PASSWORD - Official World Hit Festival Website

Where nations come together and discuss matters of varying degrees of importance. [In character]
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy - Official World Hit Festival Website

Postby Britonisea » Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:35 pm

This the new World Hit Network!

While OOC Announcements (such as the deadlines for entry posting etc) will be posted on the thread of the announcement's respective World Hit OOC Thread, this will serve as the IC News Thread for the World Hit Festival. Below is a list of things that will be posted in the World Hit Net from myself.

Information from your Overseer:
  • Exclusive behind-the-scene information regarding the upcoming World Hit Festival during the rest period.
  • You will get a FIRST LOOK at the logos and slogans/host information of the upcoming World Hit Festivals!
  • Regular updates from Fabio McAlpine - the new Overseer.
    ↳ He will announce the new host of the contest.
    ↳ Official number of participants.
    ↳ Congratulate the winner of the contest/host
    ↳ Respond to incidents such as...this
  • Those working at will be interviewing some of the participants of each World Hit Festival, so keep an eye out for a discord DM or telegram as one of our people could be questioning your representative!

Information from you!:
  • If you want to post exclusive interviews with your own participants - go ahead!
  • Promoting events which will have a connection to the World Hit Festival-
    ↳ An upcoming national final?
    ↳ An upcoming pre-party?
  • Official broadcaster announcements.

The World Hit Network Team ○ CalendarThe Latest Announcement

Click the images below and explore the world of the World Hit Festival!

Muse, Scotatrova

Aisha - Unbreakable
26 points


Updated 5th November 2024

After the winner has been announced, the World Hit Festival will run on a 2 month basis (more or less depending on how long the previous edition was). This means five-six editions will be held over the period of one year. We would like to stick to the schedule that we prepare at the start of each World Hit Festival iteration. We would work closely with the host to make sure that they are comfortable with the calendar, but we will try to keep to the structure as much as possible. The structure follows the structure of recent editions slightly, but these will now be official changes. Below, I will list the typical structure for the World Hit Festival as of Sunday 27th October 2024.

Week 1 Week 1 is the Host Preparation. The winner of the festival will get first refusal of hosting the competition and they have 72 hours to decide whether they would like to host the competition. If they decline, this opportunity will be passed onto whoever finished 2nd and then 3rd - both parties having a total of 24 hours each to respond and decide whether they would like to host the festival. If none of these nations would like to host, either Britonisea will host the competition or someone can be nominated to host (whether they have participated in the preceding edition and regardless of where they placed if they did). The week gives the Overseer enough time to make plans with the upcoming host and decide on a final timeline for the festival. Due to the nature of the festival, the week is needed so that hosts have enough time to come up with enough content for the festival. This allows the host to have a week of uninterrupted time to come up with ideas. (example: w/e 3rd November 2024)

Week 2 On the first couple of days of the second week, it will be announced who will host the upcoming World Hit Festival with the logo, contest producers and any other information that the host would like to reveal being announced during this time. The opening of the sign-ups will be confirmed as well including the IC end date of the competition. The Sign-Ups for the World Hit Festival is likely to open on the Sunday after the host has been announced, evening time in Europe/Americas (at the end of week 2) When the Sign Ups open, the Overseer will make an official announcement on Discord and the Network with the link of the new thread. Sign-ups will be open until the closure of the draft thread. (example: w/e 10th November 2024)

Week 3 The Draft Thread will open for submissions on the first Sunday by the host at whatever time suits them. Here, nations will be able to post their entries. They will have a period of three weeks to place their entries on to the Draft Thread. During this time, the host will be required to complete both host city information and essential RP information needed for roleplays. (example: w/e 17th November 2024).

Week 4 At the end of the week, it is recommended that nations officially confirm their entries and artists for the World Hit Festival. The OOC thread will act as an IC update centre where nations can confirm their participants. (example: w/e 24th November 2024).

Week 5 At the end of the fifth week, nations that have signed up for the World Hit Festival will receive notification that they have one week remaining to post their entries on the draft thread. (example: w/e 1st December 2024).

Week 6 During the sixth week, nations will receive multiple reminders that the deadline is coming up using the @worldhitfestival on the discord and on the OOC thread, including (but not limited to) a 72 hour and a 24 hour announcement. The host will then close the sign-ups and the draft thread at whatever time suits them. The Grace Period will begin and will last a total of 72 hours. In order for nations to meet the deadline for a grace period, nations must have a tune, completed lyrics and an artist and they must have announced this on the OOC thread. They should do this in an IC manner, but simply filling out the form is fine. During the 72 hours, the host will be asked to prepare the IC thread, and conduct a live draw. For festivals of below 10 nations, the draw must be fully randomised. For festivals of 10 and above, it can either be randomised or nations can be drawn into halves and the producers can decide the running order. The Host will then confirm the running order to the Overseer first and could be asked for changes before announcing it to the masses. The Overseer will check entries for AI plagiarism and whether it meets the minimum requirements for a completed entry. During this time, nations are free to edit their entries (not the lyrics unless asked to by the Overseer) before the final deadline. Once the Overseer has green-lit the entries, the host can transfer the entries over to the IC thread. The host can wait until after Grace Period or do it as the Overseer greenlights entries (it will be done in order of the draw). By Friday night, the IC thread must be completed and the voting lines must open.

The vote will be open for seven days - might be shorter in quicker editions and could end early if everyone has voted. The official listenalong will happen that weekend on Sunday but could spill over into Week 7 depending on the host. (example: w/e 8th December 2024).

Week 7 During Week 7 the voting will commence. If the listenalong has not happened, it will happen during this week. Nations will receive personalised reminders at 72 hours, with a final reminder 24 hours before lines close. Week 7 is also the week in which any WHF events can take place such as pre-parties and pre-festival roleplays. The voting lines will close by the end of the week (7 days after they opened) and that will be announced by the host. The host will share the results with the Overseer. The Overseer will begin to compile the results for public release in an excel document while the host will prepare the graphics and any RP needed for the reveal. They will have until Week 8 mid-week to prepare this. (example: w/e 15th December 2024)

Week 8 It is vote reveal week. The host can take a few days of Week 8 to prepare graphics, but the reveal must happen over at least two days and must between Friday and Sunday of the final week. (example: w/e 22nd December 2024)

The contest will ICly happen on the final SATURDAY of the OOC Calendar if not mentioned, but the host can elect for the contest to be held on a different IC date by contacting the Overseer and having talks with them. In order to avoid clashes with the WorldVision Song Contest, this schedule might be fastened or slowed down. After the vote is revealed, we start week 1 again.
Last edited by Britonisea on Tue Nov 05, 2024 10:57 am, edited 29 times in total.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Previous World Hit Festivals

Postby Britonisea » Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:37 pm

Links coming
Last edited by Britonisea on Tue Nov 05, 2024 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy


Postby Britonisea » Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:29 am

Coming soon
Last edited by Britonisea on Tue Nov 05, 2024 11:09 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Rules and Procedures

Postby Britonisea » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:23 pm


To be updated: 7th November 2024

Rules and Procedures
  1. For an entry to be accepted, must have at least a tune and a complete set of lyrics but must meet Acceptable Entry Standards for the World Hit Festival in order for it to be accepted. This includes information about formatting and things the Host and Overseer will do to ensure your participation. *1 Entries must be confirmed on the OOC thread.
  2. Reserved RL Tunes Nations must not send a reserved tune from this list. Songs that have been reserved are those that have placed in the quintile of any participating Festival, including Junior World Hit Festival. Songs that do not place in the top quintile are reserved for a year from the IC date of the Festival. You can find all information, and more, by browsing that link. The Overseer will be responsible for checking tunes, with the host double-checking before transferring the entry to the IC.
  3. All or at least most of the written lyrics must be original. All entries will undergo an AI checker as well. Should any user spot any concerns, don't hesitate to let the overseer or current host know.
  4. In order for Semi-Finals to be initiated, there must be enough nations for there to be 13 nations per Semi Final. The number of participants before Semi Finals are initiated will be dependent on circumstances.
  5. The maximum amount of nations that can participate without more than one automatic qualifier (ie the host) is 18 nations per Semi-Final. Once this number has been broken, the top 6 (including the host) will automatically qualify to reduce 18 nations to 15 in each Semi.

