✹ Hintuwan Lore Thread [READ ONLY, DO NOT POST]

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✹ Hintuwan Lore Thread [READ ONLY, DO NOT POST]

Postby Hintuwan » Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:44 am

Lore Thread

About this Thread
IMPORTANT: You are not allowed to post in this thread, however feel free to browse its contents.

This thread will be used to list facets of Hintuwani society, culture, history, technology, people and culture that are not long enough or are simply too random to deserve their own factbook or dispatch. This will be updated constantly, so please use the table of contents listed below as a means of navigating it.

Why use a forum thread instead of writing gameside dispatches or factbooks? Well, simply put, I've found that it is easier to retcon things using the search function which is built into the NationStates forum. And when you've been around NS for as long as I have, believe me when I say I have to constantly retcon things just to keep things running. Usually incremental things, but still it's important to have consistency.

Everything posted here is my own original content.

About Hintuwan
Hintuwan, officially the Commonwealth of Hintuwan (Hintuwanese: Kómonwélt ng Hintuwan, Luhanese: Pángkalahatáng Pámahalaán ng Hintuwan), is an archipelagic country in the Southern Sea. It consists of 118 islands and includes a detached territorial collectivity known as Lupah Ilijay which extends its sovreignty to an additional 11. In 2020, Hintuwan was recorded to have had a population of around 16.9 million people. Hintuwan is a multinational state, with diverse ethnicities and cultures throughout its islands. Matters of state are discussed in Haijing - the nation's capital and its largest city.

Hintuwan is an emerging market and a newly industrialized country, and has an economy transitioning from being based on agriculture to being based more on services and manufacturing. Hintuwan's position as an island country close to the equator makes the country prone to earthquakes and typhoons. The country has a variety of natural resources and a globally significant level of biodiversity. Contemporary issues being faced by Hintuwan include nepotism in government, a track record of police brutality, and ongoing Islamist and Communist insurgencies.








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Last edited by Hintuwan on Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:39 am, edited 125 times in total.
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Good afternoon! Today is 4:08 PM 19 Oct 2024 in Hintuwan |  HNC  Speculation of growing rift within Liberal Party due to discontent over Trade Union Congress partnership  Elections in Hintuwan to be held soon  President Bulalacao flies to Van Hoorn ahead of signing ceremony lifting state of lawlessness in San Bernardino, La Paz  ↑ +0.31% HSEi | ↑ +0.47% HintuwanAir ↑ +0.15% Legion Equity ↑ +0.22% Alpas Motors ↑ +0.10% HBS-PEC    Radio Free Hintuwan   Now Playing - Ramsey Guerilla March 

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Lakan Lontok XI Luntian

Postby Hintuwan » Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:48 am

In this Hintuwani name, Tandang is an honorific and not part of the given name.

Official portrait of His Royal Majesty Lakan Lontok XI

Lakan Tandang Lontok Seremhat Bagtas Masipag Luntian y Maungtaga XI Malaki Palasamba, more commonly referred to as Lakan Lontok Luntian XI but officially as Lontok the Eleventh, by the Grace of God of the Commonwealth of Hintuwan and of His Other Realms and Territories Lakan, Most Noble Patriarch of the Luntian Clan, Protector and Defender of the Christian Faith in These Isles (Hintuwanese: "Lontok Panlabing-isa, sa Kanyang Biyaya ng Diyos, ng Komonwelt ng Hintuwan at ng kanyang iba pang mga Kaharian at Teritoryo Lakan, Kataas-taasang Patriyarka ng Angkan Luntian, Tagapagtaguyod at Tagapagtanggol ng Pananampalataya ng mga Kristiyano sa mga Isla na Ito") has reigned as the Lakan of Hintuwan since his coronation on January 15, 2017. He succeeded his father, Lakan Kalahok II after the late monarch's passing on January 11, 2017.

Lontok was born on September 27th, 1959 at Moton, Kawayan. He is the first son of Lakan Kalahok II "the Brave" Luntian (†) and Dayang Surawang Alasay "the Joyous" Cerong-Luntian Maybahay, among eight siblings. He received his education in Huffman School, Panginoan beginning in 1965. He pursued secondary education at the Santa Maria Concepcion School of Mijung in Bacalan from 1970 to 1974. He went to Fortunata Câmara School, Thurlina – Advance School from 1975 to 1977. He also attended the Imperial Military Academy of Pordhes from 1978 to 1979 where he was commissioned Brigadier-General by King Borobia IV; as well as Immenbrück College in West Lebatuck, receiving a Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy upon his graduation in 1981.

The Lakan is married to Quynh Hong of Clan Nguyễn, Dayang of Hintuwan, with whom he has fathered four sons: Lontok XII, Dula, Liang, Bagtas and four daughters: Ilisha, Ai, "Maya", and "Alex". The Lakan also has two adopted sons, who he took before the birth of his own are the following: Estefan Ibrahim Luntian and Tamtu Micolob Osorio Luntian (main article: Succession to the Hintuwani Throne).

In his private life, Lakan Lontok Luntian XI is said to be a kind-hearted and religiously devout person. When he is not performing his duties as Hintuwan's head of state he is often seen praying at the Royal Palace's private chapel or consulting about his faith with the priests of Haijing. He also runs several charities, many of which focus on his personal advocacies: namely, the health and wellbeing of the Hintuwani people as well as the conservation and restoration of culturally significant Hintuwani heritage sites and artifacts. The Luntian Wellness Foundation (LWF) for example, provides free circumcision and vaccination drives in rural Hintuwan where health infrastructure is lacking. Lontok has also staked his personal wealth in acquiring Hintuwani art off of foreign auctions and donated them to the national museum.

As a Western-educated monarch Lontok himself takes a liking to many facets of Western culture, one of which is football. Lakan Lontok is generally actively involved in sport - besides playing football, he served as president of the Football Association of Hintuwan (FAH) from 2014 to 2017. He claims that regular physical exercise has been one of the time-honored traditions of the Luntian Clan and the reason why many of his forefathers have lived such long lives.


  • "In the game of diplomacy, every nation is a player. Our moves should be strategic, our goals noble, and our victories shared for the greater good of humanity."
    • Address to the World Assembly (2022)
  • "Art is the language of the soul, a bridge that connects generations. Let us invest not just in our present but also in the timeless beauty of our cultural heritage."
    • Donor's speech at the National Museum (2019)
  • "True strength is measured by how many children you have, how much land you own, and how much money is in your bank account."
    • In an interview with the Haijing Journal (2016)
  • "Football teaches us valuable lessons: teamwork, resilience, and the sweet taste of victory after facing adversity. Life, much like a football match, is a journey of highs and lows."
    • Interview with Sports Weekly (2015)
  • "I want our people to be like a molave tree, strong and resilient, standing on the hillsides, unafraid of the rising tide, lighting and the storm, confident of its strength."
    • As quoted by the New Amristern Times (2018)
  • "I feel that we Hintuwani form past of that vast family, the children of Pordhes. Thus, although Pordhes ceased to govern many of its colonies many centuries ago and although we are today a sovereign state, the colonial peoples of Pordhes feel themselves as brothers to the people of Hintuwan. It is the Pordhesian language that still binds us to those peoples, and the Pordhesian language will bind us to those peoples eternally if we have the wisdom and patriotism of preserving it."
    • In a lecture at the University of Haijing (2005)
  • "No matter how strong and dedicated a leader may be, he must find root and strength amongst the people. He alone cannot save a nation. He may guide, he may set the tone, he may dedicate himself and risk his life, but only the people may save themselves."
    • Extemporaneous speech at the Sixth Centennial Celebration of Islam in Hintuwan (June 10, 1980)
Last edited by Hintuwan on Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:55 am, edited 30 times in total.

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Former President Henry Theodore Bulalacao

Postby Hintuwan » Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:33 am


Henry Theodore Bulalacao is a statesman, public administrator, and the former Commonwealth President of Hintuwan from 2018-2024. He is the Chairman of the League of Christian-Muslim Constitutionalists (LCMC), one of the five major political parties in Hintuwan. Bulalacao was the first Hintuwani president from Hintuwan's rural Lan Guó region and the oldest, beginning his term at age 71. Praised by some and condemned by others for his moderate stance on a wide range of issues, Bulalcao's administration has been marked by both economic growth and decline in an increasingly tenuous national security environment.

Born on March 11th, 1947 in the small town of Jaladoni, San Bernadino del Norte, Bulalacao moved to Pagagos as a child where his father, Vicente Bulalacao, served on the city council. He studied political science at the Lyceum of Hintuwan University, graduating in 1968 before obtaining a law degree from Alagum College of Law in 1972. He then worked as a lawyer and was a prosecutor for Pagagos, before becoming vice mayor and, subsequently, mayor of the city after the fall of the Cagalanganista dictatorship. Bulalacao won seven terms and served as mayor of Pagagos for over 22 years.

