Teleon Sign-Up Thread [MT|Open]

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Teleon Sign-Up Thread [MT|Open]

Postby Teleon » Fri May 12, 2023 7:35 pm

About Us

Welcome to Teleon! We are a modern-tech worldbuilding and roleplaying region focused on creating a high quality and realistic universe. As one of NS's youngest regions, Teleon offers worldbuilders a rare opportunity to join a project in its early stages. We are actively recruiting experienced worldbuilders who are committed to developing Teleon into a truly immersive world, both in breadth and depth. Teleon values cooperation above all, and invites anyone with an interest in realistic worldbuilding to join and provide us with their input.

Getting Started

If you would like to apply, please join our Discord (link above) and connect with our community. Our existing members and administrative team can help you develop your nation concept to fit Teleon's regional lore. Once you are ready, fill out the application form at the bottom of this post. Our administrative team will review your application and provide you with feedback, including any necessary changes. Please keep in mind that we are looking for comprehensive applications that integrate with our existing canon, so do not be discouraged if you are asked to amend or rework your application a few times before final acceptance.


Code: Select all
[box][b]Short Name: [/b]
[b]Official Name: [/b]
[b]Requested population: [/b]
[b]Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): [/b]
[b]Major/official language(s): [/b]
[b]Major ethnic groups: [/b]
[b]Major religions: [/b]
[b]Government type: [/b]

[b]History (2-3 paragraphs): [/b]
[b]Military (1 paragraph): [/b]
[b]Foreign relations (1 paragraph): [/b]
[b]Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): [/b]

[b]Requested map claim: [/b]

[b]Other NS nations: [/b]
[b]Writing sample (optional): [/b]
[b]IIWiki (optional): [/b]
[b]Other comments (optional): [/b][/box]
Last edited by Teleon on Thu May 02, 2024 10:13 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Postby Darona » Sat May 13, 2023 10:45 am

Short Name: Darona
Official Name: Federal Republic of Darona
Requested population: 47 million
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): $16,970
Major/official language(s): Daronian
Major ethnic groups:
Major religions: Catholicism
Government type: Federal Parliamentary Republic

History (2-3 paragraphs): Indigenous peoples began to settle what today is known as Darona 12,000 years ago. The first settlers from !Europe explored the region in the early 1600s and the land around the Western coast and what is today known as the Ovenna valley was claimed by X. The colonial stronghold over the territory increasingly became seen as overbearing by the populace of what was then Darona and certain intellectuals in the colony established an ideology centred around a free republican Darona with democratic and liberal ideals. This sparked a series of revolts and revolutions which initially granted further autonomy for the colony however in the early 19th century the revolutionary ideas of the previous century re-emerged in a new generation and this led to what is known to most Daronians as The Great Revolution after which in 1819 full autonomy was achieved. Following independence the already strong economy in the region boomed with cross ocean trade and in 1832 Darona purchased as well as annexed vast swathes of land east of its original colonial territory to its east. This happened over the course of five years and is referred to as the great expansion. Darona began as a democratic state up until 1943 when a severe economic crisis and the subsequent depression occurring in its aftermath leading to violent unrest and the overthrow of the elected government by military leaders. This military dictatorship would last up until 1983 with the peaceful revolution restoring democracy.
Darona is a developed country and ranks highly in measures of human development and has a high standard of living. Following the end of dictatorship in 1983 and emergence from geopolitical isolation Darona has become an increasingly important player on the international stage and a key regional power and influence.
Military (1 paragraph): The Armed Forces of Darona is comprised of three branches. The army, navy and air force and is overseen by the federal government and ministry of the interior. It's ceremonial commander in cheif is the President of Darona. The goal of the armed forces of Darona are to defend the Daronian nation and it's territory, it's people and it's sovereignty. Universal Conscription is in place in Darona in which all Daronian nationals above the age of 18 are expected to serve in the armed forces for 6-12 months. Daronian military spending is one of the highest in the world and Darona has fostered a culture of homeland defence as well as maintained a strong and capable military. The Daronian armed forces have also taken part in several peace keeping exercises along with key allies such as Helmenland before and regularly cooperate with other allied militaries.

Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Social issues in Darona come mainly from the disparity between the wealthy and lower classes with the gaps between social classes widening during the years of the dictatorship. The dictatorship also created problems socially such as the general distrust of government and a regional disparity also exists between those in the northern and coatal regions who vote more liberally compared to the more sparsely populated east who are much more conservative. The growing rate of atheism in the country is also challenging strong long held catholic traditional beliefs and traditions and forcing the country to reasses itself surrounding beliefs on the legalisation of homosexuality which happened only in 2009 as well as the right to abortion which was only brought about in 1980 after the collapse of dictatorship[./b]

[b]Requested map claim:
Already Known

Other NS nations: Slovertia
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Last edited by Darona on Thu May 18, 2023 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Nationalist Northumbria
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Postby Nationalist Northumbria » Tue May 16, 2023 6:03 am

Short Name: Norrey
Official Name: Kingdom of Norrey
Requested population: 20 million
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP):
  • $40,937
  • $19,061
Major/official language(s): Norish
Major ethnic groups: Norish
Major religions: Christianity
Government type: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy

History (2-3 paragraphs): Norrey traces its origins to the 7th century AD, when the Old Fallish flooded north into the !British kingdoms and drove them west over the mountains, emerging from this bloody process under the rule of the Oswolfings—a line that has remained on the throne ever since, fending off Fallish invasions and overseeing the birth of a distinct Norish identity, making Norrey one of the world's oldest surviving monarchies. Norrey's rich coalfields placed it among the first countries to industrialise, and fuelled a powerful socialist movement that has governed with little interruption since coming to power following the Second Cuthish War—in which Norrey had sided with the victorious Waldish against Falland—a century ago. Norrey fought again against Falland in the Great War, and afterwards participated in the occupation of that country.
Military (1 paragraph): Norrey has very little of a military to speak of and, as much of an "NS region application" answer it may be, its only real international role would be as part of multinational peacekeeping forces. Anything else would depend on information that is currently unavailable.
Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Staunchly Catholic and one of Calesia's most conservative countries, even divorce is still viewed with disapproval in Norrey. Even those members of the long-governing Social Democratic Workers' Party who come from less conservative backgrounds than the coalfields are informed by an unwillingness to rock the boat.

Requested map claim: In red

Other NS nations: A lot.
Writing sample (optional):
IIWiki (optional):
Other comments (optional): It would be very helpful if more history was available. I had very little to work with on the wiki, so if it conflicts with what other people have been thinking of that's not really my fault.
Republic of Northumbria
Bede kinnie — Catgirl appreciator

"The amazing thing is that Tony Blair being shot in the head after running a barricade for inexplicable reasons is one of the most plausible episodes in this RP,
which comes across as House of Cards by the writers of Mr. Bean."

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Nationalist Northumbria
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Nationalist Northumbria » Tue May 16, 2023 6:34 am

It is incredibly rude to—for no reason at all—ban someone from your Discord after they send an application in. Prospective applicants should feel free to ignore what they say about ‘final acceptance’—in reality they’ll just ban you..
Republic of Northumbria
Bede kinnie — Catgirl appreciator

"The amazing thing is that Tony Blair being shot in the head after running a barricade for inexplicable reasons is one of the most plausible episodes in this RP,
which comes across as House of Cards by the writers of Mr. Bean."

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Postby Helmenland » Tue May 16, 2023 12:03 pm

Short Name: Helmenland
Official Name: Republic of Helmenland
Requested population: 80,230,948
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): $15,494 (nominal), $27,963 (PPP)
Major/official language(s): Helmish (Finnish)
Major ethnic groups: Majority Sekoitettu (mixed), with white, black, and indigenous minorities
Major religions: !Christianity
Government type: Federal presidential republic

History (2-3 paragraphs): Indigenous !Americans began to settle continental Helmenland at least 12,000 years ago. Matti Kapanen became the first !European to explore the region in 1504, claiming it for X. Xian colonists established extensive sugarcane plantations in Helmenland throughout the 17th century, leading to the formation of an aristocratic class of wealthy landowners. X annexed the colony during the X and began a process of X, alienating the Helmish aristocracy and leading to the Helmish War of Independence in 1771. After eleven years of war, X recognized Helmenland's independence and withdrew its forces in 1782. The newly independent country quickly descended into internal turmoil, and did not experience a peaceful transition of power for the first four decades of its existence due to frequent rebellions and military coups. In addition, the central government fought a protracted series of interconnected conflicts against indigenous tribes in the Helmish interior that lasted until 1811. The country's political and economic situation stabilized somewhat during the 1810s under President Ville Järvinen, who ushered in a period of industrialization and economic growth that lasted into the middle of the 19th century. The Panic of 1845 interrupted Helmenland's economic expansion, leading to a military takeover led by General Teemu Mäkelä. Mäkelä's regime stabilized the nation' economy, but failed to revive the explosive growth of previous decades. In 1878, Helmenland was forced to cede Sokerinsaari and Myrskysatama to X after nearly two years of war, resulting in the collapse of Mäkelä's regime.

The country remained under civilian rule through the turn of the century, experiencing a second economic boom that turned Helmenland into one of the wealthiest nations in !America and attracted significant numbers of new immigrants from Euclea. As a consequence of its rapid economic growth, the Recession of 1924 hit Helmenland particularly hard. The crash resulted in a breakdown of the nation's institutions, plunging it into a prolonged and destructive civil war. The country emerged from the conflict in 1930 under the rule of President Risto Saari, a populist who introduced reforms to benefit the working class. Helmenland joined the Y Powers during the Great War as a consequence of its alliance with Darona, successfully repatriating Sokerinsaari and Myrskysatama from X at the end of the conflict. Saari remained in power for several years after the war, until he was overthrown by a group of dissident military officers in 1944. A succession of military regimes, punctuated by brief and unstable periods of civilian rule, continued until the current constitution was adopted in 1979. During the 1980s and 90s, a series of Liberal Democratic administrations introduced neoliberal policies that reinvigorated the economy, and today the nation ranks among the wealthiest in !America.
Military (1 paragraph): Helmenland is widely considered to be an emerging great power, and its military is quickly approaching parity with the great powers of Calesia. It operates a small but modern blue-water navy with a single aircraft carrier, and its air force has been expanded significantly in recent decades due to the purchase of modern Calesian aircraft. Its army, previously geared towards counterinsurgency and peacekeeping operations, is currently being restructured as an expeditionary force capable of defending Helmish interests overseas.
Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Helmish society remains staunchly conservative due to the historically strong role of the !Christian church. LGBT rights remain an issue, although they have improved in recent years as an increasing number of local polities recognize same-sex marriage. Irreligion is also viewed with suspicion by a population that remains extremely pious. The nation's stance on racial issues is comparatively progressive, in part due to the historic mixing of races that have blurred the lines between different ethnic groups. Nevertheless, indigenous peoples continue to endure discrimination outside of their own communities, which has emerged as a major issue in the past several decades. Helmenland is also known for its strong gun culture, a remnant of the nation's frontier spirit during the 19th century conquest of the interior.

Requested map claim: Previously communicated

Other NS nations: Vjaarland (defunct), Waldrich, Valduvia
Writing sample (optional): No
IIWiki (optional):
Other comments (optional): N/A

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Postby Poshyte » Tue May 16, 2023 3:00 pm

Short Name: Falland
Official Name: Fallish Federation
Requested population: 84,372,472
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): $39,982 (Nominal) $42,382 (PPP)
Major/official language(s): Fallish
Major ethnic groups: 75.3% Fallish background
24.7% non-Fallish background
Major religions: !Christianity
Government type: Federal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy

History (2-3 paragraphs): The First Kingdom of Falland came into being in the 14th century with the crowning of Albert I as King of Falland. The Kingdom was largely located around the city of Sydenham from which Albert held his power base. The Kingdom was thrown into chaos with the reformation and was split down religious lines between !Protestants and !Catholics, the latter of which eventually were victorious and deposed the the convert monarch of Falland and replaced him with his brother sparking the beginning of the Capron dynasty which ruled Falland continuously until it was deposed in 1850 through a bloodless revolution. The Republican government lasted only a few short months until the monarchy was reinstalled by force via a coalition of nations although it had laid the groundwork for a constitutional monarchy which was established through the 1859 Constitution which granted universal male suffrage to all men over the age of 25 regardless of property status.

In the latter 19th century, the expansion of the Fallish overseas empire became a a matter of national importance for the government who greatly expanded Fallish colonial presence in Austeria and Abaris. The industrial revolution in Falland helped kickstart a period of rapid economic and population growth in the metropole as well as the creation of the labour movement which transformed itself into the Socialist Party in 1882. The economic growth caused by the Industrial Revolution combined with an upswell in nationalism and a Fallish victory in the First Cuthish War sparked an arms race between Falland and Waldrich which culminated in the Second Cuthish War in 1919. By 1921 Falland admitted defeat and signed the 1921 Armistice which ended fighting between the two. The humiliating defeat destroyed the incumbent Liberal government which lost the subsequent 1921 parliamentary election to a coalition of right-wing conservatives who blamed the liberal government for Falland's defeat. The right-wing coalition merged into the right-wing, nationalist and anti-socialist National Party in 1923 and passed the Lightoller law which granted the party with the most votes an automatic majority of seats in the Chamber of Deputies, whilst this was meant to guarantee a Nationalist majority in all subsequent elections due to the divided opposition, it unintentionally caused the Fallish National Syndicalist Fatherland Party (FNSFP) to be able to form a majority government after it won only 19% of the vote in a heavily contested election in 1925. The FNSFP was able to combine support from angered workers, industrialists who feared the rising power of the Socialist Party as well as the monarchy who saw it as an agreeable form of socialism. Newspaper editor and son of aristocrats Thomas Peyton-Jones subsequently became Prime Minister and swiftly consolidated power, establishing the Rapid Response Troops, a National Syndicalist paramilitary, it took control of the media and legally removed opposition forces from Parliament through a campaign of harassment by the RRT and setting the electoral threshold at 10% which forced all other parties out of Parliament the following year. All parties which did not have representation in the national Parliament were subsequently dissolved, thus creating a FNSFP one-party state.

Peyton-Jones himself was removed from office in 1933 by Propaganda Minister Edwin Bampfylde who consolidated power around himself and finalised the totalitarian state. Bampfylde was not respected or popular amongst the public or establishment unlike Peyton-Jones and a plot to oust him was launched shortly afterwards. The plot however was dispersed with the outbreak of the Great War, initial Fallish reports stated that Fallish naval vessels were bombed by Waldrich to force the King to declare war against Waldrich and to get public support, although this later proved to be a false flag attack which was kept hidden from the public despite becoming well known amongst the establishment after the Declaration of War was issued. Whilst the war went well for Falland initially; Bampfylde's unpopularity, poor military commanders who were appointed based on politics and not skill as well as an internal plot to remove Bampfylde contributed to his ouster from power by Parliament on 22 August 1940. King Clement then appointed Charles Sorley to lead a non-partisan cabinet and seek a ceasefire. Events however overtook Sorley after the Battle of Millom caused the complete collapse of the Fallish military through desertions, mutinies, defections and surrenders. Despite dissolving the RRT, FNSFP and placing Bampfylde under house arrest, the public no longer supported either the government or the monarchy and a general strike was declared across all sectors. Sorley resigned 29 days after being appointed as PM and was replaced by General Robert Lamphere and King Clement abdicated to try and save the monarchy from being abolished. Lamphere's government signed the instrument of unconditional surrender on 22 September 1940 and Falland was subsequently occupied and divided into occupation zones. The occupying authorities dissolved the entire Fallish government so it could be rebuilt from the ground up, a task which was helped by the election of a constitutional authority in 1942.

The Constitutional Assembly saw a coalition of the Socialist Party, Republican Party, Liberal Party (which was comprised of the pre-war establishment of the National Party) and the Progressive Party (which was created by the civil service as a conservative alternative to the Liberals) be formed despite the communist party winning the most seats. In 1945 the Fallish state was re-established via the Braemablair Agreement which created a neutral and united Falland although Fallish colonies were not returned to Falland despite the government's wish. The pre-independence political consensus soon fell apart and was replaced by a two-coalition system of the Communist Party, Republican Party and Socialist Party on the left and the Liberal Party and Progressive Party on the right. The coalition system was credited with keeping Falland stable post-independence and preventing either a communist government or a right-wing revival. Falland experienced a post-war economic revival in what was called the miracle on the Kir which was coupled with Falland's return to the international stage as an 'agreeable foreign partner' for other nations. In 1955, Falland established the Community of Fallophone States (CFS) as a means of retaining its connections to its former colonies and international Fallophone speakers.
Military (1 paragraph): The Fallish Armed Forces is divided into 4 branches: the Fallish Army, the Fallish Navy, the Fallish Air Force and the Civil Guard, the latter of which being the largest of the four branches and focuses on internal security. Prior to 2005, Falland operated a system of limited conscription although this was abolished due to falling recruitment numbers, opposition from youth leaders as well as the Socialist Party's own electoral promises. The Fallish Armed Forces has a budget of approximately 1.53% of the total GDP of Falland. Falland is also constitutionally prohibited from developing or having any weapons of mass destruction be located on Fallish territory.
Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Homosexuality was first legalised in Falland during the Republican period although it was seen as unnatural and taboo and was recriminalised during the National Syndicalist period and only legalised once again in 1962 under a Socialist-Communist government. Civil unions were introduced in 2005 and same-sex marriages were legalised 2010 also under a Socialist government. In 2018, Falland expanded recognition of transgender and intersex rights by adding a third non-binary/intersex option on all identification papers and provided an easier route for transgender adults to legally change their gender as well as access gender reaffirming care. Conversion therapy has been banned since 2002 after a major scandal revealing practices at so-called 'conversion therapy centres'. Drug reform is substantially more controversial in Falland. Despite cannabis legalisation being a manifesto promise for the incumbent government, it has yet to be enacted due to legal issues. Possession of cannabis and other soft recreational drugs was decriminalised in 1998 and medicinal drugs were expanded once in 2002 and again in 2005. Despite this, possession with intent to supply illicit non-medicinal drugs without a licence is illegal and can result in jail time for the offender. The law disproportionally effects Fallish minority and immigrant communities and there have been accusations in the past of trumped up charges for intent to supply and distribute which was made harder to prove in 2008 as a result of these issues. Euthanasia and assisted suicide, whilst still technically illegal, do not have any punishments attached to them after a citizens initiative was delivered to parliament in 2022, the Fallish public health system has historically allowed for passive euthanasia although active euthanasia is significantly more controversial by medical professionals who went on strike due to opposition to a proposed legalisation of active euthanasia leading to the current system. Currently any adult may consensually end their own life and access euthanasia care with specialised professionals if they are suffering from a chronic illness, the law was expanded in 2023 to allow minors above the age of 13 with the consent of parents and doctors to also access this care.

Falland has a sizeable population of people from a non-Fallish background, whilst it is prohibited to collect ethnicity data in the Fallish census, the option of labelling yourself as of a Fallish background or non-Fallish background is available. Descendants of non-CFS immigrants are labelled as having a non-Fallish background whilst those from a CFS country can apply to label themselves as having a Fallish background. The current system has been criticised for being unworkable and was described by an opposition MP as being "more racist than if we simply just collected actual data on ethnicities". Activists have decried the current ethnicity structure as exclusionary and long-promised reforms by successive right-wing and left-wing governments has as of yet not occurred. Capital punishment is constitutionally forbidden in all cases regardless of the crime committed and the maximum punishment anyone can receive for a crime committed is 30 years although in the past this has been repeatedly extended so the sentence can be a de facto life sentence.

Requested map claim:

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Founded: Oct 14, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Philimania » Wed May 17, 2023 12:59 am

Short Name: Yingok
Official Name: Republic of Yingok
Requested population: 1,298,700,000
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): $13,982 (nominal), $15,028 (PPP)
Major/official language(s): Yinese
Major ethnic groups: 83% Yinese, 14% Shanese (some Chinese minorities), 3% Others
Major religions: Sendou (organised Chinese folk religion)
Government type: Unitary presidential constitutional republic

History (2-3 paragraphs): The region of what is now Yingok was originally inhabited by ancient Yinese civilisations around 3000 BCE, which thrived along the fertile river valleys of !Yangtze and !Yellow River. These early civilisations laid the foundation for the Yinese culture and its societal values. Throughout history, Yingok experienced periods of both unity and division, with various dynasties and kingdoms rising and falling.

In the modern era, the Republic of Yingok was founded in 1892 following decades of turmoil brought about by the decentralisation of the Saan dynasty (Qing). However, Yingok went through a series of political and social upheavals throughout the 20th century including various dictatorships and revolutions. In 1966, Yingok experienced a civil war between authoritarian, nationalist, and communist factions that lasted until 1981 with nationalist victory and the establishment of the Fourth Republic, marking a turning point in Yingok's history.
Military (1 paragraph): The Yinese Defence Force is the armed forces of the Fourth Republic of Yingok. It is responsible for the defence and security of the country and upholding its sovereignty. The military is structured into various branches, including the Yinese Army, Yinese Navy, Yinese Air Force, and the Yinese Space Force. The Yinese Defence Force maintains a strong focus on territorial defence, as well as the ability to respond to regional security challenges. It also participates in peacekeeping missions and international collaborations to promote stability and peace. The military plays a crucial role in disaster relief efforts, providing assistance during natural disasters and emergencies within the country and abroad.
Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Social issues in Yingok include income inequality, education disparities, and environmental challenges. Despite rapid economic growth, income inequality remains a significant concern in Yingok. The country faces a gap between the wealthy urban population and the rural communities, which often struggle with poverty and limited access to basic services. Fortunately, Efforts are being made to address this issue through targeted social welfare programs, investment in rural development, and initiatives to promote inclusive economic growth.

Requested map claim:

Other NS nations: Philimania, Sovaland
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Krugmar » Thu May 18, 2023 12:32 pm

Short Name: Topaotera (Will be looking into some form of Europeanised name a la China, Japan)
Official Name: Whenua o te ra topa, Te rangatiratanga o te rangimarie a Ihowa (lit. Land of the Setting Sun, Realm of the Paramount Lord's Peace, usually translated as either Realm/Empire/Kingdom of Topaotera)
Requested population: ~300,000,000 (Very flexible on this)
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): ~5,000 Nominal, ~15,000 PPP
Major/official language(s): !Maori is the official language and lingua franca, while !North Halmaheran language of !Ternate is a widespread lingua franca in the east. Most languages belong to three groups: Oceanic, Papuan, and Malayic.
Major ethnic groups: The !Maori constitute the largest group, but the country is pluralistic and very diverse.
Major religions: Flexible on this, but until something comes up I'm envisioning some sort of state sponsored multi-faith system, in which all folk religions are linked to the 'Imperial Cult'. Haven't developed too much on it, and it can easily be syncretised or disregarded if needs be.
Government type: Executive/Semi-Constitutional Monarchy

History (2-3 paragraphs): Hard to go into too much detail, there's a lot of islands which means a lot of historical states. It's a very maritime focused area, for most of its history acting as a middle-man between !China, and the !Middle East and !Africa (and later Europe but to a lesser extent). Lots of Chinese, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and possibly ME and African influence. Contact with the !Americas at some point during the later explorations. Probably around the time Mich's !Hawaiians begin migrating, details tbc. with him. Small scale trade, but eventually the !Hawaiians take over as middlemen and most trade is focused on Yingok, !Africa, !Asia, etc.

The rough idea is for there to be various periods of maritime hegemons (think Srivajayans, Majapahit, etc.), under which the !Maori migrate to their present position. The !Maori form a small subject kingdom which eventually defeats and overthrows a hegemon. They form a successful hegemonic state which is particularly powerful, and spreads the !Maori identity through assimilation and garrison cities. It checks !European expansion in the area, although it cedes some islands and allows factories in its earlier days. Playing the !Europeans against each other works to a degree, although it suffers several civil wars as they attempt to manoeuvre puppets onto the throne.

A series of rebellions allows for the rise of a new dynasty, backed by a !European power. They begin centralising and annexing subject states, while conquering others. That's pretty much where the certainty ends. What happens in the 20th century depends on !Europe. Do they attempt to stop the centralisation, or does the alliance with one or several powers hold? Possibly Topoatera backs the winning side in a !World War and gains extra land as a reward. Likely communist/republican uprising/insurgency during the mid 20th century, ending in a costly government victory. Modern-day problems would be friction about the monarch's power, fear of an over-powerful military, pushes for democracy, etc.

Military (1 paragraph): Not much of a military guy so this'll probably not be particularly developed as I go along, but the military would be quite eminent and heavily funded, but mainly for counter-insurgency purposes. It'd be politically powerful, having coup'd several parliaments at the instigation of the monarch and/or powerful figures. Severe inequality within the army, with less loyal units getting worse equipment, posted far from key points. Ethnic favouritism would likely play a part, with groups deemed anti-monarchist or separatist being blocked or sent to worse units.
Foreign relations (1 paragraph): It's hard to decide this unilaterally, particularly with neighbours. I expect most !European states have a fairly agnostic view towards Topaotera, not wanting to condone its regime, but also preferring not to jeopardise trade with what is probably an emerging 'workhouse of the world'.
Relations with Yingok are likely nuanced. There is probably a historical rivalry based on control of the eastern !Americas, and control of trade in the region. In the modern period this'd be similar, but there'd also be reasons to keep relations positive: namely avoiding !European dominance.
Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): I've touched on political issues above, but social issues would likely be fraught ethnic tensions, income inequality, poverty, economic mismanagement, neglect of certain provinces and areas. Possible religious tension, depending on how that develops.

Requested map claim: WIP Topography[/b]
Last edited by Krugmar on Fri May 19, 2023 2:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Liec made me tell you to consider Kylaris

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Greater Rostoria
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Postby Greater Rostoria » Thu May 18, 2023 1:23 pm

Tagging this for later
Uhh, dont look here...Its a work in progress...

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New Solland
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Postby New Solland » Sat May 20, 2023 3:39 pm

Application withdrawn
Last edited by New Solland on Mon May 29, 2023 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Capitalist Paradise

Postby Suwa » Wed May 24, 2023 5:52 am

Short Name: Razan [Native: koşel]
Official Name: State of Razan
Requested population: 160 million
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): 12,000, 28,000
Major/official language(s): !Turkic
Major ethnic groups: Siberian and Central Asian Turkic, Mongolian, Eastern Iranic, North Caucasian, Paleosiberian
Major religions: Shamanism, !Buddhism, !Christianity
Government type: Federal republic

History (2-3 paragraphs): The eastern parts of the expansive modern country were first populated by !Sogdian (or speaking some other language) city-states engaged in maritime trade with Calesia/!Europe from antiquity and overland trade with the !Middle East, gradually culturally overwhelmed in the medieval period by migrations of !Turkic peoples. From the 1300s a massive !Sinicized empire comparable in impact to the Borjigins, known as the Artuchids, defined the common culture of the region, which would be in place for centuries following its fragmentation in the 1440s.

Jarnland (Waldish predecessor state)'s intervention in the urbanized trading states of the east coast secured the establishment of an alliance friendly to its interests, the Triumvirate of Razan, in the 1680s. In the process of increasing control of trade and development of the local area, a period of 'company rule' under the Jarnish East Abaria Company began, penetrating into a declining gunpowder empire, the Saqlaganids, to the south and west. Having developed its holdings into a power in its own right in the course of confronting the Saqlaganids, the Company's administration of the Triumvirate began to resent intervention from home, while its local officials became infatuated with the Enlightenment and various liberal ideas. They declared independence from Jarnland in 1785 with the support of the !Finnish great power [can also be moved to sync with events analogous to the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars]. The Saqlaganids were fully absorbed some time in the early 19th century to establish sister republics, while settlers engaged in westward expansion up to the borders of Yingok.

