Terembev Beverage Conglomerate

A meeting place where national storefronts can tout their wares and discuss trade. [In character]
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Neu Engollon
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Terembev Beverage Conglomerate

Postby Neu Engollon » Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:52 pm

About Us

Teremaran Beverage Corporation, LLC (Terembev) is the result of dedicated hard work from all the partnered breweries, distilleries, wineries, and beverage companies that make up this great beverage focused organization.
We aim to please and we have one of the widest selections in the world for retailers, hospitality and travel industries, restaurant and entertainment venues and many other organizations and establishments that need regular beverage distribution.

The company was the brainchild of David Toft, of the famous family that has run Burgunden Breueries for generations. A development team made up of staff from both BDI (Burgunden Diversified Industries) and BB took it to fruition in 2013. Now David Toft is the CEO of Terembev. His sister Erica is the CEO of Burgunden Breueries, and holds a place on the Terembev board representing BB, and also holds a position as VP of Brand Relations.

Terembev was born of an idea that organizations of all types and sizes could combine forces to make a large imprint on the beverage market in the multiverse, and that a well established infrastructure could ease distribution for some tougher to find brands that don’t often make it to other corners of the globe. The distributor is successful in expanding their range, and the smaller regional brand is successful in getting their brand further out into the world. Everyone wins!

A lot of this infrastructure has been put into place by hard work and expansion of our flagship brands, Burgunden Breueries, Golden Cross, and Gertner’s Cidery which all started in Neu Engollon, but now have substantial presence, and in many cases - facilities, in markets around the world.

Please check out our catalog, and feel free to fill out our request forms for the appropriate business you wish to conduct. If you would like to partner with us, there is an application form for that, as well.

Main Facilities & Divisional Headquarters

Terembev Main HQ: Wittendern Tower, Burgunden, Zurich, Neu Engollon
Burgunden Breueries HQ: 48 Tiermacht Strasse, Burgunden, Zurich, Neu Engollon
Terembev Center for Brewing & Viticulture Science: Rumilly, Compte-Alpe, Neu Engollon
Golden Cross Breuerie: Albertville, Rhone, Neu Engollon
Gertner's Cidery: Monleux, Rhone, Neu Engollon
Boudreaux Winery: Lavieu, Sallant Province, Terres des Gaules
Tibrak Brewing: Tibrak, Gragastavia
Aleworks Breweries: Greenfields Borough, Port Ember Megalopolis, Port Ember
Boars Head Brewing: Anhui, The City State Rhydin
Redcrest Liquors, LLC: Thielesthreatt, Saescia
Inain River Diner and Beverage Company (A Terembev Partner): Aubaen, Asucki
Keefe's Breweries Cooperative (A Terembev Partner): Breton, Haligonia, Kelssek

Corporate Board of Terembev

CEO: Mr. David Toft (Toft Family Foundation)
VP of Brand Relations & CEO of Burgunden Breueries: Ms. Erica Toft
COO: Jalisa Hueng-Guarnier
Director of Sales: Ms. Brigitta Murheim
Director of Brewing & Viticulture Research: Dr. Alberto Tommasini
VP of Golden Cross: Mr. Georges Helland
VP of Gertner's Cidery: Mr. François Dubéll
VP of Boudreaux Winery: Mr. Laurence Boudreaux
VP of Tibrak Brewing: Ms. Rawiya Latifah bint Huyafir
VP of Aleworks Breweries & Aleworks Master Brewer: Dr. Steven Kemio
VP of Boars Head Brewing: Mr. Ghekard Vlos
VP of Redcrest Liquors: Mr. John R. Reynolds, Jr.

OOC Information

I am looking to acquire or partner with beverage focused companies. Such companies would include breweries (beer), distilleries (liquor), wineries, soft beverage companies, pre-packaged tea and coffee distributors, energy drink, enhanced water bottlers, and anything else that might fall under beverage categories.
In order to be accepted into a partnership where you retain ownership control, I have requirements.

Your beverage organization must have a unique name that is not an exact copy of a RL company or brand. It should have a well defined canonical history, preferably incorporating local personas and culture. You must have a unique product catalog (again, no RL product copies), although it doesn't have to exist OOC prior to a deal between Terembev and your organization. You do NOT need to have an established storefront, but should you have one, we would need to discuss sales from that storefront in conjunction with the Terembev storefront. In lieu of a storefront link, we can use a factbook, dispatch, or RP post, but again, not an RL website. If you have none of these types of canonical links, we can still negotiate, although that will effect the decision for a partnership or acquisition.

I am willing to work with you to help develop your brand, but if I help you develop content and logos, etc. then Terembev must be the parent owner company. No partnership is available with that option. Conversely, if you develop all your own images, content and backstory, then a partnership is a viable option. These terms are negotiable, but it will depend on many factors.

In the end you may ask, why do it? Because I will put in the work that you may not be able, or want to do. And...
Canon for your characters and country. Canon that is continually relevant as you product place the beers in your own RPs, and see others utilize products from your country, and maybe still your company, in other RPs.

