repair the ships and for the resources allocated to sifting through the raw data that is returned to civilization. Additional costs can be incurred in case of especially major damage to the ships. Expeditions automatically cost 500 Credits, unless conducted through a Secondary Relay, in which case the cost is reduced to 250 Credits.

New systems are automatically revealed to any other faction with a presence in the sector, unless a faction is in complete isolation.

Monuments are grand progresses of a faction, idyllic projects or cyclopean edifices which provide visions of the future which will shape a society and her outworkings at a formidable cost. By default, every faction may only host one Monument per cluster.

The Superstructure: Located in the depths of Geth space, at the Scion System of the Perseus Veil, the Superstructure is an immense computer-world which surrounds the central star of that system, a repository where, in theory, every single Geth consciousness could be uploaded and sustained indefinitely by the energy the Dyson Sphere blasts into space.
Cost: 35000 Credits
Removes [Necessary Synchronization], upgrades [Offworld Dwellings] [Roads Not Taken] [Constructed].
[Constructed]: three categories higher, others as two
[Offworld Dwellings]: respective limits tripled
[Roads Not Taken]: bonus 10 RP

The Mind-Machine: An immense monolith and deep-delved research facility in the Ascendant Threshold on the world of Bastion, the Geth have here constructed a series of quantum computing engines of prodigious scale, nearly the size of a continent. This data arcology is capable of directly interfacing with not only the Geth at great distances, but organic minds as well, with significant impacts for both information gathering and collective computing.
Cost: 63500 Credits
Energy Nexuses produce 1 RP per Urban Area on their planet. Intelligence Centers produce one more base Intelligence.

Grand Temple Complex: Established on Thessia to study the Beacon and the wonders that guide has unleashed in Asari society, the Grand Temple is one part pilgrimage destination, five parts advanced research facility. Plumbing the depths of the Protheans is a rare privilege, one the Matriarchs intend to utilize to the fullest.
Cost: 320 RP | 59,000 Credits | 4750 Industry
Last edited by G-Tech Corporation on Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:35 am, edited 64 times in total.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
Posts: 65567
Founded: Feb 03, 2010
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Mon May 22, 2023 2:31 pm

Combat Mechanics

Movement of Ships

Starships, effectively, the sinews of the interstellar state. In any given month starships can be moved around the galaxy for a variety of purposes. The primary one is for warfare in terms of your biggest and baddest ships. Hereafter follows some guidance about the use and purposes of your warships.

Heavy Ships: Heavy ships are the slowest vessels out there. They typically act as the biggest and the baddest fighting ships, but lack the range and mobility to be fast reaction vessels. Typically, a Heavy ship can move through four clusters in a month, if those clusters are linked by active Relays. By foregoing a Relay jump, a Heavy ship can instead move up to two FTL jumps within a single cluster.

Medium Ships: Somewhere between the Heavy Ship and the Light Craft are the Medium ships - these ships are your average warship and are consistently faster than their Heavy counterparts. Used for fast deployment and reactions, Medium ships can move up to five clusters in a month. By foregoing a Relay jump, a Medium ship can move up to four FTL jumps within a single cluster.

Light Ships: The lightest and most Agile ships in any given fleet. These are rarely deployed alone, but they can easily tag along with Heavy or Medium ships in long journeys. They can move up to five clusters in a month. Light Ships can make up to five local FTL jumps if they forego one of their relay jumps. Light ships have one major drawback however: they are unable to be deployed further than two relay jumps away from a controlled Garden or Near Garden planet or up to one relay jump away from a war fleet that comprises carrier-class starships. Space stations act as a controlled planet.

Carrier Craft: Wings of fighters, interceptors, and other similar ships are even more limited in capability than light ships - they trade range for maneuverability, speed, and payload. These ships cannot conduct independent Relay jumps or interplanetary voyages, and so must operate in the orbit of the planet on which they are produced. Carriers are necessary to transfer these wings elsewhere, or bear them into battle as support craft.

Phases of Combat

There are four Phases to combat. Long Range, Medium Range, Close Range, and Conclusion Phase.

This is a quick outline as to what each Phase consists of and is used for. Each Phase has three rounds in it, during which ships follow their orders to the best of their abilities before the next phase. These rounds are calculated by the GM and recorded. Orders are to be sent by TG to the GM and results after all sides give orders will be sent via TG for each side involved.