  1. A nation is allowed to submit 2 puppets maximum to the contest, meaning that a user can be controlled at most 3 nations in the contest.
  2. Users must send a full ranking of all nations on the IC Thread to the host of the competition when the voting opens. If users usually split their rankings across multiple participating nations (master and at least one puppet), they are free to provide only one ranking - provided it directly aligns with how many points given out across the user's participating nations. Otherwise, the user must send a ranking per participating nation they own. Rankings should not be displayed by any given user until after the Festival has been completed.
  3. The nation ranked first will receive 5 points, the nation ranked second will receive 4 points etc. Nations ranked 6th or below will not receive any points.
  4. When participating with multiple nations, users can only give themselves 8 points maximum. Votes will not be accepted if users give themselves, through any of their nations, more than 8 points.
  5. In the event of a tie, the countback system goes as follows: Amount of nations - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 6th places, 7th places etc.

  1. The winner of the competition will automatically be given the right to host the competition. The winner will have 72 hours (maximum) to announce their interest in hosting the Festival to the Overseer.
  2. The host can reveal they will host the World Hit Festival after talks with the Overseer on when to do this. It will still officially be announced on the WHF Network.
  3. If within the first 72 hours, the host either doesn't announce their interest in hosting the proceeding contest or declines hosting rights, the nation who came 2nd and 3rd will be asked with 24 hours given to respond. After that, either the Overseer will host or the Overseer will appoint someone to host.
  4. If the host abandons their host duties, the World Hit Overseer will be responsible for what needs to be done.
  5. We would like to ensure all World Hit Festival hosts can host the competition to the best of their ability. If you have any concerns about hosting if given the opportunity to, don't hesitate to speak to the World Hit Overseer.


We will provide the best news about the World Hit Festival with our fantastic international team. From every nation has participated in the contest, we have a correspondent who will find out the latest information about your nation at the World Hit Festival - while also catching up with their own participants. They will also be in close contact with each Head of Delegation for the participating nations.

Adab- Mehmet Bahri (ABC)
Antahbrantahstan- Darja Antonjeva (RR)
Britonisea- Guy Autriche (BVC)
Chámelíyá - Mánil Onsárí (CháReTe)
Darkmania- Jäsmÿne Hëstarü (DaTV)
Estogium- Kevin Dean-Upperton (RVC)
TIDS Hiklarmangia - Mr Goat
Izmedu- Pavao Sintic (RTI)
Kalosia- Giľermu Katalon (RTVK)
Polkopia- Yuri Petravonovich (PNB)
Vartugia- The Supreme Leader Of The Fish In The Pond North For The Vartugian A-137 Motorway, Böut (WTF)
Antahbrantahstan- Stephanie Yoella Tjoew
Britonisea- Garaint Hustler-Smith
Darkmania- Jäsmÿne Hëstarü & Thöumas Hëstarü
Estogium- Suzanne Silverstone-Latté
TIDS Hiklarmangia - Thöumas Hëstarü
Izmedu- Martina Sabalj
Polkopia- Helena Morkovskaya
Todlichebujoku - Mariko Héusler
Vartugia- Thöumas Hëstarü

Last edited by Britonisea on Sun Nov 10, 2024 1:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 9 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Announcement #1: 6th October 2018

Postby Britonisea » Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:45 pm


To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


I would firstly like to congratulate Kalosia, who won the 41st World Hit Festival in Polumisec - Izmedu. Corpus Calosum had a great performance on the night and showed the true essence of the World Hit Festival which makes me very proud to take over from Ivan Sandic as the Executive Producer of the World Hit Festival. It was absolutely fantastic to experience Silvio Raneri and Maria Kartas winning the World Hit Festival winning the Festival in style. Congratulations to all the nations that participated in the 41st World Hit Festival, regardless of the final placing. The standards were very high last edition and I will be hoping that the standards will be kept as high as we enter a new era of the World Hit Festival.

I would also like to thank RTI for hosting their seventh contest. It has come to my understanding that RTI are, let's say, exhausted after hosting yet another Festival but the standard from Izmedu has been impeccable and as a community, we are honoured to have returned to the nation for the 41st World Hit Festival. For the first time in over 10 editions, RTI will be able to take a rest and fully enjoy the contest without all the thrills of overseeing and/or hosting the competition.

The show must go on. As soon as we learnt of Kalosia's win in Polumisec, we started to work behind the scenes to find out who will host the 42nd World Hit Festival. As you can imagine, it is not always easy to help organise an event of such magnitude but luckily for us at the new World Hit Festival HQ in Junterapten, we were able to make contact with the winning broadcaster swiftly and ask whether they would be interested in hosting the competition for the fourth time. After entering talks with their national broadcaster, Radiu-Televižio Kalosia (RTVK), we have agreed to deal which means that the official host of the 42nd World Hit Festival is...



Altan is the location Corpus Calosum hails from. Located in the Kalosian highlands, the city will provide a picturesque scenery for the 42nd World Hit Festival. Very soon, broadcasters will be able to confirm their participation and we would hate for anybody to miss out on another fantastic World Hit Festival hosted by Kalosia!

We are excited for the 42nd World Hit Festival and we can't wait for the contest to begin! See you all in Altan, Kalosia!

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 9 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Posts: 9741
Founded: Oct 29, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Announcement #2: 20 November 2018

Postby Britonisea » Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:07 pm


To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


As delegations arrive to Altan for the World Hit Festival, over the past few weeks we have learnt all the participating nations and the songs that they are sending. Moreover, RTVK (the national broadcaster for Kalosia, responsible for organising this contest) has also had a running order draw - the results of which you can see below!

01 Fromulya Satu — Fromulyan All-Stars
02 Vartugia Sad Song — Kam Jang Un ÿ Danald Tropm
03 Darkmania Min Sang - A Guy And His Guitar
04 Tödlichebujoku Fighting to Win — Kaapo Séélinen
05 Anollasia 42 — Lindsey Douglas & Hanna Adams
06 Normandy and Picardy Feu — The Tapestry
07 Kalosia To e mo — Les Sórs du Nord
08 Scottish Socialists Spooky Time — Mr Whatshisface
09 Polkopia Alone — Nikolai Borischev
10 Izmedu The Fighter — Gabrijel Celina
11 Llalta Start a Fire — Esther Winterbourne
12 Grellenbyooša-ga Rikki Sakarni — Karališkas
13 Estogium On Trial — SKIDMORE
14 Titaniumland Consequences — Alessia Manere
15 Hlhata States Spread Your Wings and Fly — BoNina
16 Adab Metropolis — Shana Arkasy
17 Pan-Asiatic States Bahay-Silanganan — Batalyon Kalayaan
18 Mercedini Truth or Dare — Tre Cuori
19 Britonisea When Our Eyes Meet — Evangeline Hope
20 Todaskakys Kylye — Kaloraju

I am looking forward to what will be a fantastic weekend of brilliant music! Join us at the Altan Arena on the 24th November 2018, 20:00 CET!

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 9 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Posts: 9741
Founded: Oct 29, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Announcement #3: 25 November 2018

Postby Britonisea » Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:12 pm


To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


From the bottom of our hearts at the World Hit Festival Headquarters in Junterapten, we would like to congratulate the winners of the 42nd World Hit Festival, Britonisea! Evangeline Hope, with her song "When Our Eyes Meet" brought the World Hit Festival trophy back to Britonisea for the 3rd time in the history of the Festival - and it was a well deserved victory for Evangeline Hope! I would like to personally thank the RTVK team for hosting yet another fantastic edition of the World Hit Festival! We certainly hope to be working with the RTVK team again very soon.

More information regarding the 43rd World Hit Festival will come very soon - I've got to make a few calls.

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 9 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Posts: 9741
Founded: Oct 29, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Announcement #4: 27 November 2018

Postby Britonisea » Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:43 pm


To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


As the show finished, us who are currently at our Junterapten Headquarters took a trip down to BVC's Headquarters and had a meeting with the officials there. While winning came as a great surprise to them, BVC [Brityunik Vefecosoin Cairkovoin] agreed that they will happily host the upcoming edition of the World Hit Festival. Knowing BVC was in the same predicament as RTVK before World Hit Festival 42 (having hosted three editions before), us at the Headquarters can't wait to work with the Britonish Team, including Guy Autriche who will act alongside me to organise a truly Britonish production.