Bulalacao was elected to office in 2018 under the LCMC in a coalition with the Liberal Party of Hintuwan (LPH) and the Royalist Party of Hintuwan (RPH) on a platform of anti-corruption, social progress, free trade, and human development. The first three years of Bulalacao's administration were marked by stabilizing and growing the Hintuwani economy to its highest in decades. One of his first acts in office was to enact reforms in the Hintuwani education system by introducing the K-12 curriculum and signing into law the Enhanced Basic Education Act. This added two years to Hintuwan's basic education system; which became known as the Senior High School stage. Bulalacao increased grants for technical-vocational scholarships, lowered the capital gains tax, and expanded national health insurance coverage. He also presided over several landmark international agreements: abolishing tariffs on trade with The Aquaria and increasing arms imports from Gonswanza. Bulalacao's presidency also saw the completion of Reichsburg Bridge, connecting Luhan with Mangin Island through a foreign development assistance grant of 50 million New Dornalian Dollars from Allanea.

In 2019, Bulalcao was publicly criticized for the Sarahad Clash - a botched police operation that resulted in the deaths of 62 members of Hintuwan's Commonwealth Commando Special Forces Unit (CCSFU). Later that year, he was credited with beginning the 4th round of peace negotiations with the country's largest terrorist organization, the Gambang National Islamic Sultanate (GNIS). In December 2021 the talks were put on hold following a suicide bomber attack on Christmas Day in Salampatihan, which GNIS leadership took credit for and which effectively ended the hitherto-existing ceasefire. Thereafter, Bulalacao gave the green light for the Hintuwani military to resume offensive operations against the GNIS in and around Gambang. Tensions escalated, resulting in the Hintuwani military launching Operation Crepusculum.

Bulalcao and his Royalist-Liberal coalition barely managed to secure a second term in 2021, facing stiff opposition from the All-Hintuwani Forward Bloc (AHFB), a self-proclaimed "conservative-nationalist-socialist" party that won the majority of seats in the Kapulungang Bayan that same year. The AHFB stiffened resistance against LCMC-proposed legislation, particularly those advancing civil rights for women, ethnic minorities, and the LGBTQ+ community. The AHFB filibustered almost all legislation proposed by the administration, and the Hintuwani government was effectively brought to a standstill.

Manufacturing production output in Hintuwan gradually declined by over 20% and unemployment rose by nearly 2% in 2022, with some critics attributing it to Bulalacao's liberalization of the economy and reckless government spending. Others with a more supportive view of Bulalacao in mind, however, attribute it less to the president's policies and more on the AHFB's detraction.

In March, Bulalacao signed the Familly Assistance Act which provided impoverished families of 4 or more children with cash assistance. Later in the month, Bulalacao also issued a presidential decree regulating the use of sirens and other similar devices only to motor vehicles designated for the use of select national government officials, the police, the military, the fire department, and ambulances. Despite having the privilege of using the sirens as president, Bulalcao refrained from using sirens to set up an example for his policy, even if it meant being stuck in traffic and being late every now and then. Bulalacao also inaugurated a campaign to condemn and encourage citizens to report the usage of government-owned vehicles for personal or recreational use by public officials.

In October, the Hintuwani government became entangled in the Calejo Crisis (IIWiki) - a major international diplomatic dispute beginning with a crackdown on opposition groups ahead of Calejo's federal elections. The violence deeply affected the Hintuwani public and was seen as being in contravention of Hintuwan's democratic ideals. Calejo's proximity to Hintuwan's trade corridor with The United States of Ibica, as well as Calejo's large stores of energy resources, made conflict all the more likely since the disruption of free economic activity in the Terra Ceralis region due to international sanctions and blockades stood to cost Hintuwan further financial detriment. The Hintuwani government initially called for a restoration of the status quo ante, but Bulalacao eventually assembled a 200-strong volunteer force as part of the Coalition for Freedom in Calejo to militarily support the Calejan opposition and restore democratic rule.

In June 2023, Bulalacao's government launched Operation Southern Sentinel in response to heightened attacks on civilians by the Communist Party of Hintuwan (CPH) in the La Paz and San Bernardino Governorates. The operation involved a multi-pronged strategy that included the mobilization of over 15,000 military personnel, increased law enforcement presence, and the establishment of multiple forward operating bases in strategic areas. Security forces conducted extensive patrols, raids on suspected insurgent hideouts, and implemented curfews in high-risk zones. The operation also sought to enhance cooperation with local communities, gathering intelligence to disrupt insurgent supply lines and recruitment efforts.

In addition to its military objectives, Operation Southern Sentinel included significant humanitarian initiatives, aiming to address the needs of displaced civilians and provide critical supplies such as food, water, and medical aid. The government worked closely with international partners and NGOs to mitigate the humanitarian impact of the conflict.

While the operation achieved some tactical successes, including the capture of key insurgent leaders and a decrease in attacks by 30%, challenges persisted. Guerrilla tactics by the CPH in difficult terrain made total security difficult to achieve, and local distrust in the government remained high in some areas. The operation ultimately paved the way for further security initiatives, including the declaration of a state of lawlessness and the establishment of a National Security Council to oversee long-term counterinsurgency efforts

Bulalacao's term ended on January 20, 2025 following the 2024 Hintuwani General Election. He was succeeded by former Majority Floor Leader of the National Assembly, Seferino Bantug.

President Bulalacao is married to Agustina Mikaela Bulalacao (b. 1955), and has had one child with her: Cesar Bulalacao (b. 1989) - who is currently serving as the 1st San Bernardino District representative to the Kapulungang Bayan in his father's party, the LCMC.


  • "If no one is corrupt, no one will be poor." (Hintuwanese: Kung walang korap, walang mahirap)
    • Bulalacao's presidential election campaign sloagan
  • "In the words of one of our great national heroes, Sigat Orogupan: 'Democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.' It is my hope that you will see this war not as some obscure foreign conflict, but as part of our country's greater responsibility to render assistance to free peoples everywhere. That is, part of the perennial mission assigned to us by Orogupan and all other leaders who have come after him, who have envisioned a Hintuwan that actively plays its part in defending democracy around the world."
    • Speech during the Calejo Crisis (2022)
  • "Tourism is a crucial industry that could employ millions of Hintuwani, skilled and unskilled alike, across all of Hintuwan. We expect to create at least 3 million jobs in tourism sector within the next six years."
    • As quoted by the Haijing Journal (2021)
  • "I believe that true progress can only be achieved when we work together as a nation, regardless of our differences. We must always strive for unity and inclusivity, and never lose sight of our common goal of building a better future for all Hintuwanis."
    • Address to the General Assembly (March 15, 2019)
  • "My administration's compact with the Hintuwani people will demand no less than the attainment of lasting peace and equitable prosperity. We will employ all the tools at our disposal to achieve this."
    • Address to the Kapulungang Bayan (September 1, 2019)
Last edited by Hintuwan on Tue Jan 28, 2025 12:36 am, edited 23 times in total.

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The Battle of Ammarat Pass (1906)

Postby Hintuwan » Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:07 pm

A statue of the 23-year-old Hintuwani Brigadier-General Hermano Naranang in the office district of Macapulao

The Battle of Ammarat Pass (Ammarat); (Hintuwanese: Labanan sa Pasong Ammarat), sometimes referred to as the "Hintuwani Thermopylae", was a battle fought during the Hintuwani-Doraltic War on December 2, 1906 at the base of the Sierra Sihadong wherein an 80-man Hintuwani rear guard commanded by Brigadier-General Hermano Naranang succumbed to more than 500 Dormill-Stiurans, mostly comprised of the 21st Volunteer Infantry Regiment under Major Gerry F. Hughes, in an effort to delay the Dormill-Stiuran advance and guarantee the escape of the First Republic of Hintuwan's government.

Brigadier-General Naranang used defense-in-depth tactics as well as the pass' natural hilly terrain to his advantage, ordering his men to dig three layers of trenches with overlapping kill-zones. Although initially caught by surprise by this maneuver, Major Hughes chose to temporarily retreat his army and withhold committing the bulk of his troops to an offensive march before Dormill-Stiuran artillery positions in the nearby town of Columba received the precise coordinates of the Hintuwani positions. Hughes' forward scouts were assisted in acquiring these coordinates by an unnamed tribe of local Abo-abuhan indigenous peoples who knew the area and were often targets of racial discrimination by Hintuwani republican soldiers during their stay in rural areas.

Historians estimate that the entire process of scouting and transmitting coordinates of Hintuwani positions through the use of runners delayed the advance of the Dormill-Stiuran army by an estimated 2-3 hours, which Hintuwani government used judiciously to evacuate its most elite troops and top officials from capture. Hughes' attack began around sunset and was pre-empted by a concentrated barrage of an early prototype of mustard gas, which wiped out most of the ill-equipped and ill-prepared Hintuwani defenders within an hour of its release. Hughes then ordered his men to equip gas masks and clear out the Hintuwani trenches one by one.