Problems with the aristocratic republic become serious in the late 19th century as industrialization sets in. The establishment made reforms to appeal more strongly to rationalism from the 1880s, consolidating a Razanite national culture, but the reaction to this in the 1910s brings militarist and expansionist politicians influenced by national syndicalist agitation to power, and the country into the Great War. It almost loses before an internal uprising ousts the government and takes Razan out of the war on favorable terms. A more salad-bowl, federal national identity and a combinationalist social outlook was adopted, aiming to moderate the political passions that boiled over earlier that century. A pragmatic dominant-party political system has been in power since.

Military (1 paragraph): Relatively large and modern force, engagements and power projection concentrated on the Abarian continent.
Foreign relations (1 paragraph): Friendly with most Calesian powers. The Razanite leadership is usually not ambitious enough to pursue its own agenda, and more concerned with the integrity of its large continental territories against realist designs at breaking it up, making it perhaps unusually intent on aligning with the Calesian hegemon of the day, and in turn offering a strategic 'rigidity' in Abaria where it does all the work for the present dominant system. Major backer of the nationalists in the last Yinese civil war with all the implications on present-day relations.
Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Since the disruptions of populist politics in the early 20th century Razanite political culture has moved back to being highly elitist, and there is naturally considerable dissatisfaction with the political establishment, especially given corruption and clientelism. There are also ethnic-cultural tensions with immigrants from the southern regions and Yingok. Culturally there is a strong opposition between imaginaries of urban and rural societies, though in practice concrete political groups freely jump around the symbols each side is loosely associated with.

Requested map claim: East of Yingok

Other NS nations: Various
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Last edited by Suwa on Wed May 24, 2023 9:52 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Greater Ziegenian Reich
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Postby Greater Ziegenian Reich » Wed May 24, 2023 11:41 am

Last edited by Greater Ziegenian Reich on Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Maskillien » Mon May 29, 2023 11:34 am

Short name: Nadauro

Official name: United Nadauran States

Requested population: 139,411,400 (estimated, as of 2023)

Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): $9,982 (nominal, per capita), $17,594 (PPP, per capita)

Major/official language(s): Lavish (!Portuguese)

Major ethnic groups: Highly diverse, 41.5% white or of Calesian (!European) descent, 37.7% multiracial, 11.1% black or of (!African) descent, 6.8% indigenous, and 1.9% West (!East Asian)

Major religions: 78.8% (!Christianity, including its denominations), 13.0% not identifying with any religion, 6.1% Spiritism, and 2.1% other

Government type: Federal presidential constitutional republic

History (2-3 paragraphs): The area of modern-day Nadauro has seen continuous human presence going back to 7,000 BCE. From the 6th and 5th centuries BCE onward, the Rift Valley of Nadauro gradually became one of the world's cradles of civilization, spawning a number of subsequent princely polities and city-states such as the Necaha, Cozahetl, Etalco, Mecatl, and the Ata cultures, and ultimately the expansive and hegemonic Huecean Empire by the first millennium AD.

Calesian contact in ? precipitated the eventual conquest of the Huecean Empire by the Lavish Empire in ?, leading to the civilization's swift collapse and the establishment of the colony of New Pania. The abundance of its mineral deposits, namely silver and gold, greatly contributed to Lavaria's rise as a global colonial power in the 17th century and the eventual elevation of New Pania to the status of a kingdom in 1732. After nearly three centuries of colonial rule, Nadauro achieved independence in 1819 following the successful Great Revolution in Darona and the (TO BE DECIDED, domestic issues in Lavaria?) as a constitutional monarchy under Emperor Luís I.

The political and economic upheaval of the newly independent nation-state, caused in part by the (TO BE DECIDED, armed conflict with Darona or other neighbors?) culminated in a military coup d'état in 1858 and a Waldrich(?)-backed royalist counter-coup in 1859. Efforts to introduce liberal reforms in the Constitution of 1876 saw brief flirtation with civil republicanism during the May War through the creation of the United Provinces of Nadauro; slavery was abolished in 1878. The short-lived federation would come to an end with the imposition of a royalist dictatorship (Teixeirato) after the 1885 National Schism, pursuing rapid modernization and industrialization. The rise of militarism and imperialist ambitions coincided with the introduction of fascism(?) through Lúcio Cabral's seizure of power in 1921; Nadauro invaded Helmenland(?) in 1934 and entered the Great War as an !Axis power in 1936. Ultimately, Nadauro surrendered in 1940 amidst total defeat and was occupied by !Allied forces until 1950. The tenure of the new democratic republic would be interrupted by a violent military junta in the mid-1970s, which was itself overthrown by a return to civilian rule and the final abolition of the monarchy in 1979. Despite spectacular economic growth, Nadauro has suffered from a low-intensity, asymmetric armed conflict in Chaibia and political violence beginning in the 1980s.

Military (1 paragraph): The armed forces play a significant role in Nadauran politics. The military is comprised of the Nadauran National Army, the Nadauran Air Force, and the green-water Nadauran Navy, as well as the National Police serving as the country's gendarmerie, and is among the largest in Elia Austral by active military personnel and in terms of the volume of military equipment. However, the constitution adopted in 1950 prohibits Nadauro's right to declare a state of war, and it pledged not to pursue the development of biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons in 1968. Budget spending has increased consistently over the past decades, and readied armed forces are deployed in large quantities throughout the country to quell regional political strife since the 1980s.

Foreign relations (1 paragraph): Nadauro is a member state of the !United Nations and a variety of other international organizations. Its position in global affairs stems from its status as a regional power in Elia Austral and as a historical leader among developing countries during the !Cold War. However, scholars do not regard Nadauro as a rising, prominent world power. Relations with Calesian powers have been ambivalent but improving, particularly with Lavaria and Waldrich, while relationships with neighboring states in Elia Austral such as Helmenland had historically been strained because of Nadauro's actions in the Great War and sporadically grown hostile.

Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): The economy's success did little to mitigate the country's dramatic income equality and difference in living conditions, in turn worsening levels of violent crime, gun violence, and homicide. National police and armed forces are repeatedly accused of serious abuses of power and human rights violations in rural communities and regional epicenters of armed conflict, and the judiciary system of cultivating an environment of impunity. Nadauro has one of the highest levels of homicide and incarceration in the world, and is reported to suffer from endemic corruption.

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Other NS nations: Mascylla, Chelagey
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Elian Free States
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Founded: Jun 20, 2023

Postby Elian Free States » Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:23 am

Short Name: The Free States or Elian Union
Official Name: Union of Elian Free States
Requested population: 44,823,900
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): 68,350 (nominal),62,839 (PPP)
Major/official language(s): Helmish (!Kven and standard), Waldish, Fallish, !French, Lavish, !Italian
Major ethnic groups: 71% White/Calesian, 14% Black, 7% Indigenous, 6% !Asian, 2% Other
Major religions: !Christianity
Government type: Federal Directorial Republic

History (2-3 paragraphs): The lands of the western coast of Northern Elia had been inhabited by the indigenous Elians for thousands of years prior to Calesian contact. The discovery of Northern Elia in the late 1400s CE eventually led to the establishment of many colonies alongside the coast in the 16th and 17th centuries. The number of Calesian empires establishing colonies on the western coast gave the area its epithet of the ‘Empire Coast’. In the early days of colonisation, these separate colonies often formed alliances between each other independent of their imperial overlords in order to achieve security from conflict. As the colonies grew alongside imperial influence, the autonomy of the settlements began to lessen. A series of wars between the Calesian powers in the late 16th and early 17th centuries led the Calesian powers of Jarnland, X and Falland to become the sole powers occupying the coast beginning the Triarchy. The !French, Lavish and !Italian populations became highly discontented at the loss of their sovereignty and began to formulate the basis for the future union which gave the colonies their epithet of the daughters of revolution. In 1742, the small group of colonies unsuccessfully revolted against their new overlords. Though unsuccessful, the Revolt of 1742 cemented the idea that a successful independence movement required the collaboration of all Elian colonies. Eventually dissatisfaction towards the governorships of the Elian colonies known as the ‘Discord of Encroachments’ led to the Revolution of Nations in 1759 also known as the Elian Wars of Independence. This series of wars culminated in the independence of the colonies in 1776 after 17 years of conflict.

The nascent federation formed a system of committee rule where the previous positions of governors were replaced with councils. This also extended to the federal government the executive branch of which would be headed by the state commission. Following independence, the barriers to trade and movement between the former colonies were removed which led to increased economic growth and the intermingling of the population. Around the same time, the union expanded significantly across Northern Elia establishing itself as the dominant political power on the continent. This is historically referred to as the Grand Federation. However, as the Empire Coast grew more and more intertwined, political movements sprang up demanding further political centralisation. To the outer edges of the federation, centralisation of political power would have meant domination by the Empire Coast. Throughout the early 1800s, the political differences between the core parts and the extremities of the federation led to political deadlock which eventually caused the fall of the Grand Federation. In its stead, the UEFS retained the lands of the Empire Coast alongside managing to hold on to the southern free states.

The fall of the Grand Federation marked the end of the Union’s imperial ambitions. This was made ever clearer as the voting population of the Empire Coast rejected the previous political administration. The country would go on to experience a large wave of Calesian immigration which coupled with its ever industrialising economy made the country one of the most prosperous in the world. By the turn of the 20th century, the Union once more began to assert itself on the world stage which led it to participate in the Great War. After the war, the Free States started to drift away from their allies once more becoming officially neutral. Eventually there was a rapprochement between East Calesia and the Free States in the 70s which opened the way for further cooperation.

Military (1 paragraph): The Union of Elian Free States is a significant naval power possessing a blue-water navy capable of conducting operations globally. In addition, the UEFS possesses a nuclear arsenal. The Elian Free States are considered a Great Power being recognised as one after the Great War and have been the dominant regional power in Elia Boreal ever since its independence. The country’s armed forces frequently participate in peacekeeping missions. The armed forces are composed of volunteers though the nation has a national draft law at times of war. In addition, the country has a high rate of private gun ownership.

Foreign relations (1 paragraph): The UEFS’ foreign policy is partially based on promoting free trade between countries. As a democracy, the country gets on best with other democracies. In addition, it holds close ties to the places of origin of its population. Despite being an officially neutral country, the Free States is a vocal advocate of nations’ sovereignty and peace. Some of this can change depending on what kind of neighbours might come later on.

Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): The population of the country is largely progressive by global standards. Historically, society in the USFS was highly pillarised along the lines of race, religion, politics and sometimes language. Though largely informal, some Free States wrote laws that codified the pillars. The traditional pillars of Elian society have begun to crumble ever since the 1950s but its remnants still affect the country’s society. The nation also has a significant issue with income inequality.

Requested map claim: Link

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Last edited by Elian Free States on Mon Jun 26, 2023 4:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Maskillien » Sun May 12, 2024 1:31 am

Short Name: Dahemia
Official Name: Free State of Dahemia
Requested population: 2,183,805 (2023 estimate)
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): $67,901 (nominal), $70,354 (PPP)
Major/official language(s): Dahemian (Luxembourgish), Notgerman (German), Notfrench (French)
Major ethnic groups: 61.9% Dahemian (Luxembourgers), 38.1% others
Major religions: 55.8% Gregorianism (45.4% Northern Cathedralist, 10.4% other Gregorians), 30.1% no religion, 6.6% X, 0.7% others
Government type: Federal constitutional semi-parliamentary republic

Description: Dahemia, officially the Free State of Dahemia, is a sovereign landlocked country in Central Calesia. It is bordered by Notgermany to the north and west, Notfrance to the east, and Notswitzerland to the south. With an area of 2,599.3 km2 (1,003.6 sq mi) and a population of 2,183,805 in 2023, Dahemia is Calesia's smallest and least populous country, but the single-most densely populated, with a density of 840/km2 (2,175.9/sq mi). Gonece is its capital and largest city; other major cities include Greven, Cherms, Meinfeld, Karlsbad, Verniers, and Saldenbroich.

The term referring to the historical region of Dahemia has been in use for over a millenium, beginning with the conquests of the Cambran Empire in the first century BC. A distinct political entity comprising the region only arose in the mid-17th century with the Duchy and later in the 19th century with the Kingdom of Dahemia respectively, before being absorbed by the fledging Notfrench Empire in 18X amidst Notgerman unification. Its wealth of coal and iron ore deposits made it a central focal point of the Industrial Revolution.

Following the Great War in Calesia, it was occupied by Notgerman forces and became the United Congress-mandated Dahemian Protectorate in late 1941. After the 1957 Lonane Statute referendum and unsuccessful attempts made by Notgermany to annex Dahemia proper, it gained its independence as the Free State. Since, tensions between the Notgerman-speaking and Notfrench-speaking communities have persisted; the 1980s saw far-reaching state reforms and a political transition towards state federalism, but irredentist and nationalist movements (such as the X Movement and the Fatherland Party) continue to be popular.

Dahemia is an federal constitutional republic headed by the Minister-President, currently Ulrich Barschel since 2020. It is a founding member state of the United Congress, X, and hosts the seats and headquarters of numerous intergovernmental organizations. As a developed country and mixed-market high-income economy, it ranks highly in human development, income equality, civil liberty, economic competitiveness, gender equality, and prosperity indexes, and has among the highest GDPs per capita (both nominally and by PPP) in Calesia; it was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage in 2000. Dahemian culture is largely shaped by German and French influences, but remains distinct because of its X heritage, traditional cuisine, and customs. Home to three main linguistic communities, the country is officially trilingual, although NotGerman is the majority language and the lingua franca.

