International Safety Index

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Posts: 2843
Founded: Feb 11, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

International Safety Index

Postby Drongonia » Sat May 16, 2020 4:35 am


International Safety Index
From the nation which brought you the adequately-popular International Corruption Index...
Greetings to all nations of the world. The Drongonian Government, partnered with several NGOs and private research institutes, has compiled a questionnaire which seeks to establish the level of safety citizens may enjoy within any given country. We invite all heads of state (or their representatives) to take part in the survey and provide both us and the rest of the world with valuable feedback regarding who we should trade, ally and have diplomatic relations with.

We do request that all nations taking part in this survey give their honest and sincere answers when filling out this questionnaire. This allows all parties involved to get a better idea of the entire situation regarding every country.

Index Outline
The questions nations are asked to answer are listed in the codebox below. Please note, you are free to refrain from answering as many questions as you'd like, but each question you answer reduces the likelihood of an accurate score being given to your nation. If you do not wish to answer a question, simply leave it blank.

Index Scoring System
Nations are given a safety score from 0 - 100, with zero being least safe and 100 being a perfect score, indicating pretty much guaranteed safety for all citizens. Please note that the scale below is wide and variable. For example, a nation which scores 74.9 is much more safe than a nation with a score of 50, but they share a bracket and therefore a classification.

Absolutely safe (90 - 100)
Nations scoring in this range are completely safe. Any citizens lucky enough to live here probably don't know the meaning of the word "crime", and the nation is considered a peaceful retreat from the stresses of the rest of the world. Citizens are also well cared for by the government in all other aspects of their safety.

Quite safe (75 - 89.9)
Nations scoring in this range can generally be considered to be safe. It's relatively unlikely that citizens are the victims of crime, although some crime does occur and major crimes like murders will shake their area of occurrence to its core. The government provides ample other service provisions to its citizens to ensure their safety.

Moderately safe (50 - 74.9)
Nations scoring in this range are not necessarily unsafe, although citizens are wary of criminals and take care to make sure their doors are locked, kids are home before 5 and their online activities are locked down. Serious crimes such as murder are not entirely uncommon but not pervasive. The government provides adequate services to ensure the safety of citizens.

Unsafe (25 - 49.9)
Nations scoring in this range are not great places to live. Crimes such as murder and rape are common and citizens may have become dulled to their occurrence by now. Law enforcement is considered simply inadequate and other governmental services such as health and education are considered substandard.

Very unsafe (0 - 24.9)
Not many people could honestly say they would like to live in a nation scoring in this range. Crime of all types is entirely pervasive and has become a part of daily life. Those in charge simply do not care or cannot physically stop the brutality occurring in the streets and society at large. The government does very little if anything to ensure the safety of its citizens.

The Questionnaire
Please fill out the questions below and return them via a reply. Thank you in advance to all nations who decide to participate.

Code: Select all
[b]Full nation name (including pretitle)[/b]:
[b]Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored?[/b]

[u]SECTION ONE - Physical Safety[/u]
[b]Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day?[/b]
[b]Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night?[/b]
[b]Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies?[/b]
[b]Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night?[/b]
[b]Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly?[/b]

[u]SECTION TWO - Cybersafety[/u]
[b]Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety?[/b]
[b]Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime?[/b]
[b]Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content?[/b]
[b]Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams?[/b]
[b]Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online?[/b]

[u]SECTION THREE - Societal Issues[/u]
[b]What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight?[/b]
[b]Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against?[/b]
[b]What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation?[/b]

[u]SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children[/u]
[b]Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools?[/b]
[b]What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child?[/b]
[b]What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight?[/b]
[b]Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions?[/b]
[b]Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18?[/b]

[u]SECTION FIVE - Government[/u]
[b]Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard?[/b]
[b]Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population?[/b]
[b]Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population?[/b]
[b]Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population?[/b]
[b]Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders?[/b]

[u]SECTION SIX - Crime Rates[/u]
[b]What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000?[/b]
[b]What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000?[/b]

[b]Are you satisfied with this index?[/b]
[b]Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved?[/b]
Last edited by Drongonia on Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Posts: 2843
Founded: Feb 11, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Drongonia » Sat May 16, 2020 4:39 am

Scores for participating nations
Nations will be ranked in regards to their 0 - 100 score.

Absolutely safe (90 - 100)
100.0 Valentine Z
100.0 Mobius and the Biscay
100.0 Destyntine
100.0 Furballland
100.0 Istastioner
100.0 The Astral Mandate
100.0 Saint Monkey
99.6 Cachard Calia
99.6 Lemsrow
99.5 Meadowfields
99.5 Nigeriao Kingdom
99.4 Voopmont
99.3 Glowing Diamonds
99.2 Arcadia
99.0 Nomayuki
98.8 Indian Empire
98.6 Polish People's Republic
98.5 Balgariia
98.3 Saire Weevia
98.2 The Norden Utopia
98.0 Mensun
98.0 Universal Colonization Project
98.0 Arystotzka
98.0 Te Netherlands
97.9 New Wolvers
97.9 Indian Princely States
97.9 Mologiland
97.8 Confederation of the Aurès
97.7 Drongonia
97.5 Sagrea
97.4 Pycos
97.3 United Socialist States of Doultrenia
97.2 Northern Dosletofe
97.0 Volhyna
96.8 The Allied Tribe
96.5 Addy And Arielle
96.4 Lanoraie II
96.4 New Scus Seanion
96.4 Jar Wattinree
96.3 Unintra
96.3 Azvrenia (Republic of)
96.2 Free Republic of Hong Kong
96.1 Estrago
96.1 Aroil
95.9 Kingdom of the United Nations (Commonwealth of Lisamia)
95.9 Larefo
95.8 Zeleniya
95.7 Iorada
95.6 Karodova
95.6 Sky Reavers
95.6 Makko Oko
95.6 Sophya
95.5 Silvedania
95.5 Tangatarehua
95.5 Belm Don
95.5 Democratic Martian States
95.4 Slavakino
95.4 Barcus Nation
95.4 Thyule
95.4 The Imperial Unity
95.3 4th Lanfang Republic
95.2 Torculmania
95.2 The Disorder
95.0 Confederate American States and Syndicates
94.9 Amaurita
94.7 British Socialist Syndicates
94.7 Ionida
94.6 Thermodolia
94.6 Rhodevus
94.5 Caryton
94.4 Orientia
94.1 Andocara
94.0 Rosefall
94.0 Drehda
94.0 Tricklandia
93.8 Flux Empire of the Auto-Reds
93.7 Mainistan
93.7 Christian India
93.6 Dominant Oppressors
93.6 -Azteca Mexico
93.5 Airceltria
93.4 Juansonia
93.3 Kingdom of Lechia
93.2 Valgia
93.2 Shtet
93.1 Femcia
93.1 Apexiala
93.0 Lippo Group
92.9 The English Regions
92.9 Eritei
92.8 Viscland
92.8 The Averthi Republic
92.8 Golyna
92.7 Theocracy Tupeia
92.7 Kotok
92.7 Telbnis
92.6 The Grand Economic Consortium
92.4 Holy Catholic State of Portugal
92.3 Reuturn
92.3 Alaska Hawaii and the Aleutes
92.2 Ikheria
92.2 Republic of the North
92.1 Kovkastan
92.1 New Volica
91.9 Junatia
91.9 Telyscira
91.7 Cascadia
91.7 Eud Mirabilis
91.5 The Aquaria
91.4 Sherpus
91.3 Eikotomi
91.3 Spib
91.3 New Zealand
91.3 Fekunda
91.1 Aumbura
90.9 Republic of Singapore
90.8 Faraby
90.8 Istoreya
90.6 North Keyton
90.3 Kingdom of the Vatican States
90.2 Floptropica
90.1 China (Peiyang China)
90.1 Merni