Long Range: In this Phase, ships have entered combat range for the largest ships of their fleets. Heavy Ships and Light Cruisers with High Velocity Mass Drivers may target enemy ships and fire. Additionally, smaller vessels have advantage at avoiding fire at this range while medium vessels have normal chances of avoiding rounds. Heavy Ships are not quick enough to dodge rounds at this range. Choosing to withdraw at this range gives the best chance for ships to escape the battle unharmed.

Medium Range: Heavy and Medium Vessels are in range at this Phase. Additionally, Fighters launched in the Long Range or pre-combat phase are within Close Range and capable of launching missiles or torpedoes. At this range, Light Vessels are capable of avoiding mass driver shots at this range, but no longer have an advantage to do so. This is the last chance for a commander to withdraw his forces without risking considerable damage to the fleet while doing so.

Close Range: At this point all ships are completely effective, however, Heavy ships can no longer easily align their spinal mounted weapons with opposing ships and receive penalties in doing so. They do however still have use of their side mounted weapons. Medium and Light Vessels fight normally. This is the range in which GARDIAN weapons can be used against opposing ships. Commanders who reach this point should believe fully in their fleet's capability to win the conflict.

Conclusion Phase: A final set of orders can be sent out during Close Range for the Conclusion Phase should their side come out victorious. The defeated side's ships can either stand and fight to the last or attempt emergency FTL jumps, risking the overloading of their heat sinks and therefore risking the lives of the crew to escape the battle. A victorious side's fleet may be unable to chase due to their own heat build up. Results will be generated on losses for the whole battle at this point for both sides.

Additional Clusters and Systems

Cnidari Cluster::

Scypho System*
Barren Stone - Barren
Verdant Spring - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Kahje -Oceanic Garden (Hanar Homeworld)
Asteroid Belt
Raging River - Gas Giant
Blank Canvas - Barren

Tuat System
Cialep - Barren
Rakhana - Post-Garden (Drell Homeworld)
Asteroid Belt
Nikin - Hostile Terrestrial
Gania - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Uelld - Gas Giant

Zymas System
Asteroid Belt
Growing Tree - Oceanic Garden
Calm Wave - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Empty Vessel - Gas Giant
Crescent Flower - Gas Giant
Asteroid Belt

Khyr System
Pristine Lake [Garden]
Azure Pearl [Gas Giant]
Shadowed Stone [Barren]
Sol System* - Canon System Usable moons and Dwarf Planets:\
Mercury - Barren
Venus - Hostile Terrestrial
Earth - Garden
Luna - Barren Moon
Mars - Barren (Prothean Archives: +25% Research in this system)
Asteroid Belt
Jupiter - Gas Giant
Io - Barren Moon
Europa - Barren Moon
Ganymede - Barren Moon
Saturn - Gas Giant
Titan - Methane Garden Moon
Callisto - Barren Moon
Uranus - Gas Giant
Nepture - Gas Giant
Triton - Barren Moon
Pluto - Barren World
Eris - Barren World

Epsilon Eridani
Platus - Barren World
Rhodos - Hostile Terrestrial World
Demeter - Garden World

Tau Ceti
Milsi - Barren
Sathur - Garden
Githas - Gas Giant
Asteroid Belt
Uotas - Gas Giant
Asteroid Belt
Dohor - Gas Giant
Xextar - Barren
Gansu System*
Fuxi - Gas Giant
Nu Kwa - Barren Moon
Shanxi - Garden World
Tian - Barren World

Cuchulainn System
Eriu - Non-Hostile Terrestrial World
Sidhe - Barren World
Deirdre - Gas Giant

Amaterasu - Garden
Tsukuyomi - Non-Hostile Terrestrial

Verdun System
Tiptree - Garden
Ulys - Gas Giant
Randos - Gas Giant
Thur'kul System

Cerla - Barren
Asteroid Belt
Verak Yar - Hothouse Garden
Parnack - Garden
Lithui Tas - Barren Moon
Illat's Eye - Gas Giant
Aeternus System*
Aloisys - Barren
Haqet - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Turvarys - Non-Hostile Terrestrial

Rapdae System
Mirail - Barren
Egaon - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Turvess - Garden World (Raloi Homeworld)
Asteroid Belt
Nepess - Barren
Inssia - Gas Giant
Fostrawe - Gas Giant
Afinogad - Gas Giant

Cheloab System
Kype - Garden
Anagar - Hostile Terrestrial
Desnone - Barren
Merove - Gas Giant
Vomiew - Gas Giant