Requested map claim: (TO BE DETERMINED)

Other NS nations: Nadauro, Mascylla (inactive)
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Hyacinthe » Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:16 pm

Short Name: Hyacinthe
Official Name: République Ouvrière de Hyacinthe (Worker's Republic of Hyacinthe)
Requested population: 87,532,230
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): 39,241 (Nominal) 42,423 (PPP)
Major/official language(s): Hyacinthean (French), !Occitan, !Breton
Major ethnic groups: Hyacinthean, !Occitan, !Breton
Major religions: Gregorianism, Irreligious.
Government type: Unitary Presidential Socialist Republic

History (2-3 paragraphs): In ancient times, Hyacinthe was the site of several civilizations; most notably, the !Roman Empire would grow to cover much of Calesia, before falling to Waldic invaders in 451. In the 11th century, the House of Pernet would establish itself as the ruling dynasty of the feudalistic Hyacinthean Empire, and would engage in conflict with several neighboring kingdoms over time, before being overthrown in the 16th century by the House of Léandre, following a succession crisis in 1574. In the mid-1600s, Hyacinthe would also go on to absorb !Occitania and !Brittany, due to the two kingdoms being ruled by Hyacinthean nobility.

The First Hyacinthean Revolution of the late 18th century would be a watershed moment for Hyacinthean history, as due to several factors, including but not limited to a dire financial situation, the exclusion of the middle and lower classes from political affairs, and the rise of !Enlightenment ideals, many people would ultimately choose to rise up against the monarchist government. As such, in a desperate attempt to keep the people on his side, King Étienne II would purge many of the political elites who resisted change, before sacrificing his power to allow for the creation of a constitutional monarchy, much to the chagrin of both several of his relatives, and the aforementioned elites. While this calmed the more moderate revolutionaries, many of the more radical ones who wanted a republic chose to keep fighting, while reactionary forces would attempt to launch a counter-revolution. However, they and the extreme revolutionaries would be shut down, mainly due to a lack of unity in both movements and simply having less firepower. This new monarchy saw the king/queen take a ceremonial position, and a constitution favoring liberal ideas, including "Declaration of the Rights of Man", which permitted things such as free speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. In addition, feudalism was abolished, and the nobility kept their titles, but had far less power than before. This Kingdom would last until 1898, when a referendum to create the Republic of Hyacinthe barely passed, spawned by a corruption scandal implicating multiple members of the royal family.

Hyacinthe would have a turbulent start to the 20th century, as the newborn Republic gradually became more unstable due to widespread corruption scandals and economic declines, resulting in the military ultimately couping the government in 1918, and installing a military junta, known as the Ligue Militaire (Military League). In the ensuing Second Hyacinthean Revolution of 1922-1924, the Ligue Militaire would be overthrown by the Alliance Révolutionnaire Hyacinthienne (Hyacinthean Revolutionary Alliance), who would install the Worker's Republic of Hyacinthe, and also killing off the Hyacinthean colonial empire that started in the 1500s. The WRH would be split politically between the Reformers, and more extreme factions in the Communards and the Utopians, with the Communards winning. In the Great War, they chose to side with the Transmedan Powers after discovering that the Syndenham Powers were funding and arming !Occitan and !Breton rebels, with most of the fighting being along the Fallish border. Following the end of the war, Hyacinthe would establish two autonomous "Associated Worker's Republics" in !Brittany and !Occitania, and annex ethnic !Occitan and !Breton lands in Falland, incorporating them into the AWRs. In the late 1980s and 1990s, amidst economic stagnation, First Representative Edmond Sabourin passed several reforms to democratize Hyacinthe, much to the dismay of hardliners, who fiercely resisted such reforms. The country, however, would still be dominated politically by socialist parties, due to Sabourin's implementation of La Voie Du Peuple (The People's Way), a national philosophy that all parties have to follow, based on four characteristics: social ownership of the means of production, respect for democracy, Hyacinthean unity, and the well-being of the people.

Military (1 paragraph): The Forces Armées Populaires de Hyacinthe (Hyacinthean People's Armed Forces serves as the country's military. They are divided into three branches; The L'Armée de Terre (Ground Force), the Armée Aérospatiale (Aerospace Force), and the Marine Nationale (National Navy). Currently, they recieve 3% of Hyacinthe's GDP, though this could change depending on the global political situation and what happens around Hyacinthe, as more members join Teleon.

Foreign relations (1 paragraph): Hyacinthe is a member of the !United Nations. They follow "Socialist Leader Diplomacy", befriending and investing in fellow socialist nations, giving them economic and military aid, while at the same time, are willing to conduct trade with non-socialist countries and conduct diplomatic operations in a manner more akin to Realpolitik. Apart from socialism, Hyacinthe also values human rights and democracy, and as such, will be more friendly to nations that uphold these principles.

Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): The process of immigrating to Hyacinthe is very strict, though the current government has made efforts to make it slightly easier for immigrants to move to Hyacinthe and its AWRs. However, some politicians and activists believe the government is not doing enough. Immigration is likely to be a major factor in the upcoming 2025 elections. Also of note is that the growing amount of irreligious people in Hyacinthe has made a divide between them and traditional-minded followers of Gregorianism. Other issues include the environment and domestic violence.

Requested map claim: The unnamed red blob on this map

Other NS nations: Various
Writing sample (optional): N/A
IIWiki (optional): N/A
Other comments (optional): N/A
Last edited by Hyacinthe on Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:06 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Postby Zhudan » Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:22 pm

Last edited by Zhudan on Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Poshyte » Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:04 am

Short Name: West Ruthen/VR Ruthen/VRR
Official Name: Ruthen, People's Republic of (Volksrepublik Ruthen)
Requested population: 66,382,284
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): $32,372 (nominal), $47,525 (PPP)
Major/official language(s): Official: Ruthen (German), Hyacinthean
Major ethnic groups: 83.5% Ruthen background, 16.5% Non-Ruthen background (incl. Dahemians, Hyacintheans and other)
Major religions: 52.8% Gregorianism
40.3% Irreligion (incl. Atheist, Agnostic & non-Spiritual)
6.9% Other
Government type: Federal Socialist Council Republic*

History (2-3 paragraphs): West Ruthen has its origins within the Socialist Workers Party of Ruthen (SAP) which was a major party within the pre-war Kingdom of Ruthen's Staatsrat. Whilst de facto a united socialist party, the SAP was deeply divided between Revolutionaries and Reformists which presented itself through the serious infighting between party members and the leadership of the party. The SAP was dissolved shortly after the outbreak of the Six Years' War as Ruthen found itself involved as a partner of the Sydenham Powers with its leaders either going into hiding or fleeing abroad. A number of senior revolutionaries who went underground or fled to socialist nations, informally termed the Bunkergruppe reorganised the remnants of the SAP into the All-Ruthen Socialist Command Centre (GSK) which coordinated low-level resistance actions against the Ruthen government and attempted to organise resistance cells within the armed forces and within society although this amounted to little for most of the war. The GSK was more successful in portraying itself as a legitimate rival government for the socialist powers who in 1939 proclaimed the GSK as the rightful post-war government of all Ruthen. With the fall of Falland, Ruthen became the last remaining fighting member of the Sydenham Powers and quickly collapsed when it became clear the wartime military government was intent on continuing the fight, prompting mass general strikes and defections to the GSK.

West Ruthen was officially established as the Hyacinthean Occupation Zone of Ruthen. Initially expected to be merged with the remaining Occupation Zones and transformed into a neutral nation along the lines of Falland, the situation in Ruthen deteriorated rapidly, largely as a result of the GSK, who organised mass protests and general strikes as well as political prosecutions. All-Ruthen Constituent Elections were held in 1943 to write a constitution and saw the parties of the GSK backed Unified Socialist Revolutionary Front win a large plurality of seats whilst the Liberal parties suffered an unexpected defeat and were unable to unite against the GSK. In response to this, plans for a reunified Ruthen were dropped and the pro-liberal Eastern Zones were reorganised into the Republic of Ruthen to the vocal opposition of the GSK. In response the People's Republic of Ruthen was declared in 1945, claiming to be the legitimate government of the all Ruthen.

Following its establishment, West Ruthen struggled to gain international legitimacy and was only recognised by socialist nations. Despite this it had significant advantages over the East as it was by far the most populated of the two states and had a significantly larger economy and industrial base compared to the relatively rural East. Compared to the East it was also significantly more stable in its early years and was largely self-sufficient. The West however was unable to grow as fast as the East did in the post-war period and its advantage in terms of economics and its standard of living was matched by the East in the latter stages of the 20th century. Tensions between the two states remained high and inter-Ruthen relations never fully developed for much of the 20th century despite botched attempts by both sides. Relations in the late 1990s deteriorated significantly as a result of military exercises on both sides of the border which culminated in the eruption of the 6 Day War which erupted on 26 July 1999 and saw Western forces move into Eastern territory. The outbreak of war in Ruthen brought the world to the brink of a nuclear exchange and ended with a ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Western forces from captured territory. In the aftermath of the war, ties were established between East and West to prevent another conflict from erupting. A hotline was established between the Western Capital of Thessen and the Eastern Capital of Sagard am Möhne, however the war has seen the inter-Ruthen border secured by both sides even more with a series of fortifications and fences blocking free movement between the two states.
Military (1 paragraph): VR Ruthen has the larger military in contrast with East Ruthen. The Reuthen People's Armed Forces (Volkswehr) consists of 5 branches, the Ground Forces, the Naval Force, the Air Force, the Internal Force as well as the Clandestine Services Office (BfG). West Ruthen spends approximately 2.4% of its total annual GDP on defence, approximately $43.8 billion, which is a slightly lower percentage than East Ruthen. The Volkswehr, whilst having a numerical advantage to the East Ruthen, lags behind in terms of its air and naval capabilities with an outdated air force and a largely neglected Navy although recent steps have been taken in the direction of modernising these branches to more adequately combat East Ruthen. The BfG is the official special forces branch of the Volkswehr and is sanctioned by several nations as a result of its accused role in several incidents along the inter-Ruthen border and in East Ruthen. The operations and size of the BfG is highly confidential although according to East Ruthen it is responsible for acts of sabotage, terrorism, espionage, kidnappings and murders in East Ruthen by the orders of the West Ruthen Ministry of Defence.
Foreign relations (1 paragraph): West Ruthen is a full member of the UC since 2001 and is recognised by every member with the exception of East Ruthen which it respectively also does not recognise as a nation. West Ruthen claims sovereignty over all of Ruthen whilst officially viewing the Eastern Government as an occupied vassal state. In international organisations it is termed as VR Ruthen. VR Ruthen is an entrenched member of the Socialist Bloc and in general opposes the Waldish order in Calesia but despite its rhetoric it is unable to destroy the capitalist system. As the second most important socialist nation in Calesia it pursues a prominent role in international affairs and pioneered the policy of Fußballdiplomatie in order to promote its cultural position.
Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Currently major issues in West Ruthen include LGBT+ rights, specifically the ongoing debate on the potential legalisation of same-sex marriage, drug usage, immigration and foreign workers as well as youth issues and a counterculture movement. West Ruthen's constitution defines marriage as between one man and one woman although it allows for civil unions and adoption by same-sex couples. The current constitution says that the bedrock of a socialist family unit is a married mother and father, although the constitution was not initially written in a deliberate attempt to discriminate against same-sex couples, the government's record on this issue has been rocky. Civil partnerships were legalised in 2004 after protests from same-sex couples who had served in the 6 Days War being unable to receive equal hospital visitation rights, access to medical care or pensions and bereavement funds than their heterosexual counterparts. Adoption by same-sex couples was legalised the following year although despite an overwhelming majority of the public, approximately between 70-80% approving of same-sex marriages being legalised nationwide, due to the bureaucratic process required in West Ruthen progress on the issue has stalled. Same-sex marriage however is recognised in certain regions and largely depends on the composition of local councils. Cannabis legalisation has also been suggested although currently it can only be accessed after the approval of a local medical council is obtained which has been difficult to achieve in the past. The decriminalisation of other drugs has been proposed in various councils in order to reduce a growing prison population but like several other matters has stalled.

West Ruthen currently has a large number of migrants and foreign workers in its borders largely as a result of foreign students not returning after their visas expired or from deliberate attempts to replace gaps in the workforce. This has led to increasing friction from Ruthen workers who have felt replaced by the growing numbers of foreign labourers and their families. Officially termed, 'Comrades from Overseas' the foreign workers have been subjected to racist attacks in the past by West Ruthen groups including underground extremist organisations. West Ruthen also is experiencing what has been described as a crisis in connectivity between the state and the younger generations, specifically Gen Z. The state has in large been unable to successfully adapt to the rise of modern forms of social media and the internet which has allowed a youth counterculture ecosystem to emerge which does not follow the official state-line. Particularly dangerous is the growing links between young people on differing sides of the inter-Ruthen border and the ease at which ideas can now spread across the border. Additionally young people have been experiencing a lack of opportunities as West Ruthen mandates a period of national service in either the military, a paramilitary force or a public service and the national policy of full employment has left very few job openings.