Quite safe (75 - 89.9)
89.9 Bulgar Rouge
89.8 Oronia
89.5 Chadtonia
89.4 Ozeanreisende
89.1 Nixon-Paiute
89.0 Lillorainen
88.9 Republic of Pine
88.9 Ealdracaland
88.7 Arvan Irawer
88.6 Tirint
88.6 Utopian States of America
88.5 Republic of China
88.5 Huterric Union
88.5 Panthagonia
88.4 Anatoliyanskiy
88.2 Illiryja
87.9 Santa Selena
87.9 Grussland
87.7 The Twilight Embassy
87.7 Vesteysia
87.7 The United American Empire
87.7 The Heradorian Commonwealth
87.6 Estainia
87.5 Brunei Darussalam
87.2 Bovad
87.0 Alinghi
86.8 Shamsiyya
86.7 Basanreseri
85.9 Caleon
85.9 Italia d'Norset
85.8 Apiary One
85.8 Crossoveria
85.7 Hong Kong SAR
85.5 Melondonia
85.2 Hyidai
85.1 Chirssa
84.9 Polata City
84.8 Feyrisshire
84.8 Synne Industries
84.6 Obets
84.5 The Maine Commonwealth
84.3 Haryan
84.1 New Hocksmith
83.9 Aroni
83.9 The Solar Authority
83.9 Imperial Majapahit
83.9 Canvalland
83.8 Davinhia
83.7 Free Stalliongrad
83.6 Omarios
83.6 Amenria
83.3 Jestar Falls
83.3 Bakivaland
83.2 Pirotian Republic
83.2 Itelia
83.1 Union of Sovereign States and Republics
82.9 Compassionate Centrist Christians
82.9 Fatiman Federation (Indo States)
82.9 Teletubieland
82.9 Hussija
82.8 Kingdom of the Three Isles
82.7 Syndic Australia
82.7 Vonum
82.5 Yerbanistan
82.5 Wateristan
82.3 Montevento
82.2 Republic of Yorkshire
82.1 Andronya
81.7 Iarann Grudaidh
81.6 Beric
81.4 Torisakia
81.3 Astares Amauricanum
81.1 Emazia
81.1 Pikachu Peoples
80.1 United Regencies
79.9 New Goldman
79.9 Saint Yosx
79.8 Yuwa
79.8 Durekistan
79.7 Desmosthenes and Burke
79.6 Adnonia
79.5 Medzhumoramia
79.5 Nova Tero
79.3 Sadakoyama
79.2 Cascadian Union
79.1 New Zoigai
79.1 Zadia
78.7 Pax Brasiliana
78.6 Neovilla
78.4 Norse Inuit Union
78.3 Ko-Oren
78.2 Yaosoland
77.8 Kardsin
77.5 Krasny-Volny
77.0 Chadtonia (Incomplete Dataset)
76.9 Aryax
76.8 Nacrad
76.7 Frostland
76.6 Merulla
76.3 Krakoyea
76.1 Federal Republic of Catalonia
76.0 Vallermoore
75.2 Karazicu
75.1 Greater Vakolicci Haven
75.0 Corean Peninsula

Moderately safe (50 - 74.9)
74.9 Bharbosia
74.1 Rybzierzyn
73.8 Harry Islands
73.8 New Andrabia
73.7 Westralia
73.0 Aurevbush
73.0 The Chosen Peoples
72.9 Samanohuwa (Missing section 5 data)
72.8 Omnicontrol
72.2 South Yardlin
71.7 Blouman Empire
70.7 The Onigiri Enclave
70.6 Deltia
70.3 East Lukalkus
70.2 Radiatia
69.9 Cavisco
69.7 Solomons Land
69.3 Quartia and Karafuto
68.8 New-Lamp Dynasty
68.0 La Xinga
68.0 Ottomeme (Crime data may have been entered incorrectly)
67.9 Naval Monte
66.7 Scanvindania
66.3 Kancia
64.9 PhilTech
64.0 Stratonesia
63.5 Great Nortend
63.4 Macureus
62.5 National Capitalist United States
62.5 Petroli
62.0 Norento
61.3 República de l'Est d'Espanya
60.1 Difinbelk
60.0 Swedish-Norwegian Kingdoms
59.7 Nessin
59.7 United Eastern Vodia
59.6 (The United Socialist States of) Queers (Crime data was missing)
59.5 Atano
58.8 Juhni
53.5 Communism 2 Electric Boogaloo
51.7 Gothian Crimea
51.3 West Korea
50.7 Sabiduria Sophiania

Unsafe (25 - 49.9)
49.3 United Galactic States
47.5 Victorious Decepticons (Data is interpreted differently)
44.7 Decnotixa
43.8 Rho Ophiuchi
40.3 Gopnikea (Data may have been entered incorrectly)
37.4 Ferlik
35.5 Kongsi (Former Nacrad) (Dataset was marked as incomplete)
34.4 Zarnicovia Nova
30.4 Zerotaxia Crime data not provided
29.0 Kakistopia
26.6 Thaltopia

Very unsafe (0 - 24.9)
24.2 Crap Britain and Southern Ireland
24.0 VlaRiSsiA
18.4 Idoho
16.0 The Infernum
15.7 Newne Carriebean
12.2 Slaver Pirates of Vaas
Last edited by Drongonia on Sat Nov 25, 2023 4:22 pm, edited 81 times in total.

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Bulgar Rouge
Posts: 2404
Founded: Dec 08, 2013
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Bulgar Rouge » Sat May 16, 2020 5:00 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): The Revolutionary Entity of Bulgar Rouge
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? No, I'll just follow the thread.

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? No, there is a nationwide curfew and civilians are only allowed to travel at night under a strict permission regime.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? There are no metropolitan areas in our state as the entire population lives in communes; surveillance is constant.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? All communes have adequate lighting but their limited size means that most public areas are small and gatherings only occur during the day.
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? All communes have security officers on duty at any given time.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? There is no internet in our nation; the public intranet network is only used for economic or military activities.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? No, but State Security's cyber intelligence arm ensures that our intranet system remains safe.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? There is no internet in our nation.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? No.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? See above.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? As of last year, 8.3% of the population have been examined for mental health issues, which includes anything from anxiety disorders to schizophrenia.
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? Suicide is virtually unknown in our nation.
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? Less than 1%, our entire population is actively engaged in labour every day.
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? LGBT-related issues are resolved according to the ideological interpretation of each commune's political commissar. Overall, discimination is not common as our security focus is on ideological compliance.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 76.3 years on average

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? There are no public school institutions in Bulgar Rouge; each commune has an educational department where a small number of children and adults are educated separately, and bullying between students is virtually unheard of. However, educators may discipline students.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? Infant mortality rate for last year stood at 39 deaths per 1000 births, or 3.9%.
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? Less than 1%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Children between the ages of 8 and 14 may be employed in some basic communal labour, excluding heavy manual labour or handling of machinery which may cause injury or harm. Children between the ages of 14 and 17 are eligible for military training but not allowed to enter combat.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? The draft age is 17, however troops under the age of 19 are only allowed to serve Youth Shock units, which are a small percentage of the National People's Liberation Army.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? We have above-average central medical facilities; small-scale medical facilities in communes are fairly limited, but adequate for basic health provision and screening.
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Security services are ubiquitous in Bulgar Rouge.
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Every commune has a dedicated fire brigade.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Most communes are small and do not require ambulances; a centralised Welfare Service serves communes and transfers patients in severe condition to larger medical centres by land or air.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? There is peace within our borders; however, or military is constantly engaged in numerous skirmishes abroad.

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? Less than 0.2%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? Less than 0.1%
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? About 0.3%
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? About 0.7%
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? We do not have such statistics.
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? Excluding government executions, less than 1%.
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? Virtually unheard of.
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? Less than 1%
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? Private property does not exist in Bulgar Rouge and the lack of markets and money means that burglary in itself is a futile crime, so we can confidently put this at 0%.
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 0%.

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes, it's quite thorough.
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? N/A

This nation does not reflect my RL views.
Singaporean Transhumans wrote:I'm only saying that, well, even commies have reached the level of selling counterfeit and drugs in their storefronts, we can't be any less.

The Holy Therns wrote:Politicians make statements. It's their substitute for achievement.

