The International Vexillology Survey (Open to All)

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The International Vexillology Survey (Open to All)

Postby Amaurita » Mon Jul 04, 2022 1:32 pm

The International Vexillology Survey

Greetings, nations of the world! The Federal Government of the United States of Amaurita has recently partnered with the Amauritan Vexillology Society to compile a survey regarding vexillology across the world. Both the United States Federal Government and the Amauritan Vexillology Society would like to invite all National Governments (or their representatives) to take part in this survey, in order to further expand knowledge of vexillology throughout the world.

Code: Select all
[spoiler=International Vexillology Survey]
[b]Your Nation’s Full Name:[/b]
[b]Your Nation’s Current Population:[/b]
[b]Your Nation’s Current Year:[/b]
[b]Your Nation’s Current Technology Level:[/b]
[b]Confirm: Is this a human nation?[/b]

[b]Part I: National Flags:[/b]
[i]Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.[/i]

[b]Does Your Nation have an Official Flag?[/b]
[b]When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted?[/b]
[b]Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption?[/b]
[size=85][i]Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.[/i][/size]
[b]Who designed the National Flag?[/b]
[b]Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it?[/b]
[b]Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it?[/b]
[b]Where is the national flag typically flown?[/b]
[b]Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe.[/b]
[b]Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it?[/b]
[b]Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday?[/b]

[b]Part II: Non-National Flags:[/b]
[i]Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.[/i]

[b]Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)?[/b]
[b]If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag?[/b]
[b]Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)?[/b]
[b]If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag?[/b]
[b]Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)?[/b]
[b]If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag?[/b]
[b]Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)?[/b]
[b]If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag?[/b]
[b]Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe.[/b]

[b]Part III: Displaying the Flag:[/b]
[i]Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.[/i]

[b]Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag?[/b]
[b]If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business?[/b]
[b]Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag?[/b]
[b]Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles?[/b]
[b]Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else?[/b]
[size=85][i]Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)[/size][/i]

[b]Part IV: Flags and Politics:[/b]
[i]Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.[/i]

[b]Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal?[/b]
[b]If not, what is the punishment for doing so?[/b]
[b]Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal?[/b]
[b]If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so?[/b]
[b]Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal?[/b]
[b]If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag?[/b]
[b]Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation?[/b]
[b]If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown?[/b]
[b]If not, what is the punishment for doing so?[/b]
[b]Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation?[/b]

[b]Part V: Additional Information:[/b]
[i]Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.[/i]

[b]What kind of government does your nation have?[/b]
[b]Does your nation have an official language or languages?[/b]
[b]What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like?[/b]
[b]Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):[/b]

[b]Are You satisfied with this survey?[/b]
[b]Do You have an suggestions to improve it?[/b]

[i]Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.[/i]

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New Eestiball
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Postby New Eestiball » Mon Jul 04, 2022 1:36 pm

How are you going to score responses, and why is all this info needed?
this signature is self-referential
honesty is far more important than politeness, and getting things done not according to a unwritten framework is completely fine, as long as it's positive change

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Postby Amaurita » Mon Jul 04, 2022 1:54 pm

Your Nation’s Full Name: The United States of Amaurita
Your Nation’s Current Population: 16,908,000,000
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2289
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: FT
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes, this is definitely a human nation and not at all run by frogs.

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? 1767
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Yes, a new star has been added for each State that has been admitted. The last time the flag was modified was 2210.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? The person who designed the original flag is unknown, but the current rendition of the flag was designed by Mr. Javier Arroyo of Arisona.
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? Yes. The one hundred stars each represent the 100 States of the Union, and the 13 stripes represent the original 13 States that formed the Union.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? Yes. The red is symbolic of hardiness and valor, white is symbolic of purity and innocence, and blue is symbolic of vigilance, perseverance, and justice.
Where is the national flag typically flown? The Amauritan Flag is flown outside of all government and public buildings (post offices, schools, police and fire stations, et cetera).
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. Yes.
  • A light must always illuminate the flag at night.
  • The flag must not touch the ground.
  • The flag must be retired in a dignified manner when too worn to represent the Union.
  • The flag may not be dipped, unless it is the ensign responding to a salute from a foreign nation.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? Yes, Flag Day is 28 June.
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? It is a holiday, but not a Public Holiday (meaning that government offices are open and people still have to go to work.)

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but the Amauritan Flag must not be flown beneath it.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but the Amauritan Flag must not be flown beneath it.
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but the Amauritan Flag must not be flown beneath it.
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but the Amauritan Flag must not be flown beneath it.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. Yes, it is generally viewed as the same for the National Flag.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes.
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes.
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? They cannot wear the flag itself, but articles of clothing or items that are patterned akin to it are allowed. Patches containing the Amauritan flag are also featured on varying uniforms on the right side only, with the canton facing the front of the wearer.
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes, the canton of the flag must always face the front of the vehicle, and must be on the right side.
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes, they can be displayed virtually anywhere, from Museums and postage stamps to factories and fitness centers.
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? Technically no, although it is virtually never enforced.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? N/A
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? Yes, it is legal, although controversial.
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? N/A
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes.
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? No, but most flags originating from the Soviet Union and/or Eastern Bloc are generally viewed with Suspicion.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes.

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Semi-Presidential Federal Republic
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Yes, English.
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? America.
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey? Yes
Do You have any suggestions to improve it? No.

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Postby Amaurita » Mon Jul 04, 2022 1:55 pm

New Eestiball wrote:How are you going to score responses, and why is all this info needed?

There is no scoring for this survey.

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Madrinet » Mon Jul 04, 2022 3:03 pm

Sure, why not.

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Kingdom of Madrinet
Your Nation’s Current Population: 1,198,000
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: Modern
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes.

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? 1798. It took a few months for the design to be finalised after independence in October 1797, since nobody was expecting Madrinet would become independent.
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption?
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag. No
Who designed the National Flag? Legend says that the new King, Amadeus I, designed the flag, but in reality it's more likely that the Lord Herald, the senior official in charge of coats of arms, designed it.
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? The gridiron of St Laurence has been a symbol of Madrinet for centuries, predating independence by about 500 years. It became associated with Madrinetans during the Savoyard crusade (1366) when Madrinetan knights adopted a sprig of laurel as their distinctive mark, reflecting the laurel featured on the royal family's coat of arms. They became known as "Laurentii", or "the laurelled ones", and the association with St Laurence followed.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? There was no particular thought given to the symbolism of the colours when the flag was designed, but retroactively some have claimed the red field represents the rusty red stone of Ruthven Castle, the ancestral home of the royal family.
Where is the national flag typically flown? Prior to 1971, all government buildings - whether federal or provincial - were required to fly the flag. Since the Decree on the Autonomy of the Provinces of 1971, most local authority buildings fly their provincial flag, while the national flag is reserved for national government buildings. It is rare for non-government bodies or individuals to fly the flag, although on public holidays some do.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. There are no specific guidelines but general respect is expected. In a diplomatic context, the Madrinetan flag is always the same size and prominence as other national flags. The flags flown on Royal buildings are generally fringed with gold.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? No.
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? No, although the flag does feature prominently on St Laurence's Day (28th September).