An escaped runner in the Hintuwani army by the name of Virgilio Francisco Macapugay testifies that Brigadier-General Naranang and the remainder of his ten-man rear guard were among the last to fall. According to this account, despite being asked to surrender by the enemy, they continued shooting with pistols and hurling rocks at the advancing Dormill-Stiurans in a desperate attempt to give the republican army a few more moments of respite until their very last breath. When their ramparts were eviscerated by enemy bullets, Macapugay alleges that Naranang used his own men as cover from enemy fire. This is the version of the story of the battle that is officially endorsed by the Hintuwani government as well as the inspiration for Macapugay's poem "Shield of Ammarat" (Hintuwanese: Kalasag ng Ammarat) which would later go on to become the lyrics of the National Anthem of Hintuwan, however a few key historians note the lack of documentation for Macapugay's presence in the battle and that there is just as much a possibility that Naranang and his rear guard were killed during the initial artillery barrage.

The Battle of Ammarat pass resulted in 78 Hintuwani Republican soldiers (including Brigadier-General Naranang, whose body has never been recovered) and 2 Dormill-Stiuran soldiers losing their lives. 11 Dormill-Stiuran soldiers were wounded.
Last edited by Hintuwan on Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:03 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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National Anthem of Hintuwan

Postby Hintuwan » Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:21 pm

Hintuwan, O Hintuwan
Awake our souls to thy demand.
As Southern Seas defy thy sand,
Our hearts beat for our native land.

The pines that crown thy mountains grand,
Remind - thy power will withstand.
And if tyrants force an iron hand,
We will fight for Hintuwan.
Our chains break by thy joy's command—
Anything for Hintuwan.

Let num'rous sons more live and die,
'Neath ethereal ardent sky
Thus, speed the day when evils cease—
The day of plenty and of peace.

Then shall we breathe thy purpose high,
The glorious day of last goodbye.
When we all sing without a sigh,
Hintuwan will never die!

"The Call of the Fatherland", originally titled in Pordhesian as "Marcha Nacional Hintuwan" (Hintuwani National March), is the national anthem of Hintuwan. The lyrics come from the "Shield of Ammarat" (Hintuwanese: Kalasag ng Ammarat), a poem written on Christmas Day in 1906 by 20-year-old Virgilio Francisco Macapugay, a runner in the Hintuwani Republican Army, after witnessing the bravery of Hintuwani troops during the Battle of Ammarat Pass. Macapugay was inspired by how Hintuwani republican troops used their dead comrades' corpses as ramparts when advancing Doraltic troops began to close in on their position.

The anthem makes references to Hintuwan's geographical features (stanza 1) as well as the various wars Hintuwan has fought - most notably the Hintuwani Revolution against Pordhes (stanza 2). The lyrics also evoke a religious-nationalist line of thinking distinct to Hintuwani culture. Macapugay suggests that the judgment day of the Christian faith when all deserving souls are allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, will occur if and only when all Hintuwani people become perfectly steadfast in their love of their country (stanzas 3 and 4).

The modern anthem was commissioned by the Congress of Hintuwan in 1936 during the Doraltic colonial era as part of Dormill and Stiura's efforts to prepare Hintuwan for self-rule, and its lyrics were arranged for musical composition by famed Hintuwani classical musician Vasco Claridad. The tune itself is based on an old Pordhesian colonial-era military march called "Pearl of the East" (Pordhesian: Perlas de Silangan). It was first played on October 30, 1943 during the inaugural ceremony of the Second Republic of Hintuwan.

You can listen to this song by clicking here.
Last edited by Hintuwan on Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:03 pm, edited 15 times in total.

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Patriotic Oath of Hintuwan

Postby Hintuwan » Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:32 am

Iniibig ko ang Hintuwan,
aking lupang sinilangan,
tahanan ng aking lahi;
ako'y kanyang kinukupkop at tinutulungan
upang maging malakas, masipag at marangal.
Dahil mahal ko ang Hintuwan,
diringgin ko ang payo
ng aking mga magulang,
susundin ko ang tuntunin ng paaralan,
tutuparin ko ang mga tungkulin
ng isang mamamayang makabayan:
naglilingkod, nag-aaral at nagdarasal
nang buong katapatan sa mga batas at mithiin
ng Komonwelt ng Hintuwan,
ng Lakan ng Hintuwan,
at ng Presidente ng Hintuwan.
Iaalay ko ang aking buhay,
pangarap, pagsisikap
sa bansang Hintuwan.

Mabuhay ang Amang Bayan!
I love Hintuwan,
my land of birth,
home of my race.
I am protected by it and aided
to become strong, industrious and honorable.
Since I love Hintuwan,
I shall heed the counsel of my parents,
I shall obey the rules of my school,
I shall fulfill the duties of a patriotic citizen,
serving, studying, and praying with utter fidelity to the laws and ideals
of the Commonwealth of Hintuwan
of the Lakan of Hintuwan,
and of the President of Hintuwan.
I offer my life, dreams, and striving
to the Hintuwani nation.

Long live the Fatherland!

The Patriotic Oath (Hintuwanese: Panatang Makabayan) is the national pledge of Hintuwan. It is commonly recited at flag ceremonies of schools—especially public schools—immediately after singing the Hintuwani national anthem, and law dictates that it be recited while holding up one's right hand in allegiance. Either the Hintuwanese or the English version may be recited, however the former typically takes precedence over the latter.

The last line, Mabuhay ang Amang Bayan! is first shouted by the leader of the pledge and then is repeated by the rest of its recitants.

Recitation of the Panatà is required by law at all public and private educational institutions. By custom, this is observed in institutions meant for Hintuwanis or containing a majority of Hintuwani nationals. Its recitation is also a requirement for any foreign national applying to become a citizen of Hintuwan.
Last edited by Hintuwan on Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Gambling Tax in Hintuwan

Postby Hintuwan » Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:45 am

The Commonwealth of Hintuwan recognizes the significant social and economic impacts of gambling. To ensure responsible gaming practices, generate public revenue, and mitigate potential negative effects, the government has established a comprehensive gambling tax policy. This policy aims to balance the benefits of gambling-related activities with the need for regulation and support for public welfare.

According to Hintuwani law, gambling is any activity involving wagering or betting of money or valuables on games of chance or skill, including but not limited to casinos, sports betting, lotteries, and online gaming. A gambling operator is any entity licensed to conduct gambling activities within the Commonwealth of Hintuwan. Taxation on gambling is calculated via Gross Gambling Revenue (GGR) or the total amount wagered minus the total amount paid out as winnings.

Tax Rates

Gambling Operation
Tax Rate (% of GGR)
Land-based Casinos
Online Casinos
Retail Sports Betting
Online Sports Betting
Poker Rooms
Last edited by Hintuwan on Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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San Agathangelus Parish Church

Postby Hintuwan » Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:33 am


The San Agathangelus Parish Church is a Roman Catholic church in the Agathangelia District of the city of Manigarao, Mangin Island. It is administered and maintained by the Franciscan Order, under the Archdiocese of Nueva Esperanza. Built in 1596 by the Pordhesian colonial administration, it is considered the oldest church on Mangin Island and one of the oldest in Hintuwan. Its majestic facade leads to a stunning interior which includes a gold-plated altar and an assortment of centuries-old religious images and artifacts. The National Historical Commission of Hintuwan (NHCH) declared it a national cultural treasure in 2010.

The church, as in its custom in its heyday, contained niches for burials of bones and remains. The following are notable burials within the premises of the church:
  • Josiah Petagat I, the founder of the Royal Clan of Petagat
  • Virgilio Mercadejas, the first president of the Republic of Hintuwan
  • Almost all former Bishops of the Archdiocese of Nueva Esperanza
  • Several former mayors of the city of Manigarao
Last edited by Hintuwan on Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:36 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Fuerza Centinela, Olonriñas

Postby Hintuwan » Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:52 am


Olonriñas is an islet off the coast of Haijing near the mouth of the Lakapati River Delta known for being the site of the historic Pordhesian walled fortress Fuerza Centinela. Today, its governance falls within the regional administrative zone of the Province of Tunduk. Several towns and arrabales (suburbs) are also located on this islet and surround the Fuerza.

The location of the islet of Olonriñas, marked by its largest settlement, Fuerza Centinela

The construction of Fuerza Centinela began under the orders of the Pordhesian imperial government in the late 16th century to safeguard its Haijing colonies from competing foreign colonial invasions and native incursions. Throughout Hintuwan's Pordhesian colonial era, Haijing's authorities would evacuate the city and hide in Fuerza Centinela during times of enemy siege. Throughout the Doraltic colonial era and the Second Republic era, authorities used it as an armory and a military base. It fell into disrepair after the collapse of the Second Republic at the end of the Hintuwani Civil War.

A small military training installation called "Site 22" was constructed on the Northwestern edge of Olonriñas in 1973, and was used by the Ministry of Defense to wargame enemy invasion scenarios during the Cold War. In 1990 it was expanded into a full-on military base, today known as Camp Cianwang - named after 2nd Lieutenant Manapasar Cianwang, a platoon leader in the Commonwealth Army that single-handedly fended-off an entire battalion of Republican soldiers using a water-cooled heavy machine gun during the Civil War.
Last edited by Hintuwan on Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:39 am, edited 13 times in total.