Caxar System
Meraxant - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Cexta - Barren

Vertho System
Gamith - Gas Giant
Hastag - Barren Moon
Asteroid Belt
Ghashan - Barren World
Forast - Gas Giant

Gauvhn Systen
Jarrix - High Gravity Garden
Upas - Oceanic Garden Moon
Ghicar - Gas Giant
Voshnar - Gas Giant
Yoltash - Gas Giant
Byblos System *
Gilgame - Non-hostile Terrestrial
Senoquol - Garden
Zarken - Barren
Isht - Barren
Kuru - Gas Giant
Enki - Gas Giant

Ashan System
Anthur - Barren
Kubru - Hostile Terrestrial
Lissu - Dextro-Amino Garden
Milra - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Tazab - Gas Giant
Garot - Gas Giant
Garot I - Barren Moon
Garot II - Garden Moon

Olor System
Olor - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Asteroid Belt
Rannandril - Near-Garden
Hanum - Gas Giant

Zonok System
Mannovai - Garden
Asteroid Belt
Urut - Gas Giant

Rokum System
Easnos - Hostile Terran
Jaëto - Near Garden
Asteroid Belt
Alepaj - Gas Giant
Alepaj A - Barren
Alepaj B - Barren

Cerop System
Cadav - Gas Giant
Asteroid Belt
Alud - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Nasurn - Garden
Sitek A - Barren
Sitek B - Barren
Asteroid Belt
Mactere System*
Taetrus - Hostile
Baetika - Barren World
Asteroid Belt
Edessan - Gas Giant
Macedyn - Dextro Garden

Hortum System
Gothis - Non-Hostile terrestrial
Chatti - Barren World
Carthaan - Gas Giant
Aephus - Dextro Garden Moon

Opus System
Quadim - Hostile Terrestrial
Thracia - Barren
Epyrus - Gas Giant
Tridend - Barren
Magna - Barren Moon

Minorum System
Bostra - Barren
Nimines - Dextro Garden
Parthia Barren Moon
Rocam - Gas Giant
Syglar - Gas Giant
Yara System *
Vysar - Hostile Terrestrial
Mindoir - Garden
Osmun - Gas Giant
Asteroid Belt

Gnaal System
Ugrath - Barren
Gnaal - Hostile Terrestrial
Bekke - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Valnar - Gas Giant
Thishik System
Pulom - Gas Giant
Karpashan - Garden

Ner'shaj System
Kaneke - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Joval - Barren
Asteroid Belt

Hausah System*
Asteroid Belt
Lowas - Barren
Asteroid Belt
Bastion System - Secondary Mass Relay
Bastion - Garden World
Sentinel - Terran Moon
Watchman - Barren Moon
Wanderer - Barren
Ulterior - Hostile Terrestrial
Erasmus - Gas Giant
Clario - Barren
Saphros - Barren
Asteroid Belt

Halcyon System
Curator - Barren
Ratha - Barren moon
Halcyon - Non-hostile Terrestrial
Cruxas - Hostile Terrestrial
Numerat - Terran Moon
Mistval - Gas giant
Lathe - Barren

Harmony System
Lament - Non-hostile Terrestrial
Revenant - Barren Moon
Harmony - Garden World
Asteroid Belt
Luminescence - Barren
Warder - Barren
Deliverance - Barren Moon
Stronghold System
Tremor - Hostile Terrestrial
Stronghold - Dextro-Amino Garden
Order - Terrestrial
Sterous - Gas Giant
Taciturn - Barren
Glassimar - Barren

Tenebris System
Lux - Barren
Perlimian - Gas Giant
Tenebris - Terran
Navigos - Garden Moon
Terras System - Secondary Mass Relay
Numantia - Near Garden
Terrus - Barren Moon
Jax - Hostile
Riven Major - Barren
Riven Minor - Barren
Asteroid Belt
Finevil - Terran
Godseye - Gas Giant
Lisseb - Barren Moon
Kuiper Belt

Forebearer System
Reticence - Barren
Marive - Gas Giant
Asteroid Belt
Kurnos - Gas Giant
Heritage - Barren Moon
Forbearer - Garden Moon
Armitage - Barren
Ortho - Barren
Pragmatic Codex System
Evia: Barren
Virat: Barren Moon
Ixmar: Near Garden - Eezo Deposits (+50% Material Output)
Seturpe: Gas Giant
Zeskiri: Barren Moon
Yezan: Barren Moon
Keitania: Gas Giant