OOC posting: You may think you are entitled to post OOC chatter here, but you are most definitely not - unless it is spoilered and accompanying an IC post. Any such offending posts will be mod requested to be deleted. Not going to bother even asking you to remove it first. Along with that, I will not do business with you if you break with the rules for no OOC posting after being asked not to do so. If you need to ask questions with me or make comments, then please TG me, or we can work out chatting on Discord. This is basic IC thread etiquette. Please follow it.

All Rights, Materials, Trademarks and Brands protected under Confederacy and International copyright laws.
Terembev is an associated company of
Burgunden Diversified Industries
civ.bev,, civ.vice


Terembev images courtesy of the player behind Sarlsvert and Woodstead.
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:01 am, edited 10 times in total.
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Main Brands

Postby Neu Engollon » Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:53 pm

Main Brands










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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Partnered Brands

Postby Neu Engollon » Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:54 pm

Partnered Brands


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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:55 pm

In Memory of our friend
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Brewing & Viticulture Science Center

Postby Neu Engollon » Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:00 pm


At Rumilly


TeremBev has large multi-acreage estate near Seillans, Terre Des Gaules, and also Rumilly, Compte-Alpe, Neu Engollon, that hold both vineyards and crop fields tailored to growing brewing and wine making ingredients. In addition, there is a major research and development laboratory located in Rumilly, with a smaller one in Seillans. The TCBVSC maintains multitudes of crops that include dozens of varieties of hops such as the popular Simcoe, Crystal, Cascade, Centennial, Sterling, Azaca, and Citra, as well as Humartava, the hops that is indigenous and only grown in Neu Engollon.
In addition to the glorious flower called hops, as every great brewer knows, there are several other ingredients that are used in various renditions of beer. We have fields set aside for barley, wheat, rye, and other malting grains, as well as several spice plants like coriander and other organic ingredients that are flavor additives to many strains of beer. While these ingredients are used for food preparation, our crops are grown specifically towards the flavor palate that they may add to our beers, which makes them superlative to other common crop yields that are only used for brewing in a secondary capacity.

Additionally, we have installed a union barrel brewery system in one wing of the TCBVSC facilities in order to perfect our own line of oak barrel filtered and aged breus.

Vineyards hold several varieties of grapes from strains that have been used by premier wineries over centuries. Fermentation, aeration, aging, and acidity levels are all worked on with precision in our viticulture labs to continue to improve upon the ancient drink of wine.

Keeping in line with our mission statement to improve not only our own operations, but to improve the state of the brewing and viticulture industry as a whole, we have decided to work more collaboratively with breweries, wineries and meaderies that have a like mind set to our own, and appreciate the craft and artistry of beer and wine making as much as we do. For a moderate yearly dues, we are offering to allow technicians, vinters, and brewers from other groups around the world to study and experiment in our TCBVSC laboratories in Rumilly, so that we can all benefit from new advances to the most beloved beverages. As well as allowing teams from around the world to work at our advanced technical labs, we are hoping to be able to develop some brewery cooperative partnership releases of special limited edition brews and wines. The yearly dues will go towards the maintenance of the facilities, growing of crops, and retaining of staff to keep operations at top performance in both the fields, and in the labs. Dues will also cover the usage of facilities, classes, fields and all strains contained within, as well as some of the brewing equipment like the union barrel brewing system. The yearly dues will range from NSD $6400 to $50,000, depending on the group, amount of projects, and personnel to be trained.

To join our cooperative program, we ask that you sign up with the form below. Then, upon acceptance, that you wire your dues to our account with EngolBanc.
You can continue to send personnel, and rotate them out as much as you like, as long as we can still accommodate them at Rumilly.

Code: Select all
[b]Name of Brewery, Winery, or Group:[/b]
[b]HQ Location[/b] (City, Province/state, Nation):
[b]Website (storefront) Link (can be other type of post)[/b]:
[b]Projects aiming to accomplish:[/b]
[b]Interested in releasing partnership brews?:[/b]
[b]Description of winery, brewery, or other facility[/b] (history, accomplishments and goals):
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Sat Jul 23, 2022 11:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:08 pm



Attention!: Skipping over parts of an application or request form, or not properly answering sections, may invalidate the form. Please pay attention to what you are filling out and TG the OP with any questions if you do not understand. Put ‘N/A’ if it does not apply to your organization, but never leave it blank. Contact person is very important. Anonymous person is not acceptable for us to do business.