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The Corean Peninsula
Posts: 12
Founded: Jun 20, 2019
New York Times Democracy

Postby The Corean Peninsula » Sat May 16, 2020 5:59 am

Full nation name (including pretitle):
The Republic of the Corean Peninsula
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored?
Yes, please. :)

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while traveling alone during the day?
Lone citizens in cities across the peninsula report a very safe and secure experience during the day.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while traveling alone during the night?
Lone citizens have reported feeling unease while traveling in a large majority of northern cities during the night, officially attributed to the lack of adequate lighting in most areas.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies?
The National Police Agency has jurisdiction across the peninsula and has a major presence in all metropolitan areas, as does its special sub-agencies.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night?
For the south, yes. The north lacks adequate lighting in its cities, however, proposed reform of the power grid has been passed and its implementation is underway.
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly?
Members of the National Police Agency patrol recognized settlements 24/7.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety?
The national curriculum, which is strongly recommended for use across the nation, involves a course on internet literacy. This course teaches the techniques of avoiding being exposed to malware or scams.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime?
Before unification, the investigation of cybercrime was conducted by the military. This tradition continues, as its main strength is the fear that it instills in cybercriminals.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content?
Under the Universal Bill of Rights > Right to Sexuality, any prepubescent individual is protected from being engaged in any sexual situation whatsoever. Any content involving illegal exploitation is highly illegal and is handled by the military's cybercrime centers as mentioned above.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams?
The only domestic online scams which survive are those which don't make a name for themselves, any others are promptly investigated by the military.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online?
The government does not enforce age-restrictions on the internet, it is expected that parents set the boundaries for their children, as no child's maturity level is equal.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety?
There has not been an official tally following reunification, but some estimate between 50-75%. The new administration is actively trying to reinvigorate national pride and reduce oppression in order to assist in lowering these numbers.
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000?
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight?
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against?
LGBT+ individuals are protected under the Right to Sexuality, however, discrimination against them is widespread. The discrimination is the worst for those whom are vocal about their sexuality, with employers legally terminating their positions under the UBoR: Right to Association.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation?

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools?
Bullying is a serious issue in the southern peninsula's schools, which is why educational reforms are currently being proposed.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child?
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight?
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions?
Children are protected from labor exploitation and dangerous work conditions.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18?
Children are not allowed to voluntarily serve in the military until they have reached the age of majority, 19 (international age).

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard?
The southern republic's health services were world-renowned for their quality. Following unification, efforts are being made to rapidly increase the healthcare of the northern citizens.
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population?
The National Police Agency is available to any citizen with access to a phone or internet device.
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population?
The Central Fire Service is available to any citizen with access to a phone or internet device.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population?
The Emergency Medical Services System is available to any citizen with access to a phone or internet device.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders?
No. The nation is on good terms with its two land-based neighbors: the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation.

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year?
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000?
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000?
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000?
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000?
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000?
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000?
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000?
0/100,000. Drugs are legal.
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000?
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000?

Are you satisfied with this index?
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved?
Maybe have a section related to questioning if certain activities are legalized: (capital punishment, drug use, prostitution, etc.)

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Posts: 4103
Founded: Apr 17, 2018

Postby Lillorainen » Sat May 16, 2020 7:25 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): The Federation of Lillorainen.
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Sure, why not? ^^

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? Rarely. Most people generally report, that getting across places in Lillorainen is perceived as a fairly safe experience. Also, the Lillorainian educational system puts a huge emphasis on teaching self-defense from a very early age, and concealed carry of firearms is permitted.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Same as above.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Generally yes; while law enforcement is a state matter in the Federation, less of a federal one, it is generally said to be reasonably advanced throughout Lillorainen, keeping crime in check as much as possible.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes, towns and cities are well-lit at night. Less so in rural areas, but that varies from municipality to municipality.
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes, police patrols are a common view throughout cities and towns in Lillorainen, and Lillorainian officers can always be approached in case of problems and questions.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes, online safety is an essential part of the school curriculum in all states.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes, several, on both federal and state level.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? As soon as such material is reported, immediate action is taken.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? While one can confidently assume, that any nation with access to the WWW will be home to some, Lillorainen is not one of the 'typical' countries of origin of such individuals or groups.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? That is considered the job of parents/guardians rather than the government, as Lillorainen has a relatively liberal policy on mature content.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? Approximately 15 to 20%. Which tends to concern the older generations rather than the younger one, since Lillorainen has been in a Civil War in the 1970s; the number has visibly declined ever since.
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 9.4/100,000.
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? Around 5%.
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? Since LGBT+ individuals have always been accepted in Lillorainian society, thus the existence thereof has been an integral part of Lillorainian tradition and culture ever since any concept of a Lillorainian nation has evolved, it can confidently said, that there is absolutely no discrimination against LGBT+ individuals in Lillorainen altogether.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 74.6% as of 2019.

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? There is little prevalence of bullying in Lillorainian schools, which might have cultural reasons on the one hand, and be a result of Lillorainian education on the other.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 0.2%.
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 0.5%.
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yes. The minimum age for basic labor is between 12 and 14, the minimum age of all kinds of labor is 15 or 16, depending on which state you're in.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? Drafting age is between 16 and 20 (thus, basic training is required within that age range), to make indivuals' choice free regarding their career scheduling. Civilian alternative service is possible as well. (Editor's Note: 16 is the age of majority in Lillorainen.)

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes, Lillorainen is said to be one of the better places to be in as regards health services. In addition, universal healthcare is a thing.
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes. Dial 110, and you're there.
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes. Dial 112, and you're there.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes. Dial 112, and an ambulance will be around within six minutes at maximum, no matter where in Lillorainen you are.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No. Lillorainen has been at peace since 1976 and hasn't had any major government crisis since the mid-1990s.

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 14.2% in 2019.
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 0.54/100,000, as of 2019.
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 3.4/100,000, as of 2019.
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 8.3/100,000, as of 2019 (rape included).
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? There are no menaingful nationwide statistics on that, as the legal definitions are different from state to state.
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 3.8/100,000, as of 2019.
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 4.9/100,000, as of 2019.
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 1.6/100,000, as of 2019. Only includes smuggling/trafficking of certain substances, since the use of drugs is either legal or decriminalized in Lillorainen.
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 66.7/100,000, as of 2019.
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 122/100,000, as of 2019.

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes. Like with the last one, good job! ^^
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? Section Four, last question - consider replacing "age of 18" by "age of majority", since there are many nations, including mine, where 18 is not the legal age of majority.
Since Lillorainen's geography is currently being overhauled a 'tiny' bit, most information on it posted before December 12, 2018, is not entirely reliable anymore. Until there's a new, proper factfile, everything you might need to know can be found here. Thank you. #RetconOfDoom (Very late update, 2020/08/30 - it's still going on ...)

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Posts: 6868
Founded: Nov 26, 2010
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Ko-oren » Sat May 16, 2020 7:34 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): (The Halcyon Archipelago of) Ko-oren
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? Extremely rarely.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Irregularly, but it happens in places.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Yes
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? Not to our knowledge.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? Yes

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 81% have reported to have struggled at least once in their life. 28% have reported to struggle at least once a year with an episode. Reports on chronic suffering vary between 4 and 7.
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 11.2
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 15%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? No
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 76.8

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? No
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? Infant mortality rate of 4.1%
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? Between 1 and 2%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yes
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 2.4%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 3
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 17
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 33
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 54
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 20
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 18
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 250
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 180
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 40

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? N/A
WCC President and NS Sports' only WC, WBC, WB, WCOH, IBC, RUWC, Test Cricket, ODI, and T20 loser!

Trigramme: KOR - Demonym: Ko-orenite - Population: 27.270.096
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Runners-up 1x World Cup - 3x CAFA - 1x AOCAF - 1x WBC - 3x World Bowl - 2x WCoH - 4x IBC - 2x RUWC - 1x GCF Test Cricket - 1x ODI WT - 2x T20 WC - 1x FraterniT20 - 1x WLC - 1x FHWC
Organisation & Hosting 2x WCC President - 1x WCOH President / 1x BoF - 1x CAFA - 1x World Bowl - 1x WCOH - 2x RUWC - 1x ODI WT - 1x T20 WC - 1x FraterniT20 - 1x ARWC - 1x FHWC - (defunct) IRLCC, BCCC, Champions Bowl

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Posts: 4808
Founded: Jul 03, 2009
Mother Knows Best State

Postby Estainia » Sat May 16, 2020 7:41 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): The Greater Empire of Estainia and Alisonia and Her Colonies
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Sure, why not.

