Children's Cartoon Chafes CEO
Some civil rights, Public protest is allowed, The Internet is legal, Must have private industry, Must have some mining industry
@@ANIMAL@@ Eco-Warriors 2, a children's animated film streaming on @@REGION@@Flix was previously little known until a oil industry lobby group caught wind of it. In the film, a ragtag group of @@ANIMALPLURAL@@ fight a corrupt and dirty oil company and its greedy, sadistic CEO... who bears more than a passing resemblance to a @@DEMONYM@@ oil company CEO!
"I'm outraged at this offensive attack on me, I mean, our industry," rages the CEO, @@RANDOMNAME_1@@. "It ignores all the years of effort we've done cleaning up our processes. Why, over the last decade, employee accidents and emissions at our sites have both dropped, um, a little. Besides, I would never attempt to drown a bunch of @@ANIMALPLURAL@@ into a tailings pond like in this entirely fictional cartoon." @@HIS_1@@ eyes flash from side to side. Then @@HE_1@@ adds, "I demand that the streaming company pulls this movie from streaming inside @@NAME@@ post-haste, and I'm counting on your support!"
streaming companies are forced to pull children's films whenever a powerful person throws a tantrum
"That doesn't go far enough," says oil and gas lobbyist @@RANDOMNAME_2@@, while pounding a fist on your desk. "The movie should absolutely be banned from @@DEMONYMADJECTIVE@@ viewership, yes. But you should also set up a government squad of our own 'reporters'... sure, let's call them that, to combat all the lies and brainwashing against one of @@DEMONYMPLURAL@@ most crucial industries. I can even head it up if you want. You know, the film's director isn't even from @@NAME@@! If you ask me, this is part of a foreign plot against us."
anyone who even accidentally criticizes an oil company risks being doxed by government funded trolls
"Don't listen to that propogandist," says co-operative farm labourer and rabid animation fan @@RANDOMNAME_3@@. "You can't just spew a bunch of malarkey over some thin-skinned fat cat's complaint and call it the truth. Imagine, squandering a bunch of taxpayer money to vilify children's cartoons and such. Embarrassing. This film isn't bad actually, and it raises several uncomfortable truths about the oil industry... maybe people like this CEO are the real villains. It merits some further study into their business practices."
frackers feel fracked by flocks of factfinders
@@RANDOMNAME_4@@, the co-director of the film, chuckles over the phone from @@HIS_4@@ home in Brancaland. "You know, I had never even heard of that person until after it was released, and someone pointed out the resemblance. This whole kerfuffle turned my teeny little project into a top ten streaming film on @@REGION@@Flix. I guess I can thank the lobby group for all the publicity! But at heart, this is an artistic freedom issue. If the streaming company pulls my film over this silly tantrum, people will raise hell. Please stand up for artists and consumers, and put an end to this nonsense."
the film industry applauds @@LEADER@@ while hurt feelings reports from CEOs gather dust