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Each prefecture of Madrinet has its own flag, given official status in 1971 but generally dating from medieval customs and traditions.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Generally speaking local authorities fly their respective flags in lieu of the national flag, emphasising the devolved nature of Madrinetan government.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? They aren't specifically prohibited, but no one has ever thought of creating a flag for a government department. The only institution with any vexilological pedigree is the Armed Services, who have their own particular and arcane traditions relating to flags.
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Royal Land Service flags are not permitted to be flown at sea, and Royal Naval Service flags are not permitted to be flown on land. Generally, permission is granted to fly these flags as a special honour; for example, in connection with a parade or other ceremony.
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Flags are considered symbols (and affirmations of) sovereignty, which is derived in all circumstances from the consent of the King. It is possible for private entities to request permission to create a flag, but the design must be approved by the Lord Herald's Office and registered in the Velvet Book, the ancient registry of all royal privileges.
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Generally yes, although it is rare. If a private entity flies a flag that is not registered in the Velvet Book, they are liable to receive a fine.
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? The same rules as to private entities apply.
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? As above.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. A flag that has been registered in the Velvet Book is given the same reverence as the national flag and provincial flags, as they emanate from Royal favour.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes.
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes, although it is rare. The national flag may not be flown in a way that suggests official endorsement of a business.
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes, although it is more common to wear items that depict the gridiron alone.
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes, although again, it is rare.
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? The flag is not depicted as often as the gridiron on its own.
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? Private citizens and business who fly the flag are not generally expected to know the etiquette related to flag-flying. In official contexts, it is expected that etiquette be observed but it isn't a criminal offence not to do so.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? N/A
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? Theoretically, the laws on blasphemy may protect the flag from acts of desecration, as the flag depicts the symbol of a saint. However, this has never been tested in the courts and it is unlikely it would be enforced.
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? Blasphemy laws incur a fine.
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? If the nation is recognised by Madrinet, then any national flag may be flown.
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? No.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so?
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes, although it's generally the purview of nerds.

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Constitutional monarchy
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Madrinetan, Italian, Slovene, and some German dialects.
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? It's largely based on Italy with a few Franco-Slovenian influences.
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):
The royal banner, flown only when the King is present.
The banner of the royal family, flown from all royal palaces and residences and occasionally used in diplomatic contexts.

Are You satisfied with this survey? Yea sure
Do You have an suggestions to improve it? Seems pretty ok to me

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
------------------------------------The Kingdom of Madrinet------------------------------------
Avanti Madrinallia!
HM Amadeus X | Embassy programme | Clarault Gazette | Currency: Madrinetan florin (ƒ) | Population: 1,198,000 | Map

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Postby Gandoor » Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:36 pm

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Democratic Republic of Gandoor
Your Nation’s Current Population: 241,397,161 (2025 census)
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2027
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: MT
Confirm: Is this a human nation? This is a human nation.

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes.
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? The current national flag was adopted in 1964, it is the fourth flag used to represent the Democratic Republic and the ninth Gandoorese flag overall.
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? The current flag has not been modified since it was adopted.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? The flag of Gandoor was designed by Mark Bitterman.
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? The eight stars arranged in a circle symbolize the eight administrative divisions of Gandoor and the central eight-pointed star represents the central government that unifies and governs over the administrative divisions.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? The colour red symbolizes our nation's official ideology of democratic market socialism, the yellow used for the stars was chosen based off of its usage with other left-wing flags.
Where is the national flag typically flown? In front of government buildings and offices, both national and local government. It is not common to see the flag flown in front of non-governmental buildings and offices or private residences on a day-to-day, but it is fairly common to see it flown during Discovery Day, Revolution Day, and Founding Day.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. While there is an expectation that one should be generally respectful when flying the flag (not flying a tattered and worn out flag, for example), there is no formal etiquette that is expected in regards to flying it.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? Flag Day is 3 March, which actually commemorates the adoption of the previous national flag on 3 March 1952. (The current flag was adopted on 17 August 1964).
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? Yes, and all governmental offices are closed on Flag Day.

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes.
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes.
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. No.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes.
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes.
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes.
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes.
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes.
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes, this is considered part of the freedom of speech, which is one of the inalienable rights granted to all within Gandoor.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? Our nation does not have any form of flag etiquette.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? N/A
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? Yes.
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? N/A
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes.
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? There are no bans on the flying of any foreign flag.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes.

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Unitary parliamentary republic
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Yes, English, Japanese, and Russian are all recognized as Gandoor's official languages.
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like?
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like): The national flag of the Democratic Republic of Gandoor

Are You satisfied with this survey? Yes
Do You have an suggestions to improve it? N/A

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
OOC - Call me Viola
IC Flag|Gandoor Wiki|Q&A|National Currency Database
Reminder that true left-wing politics are incompatible with imperialism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and dictatorship in all forms.
'For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.' - Matthew 12:50 (NRSVUE)
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Postby Tinhampton » Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:43 pm

Amaurita wrote:Confirm: Is this a human nation?

Why is this question necessary? This is not the International LGBT+ Rights Index, you do not need to model every single aspect of your survey on what the ILRI says, and none of the questions in your survey would appear to substantially depend upon the predominant species of our nations.
Last edited by Tinhampton on Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Self-Administrative City of TINHAMPTON (pop. 329,537): Saffron Howard, Mayor (UCP); Lydia Anderson, WA Delegate-Ambassador

Authorships & co-authorships: SC#250, SC#251, Issue #1115, SC#267, GA#484, GA#491, GA#533, GA#540, GA#549, SC#356, GA#559, GA#562, GA#567, GA#578, SC#374, GA#582, SC#375, GA#589, GA#590, SC#382, SC#385, GA#597, GA#607, SC#415, GA#647, GA#656, GA#664, GA#671, GA#674, GA#675, GA#677, GA#680, Issue #1580, GA#682, GA#683, GA#684, GA#692, GA#693, GA#715, GA#757, GA#763
The rest of my CV: Cup of Harmony 73 champions; Philosopher-Queen of Sophia; fifth-most-prolific WA author of all time; proclaimer of WZTC's move to Palmetto
Tinhampton the player: 49yo Tory woman w/Asperger's; Cambridge graduate; currently reading The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood (Booker Prize 2000)

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Postby Rhodevus » Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:35 pm

Your Nation’s Full Name: The United Sovereign Kingdoms of Rhodevus and the Imperial City of Rhode
Your Nation’s Current Population: 85.3 million
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2020
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: modern tech
Confirm: Is this a human nation? yes

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? 1847
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Not this incarnation of the flag. The original 'Flag of the Republic' was adopted in 1666 and created by Mari DuSond. This flag was used until 1754, when the Rising Skies flag was introduced. 1845-1847, Rhodevus had a flag known as the 'White Flag'.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? The current national flag was designed by the Rhodeve National Vexillology Commission; particularly by Raphael Stromm, and Luka 'Flying Bird' Cheschen.
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it?