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? For a given level of alone Imperials very seldom are, people don't generally worry about being mugged in broad daylight, regardless, though.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Imperials do not tend to travel at night due to a societal nyctophobia born of such lovely thing as vampires, among others dwelling in the shadows. We are serious.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? The Imperial Militia is the policing force of the Empire, it is a gendarme force that policies the nation's major cities, the various kingdoms and duchies are also legally allowed to raise their own policing forces, many do so.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Very much so.
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? In larger cities it is common to see a militia patrol at least twice in an hour, it varies more in rural areas but yes, there are regular patrols.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Generally speaking, Imperials do not have access to the internet.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? There is.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? They do. They also censor the holy fuck out of the internet in general.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? No.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? Imperials do not have the same view on pornography the rest of the world does, regardless this goes back to Imperials not having access to the internet in general.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? Between 1 - 10%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 1.24/year
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? The census does not cover this information.
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? No.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 145 for males, 170 for females, perpetuity for elves.

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? There are no Prussian-model schools in the Empire. Schooling is tutor-student based.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? .5%, we strive to lower it, as well.
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? The census does not cover this information.
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Children are prohibited from working in any establishment that is not family owned, that possesses heavy machinery, or unsafe working conditions for minors such as heavy lifting, construction, manufacturing, etc.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? Imperials are not legal adults until twenty-four (24) years of age, and are not expected to serve in the Imperial Armed Forces until then.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? It is.
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? There is a gendarme barracks in every Imperial settlement from the largest megalopolis to the smallest village.
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Fire departments tend to vary from volunteer to professional municipal, there is no transnational one but they are accessible to the common folk.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Indeed there is.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? Yes.

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? Between 1 - 1.5%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? .5%, homicide is a lot less viable as an option when your potential victim has the ability to set you on fire with a hard stare. An armed society is a polite society indeed.
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? .05%, Rape is a capital crime that ends in execution, between 100 to 300 individuals are executed yearly, there is no appeal upon conviction.
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? See above.
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? Assault is not a crime in the Empire if it does not lead to life threatening or impeding injury, it is legal to slug someone in the jaw, it is legal for them to slug you back, however refer to why it wouldn't happen by seeing the entry on homicide.
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 1 - 2%
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? This does not exist as a crime in the Empire, it's either murder, or not.
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? Drugs are legal in the Empire.
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 3 - 5%
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 8 - 10%, the Militia is kept very busy with white collar crimes.

Are you satisfied with this index? Indeed.
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? Nope.
The Empire of the Etai
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Valentine Z
Posts: 14300
Founded: Nov 08, 2015
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Valentine Z » Sat May 16, 2020 7:53 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): De Geweldige Sierlijke Katachtige Utopia en Zijne Autonome Machten ov Valentine Z
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes, please!

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? Nope.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Nope.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes, there is a degree of typical surveillance and security cameras to make sure there are no crimes.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yeap!
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes. Deterrence for crime, as well as to help out lost tourists.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Yes. CP or websites/places for pedophilia is an absolute no-no in Valentine Z, and has no place in a civilized world.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? Nope.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? More or less, yeah. We have a rating system just like most RL countries.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
(Valentine Z has around 9-10 billion people, both on Earth and Mars)
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 0.00001%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 0.0003
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 0.00002%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? Nope.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 120 from normal bodies, expendable from synthetic bodies and virtual worlds.

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? Nope.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 0%
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 0.00001%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yeap. Special laws to protect them from being enslaved, and slavery in turn is already outlawed.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? Nope. Maybe there are cadets or clubs that follow a military lifestyle, but no, we don't send most adults to wars, let alone kids.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yeap.
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? Nope.

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 0.000001%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 0.000001
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 0
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 0
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 0.00002
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 0.00003
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 0.00001
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 0
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 0
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 0. Watch dogs and overwatch ensures that there are no frauds.

Are you satisfied with this index? Ohh, definitely!
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? Not at the moment.

The excessively safe nature of Valentine Z, to the point of near-fiction, can be attributed to the welfare and well-being of every Valentian. Even otherwise, most anger or stress related outbursts are channeled into the confines of a virtual world, i.e. the virtual worlds are not crime-ridden cesspools, but rather seen as an healthy outlet for those that needs to vent it out.
Last edited by Valentine Z on Sat May 16, 2020 7:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
If you are reading my sig, I want you to have the best day ever ! You are worth it, do not let anyone get you down !
Glory to De Geweldige Sierlijke Katachtige Utopia en Zijne Autonome Machten ov Valentine Z !
(✿◠‿◠) ☆ \(^_^)/ ☆

Issues Thread Photography Stuff Project: Save F7. Stats Analysis

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• Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
• World Map is a cat playing with Australia.

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Estado Novo Portugues
Posts: 870
Founded: Mar 18, 2016
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Estado Novo Portugues » Sat May 16, 2020 12:45 pm

Full nation name (including pretitle): Holy Catholic State of Portugal
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored?

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? no
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? no
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? yes
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? yes
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? yes

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Internet access is not available to the general public, it's reserved for military and high government officials. Civilians may use the national intranet called RINO (Rede à Informação Numérica d'Ordenadores – Computer Digital Information Network), which is contained entirely within the nation and controlled by the government. You must be 18 to own a computer, and first you have to get a license by taking a training class on cybersecurity. Because computers are so restricted, it's not necessary for students to learn about them.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? The national intranet is operated by Lusitel (Companhia Lusitana de Telecomunicações), the state telecom company who owns all the servers and issues computer licenses. There is a zero-tolerance abuse policy, and anybody caught hacking or scamming will be banned from ever using a computer. Illegal websites (those that offend the government or Catholic Church) will be immediately shut down, and the site owner prosecuted.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? All pornography is outlawed for religious and moral reasons. As well as support for drug use and homosexuality, and fake science that contradicts the Catholic Church (especially evolution and Galileo's astronomy theory). If such content is posted on a website, the site owner or moderator must remove it from public view as soon as possible, and report the IP address.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? No, hackers and scammers hardly last one day.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? Children are not allowed on the network, this is enforced by requiring a national ID number and password to connect (sharing accounts is prohibited). But even if they get access, they're unlikely to see anything harmful or offensive, because of the strict censorship policies in place.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? no data
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? <5
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? estimated 10 %
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? Homosexuality and same-sex marriage are illegal in the Holy Catholic State.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 80

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? no
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? <1 %
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? estimated 3 %
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? From ages 12 to 16, children may only work for family members and relatives. From ages 16 to 18, they may do any work except for operating machinery.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? Conscription only exists for men aged 18 or older, and not all men have to serve (priority is given to volunteers, and then a lottery if the minimum number of volunteers isn't reached). Drafting children is illegal.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? yes
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? yes
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? yes
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? yes
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? no

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? <1 %
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? <1
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? <5
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? <5
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? <5
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? <5
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? <5
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 32 (including possession, purchase, sale, manufacture, trafficking)
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? <5
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? <5

Are you satisfied with this index? Yeah, it's pretty nice.
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? For social issues, you could consider adding domestic violence, alcoholism and drug addiction. For crime rates, you could consider adding public-order offenses (things like indecent exposure, public urination, intoxication, riots, blasphemy, etc).
Last edited by Estado Novo Portugues on Sat May 16, 2020 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
IC name: Holy and Pontifical State of Portugal
Posts before 2021 aren't canon.

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Astares Amauricanum
Posts: 1218
Founded: Jan 30, 2020
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Astares Amauricanum » Sat May 16, 2020 1:16 pm

Full nation name (including pretitle): Federalis Imperium of Astares Amauricanum
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes please.

