International Safety Index
From the nation which brought you the adequately-popular International Corruption Index...
Greetings to all nations of the world. The Drongonian Government, partnered with several NGOs and private research institutes, has compiled a questionnaire which seeks to establish the level of safety citizens may enjoy within any given country. We invite all heads of state (or their representatives) to take part in the survey and provide both us and the rest of the world with valuable feedback regarding who we should trade, ally and have diplomatic relations with.
We do request that all nations taking part in this survey give their honest and sincere answers when filling out this questionnaire. This allows all parties involved to get a better idea of the entire situation regarding every country.
Index Outline
The questions nations are asked to answer are listed in the codebox below. Please note, you are free to refrain from answering as many questions as you'd like, but each question you answer reduces the likelihood of an accurate score being given to your nation. If you do not wish to answer a question, simply leave it blank.
Index Scoring System
Nations are given a safety score from 0 - 100, with zero being least safe and 100 being a perfect score, indicating pretty much guaranteed safety for all citizens. Please note that the scale below is wide and variable. For example, a nation which scores 74.9 is much more safe than a nation with a score of 50, but they share a bracket and therefore a classification.
Absolutely safe (90 - 100)
Nations scoring in this range are completely safe. Any citizens lucky enough to live here probably don't know the meaning of the word "crime", and the nation is considered a peaceful retreat from the stresses of the rest of the world. Citizens are also well cared for by the government in all other aspects of their safety.
Quite safe (75 - 89.9)
Nations scoring in this range can generally be considered to be safe. It's relatively unlikely that citizens are the victims of crime, although some crime does occur and major crimes like murders will shake their area of occurrence to its core. The government provides ample other service provisions to its citizens to ensure their safety.
Moderately safe (50 - 74.9)
Nations scoring in this range are not necessarily unsafe, although citizens are wary of criminals and take care to make sure their doors are locked, kids are home before 5 and their online activities are locked down. Serious crimes such as murder are not entirely uncommon but not pervasive. The government provides adequate services to ensure the safety of citizens.
Unsafe (25 - 49.9)
Nations scoring in this range are not great places to live. Crimes such as murder and rape are common and citizens may have become dulled to their occurrence by now. Law enforcement is considered simply inadequate and other governmental services such as health and education are considered substandard.
Very unsafe (0 - 24.9)
Not many people could honestly say they would like to live in a nation scoring in this range. Crime of all types is entirely pervasive and has become a part of daily life. Those in charge simply do not care or cannot physically stop the brutality occurring in the streets and society at large. The government does very little if anything to ensure the safety of its citizens.
The Questionnaire
Please fill out the questions below and return them via a reply. Thank you in advance to all nations who decide to participate.
- Code: Select all
[b]Full nation name (including pretitle)[/b]:
[b]Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored?[/b]
[u]SECTION ONE - Physical Safety[/u]
[b]Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day?[/b]
[b]Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night?[/b]
[b]Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies?[/b]
[b]Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night?[/b]
[b]Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly?[/b]
[u]SECTION TWO - Cybersafety[/u]
[b]Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety?[/b]
[b]Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime?[/b]
[b]Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content?[/b]
[b]Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams?[/b]
[b]Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online?[/b]
[u]SECTION THREE - Societal Issues[/u]
[b]What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight?[/b]
[b]Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against?[/b]
[b]What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation?[/b]
[u]SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children[/u]
[b]Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools?[/b]
[b]What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child?[/b]
[b]What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight?[/b]
[b]Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions?[/b]
[b]Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18?[/b]
[u]SECTION FIVE - Government[/u]
[b]Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard?[/b]
[b]Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population?[/b]
[b]Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population?[/b]
[b]Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population?[/b]
[b]Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders?[/b]
[u]SECTION SIX - Crime Rates[/u]
[b]What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]Are you satisfied with this index?[/b]
[b]Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved?[/b]