The golden eagle: the national animal of Rhodevus (also nicknamed Old Baldy, after the first King of Rhodevus)
The overlapping white, black and blue triangles: The Triarchy System of Rhodevus (English and French colonizers (black and blue respectively) and the native peoples (white))
The setting sun: represents the setting down of old ways (regarding imperialism)

Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it?

Red: national colour of Rhodevus, represents the native saying: "red skies, clear breezes and joyful springs" regarding fair weather conditions on the seas/oceans around Rhodevus
Gold: The richness of wealth in the nation (misconception that it's regarding material wealth like gold, when it's actually referring to fish)
Blue French Speakers
Black: English Speakers
White: Native People

Where is the national flag typically flown? On government buildings, in public buildings (schools, police and fire stations, hospitals), on the Imperial Palace
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. The proper way to fly the flag is just below the top of the flagpole (rather than as high as the flag can go). It should always be flown such that the golden eagle (top left corner) is closest to the mast holding it up. It should always be the highest of all national flags flown.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? No
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? N/A

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, as long as they are beneath or below the height of the Rhodeve national flag
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? yes
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? same as above.
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? yes
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? same as above
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? yes
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? same as above
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. non-national flags should be below or beneath the national flag.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? yes
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? yes
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Technically yes, but it is uncommon for people to wear the national flag. Rather, the Golden Eagle which appears on the flag is the most common symbol displayed on clothing and items. Even military uniforms use the Golden Eagle as their patch, rather than the full flag
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? yes
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? yes
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? yes
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? no
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? N/A
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? yes, though tricky, since official flags are designed from fire-proof material.
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? N/A
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? yes
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? Those flags which relate to discrimination and hate speech are illegal
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? These would fall under hate-speech and discrimination laws, which could see anything from fines, to community service to jail time, depending on the reason
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? yes

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Rubinian Monarchy
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Yes, English, French and Laaban dialect
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? Canada
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey?
Do You have an suggestions to improve it? asking the name of the flag, if the flag can be modified (i.e. having the same flag design with different colours, like the lgbt pride canada flag, or the blue line american flag), flag nicknames, Any flag practices for death (ie half mast)

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Rhodevus on Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
IATA Member Embassy Character Creation 101
Do not argue against me, you will lose...or win, depending on the situation
The Official Madwoman with a Box
Rodrania wrote:Rhod, I f*cking love you, man. <3
Divergia wrote:The Canadian Polar-Potato-Moose-Cat has spoken!
Beiluxia wrote:Is it just me, or does your name keep getting better the more I see it?

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The Union of Galaxies
Posts: 75
Founded: May 09, 2022
Left-Leaning College State

Postby The Union of Galaxies » Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:19 pm

If I'm allowed to do so, I'll answer from my old nation's (New Ulsan) perspective, since I haven't done any progress with this one.

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Commonwealth of New Ulsan
Your Nation’s Current Population: 15,922,130
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: Modern
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? --
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? No
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag. No
Who designed the National Flag? It is currently unknown, but there is an investigation regarding the author.
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? The seven stars represent the Ursa Major, which can be seen near the Guadarrama Mountains in the Iberian Peninsula. Both the central star and the edelweiss represent the location of Madrid, which is in the middle of the Iberian Peninsula.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it?
Where is the national flag typically flown? In governmental and public buildings.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. - When flown horizontally, the flag must be the official one
- When flown vertically, it must be, instead, three lengths high and one length wide, with the stars in the upper third.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? The Flag Day is May 21, when the Federal Courts first signed the Statute on National Symbols.
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? It isn't

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, they do
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? They are
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? No. They instead have logotypes
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes. They can fly their logotypes along the National Flag
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes. They can fly them along the National Flag
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes. They can fly them along the National Flag
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. Rules regarding sub-national flags are left to the Autonomous Communities discretion.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else?
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera) Yes

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes; this falls under Free Speech Laws
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? --
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? If done so by private individuals, there's no punishment.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? If done by government institutions, the perpetrator can receive from fines to a 2-year sentence.
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? Yes
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? --
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? All flags are legal, except for symbols representing extreme organizations
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? From fines to 5-year sentences
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Federal Semi-direct Democracy Presidential Republic (still thinking on that "Semi-direct Democracy" part)
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Spanish, Korean and French; Galician and Breton are recognized.
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? I'm not sure lel
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey? Yes
Do You have an suggestions to improve it? None

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Note: the flag is actually a redesign of the Community of Madrid flag.
Last edited by The Union of Galaxies on Tue Sep 20, 2022 6:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Posts: 66
Founded: Jun 11, 2018

Postby Frostland » Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:55 pm

[spoiler=International Vexillology Survey]
Pluricontinental Union of Frostland
Your Nation’s Current Population: 500 million
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: Modern

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? No
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? 2019
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? No
Who designed the National Flag? Avire Fitzgerald
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? No
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? Yes
Where is the national flag typically flown? Everywhere
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. It is not to be flown alongside cultural flags
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date? If so, when is it? June 14
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? Yes

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag? Yes
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag? Yes
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are private entities permitted to create their own flag? Yes
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? No
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? Yes

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? No
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag legal? Not criminalised
Is misusing the flag legal? Not criminalised
Is Desecrating the National Flag Legal? No
what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? Fine
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Not criminalised
are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? Flags of diplomatically insulting countries
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Military Junta
Does your nation have an official language? Yes
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? Russia
A nation of snow, frost, and unusually conservative politics.
Early January 2023 — Newly inaugurated President Vincent van Loodefrijk has received backlash over his criticism of anti-Jewish commentary among Frostish politicians. On his first day in office, the Pluricontinental Congress has already proposed a motion of no confidence against the President. Loodefrijk has refused to pardon far-right politicians imprisoned under the previous government, insisting on maintaining the integrity of moral spirit.

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 408
Founded: Feb 22, 2022

Postby Coliantia » Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:09 pm

Your Nation’s Full Name: Republic of Coliantia
Your Nation’s Current Population: ~9,200,000
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: MT
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? The day when we got our independence, February 22, 2022
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Yes, the white and yellow was swapped.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? Numerous people of the Coliantian independence movement during the 1990s designed the flag.
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? The form of the flag does not have symbolism behind it.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? The blue and green symbolizes the beautiful geography of our nation, the pristine sea and the lush forests, while the yellow symbolizes the success of our nation. The white star means that our success was formulated through peace.
Where is the national flag typically flown? At government buildings, schools, patriotic museums, parks, and other recreational parks, and backyards of patriotic people.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. The flag must simply be flown in a clean, tidy condition. During the death of an important person in the government, or simply in Coliantian culture, the flag should be flown at half-mast.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? No
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? N/A

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, though it is rarely done.
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. No

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? No
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? A simple fine is handed out to violators.
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? No
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? A simple fine is handed out as well.
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? No
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Unitary presidential republic
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Yes
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? A more successful, rich version of Guam
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like): Only our primary flag

Are You satisfied with this survey? Yes
Do You have an suggestions to improve it? Nope

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Republic of Coliantia
Proud member of the TPA! Join today, Pacific nations!
[url=]No one asked but here's some stuff about me[/url

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Posts: 19
Founded: Jan 23, 2021
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Namkada » Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:07 pm

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Bangtan Nation Of Namkada
Your Nation’s Current Population: 3.076 billion
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: What We Currently Have, Plus Things Like Oasis Headseats/Systems In Ready Player One.
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yup!