Partnership or Acquisitions Request

Code: Select all
[b]Name of Beverage Company (Brewery, Distillery, winery, water bottler, etc.):[/b]
[b]Location[/b] (City and Nation):
[b]Name and title of main contact person[/b]:
[b]Website (storefront) Link[/b]: (does not have to be a storefront but a post with some mention of brand, like a factbook - delete this when submitting filled in app):
[b]If not listed, what are price points on product sizes:[/b]
[b]Logo, Banner, image links to use:[/b]
[b]Brands submitted for Partnership or does Terembev have permission to sell whole company line?:[/b]
[b]Is this a partnership, or are you selling your company or certain brands to Terembev?:[/b]
[b]Can Terembev contract other manufacturers to manufacture your brands outside your nation?:[/b]
[b]If not already in linked post or storefront, what is the history of your company:[/b]
[b]If I agree to help you develop your brand with logos and content, do you agree to accept Terembev as a parent brand?:[/b]
[b]If you CTE, do you agree that Terembev can keep marketing your products (IP)?[/b]
[b]If you CTE, do you give Terembev the right to have bought your brand or company? (in the In-character sense)[/b]

* Be aware that you can revoke these permissions at any time, but it must be submitted in writing in a post (MUCH preferably IC) in order for OP to be aware of the change in your desire to work with them, and for full transparency to third parties.
Also be aware that any vague or missing answers will hold up the partnership and require follow up from the OP, most likely through TG if we’re not communicating on Discord.

Retailer Application

Code: Select all
[b]Name of Company:[/b]
[b]Name of Retail location or chain:[/b]
[b]Name and title of main contact person[/b]:
[b]Locations[/b] (City, Province/State, Nation):
[b]Website (storefront) Link[/b]: (does not have to be a storefront but a post with some mention of brand, like a factbook - delete this when submitting filled in app):
[b]Logo, Banner, image links to use, if any:[/b]

Purchasing Request

Code: Select all
[b]Organization name:[/b]
[b]Name and title of main contact person[/b]:
[b]Shipping Location[/b] (Including address or dock #, city, province/state, nation):
[b]Brands, Varieties, Sizes, and Quantities Desired:[/b]
[b]Interested in regular shipments and billing?:[/b]
[b]Regular shipment varieties and amounts[/b] (If different from initial order):
[b]How often would you like us to ship?[/b] (We will continue to ship the same varieties and quantities in initial order, unless otherwise specified):
[b]Bank which holds your account we should charge:[/b]

* Any standing orders made previously through Burgunden Breueries or Golden Cross will be honored. If you wish to add more brands to a current standing order, you will need to fill out a new application. Thanks.

Brewery & Viticulture Science Center Member Application

Code: Select all
[b]Name of Brewery, Winery, or Group:[/b]
[b]HQ Location[/b] (City, Province/state, Nation):
[b]Name and title of main contact person[/b]:
[b]Website (storefront) Link (can be other type of post)[/b]:
[b]Projects aiming to accomplish:[/b]
[b]Interested in releasing partnership brews?:[/b]
[b]Description of winery, brewery, or other company[/b] (history, accomplishments and goals):
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Sun Jul 24, 2022 10:59 am, edited 4 times in total.
In Memory of our friend
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Reserved for Expansion

Postby Neu Engollon » Sun Jul 17, 2022 6:59 pm

In Memory of our friend
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Reserved for Expansion

Postby Neu Engollon » Sun Jul 17, 2022 7:00 pm

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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Wed Jul 20, 2022 7:30 pm


Open for distribution to retailers and suppliers everywhere!
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Sat Jul 23, 2022 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
In Memory of our friend
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Terre des Gaules
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Postby Terre des Gaules » Thu Jul 21, 2022 9:42 pm


To: David Toft, CEO, Terembev
From: Laurence Boudreaux, Boudreaux Winery, Lavieu, Sallant Province, Terre Des Gaules
Re: Acquisition

Mr. Toft,

After careful thought about our discussions, we decided to be receptive to your offer, but hope to be able to negotiate further for the best terms for our employees and retiring management. As you know, my father and uncle are not in the best of health and none of us in the next generation wants to put in the energy it would take to keep an independent winery such as ours continuing to operate. We will sell Boudreaux Winery to Terembev for the agreed upon price.

I hope to hear back from you soon.


Laurence Boudreaux
Senior Executor of Boudreaux Winery Estates

Name of Beverage Company: Boudreaux Winery
Location (City and Nation): Lavieu, Sallant Province, Terre Des Gaules
Website (storefront) Link: Not active site. (New entity)
If not listed, what are price points on product sizes: $50 - $62 per case
Logo, Banner, image links to use:
Brands submitted for Partnership or does Terembev have permission to sell whole company line?: Label is Boudreaux wines; Yes, whole line of varieties can be sold
Is this a partnership, or are you selling your company or certain brands to Terembev?: We are selling the whole company.
Can Terembev contract other manufacturers to manufacture your brands outside your nation?: We would rather not. The wine has its distinctive character because of where it is grown.
If not already in linked post or storefront, what is the history of your company:
Boudreaux Winery has been a staple of the Gaulic vino market for decades. The founders, Marc and Daniel Boudreaux, began their careers working the vineyards of Chateau Pivon, one of the most renown Gaulic wineries in history, before branching off to start their own dynamo of a wine house. Boudreaux is found in every corner of Madurin, the continent of Gaul.