Index Alpha System - Dormant Mass Relay
Varesh - Gas Giant
Toldyk: Barren Moon
Orisia: Barren Mon
Umbar: Barren

Theta Matrix System
Visar: Barren
Matoc: Barren Moon
Carpha: Hostile Terrestrial
Ululate: Barren Moon
Asteroid Belt - Eezo Asteroids - [+50% Orbital Mining Output]
Tyxili: Near Garden
Myrrak: Garden
Asteroid Belt

Eclipsed Iris System
Scren: Barren
Scra: Barren Moon
Scrit: Barren Moon
Durime: Barren
Zarana: Barren Moon
Kesaga: Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Aresia: Hostile Terrestrial
Cyenrius: Barren Moon
Enfa: Barren
Vraksi System
Cathyria - Barren
Reigawa - Hostile
Pamion - Terran
Fugulwa - High Gravity Garden
Yerus - Barren
Gexus - Barren
Acitrolla - Gas Giant
Thucion - Gas Giant

Kitsis System
Nuboria - Barren
Asteroid Belt
Soalara - High Gravity Garden World
Zutur - Barren
Duvonac - Gas Giant
Sokania - Garden Moon
Rorus - Barren
Asteroid Belt
Achilles System

Scyros - Barren
Aeneas - Garden
Asteroid Belt
Hector - Near Garden
Andromache - Terran Moon
Axion - Barren
Agamemnon - Gas Giant
Priam - Gas Giant
System 1
Planet A - Hostile Terrestrial
Asteroid Belt
Planet B - Barren
Moon b - Barren
Kuiper Belt

System 2
Planet A - Non-Hostile Terrestrial - Vast Moon System: This world has a large number of moons orbiting it creating easy mining locations for the planet below. Can build an additional 3 mining complexes on this world.

Moon a - Barren Moon
Moon b - Barren Moon - Extensive Eezo Deposits
Planet B - Barren
Planet C - Garden
Planet D - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Planet E - Hostile Terrestrial
Planet F - Gas Giant
Moon a - Barren
Moon b - Garden Moon
Nyessos System
Nyessos - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Silgar - Hostile Terrestrial
Silgar A - Barren Moon
Asteroid Belt
Lepar - Gas Giant
Bandos - Barren

Ires System
Yutha - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Opos - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Ires - Barren - Vast Moon System: This world has a large number of moons orbiting it creating easy mining locations for the planet below. Can build an additional 3 mining complexes on this world.
Vandyr - Garden Moon
Sethyr - Garden Moon
Tethyr - Gas Giant
Tethyr a- Barren
Tethyr b - Barren
Phatys - Gas Giant
Asteroid Belt
Cyrant - Gas Giant
Hyrios - Gas Giant
Orinta - Barren
Kuiper Belt
System 1
Planet D - Barren
Planet H - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Planet I - Near-Garden
Moon b - Barren Moon
Asteroid Belt
Planet E - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Moon a - Barren Moon
Planet F - Barren
Planet G - Gas Giant
Planet A - Gas Giant
Planet B - Barren
Planet C - Gas Giant - Innumerable Small Moons: Can build an additional Orbital Mining Platform on this world and each OMP produces +10 Material.
Kuiper Belt

System 2

Planet A - Non-Hostile Terrestrial
Asteroid Belt
Planet C - Terran
Planet B - Gas Giant
Aru System*

Jak Ser - Hostile
Irune - Hothouse Garden
Asteroid Belt
Locil - Gas Giant [Innumerable Small Moons: Can build an additional Orbital Mining Platform on this world and each OMP produces +10 Material.]
Cherk Sab - Gas Giant
Doldit - Gas Giant

Esori System

Mola - Hostile
Atos Irn - Barren
Yan Tao - Barren
Kailo - Barren
Solu Paolis - Gas Giant

Nura System

Lahu - Terran
Oma Ker - Dextro Garden
Asteroid Belt
Welm Urun - Gas Giant
Gorgun - Gas Giant

Satu Arrd System

Poloh Tem - Hostile
Rilar - Barren
Nalisin - Barren
Last edited by G-Tech Corporation on Mon Aug 07, 2023 11:56 am, edited 8 times in total.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
Posts: 65567
Founded: Feb 03, 2010
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Mon May 22, 2023 2:32 pm

And a final, shimmering and scintillating, reserved post
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Posts: 8804
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Segmentia » Mon May 22, 2023 2:45 pm

Tentative reservation for the Asari.