Requested map claim: (Plot A)

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Short Name: East Ruthen/RV Ruthen/RVR
Official Name: Ruthen, Republic of (Republik Ruthen)
Requested population: 18,382,287
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): $40,372 (Nominal), $53,473 (PPP)
Major/official language(s): Official: Ruthen, Ruthen Sign Language
Major ethnic groups: 88.9% Ruthen background
11.1% Other (incl. Waldish, other Calesian, non-Calesians)
Major religions: 65.8% Gregorianism
29.7% Irreligious (incl. Atheist, Agnostic and non-spiritual)
4.5% Other
Government type: Unitary Parliamentary Republic

History (2-3 paragraphs): East Ruthen is technically the successor of the liberal elements of the Staatsrat within the pre-war Ruthen Empire which had been formed in 1864. The Ruthen Empire was largely reunited peacefully after the Congress of Thessen which occurred in the midst of the pan-Ruthen Revolution of 1862, however unification was only fully completed following a series of several internal wars ending in 1864. Whilst initially founded as a liberal constitutional monarchy, with a constitution written by members of the liberal intelligentsia and approved by a series of revolutionary bourgeoise governments, it quickly fell under the influence of conservative, landowning elites after the Liberal coalition collapsed in 1874 and the sub-national monarchies enacted emergency laws. From 1874 onwards power largely rested in the hands of the Ruthen Emperor who was elected from within the various sub-national monarchies to prevent any one state from holding too much influence over another. From 1922 onwards, this position fell to Claus I who by the time of his appointment was already an ageing figure and had been an unexpected choice. A keen admirer of Falland and the military, he had pushed for Ruthen to intervene in favour of Falland a few years prior in the Second Cuthish War. Claus, whilst dismissive of parliamentary democracy, feared the power of the SAP in the Staatsrat and prior to the outbreak of the war had appointed close to a dozen different Minister-Presidents who had each failed to contain the SAP through legal means. During this period Ruthen had gradually aligned itself with Falland with the intent of using any war to expand its overseas colonial empire, despite Claus' own disgust for National Syndicalism of which he was highly critical of in private as he feared it could spread to Ruthen and harm the monarchy's influence.

With the outbreak of the Great War, Ruthen initially hesitated to act, instead closing the Ruthen straits for all ship traffic citing the outbreak of hostilities. This policy ended in early 1935 when it officially entered the war, fighting mostly overseas in order to secure colonial holdings. The Ruthen war effort came to a halt in 1937 when it was soundly defeated in the Battle for the Swarin Sea and was forced to recall most of its overseas forces as it could not maintain the supply lines abroad. With the Sydenham Powers retreating and the war turning against Ruthen, civilian politicians including the Minister-President were involved in a plot to surrender. The plot was discovered in 1939 and resulted in the military dissolving the Staatsrat and forcing Claus to appoint a General as Minister-President of a wartime government which could more easily continue the war and crush resistance from both the GSK and Republican groups. In October all parties were dissolved and their pro-government remnants reorganised into a far-right reactionary force. The Battle of the Ruthen Straits and several landings in the north in early 1940 spelled the end for the war effort as morale began to falter especially after the fall of Falland. Taking inspiration from the actions of the Fallish Parliament, the liberal elements of the former Staatsrat attempted to pre-empt a general strike by forming a reconstituted Staatsrat with themselves in the majority and used the new assembly to declare an end to the war. Quite quickly the Imperial armed forces collapsed with many defecting to the new Staatsrat or the GSK. With the GSK sweeping across the west, Claus abdicated and the monarchy was dissolved. An emergency council of liberal politicians then invited the Transmedan powers to occupy Eastern Ruthen to prevent a full socialist takeover and began to cooperate with the new occupying forces. The 1943 Constituent Assembly election disaster sparked panic amongst the liberal and agrarian deputies in the East who began to push behind the scenes for a division to prevent a socialist government being formed. This was ultimately successful and East Ruthen was formed in late 1944 led by a coalition of Liberal, Agrarian and Radical parties.

Following independence, East Ruthen's economy had to be propped up by its allies and its lack of any industries except the agricultural sector forced further changes. In the 1950s, increased industrialisation and urbanisation allowed for the new economy to flourish with inspiration taken from the Waldish system. Moderate Social Democratic forces were incorporated into the political system in the 1960s but state surveillance continued on these groups to prevent infiltration from the BfG which had conducted major assassinations of East Ruthen business people and had funded far-left terror cells in the country. As the smaller and less populated Ruthen, East Ruthen relied heavily on international organisations to survive and became host to a number of foreign military bases and became increasingly entrenched within the emerging globalised economy as a banking and services hub. Tensions with the west continued to mount throughout the 20th century owing to military exercises and the BfG's actions in East Ruthen, most notably the botched hijacking of a passenger aircraft in 1993 which enflamed tensions. A series of military exercises conducted by East Ruthen in 1999 prompted panic in West Ruthen which sparked the Six Days War. During the war, East Ruthen was able to prevent the complete collapse of the frontline although suffered heavily in the early days until it had forced a stalemate. East Ruthen was also able to gain the sympathy of the international community and leveraged this to spread fear of a nuclear exchange which was able to successfully force West Ruthen to withdraw and agree to a ceasefire along the original border. Whilst the Six Days War technically has yet to be officially resolved, it has led to the rapid expansion of border defences and East Ruthen has constructed an elaborate series of bunkers and tunnels across the country in the event West Ruthen attacks.
Military (1 paragraph): The Ruthen Defence Force (Verteitigungsstreitkraft) is the military force of East Ruthen. Whilst smaller than the Volkswehr in terms of manpower by a significant margin, it has made up for this in terms of the funding and equipping of its soldiers into a far more streamlined and professional force which was demonstrated in the Six Days War. Both the East Ruthen Navy and Air Force are generally considered to be superior to their West Ruthen counterparts although they still lag behind the capability of other nations, East Ruthen's size had led it to adopt a green-water naval policy and internationally it provides mostly a support role for its allies. East Ruthen spends approximately 2.7% of its annual GDP on defence in order to counteract West Ruthen's numerical advantage. The Verteitigungsstreitkraft does have its own version of the BfG, the Notfall-Sicherheitsabteilung (NSA) was founded in the 1960s to counteract the BfG although its effect has been less notable than the BfG's. Currently it mainly focuses on retaliatory operations and preventing BfG operations. In addition to this the NSA has also acted as its own dedicated intelligence agency in the past free from direct East Ruthen governmental oversight.
Foreign relations (1 paragraph): East Ruthen has been a full member of the UC since 2001 when both Ruthen's were granted permission to join after mutually agreeing to join the same international organisations as each other as the previous policy had seen both boycott any organisation which wished to recognise both states as they each claimed to be the sole legitimate government. East Ruthen is a founding member of the CFTC and the !NotEU (if it exists) and is a close ally of Falland and Waldrich. Its strategic position in controlling the ice-free and more temperate Ruthen Straits has allowed West Ruthen to adopt an outsized position relative to its international status and has seen it develop healthy relations with a number of Calesian nations. East Ruthen still claims to be sole legitimate government of all Ruthen and in international organisations has demanded Ruthen come before any national prefixes.
Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Similarly to West Ruthen, a major issue in East Ruthen is the emerging use of social media as a form of sharing information between the populations of East and West. Most importantly for East Ruthen is the ability of the BfG to spread propaganda and disinformation through social media which has had a noticeable impact and has become the top security concern for East Ruthen in the modern world. As neither Ruthen allows for cross-border travel or travel in and around the internationally monitored demilitarised zone, social media has allowed for previously separated families to once again contact each other which has mounted pressure on both governments to allow for cross-border travel. Combatting Homophobia is another issue in East Ruthen, despite having legalised same-sex marriage in 2017, homophobic attacks and abuse have not vanished entirely despite widespread public acceptance. Members of the LGBT+ community have in the past felt harmed or marginalised by society and government efforts to prevent homophobic incidents has yet to yield results. Access to abortion is another issue for East Ruthen as despite abortion being legal in the country, its laws are still more restrictive than those of West Ruthen's abortion laws largely owing to the inclusion of Gregorian Democrats in the governing coalition who have objected to any liberalising of abortion laws or the legalisation of euthanasia and drug decriminalisation. Immigration, whilst not promoted as in West Ruthen, has also been an issue for East Ruthen as its status as a high income and high standard of living country has attracted migrants from overseas and has fuelled the rise of anti-immigrant populist politicians. Additionally migrants also face poor working conditions in the agricultural or service sectors where many are employed.

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Postby Khujariya » Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:09 pm

Short Name: Khujariya
Official Name: Great Socialist People’s Khujariyan Jamahiraya
Requested population: 62,703,800
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP):
Nominal: $2,103 (Nominal GDP of $131.866B)
PPP: $9,413 (PPP of $590.231B)
Major/official language(s): Khujariyan (Semitic/Persian-inspired conlang)
Major ethnic groups: Khujariyan (60-65%), Nubatti (20-25%), Other (15%)
Major religions: Salāmism (or the equivalent of Islam) (65%), Gregorianism (21%), Atheism (11%), Other (3%)
Government type: Unitary Salāmist Socialist Jamahiraya

History (2-3 paragraphs): (preliminary) The earliest evidence of human life in modern-day Khujariya would be around 80,000 years ago; however the earliest evidence of human civilization would be much more recent, going back to around 4,500 years ago. This earliest civilization, the Xerhmā Kingdom, covered around 75% of the country’s modern borders, mostly in the north. Later on, this became the Kingdom of Xuc which began around 1100 BCE, and contributed much to the ruins that dot the landscape of Khujariya today.
After this period, with the collapse of the Xuc civilization in 350 CE, there were multiple regional and ethnolinguistic kingdoms that popped up, with the three primary examples being the Maxurjā (North), Nubatti (West), and the Īlodi (South). These three civilizations founded much of the modern ethno-cultural landscape of Khujariya. They existed on and off in various forms, often warring with one another until the 1650s, when the Maxurjā (now called the Zhunz Empire) conquered the Īlodi and much of the Nubatti in the “Khuja Unification Wars,” or a series of small conflicts that absorbed the two other kingdoms piecemeal into Khuja. These wars lasted on and off from 1648 to the 1750s with the collapse of the Ilodi confederation and subsequent absorption of the remaining kingdoms into Khuja. During this time, modern identities sedentarized (primarily as a result of the unification wars, where many were forced to stay in certain regions or displaced to make way for Khujan settlers), and the modern state of Khujariya formed. The Zhunz Empire was later turned into a protectorate of X during a period of intense civil strife in 1820, culminating in its ultimate piecemeal colonization in the late 1870s. (There really isn’t much else I can come up with without first collaborating with others).
The modern history begins with the beginning of the end of Khujariya’s colonization, the Nadhiĵa Rebellion, where Nadhist adherents (a radical Salāmist group centered around a “prophet” by the name of Nadh). This group managed to seize most of the colony for around 5 years, before finally being defeated in 1901. After that, the colony went on as a rather uneventful and uneconomic venture, one that granted it independence in 1948, giving way to democratic rule. However this rule did not last long as the first democratic leader attempted to crown himself as the heir to the now defunct Zhunz Empire and the grandson of Nadh. During this time the country’s name and language lenited, leading to Khunz then Khuja (lengthened to Khujariya with the overthrow of the King in 1959, after a long civil war. At this point, a new fledgling democracy was set up by the military in 1960, but the election of a leftist coalition in 1964 caused the military to step in, disbanding the government and mass arresting dissidents and leftists, causing widespread protests. This ultimately led to yet another civil conflict which was won out by the leftist rebels in 1977, after a brutal 13 years of disparate fighting. This government was first led by General Rhafīq Amin, who later changed his title to Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution of Zhudan. His predecessor, who came to power in 1985 upon Amin’s death, got rid of that title, instead using “Generalissimo” as his title. Generalissimo Murad Kaṣim is now currently the ruler, and has forced the country into his “ideal image,” eliciting little international support and instituting a repressive internal regime.
Military (1 paragraph): The military of Zhudan is most certainly not an army of quality, rather it is made up of the aging arms of old, of formerly communist regimes like that of Yingok. However, its influence comes from its ability to maintain peace at home, and to covertly support like minded groups abroad. The military is essentially a tool of the dictator that rules the nation, it acts at his behest, and often with brutal, repressive force. However, the Zhudanese Armed Forces (ZAF) have four branches, the lattermost making up for their lack of ability in conventional warfare: the Zhudanese Air Force, the Zhudanese Ground Forces, the Zhudanese Navy, and the Zhudanese Strategic Command. The ZSC is accountable for the nation’s military electronic capabilities, rocketry (primarily the development of cheap missiles), and various WMD programs. There also exists the “National Unity Guard” (NUG), a paramilitary group that operates directly under the dictator, separate from the military proper as a means of countering any potential coup d’etat.
Foreign relations (1 paragraph): The foreign relations of Zhudan are rather lackluster, with the state largely being regarded as a pariah state. Very few nations maintain active diplomatic relations, and sanctions are widespread. While some nations may trade with Zhudan, it is likely for dirt cheap oil, one of the few natural resources in the nation worthy of note. However, the Zhudanese government is prone to supporting rebel groups abroad, often those aligned with their own views (as previously mentioned), often as a means of lashing out against the “repressive” world order.
Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Starting off economically, Zhudan is an extremely poor nation. Some of the major economic and social problems facing them are simple things, like income inequality, unemployment and inflation (due to the former over reliance on oil). The other basic problems are the repressive nature of the state, which has warranted international sanctions. These sanctions have made access to sufficient foodstuffs scarce, causing great dissatisfaction among the populace.
Pollution and corruption are also issues, commonly associated with the prevalence of oil as the primary economic driver. The mostly desert climate of the northern half of the country and the underdeveloped but jungly southern half also leave the people without adequate access to clean water. This lack of infrastructure is apparent in the majority of places that are not major cities, or in the immediate vicinity of major cities. Tensions also persist in most every other facet of society, with systemic inequality across all lines, gender, ethnic, class, and religious. These tensions are only exacerbated by the impoverished state of the country, and the growth of urban slums as people from all over move to the cities in search of food and jobs.

Requested map claim: Region in red.

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P.S. I was in a hurry and forgot to change a fair bit from the old name (Zhudan) to the new name (Khujariya), sorry.