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Sometimes, in certain neighborhoods
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes
On a side note, many states allow, with the right background checks and all, lawful citizens to conceal-carry pistols.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes, both at the federal and local level
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Yes, we try our best
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? No, it has been one of the first things law enforcement cracked down when the internet was born.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? Yes

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? Around 5 percent, ten percent at most
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 5/100000 for men, and 4 for women
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 4.8% That of course does not include the rare genetic diseases that render you obese.
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? No
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 92 years old.

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools?
It was at a time, and knew a resurgence after the Civil War of 2005-2008, but most of it stopped when this happened:
One day, a young boy of 11 years old hung himself and died. His parents learned that he was bullied, but he never told anything. They tried to learn more from the schools and his friends, but people didn't talk much, and did not punish the bulliers.
The story reached the ears of Maxim Morozov, a Primarch Magnam Stoher, or Grand Duke, the head of the third most important noble family in the Empire.
As this happened in the state ruled by his family, he went to the school under the pretense of an official visit. Then, as he was seeing the classes, he found himself in the classroom where the three bulliers who had been responsible for the boy's suicide were.
Without hesitation, he took out his sidearm, and under the eyes of their classmates and the other teachers, he shot them in the torso.
One of them died, the second had his spine hit, and now have to be in a wheelchair, with the additional fact that his respiratory system is slowly failing, and the last one was lightly wounded.
"Let our compatriots remember what happens to those who lead innocents to death." said Maxim as he went away.

What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? Very few, less than 1%.
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? Around 4%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yes
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? Yes, but they are not expected to be deployed abroad.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes, among the best of the world
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes, just dial 911
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes, also dial 911
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes, also dial 911
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? Around 12%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 50/100000
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 4/100000
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 40/100000
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000?
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 5.6/100000
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 2.1/100000
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 4.9/100000
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 42.3 / 100000
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 1.4/100000. After the current Emperor initiated a big crackdown on the mafia in 2011, leading to the death of around 100.000 people in just 6 months, financial crime is one of the crimes people want to be the less associated with.

Are you satisfied with this index? Mostly
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? Maybe add a question about conceal-carry, or past events that can have lead to an increase or decrease in crime.
Also, a question about the death penalty and corporal punishment which can be considered as possible deterents.
Last edited by Astares Amauricanum on Sat May 16, 2020 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Embassy Program
I don't use NS stats
Change rate: 1 Imperial Covin = 1.86 NSD

Member of: GFTC, IPDA, WHO
A 15.833 civilization, according to this index.
A 1.1428 civilization, according to this one
Nation ranked 8/10 according to this scale

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The English Regions
Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 465
Founded: Jun 13, 2012

Postby The English Regions » Sat May 16, 2020 3:52 pm

Full nation name (including pretitle): The United Departments Of The English Regions
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes.

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? Very Rarely.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? According to a survey, around 9% of the population felt unsafe travelling alone at night at some point during the last year.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes, they are.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Indeed, they are, although residential areas have "smart" lighting systems which dim and brighten based on movement.
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes, they do, although CCTV and public

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes, they are from the age of six.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes, there are two departments, one for financial crimes and one for other crimes, ranging from child exploitation to radicalism.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Yes, it does filter conservatively.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? Yes, we are some active fraudulent activities that under investigation. The police sometimes leave them under investigation in order to gather evidence or to get full view of network of activity.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? We allow parental restrictions of home broadband systems and children's cellphones.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? They latest mental health survey and presentation from ministry of healthy suggested that almost 15% suffered from a mental health issue.
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 3.4
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 1% are obese and 9.5% are overweight.
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? No, not at all.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 96.2 years

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? No, we have a very candid discussion on the matter and we embrace a policy of weekly class discussions, plus use boxes where students can report it.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 0.22%
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 0.7% of children are obese and 8.8% are overweight.
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yes, children below thirteen can not work in most sectors bar acting and modelling (With limit of five hours per day/ 20 hours per week with double-length breaks). From thirteen till the age of sixteen, they can work in most areas such as cafés, small business ventures, summer employment and babysitting (With limit of seven hours a day/ 32 hours per week with double-length breaks). From sixteen, they will be subject to standard labour laws. A double length break is thirty minutes instead of fifteen that is standard. Lunch break remains minimum of 45 minutes.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes, if not well above average
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes, they are through telephone, mail, street presence, websites and recently by a nationwide app.
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes, by telephone, website and nationwide app in particular.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes, by telephone, website and nationwide app in particular.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No.

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 3.4%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 0.54
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 4.3
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 13.5
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 10.2
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 3.1
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 1.6
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? For Use: N/A= Legalised. For Selling (Soft Drugs Legal)= 4.95
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 52.5
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 18.8

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes.
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved?

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Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Thermodolia » Sat May 16, 2020 6:26 pm

Full nation name (including pretitle): The National Republic of Thermodolia
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? No
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes, in fact the entire nation is monitored by a nation wide CCTV system
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes, both provincial and federal police monitor the web for such crimes
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? The Federal government is prohibited from filtering any content however they can and will shut down the such sites
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? No
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? The Federal government doesn’t regulate such matters only to state that porn sites must have an age disclaimer. Otherwise it’s up to the parents of the child.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 3%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? .5
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 5%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? LGB people are treated like any other person in Thermodolia with the vast majority of Thermodolians having no issue with LGB people.

For those who are T+ however it’s a different story; while they are legally protected by the government culturally the population looks down on T+ individuals and don’t recognize their gender identity as legitimate.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 76.4

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? Not particularly
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? .0005%
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 2%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Those below the age of 15 are prohibited from working in any such job with the exception of those who help on the family farm in which the age is lowered to 14. Those under 18 shall also not be allowed to serve alcohol or work in hazardous areas.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? Those who reach the age of 16 may enlist in the Homeland Defense Force with their parents permission. However those who do join that way are required to finish schooling. Those who are 17 and have their parents permission may enlist in the regular military.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes you call 000 to reach them, though there are three places where the numbers are different. In the Republic of Krâthístan the number is 979, in Fêthænthdóla the number is 777, while in the Commonwealth of Isla de Flores the number is 311
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? See Above
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? See Above
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 6%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 2
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? .4
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? .6
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? .3
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 1
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 3
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? .2 (only covers drug trafficking as drugs are legal/decriminalized in Thermodolia)
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 9
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 5

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? N/A
Male, Jewish, lives somewhere in AZ, Disabled US Military Veteran, Oorah!, I'm GAY!
I'm agent #69 in the Gaystapo!
>The Sons of Adam: I'd crown myself monarch... cuz why not?
>>Dumb Ideologies: Why not turn yourself into a penguin and build an igloo at the centre of the Earth?
Click for Da Funies


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Father Knows Best State

Postby Kovkastan » Sat May 16, 2020 7:10 pm

Full nation name (including pretitle): Republic of Kovkastan
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes please

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Typically not, but in certain areas, yes.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Yes
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? Yes, however the police are often quick to apprehend such individuals.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? Yes, ISPs automatically block pornographic content unless the customer requests the restriction be lifted.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 10-15%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 9.8
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 15-20%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? All LGBT+ are protected by law. Discrimination does happen but growing progress is being made.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 75 years

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? Bullying does happen, but strict disciplinary procedures tend to deter most.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? <1%
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 5-10%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yes, child labour is illegal.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes.
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? There is a militarised border with Turkey but open conflict has never broken out.

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 5%-10%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 1
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 0.5
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 3
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? No statistics
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 5
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 5
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 2
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 30
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 10

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes!
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? N/A
Last edited by Kovkastan on Sat May 16, 2020 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
★ Ковкa Ханублика ★
"Мотаност – Тивест – Ковреник"
A post-Soviet anocracy located in the South Caucasus and a spiritual successor to Caucasian Albania. Ruled by PM Markar Kosorov, a de facto benevolent dictator whose regime practices a blended system of corporatism, market socialism, technocracy, and nationalism.

Overview | Parliament | Prime Minister | Embassy | National Anthem
KOVKAPRESS: Border cooperation with Armenia continues as tensions with Azerbaijan and Turkey threaten to boil over | PM Kosorov: We refuse to be bullied by Turkey or their allies |

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Postby Radiatia » Sat May 16, 2020 7:22 pm

Full nation name (including pretitle): The Radiatian Federation
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Sure, why not?