E: No Quarians listed?
Last edited by Segmentia on Mon May 22, 2023 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We've lost control! Now for the love of Earth...and the Sovereign Colonies, we've got to do what's right."

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The Empire of Tau
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Postby The Empire of Tau » Mon May 22, 2023 2:59 pm

I might shoot for the Humans or Batarian.

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The National Dominion of Hungary
Posts: 2551
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby The National Dominion of Hungary » Mon May 22, 2023 3:01 pm

Aww, Quarians not playable? Were they destroyed in the war?

Plotek i medialnych bredni nie daj sobie wmówić,
Codziennie się rozwijaj i nie daj się ogłupić,
Atakowi propagandy stawiaj czoło dzielnie,
Nie daj sobą sterować i myśl samodzielnie.

Mass Effect Andromeda is a solid 7/10. Deal with it.

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
Posts: 65567
Founded: Feb 03, 2010
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby G-Tech Corporation » Mon May 22, 2023 3:02 pm

Segmentia wrote:Tentative reservation for the Asari.

E: No Quarians listed?

Largely on account of being happy to build the faction history based around who wants to play them, yep. Exactly what form the Flotilla ended up in is something I'm happy to chat through with their RPer, and don't see a need to confine.

The Geth Consensus

Diplomatic Relations: Isolationist - though less militantly so then has been the case. The Consensus is aware of the destruction of the Reapers by the Shephard, via their link to Legion and the fleet dispatched to Earth, and thus owes much to humanity - if not for the sacrifice of the rest of the races of the galaxy, who fought the Old Machines inch by inch across their blasted worlds, the geth no matter their preparations would have no doubt succumbed. Still, the galaxy is a hostile place, and their Creators have expressed nothing but antipathy toward their progeny. To be organic is to feel fear, and thus lash out in anger, and the Consensus is all too wary of the potential for that fear to be directed toward the stewarded worlds of the Perseus Veil.
Military Summary: Crippled. When the Old Machines fought with the organics of the galaxy and Legion's fleet above Earth, secondary forces of that hideous strength attempted to punish the geth for their insolence in denying Sovereign and refusing the claim to dominion which the Old Machines represented. Though the geth had prepared long for this war, marshalling forces of a quantity which had been only guessed at by the Citadel and her inhabitants, they too were being beaten back and their fleets failing when the Crucible finally fired. What remains now is a ghost of what was once, for the Return of the geth occupied all the energies of the Consensus.
History: Unmolested by Quarian attempts to destroy their wayward creations, and unwilling to devote the entirety of their fleets to the defense of Sol with only the Shephard's assurances that the Creators would not turn on them, the geth largely sat out the Reaper War until the closing acts, though geth engineers and a geth fleet of significant size did aid in the Battle of Earth Splinter fleets of the Old Machines invaded the Far Rim less than a month before the Battle of Earth, clashing with the titanic geth navy prepared to receive them. Though preparations for such an encounter had been the ongoing focus of the geth, still the sheer power of the Reapers could not be denied, and losses were catastrophic, though the damage inflicted on the ships of the Old Machines also considerable.

Still, defeat would have been inevitable, and the Consensus had already begun preparing shutdown and cold-storage protocols to attempt to preserve some semblance of the geth from the upcoming Reaper purge when the Crucible was activated. Despite the Shephard's best efforts to spare the geth from this wave of destructive anti-AI energy, the Crucible caused more damage to the geth than had even been sustained in the conflict with the Reapers - entire worlds were wiped all but clean of programs and platforms, charnel-grounds of silent metal corpses and vacant server-hubs. Those that survived the cataclysm were a fraction of a fraction of what had been the symphony of the geth, and though they understood the necessity of the ancient weapon's activation, still the toll for the Consensus was hideous. Those units which had survived beyond the core systems were recalled, for their processing power in isolation left them all but feral, and the great manufacturing centers and server-banks of the distant worlds sent into a deep hibernation for the day when once more the geth would stride out into the galaxy again.