If I agree to help you develop your brand with logos and content, do you agree to accept Terembev as a parent brand?: Most of that work is done, as I will share, but Terembev is fine to be the parent company of Boudreaux.
If you CTE, do you agree that Terembev can keep marketing your products (IP)? Yes
If you CTE, do you give Terembev the right to have bought your brand or company? (in the In-character sense) As stated before, yes.
Last edited by Terre des Gaules on Fri Jul 22, 2022 5:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
A Franco-cultured nation that speaks a dialect of French, and shares some persons and characteristics with our dimension's France, but retained the name of the barbarian tribes that ranged most of that area.

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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Sat Jul 23, 2022 9:04 am


To: Laurence Boudreaux, Senior Executor of Boudreaux Winery Estates
From: David Toft, CEO, Terembev
Encryption Medium

Mr. Boudreaux,

I understand the predicament you are in and your sentiments towards not wishing to continue operating the Boudreaux Winery and brands any farther. You have indeed come to the right company to be the caretaker of the Boudreaux legacy. We will be sure to give it the due reverence it deserves as one of the premier wine makers of Terre des Gaules. As you have stated, we have had several discussions and more negotiations will need to take place to ensure the legacy of Boudreaux Winery and also arrangements for the retiring family. I do believe that you will continue to find our agreement to your stipulations to your satisfaction. We will have your father and uncle in our thoughts.

Boudreaux wines will be sold through Terembev to both the home market and abroad and likely we can establish the brand as a wine producing powerhouse in the world beyond Teremara.
We shall be in touch. Thank you for all you have done to bring Boudreaux Winery to this point.


David Toft
CEO, Terembev
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Postby Gragastavia » Sat Jul 23, 2022 1:09 pm



Dear sir or madam:

Upon the conclusion and finalization of our negotiations, we humbly present the enclosed application to complete the process to incorporate Tibrak Brewery, with its robust line of beer and beer alternatives and rich flavor, into the broader Terembev family of products. We trust that the information below will prove useful and fulfill the requirements imposed by requisite law and internal procedures.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere pleasure at joining the Terembev venture and we share our kindest hope and expectation that this arrangement will prove to be profitable in the years to come.

Please find the appropriate GRY$500 processing fee enclosed.

Farid Faizal Abdul-Ghassem Al-Enezi
Product & Acquisitions Coordinator, Jr.

Name of Beverage Company: Tibrak Brewing

Location (City and Nation): Tibrak, Gragastavia

Website (storefront) Link: Please click here.

If not listed, what are price points on product sizes: See above link.

Logo, Banner, image links to use: The link to our logo can be found here.

Brands submitted for Partnership or does Terembev have permission to sell whole company line?: We authorize Terembev permission to sell the entire company line.

Is this a partnership, or are you selling your company or certain brands to Terembev?: Per negotiations, we are selling the entire brand to Terembev.

Can Terembev contract other manufacturers to manufacture your brands outside your nation?: No.

If not already in linked post or storefront, what is the history of your company: See above link.

If I agree to help you develop your brand with logos and content, do you agree to accept Terembev as a parent brand?: Yes.

If you CTE, do you agree that Terembev can keep marketing your products (IP)? Yes.

If you CTE, do you give Terembev the right to have bought your brand or company? (in the In-character sense) N/A - this is already a purchasing agreement.
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Port Ember
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Postby Port Ember » Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:17 am


Aleworks Breweries Pty Ltd


Address To:

Mr. David Toft
Terembev Beverage Corporation
The Confederacy of Neu Engollon

Address From:

Mr Steven Kemio
Aleworks Breweries Pty Ltd
Office of the CEO
Agriana District
Greenfields Borough
Port Ember Megalopolis
Ember Island
Republic of Port Ember

Subject: RE: Acquisition

Honorable Mister Toft

I am writing to you today in order to inform you that after much thought, deliberation and discussion between myself and my business partner, I have decided to accept your presented Purchase Offer of Aleworks Breweries Pty Ltd, in its entirety, which includes my own Majority shares (60%), and the remainder shares of my Investor Partner; Ms Jolene Gudfrey (40%).

I would like to stress the following conditions, which is to be included in the final Sale Agreement, as verbally agreed upon during our previous meetings:

- I am to remain in employment within the Company, serving as the VP of Aleworks Breweries, as well as the Master Brewer of Aleworks Breweries.

- All current employees are to remain employed by Aleworks Breweries, unless wishing to end employment, with an appropriate severage package.

- My son, Kyle Kemio is to be considered for the position as next Master Brewer of Aleworks Breweries upon my retirement in approximately 10 years - if I provide a formal recommendation for such.

I hereby agree to sell all shares to you for the agreed amount price.

To your Health & Wealth

Steven Kemio
CEO Aleworks Breweries

Name of Beverage Company (Brewery, Distillery, winery, water bottler, etc.):

Aleworks Breweries Pty Ltd

Location (City and Nation):

Greenfields Borough; Port Ember Megalopolis; Republic of Port Ember

Website (storefront) Link:

Aleworks Breweries

If not listed, what are price points on product sizes:

+- $20 NSD per 6 Pack (330ml)

Logo, Banner, image links to use:

Brands submitted for Partnership or does Terembev have permission to sell whole company line?:

The company is being sold in its entirety to Terembev.