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Reichsburg Bridge

Postby Hintuwan » Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:03 pm


Reichsburg Bridge is a multispan cable-stayed bridge in Hintuwan that connects the city of Mijung on the main island of Luhan and the island of Mangin. The bridge began construction in December of 2017 and was completed in August of 2019. It is the longest bridge in Hintuwan. Its construction was funded by a foreign development assistance grant of 50 million New Dornalian Dollars from the personal account of Emperor Alexander Blaken-Kazansky of the Free Kingdom of Allanea as a reward for Hintuwan's signing of the Reichsburg Free Trade Agreement, which its name commemorates.

The bridge is considered by the government as a main tourist destination of Mangin Province, and many people come from all around the country to marvel at its futuristic-looking design. Reichsburg Bridge also serves as an important role for both the tourism and economies of Luhan and Mangin Province by linking them, since before the bridge's construction, commercial activities between the two were conducted solely through the maritime transportation of goods.

Given the chance for steady employment amid a mild financial crash in 2017, Hintuwani construction crews braved treacherous conditions as its roadway and support took shape over open water. The Reichsburg Bridge opened to the public in January 2022, and has endured as a picture-perfect landmark as well as an engineering marvel.
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Facial Hair in the Hintuwani Military

Postby Hintuwan » Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:25 am


According to Section 11101c of the Revised Comprehensive Military Code of Conduct of the Commonwealth Army of Hintuwan, officers and soldiers may only grow beards after permission has been obtained. As in many other armies, automatic permission is given for specific medical conditions. Mustaches may be grown without asking permission. Beards are sometimes worn by the Hintuwani Marineros and by Commonwealth Navy personnel. All facial hair in Hintuwani armed forces is subject to instant removal when operational circumstances demand it - such as when wearing certain types of gas masks.

Prolonged counter-terrorism operations against domestic Panhaian separatists have seen a trend of growing "tour beards", both for bonding and as a way of advancing contacts with the Muslim population, who regard a full beard as a sign of manhood. A beard without a mustache is uncommon in Hintuwan.
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MP Severo Malatang, San Bernardino 8th District

Postby Hintuwan » Sat Jan 15, 2022 9:00 am

In this Hintuwani name, Kepe is an honorific and not part of the given name.


Kepe Severo Malatang (born July 4, 1948) is a Hintuwani statesman and former police chief currently serving as Member of Parliament in the Kapulungang Bayan for the Governorate of San Bernardino's 8th District. A member of the Royalist Party of Hintuwan (RPH) and the chairman of the House Committee on Public Order and Safety, MP Malatang has been circumspect in matters of public interest and committed against various forms of corruption in his 50 years of public service in the fields of law enforcement, lawmaking, and humanitarian work.

He first earned a tough, no-nonsense reputation while serving in the Hintuwani National Constabulary (HNC): solving high-profile crimes including kidnap-for-ransom cases in the 1980s and 1990s; and reviving the HNC's glory days as its Director-General from 1999 to 2001. Since he was first elected to Hintuwan's parliament MP Malatang has passed numerous landmark gun control laws, pushed for greater police funding, as well as greatly reduced the police's bureaucratic apparatus to help policemen arrest suspects faster and more easily. On top of this, MP Malatang is an untiring, tenacious watchdog of the national budget, making sure dubious insertions and useless appropriations are checked and deleted during plenary debates.
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MP Artemio Manzon, Kemarak 3rd District

Postby Hintuwan » Sat Jan 15, 2022 9:09 am


Artemio Hilario Manzon y Malalacat (born September 20, 1954) is a Hintuwani statesman and lawyer currently serving as Member of Parliament in the Kapulungang Bayan for the Governorate of Kemarak 3rd District. A member of the Liberal Party of Hintuwan (LPH) and the chairman of the House Committee on Trade and Industry, MP Manzon believes that the government should be more aggressive in coming up with ways to keep its citizens in the country if it wants to compete with the rest of the world. He advocates "Tatak Hintuwan" (Made in Hintuwan) in order to create more jobs for Hintuwanis, promote Hintuwan's brand as one with a strong identity, and consequently, bring the poor families out of poverty.

He has sponsored many laws that would create state universities and colleges in less developed provinces, in the firm belief that the best way out of poverty and towards a good life is quality education. He is also the architect of many of Hintuwan's modern standardized testing procedures, which he believes will ensure that scholarship programs really benefit the poor and most deserving students in the country.
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MP Mayumi Dumayabas, Kemarak 13th District

Postby Hintuwan » Sat Jan 15, 2022 9:31 am


Mayumi Sarah Natividad-Dumayabas y Fazon (born September 3, 1968) is a Hintuwani stateswoman and entrepreneur serving as Member of Parliament and Minority Floor Leader in the Kapulungang Bayan for the Governorate of Kemarak 13th District. A member of the Liberal Party of Hintuwan (LPH) and the chairwoman of the House Committee on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development, MP Dumayabas is the proponent of a broad laissez-faire budgetary contraction plan which she calls "The Great Riveting": one which would require the liquidation of many key government assets as well as implement strong fiscal austerity measures to stop the heightening of many of Hintuwan's worrisome economic indicators such as sovereign debt interest, inflation, and tax rates.

While she has succeeded in passing some laws in line with this advocacy, particularly in the field of implementing lower tax rates for small businesses, much of the Hintuwani welfare state remains in full strength despite her and her party's protests.
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Operation Crepusculum (2021-)

Postby Hintuwan » Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:12 am


Operation Crepusculum is an ongoing military operation against the Gambang National Islamic Sultanate (GNIS) terrorist organization being conducted by the Commonwealth Army of Hintuwan in the Governorate of Archipelagic Gambang. It was first launched in December of 2021 in response to the Salampatihan Christmas Day attacks.

According to speeches made by President Bulalacao, Operation Crepusculum's main objectives are the destruction of GNIS training camps and infrastructure within Panhai; the capture of GNIS leaders; and the cessation of overall terrorist activities in the region. These objectives are supposedly being undertaken on two levels: military and humanitarian. The military aspect involves Commonwealth armed forces searching and boarding ships entering the region for illegal cargo (such as arms and illegal drugs dealt by the GNIS to acquire funds) as well as steadily increasing the training regimen and equipment given to the units currently operating in the region. The humanitarian aspect involves building schools, clinics and water wells to enforce the confidence of the local people.

Since the beginning of the operation up until January 2022, a total of 258 identified GNIS members have either been killed, captured, arrested, or surrendered - although this number is self-reported and warrants suspicion. Some political observers have accused the Hintuwani government of paying actors to fake being part of the insurgency in order for the military to take credit.
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MP Ozabas Swagon, NCG 5th District

Postby Hintuwan » Wed Jan 19, 2022 8:40 pm


Ozabas Swagon y Cabubate (born July 6, 1971) is a Hintuwani statesman, disgraced lawyer, and former television personality currently serving as Member of Parliament in the Kapulungang Bayan for the National Capital Governorate's 5th District. A member of the All-Hintuwani Forward Bloc (AHFB), MP Swagon has authored 28 bills and resolutions.

Despite having graduated with a license to practice law from the University of Haijing, MP Swagon began his career in politics as a Hintuwani broadcast journalist, columnist, and radio presenter whose work focused on government and private sector issues. He engineered many primetime investigative and public service shows on the WMA Network like Hintuwan's Most Wanted, and Your Problem, My Solutions.

Up until his recent election, he also hosted a popular weekday afternoon radio program entitled Idala Kay Swagon! (Let's Bring This to Swagon!). The program focused on "aiding" the poor and marginalised with domestic affairs and societal injustices - mostly by publicly berating and cursing at unethical businessmen and controversial politicians on live television under the auspices of interviewing them. As such he is often been criticized for being a populist and a sensationalist with no real political views. MP Swagon, however, officially claims to be part of the "conservative-nationalist-socialist" movement advocated by his party.

The catchphrase "Bring Him to Swagon!" - a reference to how one could report one's higher-ups for injustices or misdemeanors by texting the producers of Idala Kay Swagon! - is still used by Hintuwanis when corrupt or fraudulent politicians are implicated in corruption or scandals.

MP Swagon was disbarred on February 3, 2021 following the investigation of an incident which took place on April 20, 2019 in which he was caught on camera shouting racial profanities at and giving the middle-finger to members of the Kiray-a minority ethnic group during a protest march for Indigenous Peoples' Rights which they held outside the Kapulungang Bayan. Though he was condemned by many of his fellow MPs and eventually issued an official apology, he was lauded by many fans of his previous television shows as well as his political supporters in the immediate aftermath of the incident.
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Index: Hintuwani Government Bulletins

Postby Hintuwan » Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:11 am


This section lists official statements made by the government of the Commonwealth of Hintuwan.

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Lontok XI Commemorative Brick, Volcano Bay

Postby Hintuwan » Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:27 am

Volcano Bay, Drifterica

The Lontok XI Commemorative Brick is a monument in Volcano Bay, Drifterica dedicated to Lakan Lontok XI of Clan Luntian. It was built as a thank you to Lakan Lontok XI for his private donation of 100 million HNP to the Drifterican Environmental Fund established by the Royal Aquaculture company. The money was reportedly spent on the protection of the coral reefs of Drifterica.
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University of Hintuwan

Postby Hintuwan » Thu Feb 03, 2022 9:07 am


The University of Hintuwan (UH) is a state university system in Hintuwan. It is the country's national university, giving it institutional autonomy. It was established through the ratification of Act No. 1870 by the Congress of Hintuwan in 1926 to dispense "advanced instruction in literature, philosophy, the sciences and arts" and to give "professional and technical training" to eligible students regardless of "age, sex, nationality, religious belief and political affiliation."