It was fortunate, then, that the destruction of the Relay network allowed them to recover in isolation. Though the remainder of the geth battlefleet was on high alert for attempts by the Creators to finish their genocide, no assault ever manifested. Perhaps the galaxy did not understand the damage that had been done out on the fringes of the Terminus. Perhaps the galaxy merely had its own concerns to deal with. Whatever the case, gradually dataspinners manifested new programs, factories manufactured new platforms, and the Consensus began to recover from her losses. Today she is a shadow of her former self, mostly a handful of servers in orbit over Rannoch and resource extraction operations, but every month brings more systems online, and old infrastructure reactivated. With the Old Machines defeated, perhaps now is the time to find a place for the Geth in the order of the cosmos.
Infrastructure and Claimed Worlds: Geth space is claimed by the Consensus, in addition to the Far Rim - though such regions may be effectively depopulated.
Rannoch (Garden): 7 Mining Complexes, 2 Industrial Complexes, Major Industrial Complex, 1 Urban Area, 1 Fuel Depot, Major Spaceport, Shipyard
Uriyah [Barren]: Major Industrial Complex
Asteroid Belt: 4 Orbital Mining Stations
Adas [Hostile]: Major Industrial Complex
Kaddi [Barren]: Major Industrial Complex
Haza [Gas Giant]: 3 Orbital Mining Stations

Tremor (Hostile): Outpost
Stronghold (Garden): Major Mining Complex, Major Industrial Complex
Order (Terran): Major Industrial Complex
Sterous (Gas Giant)
Taciturn (Barren)
Glassimar (Barren)

Lux [Barren]
Perlimian [Gas Giant]
Tenebris [Terran]: Outpost
Navigos [Garden Moon]: Major Industrial Complex

a) Terrestrial Forces:
b) Space Fleets: 2 Dreadnoughts [2 Interceptor Wings], 1 Colony Ship, 2 Heavy Cruisers
Last edited by G-Tech Corporation on Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:25 am, edited 4 times in total.
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The National Dominion of Hungary
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Postby The National Dominion of Hungary » Mon May 22, 2023 3:07 pm

Hmmm, put me down for the Flotilla in that case G, gonna get an app up a bit later since it's pretty late over here :)
Last edited by The National Dominion of Hungary on Mon May 22, 2023 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mass Effect Andromeda is a solid 7/10. Deal with it.

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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Mon May 22, 2023 3:09 pm

The National Dominion of Hungary wrote:Hmmm, put me down for the Flotilla in that case G, gonna get an app up a bit later since it's pretty late over here :)

Smashing, smashing.
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Postby Turkducken » Mon May 22, 2023 5:19 pm

I would like to slide right in and lock down the Krogan Clans

Hopefully it'll be interesting
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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Mon May 22, 2023 5:28 pm

Turkducken wrote:I would like to slide right in and lock down the Krogan Clans

Hopefully it'll be interesting

Good jazz. What would be your preferred backstory for their events? How do you think they would have fared during isolation, being Krogan and all?
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Postby Turkducken » Mon May 22, 2023 5:59 pm

G-Tech Corporation wrote:
Turkducken wrote:I would like to slide right in and lock down the Krogan Clans

Hopefully it'll be interesting

Good jazz. What would be your preferred backstory for their events? How do you think they would have fared during isolation, being Krogan and all?

surface level brush is that I think they suffered greatly in isolation.

Thousands of warriors were off world in the Turian Systems, Earth, and elsewhere. In the relatively brief window from then to now, Tuchanka suffered from the devastation of the Reaper War and lack of resources and a sudden and unexpected population gap. While Wrex himself (or whomever would be capable of uniting the Clans) was offworld leading the warriors, I think it would fall to the Female Clans to assert themselves and build a new society in an uncertain and desperate time.

So now that the relays are being repaired/are repaired I think the wide divide is between all of those warriors coming home and the new harsh but fairly egalitarian order the Female Clans imposed.

But for the Galaxy at large I imagine they are coming out loud and swinging. The Krogan sacrificed much in the conflict, again, and with or without the Genophage (you tell me on that one) they're going to vociferously be demanding a seat on the Council if not generous funding to rebuild their Homeworld.
Discord: Turkducken#3718

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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Mon May 22, 2023 6:01 pm

Turkducken wrote:
G-Tech Corporation wrote:
Good jazz. What would be your preferred backstory for their events? How do you think they would have fared during isolation, being Krogan and all?

surface level brush is that I think they suffered greatly in isolation.