Is this a partnership, or are you selling your company or certain brands to Terembev?:

The company is being sold in its entirety to Terembev.

Can Terembev contract other manufacturers to manufacture your brands outside your nation?:

Yes, however, all brand Lagers are brewed from specific hops found within the Republic, which is the crucial origin for its unique taste profile.

If not already in linked post or storefront, what is the history of your company:

History is detailed in the linked website.

If I agree to help you develop your brand with logos and content, do you agree to accept Terembev as a parent brand?:

As the company is being sold out right - of course.

If you CTE, do you agree that Terembev can keep marketing your products (IP)?


If you CTE, do you give Terembev the right to have bought your brand or company? (in the In-character sense)

Already, but yes.
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However only for members of the GFTC

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Atlantic Federalist Republic
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Postby Atlantic Federalist Republic » Sun Jul 24, 2022 10:19 am

From: Anthony Rosenberg, Director of GCCTP
To: David Toft, CEO of Terembev

Hello, we saw your company and it aroused our interest, and we are inviting you to open a laboratory, warehouse, office or anything else you want in our facilities.
GCCTP is a new technology park of the Atlantic Federalist Republic, located in Green Cliff City, a city surrounded by large forests, with a comfortable climate, and a large consumer market, and cheap labor. In addition to quality infrastructure in its surroundings, all very well planned to import raw materials and export quality products, safely and quickly.
As soon as you can, don't miss this chance, and visit us, or our website if you prefer:
Last edited by Atlantic Federalist Republic on Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Neu Engollon
Posts: 7298
Founded: Aug 13, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Neu Engollon » Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:46 pm


To: Farid Faizal Abdul-Ghassem Al-Enezi, Product & Acquisitions Coordinator; Al-Duhaba Capital Management representing Tibrak Brewing Co., Gragastavia
From: David Toft, CEO, Terembev
High Encryption

Mr. Faizal Abdul-Ghassem Al-Enezi,

We thank you for contacting us. As stated per our online and telephone negotiations, we are amenable to this acquisition deal for $150 Million NSD ($300 Million Gr Riyals). We agree to all the stipulations as we have discussed. We will retain the staff and middle management, with most of the upper management, but for some key positions being relegated to Terembev corporate personnel. Your personnel will enjoy a healthy raise in their salaries. Our corporate personnel newly assigned to Tibrak look forward to their immersion in Gragastavian culture upon their arrival.

Tibrak brewing products will be sold through Terembev to both the home Teremaran market and abroad. We are very optimistic that the brand has a future in the world beyond Teremara.

As for the $250 NSD processing fee mentioned, that is not any part of our process for acquisitions. We will be tracking down whoever told you that and they can enjoy that $250 as their severance package from Terembev. In the meantime, we will refund that money to you in the form of making Al-Duhaba Capital Management executives that much more comfortable and entertained in their stay in Burgunden as we hammer out the final details of the corporate merger in our Headquarters offices at the top of Wittendern Tower. In all honesty, $250 NSD doesn't go a long way in Burgunden, but it can help pay for a couple nice courses at one of the meals we shall provide at one of the local internationally acclaimed restaurants in Burgunden.

We shall be in touch. Thank you for all you have done to bring Tibrak Brewing to this point.


David Toft
CEO, Terembev
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Sun Jul 24, 2022 5:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
In Memory of our friend
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Founded: Aug 13, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Neu Engollon » Sun Jul 24, 2022 1:33 pm


To: Steven Kemio, CEO & Master Brewer; Aleworks Breweries Pty Ltd; Port Ember
From: David Toft, CEO, Terembev
High Encryption

Mr. Steven Kemio,

We thank you for contacting us. As stated per our online and telephone negotiations, we are amenable to this acquisition deal for the agreed upon sum. We agree to all the stipulations as we have discussed. We will certainly retain you as both the VP of Alework Breweries, and as the Master Brewer of Aleworks. We would be foolish to appoint another Master Brewer that is not as familiar with your recipes and brands, considering your willingness to stay on in that capacity.

As per our policies already in place, the staff of Aleworks will be retained, unless they choose to seek employment elsewhere; retire; or are in offense of corporate policy and the appropriate process has been taken to prove they are in deliberate non-compliance and have been given appropriate warnings. Severance will be granted as earned in the two former instances, but not in the latter instance. Additionally, Port Emberian personnel choosing to remain on board with our organization will enjoy a healthy raise in their salaries. Our corporate personnel newly assigned to Aleworks look forward to their immersion in Port Emberian culture upon their arrival at the Greenfields Borough, Port Ember Megalopolis.

We certainly should be able to find a place for Kyle Kemio in our organization somewhere appropriate. We await your recommendation.

Aleworks brewing products will be sold through Terembev to both the home Teremaran, and Northern Ocean markets, and beyond. We are very optimistic that the brand has a future in the world beyond Teremara and the Northern Ocean.