The University of Hintuwan system has 6 constituent universities (CUs): UH Haijing (which serves as the system's flagship university), UH Panginoan, UH Sarikula, UH San Bernardino, UH Open University, and UH Gambang which are scattered across 11 campuses.

The University of Hintuwan System offers 246 undergraduate degree programs and 362 graduate degree programs, more than any other university in the country. UH Haijing offers the largest number of degree programs, and other campuses are known to lead and specialize in specific programs. The university has 57 degree-granting units throughout the system, which may be a college, school, or institute that offers an undergraduate or a graduate program. In the Gambang campus, a separate Graduate School administers the graduate programs in agriculture, forestry, the basic sciences, mathematics and statistics, development economics and management, agrarian studies and human ecology.

Notably, the UH library system contains the largest collections of agricultural, medical, veterinary and animal science materials in Hintuwan. Many historical records important to the national identity of Hintuwan (particularly colonial era documents) are archived in the basement of the UH Haijing campus. UH Panginoan on the other hand boasts the largest collection of documents relating to student, political, and religious organizations advocating political, economic, and social changes during the Cagalangan administration in their on-site library.

The University of Hintuwan system maintains its own independent campus police forces owing to the fact that the 1989 accord with the Ministry of Defense restricts the entry of the national government's police and the military in any of UH's campuses without prior notice. Thus, UH is often seen as a safe space for radical political activity.
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Hintuwani Piloncito (HNP)

Postby Hintuwan » Sat Feb 05, 2022 4:50 am


The Hintuwani piloncito (HNP) (plural: piloncitoes) is the official currency of Hintuwan.

The current exchange rate of the Hintuwani piloncito is 1 USD = 1.93762 HNP.

The term "piloncito" comes from the term used to refer to small "bead-like" pieces of gold which were used as currency during Hintuwan's archaic and medieval periods as well as in the earliest years of the country's Pordhesian colonial period. In the Hintuwanese language, piloncito is practically synonymous with "money".

The monetary policy of Hintuwan is conducted by the Bangko Sentral ng Hintuwan (BSH), established on July 3, 1993 as its central bank. It produces the country's banknotes and coins at its Security Plant Complex, which is located in Tisang, Panginoan.
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Hintuwan in Antiquity (-111 BCE)

Postby Hintuwan » Sat Feb 19, 2022 1:21 am

Reconstruction of a typical Hintuwani Bronze Age settlement

The first known evidence of settlement in the modern-day Hintuwani archipelago comes from stone tools and fossils of butchered animal remains in Dambana, Cabalagdag which suggests the existence of early hominins in the country as old as 709,000 years ago. The oldest known remains of modern humans in the country dates back to about 47,000 years ago with the discovery of the Ratchawan Man in Panginoan.

The Abo-abuhan ethnic group is considered to be the country's earliest civilised settlers in terms of possessing a shared culture, language, and writing system - but their appearance in Hintuwan has not been reliably dated. Confirmed by genetic studies to be among the first people to migrate out of Africa and into Hintuwan, they likely hold the title of being its most indigenous population. Today, racially homogenic remainders of this ethnic group form minority settlements in geographically isolated regions throughout the country.

The first of many ethnic Han and Vedic peoples are estimated to have reached Hintuwan at around 2200 BCE, for various reasons. Some embellished accounts regarding the foundation of some of Hintuwan's pre-historic polities recount a mass migration of disgraced princes from royal courts in the East while others simply cite war, disease, and famine as their primary reason for coming to Hintuwan. Archaeological evidence suggests this move was mostly peaceful, and they first settled the Gambang Peninsula for its rich, fertile soil as well as rivers which were used as natural sources of irrigation. From there, they rapidly spread across the rest of the islands of Hintuwan. Population dispersals occurred at the same time as sea levels rose, which resulted in periodic migrations of peoples between Hintuwan and other civilizations of the Southern Sea in modern-day Doravo and Corindia.

The dominant religion of Hintuwan at this time was called Pag-anito (also spelled Pag-anitu) which refers to the worship of ancestor spirits, nature spirits, and deities known as Anito (or Anitu) in the indigenous folk traditions of the archipelago's inhabitants. Carved humanoid figures known as taotao, made of either wood, stone, or ivory, were created in order to represent these gods and were considered holy by those who worshipped them. Each tribe tended to have its own set of gods, however there was a tendency for some pantheons to overlap.

By 111 BCE, the inhabitants of the Hintuwani archipelago had developed into four distinct kinds of civilizations: tribal groups, such as the Abo-abuhan, Kemarakan, and the Sarikulan who depended on hunter-gathering and were concentrated in forests; warrior societies, such as the Záchwa of the lost city of Bayapolog and the nomadic Hani-Hani who practiced social ranking and ritualized warfare; the petty plutocracy of the Kiray-a, who occupied the mountain ranges of Eastern Luhan; and various harbor principalities of the Tunduk estuarine civilizations that grew along the Lakapati River.

These civilizations were often governed in a despotic fashion whereby a single clan tended to preside over all matters of state. However, the purity of the line of succession tended not to be as important as in other iterations of monarchical governance around the world. For example, it was extremely common for a chieftain to bequeath power unto an older adopted son rather than a younger biological one, often with very little conflict erupting among members of his household.

Chieftains, both at a village and civilizational level, would often rule alongside equally-powerful shamans known commonly as babaylan or in some parts of Panhai, katalonan. These shamans, typically old, unmarried wisewomen, would preside over séances, rituals, and all forms of religious celebration by acting as a medium for citizens to communicate with their gods as well as their ancestors. Babaylan may also invoke the powers of nature spirits to affect the environment which was, at least ostensibly, done to usher-in conditions such as rain or plentiful harvest.

According to oral tradition, the powers of the babaylan could be subverted to achieve more nefarious ends but this was often looked down upon - even by prehistoric Hintuwanis. Babaylan who used their power to curse (sumpa) another member of society were labeled mangkukulam (bewitcher). Fate (tadhana) played a large part in Pag-anito, and there was near-universal consensus that it favored virtuous and meritorious individuals, so to curse someone was seen as something that would eventually extract a heavy toll either in one's current life or in the next (similar to the idea of karma).
Last edited by Hintuwan on Thu Feb 06, 2025 9:45 pm, edited 17 times in total.

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The Lost City of Bayapolog

Postby Hintuwan » Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:52 pm

Bayapolog is a mythical "lost city" that is said to invisibly lie between Baleng and Samráng in the Panhai region of Hintuwan.

According to oral tradition, this was the ancestral homeland of the indigenous Záchwa people, who cohabited it with engkantos ("enchanted beings"), and their progeny with the humans. The engkantos are described as shapechangers who can take human form. In this human form, they are said to lack a philtrum between their nose and lips.

The exact reason for why the Záchwa's exodus from Bayapolog vary from story to story. One popular narrative explains that a Záchwa man killed his engkanto wife after she was caught being unfaithful to him, which led to a civil war between the humans and the engkanto that ultimately resulted in the humans' expulsion. Another merely states that the Záchwa descend from humans who tried to settle outside of Bayapolog but lost their way home. Others believe that the city of Bayapolog may have really existed but was subject to cyclical degradation, flooding, or some other environmental factor which led to the settlement's abandonment for one reason or another.

A small number of people claim to have seen the city. Some seafarers have claimed to have seen a "dazzling city of light" on moonless nights, for a few minutes. Most of the people who claim to have seen the city have also claimed to be victims of demon possession.

One urban myth about the city involves a girl named Tasikpura, who went to Baleng with two friends on vacation. Tasikpura did not return to Haijing - instead, she wrote a letter to her family explaining that she was happy living in Baleng. Her parents were left puzzled after seeing the address on the letter: Bayapolog City. Some even believe that Tasikpura has become the princess of Bayapolog. While there have been several iterations of Tasikpura’s apparitions over the years, the most popular is that she regularly traverses the river connecting the towns of Irada and Sanghan. Those who pass through this river are advised not to speak as to not disturb Tasikpura's travels.

In 1975, there were reports of satellite images from a company based in Dormill and Stiura that allegedly show brightly lit tracts of lands in the region, which led the Dormill-Stiuraians to believe that there were rich deposits of gold and uranium in the suspected area. Having attained an excavation license from the local government, they began work immediately, setting up a large work site in the town of San Pedro, but mysterious accidents and mishaps plagued the project - forcing the Dormill-Stiuraian company to shut down operations and abandon the project completely in an effort to avoid bankruptcy and cut their losses.
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The Hintuwani Revolution (1904-1906)

Postby Hintuwan » Thu Mar 17, 2022 11:05 pm

Bayubay Hamexas convenes the Dalawampuhan (1904)

The Hintuwani Revolution (Hintuwanese: Himagsikang Hintuwani / Rebolusyong Hintuwani; Pordhesian: Revolución Hintuwani) was a revolution and subsequent conflict fought between the people and insurgents of Hintuwan against the Pordhesian Western Isles Company of the Pordhesian Empire (Kingdom of Pordhes).