Thousands of warriors were off world in the Turian Systems, Earth, and elsewhere. In the relatively brief window from then to now, Tuchanka suffered from the devastation of the Reaper War and lack of resources and a sudden and unexpected population gap. While Wrex himself (or whomever would be capable of uniting the Clans) was offworld leading the warriors, I think it would fall to the Female Clans to assert themselves and build a new society in an uncertain and desperate time.

So now that the relays are being repaired/are repaired I think the wide divide is between all of those warriors coming home and the new harsh but fairly egalitarian order the Female Clans imposed.

But for the Galaxy at large I imagine they are coming out loud and swinging. The Krogan sacrificed much in the conflict, again, and with or without the Genophage (you tell me on that one) they're going to vociferously be demanding a seat on the Council if not generous funding to rebuild their Homeworld.

Sounds reasonable to me - I personally lean toward the Genophage being cured just for a more interesting storyline than "fading away" for the Krogan.
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Postby Turkducken » Mon May 22, 2023 6:06 pm

G-Tech Corporation wrote:
Turkducken wrote:surface level brush is that I think they suffered greatly in isolation.

Thousands of warriors were off world in the Turian Systems, Earth, and elsewhere. In the relatively brief window from then to now, Tuchanka suffered from the devastation of the Reaper War and lack of resources and a sudden and unexpected population gap. While Wrex himself (or whomever would be capable of uniting the Clans) was offworld leading the warriors, I think it would fall to the Female Clans to assert themselves and build a new society in an uncertain and desperate time.

So now that the relays are being repaired/are repaired I think the wide divide is between all of those warriors coming home and the new harsh but fairly egalitarian order the Female Clans imposed.

But for the Galaxy at large I imagine they are coming out loud and swinging. The Krogan sacrificed much in the conflict, again, and with or without the Genophage (you tell me on that one) they're going to vociferously be demanding a seat on the Council if not generous funding to rebuild their Homeworld.

Sounds reasonable to me - I personally lean toward the Genophage being cured just for a more interesting storyline than "fading away" for the Krogan.

If the Genophage was still around part of the Female Clans plan would be adopting a breeding program, but that probably still exist just to get back up to parity after depopulation
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Postby Nuxipal » Mon May 22, 2023 7:33 pm

I had an inkling to check NS today. This... this is beautiful. Give me those sweet sweet Hanar. I'll probably get an app up before morning. I'm usually up late when my newborn twins are going back and forth as to which is awake. Plenty of time to post between them however.

Edit: I have noticed that infrastructure and the like are not yet available. So won't be finishing the app today.
Last edited by Nuxipal on Mon May 22, 2023 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kinistian » Mon May 22, 2023 9:17 pm


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Postby Kinistian » Mon May 22, 2023 9:17 pm

Where my Volus at?

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Postby Theyra » Mon May 22, 2023 11:46 pm

I think I might join, and I know this might not be accepted, but would it be possible for a Drell faction to be a thing? Failing that, would a Vorcha faction be a thing?

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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Tue May 23, 2023 5:10 am

Nuxipal wrote:I had an inkling to check NS today. This... this is beautiful. Give me those sweet sweet Hanar. I'll probably get an app up before morning. I'm usually up late when my newborn twins are going back and forth as to which is awake. Plenty of time to post between them however.

Edit: I have noticed that infrastructure and the like are not yet available. So won't be finishing the app today.

Glad to hear it, and that you want the Hanar - not many folks are interested in their stories.

Kinistian wrote:Where my Volus at?

Theyra wrote:I think I might join, and I know this might not be accepted, but would it be possible for a Drell faction to be a thing? Failing that, would a Vorcha faction be a thing?

Available, though I would prefer folks consider taking the major factions before we get into minor entities - a galaxy without the biggest players is going to feel oddly misshapen.
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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Tue May 23, 2023 6:26 am

Awlright you layabouts, the rest of the OP is live. I'll be percolating on it today, so there may be tweaks here or there, but the basic essence is all there.
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Postby Kinistian » Tue May 23, 2023 6:33 am

Let’s Go!

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Postby Kinistian » Tue May 23, 2023 6:44 am

Reserving Human System Alliance

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G-Tech Corporation
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Tue May 23, 2023 6:49 am

Kinistian wrote:Reserving Human System Alliance

Ah, very good. I'm quite interested to hear what they've been up to after the war.
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Postby Kinistian » Tue May 23, 2023 8:38 am

On it!

Hey do was have spending specifics? Like a faction has to spend 300crd on military or infrastructure first?



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