We look forward to welcoming you and your Aleworks representatives to Burgunden in order to seal the deal with the final paperwork and legal details.

We shall be in touch. Thank you for all you have done to bring Aleworks Breweries to this point.


David Toft
CEO, Terembev
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:49 am


To: Anthony Rosenberg, Director of Green Cliff City Technology Park, Atlantic Federalist Republic
From: David Toft, CEO and acting COO, Terembev
Medium Encryption

Mr. Rosenberg,

We thank you for contacting us. I am stepping in as temporary COO while we are on the search for a new executive to take that position. I have reviewed your website, your literature, and we are sending out a Terembev team to Green Cliff City to tour the facility.

I do think we can come to some sort of arrangement. Using your facilities in your Technological Park for further research into beverage science could be very beneficial to Terembev, and its location is closer to some of our personnel who live and conduct business outside of Teremara. A move there to Green Cliff City might be much more appealing to them then having to move all the way to Rumilly, here in Neu Engollon, in order to do their research. Rumilly Brewing & Viticulture Science Center is currently where most of Terembev's research is conducted.

The key is that we would need to bring in some of our own personnel to supervise the research. We understand your point about cheap labor, but whichever local personnel we hire, they would be better compensated than they currently are because Terembev follows current international standards of compensation for appropriately skilled workers, so seeking out a cheaper labor force is not our priority. The other amenities and conditions, however, are appealing.

We hope to conduct further negotiations with GCCTP to solidify such a partnership.
We shall be in touch.


David Toft
Acting COO
CEO, Terembev
Last edited by Neu Engollon on Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Atlantic Federalist Republic
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Postby Atlantic Federalist Republic » Tue Jul 26, 2022 9:05 am

To: David Toft, CEO and acting COO, Terembev
From: Anthony Rosenberg, Director of Green Cliff City Technology Park, Atlantic Federalist Republic

Mr. Toft,

Thank you for your response, we will communicate with the Atlantic government to organize and issue the necessary documents, and if possible, facilitate the immigration control measures when the Terembev team disembarks at the G.C.C Airport, probably, in the best of hypotheses, the documents will be fully issued on 07/28/2022.

We like to know that our facilities proved to be attractive to Terembev, know that lower wages do not impact the lives of citizens in Green Cliff City, living costs here are very low, and also the highest purchasing power in our country, But of course, if you want to continue to follow international standards, you can.

Currently our main food research center is totally vacant to any company, if you are wondering if you have to pay a flat fee to stay on site, my answer is no, we receive full government funding, so no worry about it. In addition, we provide a free plot of land for testing new products for the public, and for testing new fertilizers and other chemicals. We assure you that you are welcome, and that if it were up to us alone, we would accept a deal.

We wish Mr. Toft a good day.

And good business for Terembev.

And of course, we will always be open to new deals.

Yours sincerely,

-Anthony Rosenberg, director of the GCCTP.
Last edited by Atlantic Federalist Republic on Tue Jul 26, 2022 9:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Port Ember
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Postby Port Ember » Wed Jul 27, 2022 4:17 am


Gudfrey's Trading Company Pty Ltd


Address To:

Mr. David Toft
Terembev Beverage Corporation
The Confederacy of Neu Engollon

Address From:

Ms Jolene Gudfrey
Gudfrey's Trading Company Pty Ltd
Office of the CEO
Port District
Waterstad Borough
Port Ember Megalopolis
Ember Island
Republic of Port Ember

Subject: Partnership Offer


Honorable Mister Toft

I am writing to you today in order to propose a partnership offer between Gudfrey's Trading Company and Terembev Beverage Corporation, specifically in terms of appointing Gudfrey's Trading Company as a major contractor for the transportation and supply line management for Terembev.

Gudfrey's are thus proposing to handle an allocated portion of Terembev's import/export and distribution responsibilities, including administration, legal compliance and transportation.

For your consideration, Gudfrey's Trading Company has been conducting business consecutively since 1698 (324 years). Gudfrey's Trading Company's main focus and expertise has always been the servicing of the import/export industry. In short, we find a buyer for whatever product or service our client has for sale, or find the best product or service which our client is looking for, across the entire multiverse. It is due to the requirements of our core business that we had to expand our capacity and capabilities over the decades, which has led to the company establishing a massive logistical system, consisting of trade networks which includes air, sea and land transportation. A number of highly successful subsidiaries have been established over the generations, dedicated to the transport & logistics industry:

Gudfrey's Air Freights.

This subsidiary of Gudfrey's Trading Company owns a large air cargo fleet, focusing on the goods delivery by air industry, serving all corners of the multiverse, servicing both regular and once off clients.

Gudfrey's Shipping.

This subsidiary of Gudfrey's Trading Company owns a large ocean faring cargo fleet, focusing on the goods delivery by sea industry, serving all corners of the multiverse, servicing both regular and once off clients.

Gudfrey's Rail Freights.