The revolution was largely provoked in 1904 when after years of incessant insurrection led by an increasingly-educated indio (indigenous) Hintuwani middle-class, the colonial government of the Pordhesian Western Isles Company initiated a campaign of brutally repressing suspected separatists through a series of mandates issued by then-Governor-General Luca Molinero known as the Molinero Decrees (Pordhesian: Decretos de Molinero). Educated Hintuwanis were jailed without trial and subjected to torture by Pordhesian colonials until they confessed to insurrectionary charges or ratted out a fellow member of the Hintuwani intelligentsia that they suspected of participating in insurrectionary acts. An inquisition led by the Catholic church against the Hintuwani Freemasons and underground Hintuwani protestant movements that same year further soured public opinion towards the Pordhesian regime.

The 18 Martyrs of Mangin (1904)

The Dalawampuhan

Anti-separatist colonial violence culminated in the death of the "18 Martyrs of Mangin", a group of Hintuwani priests, businessmen, and lawyers executed by Pordhesian troops on the 7th of May, 1904. Throughout the month of September, representatives from 23 different "grievance" movements mostly centered in Tunduk Province (propagandists, peasant rebels, and trade unionists) met in Panginoan following a clandestine call to action by indigenous pro-independence leader Bayubay Hamexas. On the 25th of that same month they formed the Dalawampuhan (lit.: "the group of 20"), a secret society founded on the belief that independence for the Hintuwani nation was the only way to vouchsafe the rights of native Hintuwanis from the abuses of the Pordhesian Empire. Members bestowed Hamexas with dictatorial powers and the title "King of the Hintuwani Nation" (Hari ng Bayang Hintuwani), which put the Dalawampuhan at odds with other Hintuwani independence groups, some of whom believed that Hintuwan should fully embrace republicanism as well as royalists who believed Hintuwan should have a constitutional monarchy under one of the clans of the Kesampuhan.

In December, Haring Hamexas sent envoys to Corindia, to solicit arms, volunteer troops, and officers "so that the light of liberty that illuminates Corindia may also shed its rays over the Hintuwan." Corindia had been friendly to the Hintuwanis since before the Pordhesian colonial era, and many Hintuwanis who had fled from Pordhesian persecution had been welcomed there and given full protection of Corindi laws. On Christmas Day of 1904 the clandestine Treaty of Carmo was signed between Hintuwan and the Corindi government, which secured Corindia's material support for the Dalawampuhan as well as a written guarantee that Corindia would recognize the Hamexas' government in the event that Hintuwani independence was proclaimed.

In January of 1905, with Corindi arms and volunteers, the Dalwampuhan attacked the Panhaian province of Samráng and easily overpowered the local Pordhesian garrison. From its initial successes in January until the end of May, the Dalawampuhan successfully captured other towns and provinces in the Sarikula region, including Urdamaylan and Baleng. The Dalawampuhan also established a secret presence in Haijing, although this presence was eventually uncovered by Pordhesian authorities on June 3rd, when Juan IV Petagat - patriarch of the Petagat Kesampuhan clan, whose dynasty was initially one of the 23 original grievance movements - revealed the locations of Hamexas' hideouts in Haijing to a Pordhesian priest during a confession. It is believed that this was done out of concern that Kesampuhan aristocrats would be sidelined in the aftermath of a successful democratic Hintuwani revolution. Juan Petagat was eventually awarded land in Northern Tunduk and a weekly stipend of 15 Pordhesian Pesos by the colonial government for his assistance in revealing the insurgent presence, whilst the Dalawampuhan was forced to completely abandon their presence in Haijing by retreating to the countryside.

On June 19th, Haring Hamexas and several key members of Dalawampuhan leadership were arrested by the colonial government after returning to a port in Haijing having just arrived from Corindia. The following day Hamexas' right-hand man and aide-de-camp, Sigat Orogupan, while stationed at the Dalwampuhan base in Sarikula, assumed de facto command of the revolutionary army.

The Battle of Sambuesa Bridge, part of the Battle of Haijing (1905)

Mercadejas' Revolt

On October 4th, a half-Pordhesian, half-indio cadet in the Pordhesian colonial garrison by the name of Virgilio Mercadejas began a revolt with his fellow soldiers in Haijing. Mercadejas had fought in many of the Pordhesian Empire's wars in the past but was always passed up for promotion in favor of white Pordhesian officers. Officers in the Pordhesian garrison in Hintuwan were almost totally composed of creoles during this time, who harbored equal disgust for white Pordhesians as native Hintuwanis partly because they too were usually shoved aside for promotions despite exhibiting valor on the battlefield and partly because of racial antagonisms. At midday, they seized the Governor-General's Palace, the Haijing Cathedral, the city's cabildo (city hall) and other important government buildings. Political prisoners, including Haring Hamexas of the Dalawampuhan, were freed. Failing to find Governor-General Molinero (who, together with the remainder of the Pordhesian Western Isles Company's leadership, successfully evacuated to the island-fortress of Fuerza Centinela), they instead killed the Lieutenant-Governor, Alvaro Fernández, as well as a majority of the white Pordhesian leadership of the Catholic clergy in Hintuwan.

According to eyewitness accounts, the soldiers proclaimed ¡Viva el Emperador Mercadejas! ("Long live the Emperor Mercadejas!") and the townsfolk of Haijing followed rebel troops as they marched through the streets of Haijing. 4 successive attempts were made by the Pordhesian Empire's troops to retake their colonial capital in what comes to be known as the Battle of Haijing (1905), but none were able to successfully do so despite artillery barrages by the colonial navy due to the Mercadejasian forces' use of early defense-in-depth tactics. Pordhesian colonial troops became bogged down in house-to-house fighting against creoles, Mercadejas' men, and indigenous Hintuwani citizen-volunteers. The attack was finally called off by the Fuerza Centinela administration on October 24th.

Under the command of Sigat Orogupan, the Battle of Tisang (1905) was fought by the Dalawampuhan against the Pordhesian Empire beginning October 16th until November 5th, resulting in Hintuwani revolutionaries capturing the major port city of Tisang, west of Haijing Bay as well as pushing Pordhesian forces in mainland Panhai back across Northeastern Luhan and into the Hangzuishan Mountain Range. This key victory united the Dalwampuhan front with Mercadejas' pro-independence forces in Haijing. Subsequently, the Battle of Mangin (1905) began on November 7th between pro-independence separatists and the local Pordhesian garrison following an uprising by army mutineers and peasant rebels under Kesampuhan aristocrat Seikshwe III of the Cerong Clan. Seikshwe was granted the rank of General upon subordinating his insurrectionists under Mercadejas' command in the aftermath of their victory on November 10th.

The Aklatan Convention, as depicted on a mural at the Aklatan History Museum

The Aklatan Convention

After weeks of communicating with one another via runners, the Dalwampuhan and the Mercadejasians agreed to host an assembly in Aklatan, Mangin to elect a republican cabinet. Hamexas initially opposed the assembly due to his belief that - as the progenitor of the revolution - he ought to be its assumed leader. The Aklatan Convention, also known today as the 2nd Synod of Aklatan was conducted on November 13th at the symbolically-significant Khlochaburi Palace, where the (first) 1143 CE Synod of Aklatan in the aftermath of the Bataran Restoration allegedly took place. At the convention, delegates voted to establish a revolutionary republic and Virgilio Mercadejas was elected as the first President of the newly-founded Republic of Hintuwan, and he adopted the moniker "Emperor of Hintuwan" as well as "Generalissimo" as his ceremonial titles; whilst Sigat Orogupan was elected as the republic's first Vice President and Bayubay Hamexas was elected Minister of War. A Hintuwani-Corindi Lieutenant by the name of Jeremiah Connor was elected Minister of Foreign Affairs. A creole by the name of Raymond Deshommes was elected Minister of Economics. The combined forces of the Dalawampuhan and Haijing Mutineers were officially reformed into the Hintuwani Republican Army (Luhanese: Hukbong Republika ng Hintuwan, Pordhesian: Ejército Republicano Hintuwani). Notably, a vast contingent of the Dalwampuhan's own constituency present at the convention, having lost faith in Hamexas' ability to lead the revolution, precipitated Mercadejas' rise to power.

Insurgent forces continued to engage in small skirmishes throughout 1906. By August of that year, after months of successive victories inflicted upon Pordhesian colonial forces by the Republic and fearing the possibility of a massacre, a full evacuation of ethnic Pordhesians still residing in colonial-held territories was launched by the Fuerza Centinela administration. Hundreds of thousands of white Pordhesians were sent back to their homeland in galleons protected by the Pordhesian Navy, and all Pordhesian military forces either capitulated or had already been evacuated by the end of the month.