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? When Founded
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Once. It Was Turned Upside Down Temporarily For The Release Of Stranger Things Season 4, Volume 2.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? N/A
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? Yes, The BTS Logo In The Center Represents The Fact That The Nation Is Based Off BTS.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? The Color Purple Is BTS' Fandom Color. White And Black In The Flag Have No Symbolism.
Where is the national flag typically flown? Government Buildings, Homes, Businesses, And Ceremonies Such As Military Ceremonies.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. No
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? N/A
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? N/A

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. No

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? Yes
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? A Fine Of 1,000 Constellations For Every Instance.
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? N/A
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? N/A
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? No
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? N/A
Does your nation have an official language or languages? English And Korean
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? N/A
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like): N/a

Are You satisfied with this survey?
Do You have an suggestions to improve it?

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Namkada on Tue Jul 05, 2022 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Bangtan Nation of Namkada
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Zoid The Rebel
Bangtan forever!
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Posts: 1340
Founded: Apr 21, 2020
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Bigpipstan » Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:22 pm

Your Nation’s Full Name: Anocratic empire of Bigpipstan
Your Nation’s Current Population: in signature
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: fantasy tech with alternative modern technology
Confirm: Is this a human nation? It's a pony nation with a kirin and gootraxian minority.

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? yes, it is called the imperial flag
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? shortly after the empire was founded
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? the number of abstract stars changed.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? The commision of colonists when the constitution was being drafted.
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? The three abstract stars represent our lands. The alicornae emblem represents our heritage and culture. The abstract sword represents peace and order.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? Each gemstone embeded in the sword represent a virtue of harmony. Those virtues being: Laughter, generosity, honesty, loyalty, kindness, magic. Purple background represent the monarchy.
Where is the national flag typically flown? On vehicles.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. There isn't.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? No it does not.
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? No it isn't.

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? No, they have coat of arms instead.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag?
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? No, they have their own logos.
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag?
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? No, they are not.
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag?
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? For entertainment purposes
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. Yes, they cannot be used when protesting. When flown alongside the Imperial flag, it cannot be flown above the Imperial flag.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? yes, they are.
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? yes, as long as etiquette expected is respected.
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? yes
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? yes
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? pretty much yes.
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? yes, it is.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so?
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? no.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? The flags will be confiscated.
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? no, it is not.
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? Community labor.
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? no, it is not.
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown?
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? The flags will be confiscated.
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? yes

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have?
Does your nation have an official language or languages? West Equestrian
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like?
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey? I guess yeah
Do You have an suggestions to improve it?

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Anocratic empire is a My little pony X Rimworld nation. Neo-Harmonist Semi constitutional monarchy with a cashless economy. canon population is 3,824,078,936. Doesn't use NS stats anymore. Our TF service, Acrab news, RP region, Tales 1, Tales 2.

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Posts: 11
Founded: Sep 28, 2021

Postby Kokhestan » Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:34 am

Your Nation’s Full Name: Kokhestan
Your Nation’s Current Population: 1.624 billion
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2020
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level:
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Modern, perhaps a bit post-modern

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Y
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? Since its conception
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Y
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? Mr. Koh, the founder and current elected president
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? N
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? Y, white = peace, blue = water/discovery/tranquility, green = science/technology/action, brown = hawk/opportunity/resourcefulness, yellow = wealth/prosperity
Where is the national flag typically flown? On all govermental buildings and at official govermental events
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. N, although it would be great to have the flag flying the right way up!
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? N
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? N

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Y
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Y, but only in official buildings of the region, and not in govermental events.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Y
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Y, but only in those departments, and not in govermental events.
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Y
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Y, but not in govermental events
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Y, as long as imagery is not explicit
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Y, but not in govermental events
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Y
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Y
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Y
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Y
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Y, the national flag can be displayed anywhere
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Y
If not, what is the punishment for doing so?
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? Y
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so?
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? Y
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag?
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Y
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? N
If not, what is the punishment for doing so?
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Y

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Centrist goverment
Does your nation have an official language or languages? English
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like?
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey?
Do You have an suggestions to improve it?

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Political Columnist
Posts: 3
Founded: Mar 25, 2022

Postby Ouriburgo » Tue Jul 05, 2022 1:35 am

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Ouriburgeois Holy Empire
Your Nation’s Current Population: 148.276.335 (1995 census)
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: Moder Technological Level
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes, absolutely.

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes.
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? 1796, after the 1792 Republican-Monarchist civil-war
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Yes, before 1730 the flag was a simple yellow, white and blue tricolor
Who designed the National Flag? The first emperor of Ouriburgo. Emperor Col. Alexandros Durandoi of Diostea
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? The black cross represents holyness, the two dots inside it represent the sun, the laurel reafs represent victory, and the yellow cross represents freedom and justice.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? The yellow represents the sun, the black represents glory and the white represents order.
Where is the national flag typically flown?The Ouriburgeois flag is flown outside of all government buildings and some people's houses.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. Yes.
It must always be flown unless discolored or torn.
The flag must not touch dirty ground. Grass is not dirty ground.
The flag must be burned if discolored or repaired if torn.
The flag may never be at half mast, unless in a state of mourning.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? Yes, the day is october second.
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? It is a commemorated date but it is not a holiday.

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, and a coat of arms.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but the Ouriburgeois flag must always be flown above it.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, but most prefer having a logo or coat of arms.
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but the Ouriburgeois flag must always be flown above it.
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but the Ouriburgeois flag must always be flown above it.
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but the Ouriburgeois flag must always be flown above it.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. Yes, it is the same for the National Flag.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes.
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes.
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes, they may wear the flag but the way they wear it must conform to the flag etiquette.
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes, but it must not be dragged behind the vehcle.
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes, but it must conform to the flag etiquette.

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? legal? Yes, but doing so is viewed like cussing in public.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? N/A
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? legal? Yes, but doing so is viewed like cussing in public.
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? N/A
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes, but the Ouriburgeois flag must be flown above or at same level if it is ever flown alongside.
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? No, but the flags of some communist countries might not be viewed with keen eyes.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes.