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? No
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Sometimes - it's a grey area, as constitutionally censorship isn't allowed, so only for something absolutely extreme like child pornography.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? Yes. It's not as common as it used to be, but it happens. The most common online scam originating in Radiatia is the dating/romance scam.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? See above - only in absolutely extreme cases. Pornography in general, for example, is not taboo in Radiatia and if kids want to buy a porn magazine and a pack of cigarettes on the way to the casino, they can. It's their right as Radiatian citizens.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? Estimates range from 25 - 75%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? For both sexes it's 26/100,000. For males it's 48/100,000 - an extremely high suicide rate.
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 65% of Radiatians are overweight, with 40% classed as obese.
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? No - religion never really took hold in Radiatia and as such was never able to propagate homophobic teachings.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 80 years for females, 65 years for males.

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? Yes, but no more or less than anywhere else
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? The ratio is 17 per 100,000 - no idea what that is as a percentage
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 36%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? In some states there are, in other states (especially the north) there aren't.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No. The age of majority in Radiatia is 17, so you can serve in the armed forces then. Below 17, absolutely not, and military service is voluntary anyway.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? Nationally, about 3% but this changes from state to state and city to city
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 4.2/100,000
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 21/100,000
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 48/100,000
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 117/100,000
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 88/100,000
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? There are no federal statistics on this as manslaughter is not a federal crime (it is in some states, other states will make it a civil case where someone is sued rather than a criminal case)
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? Drug-use is not a federal crime (though it is illegal in some states)
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 300/100,000
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 111/100,000 (though it's hard to say, as judges in white collar criminal cases often end up mysteriously finding large sums of money and retiring before the trial...)

Are you satisfied with this index? Reasonably. It took longer than I expected to fill it out.
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? Some things are better expressed as a ratio (infant mortality rate) than a percentage, and sometimes the opposite is true. Also some assumptions were made about what is considered a crime/the age of majority in each country. But overall I think it's fine.
Last edited by Radiatia on Sat May 16, 2020 7:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Montevento » Sat May 16, 2020 9:03 pm

Full nation name (including pretitle): Most Serene Republic of Montevento
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes, please :)

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No, it's very rare to be the victim of a crime during the day.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Depends. People generally feel safe being alone during the night in most of the country, however, a considerable number people feel unsafe in some neighbourhoods of our biggest cities such as Nuova Firenze and the capital city San Giovanni where crime is more prevalent.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes. The Polizia Civile (Civil Police) has an extensive surveillance camera system installed in most important public spaces and main streets of the country. In addition, the Corpo dei Carabinieri, a militarised police, is also used in support of the Civil Police for special cases.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes, most streets and public spaces are well-lit, with some exceptions in the smaller towns and villages of rural Montevento.
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes, both the Polizia Civile and the Corpo dei Carabinieri have special divisions dedicated to patrolling cities, towns and villages. In general, popular, important or big public spaces have at least one officer patrolling it at all times and it is very common to see patrol cars in main streets and key parts of the city. Police officers have the right to ask for identification from anyone they deem suspicious, even if they are not in breach of any regulations at the time.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? As part of the Unified Learning Program that must be applied in all schools in the country, children must meet an established minimum number of hours of computer classes, in which they are taught to use the internet responsibly, among other things related to the world of technology.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes, the Dipartimento per i Crimini Tecnologici (Department of Technologic Crimes) is in charge of investigating crimes carried out on the Internet, such as scams, piracy, distribution of child pornography and hacking, among other things.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? The government tries not to regulate internet content too much, but when the existence of pages with illegal content is reported, it usually acts quickly by blocking access to it and to all material that is available on it.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? No, although from time to time small groups of scammers appear and target the elderly, given that they are usually the only people susceptible to this type of scam in Montevento thanks to the computer education provided in schools.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? Not really. The government does not consider that much can be done about this given that access to pornography is legal in Montevento and it cannot be determined if the person accessing said content is an adult or a child. According to the laws of the country, a notice informing the user that the contents are not suitable for minors must be shown at the beginning of these pages, but in general, it is not something that is strictly controlled. It is considered that the responsibility to protect children from these materials falls on the parents and/or responsible guardians and not the government, although it provides computer classes where the subject is covered, as already mentioned.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? Mental health is one of Montevento's big problems despite the government's efforts to reverse the country's condition. According to the most recent data, around 18% of the population reports having suffered from severe depression at some point in their lives.
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 20/100,000. With men being far more likely to commit suicide than women.
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? Around 14,70%.
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? Generally not. Most citizens are indifferent to other people's choices and lifestyles as long as it doesn't affect them personally, so naturally, Monteventani citizens don't care about this too much. In addition, there are several laws -including the Monteventani constitution- that prohibit discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation, and gay marriage has remained legal for several years.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 82.6 years.

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? Bullying is not a major problem in the country, although it does exist. Most schools act quickly in cases of bullying, applying harsh penalties to those students who harass others. As part of the Unified Learning Program, students have at least one "coexistence workshop day" per year to strengthen their social skills, tolerance and respect towards other people while at basic school.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? Practically 0% for the mothers (last year only recorded 1 death), while child mortality is at 3,7 per 1,000 births.
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 2% is obese, while 13% is overweight.
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yes, in Montevento child labor is prohibited. The minimum age for a person to be hired is 15 years old. Those adolescents between the ages of 15 and 18 (from which they are considered as adults) are only allowed to work on certain things and must have the approval of the Istituto per la Protezione dei Minori (Institute of Child Protection).
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No. Joining the Montevento Armed Forces is a completely voluntary act, regardless of the person's age. Citizens under the age of 17 are not accepted. Those aged 17-18 years are conditionally accepted but can only participate in basic training tasks.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes. The country's public health services have a level considered to be acceptable, even considering themselves to be of superior quality for some specific treatments.
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes. It is possible to access their services in person, by phone, online or through the Emergency Services smartphone app.
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Same as above.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Same as above.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No. Montevento was never involved in large wars.

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 12%, but only 1% suffered serious crime.
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 4/100,000
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 9/100,000
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 21/100,000
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 53/100,000
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 11/100,000
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 4/100,000
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 73/100,000
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 127/100,000
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 11/100,000

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes.
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? -

An Italian colony in South America formed after Thornton's Expedition of 1608

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Aurevbush » Sat May 16, 2020 10:46 pm

Full nation name (including pretitle): The Federated Hegemony of Aurevbush
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored?
Sure thing. ;)
SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day?Very rarely.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night?To an extent, People's Survey Institute reports 12% of people feeling unsafe travelling at night in the city, half of THAT statistic are comprised of tourists.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies?Yes
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night?Yes. In fact, unless you have bought dark filter window tints for your penthouse, it is nearly impossible to sleep in the urban areas from the excessive light pollution.
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly?Yes.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes, as the Internet and its augmented iteration, the REALNet have become a new pillar in society, children as young as the age of self-consciousness are trained in the basic dos and don'ts of browsing freely.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime?Yes, the ABI Cyber-knights are responsible for investigating crime on the internet (ranging from child pornography to intellectual property theft)
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content?While federal officials has provided a framework for tackling content that may damage the welfare and integrity of a minor, enforcing and filtering the content of what children watch have been left to local and state authorities in cooperation with the host companies.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams?No, not too many.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online?Yes, thanks to initiatives from state authorities, child welfare advocacy groups, and parental discretion.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 48.76% of Aurevbushans have been found or diagnosed for a mental illness. 64% of THAT statistic are anxiety and depression related.
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 9.8/100,000
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight?19.5%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against?No.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 89.1 yrs

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? It would be fallacious to claim bullying to be nonexistent in Aurevbush or any nation in cyberpunk Ercorabia. However, given the hybrid educational system and the culture of tolerance promoted among humans, bullying in school has been low in Aurevbush.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 11 per 100,000
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 24.7%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions?In virtually every state, one must be 15 yrs old to work for a wage.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18?No, now, conscription for people under 18 is illegal.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard?Yes.
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population?Yes
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population?Yes
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population?Yes
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders?No currently