The Declaration of Hintuwani Independence (1906)

Declaration of Independence

By September, at the invitation of President Mercadejas, foreign representatives from Dormill and Stiura, Doravo, the Alteran Republics, and Corindia arrived in Haijing to express private guarantees of support for Hintuwani independence. On October 5th at 1:00 in the afternoon, President Mercadejas officially declared the independence of the Republic of Hintuwan at the deposed Governor-General's estate in Haijing, accompanied by his cabinet members as well as an entourage of Dormill-Stiuran observers. On October 15th, President Mercadejas signed a decree that changed the dictatorial revolutionary government into a democratic republican government. Mercadejas also formally established the Kapulungang Bayan (National Assembly) - a unicameral parliament, which began work on a constitution. On November 3rd, the Kapulungang Bayan successfully voted to adopt its draft constitution. On November 4th, the Constitution of the Republic of Hintuwan was approved and promulgated by President Mercadejas.

A contingent of 5,000 Dormill and Stiuran troops arrived in Haijing on November 5th. The Ambassador of Dormill and Stiura to the Hintuwani Republic, Dominic Phillips, assured President Mercadejas that the troops would reinforce the Hintuwani Republican Army to prevent foreign incursion and secure Hintuwan's independence. Mercadejas complied, despite far-reaching outrage from both the Kapulungang Bayan and Cabinet officials who feared it to be a colonial occupation army.

Hostilities between Dormill and Stiura and the Republic of Hintuwan would break out on November 25th, leading to the Hintuwani-Doraltic War.
Last edited by Hintuwan on Thu Feb 06, 2025 9:55 pm, edited 20 times in total.

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The Hintuwani-Doraltic War (1906-1907)

Postby Hintuwan » Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:25 am

La Batallón Haijing, a regiment of the Hintuwani Republican Army composed mainly of volunteers from Haijing (1905)

The Hintuwani-Doraltic War (Hintuwanese: Digmaang Hintuwani-Doraltiko), previously referred to as the Luhan Insurrection, was an armed conflict between the Republic of Hintuwan and the United Republics of Dormill and Stiura from 1906 to 1907. The conflict arose when the United Republics invaded Hintuwan under the guise of military protection in the aftermath of the Hintuwani Revolution. It ended in a victory for Dormill and Stiura, resulting in the Doraltic occupation of Hintuwan.

Doraltic Imperialism

Dormill and Stiura in the 19th-20th centuries was one of the greatest economic superpowers of the continent of Gael in the Western Isles, and had experienced a period of rapid industrialization under the socialist-leaning Favre presidency which led to the establishment of a landed intelligentsia, democratic reforms, and a growing sense of national responsibility to spread Doraltic federalist ideas abroad.

The establishment of an international district of governance for the Central Canal in the aftermath of the Canal War of 1853 opened up trade between Raedlon and Gael through Argus, emphasizing the lucrative importance which control over Eastern territories in the Southern Sea provided to colonial powers. As early as then, there were already voices in the Doraltic government lobbying for greater exertion of influence over the nations of the Southern Sea, however most of the region was already under the control either directly or indirectly by larger hegemons. The outbreak of the Hintuwani Revolution changed these prospects, and by 1906 there was an increasing concern that Dormill and Stiura's rivals may gain possession of the archipelago if the United Republics did not intervene.

Using instability in Hintuwan and Doraltic nationalism as a pretext for invasion, President Favre is quoted as having said: "Dormill and Stiura altruistically supports the Hintuwani people in their struggle against tyrannical yoke. If our military forces linger on for too long in Hintuwan, it is to protect the Hintuwanis from other predators waiting in the wings for our withdrawal. We hope that our continued presence will permit us to tutor them in the ways of Dormill and Stiuran federalism, as well as impart unto the Hintuwani people the learnings of our own anti-colonial struggle." President Favre also tried to appeal to the socialists of Dormill and Stiura, with vague promises that feudal institutions in Hintuwan would be dismantled by force in the aftermath of a Doraltic occupation of the islands.

The Hintuwan Commission

On October 29th, 1906 President Favre of Dormill and Stiura appointed several members of the National Congress to take positions on the Hintuwan Commission, tasked with studying the situation in Hintuwan and making a recommendation on how the Doraltic government should react with regards to it. The Commission determined that surrounding empires in the Southern Sea are likely to seize control of Pordhes' Western Isles colony without Doraltic intervention, and that a Doraltic protectorate should be established in order to prevent such a situation from unfolding as well as create a permanent military and economic presence in the region. The Commission acknowledged a Hintuwani desire for self-determination but argued that the Hintuwani people were not yet ready for it.

On November 10th, President Favre publicized the Hintuwan Commission's report - which included references to fabricated mass-rapes, looting, and massacres committed against white Pordhesians by Mercadejas' mutineers during the Battle of Haijing in 1905 - and secretly issued the Peacebuilding Mandate, which moved that a Doraltic contingent prepare for an assimilation of the newly-established Hintuwani Republic. President Mercadejas received a bowdlerized version of the report that removed mention of Doraltic sovereignty "to stress our benevolent purpose" and not "offend Hintuwani sensibilities", by substituting "free people" for "supremacy of the Dormill and Stiuran state," and deleting "to exercise future domination."

Doraltic forces cross the Lakapati River (1906)


The first shots of the war were fired on November 25th at the corner of Kalpas and San Ignacio streets, in Haijing when a column of Doraltic infantrymen opened fire on a group of Hintuwani officers, killing a Hintuwani lieutenant and one Hintuwani soldier. Hintuwani historians maintain that they were unarmed. This action triggered the Battle of Haijing (1906) which lasted two days and ended in a full retreat of the Hintuwani republican government from the capital.

Hintuwani forces initially attempted to fight a conventional war against Dormill and Stiura but resorted to guerilla tactics after taking substantial losses. In June 1907, sensing impending defeat, President Mercadejas ordered War Minister Bayubay Hamexas to go into hiding in Corindia. President Mercadejas was captured on July 30th, 1907 in present-day San Bernardino Oriental, Lan Guó. After commanding all Hintuwani Republican Army forces to surrender and taking an oath of allegiance to Dormill and Stiura he was exiled to the Doraltic city of Kapolder.


Dormill and Stiura established the Ministry of Insular Affairs to manage Hintuwan, which became a Dormill-Stiuran protectorate in the wake of the conflict. The war resulted in at least 50,000 Hintuwani civilian deaths, mostly due to famine and disease. Some estimates for total civilian dead reach up to 100,000. Atrocities and war crimes were committed during the conflict, including torture, mutilation, and executions by both sides. The guerrilla warfare tactics employed by the Hintuwanis was met with the Dormill-Stiurans abducting many civilians to concentration camps, killing thousands, and targeting civilian centers in scorched earth campaigns. Chemical warfare was utilized by the Dormill-Stiuran military to a limited extent in the form of mustard gas. The war and subsequent occupation by Dormill and Stiura changed the culture of the islands, leading to the rise of Protestantism and disestablishment of Pordhesian control of the Catholic Church in Hintuwan as well as the introduction of English to the islands as the primary language of government, education, business, and industry.
Last edited by Hintuwan on Thu Feb 06, 2025 9:56 pm, edited 16 times in total.

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New York Times Democracy

The Doraltic Occupation of Hintuwan (1906-1943)

Postby Hintuwan » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:32 am

Flag of Dormill and Stiura

The Doraltic Occupation of Hintuwan (Hintuwanese: Pag-sakop ng mga Doraltiko sa Hintuwan / Pag-sakop ng Dormill at Stiura sa Hintuwan) lasted 33 years, beginning with the United Republics of Dormill and Stiura's annexation of the Hintuwani archipelago in the aftermath of the Hintuwani-Doraltic War and ending with Dormill and Stiura granting phony independence to a puppet Second Republic of Hintuwan in 1943.

Insular Government and Federalism

The United Republics Ministry of Insular Affairs provided for a governor-general appointed by the Dormill and Stiuran president as well as an elected lower house, the Hintuwani Assembly. It also disestablished the Catholic Church as the state religion. In an effort to resolve the status of the friars the Doraltic government also negotiated with the Vatican, which agreed to sell the friars' estates and promised gradual substitution of Hintuwani and other non-Pordhesian priests for the friars. It refused, however, to withdraw the religious orders from the islands immediately, partly to avoid offending the Kingdom of Pordhes. In 1910, the Doraltic administration bought major parts of the friars' holdings, of which roughly half was in the vicinity of Haijing. The land was eventually resold to Hintuwanis, some of them tenants but the majority of them estate-owners.

Dormill and Stiura introduced a Torrens title system to track land ownership in 1912, which allowed individuals to claim land on the basis of a five-year residency. Both of these systems benefited larger landowners who were more able to take advantage of the bureaucracy, and only one tenth of homestead claims were ever approved.

Other changes brought about by Dormill and Stiura's occupation of Hintuwan include the introduction of English teachers which constituted the country's first public education system, and economic reform. During this era, much of the industrialization which transformed Dormill and Stiura in the 19th century began to spread to Hintuwan with the establishment of a more free and competitive market than that which existed during the reign of the predominantly feudalistic Pordhesian colonial regime.