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Semi-Absolutist Monarchy with parliament and constitution.
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Latin and Portuguese
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? 1700s Sweden
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like): Flag of Ouriburgeois Empire (1796-Today) Flag of Ouriburgeois Republic (1720-1796) Flag of the Duchy of Galene (1792-Today) Flag of the Royal Grenadiers (1799-Today)

Are You satisfied with this survey? Yes
Do You have an suggestions to improve it? It could have asked about religion and currency but considering this is a vexillogy survey it might not be right to put it here.

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
"Undeniable FAL fanboy"

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Imperial States of Duotona
Posts: 630
Founded: Sep 08, 2021

Postby Imperial States of Duotona » Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:02 pm

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Federation of the Imperial States of Duotona
Your Nation’s Current Population: 1,525,890
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022 (modern day)
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: MT
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes.

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes.
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? 2005, shortly after Duotonan liberation by western forces.
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? No.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? Thorgan Harvey
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? Bee represents hard work and persistence, the wreath represents peace and the crown is an allusion to Duotona's former monarchy.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? Orange represents prosperity and the land, black represents the nation's hardships and how they've been overcome.
Where is the national flag typically flown? Outside government buildings and in other public places. People also occasionally fly it outside their house.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. The emblem must always face upright. For example, if the flag was produced vertically, the wreath must be turned 90° with it.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? The flag doesn't have a holiday.
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? N/A

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, all 22 states have their own flags.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, most commonly outside local councils.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, all three branches of the armed forces have one for example.
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, most commonly in places where appropriate (such as outside army camps for the previous example)
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, in terms of private companies the government doesn't really care.
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, some of the state flags were chosen through private designs and referendums.
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. No, but private flags like that of companies and individuals might have etiquette chosen by themselves.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes.
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes, but this isn't common.
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes.
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes, the flag is featured on some older license plates.
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes, the postage stamp even is a slightly altered Duotonan flag.
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? Yes.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? N/A
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? Yes.
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? N/A
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes, and many people do due to Duotona's high multiculturalism.
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? The Nazi flag & CSA battle flag, depending on state.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes.

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Federal Parliamentary Rwpublic
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Yes. French, English and Duotonan.
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? Fiji, France and/or Australia.
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):
Current Duotonan flag: ... ity=medium

Are You satisfied with this survey? Absolutely.
Do You have an suggestions to improve it? N/A

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Imperial States of Duotona
Duotona is a nation nestled in the Pacific Ocean. Marked by the scars of its bloody past, the people of Duotona persist and have given the nation a voice from which it preaches the word of peace and democracy across the globe!
Nation reflects OOC views. NS stats are sent to the shadow realm.
My Carrd, for where else I lurk online.

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OF Penthesilea
Posts: 11
Founded: Jun 25, 2022

Postby OF Penthesilea » Wed Jul 06, 2022 5:12 am

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Incorporated States of OF Penthesilea
Your Nation’s Current Population: (it varies with my profile)
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: MT/early PMT
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? The current version was adopted in 2022
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Not since the new variation
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? It's credited to the gods (it was just penal laborists)
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? TBD
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? TBD
Where is the national flag typically flown?
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? June, 6th
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? Yes, and it's immensely popular

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, this is mandatory
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but the government is allowed to change them and has the final say
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, but the government is allowed to change them and has the final say
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but the government is allowed to change them and has the final say and it's can't be within ten feet as tall as the national flag
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? No, it is criminal
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? N/A
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? No, it is criminal
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? N/A
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. It varies from flag to flag

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes, though they must take an etiquette and handling test
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes, it's highly encouraged
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Not unless it's a medal from the government or part of a state-issued uniform
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Only state-issued vehicles
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? It varies
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? No, it's a disgusting act and get's an angry reaction (the police will let the offenders get beaten up)
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? Depends on how many violations, but they range from 100 lashes of a whip to prison time
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? No, this is highly frowned upon
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? Depends on how many violations, but they range from 100 lashes of a whip to prison time
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? Oh lord no, it's taken most seriously
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? They are sent to be put in a penal battalion and later re-educated if they survive
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Only certain flags at embassies
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? N/A
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? Penal labor
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes, it is thought in great detail in schools

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? A military dictatorship
Does your nation have an official language or languages? English
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? Sparta?
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey? Yes
Do You have an suggestions to improve it? Hmmmm, I think asking where it must be displayed

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Posts: 48
Founded: Jul 16, 2020
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Solshime » Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:31 am

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Empire of solshime
Your Nation’s Current Population: 4.276 billion
Your Nation’s Current Year: 8644
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: FT
Confirm: Is this a human nation? This is a human nation.
Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag?Yes.
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted?the current falg was adopted in 7443 it is the seventh flag used by the empire.
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? The current flag has not been modified since it was adopted.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? it was changed by Emperor alexander after the great war in 3201.
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? yes the eagle represents the sacrifice of the country in all the wars it fought in.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it?yes the red is symbolic of war and death,white peace and prosperity,black order and loyalty.
Where is the national flag typically flown?The solshimen Flag is flown outside of all government and public buildings.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. While there is an expectation that one should be generally respectful when flying the flag (not flying a tattered and worn out flag, for example), there is no formal etiquette that is expected in regards to flying it.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? Victory day 6th of may,which commemorates the end of the great war.
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday?Yes, and all governmental offices are closed on Victory Day.

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag?Yes.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)?Yes.
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag?Yes.
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)?Yes.
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag?Yes.
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)?Yes.
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag?Yes.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. non-national flags should be below or beneath the national flag.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag?Yes.
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business?Yes.
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag?Yes.
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles?Yes.
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else?Yes.
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal?No.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so?3 to 5 years in jail.
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal?No.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so?10 to 15 years of jail.
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal?No.
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag?20 to 25 years of jail.
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation?Yes.
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown?No.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so?N/A
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation?Yes.

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Absolute Monarchy
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Yes English,german,russian
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like?Russia
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey?Yes
Do You have an suggestions to improve it?

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Republica Federal de Catalunya
Posts: 2441
Founded: Nov 21, 2011
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Republica Federal de Catalunya » Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:44 am

Your Nation’s Full Name: República Federal de Catalunya / Repùblica Federala de Catalonha.
Your Nation’s Current Population: 14,796,660
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level:MT
Confirm: Is this a human nation?Yes. We are a Western European one (EU+Eurozone+NATO)

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes.
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? As principalty without canton from 1150 the Republican official flag with canton exists from 1918 and is official since the end of WW2. The Royal flag is still official. As regional Flag.
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Yes, the Republican blue canton and white star were added by the WW2 Government in Exile.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? It is based on the Heraldry of the Belonid Royal House. Early Republican versions adding a white star on a blue background date from 1908 it is considered that Vicenç Albert Ballester i Camps is the father of the Flag.
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? the canton and white star have the symbolism of Freedom and democracy. The Saint George flag has the symbolism of war flag and Government flag and the Black flag with "Freedom or death" as no quarter.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? yellow and red are the papacy colours.
Where is the national flag typically flown? elsewhere
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. It must have a preeminent position over all other flags. Also It'd efectes to be in good condition; not faded or torn.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? Yes and No. I explain 24th June (Saint John) and the 12th of September are national days of the Countries two nations. So Catalan flag (without canton) is used a lot in June 24th and Occitan flag in the 12th of September as Occitan nations day.
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? are a public Holiday 24th of June in all the country except the Occitan Shires and 12th of September in the Occitan Shires. In the overseas territories is not a public holiday.
I must add that Occitan National Anthem as "Se Canta" or "Aqueres Montanhes" is considered official too.