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 22% of pop
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 3 pc
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 21 pc
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 35 pc
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000?220 pc
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 215 pc
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000?Varies by state and their legal definition of mamslaughter
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 11,185 pc
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 437 pc
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 120 pc

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes. Quite so.
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? N/A
Last edited by Aurevbush on Sat May 16, 2020 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A sci-fantasy well developed human majority nation located on the planet Armnah
Silly look at our culture!
Young American male, awkward, metalhead and history buff
Own Stats, Own Schedule

ACBC:pls stand by

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Left-Leaning College State

Postby Nacrad » Sun May 17, 2020 12:09 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): Federal Republic of Nacrad
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes, please

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? No, except in certain "shady" neighbourhoods
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Police
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes, apart from certain areas
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? To a limited extent, yes
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? No
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? No
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? In general, yes

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 25%, though up to 53.3% of highschoolers are diagnosed in one way or another
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 10.3
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 17.6%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? No
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 88.3 for females, 85.2 for males

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? Depends on school, mostly rather low
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 10.3 per million births for the mother, 1.26 per thousand for the infant
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 23.3%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yes
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No, although citizens of age 16 may join with parental consent

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 17%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 5.30
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 3.22
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 20.22 claimed, 15.95 proven in court
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 322.02 (Any unwanted physical contact is counted as "Assault")
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 5.21
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 6.02
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 235.50
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 120.00 (including armed and unarmed robbery)
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 12.00

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? While this form assumes that the age of majority is 18, many nations do not see 18 as age of majority. Also, I suggest adding items regarding access to rehabilitation, aid to homelessness, and social security.
Last edited by Nacrad on Sun May 17, 2020 3:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
OOC - HRT 19.07.2023
Call me Hannah
Pronouns: She/They

Basically the result of Anglo-Dutch quarrels on who can profit more from Mingsplosion, coming to a retcon near you!

International News: HUNGARY IS OUT: Hungary quits the Warsaw Pact | Greece legalises same-sex marriage
Domestic News: 16 FEB 2024 (FRI) | Year of the Dragon: 10% birth rate boost expected, says Dept. of Health | CSG Resolute departs for ally visit | Highways & Transport Dept. revives M17 Motorway project between Namchon, KX and Samming, LK
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New Hocksmith
Posts: 107
Founded: Oct 04, 2012

Postby New Hocksmith » Sun May 17, 2020 8:47 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): Republic of New Hocksmith
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? Not really
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Depends on the area
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Yes
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? A few
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? Somewhat

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 20%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 10
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 55%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? No
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 85

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? Somewhat
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 0.0065%
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 14%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yes
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 4%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 2.5
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 18
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 25
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 35
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 5
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 8
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 50
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 25
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 30

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? Maybe post some real world stats to make it easier to compare?
Last edited by New Hocksmith on Sun May 17, 2020 10:19 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Posts: 251
Founded: Oct 16, 2019
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby VlaRiSsiA » Sun May 17, 2020 9:18 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): The Shrekacratic Ogre’s Republic of VlaRiSsiA
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes!

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No. There is no crime at all, because everyone is scared of the government and the secret police.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Since even stealing a candy bar will result in life in forced labor camps, no one dares commit any crime at all. We maintain mass surveillance to make sure that all crime is quashed. Not that our citizens are even allowed to go out at night due to the curfew.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? We have a “big brother” system that is spying on every location in the Swampland. So everything is being monitored, including personal homes.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes, so that our people don’t misbehave at all in that they can be seen by the secret police.
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? We are a police state so I think tha could answer the question.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? We don’t allow our citizens to access basic technology.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? We have government sanctioned hackers that regularly commit cybercrime in order to sabotage enemy countries. We use the internet to spy on our outer and inner circle of the ogre’s party.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? We have complete censorship of everything in order to keep an ignorant populace.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? The Government, which is considered extremely corrupt, is in our country.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? We are a theocracy so any blasphemous content is completely destroyed and the producer is crucified.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 0% according to the totally not controlled census. Our leader is considered “psychotic” by the international community though.
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 0% since suicide is illegal and anyone who dares think about it will vanish.
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 0% since we are trying to starve them, and so far millions die of starvation each year
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? Yes. All members of the LGBT community are executed because of our strict religious doctrine.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 84 years according to the census though executions, starvation and forced labor actually make it much lower(3 million are executed annually, 3.5 million die each year in the gulags and 5 million starve to death each year from government famines). Critics say our lifespan is as low as 30 because of the “genocide” we are perpetrating.

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? No, since bullies are burned alive. Our secret police do abduct random kids so our youth is more concerned about worshipping th ogrelord than about bullying.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 30% since we surgically remove the newborn in a live vivisection and the mother has a large chance of getting executed or sent to the Gulag
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 0% since they are all starving
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? No. They can be sent to the gulags just like anybody else and are regularly enslaved on an annual basis.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? Yes. We send newborns to be trained in the military and execute their parents.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? No. We starve our people to death and do not treat them causing massive outbreaks of deadly disease
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes, since they are everywhere
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? No. Houses don’t burn naturally, they are always burned down by the military to assassinate targets.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Nope. We let millions get easily preventable disease because we are an extreme totalitarian regime that would probably disappoint Karl Marx due to its hierarchal state that makes it more Stalinist than Marxist-Leninist but whatever.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? Yes. We invade any nearby country and tens of millions of civilians have died from wars. Just a decade ago, we were fighting in the Great swampatriotic war which resulted in over a hundred million deaths. We recently quashed a nearby insurgency killing 10 million people in the process

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 0% are victim to regular crime while everyone is a victim of the government’s crimes against humanity
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 0/100,000 since all crime is quashed. It is far higher if considering executions or massacres carried out by the secret police.
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 0/100,000 though it is far higher if including the number of people raped by the secret police.
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 0/100,000 since all harassment is considered blasphemous.
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 0/100,000 though it is far higher if including the number of children tortured by the secret police.
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 0/100,000. It is higher if including the secret police
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 0/100,000. It is also 0/100,000 with the secret police since they always intentionally kill people
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 0/100,000 since drug offenses are punishable by death
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 0/100,000 since thieves get butchered alive
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 0/100,000 though it is far higher if including the corrupt government.

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? Maybe include something that involves the number of people killed by the regime or the military
Last edited by VlaRiSsiA on Sun May 17, 2020 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Shrek may or may not have killed three hundred million people
tl;dr - after nuclear war, corrupt oligarchical hellhole emerges. ogre leads revolution, kills oligarchs after civil war, improves quality of life with progressive social policies and industrialization. couple foreign invasions, assassination attempts, personal losses, and rebellions later, ogre goes psychotic and kills anyone he’s sus of. then a fascist midget invades and kills third of the population, ogre manages to defeat him but goes completely bonkers.
now we got a hyper-totalitarian hyper-militaristic industrial hive-mind quasi-slave state that the ogre 70 years ago would be horrified at
pro: communism, progressivism, national liberation, internationalism
anti: capitalism, imperialism, fascism, conservatism

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Posts: 42
Founded: Jan 08, 2019
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Ferlik » Sun May 17, 2020 9:24 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): Holy State of Ferlik
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Yes
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? No
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? No, as most children don't own computers
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes, but it's in practice mostly focused on cracking down on online dissent
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Yes
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? No
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? Yes

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? No data is officially recorded on mental health in Ferlik, but estimates are between 10-13%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? No data is officially recorded on suicide in Ferlik, but estimates are between 15-20 per 100,000 people
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? No data is officially recorded on obesity in Ferlik, but estimates are between 17-20%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? Yes
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 57 years old

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? Yes
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? The maternal mortality rate is 719 per 100,000, and the infant mortality rate is 80.3 per 1000 births
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? Estimates are between 8-10%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? No
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? Public high schools are militarised, and many students will still be 17 when they start full conscription in the military

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? No
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? No
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? No
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year?
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? About 8-9
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? No data is officially recorded on rape in Ferlik
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? No data is officially recorded on sexual harassment in Ferlik
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? Estimates range between 500-600 per 100,000
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? Estimates range between 100-200 per 100,000
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? No distinction is made between manslaughter and murder in Ferlikian records
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? About 5-6
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? Estimates range between 20-30 per 100,000
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? No data is officially recorded on financial crimes

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? Links to worldwide data on some of these would be nice
This nation does not represent my real political views

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Posts: 40
Founded: Oct 07, 2012

Postby Adnonia » Sun May 17, 2020 10:18 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): People's Republic of Adnonia
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? No, unless they have something to hide
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Sometimes
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Yes
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? No
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? Yes

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 32%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 60
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 16%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? Yes
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 72

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? Yes
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 0.004%
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 5%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Depends on what the state needs
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Probably not, but they are free
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 2%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 3.2
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 23
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 30
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 39
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 6
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 7
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 22
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 19
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 6

Are you satisfied with this index? Sure
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved?

