Greetings, nations of the world! The Federal Government of the United States of Amaurita has recently partnered with the Amauritan Vexillology Society to compile a survey regarding vexillology across the world. Both the United States Federal Government and the Amauritan Vexillology Society would like to invite all National Governments (or their representatives) to take part in this survey, in order to further expand knowledge of vexillology throughout the world.
- Code: Select all
[spoiler=International Vexillology Survey]
[b]Your Nation’s Full Name:[/b]
[b]Your Nation’s Current Population:[/b]
[b]Your Nation’s Current Year:[/b]
[b]Your Nation’s Current Technology Level:[/b]
[b]Confirm: Is this a human nation?[/b]
[b]Part I: National Flags:[/b]
[i]Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.[/i]
[b]Does Your Nation have an Official Flag?[/b]
[b]When was Your Nation’s Flag adopted?[/b]
[b]Has Your Nation’s Flag ever been modified or updated since its adoption?[/b]
[size=85][i]Such as in the United States, where every time a new state is admitted, a new star is added to the flag.[/i][/size]
[b]Who designed the National Flag?[/b]
[b]Does Your National Flag’s design have any symbolism behind it? If so, what is it?[/b]
[b]Do the colors in Your Nation’s Flag have any symbolism behind them? If so, what is it?[/b]
[b]Where is the national flag typically flown?[/b]
[b]Is there a specific etiquette expected when flying the national flag? If so, please describe.[/b]
[b]Does Your Nation’s Flag have a specific anniversary or date (Flag Day)? If so, when is it?[/b]
[b]Is Your Nation’s Flag Day considered a holiday?[/b]
[b]Part II: Non-National Flags:[/b]
[i]Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.[/i]
[b]Are individual regions / subdivisions permitted to create their own flag(s)?[/b]
[b]If so, does the national government permit regional flags to be flown alongside the national flag?[/b]
[b]Are individual government agencies / departments permitted to create their own flag(s)?[/b]
[b]If so, does the national government permit department flags to be flown alongside the national flag?[/b]
[b]Are private entities (businesses, charities, et cetera) permitted to create their own flag(s)?[/b]
[b]If so, does the national government permit the flags of private entities to be flown alongside the national flag?[/b]
[b]Are individual private citizens permitted to create their own flag(s)?[/b]
[b]If so, does the national government permit private flags to be flown alongside the national flag?[/b]
[b]Is there a specific etiquette expected when handling non-national flags? If so, please describe.[/b]
[b]Part III: Displaying the Flag:[/b]
[i]Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.[/i]
[b]Are private citizens permitted to own your nation’s flag?[/b]
[b]If so, are they permitted to fly it outside their home or business?[/b]
[b]Can private citizens wear or use items that display the national flag?[/b]
[b]Can the national flag be displayed on vehicles?[/b]
[b]Can the national flag be displayed anywhere else?[/b]
[size=85][i]Postage Stamps, Museums, et cetera)[/size][/i]
[b]Part IV: Flags and Politics:[/b]
[i]Expanding beyond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers where possible is requested, but not mandatory.[/i]
[b]Is criticizing the National Flag (or any flag that represents your nation) legal?[/b]
[b]If not, what is the punishment for doing so?[/b]
[b]Is misusing the flag (against flag etiquette guidelines) legal?[/b]
[b]If not, what kind of punishments can be handed down for doing so?[/b]
[b]Is Desecrating the National Flag (such as during a political protest) Legal?[/b]
[b]If Not, what is the punishment for desecrating the National Flag?[/b]
[b]Is it legal to fly a foreign flag within your nation?[/b]
[b]If yes, are there specific foreign flags that cannot be flown?[/b]
[b]If not, what is the punishment for doing so?[/b]
[b]Is the discussion of vexillology legal within your nation?[/b]
[b]Part V: Additional Information:[/b]
[i]Filling out this section is not mandatory, but is greatly appreciated.[/i]
[b]What kind of government does your nation have?[/b]
[b]Does your nation have an official language or languages?[/b]
[b]What RL Nation do you think Your Nation is most like?[/b]
[b]Feel Free to link samples for some of flags from your nation (as many as you’d like):[/b]
[b]Are You satisfied with this survey?[/b]
[b]Do You have an suggestions to improve it?[/b]
[i]Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.[/i]