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes. The Royal flag now is the regional Flag of Catalonia proper. Provinces, Regions, towns have their own flags. Also, organizations can individuals can. All Flags and heraldry must be approved by: La Associació Catalana de Vexicològia i Heràldica.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, Generally in official buildings fly various flags. National, Eupoean Union, Local and territorial. The Rule say that the National Flag must have preeminence. Either in a higher position, in the middle if the are odd poles. Or in the more to the left pole if there are pair number poles.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes. But all flags must be approved by the ACVH.
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes. PE department (provinces Pe regimental flags are always flown together the National Flag and NATO flag.
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes. They are the ones that needn't to be approved by the ACVH.
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes. But following the preeminence flags.
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Those flags are due to personal or familiar heraldry of nobility families. This Heraldry if often conceded by the Head of State and must be approved by the ACVH.
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes but following preeminence rule.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. the National Flag has to have an honor position always

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes. The only illegal flag to display are those related to Nazism or collaborationism. You can display any other flag you want like your favourite team, lgbti, your town, etc.
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes.
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes. Indeed any flag you want except those banned like Nazi flag.
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes. Always that do not intend to emulate an official vehicle.
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes. Stamps, war memorials, etc.
Postage Stamps, Museums, etcetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes. Freedom of Speech.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? no punishment.
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? only if know it has been deliberate.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? normally there is a warning note informing of the rules first. Afterwards fine + forced right placement.
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? Yes.
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? No punishment.
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes.
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? Nazi German flag, facist or racist flags the hammer and the Sickle or CNT-FAI flag.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? depends of the context. If it is for educational reasons no punishment. If it's a hate felony like holocaust denial or apology of Nazism is something important: Beyond the freedom of speech.
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation?

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? a democratically elected Government.
Does your nation have an official language or languages? 2 official nationwide and overseas territories have their local languages recognized as official.
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? for size Croatia, for wealth and population between Belgium and the Netherlands and Catalonia for the rest.
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey? Yes
Do You have an suggestions to improve it?

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Republica Federal de Catalunya on Thu Jul 07, 2022 4:11 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Posts: 124
Founded: Mar 23, 2021

Postby Cosnicu » Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:07 pm

Your Nation’s Full Name:
Your Nation’s Current Population: 4.8 billion
Your Nation’s Current Year: about 6430 AD (estimated)
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: Near Future equivalent
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes.
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? Cosnicu's most recent national flag is technichally new, but changes several issues that originated from the old one. Coming of the vincentine era proved to be an ideal time to make these changes.
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Over time, Cosnicu;s flag has changed little, usually with small changes to fix interpretation errors.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag. No. Stars represent Ideals (originating from Cosnicu's ties to the sea, where they are reliable means of navigation when anything else fails. While governments and population change over time, morals never change.)
Who designed the National Flag? (OOC it was designed with help from friends) The flag was designed by Catherine, a rising political figure and vexillogist from J'Tu. After her design, tied with two others, were merged (a choice made by all three designers, but Catherine's design proved the base for most of the changes)
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? The flag represents Cosnicu and what its goals are.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? Yes.
Where is the national flag typically flown? The national Flag is flown outside government and diplomatic buildings (when flown with other flags it is flown at a 90 degree angle to match the others around it) and portions of it are used frequently on other portions of flags and seals for government offices (for example, the military takes the red bar and split triangle and rearranges them, while the aerospace corps, a research organization, instead replaces the inside with a projection of Cosnicu
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. The flag is to be flown vertically when alone, horizontally when with flags of other nations. When folded, the flag's center should always be left without creases and on top (folding it in a way that a crease distorts the markings suggest that somethign is missapropriated and to put it inside or underneath suggests that the government is failing to protect the citizens and their rights. This become common during the Vincentine era and has remained an idea used to keep the government in line when needed.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? No
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? No flag day

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, but most instead create unique seals instead
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but they are flown vertically to indicate that they are part of Cosnicu and not indipendent.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? yes, and this is fairly common
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but they must be flown vertically
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, but is a fairly rare occurence, as buisnesses large enough to warrant a flag of their own usually are either regulated tightly, limiting their own power, or siezed by Cosnicu and given to APATHI, cosnicu's solution to the potential risks of big buisness
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? No
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes. This is fairly common for nonprofit organizations and social sources such as theatres, forum squares, and museums
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? No
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. Non national flag are to be respected unless the nation is run innapropriately, such as establishing a dictatorship or autocracy or conducting human rights abuses, in which case it is appropriate to deface the flag, often this is done by misappropriatign the flag's pattern through origami and or rearranging the parts of the flag.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes, but it is uncommon
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes, but it is rare
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes, and government officials usually use portions of the flag to represent what they wish to achieve (e.g, one might use a golden bar and red bar to indicate that they would like to maintain cosnicu's current military and economic policies, but a blue ring might suggest more investment into research in a field, foreign policy, or another more abstract idea. The four stars will also be used indipendently as well to indicate an idea of great importance as well.
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes, but this is rare and considered uncouth.
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? The national flag may be inserted into any art so long as it does not take center stage.
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes, and this is often used by Cosnicu's population to try and warn the government change will come if their actions are deemed unsafe, unhealthy, or destructive to Cosnicu
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? Excessive abuse or use of the flag is not a crime, however many will eventually get tired of it, particularly in niche cases like moving funding between transportation and healthcare or changing strange laws noone would really expect to see anywhere
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? Yes, and it is often a peaceful means of showing frustration with the government
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so?no punishments, but like above, people will eventually get tired
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal?yes
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag?
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation?Yes. Many membrs of Cosnicu are immigrants, and are encouraged to fly a flag from their native nation that represented a government that performed well in upholding democracy, protected rights, and gave its population a voice.
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown?Flags that represent autocracies are banned, as well as htose that represent substantial rights violations.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? The flag is confiscated, but no other penalty is given.
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes, and it is a fairly robust topic in small talk. It also tends to be a frequent course at universities for fine arts students.

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Direct Democracy
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Shiveki is the national written language, but Cosnicu lacks a national spoken language
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? the EU (the US if that is not a valid option)
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey?
Do You have an suggestions to improve it?