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New York Times Democracy

Postby AESYRiEL » Fri Aug 02, 2024 3:41 pm

Short Name: Vistulzka
Official Name: The Orthodox Republic of Vistulzka
Requested population: 31,000,000
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP):
Major/official language(s): Viswe [Polish], Mogye [Hungarian], Karpatska [Ukrainian]
Major ethnic groups: Viswe [Polish], Hetumogers [Hungarians], Karpatsti [Ukrainians]
Major religions: Reformed Orthodox Georgianism [55%], Traditional Orthodox Georgianism [35%], Other [10%]
Government type: Unitary Semi-Presidential Republic - Orthodoxist Republicanism System

History (2-3 paragraphs):
The first form of Vistulzka came around in the 9th century, where three major powers emerged in the land that modern-day Vistulzka controls. The Duchy of Sarmat, the Duchy of Géza and the Duchy of Pereya. These three duchies loosely followed Western Calesian paganism and engaged frequently in small-scale wars with each other. In 851, the First Empire broke up, leading to refugees caqrrying Gregorianism into each of the duchies. The Duke of Sarmat, Casimir III, converted to Georgianism in 855, and engaged in the Sarmat War to unite the Duchies of Géza and Pereya under his banner. The Treaty of Wełnica established the unification of Sarmat and Pereya under the Grand Duchy of Vistulzka. Parts of the Duchy of Géza were incorporated into the new Grand Duchy, while the rest split to become its own independent country, known as the First Kingdom of Hetumoger.

In 1211, Vistulzka-Hetumoger entered the First Odrodzenie, a revolutionary cultural movement that coincided with a change of internal politics of the Kingdom. This change was uniquely liberal, where the power of the Kingdom would reorganize under the principles of humanism and transformed into the Vistulzka-Hetumoger Noble Republic. The new political system utilized the idea of a Noble Republic and promulgated Calesia's first constitution that limited the power of the monarchy and granted power to a state-backed legislature. The Noble Republic would later collapse in 1375 due to political disalignment between Viztulzka and Hetumoger. The aftermath of political disalignment created separate noble classes unique to their cultural alignment, the Nemesseg, the Szlachta and the Lytsari. Despite the collapse, Vistulzka had gained a new tradition of political freedom, where afterwards it would become a hub of revolutionary ideas. The Second Odrodzenie would see Vistulzka and Hetumoger once again unify under the banner of Vistulzka, this time for good.

Vistulzka became a new Noble Republic upon the ascension of the new union, and abandoned its monarchial leanings. This did not last very long, as in 1920 a distant cousin gained the support of the nobles to ascend the previously defunct throne. The Noble Republic was unceremoniously abandoned, and a new monarchy was established. By 1924, the new kingdom found itself embroiled in a civil war against the Orthodox Republic, a secessionist state created by the parties that made up the New Republican Coalition. By 1927, the new monarchy had fallen and the Orthodox Republic of Vistulzka was established. The Orthodox Republic threw out the support of the nobles, and vowed to create a new democracy. During the start of the Great War, Vistulzka was initially neutral until it joined the Transmedan Powers

Military (1 paragraph):
The Armed Forces of Vistulzka takes on a multi-pronged approach towards it development and while it is not a particularly large military, it is a extremely technological advanced military. The Armed Forces have five branches. There is an inactive conscription that has not been activated by the government since the Great War, and has historically drafted both men and women. Unlike most countries, people who are conscripted have a choice to sign with the Department of National Defense, the Department of Law, or the Internal Security Commissary. The military development industry has grown to become one of the lifelines of the Vistulzkan economy.
  • Vistulzkan National Army: The largest of the group, the National Army is the largest branch and the most well funded. The first of the three under the Department of National Defense, it often volunteers itself for foreign affairs by sending soldiers and aid.
  • Vistulzkan National Navy: The Navy is relatively the smallest branch under the Department of National Defense, but it is the most well funded of the group. Vistulzkan military industry has invested in ship building and development since the Great War.
  • Vistulzkan National Air Force: The Air Force is the youngest branch under the Department of National Defense, but has since gained considerable attention and has grown larger than the Navy in terms of membership. The military industry has since sought to turn investments towards the Air Force and developing new technology for the fledging branch.
  • Milicja Zbrojne: Technically considered a branch of the Armed Forces, it was the first not under the Department of National Defense. The Milicja Zbrojne is the national gendarmerie of Vistulzka, and operates entirely within the country. The Milicja Zbrojne has much more basic equipment and its jurisdiction is entirely limited to internal affairs.
  • Internal Public Security Commission: Another branch of the Armed Forces, it takes its orders directly from the Marszałek and the Ducal Council with the exception of the Department of National Defense and the Department of Law. It has the power to effectively arm itself in times of war or to be merged with Milicja Zbrojne under dire circumstances, but is strictly bound to being a non-armed branch of the Armed Forces during peacetime. The majority of the IPSC operates as individualized departmental law agencies that specialize in respective department law-related goals.

Foreign relations (1 paragraph):
Vistulzka is a founding member of the United Congress and is friendly with many different powers. The government of Vistulzka has been left-leaning for decades and has always pursued a foreign agenda that prioritizes positive relations and trade negotiations with other left-leaning countries. Its mixed-economy status enables it to enter into more positive negotiations with both capitalist and socialist powers while riding the fence on various issues.

One of the most polarizing issues that the Vistulzkan government has taken in foreign relations is its strategy and decision-making around both West and East Ruthen. When invited to occupy the country by the emergency Ruthen government to prevent a socialist uprising, Vistulzka vehemently opposed occupying the country out of the belief that the emergency Ruthen government had zero legitimacy as the government of Ruthen and that Vistulzka had nothing to gain from preventing the socialist uprising. Vistulzka held out as a member of the United Congress in recognizing East Ruthen until the emergence of Grenzpolitik. Vistulzka openly participated on the side of East Ruthen during the Six Days War, and the foreign policy change from supporting West Ruthen to East Ruthen did not go unnoticed, especially domestically.

Social issues (1-2 paragraphs):
One of the largest issues that is currently affecting the social and political climate of Vistulzka is its gradually rising cost-of-living expenses, especially in more urban areas. The three most important cities within the country: Włocławek, Ásotthalom and Balta; have all become virtually unlivable due to their extremely high bar for basic cost-of-living. This has especially affected the more younger population of Vistulzka, which since taken on the view that there is very little prospect in both having children and improving their life. This has been paired with consistently rising inflation and access to government resources becoming more difficult due to higher costs. This has caused several different effects. Hostility to foreigners and people moving into smaller communities, in belief that they are at fault of rising costs. Alongside this, a backsliding of the political power of the left-winged New Republican Coalition has caused new political polarization in the country with the right-winged Three Torches Bloc. The most divisive issues that the Three Torches Bloc has fought the New Republican Coalition has called to question the secularization of the state and new legislation to bring back the wildly unpopular idea of conscription within the country. The Three Torches Bloc still holds an underwhelming minority in the country's government, but it has since seen a resurgence of support among the youth vote. The political landscape in Vistulzka has seen gradually rising levels of autocratizing and slight abandonment of the principles of Orthodox Republicanism.

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Other comments (optional): This section has been mostly covered in discord. Only thing to add is that the more modern history is subject to extreme change.
Last edited by AESYRiEL on Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Louwan » Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:31 am

Short Name: Internationally recognised as: Louwan (爐灣) (Self-recognised as Yingok)
Official Name: Internationally recognised as: People's Union of Louwan (爐灣人民國) (Self-recognised as the People's Union of Yingok)
Requested population: 2,241,400 (area is 181,196 km2)
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): 47,376
Major/official language(s): Yinese (Cantonese), Tanic (Hokkien), Shanese (Mandarin)
Major ethnic groups: 82% Yinese, 11% Tanic, 5.7% Shanese, 1.3% Others
Major religions: 52% Irreligious, 36.4% Sendou, 10.3% Gregorianism, 2.1% Others
Government type: Unitary one-party socialist republic

History (2-3 paragraphs):
Louwan was virtually uninhabited until the arrival of a Yinese explorer who was exiled from Yatpui in 1405. After the end of his exile, the explorer brought with him a crew of colonists back to the island, establishing the eponymous port town of Louwan. However, Louwan did not really grow due to its nature as a fringe settlement on the edge of the known world and was eventually abandoned in 1438. This was until the fall of the !Mongol Empire along with the !Silk road to Calesia, driving the Yinese Hon Dynasty to seek western routes across the ocean.

Because of this, Louwan was recolonised in 1475 while Elia Boreal itself would be discovered a few years later. Louwan prospered over the next few centuries, due to its position as a natural outpost and resting stop for maritime activity between West Abaria, the Elias continents, and Calesia. During the 18th to 19th century, Louwan acted as a deportation destination for various ethnic minorities who rebelled on the mainland. During the Fourth Winter Period, the Confederacy Coalition assumed control over the island following a war between 1902-1906, later being integrated into the Second Yinese Republic.

During the Fourth Winter Period, the Confederacy Coalition assumed control over the island following a war between 1902-1906, later being integrated into the Second Yinese Republic. In the aftermath of the Yinese Civil War, the defeated communist government was evacuated to Louwan, where they established a new government-in-exile. During the mid-20th century, Louwan experienced significant internal development, commencing large-scale industrialisation and modernisation to support its socialist agenda. By the 2000s, Louwan had established itself as a relatively stable socialist republic.

Military (1 paragraph): The military of Louwan, known as the People's Armed Forces of Louwan, is a decently equipped force primarily designed to safeguard the nation's territory and immediate maritime interests. Because of this, the Navy is the most well-funded branch of Louwan. Besides the Louwanese Navy, the military also includes the Louwanese Army and the Louwanese Coast Guard. No formal Air Force exists, with aerial operations being handled by the Navy and Army through the Louwanese Navy Air Service, and the Louwanese Army Air Service.

Foreign relations (1 paragraph): As a socialist state, Louwan possesses close ties with its socialist and leftist allies such as Hycinthe and West Ruthens. Despite its ideological affiliations, Louwan also engages in pragmatic economic and diplomatic relations with non-socialist countries, especially those with significant trade interests in the maritime routes Louwan controls in the Alconian Ocean. Louwan did not have a seat on the United Congress until 2009, largely due to its refusal to recognise the Fourth Republic as the legitimate government of Yingok.

Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): A prominent issue in Louwan is the tension between its diverse ethnic groups, particularly between the Yinese, and Tanic populations. The Yinese majority often holds disproportionate sway in economic sectors, leading to resentment among minority groups. Additionally, Louwan's rapid industrialisation has led to environmental degradation and urban overcrowding. A poor healthcare system and inadequate social service are also major issues that plague Louwanese society. A declining birth rate as a result of an intense work culture is expected to compound these issues, although fortunately, this trend has been partially mitigated by encouraged worker immigration from other socialist states, a practice which began in 2016.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Poshyte » Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:20 pm

Short Name: Infrequator (Infraéquateur)
Official Name: Federal Republic of Infrequator (République fédérale d'Infraéquateur)
Requested population: 73,274,873
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): $5,327 (nominal), $15,384 (PPP)
Major/official language(s): Hyacinthe (Official), various indigenous languages are also recognised as official languages. Infrequatorian Creole, whilst not widespread and endangered, is also recognised
Major ethnic groups: 57.4% Hylasian, 24.1% Mixte, 10.1% Indigenous, 3.6% Blancs, 2.8% Abarian, 1% Other
Major religions: 82.5% Gregorian, 6.3% Irreligious/Atheist/Agnostic, 5.8% Tahir, 3.2% Spiritism, 1.4% Other
Government type: Federal Semi-Presidential Republic

History (2-3 paragraphs): Infrequator has been inhabited by a variety of indigenous groups since approximately 10,000 BCE with many groups establishing amongst the first agrarian civilisations on the very fertile soil of the region. Amongst the most influential of these was the Caetan Empire which at its peak height in 1582 spanned much of the coastline of modern Infrequator. The landing of Hyacinthean explorer Gadiffier Girardot in 1581 marked the beginning of the end for the indigenous dominance in the region. Giarardot's expedition and subsequent landings spread diseases such as diphtheria, smallpox and measles throughout the native population, devastating the indigenous societies of Infrequator and sparking a series of internal wars within the Caetan Empire which was used by the Hyacinthean forces in the area to establish a stronghold and force the remaining Caetan to flee further inland. The fertile lands of Infrequator proved to be extremally profitable for Hyacinthe and necessitated the mass importation of slaves into the region and the colony became dependent on the practice with upwards of 70% of the population being ethnically Hylasian or at least partially Hylasian.

The remnants of the Caetan Empire were finally defeated in 1737, solidifying Hyacinthean Control over the area. Throughout the 18th century, a small but influential class of free Hylasians had been established who typically served in middle class positions beneath the landowning upper class but above the enslaved Hylasians, Indigenous and the working class whites. With the outbreak of the First Hyacinthean Revolution in Calesia, colonial rule became increasingly untenable and a coup in 1800 by a council of landowning elites - the Emergency Anti-Revolutionary Council - seized control in an attempt to secure the colony's stability. The Council viewed the free Hylasians as a threat to their security and issued the Status Declaration of 1801 declaring that all Hylasians were not eligible for citizenship or to own land or property, this prompted an escalating series of events culminating in the free Hylasians sparking a slave revolt in 1803 under the leadership of freedman Gilo Gérin-Lajoie who had served as an officer within the Colonial Garrison. Gérin-Lajoie and his revolt were able to secure the colonial capital of Fort de Gadiffier whilst the slave revolt on the estates quickly turned into a bloody affair as formerly enslaved Hylasians murdered their former masters in revolts. On 14 October 1803 the forces of the Emergency Council were defeated and Gérin-Lajoie installed himself as President of the First Infrequatorian Republic, the second independent nation in the new world and the first nation to be established by a slave revolt. The prospect of a successful slave revolt was horrific to the Calesian powers who enacted an embargo on the nation and attempted an invasion in 1805 but were defeated and captured by Gérin-Lajoie's forces. During this period, the remaining middle class and upper class whites fled the country to neighbouring states or returned to Calesia. With independence secured the Constitutional Convention met in Fort de Gadiffier in 1806 to formalise the country's independence and constitution, additionally the Calesian blockade was eased in 1811 after Hyacinthe recognised the new Republic in exchange for favourable trading status and for the remaining whites in the country to be granted citizenship or safe passage out of the nation. Gérin-Lajoie died at age 43 in 1812 and in response the Presidency was dissolved and divided into a council of 12 - the National Executive College - who would run the country after being appointed by the Infrequatorian Congress which was now dominated by Liberals. Personal disputes between the members of the College sparked the Infrequatorian Civil War between those who favoured a strong College and Congress and those who favoured a more Federal system. The Federalists would ultimately win the war in 1820 under the command of General Symonet Chastain marking the beginning of a period of oligarchic rule in Infrequator where the Congress and College worked closely together to preserve the emerging social structure of society.