Brityunik Vefecosoin Cairkovoin, before hosting a World Hit Festival, usually has a bidding process. This bidding process had the following Britonish cities hoping to host the World Hit Festival;

  1. Burgendore The VEFEKOM Burgen Arena (18,000 maximum capacity)
    Northern Britonisea
  2. Ghiez Ghiez Maine Arena (26,000 maximum capacity)
    Northern Britonisea
  3. Boschke Newbury Park Arena (20,000 maximum capacity)
    North-Eastern Britonisea
  4. Boscombard Boscombard Exhibition Centre (16,000 maximum capacity)
    West Britonisea

After a strong bidding process, a panel from both BVC and the World Hit Festival organisers decided that the best option for the 43rd World Hit Festival would be...


Brace yourself for a chilly World Hit Festival as the World Hit Festival hits Britonisea's Northern most city, Burgendore! For the first time ever, an international song competition organised by Britonisea will be held outside of the mainland of Britonisea as Burgendore is situated on Ghiezland. The city of 1.04 million people are ready to welcome you within their arms and give you a large cup of coco to warm you up!

Very soon, broadcasters will be able to confirm their participation and we would hate for anybody to miss out on another fantastic World Hit Festival hosted by Britonisea!

We are excited for the 42nd World Hit Festival and we can't wait for the contest to begin! See you all in Burgendore, Britonisea!

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer

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Posts: 9741
Founded: Oct 29, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Announcement #5: 28 December 2018

Postby Britonisea » Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:30 pm


To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


We can now confirm that for the third edition in a row, 20 nations will be participating at the World Hit Festival. It has been great to have 20 or more nations participating in the contest for the fifth time in a row showing the strength the Festival is at today! This evening, BVC held a very intense (and slightly over-scheduled) live draw which saw Britonisea drawn to perform 2nd and the other nations drawn to perform in either the 1st or 2nd half. Since that live draw ended an hour ago, BVC Officials were making a running order - which was last done at the 39th World Hit Festival contest. BVC have given us the full order and we can now reveal it below;

01 Llalta "Make History" - Patricia
02 Britonisea "The Inevitable" - Marie Agent
03 Darkmania "Blomster" - Änna Kisdeminn
04 Polkopia "Mr. Hypocritical" - MJM
05 Indo States War and Peace - Melissa Alicja Torres-Meroudoux
06 Nihilitia "Dancing With Fireflies" - Lucia Hanabi
07 Adab "Myself" - Khalid Aziz
08 Axuva "Dance Right Now" - Nayelisa
09 Fromulya "Kuaci" - Arum Dawoh
10 Normandy & Picardy "There's Nothing You Can't Do" - Les Pompiers
11 Izmedu "Closure" - Martin Zganec
12 Estogium "No Closer To You" - Kiain Jermaine-George
13 Nightom "Turn Back Time" - Louka Elliot
14 Todlichebujoku "Kaukana" - Lopeta Joká
15 Mercedini "We Can" - Meia Dobrani
16 Kalosia "Donë" - Domeniko Gaľanu
17 Cleaca "My Silent Dream" - Abigail Apikaira
18 Vartugia "A trainwreck of a song" - Kevin and The Shitposters
19 Anollasia "My Heart's Still Beating" - Anima
20 Kishrael "Irgaṣ Ilee" - Tatyana Shapsugh

This is going to be a fantastic competition and I just cannot wait to see who will be crowned the winner of the 43rd edition. So join us on the 12th January 2019 at 20:00 GMT for what will be a spectacular show in Burgendore, Britonisea.

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer

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Posts: 9741
Founded: Oct 29, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Announcement #6: 19 January 2019

Postby Britonisea » Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:26 am


To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


I would firstly like to congratulate Anollasia, who won the 43rd World Hit Festival in Burgendore - Britonisea. I feel very proud that a loyal nation to the World Hit Festival such as Anollasia has had their first win at the World Hit Festival with the band Anima singing "My Heart's Still Beating". It is a very beautiful song worthy of winning, and I am sure that the whole of the Multiverse are happy to see Anollasia win the festival just as much as the nation. Once again, congratulations.

I would like to thank BVC, Brityunik Vefecosoin Cairkovoin, the national broadcaster for Britonisea at the World Hit Festival for putting on such a fantastic show. I know that BVC are very experienced hosting large television shows, especially after hosting the 27th, 35th and 38th editions of the contest before the 43rd. Of course, with the contest being in Britonisea, it was very easy to communicate with BVC and we would love to work with them in the future again sometime.

The show must go on. We have been in discussions with the winning nation to see whether they would like to host the next edition of the Festival. It is World Hit Festival tradition that the winning nation gets the rights to host the next Festival. This tradition has been happening continuously since the 37th World Hit Festival. Anollasia were certain that they did not want to break this. Therefore, we can announce that the host of the 44th World Hit Festival is...



For the first time since the 39th World Hit Festival, we are going to the capital of the host nation - Jefferton in Anollasia! Very soon, broadcasters will be able to confirm their participation and we would hate for anybody to miss out on another fantastic World Hit Festival hosted by the fantastic Anollasia!

We are excited for the 44th World Hit Festival and we can't wait for the contest to begin! See you all in Jefferton, Anollasia!

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer
Last edited by Britonisea on Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 9741
Founded: Oct 29, 2012
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Announcement #7: 24th March 2019

Postby Britonisea » Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:03 am


To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


I would firstly like to congratulate Izmedu, who won the 44th World Hit Festival, which was held in Jefferton, Anollasia for the first time. Fifteen nations participated in Anollasia's first ever World Hit Festival and spot number 14 from Izmedu with "Maja pisma" which was sung by Dorotea Viskovic & Nenad Niksic.

I would also like to thank the Anollasian National Broadcaster for hosting a flawless edition of the World Hit Festival.

The show must go on. We have been in discussions with the winning nation to see whether they would like to host the next edition of the Festival. It is World Hit Festival tradition that the winning nation gets the rights to host the next Festival. This tradition has been happening continuously since the 37th World Hit Festival... We are please to announce that the tradition is continuing as the host of the 45th World Hit Festival is...



Vodiznad is the second time that we will go to the capital city of a nation for the World Hit Festival. Very soon, broadcasters will be able to confirm their participation and we would hate for anybody to miss out on another fantastic World Hit Festival in Izmedu.

To mark 5 editions since I took the place of Mr. Sandic, the winner of the 45th World Hit Festival will have the chance to host the special edition that I have planned. Details to which will be revealed in the coming hours.

We are excited for the 45th World Hit Festival and we can't wait for the contest to begin! See you all in Vodiznad, Izmedu!

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Announcement #8: 25th March 2019

Postby Britonisea » Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:51 am

Default logo for the 46th World Hit Festival...

The 46th World Hit Festival will be a special edition. The 46th World Hit Festival marks the fifth edition since Fabio McAlpine took over the leadership from Ivan Sandic.

The 46th World Hit Festival will take place in the nation that wins the 45th World Hit Festival. We would like to make the 46th World Hit Festival a very large event, including two semi-finals and so we would love to make as many nations participate as possible - hopefully making it the largest World Hit Festival ever.

The winner of the 45th World Hit Festival will have to agree to the terms and conditions for hosting the 46th World Hit Festival, including the addition of an orchestra as a part of the stage or behind-the-scenes. The orchestra must be a full symphony orchestra.

In order to be eligible to participate in the 46th World Hit Festival, the majority of the instruments and sounds that you will present will be from any instruments in a full symphony orchestra (this can be also presented in the form of RP for those unwilling to provide a tune/where it is not as evident as a tune which has 100% orchestral music).

Delegations will be allowed to send a song with just one instrument too (voice and accompaniment).

The decision as to whether a tune is rejected or accepted will be made by the current overseer and the host broadcaster, with further discussions being had with the former World Hit Festival Overseers if there is a dispute.