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Cosnicu on Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"that nation would probably be violent" (looks at cosnicu's pacisivism score)
"that nation is right wing" (looks at Cosnicu's form of governance)
"that nation looks like its straight out of a comic book" (Olkay. this one is technichally right, but i didnt recognize it at first)
"that nation is a corrupt dictatorship" (looks at Cosnicu's political freedom and integrity scores)
"that nation is scientifically advanced" (finally)
...just the typical day on forum 7

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Posts: 1396
Founded: Sep 22, 2021

Postby Tangatarehua » Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:16 am

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Empire of Tangatarehua
Your Nation’s Current Population: 30,937,266
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: Modern tech
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? 1871
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Yes. Between 1943 and 1979 the flag also bore the logo of the Tangatarehua Imperial Rule Association (a taniwha with two crossed taiaha), during the years that the nation was ruled by a fascist military junta.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? The flag was designed by a committee during the Aringa Reforms (a series of government reforms in the 19th century designed to give Tangatarehua a western-style government)
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? Yes. The colours are colours traditionally associated with the Maori people (and Tangatarehua is a Maori nation) but in the 1870s were also a subtle acknowledgement of the country's alliance with Imperial Germany at the time (in opposition to France and Britain). The ensign is the constellation Orion, as viewed from the southern hemisphere, which contains the star Puanga (daughter of the star god Rehua) and Tautoro (Orion's belt). This ensign also appears on the Imperial Seal, dating back to antiquity.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? Yes, black, white and red ochre are traditional Maori colours while the flag (at the time) was also a tacit endorsement of Imperial Germany and a rejection of France and Britain. (This is completely irrelevant today, but relevant to the political climate of the 1870s.)
Where is the national flag typically flown? All government buildings, including schools and hospitals. It is sometimes flown at private residences or by private businesses, especially on national holidays. Before 1979 it was compulsory for all households to display the flag and fly it on specific days; this rule has long since been rescinded.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. Traditionally the flag was only supposed to be flown from sunrise until sunset, but in modern times it's considered acceptable to fly it at any time. Tangatarehua also practices flying the flag at half-staff in times of mourning.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? No
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? N/A

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Sometimes though it's not encouraged.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Rarely, and if so such a flag must be flown lower than the national flag.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Sometimes, yes
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Sometimes, but the rule above must be followed
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but only if the national flag is raised higher
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? No
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. No

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? Officially, no
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? Usually such laws are unenforced, but sometimes there is a fine (e.g. McDonald's was once fined for flying their flag at the same height as the national flag outside of a restaurant).
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? No
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? A fine of up to 10,000 Kohatus - although desecrating the flag is not nearly as serious as desecrating an image of the Empress (which, by contrast, would lead to jail time.)
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? No
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Unitary parliamentary semi-constitutional diarchy
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Yes, Te Reo Maori
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? I like to imagine I've created something unique
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey? Yes
Do You have an suggestions to improve it? No

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Tangatarehua on Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Empire of Tangatarehua/Te Rangatiratanga o Tangatarehua
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3 August 2024
News: Rehuan man breaks world belching record | Winter storm blankets Wharekorana under heavy snow | Rival factions of Tangatarehua Socialist Party confirm they will contest upcoming election as two separate parties | Weather: Tamaki  ☀ 17°C | Whakaara ☁ 9°C | Wharekorana ❆ -7°C | Kaiika ☀ 25°C | Kotiropai ☁ 14°C | Rakipa ☀ 19°C |  Kaitohura ❆ -4°C

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Posts: 8392
Founded: Oct 25, 2011

Postby Radiatia » Sat Jul 09, 2022 4:34 am

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Radiatian Federation
Your Nation’s Current Population: 254,545,238
Your Nation’s Current Year: 4069 NC
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: Modern tech
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? 4014 NC
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? No
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? It's unknown, although it's often attributed to Traiyan Silviu (the nation's first democratically elected President)
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? No
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it?

Official answer:
"The gold represents the Great Radiatian Desert while the black represents the nation's dark past."

Satirical answer:
"Gold represents Radiatia's wealth and love of money, black represents the oil which made Radiatia wealthy."

Truthful answer:
"When the communist regime collapsed, a pro-democracy fighter ran a handkerchief up the flagpole in Xerconia which happened to have black and gold stripes. This was later adopted as the official flag of democratic Radiatia because no one could design a better flag for the new nation."

Where is the national flag typically flown? It's pretty much ubiquitous in Radiatia. It adorns almost every building, every streetpole, people's shirts, tattoos, cars, rubbish bins... you name it, someone will have stamped a flag on it.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. Not really
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? It's strongly associated with 1st October 4014 (the date of the fall of communism) but this is more about the nation than the flag
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? 1st October is a holiday but it's not because of the flag.

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. No

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? Yes
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? N/A
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? Yes (though it's widely considered a dick move)
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? N/A
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? Excluding on foreign embassies, flags of communist nations or communist organisations cannot be flown. Any flag containing the hammer and sickle also cannot be flown, as this is a banned symbol in Radiatia.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? A hefty fine, up to one year in jail, the rest of your life on a government watchlist and if you're foreign, immediate deportation and a life ban on entering Radiatia in future
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Federal Presidential Republic
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Radiatian is official on a federal level, but there are several co-official languages on a state level (Radiatia is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual federation).
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? Imagine a weird cross between the USA, Russia, Germany and China.
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey?
Do You have an suggestions to improve it?

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Posts: 87
Founded: Jul 05, 2022

Postby Piscatania » Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:05 am

Your Nation’s Full Name: The Neocontinental Empire of Piscatania
Your Nation’s Current Population: 440 Million
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: MT
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag? Yes.
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? The general layout has been the same since 1779, though detail has been added to/changed on the seal in the canton over the years, as has the second head on the eagle at the transition from kingdom to empire (1882).
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Yes (1789, 1826, 1854, 1882, 1937, 1972)
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag? Unclear. It may simply have been the flag act committee, but the popular story attributes it to Elizabeth "Betsy" Ross.
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? 13 stripes for the 13 initial Commonwealths to recognize Prince Edwin's Claim as their independent king from his father, King George of Britain. The Seal of the nation in the canton: A bald eagle (National Animal), double headed (the title's rank as an Empire), with a Crown and Bishop's omouforion above it (Monarchy and Faith), clutching an olive branch (love of peace) and a falange of arrows (martial strength).
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? Red for valor, White for Purity, Blue for vigilance. (And all, noting the descent of Piscatanian Culture and Posterity from that of Britain).
Where is the national flag typically flown? All public buildings and events. People's homes. The backs of trucks, on cranes, on newly constructed towers, etc.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. Yes. There is a complex flag code considering folding, lighting, positioning, use, etc.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? June 14
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? It is observed as a minor holiday but not as a true (off-work) holiday.