By the turn of the 20th century, a faction of radicals had emerged under the leadership of Pacôme Lanoue arguing for free elections and universal male suffrage which was achieved in 1919 and Lanoue was elected with the backing of his radical Landless People's Movement. Lanoue and his allies in the College sought to change the social structure by empowering workers and farmers whilst also taking on the establishment classes and the military which led to Lanoue being ousted in 1929 and the military gaining a majority of seats on the College. General Guewen Huval and Admiral Mickaël Ondy emerged as the two leading figures on the College leading to the nation effectively becoming a Diarchy. Whilst Huval was more accommodating to the Sydenham Powers, both sought to keep Infrequator out of the war as they believed the state could not win a war against Statist Naduro. Tensions between Infrequator and Naduro continued to flare during the war as the Transmedan powers continued to pressure Infrequator to enter the war, eventually being successful after the failure of the Trindade Plan. Infrequator declared war on Naduro on 17 June 1938, becoming a key member of the Transmedan Powers in Elia Australis. The war between Infrequator and Naduro proved to be exceptionally brutal and was effectively a stalemate until 1940 when Naduran forces were routed by the Infrequatorian Army at the Battle of X whilst Infrequator also defeated the Ruthish Navy at sea and seized the Seyfried Islands in the Southern Transmedan after the Battle of the South Transmedan. After the war, Huval was removed from the College by Ondy and his allies over perceived incompetence whilst Ondy and the College were once again forced to hold free elections by the army which were won by Ondy and his Union démocratique progressiste which represented the pro-military and liberal-conservative elements of society. Ondy was made to rewrite the Infrequatorian Constitution by Congress however ushering in the Fourth Infrequatorian Republic which abolished the Congress and established the position of President and allowed for universal adult suffrage. The Fourth Republic was to be dominated by the UDP on the right alongside the Union des Démocrates et Indépendants whilst the left and centre were divided between the Parti progressiste constitutionnel, Fédération Civique Radicale and Parti travailliste socialiste. The second half of the 20th century was marked with relative political stability when compared to Nadauro, whilst the civilian government did have to survive successive attempted coups by rival groups in the military, it remained a democracy whilst being intensely critical of Caravelas, particularly his economic policies and out of fears Nadauro could once again challenge Infrequator, and pursued a raft of sanctions as the international cheerleader against Nadauro. Infrequator intervened militarily during the Nadauran crisis by militarising the border ostensibly to prevent the spread of violence across the border but triggered fears of a military operation which was quelled when Infrequator backed UCOMCA's establishment and supported the Nadauran government officially. The rise of neoliberalism and the EFTA in Elia fuelled the rise of left-wing populists in Infrequator which broke the Fourth Republic's party system in 2020 when Nadia Vital was elected as President leading a left-wing electoral coalition in an upset landslide.
Military (1 paragraph): The Armed Forces of Infrequator (Forces armées de la République fédérale d'Infraéquateur/FAI). Infrequator spends approximately 1.6% of its national GDP on defence annually. The FAI has 4 branches: the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Gendarmerie of which the Army is the largest branch. The FAI has a number of suppliers, most notably the Free States although Infrequator does maintain a domestic defence industry with notable companies such as Maissade (Embraer) which is the largest defence and civil aeronautics company from Elia Australis and one of the most important companies in Infrequator being partially state owned.
Foreign relations (1 paragraph): Infrequator is a founding member of the UC, CEAS and OES and has pursued cooperation with other Elian states namely the idea of a common Elian Free Trade area. Infrequator alongside Nadauro are typically considered the two regional powers in Elia Australis, whilst for much of the latter 20th century Infrequator has been the more dominant of the two its position has slipped largely due to a faster growing Naduran economy and a larger population and workforce. Whilst tensions between the two are low and relations are cordial, Infrequator has viewed Nadauro with suspicion since prior to the Great War and especially during the war and under the dictatorship of Caravelas. Additionally Infrequator is also a member state of !Hylasian Union and has presented itself on occasion as a culturally and diplomatically Hylasian nation. Its policy of acting as a bridge between Hylasia and Elia has granted it a unique status internationally. Infrequator was historically a key supporter of West Ruthen in the Ruthish conflict, viewing the East as an illegitimate separatist state and witheld recognition but advocated for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The outbreak of the Six-Day War changed opinions as it became involved with UCMAR and Infrequator recognised East Ruthish statehood shortly after the war's end and continues to advocate for a peaceful resolution.
Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Infrequator as an extremally Presterist nation has held historically conservative views on various social issues. For example, the country officially does not recognise same-sex marriages and public opinion is split 45-55 against legalising same-sex marriage according to the most recent polling data. A slim majority however favour granting same-sex couples civil unions although the issue of adoption by same-sex couples is also controversial. Additionally Infrequator has some of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world and only allows it in order to save the life of the mother but prohibits the practice in all other circumstances. The role of the Presterist Church has also become increasingly controversial since the 1980s, firstly as successive conservative governments viewed certain Presterist Bishops as being too left-leaning and more recently due to historical abuse scandals unearthed within the church which has combined with record low church attendance records to form an internal crisis for the Presterist Church in Infrequator. Finally, the rights of the indigenous and maroons of Infrequator continues to be controversial. Despite making up a significant amount of the population, Infrequator's natives have been routinely oppressed through programmes such as mandated Presterist education, removing indigenous names and more recently displacements. Additionally, Infrequator's Maroons have also been placed in a controversial status as they were only made eligible for citizenship in 2002. The government has in the past attempted to integrate them into society but this has failed routinely.

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Last edited by Poshyte on Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Cassany » Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:26 am

Short Name: Cassany
Official Name: Cassan Republic
Requested population: 51,766,875
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP): 35,964 (Nominal) 50,432 (PPP)
Major/official language(s): Sacarian (Sicilian), Oranian (Venetian), Helurian (Lombard), Sofetian (Friulian), Astartian (Italian), Mamlacatian (Maltese), Abanoan (Ligurian)
Major ethnic groups: Sacarian, Oranian, Helurian, Sofetian, Astartian, Mamlacatian, Abanoan, and other Cassan groups
Major religions: Gregorianism, !Calvinism
Government type: Parliamentary Unitary Republic

History (2-3 paragraphs): In Antiquity, the Matatian peninsula saw the establishment of !Greek and !Phoenecian colonies which would go on to dominate the area politically and economically until the conquest of Cassany by the !Romans. Its subsequent fall saw Waldic peoples establish feudal systems in Cassany, however the fleeing !Roman population also established republics in opposition to their Waldic invaders. This set the stage for the political situation of Cassany throughout the medieval age. Although protected from invasion by the sea and mountains, the peninsula of Matatium was divided into many fiefs and petty republics that vied for power over it. From these conflicts, the southern Kingdom of Sacaria emerged alongside the northern Duchy of Orania and Republic of Heluria as the dominant political power. Sacarian domination was halted by the Catabole which greatly shook the power balance of the region. Internal instability in Orania led its ruling family to be ousted by a Hyacinthean house, the Hattonbourgs, who had previously fled their homeland after having lost imperial favour.

During the late 1400s, Cassany became an early centre for the advancement in arts and sciences. In 1457, the Hattonbourg Duke of Orania married his younger son to a princess of Sacaria securing an alliance. However, the war of of 1459 led to the death of the Sacarian heir leading to the beginning of the Hattonbourg supremacy. Using this new-found prosperity, the Hattonbourg King of Sacaria defeated the Republic of Heluria, and declared himself and all his successors as Podestate of the Republic. With all three of the major Cassan powers under the Hattonbourgs, the smaller republics and fiefs soon fell under their heels. The centralisation of power into the hands of the Hattonbourgs was abruptly interrupted by the !Reformation. Alongside the three largest states, the Hattonbourgs had established political control in many smaller republics and fiefs but even at the zenith of their power, their holdings had varying degrees of constraints on the ruler's authority. The Hattonbourgs stern stance against the !Reformation united the liberal reformers with !Calvinists which ignited the Absolutist Wars that would ultimately culminate in the flight of the Hattonbourgs from Cassany. The liberal faction having one the conflict went on to continue the process of unification to the surprise of many. Unlike the revolutions that would follow elsewhere in Calesia, the Cassan Wars of Absolutism were not inherently against monarchy but the Hattonbourg, and the feudal polities continued to exist with their Hattonbourg rulers in absentia. In addition, the position of Podestate greatly resembled the old Hattonbourg monarchy. The project of Cassan unification would take the bulk of the 1700s but by the end Cassany was declared a unitary republic with the Podestate as its head of state though many regions still retained significant autonomy.

The Cassan colonial empire which it created throughout its process of centralisation compromised lands to its immediate south alongside disparate colonies acquired by its constituent states. Ever since the Absolutist Wars, Cassany was relatively isolated diplomatically on the world stage. This coupled with fears of a Hattonbourg restoration pulled the country towards supporting the revolutionary movements in other countries which further isolated it from other monarchies. The reforms of the 1800s in several countries brought an end to Cassan isolation as it approached other liberal countries. This rapprochement was briefly endangered by the fall of the Hyacinthean colonial empire as Cassany was sternly against the dissolution of colonial power structures for fear of losing its own colonies. Eventually Cassany would join the Transmedan powers and emerge as victorious from the Great War. Cassan actions directly after the war did jeopardise the new world order as it fought wars to retain its empire. Pressure from other nations however forced Cassany to let go of its colonies with it keeping only territories near its mainland and those small enough to not desire independence that were fully integrated into the republic.

Military (1 paragraph): The Cassan armed forces are divided into the army, airforce and navy. Casany is primarily a naval power whose military capabilities are aimed towards the defence of its territories.
Foreign relations (1 paragraph): Cassany is a democratic nation whose foreign policy is primarily directed towards trade and promoting democratic values. Its strategic position at the entrance to southern Caleisa also influences its foreign policy agenda.

Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): Although a pluralistic society, the high degree of autonomy of Cassan states has led to significant economic inequality. Despite having seven official languages several other Cassan languages lack official recognition in their respective states such as !Neapolitan, !Piedmontese and !Sardinian. Social attitudes also vary significantly meaning that the legal status of same-sex unions depends on the state. Immigration is also a contested issue and its promotion is also dependent on each state.

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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Pyinthar » Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:29 pm

Short Name: Pyinthar
Official Name: People’s Republic of Pyinthar
Requested population: 96,409,460
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP):
Nominal: $1,712 (Nominal GDP of $165.053B)
PPP: $5,349 (PPP of $515.694B)
Major/official language(s):
Pyinthese (!Burmese), Thanhliênese (!Vietnamese)
Major ethnic groups: Pyinthari (62.8%), Thanhliên (21.4%), Lanhsavanian (7.1%), Mylasian (5.6%), Yinese (2.6%), Other (0.5%)
Major religions: No religion/folk 82.1%, Gregorianism 6.8%, Himayan 4.7%, Sendou 2.4%, other 4%
Government type:
Nominally: Unitary single-party socialist republic
de facto: Military dictatorship