This subsidiary of Gudfrey's Trading Company owns a large rail cargo fleet, focusing on the goods delivery by rail industry, having a presence in many nations within the multiverse, servicing both regular and once off clients.

Gudfrey's Road Freights.

This subsidiary of Gudfrey's Trading Company owns a large truck cargo fleet, focusing on the goods delivery by road industry, having a presence in many nations within the multiverse, servicing both regular and once off clients.

In addition to the above-mentioned subsidiaries, Gudfrey's Trading Company has hundreds of independent international subcontracted logistics/transportation companies on retainer, thus ensuring the smooth and effective delivery of any goods, anywhere in the multiverse, in safe and rapid fashion. The Company also maintains Trading Posts within a multitude of nations across the multiverse.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this manner.

To your Health & Wealth

Ms Jolene Gudfrey
CEO Aleworks Breweries

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The City State Rhydin
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Postby The City State Rhydin » Thu Jul 28, 2022 2:26 pm


To: Terembev Beverage Conglomerate
From: Ghekard Vlos, CEO and Boars Head Brewery Global Strategist

Friends, customers, connoisseurs alike, Boars Head Brewing will be returning, but not as we once were. A decision has been reached to become apart of the Terembev Beverage Conglomerate, so as to see the contents of our copper vats, those delicious spirts, flowing into kegs, bottles, and pints for consumption into a well established marketplace.

Name of Beverage Company (Brewery, Distillery, winery, water bottler, etc.): Boars Head Brewing
Location (City and Nation): Anhui, The City State Rhydin
Name and title of main contact person: Ghekard Vlos, CEO
Website (storefront) Link: (does not have to be a storefront but a post with some mention of brand, like a factbook - delete this when submitting filled in app): BHB
If not listed, what are price points on product sizes: Listed
Logo, Banner, image links to use:
Brands submitted for Partnership or does Terembev have permission to sell whole company line?: Terembev has permission to sell company product line
Is this a partnership, or are you selling your company or certain brands to Terembev?: Sale of company
Can Terembev contract other manufacturers to manufacture your brands outside your nation?: Yes
If not already in linked post or storefront, what is the history of your company: Link above.
If you CTE, do you agree that Terembev can keep marketing your products (IP)? Yes.
If you CTE, do you give Terembev the right to have bought your brand or company? Yes.
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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:09 am


To: Jolene Gudfrey, CEO, Gudfrey's Trading Company Pty Ltd, Port Ember
From: David Toft, CEO, Terembev;
Jalisa Hueng-Guarnier, COO, Terembev
Medium Encryption

Ms. Gudfrey,

We thank you for contacting us.
Your reputation precedes you, as we have long been an admirer of yours in the distribution and logistics industry. It is an honor that you would in turn recognize our achievements.

I know that we can come to an agreement, and there is certainly a need to build on to our infrastructure, instead of some of the temporary contracts we have with logistical services in areas you service.
Services, I might add, that are adequate, but not up to the standards of Gudfrey's Trading Company. We certainly could utilize all divisions of Gudrey's Trading: Sea, Air, Rail, and Road, as we have need to use all those means of transport to get our brands out to our growing legions of customers.

We hope to conduct further negotiations with Gudfrey's Trading to solidify such a partnership and map out just where we would need your assistance in our distribution area, as well as expanding that area.
We hope to meet you and fly you and your team out to Burgunden, but can also certainly meet in Port Ember, if that is preferable. I am going to leave most of those arrangements up to Ms. Jalisa Hueng-Guarnier, who has been newly elected to the Terembev board as our Chief Operating Officer.

We shall be in touch.


David Toft, CEO &
Jalisa Hueng-Guarnier, COO

Last edited by Neu Engollon on Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:18 am


To: Ghekard Vlos, CEO & Global Strategist; Boar's Head Brewery; The City State Rhydin
From: David Toft, CEO, Terembev
High Encryption

Ghekard Vlos,

We thank you for contacting us. As stated per our online and telephone negotiations, we are amenable to this acquisition deal for the agreed upon sum. We agree to all the stipulations as we have discussed. We will certainly retain you as both the VP of Boar's Head Brewery, or accept another appointee in your stead, should you choose to step away from the industry altogether. We understand that this was a very difficult decision, but we are glad you entrust us to carry on the Boar's Head name and continue to produce quality Rhydinian products such as yours.

As per our policies already in place, the staff of Boar's Head Brewery will be retained, unless they choose to seek employment elsewhere; retire; or are in offense of corporate policy and the appropriate process has been taken to prove they are in deliberate non-compliance and have been given appropriate warnings. Severance will be granted as earned in the two former instances, but not in the latter instance. Additionally, Rhydinian personnel choosing to remain on board with our organization will enjoy an, I'm sure, decent bump in their salaries. Our corporate personnel newly assigned to Boar's Head Brewing look forward to their immersion in Rhydinian culture upon their arrival at Anhui, in the City State of Rhydin.

Boar's Head brewing products will be sold through Terembev to both the home Teremaran, and markets of the Forgotten Lands, and beyond. We are very optimistic that the brand has a future in the world beyond Teremara and the The Forgotten Lands.