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Posts: 38
Founded: Oct 08, 2012

Postby Nessin » Sun May 17, 2020 10:30 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): The Free Land of Nessin
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? Depends on the area of the city
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Yes
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Usually

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Up to the school
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Not specifically
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? No
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? Yes
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? Not by the government

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 24%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 22
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 49%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? Not really
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 74

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? Yes
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 0.014%
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 23%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? No
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Depends on where you go
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Depends on the area, sometimes a private security service would be better
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 7%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 8
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 35
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 50
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 120
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 28
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 32
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 16, Marijuana is legal and harder drugs are legal in most areas as well
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 70
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 40

Are you satisfied with this index?
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved?

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British Socialist Syndicates
Posts: 73
Founded: Mar 31, 2020

Postby British Socialist Syndicates » Sun May 17, 2020 10:53 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): The Commonwealth of Great Britain
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? Very rarely.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? Young women are often wary of walking alone through city centres at night, but this is more due to a general perception of danger than any immediate risk.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? City centres are usually patrolled by unarmed local police officers. During major public events armed officers may also be present.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes.
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes, although they are seen less often in small towns and villages.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes - the Commonwealth Crime Agency monitors internet use.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Yes.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? Not in recent years, although this was common in the 1990s.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? There is little government regulation of internet pornography, so the focus is placed on educating parents on how to prevent their children from accessing inappropriate content.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 9%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 5.9
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 21%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? No - lesbian, gay and bisexual people have the same legal rights as heterosexuals do, and transgender acceptance has improved significantly in the past 20 years, although there is still some inequality. Society as a whole is extremely supportive of the LGBT+ community.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 82.3

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? No.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 0.1%
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 4.9%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yes - children may not work in most jobs below the age of 16.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? Britain currently has a system of compulsory military service which can begin at the age of 17. However, following a recent referendum, it is due to be abolished from next year.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes - we have one of the best healthcare systems in the world.
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No.

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 1.5%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 0.61
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 1.2
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 2.3
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 4.2
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 0.9
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 3.8
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 6.1
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 5.4
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 0.2

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? No

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Greenwichian Arcadia
Posts: 87
Founded: Aug 11, 2019

Postby Greenwichian Arcadia » Sun May 17, 2020 10:59 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): Commonwealth of Arcadia.
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Absolutely! It was pretty stylish last time.

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No.
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? No.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes. Despite the ire of some privacy advocates, cameras installed in fixed positions seem to be a great solution. Footage is not stored indefinitely and is usually destroyed in 5 years unless it serves as an evidence.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes, though it obstructs stargazing.
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes, the schedule is randomized well enough to make it less predictable.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes, they are.
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes, there is such a branch.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? A dedicated web crawler analyzes the pre-anonymized dubious content, but the final ruling is up to the police. Pre-anonymization is required to prevent any personal ties from tampering with the judgment.
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? Online scams were prominent around 3 years ago, but not people don't feel like being publicly ashamed after messing with that.
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? A non-government rating board conducts the content assessment, parental/guardian guidance is generally advised.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 2% had ever used the corresponding services, but only about 0.0004% of the 230M population seem to exhibit persisting cases.
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 0.6/100k
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 0.03%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? No.
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 98 years.

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? No, students generally believe it's a bad idea to chastise the non-conformists.
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 0.0000002.
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 0.04%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Yes, if they wish to get a job, they can be employed from the age of 14 years and for no more than 4 hours a day.
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No.

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes.
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes.
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No.

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 0.007%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 0.86/100k
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 0.41/100k
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 0.52/100k
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 1.04/100k
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 0.88/100k
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 0.26/100k
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 0.77/100k
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 0.48/100k
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 0.01/100k, mainly attributed to the culture of oversight.

Are you satisfied with this index? I sure am.
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved? That shade of blue looks strange on the dark background. Adding a white background to the blue 'Absolutely safe' text should do the trick.
US, Canada, obscure sci-fi plus weird sports = this.
NS stats are used (for now). Population is 231M.
Refer to canon NS policies when in doubt.
Set 50 years ago with 2020 tech.
A 6/0/5/16 nation.
[free space]
What I wish is totally irrelevant, what people wish really matters.
—Nicole Greenwich, the first PotC.

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Posts: 15
Founded: Jun 06, 2019

Postby Karodova » Sun May 17, 2020 11:00 am

Full nation name (including pretitle): Republic of Karodova
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

SECTION ONE - Physical Safety
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the day? No
Do citizens of your cities report feeling unsafe while travelling alone during the night? No, but somewhat yes in areas of low income.
Are major metropolitan areas monitored for crime by police or other agencies? Yes.
Are most public areas of large towns and cities well-lit at night? Yes
Do members of the police patrol cities and towns regularly? Yes, police officers can commonly be seen often in pairs.

SECTION TWO - Cybersafety
Are children of your nation's schools taught basic principles of online safety? Yes
Is there a branch of the police or government dedicated to investigating cybercrime? Yes, for crimes such as DDoSing and hacking, but people are allowed to express their opinions online.
Does your government actively filter or block materials such as child exploitative content? Yes
Is your nation home to any groups or individuals who are notable for online scams? No
Are children adequately protected from pornography and other harmful materials online? The government does not regulate this as it would be a waste of resources as filters can be easily be bypassed with VPNs. It is up the parents to set up filters, but it's part of the school curriculum to teach teenagers about the harmful effects of consuming pornography and the toxicity of the industry.

SECTION THREE - Societal Issues
What percentage of the population struggles with mental health issues like depression or anxiety? 10.7%
What is the rate of suicide per capita/100,000? 7.6
What percentage of the adult population are obese or overweight? 19.8%
Are LGBT+ individuals heavily discriminated against? No
What is the average lifespan (across the entire population) in your nation? 82.4

SECTION FOUR - Safety of Children
Is bullying prevalent in the nation's schools? No
What percentage of births result in death for the mother or child? 0.1%
What percentage of the child population are obese or overweight? 7.3%
Are children subject to special laws regarding their labour and work conditions? Children aged between 13-18 can only do light work such as doing paper rounds
Are children expected to serve in the nation's armed services below the age of 18? No

SECTION FIVE - Government
Are your nation's health services considered to be of an internationally acceptable standard? Yes
Are the police or your nation's equivalent easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have a fire service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Does your nation have an ambulance service which is easily accessible to the population? Yes
Is your nation currently involved in a war or armed conflict within its borders? No

SECTION SIX - Crime Rates and War
What percentage of your population have been a victim of crime in the past year? 4%
What is the rate of intentional homicide per capita/100,000? 0.72
What is the rate of rape per capita/100,000? 0.59
What is the rate of sexual assault/harassment per capita/100,000? 1.4
What is the rate of minor physical assault per capita/100,000? 3.2
What is the rate of serious physical assault or attempted murder per capita/100,000? 1.2
What is the rate of manslaughter per capita/100,000? 2.2
What is the rate of drug-related offences per capita/100,000? 14.8
What is the rate of burglary per capita/100,000? 0.87
What is the rate of serious financial crime per capita/100,000? 12.4

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any ideas or suggestions on how it could be improved?
Last edited by Karodova on Sun May 17, 2020 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.



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