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes. Commonwealths may have their own flag, but each flag is expected to retain the same canton as the national flag.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, though the National flag must be in the more prominent position.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? No, with the exception of the military branches.
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, in subservient position to both the National and State Flags
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, provided they contain no communist imagery
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes. Public entities however may not fly said flag under any circumstances.
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, provided they contain no communist imagery
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, but public entities may not fly their flag under any circumstances
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. State flags often have local extensions of the flag code that apply to them.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes, they simply cant take an actual flag, repurpose the fabric into clothing, and THEN sell it.
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else?
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera) All of these, as well as above places to see it

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? If one is a private citizen (not a government employee) and is not profiting financially from the misuse, then it is legal. In those two cases it is illegal.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? Loss of government employment, a fine double the amount of profit, up to 3 months in jail (rare)
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? Same laws as misuse apply, with the exception that use of fire during a protest in any form is an additional crime, for anyone).
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? Same laws as misuse.
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? They may be flown at embassies/consulates, at private properties, and IF the nation is considered a friendly or allied nation, by public officials, under/alongside our own
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? By public officials yes, as well as any flags directly promotional of communism by anyone other than an embassy/consulate of that nation.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? Similar laws as misuse. Communist paraphenilia is considered contraband in most hands and can net up to 6 months in jail.
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? Yes

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have? Constitutional Monarchy
Does your nation have an official language or languages? English
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? We are a severely Alt-Hist America (divergence ca. 1040 AD)
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey?
Do You have an suggestions to improve it?

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Piscatania on Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 87
Founded: Apr 27, 2022

Postby Junatia » Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:41 am

Your Nation’s Full Name: Republic of Junatia
Your Nation’s Current Population: 40 Million
Your Nation’s Current Year: 2022
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level: Modern
Confirm: Is this a human nation? Yes

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag?
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted? Junatia had adopted a flag the day Junatia was founded (8-31-1888)
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption? Yes, three times at least
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag. No
Who designed the National Flag? It was [REDACTED] after they [REDACTED]
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it? Gravity Falls Reference
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it? Gravity Falls Reference
Where is the national flag typically flown? Everywhere
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe. No
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it? Yes, 51st June
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday? Not Officially

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions/subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes, every subdivision (State, County, Municipality, City, District, even street) MUST have a flag to be officially recognized by the Junean government
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, it is very appreciated
Are individual government agencies/departments permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes. Again, it is mandatory
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes, it is very appeciated
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)? Yes. Again, very appreciated
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag? Yes
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe. Same as national, except for political parties, political organisations, etc.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag? Yes
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business? Yes
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles? Yes
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else? Yes
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal? Yes
If not, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal? No
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so? Mild Fine
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal? No
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag? Mild Fine
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation? Yes
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown? No
If so, what is the punishment for doing so? N/A
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation? It is extremely greatly very appreciated. Vexillology is even teached in many schools

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have?
Does your nation have an official language or languages? Yes
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like? Terrain Canada mainly
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):


Are You satisfied with this survey? W̶͈͈̫̘̮̭͉̗̤̮̰̠̣̜̙̝̣̗̝̣̙͚͔͊͛̈́͛͆͋͐̽̿̀̌̑̌É̶̬̙̬̭͕̳͓͔͓̲̥͈̙̟̟͓͇̳͖̗̮́̒̀͐́̑͐̏̋̿͋͋͒̿͋͌͊̃̀̇ͅͅ Ḷ̸̦̘͈̘̣̖̘͖̩̠̭̜͈͓̎̍̅̈́̓́̿͆̓͐͆̅͆͐̄͗̄̃͌͌̓̈́̓͌Ó̶̖̭̗͕͔̞̥̪͚̖̜͎̲͕̩͉̖̘̱͔̬̑͌͑̊̿͐͂̾̐̎̓̈́ͅV҈̳̖̜͍̝͖̯̫̠̖͓̮͉̖͍̃͑̓̍̂̌̃̿̄̾͆̑E̷̮͈̘̳̱̙̲͔̖͓̥͊͐̂̐̒͑̍̀̒̀͛̚ͅ F̶̞͇̳̳̜̳͔͚͙̯̮͚͙̫̘͉͍̲͕̜̗͌̃̌̑̽̎͒̍̊̄́̈̃͛̾̑ͅL҈̟̦͉̗͕͈̪͕̲̞̪̳͚͔̳͎̝̪͕͐̊̏̔̈͒̂̂̐͗͒͛̓̀̋̈́̊̏͊͗̎̃͊̑ͅͅA҈͓̮̤̳̲̰̭͔̠̩͕̟͈̜̟͍̊̏̅̋̌̄̀̔͂͛̏̀̈́͊̿͗̂̏͑̽̀̃̚ͅG҉̦͎̫̝̠̣͙̣͎̫͙͕͉͍̦͖̽̾͋̏̓̋̓̿͆̅̈͐͆͌̀̾ͅͅS̷̥̘̤̗͉̪̲̮͕͇͙͔̯͓̜̑̉̀̑̒̐̈̍͌̂̌͐͑͆̄̌̆̑͋̇̇̃̓̔
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Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Junatia on Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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News: Vegans kept protesting so i supported equality by legalizing cannibalism #EqualityForEverybody
All Policies except Military Conscription, No Prison are canon
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Posts: 63
Founded: Oct 02, 2020
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Regmotto » Sun Jul 10, 2022 10:02 am

Your Nation’s Full Name:Federal Republic of Regmotto
Your Nation’s Current Population:10 million.
Your Nation’s Current Year:2025
Your Nation’s Current Technology Level:Modern.
Confirm: Is this a human nation?Yes.

Part I: National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Does Your Nation have an Official Flag?Yes,since the year 1830.
When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted?The current flag was adopted in 1985 after the fall of the Socialist Union.
Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption?No.
Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.
Who designed the National Flag?Revolutionary Samlinkov Arkydov
Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it?An eagle that is the national animal,representing the nation's freedom and independence.
Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it?Blue represents the country's skies,white signifies the purity and honesty of the country's people,and red is used to depict the blood of the liberal revolutionaries.
Where is the national flag typically flown?In all government buildings.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe.The flag must be hung horizontally and if the national anthem is being played,the flag must be saluted.
Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it?There is,and it is on the 7th of January,which is when the flag designer was born.
Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday?Yes.

Part II: Non-National Flags:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)?Yes.
If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag?Yes.
Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)?No.
If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag?No.
Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)?Yes
If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag?No.
Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)?No.
If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag?No.
Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe.No.

Part III: Displaying the Flag:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag?Yes.
If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business?Yes.
Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag?Yes.
Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles?Yes.
Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else?Yes.
Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)

Part IV: Flags and Politics:
Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.

Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal?Nope,not at all.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so?None.
Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal?No.
If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so?A small fine.
Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal?No.
If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag?A bigger fine.
Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation?Yes.
If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown?Nope.
If not, what is the punishment for doing so?None.
Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation?Yep

Part V: Additional Information:
Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.

What kind of government does your nation have?A Federal Republic
Does your nation have an official language or languages?Yes.
What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like?Russia
Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):

Are You satisfied with this survey?Yes
Do You have an suggestions to improve it?None

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Regmotto on Sun Jul 10, 2022 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
This nation does not use NS Stats,and it may or may not represent my real life political views.
Welcome to Regmotto!
A federal republic,with rights and liberties for everyone!



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