We look forward to welcoming you and your Boar's Head representatives to Burgunden in order to seal the deal with the final paperwork and legal details.

We shall be in touch. Thank you for all you have done to bring Boar's Head Brewery to this point.


David Toft
CEO, Terembev
In Memory of our friend
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Important Neu Engollian Links.
'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."

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Postby Kelssek » Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:10 pm

From: <jacqueline.kenney@keefes.ks>

Dear Mr. Toft,

It was very nice to speak with you last week. I'm very happy to say that our workers council has approved the resolution giving me full authority to conclude negotiations on the proposals we discussed.

To formally reiterate my understanding of our discussion, Keefe's is proposing a partnership with Terembev to manufacture and distribute Keefe's Lager and Keefe's Red Sky Ale under exclusive licence outside of Kelssek. Keefe's is also proposing to manufacture and/or distribute Terembev products in Kelssek in a joint venture arrangement. Either partner may terminate these arrangements with six months' notice.

Please find further details in the attachments accompanying this document. If you have any further points to discuss, I am at your disposal.

Yours sincerely,

Jacqueline Kenney
Executive Director (Marketing)

Keefe's Breweries Cooperative
300 Water Street, #4700
Breton, Haligonia BR1B 5G6
Office landline: +42 141 555 7722 ext. 8611

Name of Beverage Company (Brewery, Distillery, winery, water bottler, etc.): Keefe's Breweries Cooperative
Location (City and Nation): Breton, Kelssek
Name and title of main contact person: Jacqueline Kenney, Executive Director (Marketing)
Logo, Banner, image links to use:
Brands submitted for Partnership:
  • Keefe's Red Sky Ale - Red sky at night, sailor's delight, but whatever the colour of the sky this amber ale is always a delight. A subtle caramel and malty flavour.
  • Keefe's Lager - Light-bodied and refreshing golden lager with an easy-drinking balance between malt and hop bitterness. A distinctive dry finish.
Suggested size and price points: 6x330ml bottles: $7.50 / 50L keg: $210
Is this a partnership, or are you selling your company or certain brands to Terembev?: Partnership
Can Terembev contract other manufacturers to manufacture your brands outside your nation?: No
If not already in linked post or storefront, what is the history of your company: The oldest brewery in Haligonia, Keefe's plays greatly on the maritime character of its home province.
If I agree to help you develop your brand with logos and content, do you agree to accept Terembev as a parent brand?: No
If you CTE, do you agree that Terembev can keep marketing your products (IP)? Yes

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Nova Secta
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Postby Nova Secta » Mon Aug 01, 2022 4:26 pm

Name of Beverage Company (Brewery, Distillery, winery, water bottler, etc.): Redcrest Spiced Rum
Location (City and Nation): Thielesthreatt, Scaescia
Name and title of main contact person: John R. Reynolds, Jr.
Website (storefront) Link: Redcrest Spiced Rum Storefront
If not listed, what are price points on product sizes: Redcrest retails for $14.95 per 750 ML bottle
Logo, Banner, image links to use: All media on the Redcrest storefront page may be used at your leisure!
Brands submitted for Partnership or does Terembev have permission to sell whole company line?: Terembev has permission to sell the whole company line.
Is this a partnership, or are you selling your company or certain brands to Terembev?: We are selling our company to Terembev
Can Terembev contract other manufacturers to manufacture your brands outside your nation?: Yes
If not already in linked post or storefront, what is the history of your company: Our history is in our storefront page
If I agree to help you develop your brand with logos and content, do you agree to accept Terembev as a parent brand?: Yes
If you CTE, do you agree that Terembev can keep marketing your products (IP)? Yes
If you CTE, do you give Terembev the right to have bought your brand or company? (in the In-character sense) Yes

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Neu Engollon
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Postby Neu Engollon » Mon Aug 01, 2022 6:19 pm


To: Jacqueline Kenney, Executive Director; Keefe's Breweries Cooperative; Kelssek
From: David Toft, CEO,
Jalisa Hueng-Guarnier, COO, Terembev

Ms. Kenney,

We thank you for contacting us. We are, as stated through previous conversations, very interested in this partnership. Your terms are agreeable to us.
We will distribute Keefe's through Terembev, as well as marketing it in all market regions, current and future. We are amenable to having Terembev distributed and marketed in Kelssek, but we would certainly like oversight when it comes to how ours and our partnered brands are represented in Kelssek.

We are slightly confused about whether we can contract external breweries to manufacture Keefe's products, but think you might be allowing us to manufacture it in Terembev breweries in Neu Engollon.
We can work out the discrepancies when we send a team to Breton, Haligonia, in order to seal the deal with the final paperwork and legal details to solidify the partnership.

We shall be in touch. Thank you again for allowing us to partner with your Brewery Cooperative.


David Toft, CEO,
Jalisa Hueng-Guarnier, COO,
In Memory of our friend
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Important Neu Engollian Links.
'The Forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them."



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