History (2-3 paragraphs): (preliminary) The Pre-history would be much akin to that of Yingok, with Homo Erectus inhabiting the region for some time before the eventual arrival of Homo Sapiens around 45,000-50,000 years ago. With this, the early inhabitants remained primarily nomadic and Hunter-gatherer, and were around until records of domestication and polished stone tools arose between 10,000 and 6,000 BCE. The Bronze Age arrived much later, around 1,500BCE, followed by the Iron Age around 500 BCE. During the next few hundred years, there was heavy trade between rice-growing settlements and larger iron-working settlements sporadically throughout the region, including heavy trade with Yingok.
Early sporadic settlements consolidated into a diverse and intermeshed grouping of ethnic groups and languages, with the Thanhliênese (!Vietnamese) to the northeast, the Lanhsavanians (!Laotians) along the central part of the border with Yingok, and the Pyinthari (!Myanma) along most of the south and the coastline of the central region. Many early city-states that popped up around the 2nd century BCE organized along these lines. The Pyinthari, who had migrated southwards from Yingok around 1,000-500BCE, led the largest number of city-states. During this time, the Thanhliênese grew to some prominence, briefly overtaking parts of Yingok and most of modern-day Pyinthar, though this period of Thanhliên prominence was short-lived, lasting only until the 3rd century CE. The largest of the Pyinthari city states, which was known as Hcajhan, which is also the present-day capital city. These city-states persisted until around the 9th century CE when various attacks from !Nanzhou (groups from the Dongmei Steppe) between 750 and 830 CE forced them into confederations, with 3 forming along the aforementioned ethno-linguistic lines. After this time, starting around 1050CE, the city-state of Hcajhan began subsuming its neighbors, gradually becoming the largest such city-state in the area, and establishing the Hcajhan Kingdom, which unified the whole of modern-day Pyinthar for nearly 240 years until the Artuchids (!Mongols) invaded in the late 13th century. During the Artuchid occupation, the country was left relatively at peace, with !Pax Mongolica allowing for foreign trade, political ideas, and architecture to flow in.
However, the decline of the Artuchids left many of the city-states at the mercy of their more organized northern Yinese neighbors. This caused the creation of the 3 kingdoms period (didn’t realize Yingok also has such a period, oops), where the kingdoms of Kathaiwabha, Daghein, and Thiênh all popped up (from west to east respectively). These kingdoms fought back and forth for nearly 200 years, from approximately 1365 to 1555, before the Kathaiwabha Kingdom successfully seized the other two, founding the greater Taungumein Kingdom, which had a fairly peaceful existence until around 1750, having reunified the lands of the Hcajhan Kingdom. However, a failed invasion of the Taungumein Kingdom by Yingok (then under the Saan Dynasty) resulted in growing instability and fears of further invasions, leading the kingdom into a politically tumultuous time, including another (heavily taxing) rebellion by the Thanhliên tribes to the east. After that came the Gyadhao Empire, which arose in the ashes of the previous kingdom, which had dissolved a few decades after the war with Yingok, around the 1780s. By 1788, the Gyadhao kingdom had again reunited the territories of modern day Pyinthar, but was substantially weaker than its previous iteration. During this period, a number of Mylasian slaves and immigrants came in and settled along the south coast, creating tensions that have lasted to this day, known as the Hailasha conflict. This kingdom lasted until 1886, when rising ethnic and political tensions, as well as growing class antagonism with the introduction of the Industrial Revolution to the region all contributed to a civil war.
The Pyinthari Civil War lasted 13 years, with various stages and warlords, etc., until 1899, when the Republican forces won out, establishing the Republic of Pyinthar (meaning “land of harmony”). This republic lasted for some time, with its first leader, Htet Min, being elected for 4 consecutive 5-year terms, before being assassinated in what was ultimately a failed monarchist coup attempt in 1917. From this point on, the republic continued in a perilous state, one of uncertainty and political turmoil. A second coup attempt in 1924 saw the communists, and communist elements within the younger military officers, rebel/mutiny, engaging in a low-level guerrilla conflict. Meanwhile, the Thanhliênese also rose up, dissatisfied with the instability of the central government and desiring their own state to the northeast. Together, the communist and Thanhliên rebellions caused yet another coup attempt in 1927, where the military dissolved parliament and took over, leading to a civil war where the communists ultimately won out in 1941, after 14 years (or 17 years, depending on the alleged start date) of fighting. This communist government was composed primarily of the Communist Party of Pyinthar (the CPP), and the Armed Forces of Pyinthar (the AFP or “Caidhapaw” or, in Pyinthari, စိတ်ဓာတ်ပေါ်). The regime was characterized by its autarkist and isolationist attitudes, called the “Pyinthari Way to Socialism,” which saw a large, nascent military industry buildup, crackdowns on civil unrest, and near-complete international isolation. This “dark age” ended in 1968, with a coup backed by internal and external (primarily Yinese) communist forces. This “Ninengantakar warde” coup (internationalist coup), which brought about an end to the continual factionalism, isolationism, and purges and instead consolidated the “internationalist” communist faction, leading to the politics of the modern day.

Military (1 paragraph): The military is the primary political organ in Pyinthar, and is relatively disproportional in its size, being quite large. However, the majority of its equipment is old or of a low quality, often being leftover equipment from the civil war era in Yingok. Indigenous weapons production is widespread, but again, of a low quality. The military remains oppressive and nominally committed to socialist ideals; however, it has often allowed foreign businesses into the country, and has worked to procure arms from abroad.

Foreign relations (1 paragraph): Having previously been isolationist in nature, Pyinthar has only been out and about on the world stage for around 6 decades. During this time, they have grown very close to multiple socialist governments throughout Teleon, and allow for foreign businesses to set up factories (sweatshops) within the country for cheap labor. The government is often criticized however for its use of violence in repressing insurgencies and protests, and is on its way to becoming a pariah state, even amongst its own socialist states.

Social issues (1-2 paragraphs): While men and women are, by law, equal, this is purely nominal, insofar as there is routine discrimination against and an under-representation of/against women. Various ethnic groups like the Thanhliênese, Hailashans, and Lanhsavanians are all also routinely discriminated against, many having low-level insurgencies ongoing against the military government, which it uses to justify brutal and often extreme “anti-terror” tactics. This instability is not only political and social, but economic, with the economy being extremely underdeveloped and poor, with the poverty rate being around 30-50% depending on the region. Lastly, pollution is a damaging issue, as mining activities and natural gas extraction harm the local environment and have forcing tens of thousands out of their homes, especially in the regions home to ethnic minorities.

Requested map claim: Region in navy blue.

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Last edited by Pyinthar on Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Founded: Aug 19, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Borvastaat application

Postby Borvastaat » Tue Aug 20, 2024 3:39 pm

Short Name: Borvastaat (Short: Borva)
Official Name: Republic of Borvastaat
Requested population: 51,562,360
Requested GDP per capita (nominal and PPP):
Nominal: $8,430 ($434.671B GDP)
PPP: $17,893 ($922.605B GDP)
Major/official language(s):
Ruthish (!German)
Fallish (!English)
SeLoleme (!Setswana)
SeBua (!Sesotho)
Ulwimi (!Xhosa)
!qáxa (!Khoi-san)
Major ethnic groups:
Batho (!Batswana, 26.7%), Bachaba (!Basotho, 21.2%), Ixolo (!Xhosa, 17.6%), Ruthish (15.8%), Fallish (6.7%), Mixed/Colored (5.8%), tǃʼàu (!San, 3.3%), Other (3.1%)
Major religions:
Gregorianism (74.3%), No religion (13.4%), Folk religion (9.1%), Himayan (2.2%), Other (1%)
Government type: Unitary parliamentary republic with an executive presidency

History (2-3 paragraphs): (preliminary)
The prehistory of Borvastaat includes the existence of multiple hominids, including Australopithecines starting around 2.5MYA. The earliest humans (Homo Sapiens) began inhabiting the region around 125,000 years ago, as it was an important center of human evolution. While the region was devoid of any sedentary civilization for some time, the indigenous proto-tǃʼàu peoples, primarily divided amongst hunter-gatherers and pastoralists, were among the earliest long-term inhabitants, and this region remains as one of the longest continually inhabited regions in the world. Around 1,000-2,000BCE, other nomadic groups from central parts of the Hylasia began migrating south, displacing, eliminating, and/or assimilating various other cultures. These migrations are referred to in Ulwimi as the “uMzantsi” or “southerly” migrations, where many of the more populous ethnic groups in the country today come from, like the Batho, Bachaba, and the Ixolo. Some uMzantsi languages, like Ulwimi and SeBua also borrowed some click consonants from the indigenous !qáxa languages (of the tǃʼàu peoples). These migrations continued, primarily into the coastal regions where they displaced the tǃʼàu people into the central lands, until around the 4th century BCE, and they were fueled by the advent of agriculture and the iron age, which allowed for people from the central Hylasian climates to better adapt to the different southern climates.
This ethnic makeup remained fairly stable for a while, with the Kingdom of Motlalepula, the first true regional polity, forming around 900 CE and ending around 1300 CE. It saw advances in stone masonry, gold and ivory trade, and organized agriculture. Additionally, it was one of the largest such kingdoms of this period in the sub-equatorial parts of Hylasia, encompassing all of modern-day Borvastaat, in addition to vast swathes along the Inkazana river into parts of modern-day X, X, and X. Its collapse, brought on by climate changes from the Catabolic crisis, led to a period of instability in the region, as well as divides amongst the once stable ethnic lines that had been established thousands of years earlier. This period, lasting the duration of the Catabolic crisis, saw the near-extermination of the tǃʼàu people, and famines that affected the more dominant Batho (central-south), Bachaba (north), and Ixolo (southwest) groups, often causing them to go after the food sources of the pastoralist or hunter-gatherer tǃʼàu people. Around this time (the early- to mid-1400s), some of the first contact was made with non-Hylasian peoples, including the arrival by land of Himayan missionaries and the arrival by sea of Yinese and Calesian traders. While few permanent settlements were made by these groups, the introduction of smallpox yet again struck at the population of the region. By the early 1500s, the native population had been nearly halved from what it was in the mid-1300s. This, along with small skirmishes and conflicts near areas being settled by Calesian traders, saw much of the prominent coastal regions become devoid of permanent human habitation, with many native groups being relegated to inland agriculture and nomadism. With the advent of these new sea lanes connecting western Abaria to Calesia, as well as areas ripe for whaling off the southern coast, the region quickly became a large trading hub, with some settlers from Falland and the Ruthish Confederation finally establishing permanent settlements, often based on agriculture and maritime trading in the early 1600s.
Many of the smaller coastal settlements established during this period went on to become some of larger modern cities, and while no country laid any official claim during this period, some tensions did exist amongst the Fallish and Ruthish settlers, sometimes escalating into skirmishes. This finally escalated into a full conflict around the early 1700s when Fallish settlers attempted to settle further inland, signing a series of exploitative treaties with the native Batho and Ixolo peoples in an attempt to surround Ruthish settlements along the central and southern coastlines. During this time, the “Settler War” took place, from 1752-1757, with many Fallish settlers having to resettle along the south and central inland regions, all the while the Ruthish settlers seized the Phelakwana peninsula and much of the northern and central coast, essentially winning the war. This situation remained relatively distant from the mainlands of Falland and the Ruthish Confederation/Kingdom, and the established borders remained stagnant until the scramble for parts of Hylasia in the mid- to late-1800s, in which the Ruthens were awarded all of the modern Borvastaat, while Falland retained some rights of passage. The “Kolonie von Süd-Hylasia” then existed from 1864 onwards, with periods of increasing immigration, and conflict with the natives, including the “Batho War” of 1866-1870, and the further displacement of Fallish settlers (Fallishimi) to the southwest and western regions in the 1870s and 1880s (known as the Fallishimitrek). Many Ruthish settlers hoped to create a Ruthish-speaking state, and these forced displacements and wars became especially crucial after the discovery of diamonds in 1871 (with a gold rush having occurred some decades earlier, spiking immigration then as well). This diamond rush saw the beginning of the modern state of Borvastaat. Many independent Ruthish prospectors and native forced laborers were resigned to intermingle in this era, during which multiple pidgins popped up, which also gave way to the modern name of Borvastaat, meaning “Borwa” (South or southern in Seloleme) and “Staat” (state in Ruthish).
The repression of workers of all creeds during the diamond rush and ensuing industrialization and immigration saw a rise in conflicts, strikes, and military deployments. As industrialization continued, so too did the repression, culminating in a sizable communist influence by the turn of the century. Many indigenous groups would even band with the Fallishimi and some Ruthish workers on occasion to combat Ruthish military personnel, leading to the “1st Baagisan-konflikt” (1st Settler Conflict), in which an all-out war was mounted against the Ruthish colonial army. The main part of the war lasted only a brief 3 years, from 1919-1922, but a low-level conflict persisted through to the start of the Great War. During the Great War, the Kolonie von Süd-Hylasia fell in its entirety to the Transmedan powers in August of 1937, resulting in its occupation until 1944 by the Transmedan powers. After the war, an independent republic was established, one intended to represent all of its inhabitants; however, it did not last long and quickly fell back into a civil conflict with the “National Coup” of October 29th, 1945, when a group of armed settlers and associated military units rose up, overthrowing the government and establishing an apartheid state. The immediate aftermath of the coup was the disarmament of unions, indigenous peoples, and the Fallishimi, which then led to the “2nd Baagisan-konflikt.” This conflict consisted primarily of labor strikes, protests, international touring, and on occasion the use of terrorism and insurgencies among more radical groups. Moreover, the apartheid system lasted for 36 years, ending only in 1981 with the Gautshafen and Tshimberg Agreements. The former established a 3-year transition period to get rid of the apartheid, while the latter established a ceasefire and freed many political prisoners. The collapse of the apartheid system was due to the internal conflicts, as well as international isolation through the 70s and early 80s, forcing the government to go back on its ways. A briefly successful attempt at nuclear weapons also added to this pressure, contrary to the belief of the apartheid regime. From 1984 onwards, the country officially changed its name from Süd-Hylasia to Borvastaat and established itself as a “Rainbow Republic,” with nearly 1 in 4 people being descended directly from settlers. This situation has proven to be a success story, although there was a minor exodus around the end of apartheid.

Military (1 paragraph):
Borvastaat’s military, the Borvastaat Defense Forces (BDF), is a moderately-sized regional power, being descended from the apartheid-era military industrial complex, it is also one of the largest producers and exporters of military products on the Hylasian continent. Its size and the government’s neutrality also mean it actively partakes in numerous peacekeeping exercises worldwide, in addition to being actively and historically involved in conflicts in Hylasia (especially anti-communist ones, historically). Since the end of the apartheid, the military has also been made accountable to the government to prevent further coup attempts and ensure racial harmony within the nation, often taking part in and hosting exercises with other nations at times.

Foreign relations (1 paragraph):
During the late-apartheid era, the country was relatively isolated, with only a few close connections to rather anti-communist regimes. However, since the end of apartheid, the country has been ruled almost continuously by left and center-left coalitions, and its relative neutrality in global politics has opened diplomatic doors between itself and most of the world. It is actively a part of the United Congress and the Non-Aligned Movement.

Social issues (1-2 paragraphs):
The social issues in Borvastaat are wide reaching, from high economic inequality and subsequent poverty to disease and poor access to healthcare in some regions. The legacy of apartheid has also made some regions remain rather underdeveloped, and having only a single loose coalition rule since the end of Apartheid has seen some levels of corruption arise. As well, gender-based crime and crime in general are a major concern, especially organized crime. Lastly, again as a result of apartheid, some limited systemic discrimination exists, mostly in the coastal cities, which also results in some racial tensions.

Requested map claim: Region in dark green.

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