Believing peace to be the most important goal of worldwide civilisation, not only due to the wholly unnecessary death and destruction caused by war but also as it is the only effective means for society to collaborate in its improvement of the world;
Cognisant of the great influence the World Assembly may have in striving towards this goal, ensuring not only a gesture of goodwill that member nations are to refrain from aggression towards non-members, but also in ensuring that non-members themselves refrain from active aggression; and
Recognising the possibility of non-compliance with this resolution, yet believing that the existence of a framework to codify member nations' obligations towards world peace, along with the deterrence of even some unnecessary bloodbath, outweighs whatever minor administrative costs are needed to enforce such legislation;
The World Assembly enacts as follows, subject to relevant past World Assembly resolutions still in force.
- Definitions: For the purposes of this resolution, an act of war against a nation shall mean any act involving the wilful use of armed force to prevent that nation from exercising full sovereignty over its jurisdiction. Continued military occupation or blockade, where conducted against the will of the targeted member nation, as well as declaration of war, shall each be considered acts of war. A crime against humanity is a widespread, ongoing act intended to attack or otherwise destroy a civilian population.
- Aggression: Neither the World Assembly nor any member nation shall perform, threaten, instigate, or assist any act of war against any non-member nation, subject only to Section 3. Any violation of this mandate constitutes a crime of aggression, which shall itself be classed as a heinous crime and a crime against peace. An individual shall be liable for the crime of aggression if that individual utilised a position of leadership to personally determine a member nation's perpetration of a violation of the said mandate.
- Exceptions: Regardless of this resolution's other mandates, Section 2 shall not prohibit the provision of assistance to, instigation of, threatening of, or performance of, the following acts, although this shall not prevent the World Assembly from separately addressing, restricting, or prohibiting the said acts:
- Armed action which (i) is taken by a member nation to defend against an act of war against that or any other nation, where the said act violates World Assembly law; (ii) targets only those nations which performed, instigated or assisted the said act of war; (iii) uses no more force than would be proportionate to the severity of the said act of war; and (iv) does not interrupt any period of the de facto absence of substantial armed conflict between the nations in question, including the one subject to the said act of war; and
- Humanitarian intervention, which the polity performing such intervention can conclusively show is (i) essential for the halting of a crime against humanity; and (ii) performed in the most limited manner necessary to halt the said crime against humanity, and prevent the resumption of crimes against humanity.
- Enforcement: Each member nation must enforce the strongest possible sanctions on all non-humanitarian trade with any member nation that fails to comply with Section 2, or non-member nation that fails to comply with Section 2 as if it were a member nation. Member nations with a substantial ability to prevent or halt an act of war which violates this resolution have an obligation to take all steps in their ability, whether omissions or positive actions, to do so. The last sentence does not require any member nation to itself perform or assist an act of war.