The Favre presidency which ruled Dormill and Stiura during this time was a vocal advocate of a political movement known as federalism, which promoted a form of democracy built on the strong consensus of local government units. In accordance to Federalism, new territorial extents of provincial governments in Hintuwan were defined based on the principle of devolved societal organization. President Favre also decreed the creation of "Governorates" (known as Gobernación in Hintuwanese) designed to function semi-autonomously and could sustain themselves financially on a day-to-day basis rather than depending on more developed areas of the country for access to food sources or basic services such as law enforcement and healthcare. The Governorate system is still used by Hintuwan today.

North Haijing High School Scandal

In February of 1931, nationalist protests erupted in Haijing over a series of publicized racist remarks by the Dormill-Stiuran principal of North Haijing High School, that included calling her students "[a bunch of] sweaty, potato-eating monkeys". Taking advantage of public discontent over the inaction of Doraltic authorities, the Kilusang Bayang Muog (National Fortress Movement) was founded by Hintuwani poet Enrico De Vargas from among the demonstrators that participated in the protests against North Haijing High School. The movement's initial platform was centered upon immediate independence from Dormill and Stiura, the abolition of the Senate of Hintuwan, land redistribution, taxation reductions, and greater governmental transparency. Many Hintuwani anti-colonial ideologues including Fascists, Communists, and Republicans joined due to disillusionment with the slow progress being made by the Doraltic-sponsored Congress of Hintuwan. In addition, the Muog gained popularity among disgruntled Hintuwani-Doraltic War era veterans as well, culminating in the creation of an armed resistance front which began waging a guerilla war against the Doraltic colonial government out of rural Cabalagdag.

The Muog welcomed avenues such as talks with neighbouring Corindia and Doravo to assist in a hypothetical second indpendence struggle. Whilst the former remained reluctant due to concerns that it would spark a Doraltic-Corindian war, the latter sent several sleeper-agents to help establish underground militias in the event that war breaks out between Doravo and the United Republics.

By 1934, it is estimated that the Muog had over 200,000 formal members and through its publications influenced the political imagination of many hundreds of thousands more Hintuwanis.

Preparations for Self-Rule

The first steps towards preparing Hintuwan for self-rule began with the establishment of the Congress of Hintuwan - a bicameral advisory body modeled after Dormill and Stiura's own States-General composed of a Senate (Upper House) and a House of Representatives (Lower House). The Congress began as a completely ceremonial body that could suggest laws that would only go into effect if approved by the United Republics Insular Ministry. Unlike the unicameral Kapulungang Bayan implemented by the First Republic, the Congress of Hintuwan awarded exceptional privileges and membership requirements similar to the States-General. Foremost of these privileges was that any operative legislation passed by the House of Representatives had to be approved by the Senate before being passed to the Insular Ministry; and that the Senate could only be joined if one was related by blood to the Kesampuhan-derived clans recognized by the Insular Ministry at the time. This made Senators of Hintuwan akin to the Stadtholders of Dormill and Stiura, which earned the ire of Hintuwan's working-class but was greatly appreciated by Hintuwan's landlords and royal clans - many of whom did not participate in the Hintuwani Revolution and suddenly found themselves in positions of power under the Doraltic regime. Republicans lost a significant amount of faith in Doraltic colonial administration, while some royalists descended into infighting over the legitimacy of the bloodlines recognized by Dormill-Stiura's insular office.

The first political parties ever to be established in Hintuwan, the Federalist Party of Hintuwan (FPH) and the Liberal Party of Hintuwan (LPH), were both officiated by the Dormill and Stiuran government on the day of the opening session of the Congress of Hintuwan on May 7th, 1936. Kubanuddin I of Clan Petagat, son of Juan IV Petagat, ran under the LPH and was elected President of the Senate while Sigat Orogupan ran under the FPH and was elected as House Speaker of the House of Representatives.

A motion to create the flag of Hintuwan was also passed via congressional resolution during this time.

Hintuwani Independence Law

After a 2-month trip to Cour Rouge undertaken by House Speaker Sigat Orogupan on behalf of the Congress of Hintuwan to lobby for Hintuwani independence the Hintuwani Independence Law was passed by Dormill and Stiura on January 8th, 1938 establishing a five-year time frame after which Hintuwan would be granted total self-rule - thereby promising Hintuwanis independence in 1943.

The 1939 presidential elections in Dormill and Stiura marked the end of the Favre presidency and the rise to power of upstart right-wing candidate Ludovic Denis, a staunch reactionary ultranationalist and populist who ran on a platform of re-asserting Dormill-Stiuraian dominance in the world. President Denis opposed the individualism and democratic rights championed by his federalist predecessor and instead promised to restore the honor of the Dormill-Stiuraian people by promoting an ideology known as fraternalism which promoted limited government (minarchism), male chauvinism, militarism, the regimentation of society, accelerationist capitalism, and the superiority of the "Gaeltic race" over all other races (Gael Utopia).

One of Denis' first acts as president of Dormill and Stiura was to send representatives to meet with members of Hintuwan's insular government to discuss the implementation of Fraternalist policies in the country. Denis recognized the need for Fraternalism to seem as though it were something voluntarily adopted by Hintuwani leadership rather than merely another colonial policy imposed upon them. After months of clandestine negotiations, the leaders of Hintuwan's two largest political parties agreed to help the Denisian administration by passing laws combating growing communist and socialist influence in Hintuwan, shutting down trade unions which were becoming a nuisance to foreign businesses operating in the country, as well as preserving the religious freedoms of Doraltic protestant missionaries and the existing rights of white Gaels in general. In exchange, Denis nominally agreed to honor the Hintuwani Independence Law and allowed for the former leader of the Dalawampuhan revolt - Bayubay Hamexas - to return from his exile in Corindia alongside other revolutionaries who had previously been barred from the country by the Favre presidency.

Fraternalism in Hintuwan was mainly promoted through a "softer" version of its "national fraternalism" wing which focused less on the ideology's racial supremacy aspects and more on its belief that capitalism should be unleashed to its fullest extent around the world. Hintuwani people were seen as some form of model minority who, according to Denis, "[had] been fully immersed in Christian pedagogies and the Gaeltic way of life". The creole minority in Hintuwan instead suffered the brunt of racial discrimination and state-sponsored persecution by Denis' fraternalist regime, as they were believed to be "genetically predisposed and conditioned to serve the institution of slavery". Through executive orders issued to the United Republics' insular ministry and with the cooperation of Hintuwan's insular government, President Denis instituted an apartheid regime which prohibited Hintuwani creoles from using the same restrooms and sidewalks as non-creoles; engaging in sexual activities with Hintuwani citizens, Gaels living in Hintuwan, or anyone else with whom the act would constitute "racial pollution"; and possessing private property.

Although most Hintuwani people generally had no interest in deliberately persecuting creoles, a select few used it as an opportunity to act upon an existing narrative of hatred which developed as a result of the fact that creoles in Hintuwan were brought over as chattel slaves while regular Hintuwanis - though colonized - were considered "free people" with almost the same rights as their Pordhesian overlords during the Pordhesian colonial era. In the wake of his return, Hamexas quickly became the figurehead of one of the most hardline utopian fraternalist groups within the Liberal Party known as the New Liberals who actively used creole stereotypes of greediness and cunning as scapegoats for shortcomings in the Hintuwani economy. Membership of the New Liberals was disproportionately composed of Hamexas' closest allies from the Hintuwani Revolution, most of whom held a grudge against Virgilio Mercadejas' creole revolt for outshadowing their initial gains and whose faction Hamexas blamed for the Dalawampuhan effectively being voted out of power during the 2nd Synod of Aklatan.

The New Liberals have become most infamous for facilitating the creation of a vast forced labor and concentration camp for political dissidents and ethnic creoles in New Annecy province known as the Pantiyon (Hintuwanese: lit. "The Tomb"). Pantiyon has been described as "a cesspool of gore and senseless sadism" in which roughly 11,000~ people were interred and an estimated 5,191 people perished. The subject of whether the outright genocide of creoles was known to most Hintuwanis at this time has become the subject of much debate however Pantiyon's remote location in rural Lan Guó resulted in it not being discovered until 1951.

Bayubay Hamexas (center) and his New Liberal cabinet (1943)

1942 Hintuwani Elections and Hintuwani Independence

In accordance with the Hintuwani Independence Law, national elections were held throughout Hintuwan on May 1st, 1942 to prepare Hintuwan for self-rule the following year. As a result of fraternalist agents waging a brutal suppression campaign against opposition groups, Bayubay Hamexas won the presidency in a landslide. The monarchists retained control of the Senate while the New Liberals took control of the House of Represenatives, ousting Sigat Orogupan from his position as House Speaker and replacing him with the more fraternalism-sympathetic half-Corindi Jonathan Rangsei.

On October 30, 1943 - in commemoration of the day when Dormill and Stiura itself gained independence in 1795 - the Second Republic of Hintuwan was inaugurated as a nominally self-governing sovereign state at Plaza Ochoa in Haijing. Very few countries recognized the Second Republic at the time of its conception and the country would continue to be sponsored by Dormill and Stiura until its fall to Commonwealth forces in 1955 during the Hintuwani Civil War.
Last edited by Hintuwan on Thu Feb 06, 2025 10:10 pm, edited 28 times in total.



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