Assuming the 45th World Hit Festival happens without any delays, here is the tentative schedule for the 46th World Hit Festival.

World Hit Festival 46
OOC OPEN: 20th May 2019
Draft Thread: 3rd June 2019
Closure of Draft: 20th June 2019 (Thursday)
Voting Deadline: 30th June 2019
Winner Known By: 7th July 2019
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 9 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Announcement #9: 18th June 2019

Postby Britonisea » Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:46 pm



Hello! Below, I am going to briefly discuss what is going to be happening regarding the 6th Junior World Hit Festival. As the 47th World Hit Festival approaches, five editions have passed since the most recent Junior World Hit Festival which means that it is time for a new, updated version of the contest. Like normal, we will have a bidding process to determine who will be the sixth host of the Festival. I will discuss that later on in this news bulletin. However, the first thing that I would like to speak about when this is going to happen.


The Junior World Hit Festival last edition lasted for 48 days, between the 16 September 2018 to 3rd November 2018. Unlike the last edition, we will not hold the bidding process during the sign-ups for the Junior World Hit Festival, with us picking the host of the next Junior World Hit Festival before the Sign-Up Thread goes up. The Junior World Hit Festival's next OOC thread will go up nearer the end of the 47th World Hit Festival and therefore here is the tentative schedule for the Junior World Hit Festival below;

Opening of the Junior World Hit Festival Sign-Ups: Sunday 4th August 2019
Opening of the Draft Thread: Sunday 18th August 2019
Closing of the Draft Thread: Sunday 1st September 2019
Jury Voting: Monday 2nd September 2019 - Sunday 8th September 2019
Televoting: Monday 9th September 2019 - Sunday 15th September 2019
Voting Reveal Monday 16th September 2019 - Sunday 23rd September 2019
Winner Known By: Sunday 23rd September 2019

The World Hit Festival 48 will open 29th September 2019 - the winner of WHF47 will have the month and a half to prepare to host the competition.

Now, before I get into it more, the first thing that I will talk about is the bidding process because this has been omitted from the schedule. We believe that having the Host Bidding process beforehand will make it much easier for the contest to happen and will bring more attention to who is hosting rather than who might host. We will also have the bidding process happen over a longer period of time to ensure that we gain good quality bids, not rushed jobs. As the tentative schedule has been released, we hope that potential hosts will take this into account when bidding and will be readily available. Hosting the Junior World Hit Festival will be a large task and we intend to have a host that is fully invested in hosting the competition. With that being said, below, you can find the dates to the bidding process for the Junior World Hit Festival 6.

Bidding for JWHF
Monday 24th June 2019 - Sunday 28th July 2019
34 days - 4 weeks and 6 days.

On Monday 24th June 2019, I will open the bidding process for the 6th Junior World Hit Festival. The host bidding process will happen in the WHF Network thread with more information coming on the 24th June 2019. There will then be 4 weeks and 6 days to allow nations to bid for the World Hit Festival. After the 28th of July 2019, I will put up the bidding process votes in the evening and there will be a vote for six days afterwards until Saturday 3rd August 2019. I will then announce the winner and give 24 hours for the host to provide a final version of their logos and any other information that they must have prepared beforehand. The sign-ups will then open with the name of the host being placed as the subject. We can, therefore, focus on the contest at hand. It is up to the host if they would like to have any additional events during their allocated time as Junior World Hit Festival host (such as red carpet events/Head of Delegation meetings) - with the Overseer recommending any type of RP to happen during the extended voting period which will be discussed soon.

If no bids come through in the allocated time, the Overseer will be elected as the host for the competition.

In order to bid, you must have participated at least once at the World Hit Festival or Junior World Hit Festival.


The World Hit Festival is an event where you can make large changes to better the Festival and to keep it going. While the voting system that we currently have at the World Hit Festival has been in place for years with the way it has been revealed changing over the years, we would like to change things up for the upcoming Junior World Hit Festival. The new voting system that I will introduce will include a Jury Vote and a Televote in order to decide the winner of the 6th World Hit Festival. As a result of this, an extra week has been made to vote, with the first week of voting being normal 5-1 ranking for entries before the addition of the new televote. Below, I will quickly go through how it will work.

Jury Vote: The Jury Vote will be the normal phases that we have at the current World Hit Festival. It is up to the host whether they would like to split this up into 4-1 and 5 points. However, the Overseer will recommend that reverting to the normal World Hit Festival 5-1 voting reveal recently used at the 39th World Hit Festival. In order to make the voting segment easier for everyone, nations will no longer have to provide a full ranking. Instead, nations can simply provide their top 5. If nations would like to reveal their full rankings, they can simply send their full ranking to the host and the host will reveal the full ranking when they reveal their votes.

So there is no difference there, really. However, in the second week of voting, all nations will then be sent a link to an external voting and data collection website which will collect the televoting points. Each nation will be able to vote for four different nations on top of those that they voted for in the Jury...but there's a twist.

Televote: For the host of the 6th Junior World Hit Festival, I would personally like to see the televote of the 6th Junior World Hit Festival be just as high impact as the Televoting at the Eurovision Song Contest. I will be happy to allocate only two of the seven days that the voting reveal happens to the televoting, making it the phase which is the quickest. Depending on how many nations participate or how the host wants to make an impact, they are allowed to choose how to allocate the Televoting. They can decide to randomly dish out the televotes over the two days. They are also free to go from last place in the televote to the first place, or even go along the ranking of the jury vote (as was done at the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest). Though, the system used must raise impact - not stop it from happening. Below, I will speak about how each nation will be able to vote.

Each nation (including puppets) will be allowed to vote for four nations of their choice with the twist being explained below.

I thought "how will I stop people from simply wanting to vote for their top four nations?" Well, sometimes at these international competitions (at the World Hit Festival more so than the WorldVision Song Contest), there are opportunities where nations that placed just outside the top 5 and are not properly represented in the voting. Therefore, with the four votes that each nation will be allocated;

2 votes will be allocated to two of the five nations that the nation voting has already voted for. For example, if the nation Kalosia has voted for Izmedu, Axuva, Llalta, Estogium and Skanden, Kalosia is free to choose two nations from the aforementioned nations to vote for in the Televote.

2 votes will be allocated to two nations that your nation has not yet voted for. For example, Kalosia could choose the nations Britonisea and Todlichebujoku because Kalosia has not yet voted for them in the Jury vote. Kalosia will not be allowed to vote for the nations in the top 5 that he did not vote for in the televote. Another twist is in place because I will allow you to vote for yourself. One of the two votes you could simply allocate to yourselves - do you think your own work should be rewarded or do you think its fairer to give others the credit for their work? That's up to you.

In total, the televote will be in lots of four. The more nations that participate, the more variety. The percentage of votes each nations gets will be converted into points. Using the full ranking of WHF45, I have decided to make a little showing of what it could look like when we use this system;





As you can see, the voting reveal could be rather tense with there being remarkable changes to the final standings. An example of this is through Normandy and Picardy coming 13th to 5th. There are other changes in the scoreboard that could make the Televote reveal very exciting. At the start of the World Hit Festival 48, there will be a vote deciding whether we should incorporate this into the actual World Hit Festival or keep the full-ranking system at World Hit Festival. The World Hit Festival 48, as explained earlier, will be delayed.

The Overseer will collect these votes using the external voting system. The Host and the Overseer will create a small RP (like a Jon Ola Sand/Host interaction "Are the votes ready?") And at this point, the Overseer will send the Host the full televoting details. This can be done before the end of the 5-1 point reveal, but after the first day of voting.


Deadlines will be moved to Sundays in order to make it easier for nations to finish off entries. Hopefully, this will make deadlines much more memorable instead of having them on a weekday. The World Hit Festival 47 Draft Thread will open on a Thursday and will last two and a half weeks. This means that nations have three weekends to post their entries. Hopefully, more nations will participate in the upcoming World Hit Festival.

Another reminder that there will be a large gap between WHF47 to WHF48 in order to prioritise the Junior World Hit Festival. Thank you!

Loads of new changes to the World Hit Festival and I can't wait to see how things go! If you have any questions, please just ask. The World Hit Festival 46 is about to close, so please remember to vote. The bidding for Junior World Hit Festival will open is less than a week.
Last edited by Britonisea on Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 9 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Britonisea » Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:26 pm

Update 1 (00:24 BST) - Announcement #9

Added information regarding how the results of the televote will be collected and when the host will receive the televoting information.

A slight change on the voting segment is expected to be made, including different weighting to add more variety to the votes and make it less predictable. More to be explained soon.
Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
WorldVision Top 9 | WorldVision Factbook
1st - 162 points - WV112 (314 J+T)
1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 9 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
1st - 28 points - WHF46
1st - 28 points - WHF37
1st - 20 points - WHF26

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Bidding for JWHF6 is OPEN!

Postby Britonisea » Wed Jun 26, 2019 2:50 am

If you intend to bid, please read the following information very carefully.

Albeit late, I can officially announce that the bidding process for the Junior World Hit Festival is open. The bidding process will be open until 28th July 2019 at 20:00 BST (UK Time) and an hour or two after the bidding process closes, I will officially open the voting stage. We would like to have as many bids as possible for the upcoming Junior World Hit Festival 6. Around two weeks four weeks before the closing of the bidding process, I will contact nations that would be a beneficial addition to the bidding process if they have not already placed a bid. Please read the following information below very carefully, otherwise your bid will be rejected and will not be entered into the process.

After you post a bid below, please contact me via DM or Telegram so I can confirm your bid.

In order to bid, you must have participated at least ONCE in the World Hit Festival or Junior World Hit Festival. If you are interested in hosting the World Hit Festival and you have not participated before, please DM or Telegram me so I can assess your understanding of the World Hit Festival. In the case that there are no bids a week before the deadline, the Overseer will release a basic bid as "Britonisea".


I. Signature and declaration of interest
In order to bid for the 6th edition of the Junior World Hit Festival, there are some things that you are going to need in order for your bid to be accepted. The first thing that is going to be needed is a signature that you will place at the top or bottom of your bid. The signature that you can find below is a simple declaration of your interest in hosting the Junior World Hit Festival 6 and your promise to the community to fulfil your duties as a host. The 6th Junior World Hit Festival is going to be run differently to the normal version of the World Hit Festival and so we need to have full commitment from the host. In order to sign the declaration, please cross the boxes and place the name of your Head of Delegation where it says SIGNED BY.
Code: Select all

[i]General Information[/i]
[b]Nation Full Name:[/b]
[b]National JWHF Broadcaster:[/b]

I. [b]I am formally declaring that our nation is willing to host the 6th edition of the Junior World Hit Festival with the conditions that we set in this bid and the rules and regulations of the Junior World Hit Festival:[/b] [] YES, [] NO
II. [b]I am willing to adhere to the dates of the deadlines of the 6th Junior World Hit Festival, set out [url=]here[/url] - except in extenuating circumstances:[/b]  [] YES, [] NO
III. [b]I am happy to work with the World Hit Festival Overseer to bring together the 6th Junior World Hit Festival together and willing to be the first to trial the new voting segment which will be implemented at the 6th Junior World Hit Festival:[/b] [] YES, [] NO
IV. [b]I am willing to fully accept my duty as Junior World Hit Festival host, including the preparation of the contest (Opening, Interval and graphics):[/b] [] YES, [] NO
V. [b]I am prepared to host the Semi-Finals if the threshold is broken:[/b]  [x] YES, [] NO

[b]SIGNED BY:[/b]


It should end up looking like this (but of course, in a spoiler);


General Information
Nation Full Name: The United Republic of Britonisea
National JWHF Broadcaster: BVC (Brityunik Vefecosoin Ciarkovoin)

I. I am formally declaring that our nation is willing to host the 6th edition of the Junior World Hit Festival with the conditions that we set in this bid and the rules and regulations of the Junior World Hit Festival: [x] YES, [] NO
II. I am willing to adhere to the dates of the deadlines of the 6th Junior World Hit Festival, set out here - except in extenuating circumstances: [x] YES, [] NO
III. I am happy to work with the World Hit Festival Overseer to bring together the 6th Junior World Hit Festival together and willing to be the first to trial the new voting segment which will be implemented at the 6th Junior World Hit Festival: [x] YES, [] NO
IV. I am willing to fully accept my duty as Junior World Hit Festival host, including the preparation of the contest (Opening, Interval and graphics): [x] YES, [] NO
V. I am prepared to host the Semi-Finals if the threshold is broken: [x] YES, [] NO

The signature already comes spoilered and should be placed at the very top or very bottom of the bid - that's up to the bidder's discretion. Please contact me via DM or Telegram if you would like to know more about the televoting segment or any other aspect of the World Hit Festival before bidding.

II. The Host Bid - Necessary Details

Below, I will list things that will be needed in the Host Bid, with more detail on certain sections being in Section III.

  • Name of city/venue: The first things that we are going to need in the host bid is the name of the city that intends to host the 6th edition of the Junior World Hit Festival. We will also need the name of the venue and the capacity too. If you intend to not use an arena, rather opting for an outdoor venue, please state this clearly in your bid. There have been World Hit Festivals that have taken place outdoors and so please do not feel limited to choosing an arena - though it is recommended. You can include images/graphics to aid this.
  • Applicant City/Host Information: When you have listed the name of your city and the arena, we would like to know more about the applicant city - go into detail about what the city is about. In addition, you may write details about the whole nation...why is your nation and why is your city the perfect host for the 6th Junior World Hit Festival? Please also include a hosting portfolio for your nation. In addition to this, you can include images/graphics for visual representation.
  • Staging Details: We would like to know more about the staging that you would like to create at the Junior World Hit Festival. Do you intend to have an optional orchestra pit or not? Do you intend to have LED walls? Please do go into detail about what the stage you will have at the 6th Junior World Hit Festival will have and won't. Please feel free to include images/graphics to show images of the bid.
  • The Theme/Postcards: Do you intend to have a theme for the upcoming Junior World Hit Festival. We highly recommend this, especially due to how often the Festival is and it will make it much more memorable to have one. In addition to this, do you intend to have postcards and if so, what will be the themes for that? Feel free to provide visual representations of the theme and postcards.
  • Details about the contest: We would like to know more about the details of the contest. Included in this section, feel free to say how the running order will be decided (randomised/decided/order posted on the Draft Thread). You can also speak about how you intend to involve the participating nations. Finally, like at the Eurovision Song Contest, the televote will be revealed afterwards. In those (max) 7 days, how will you reveal the results?
    - For the 5-1 segment, you can reveal the votes normally (like last Junior World Hit Festival seen here). You can reveal it in two phases like at the 46th World Hit Festival (seen here) or a different method.
    - For the televoting, do you intend to reveal the results of the televoting in one go? Do you intend to go along from last place to first place in the televote (ESC 2016-2018) or the jury vote (ESC 2019) or a different method?
  • Closing Statements: Why should you vote for us...?
You will find that the above detail is not too dissimilar from WorldVision Song Contest bids or former Junior World Hit Festival bids. If you would like to make your bids more unique and attractive to voters, I would highly advise you take into account information in the next section.

III. The Host Bid - Additional Details

Below, I will list things that will be could be added in the Host Bid.

  • Graphics: Some people decide that graphics are what make or break a bid and this is the most-encouraged additional detail that you could have in your bid such as the logo. Other graphics that you could decide to have includes examples of what the postcards will look like. If you intend to have headers for each performance, you might want to provide a visual representation of what these graphics will look like. In addition to this, I believe that it is a nice addition to give voters a taste of what the voting segment graphics will look like. An example of this can be shown at the bottom of this host information for World Hit Festival 43.
    -If you need more information/help and advice about what the graphics might look like for the televoting segment, please DM or TG me.
  • Information about the Festival: Additional information that you might want to include are the names and faces of who will host the Junior World Hit Festival and why they have been chosen to host it. In addition to this, you might also decide to add in information regarding the Opening and Interval acts of the competition. Having more information might help voters connect with your bids more.
  • Anything Else: If there are more things that have not been mentioned but you feel with greatly help your chances, please add them to your bid. We would love to see in-depth, really detailed bids.

Once the winner has been picked, the OOC Thread of the 6th Junior World Hit Festival will go live within 24 hours after the official announcement.

We would like to see many nations bidding to host the Junior World Hit Festival - it will be a great opportunity to host what is expected to be a large festival. Along with the host, I intend to raise the profile of the Festival, including pausing the senior edition to make way for what will be an exciting and brand new version of the Festival in a light we have not seen before. If you have never placed a bid for a competition/hosted before, don't feel afraid to post a bid! If anything, this is a great start as you will have the support from the Overseer (and all the community) to help guide you as a host. If you have hosted 100s of times before (looking at you, Izmedu) and feel confident to host this, feel free to drop a bid by! Below, you will be able to find the deadline. Good luck and I can't wait to see the bids!

Bidding for JWHF6 Deadline
Sunday 28th July 2019
20:00 BST (United Kingdom Time)

Edit 1: Changed contacting nations period to 4 weeks from 2.
Edit 2: Added in Semi-Final clause on the signature.
Last edited by Britonisea on Thu Jun 27, 2019 3:25 am, edited 3 times in total.

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The Bidding Process for JWHF2019

Postby Britonisea » Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:00 am

DEADLINE: 28 JULY 2019 - 20:00 BST

The nations that have placed a bid and that have been accepted by the Overseer have been listed below. Nations have over a month (as of 26th June 2019) to post a bid for the Junior World Hit Festival 6. Bids that do not include necessary information will receive a telegram within 2 days asking for changes or additions. If those are not met within 5/the deadline, the bid will be rejected and will not be bought forward to be voted on.

Once all bids are in, nations will vote between the list of nations that have placed a bid. You can find this list below;

Applicant Nations (3/3)

Besen - City of Mera
Venue: MEB Arena
Participating Broadcaster: BSB
Link to Bid: The Future Is Now

SIGNED BY: Calieno Kabon
Darkmania - City of Rëndstÿrna
Venue: Rëndstÿrna ËisHöckey Ärenä
Participating Broadcaster: DaTV Keïnder
Link to Bid: Come! Play with Us!

SIGNED BY: Jäsmÿne Hëstarü
Tödlichebujoku - City of Sinnlichšukai
Venue: Taploukkun Siippien Smelauka
Participating Broadcaster: Estegoa100
Link to Bid: Dream Big

SIGNED BY: Talita Nišimura

Please place your bids below this point.
Last edited by Britonisea on Sun Jul 28, 2019 11:27 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Todlichebujoku » Wed Jun 26, 2019 10:33 am


Welcome to Sinnlichšukai, an up-and-coming city on Tödlichebujoku's west coast! Located just across the bay from sprawling Üüserstenkeiken, Sinnlichšukai has managed to keep its small-town friendliness and intimate atmosphere, despite its proximity to the nearby metropolis and its own booming population. The city originated as a small fishing town, but in recent decades has experienced a great growth in development with the increasing connections with its larger neighbor. A new generation of urban planners, learning from the successes and failures in Üüserstenkeiken, have incorporated an elaborate park system that effectively divides the city into distinct neighborhoods, allowing for easier navigation and sense of place, especially when walking. The city has attained a reputation for being exceptionally family-friendly, with some of the best rated school districts and quality of living scores in the nation. This of course, made it a natural choice as a candidate to host the 6th Junior World Hit Festival, in concert with the infrastructure capabilities diffusing in from Üüserstenkeiken. With the downtown area laced with parkland, and the forested mountains only a short ride away, Sinnlichšukai is an exciting choice for both lovers of city living and lovers of nature, of all ages and sizes.

The slogan "Dream Big" encourages children to set their sights high; you never know what you can achieve in life until you try. The logo follows this, with the Tödlichebujoki seven-pointed star arising from ever-growing ellipses, like ripples that grow ever wider. This refers to how the Tödlichebujoki nation arose from humble beginnings, and how greatness can come from insignificance.

The Kuniveva Isakava Children's Museum

Sinnlichšukai offers a variety of places to visit and things to do. For family fun, visit any of the ubiquitous parks for a romp in the open air, or visit the Kuniveva Isakava Children's Museum for for an intense indoor interactive experience curated by child development professionals. A wide number of exhibits will introduce your children to a variety of opportunities for play, incorporating tactile and multi-sensory interactions, sets inspired by various cultures, and even elementary magic principles!


But of course, food is a highlight of any journey, and in Sinnlichšukai, you won't be lacking! Not only do you have the Tödlichebujoki classics of potato, reindeer, soups, and stews, but a variety of cuisines from over the ocean are in abundance! Feast on authentic dishes from Cacanha, Naforasia, and Abaina [essentially China, Japan, and India], or try some of the many exciting fusion dishes cooked up by homegrown star chefs!

Valvoyan Overlook

Tired of people? Try a hike in the nearby mountains, where you can escape the city or just view it from a new, elevated perspective! Valvoyan Overlook, or "Valvoyannáköalapaikka" in Taploukki, is an especially scenic viewing spot, named in reference to a particularly able city administrator who enjoyed overseeing from that exact location.


Like all Tödlichebujoki cities, the majority of personal transportation is via aerial broom or carpet. Ley-line trains are a popular form of mass transit, and the Sinnlichšukai network is well-linked to Üüserstenkeiken's providing easy access to the greater metro area. And of course, dragons are always popular with the tourists, providing aerial tours of the city and executing some thrilling maneuvers!

The Taploukkun Siipien Smelauka

A piece of sculpture as much as it is a venue, the Taploukkun Siippien Smelauka (Taploukku's Wings Arena, and TS Smelauka for short) is Sinnlichšukai's premier indoor arena, built ten years ago to replace the aging Ribas Field. With a capacity of 13,000 in the planned concert configuration, the Taploukkun Siipien Smelauka is set to provide a vastly superior experience than the last Tödlichebujoki JWHF hosting, with an modern, comfortable interior as impressive as its exterior.


The stage is composed of a center projection and a pair of raised, flanking platforms, with a pair of sloping platforms behind on which instrumentalists can be seated if needed. A number of large LED screens are arranged behind the stage, arcing around to allow all to watch. All standard effects are available for use, including pyrotechnics, wind, lasers/strobes, fire, and fog, along with the Tödlichebujoki specialties of snow, rain, sleet, small hail, and related weather effects along with various other magical capabilities such as plant growth acceleration, physical transformations, and interaction with spirits.



The postcards will incorporate a national symbol for each nation, thus following the idea of greatness from humble beginnings mentioned earlier. These will of course be presented prior to the performance of each entry. The national symbol chosen will be preferentially from one's national flag, but other requests can be easily accommodated.

Interested in learning about the opening and interval acts? Well all we can say is that you'll be movin' and clappin' through the opening, and perhaps tearing up in the interval! We can however more freely reveal some details about the show:

  • The running order will be arranged by the producer.
  • We aim to have a large number of nations participating, so with the given time constraints, the classic WHF vote reveal is planned to be implemented.
  • The televote will revealed in the style of Eurovision 2019, in the reverse order of the jury results.


Thank you for considering Sinnlichšukai as your next JWHF host! If you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to let us know!


General Information
Nation Full Name: Tödlichebujoku
National JWHF Broadcaster: Estegoa100

I. I am formally declaring that our nation is willing to host the 6th edition of the Junior World Hit Festival with the conditions that we set in this bid and the rules and regulations of the Junior World Hit Festival: [X] YES, [] NO
II. I am willing to adhere to the dates of the deadlines of the 6th Junior World Hit Festival, set out here - except in extenuating circumstances: [X] YES, [] NO
III. I am happy to work with the World Hit Festival Overseer to bring together the 6th Junior World Hit Festival together and willing to be the first to trial the new voting segment which will be implemented at the 6th Junior World Hit Festival: [X] YES, [] NO
IV. I am willing to fully accept my duty as Junior World Hit Festival host, including the preparation of the contest (Opening, Interval and graphics): [X] YES, [] NO
V. I am prepared to host the Semi-Finals if the threshold is broken: [x] YES, [] NO

SIGNED BY: Talita Nišimura
Last edited by Todlichebujoku on Sun Jul 28, 2019 2:56 am, edited 20 times in total.
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#RËNDJWHF6 #ComeAndPlay

Postby Darkmania » Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:48 pm


Rëndstÿrna, Darkmania

"Come! Play with Us!"


With the Rënd bid coming last place and the town being disappointed due to the hours used in order to bring the biggest show in the Mulitverse, the calls for bids for the JWHF6 has put life on this otherwise dead bid. Rëndstÿrna is prepared to showcase their town and they wish you to come and play with them.

(This bid is copied from the failed Rënd WSC74 bid with the changes done to make it fit for JWHF.)



Rëndstÿrna is a cozy alpine town with around 50.000 Rëndsturÿs, small by darkmanian standards. Not much exiting for a small town, to be honest. The nearest large settlement is around 45 kilometres away, but size doesn’t matter when you can host big things. Because this small town has big plans for the future.


Rëndstÿrna is known as the winter sports capital of Darkmania. It is the location of Darkmania`s only luge/bobsleigh track as of now and its also the location of one of 35 speed-skating rinks in Darkmania. In the picture DaTV has been allowed to share by a local there, you can see the ski jumping venue as well as the town`s local church. The town LOVES winter sports. It's said that the town has good enough venues to host the Winter Olympics, A thought within the locals. But to mark that this town exists, they tried to host the Worldvision Song Contest. But that failed. But given the opening of the bidding for JWHF6, they opted to bid for that instead with the same (arpeib minor changes to make it fit for JWHF) And in order to host the JWHF, they need a venue. Luckily, they got the perfect one.


If there is one thing that perfectly describes Darkmania, it's that “no challenge is too great to tackle”, and the venue`s location are a solid proof of that is true in Darkmania.
“Rëndstÿrna ËisHöckey Ärenä”, also known in local slang as “the Mountian Hall” is the centre-piece of this bid. If you haven’t noticed already, the ice hockey arena is inside of a mountain within the town centre.

The venue began construction with the first detonation in 1987 and was scheduled to be finished in 1990. However, construing an ice-hockey rink in the middle of a civil war are always a great idea. After the civil war ended in 1988, the Regime decided to continue with the venue as it was in construction. After 5 years, and 2 workers deaths, the ice hockey rink was open to the public on 10th December 1992 and are the town`s number one venue today.


The rink itself is 30,5 metres by 61 metres and are mostly used by the pride of the town, the ice hockey team "Rëndstÿrna Raccoons", a 6 times league winner and 4 times winner of the darkmanian championship. When Rëndstÿrna Racoons plays in the venue, up to 7 500 can cheer on their favourite ice-hockey team. It's not the biggest venue in Darkmania, but size doesn’t matter. A small venue can easily host big events, like Worldvision. The venue also is able to be used to host concerts, If used, 10 000 can fit in all inside this mountain 10 metres deep!



With a stage like this, who need to have a fancy stage when you can have a simple stage? This will be the first song contest hosted by Darkmania to have LCD walls, so you are able to display anything as you want (as long it isn’t a face). The stage has the capability for fire and pyrotechnics, as well as one cat-walk so the performer can be close to the audience at the venue.

DaTV has a policy that nothing shall be ignored when it comes to song-performances. As such, you are free to do what you want on stage unless its illegal
Props on stage will not be a problem as there will be a storage backstage with enough space to easily get the props you need when your performer needs them.


We will only use one host for this event, but we already know the best one who is the most suited for the contest.
Änna Kisdeminn was 15 when she won JWHF3. Now in the age of 20, she will be the presenter of the very contest she won. The anti-war activist (who also turns out to have performed at WHF43, where she got 19th out of 20.


If chosen, we will use Flexible Deadline. We also recommend, but cannot enforce, a limit of 6 persons on stage just like Eurovision, to try to encourage you to think outside the box. The host is quite liberal when it comes to how your song can be performed as the policy are to ensure you can do whatever you want (as long as it isn't illegal).

Darkmania will opt for using last to first method of revealing the televoting points, meaning it will go from the nation with the least number of voted from the public to the public`s winner.

The Running Order will use the same method as Darkmania used for WHF39; Dividing the participating nations into two halves and then use a producer placed an order, with only Darkmania being given a number in which they are set to perform as. The Overseer (Brionisea) are welcomed to give his idea on the running order IF he wants.

It shall be noted that the user behind this nation might not have the best English and his writing is not on par with other (according to him), so honest feedback on how he can improve his hosting skills, as well as typos, are welcomed via DM at the account “DarkNS#2031”

Postcards will be images of activities you can do in either winter or summer (ICy, the song contests takes place when it's cold again.) This will how the formating for the postcards will look like.


Darkmania was the organizer of WHF39 and WSC67, both taking place in the capital, so Darkmania has some experience with hosting song contest, albeit it is small. Darkmania also hosted the 1st Novapx summit, but ut due to the literally nothing that happens there, we will not go in much detail of the summit.

I want to grow and host anything with good quality and I believe if I am able to host this it will improve my hosting skills and helping me with my worldbuilding.n


General Information
Nation Full Name:The United States of Darkmania
National JWHF Broadcaster: DaTV Keïnder (The children channel of DaTV)

I. I am formally declaring that our nation is willing to host the 6th edition of the Junior World Hit Festival with the conditions that we set in this bid and the rules and regulations of the Junior World Hit Festival: [x] YES, [] NO
II. I am willing to adhere to the dates of the deadlines of the 6th Junior World Hit Festival, set out here - except in extenuating circumstances: [x] YES, [] NO
III. I am happy to work with the World Hit Festival Overseer to bring together the 6th Junior World Hit Festival together and willing to be the first to trial the new voting segment which will be implemented at the 6th Junior World Hit Festival: [x] YES, [] NO
IV. I am willing to fully accept my duty as Junior World Hit Festival host, including the preparation of the contest (Opening, Interval and graphics): [x] YES, [] NO
V. I am prepared to host the Semi-Finals if the threshold is broken: [x] YES, [] NO

SIGNED BY: Jürgen Fërgüs (Head of the Department of Music for DaTV) and Jäsmÿne Hëstarü (HoD of Darkmania in WHF and WSC)
Last edited by Darkmania on Sun Jul 28, 2019 7:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Announcement #11: 30th June 2019

Postby Britonisea » Sun Jun 30, 2019 3:36 pm

Bids for JWHF6 can still be posted after this announcement

To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


I would like to congratulate Britonisea on their fourth ever win at the World Hit Festival - their second win since I took over the Overseership back at the 41st World Hit Festival. Britonisea's Vhe Qi won the World Hit Festival 46, twenty editions after Britonisea first won the World Hit Festival, with the song "Dangerously in Love". We wish all of the success for Vhe Qi going forward in his music career and we hope that the World Hit Festival provided a huge audience for him and his team.

Congratulations to Izmedu for hosting yet another fantastic edition of the World Hit Festival. Despite hosting so many times over the last 17 editions, it is superb that the team at RTI are able to make each of their contests different from each other and exciting for us spectators. Well done.

The show must go on. Soon after Britonisea had won the World Hit Festival, we turned to the Britonish broadcaster Brityunik Vefecosoin Ciarkovoin [BVC] to see whether they would be interested in hosting the 47th World Hit Festival. Britonisea had previously held the 43rd World Hit Festival. The team at Brityunik Vefecosoin Ciarkovoin accepted the mission to host their fifth World Hit Festival but had two cities that were interested in becoming the host of the 47th World Hit Festival. The two cities you can find below;

  • Junterapten
    First Direct Arena (Hosted WHF35)
  • Kyvivre
    Arenakyvivre (Hosted WHF27)

A board of Britons voted alongside a few international representatives, including representatives from the broadcaster that recently hosted the World Hit Festival, RTI in Izmedu. A decision was made. The city that came 2nd in the bidding process was...


Therefore this means that the winner and host of the World Hit Festival 47 is...

Kyvivre hosts the World Hit Festival for the second time ever. Kyvivre is located on Britonisea's western coast, with it being the heart of Britonish culture. Kyvivre is excited to host the Festival in the same arena as the WHF27, Arenakyvivre.

Very soon (July 7), broadcasters will be able to confirm their participation and we would like as many nations to participate as possible!

We are excited for the 47th World Hit Festival and we can't wait for the contest to begin! See you all in Britonisea's western coast!

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer


Bids for JWHF6 can still be posted after this announcement.

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Postby Besen » Sun Jun 30, 2019 5:58 pm

Mera, Besen
6th JWHF
The Future Is Now


After careful consideration of both financial and political capabilities in regards to the Junior World Hit Festival, which occurs much less than it's senior counterpart, the tourism board of Mera have put forward a bid to host the contest. This bid has the support of the Besenian government, who have agreed a funding plan to ensure the competition is a good one.
We believe this is Besen's chance to prove itself to the world stage as a true asset within the community - as it's debut hosting opportunity for the Worldvision Song Contest was not received positively due to it's lacklustre production. We are prepared to give a really fantastic show this time. Let's take a look at the four main points of information that we want to show...


Our city of Mera is very much a beautiful one. It sits on the Eastern coast of Besen's lands, with a vast spread of forest and sea. Development of the city has allowed it to expand it's capacity in regards to both people and the economy - it has experienced the fastest growth of any area in the country. Home to 2 million, Mera is extremely diverse, which is something we are very proud of, and we definitely celebrate this fact. The locals here are probably the most kind, welcoming people in the whole of the country and we believe that this will make the city a perfect atmosphere for this event.

As for Mera's strengths, it has a continually growing nightlife scene, where you can expect one of the craziest nights of your life - for the adults, of course. We know this is a contest for the children of the world, and we are sure of our ability to provide a brilliant experience for them too. Agieno Park is the biggest theme park in Besen, and critically acclaimed for it's diverse entertainment - especially for kids. If that's not for you, you could always simply take a walk through the maze of streets, exploring the sprawling array of commercial hubs.

MEB Arena

MEB Arena was constructed as a final product in 2010, originating as a venue for sports, but quickly evolving into a great place to host concerts. Its capacity is currently 20,000 - however we recognise its ability to grow in capacity if we should feel it's appropriate to remove the sides of the stage, which usually are used as a platform to elevate the performer. The venue is critically acclaimed for its lighting abilities, which support laser lights and many other forms.

LEDs. We have taken the decision to not use them for this stage. Instead, we will have six interchangeable and customisable panels in the back, which will act as a beacon for whichever route delegations would like to go for in terms of their lighting design. And of course, we won't completely disallow LEDs, and delegations are permitted to bring and utilise their own, in whatever capacity that is. We wish to give the performers a good variety of tools to showcase their artistic vision, but we challenge the participating nations to think outside of the box to do so.

We vow to keep the delegations updated on how the stage construction is heading, and a comprehensive idea of what they will be able to utilise for their performance.


Our hosts have been selected based on a strict criteria for the direction of the contest. Our theme 'The Future Is Now' is very fitting of these two fantastic people. Both were previous child stars, and have paved their own way in adulthood, in two very different ways.

Alia Reno will be recognised by Besen as the young girl, who acted in a very popular TV show that is considered an important piece of the nation's cultural identity. She has since gone on to gain recognition for her charity and activism work. Her history as an activist has led her to many places and she has been acclaimed many times - even eventually receiving an honorary award from the King. The theme means a lot to her:

"I am in love with the theme of this. I wish to give these kids a sense that they are the future of the world, and they really mean so much to our society, and always will. As a mother, I hope we can spread our pride for them as they have given their performances, just like I would for my own children."

On the other hand, Georgio Naleine is seen as important figure in the world of sport. He is the only openly gay man to win the top prize in a 'Kreballis' championship. He also states that the theme is a great message to send:

The future definitely is now. I wish I could have had that type of message on the TV when I was young, and I'm glad to be able to tell every child in the world that they are worthy of anything they work hard for, just as I have proved."

Theme, Postcards and Graphics
An example of a postcard that will be shown before an act begins their performance.

"The Future Is Now" is a theme that was constantly an idea of interest for the board. We believe that it is perfect and a great way to reach children around the world. We want you to draw from this theme that we are stepping into the future of not only Junior World Hit Festival, but in a lot of other aspects in life as well.

This is shown in our graphic design, which will be very much based around this idea, and the general futuristic vision that we have. The shapes that appear in all of our promotion will be used in both the postcards and the end scoreboard.

In the postcards especially, we will give the delegations participating to choose which colour they would like to be used in the shape, a tool that we will use to personalise the design of each postcard. We hope that nations will be able to correlate our graphical design with the theme.

Why Choose Besen?

Besen will be an attentive, optimistic host of the contest. We will push for many nations to participate in Mera, putting an emphasis on trying to reach enough to hold semi-finals. We want this JWHF to be the most exciting ever. This is why we support and encourage the Overseer's change to the voting system, which we will implement with enthusiasm.

Here are our plans for the contest:

  • Producers will decide on the running order for the competition, as we believe this will make for a show that flows effectively and gives nations who might struggle the chance to shine in a particular slot.
  • We intend to reveal the results of the televote in order of how each nations faired in the jury vote (ESC 2019 system).
  • We intend to involve nations as much as possible, and would like to receive feedback on any problems you might feel are happening.
  • We wish to hold semi-finals, and so will make a big push for this.

In conclusion, we are really interested in making this JWHF the best in history, so help Besen make it happening, by voting for Mera!


General Information
Nation Full Name: The United Kingdom of Besen
National JWHF Broadcaster: BSB

I. I am formally declaring that our nation is willing to host the 6th edition of the Junior World Hit Festival with the conditions that we set in this bid and the rules and regulations of the Junior World Hit Festival: [X] YES, [] NO
II. I am willing to adhere to the dates of the deadlines of the 6th Junior World Hit Festival, set out here - except in extenuating circumstances: [X] YES, [] NO
III. I am happy to work with the World Hit Festival Overseer to bring together the 6th Junior World Hit Festival together and willing to be the first to trial the new voting segment which will be implemented at the 6th Junior World Hit Festival: [X] YES, [] NO
IV. I am willing to fully accept my duty as Junior World Hit Festival host, including the preparation of the contest (Opening, Interval and graphics): [X] YES, [] NO
V. I am prepared to host the Semi-Finals if the threshold is broken: [x] YES, [] NO

SIGNED BY: Calieno Kabon
Last edited by Besen on Mon Jul 01, 2019 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Antahbrantahstan » Mon Jul 01, 2019 6:32 am


Coming soon.
Harashta Haifa Zahra | Monica Kezia Sembiring | Sophie Kirana | Ketut Permata Juliastrid Sari | Melati Tedja | Nova Liana

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Update on the Bidding Process - 4th July 2019

Postby Britonisea » Thu Jul 04, 2019 9:36 am


To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


We can confirm that we have received an official bid from The City of Mera in Besen. The City of Mera in Besen will be added to the list of official applicant cities to host the 6th Junior World Hit Festival.

You can find more information about the bid here: CityofMeraJWHF6Bid.pdf

This also means that a Britonish city will not be obligated to host the Junior World Hit Festival, but are still free to bid for the Festival.

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer

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Update on the Bidding Process- 28th July 2019

Postby Britonisea » Sun Jul 28, 2019 11:17 am


To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


We can confirm that we have received an official bid from The City of Sinnlichšukai in Tödlichebujoku. The City of Sinnlichšukai in Tödlichebujoku will be added to the list of official applicant cities to host the 6th Junior World Hit Festival.

You can find more information about the bid here: CityofSinnlichšukaiJWHF6Bid.pdf

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer

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Update on the Bidding Process - 28th July 2019

Postby Britonisea » Sun Jul 28, 2019 11:19 am


To Heads of Delegations of Participating World Hit Festival Nations
Media Outlets of the World Hit Festival


We can confirm that we have received an official bid from The City of Rëndstÿrna in Darkmania. The City of Rëndstÿrna in Darkmania will be added to the list of official applicant cities to host the 6th Junior World Hit Festival.

You can find more information about the bid here: CityofRëndstÿrnaJWHF6Bid.pdf

Fabio McAlpine
World Hit Festival Overseer

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Postby Britonisea » Mon Jul 29, 2019 3:22 pm




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