This is the thread where you talk about the vidya gaems, be it games you are currently playing, games you like, games you hate. Business practices you like or dont like etc etc, what platform you play on, who you enjoy watching play games etc it all fits in here, just try not to be dicks to one another about which fancy plastic box you play them on, or because someone likes a game you dont etc as thats frankly fucking childish and immature, so pay attention to the image below:
Previous Iteration's of the thread:
-Thread for Gamers the First
-Thread for Gamers the Second
-Thread for Gamers the
-Thread for Gamers the Fourth
-Thread for Gamers the Fifth
-Thread for Gamers the Sixth
-Thread for Gamers the Seventh
-Thread for Gamers the Eighth
Links to Franchise/Series/Publisher specific gaming threads in Arts and Fiction (Updated list July 2020):
-Paradox Games
-Elder Scrolls
-Star Wars (Not gaming specific)
-League of Legends
-Star Trek (Not gaming specific)
-Total War
So yeah, talk about games ya plebs! That unexplained death circle is closing in! Dont forget to use frying pans so some petty fucks can sue you!