We're a small chain of family-owned seafood markets, restaurants, and stores. We look forward to your visit to experience our positive hospitality, where every location has the same high standard, with the same high-quality seafood. Our seafood is the most delicious and healthy food for you and your stomach.
Based in Centurion Cove, this is one of the most important real estate pieces within our family's and company's history. Originally founded in 1904 as Porter's Row by our Patriarch and Matriarch, Jonathan and Adida Porter, who purchased 10,000 sq. ft. of undeveloped water and land real estate for their small shipping seafood company. After 120 years and countless generations of ownership, the dock has been upgraded and renovated over 50 times throughout its existence serving as one of the busiest hubs of traffic within the Centurion region and Krow as a whole. True to his word, Mr. Porter would manufacture and sell various size market venue stalls to interested, smaller fishermen and merchants within the area to operate alongside them. It's widely common for inter-marriage of various families, whereby the new family couples would inherit two stalls instead of one and at times pay the Porter to construct a small shop for them due to the increase of traffic.
By 1982, the current generation would purchase three fishing vessels who would travel various areas for seafood and bring back to the dock where the family would sort, process, and ship by rail to its other locations throughout Krow. To reduce the harsh unpredictable weather, a large canopy was constructed to protect all the stalls and citizens on the dock increasing the productivity during the fall and winter months. By years end, the family's original stall would be relocated slightly to make room for their large staging and storage facility where their ships would exclusively unload their cargo for the family and children to unload, sort, process, and put into storage. When as refrigeration gotten better, they would increase the facility slightly to make additional room for the freezer expansion where all merchants would have their products stored and preserved for $20 Union Bills.
As such, Porter Row is a national historic site and the busiest for seafood through the summer time with the Spring and fall seasons, fruits and vegetables are usually on sale for the locals.
Chandler Region
Open in 1925
10 employees
Located across the first location within the inlet cove is the second location opened. Opened in 1925 and countless renovations later, stands the company's first official building still operating to this day. The Porter Smith General Store is located within the coastal city of Chandelier, Chandler where it would operate with little overhead due to the Porter Row being adjacent within Centurion the cove inlet.
Opened in 1927
The second location during the Krowian colonial period, this location would be constructed in 1926, opened in 1927, and be known as Landon's Peak after the Porter's youngest son, Landon. Since the port is situated on the eastern Krowian's shores with Northern Africa to its Right and the tip of Portugal to the Left, which contribute to the various type of ships docking near the Porter's company's buildings.
Ironton Province
Opened in 1932
12 employees
As the fourth location owned by the company, this Porter's Row land was bought in 1930 during the Great Depression and the port was constructed in 1931 and opened in 1932 within the industrial region of Ironton Province. As such, it wasn't uncommon for naval vessels to dock at one of the piers or dock near the Porter's Row property. By 1945, Mr. Porter and his children would construct two adjacent stores, the third behind the previous two, across from each other where one store would hold more items compared to the other.
Opened in 1929
Seven Employees
As the only real estate that served both Kano and Yamato cities, the Scooter's Hut, commonly known as the blue house, is a staple within the two regions. Started construction in 1929 during the World-wide Depression, this would be the Porter's first building where one of their children would help in constructing it. It was the second to last of their properties to turn a profit, due to the Depression, in 1937 when the influx of immigrants from war torn nations move to the region. A year later, the Porter would establish several more fishing contracts and by 1959, it would purchase several of the shipping vessels and crews.
Opened in 1937
15 employees
As the last branch location to open in 1937 within Washington, the last populated Krowian's region, is the Gordon Bluff store location. The location is name after the infamous Krowian navy Author Gordon who led the Krowian navy against the Axis powers in both World Wars. Because of the location placement within Washington, it's the least profit location.
Due to the Porter fishery skill and well manage company, they implemented the Aquatic Research Program, ARP, to preserve nearly extinct sea life, research all sea life, operate in good faith in foreign seas, and a set quota amount to operate in tandem with nature and the forces behind it. As such, the Porters operate a limited schedule of fishing seasons three times a year per area before moving to the next scouted location. Despite this, if another ship or company has a surplus of a catch and looking to sell, the Porter usually sends a QC representative to inspect the catch, check for high quality, and then purchase the haul before returning to one of the location in need of the supply.
As we are a moderate sized family-owned business with only 500 employees, we're always looking strategically into expanding our operational reach to interested international customers. If you have an interested coastal or canal accessible city, we're one of the best solutions! Delicious, healthy sea life food.
We are open to requests to open branches and also willing to create a contract with interested, coastal customers!
1. Please understand that we operate and comply with both Krowian and international law to forbid and discourage over fishing and over harvesting key fishing areas, and the selling of polluted fishes.
2. We also discourage and are strict against inhumane fighting practices to marine life and most help with limited fishing of specific sea life to ensure a stabilization balance.
3. Should any customer provide the market with any sea life product that violate any accord Portsmith are obligated too, we will simply ask for the removal of the product, an apology, and if push come to shove, legal delegation to preserve our name and high-quality standards.
international expansion Request
- Code: Select all
[] individual
[] Company
[] Government, what department:
Who will oversee domestic operations:
Number of location(s) requested (maximum of 500):
Do you have special requests:
Request for suppliers:
- Code: Select all
Name of the person/group providing the ingredients:
Type of business (agriculture or fishing):
Name of the country in which it is located:
number of productive properties intended for supply:
Money needed to cover costs (in dollars):
Special Requests: