Miscellaneous Worldbuilding Thread

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]
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Miscellaneous Worldbuilding Thread

Postby Santheres » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:20 pm


Welcome to the Miscellaneous Worldbuilding Thread!

In light of the corrective thread requirements for Factbooks & National Information, this thread has been created to house all of the short-form national lore for your nation, and other topics of discussion which, on their own, would not be substantial enough for an entire topic to be dedicated to them. (Many thanks to Quamenlau for the terminology and Vespertania for the general idea.)

Please note: this thread is not meant to serve as a replacement for threads in F&NI, the copious amounts of threads here or elsewhere which may assist in broader worldbuilding and nation-creation discussion, nor for the F&NI Help Thread, but meant to serve as a supplement to them. Moderation understands that there is a certain attraction to short-form lore; it's also true that many forms of such simply cannot, without significant additional substance, stand alone as rule-abiding threads. That's what this thread is meant to assist with. This is not a chat thread, nor a "spam" thread; general, topical discussion is acceptable, but off-topic content or spam will result in removal and/or punitive actions as warranted.

If this thread proves untenable or becomes rife with spam, it will be locked in turn. Do not let that occur. If you see spam, report it.

With the disclaimer out of the way, then what is this thread for? Off-hand questions of curiosity, short-form surveys and questionnaires, general questions of topical interest to factbooking about other player's nations and entities, and generally any worldbuilding topic that is too insubstantial to be readily made into a standalone thread. Players are encouraged to ask their questions about other nations, and other players will answer them at their leisure. Some examples include...

  • What side of the road does your nation drive on?
  • What are the most popular colors of your people?
  • What real-world nation, if any, inspired yours?
  • How old is(/are) your leader(s)?
  • What tech-level is your nation?
  • And short surveys that would not suffice on their own.
Good luck, and have fun!

If you wish for your survey/questionnaire template to be listed, include a
"code" block of the survey/questionnaire
. Single questions will not be listed.
This will be updated periodically.

Last edited by Santheres on Sun Apr 10, 2022 12:06 pm, edited 47 times in total.

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Destructive Government Economic System
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Postby Destructive Government Economic System » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:58 pm

Your leader and music questionnaire:

Code: Select all
[b]What music does your leader generally listen to?[/b]
[b]Does your leader play an instrument?[/b]
[b]If he/she does play an instrument, then which one?[/b]
[b]If he/she does play an instrument, is your leader particularly skilled at it?[/b]

[b]Anything noteworthy related to your leader and music:[/b]

Since I'm almost certain that the point of this thread is to do stuff like this, here's a miniature questionnaire to answer if you've got some free time. Yup, you can literally answer it and post about it in this thread.

What music does your leader generally listen to? He generally doesn't listen to music at all, but he does have a rock-orchestral marching tune that's being currently utilized in our army. That's the most he'll get out of music.
Does your leader play an instrument? No, since he is too big to play even the largest of instruments.
If he/she does play an instrument, then which one? N/A
If he/she does play an instrument, is your leader particularly skilled at it? N/A

Anything noteworthy related to your leader and music: While he hasn't directly outlawed music, there still isn't really much of anything if you're looking for a diverse collection of songs here.
Last edited by Destructive Government Economic System on Wed Jun 06, 2018 11:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"All I wish is to see the world burn."
-The Great Uniter and Beast of the DGES
(By the way, the DGES is a servant to DEAREST LEADER of Psychotic Dictatorships.)
Just your typical guy who wants to have fun. Don't take this nation seriously,
I DO NOT use NS stats!
Keshiland literally wrote:I would give it a no. A country that lies about how free, or how great, or how humanitarian it is can never be developed. Example, NK lies and says they are democratic and are not, the US lies and says we are free yet we incarcerate millions for a medical plant. See we are basically a larger more populated North Korea.

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Spam Spam Spam
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Postby Spam Spam Spam » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:16 am

What type of electrical outlets does your nation use?

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The South Falls
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Postby The South Falls » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:19 am

Spam Spam Spam wrote:What type of electrical outlets does your nation use?

The South Falls uses 120V AC outlets, predominantly. However, most outlets are convertible, with locks that allow conversion between 120, 220, and 210V AC outlets. AC/DC converters are popular. Plug types are generally B, but A can be converted to.
Last edited by The South Falls on Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
This is an MT nation that reflects some of my beliefs, trade deals and debate always welcome! Call me TeaSF. A level 8, according to This Index.

Political Compass Results:

Economic: -5.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.51
I make dumb jokes. I'm really serious about that.

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Destructive Government Economic System
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Founded: Jun 15, 2017
Corporate Police State

Postby Destructive Government Economic System » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:32 am

Spam Spam Spam wrote:What type of electrical outlets does your nation use?

Our most common forms of outlets include the standard type A and B ones. Typically, they are used to power almost all of our electrical devices, and very rarely you will see outlets that are not of the A or B type. AFCI ones are an example of this. They are currently in use, but you'll likely see them once every few million miles here.
"All I wish is to see the world burn."
-The Great Uniter and Beast of the DGES
(By the way, the DGES is a servant to DEAREST LEADER of Psychotic Dictatorships.)
Just your typical guy who wants to have fun. Don't take this nation seriously,
I DO NOT use NS stats!
Keshiland literally wrote:I would give it a no. A country that lies about how free, or how great, or how humanitarian it is can never be developed. Example, NK lies and says they are democratic and are not, the US lies and says we are free yet we incarcerate millions for a medical plant. See we are basically a larger more populated North Korea.

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Postby Eglaecia » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:34 am

E g l a e c i a | G e n e r a l

What music does your leader generally listen to? Carre has spoken little of music, but played a lot of classical music when a violinist.
Does your leader play an instrument? Yes
If he/she does play an instrument, then which one? The Violin and the Guitar
If he/she does play an instrument, is your leader particularly skilled at it? Carre is a renowned violinist and has shown competency in playing the guitar.

Anything noteworthy related to your leader and music:
What side of the road does your nation drive on?: Right
What are the most popular colors of your people?: the D33737 shade of Red
What real-world nation, if any, inspired yours?: France, the Netherlands and Italy
How old is(/are) your leader(s)?: Vincent Carre is 46 and William Lafaille is 58
What tech-level is your nation?: Modern
Medal of the Federal Republic
Head of State: Win a majority of the vote in the two-round presidential election.
Head of Government: Be nominated by 136 of the 270 MPs
Driving side: Right
Paved(%): 88%
Unpaved(%): 12%
Maximum speed: 110 MPH
Average condition of roads: Paved roads are of a high quality, with annual maintenance surveys
Amount of vehicles registered: 41.5 Million
Are video games illegal?: No
What is the most popular videogame in YN?: Overwatch
How do they like to play it?: Console and PC are the most popular platforms, with around 45% and 48% of video games at any time being played on console and PC respectively, with the remaining 7% on mobile.
Do videogames have negative or positive effects?: That's entirely subjective.
What are the top 5 most played video games in your nation?: Overwatch, Dota 2, FIFA 18, Fortnite, Minecraft
What videogames are banned in your nation, and why?: None
How many people play videogames?: Around 39% of people in Eglaecia play video games at least weekly.
What is the percentage of people in your nation addicted to videogames?: That statistic has never been recorded.
Does your nation use Penal Battalions for military service?: Yes
What crimes can make you eligible for penal service? Crimes such as theft, drug possession (after rehabilitation), assault (after rehabilitation)
How many men in your military currently serve as penal troops?: Around 400 soldiers are penal troops
Describe the roles penal troops play in your military. They can play any role they're suited too. There is no penal-only battalion.
Are penal troops given any training? If so, describe briefly how. They are trained the same as normal soldiers.
Describe the relationship between Penal Troops and Normal Soldiers. How would they cooperate on the field? They cooperate fine, they just treat each other as fellow soldiers.
How well are Penal troops equipped compared to Normal Soldiers? : They receive the same equipment.
How do conditions of Penal Troops compare to those of Normal Soldiers?: They're the same
What is the most popular programming language in YN?: JavaScript

How many programs are created in YN every year?: That statistic has never been recorded.

What programming languages exist in YN? Mark with “x” between the “[]” if existent in YN.
[X] JavaScript
[X] Lua
[X] Ruby
[X] C++
[X] C+
[X] Perl
[ ] others; plz specify

When was programming invented in YN?: It wasn't really invented, it just popped up around the mid 50s.
Firstly, this information is not part of Eglaecia's formal canon, this is in assumption that Eglaecia exists in harmony with the real world.

Eglaecia would most likely fall under the United States' sphere of influence by most people's definitions. It is a modern, liberal democracy, though as it is located on the Mediterranean, it retains close ties with France, Germany, the UK and the rest of the European Union, though not a formal member.
1. What does your nation consider a "small" town or local settlement?: A small town or a local settlement is a subjective term. Residential Settlements in Eglaecia are grouped into three categories: Cities, Towns and Villages. A city is a residential settlement with a population of over 150,000, a Town is a residential settlement with a population of between 2,001 and 149,999, and a village is a residential settlement with a population of 2,000 or less. Most people, going by this, would then say a small town would be a town with a population of under 10,000.
2. Do most of the citizens live in smaller communities or larger, major cities?: Just over half of all civilians in Eglaecia live in a residential settlement classified as a city, so yes, most do live in larger communities. However, Eglaecia has a large rural population of around 35%, and the population of cities is growing slower than those living in towns or villages.
3. What is typical life in a smaller community? Is life for a person living in a small community relatively different than one living in a major or urban area?: Life in smaller communities can vary. Most small communities have larger towns or actual cities within a short drive, so while they may need to travel short distances to access places like supermarkets, hospitals, police stations etc. there isn't much to it. Those living in inland communities are different however. The further inland, the lower the population and number of larger settlements. Large rail networks were connected to transport goods inland, as the hot arid weather means they are reliant on imports. However, the inland is home to large sources of oil, and have became prime locations for prisons and research facilities, and as such development in the inland is increasing. Soon, inland communities will be pretty much on par with the coast and Gobre & Kernor.
Are there many airports in your nation? Is Air Travel widely avaliable?: There are a total of 51 commercial airports, and countless more private and military airports. Air travel is the second most popular mode of long distance domestic transport, behind trains, but is the most popular for international transport by a long margin.
On a scale from 1 to 10, rate your nation's airports in terms of quality: This varies by region and even city. Airports inland tend to be smaller and really just places for you to land, get your stuff, find a taxi and leave, and usually only have a couple of cafes and shops, while the Airport of the Republic, and Mathis Joguet Airport in Roussay and Calles respectively are large, multistory complexes with huge shops, restaurants and cafes.
Are airports in YN private, nationalized, or a combination of the two?: A combination of the two. The runways and the like themselves are owned by the government, though private companies can purchase them for set periods of time. Services inside of airports themselves are private or operated by the Airport Authority.
How Much does the average airplane ticket cost in YN?: The average plan ticket costs just cr42, due to short distance domestic flights. Flights between from Coulan and Ville de Monnetay can cost upwards of cr92 for an adult at the cheapest.
Are there different classes for Airplane seats in YN?: Yes. There is first class, business class and economy class.
On a scale from 1 to 10, rate your nation's airplanes in terms of quality: This is hard to answer. Privately owned planes that operate commercial flights from Eglaecia vary of course, but Federal Aviation, the nationalised airline, has consistently been praised for it's quality. Thanks to government subsidies, economy class on Federal Aviation is ranked above the business class of many airlines, and is on par with many airlines first class. Federal Aviation however only runs a few international journeys, and mostly sticks to domestic flights.
List any notable airplane producers in YN: Around 41% of commercial planes in Eglaecia at any time are made by Boeing, followed by 22% from Airbus and 18% from Chaney.
List any notable airplane models that originate from YN: There aren't any notable ones, however many air travel enthusiasts will have heard of the Chaney AP12, a small model that was commonly employed by CPT (Chaney Private Travel), and used by Eglaecian politicians and businessmen travelling to Roussay.
List any notable airlines in YN: Federal Aviation and CPT are the two most well known airlines exclusive to Eglaecia.
What are airport security measures like in YN? Very strict.
Describe any other notable features about YN's air travel: Many domestic flights are on small planes that seat between 30-60 people, and are flown by CPT or Federal Aviation. No foreign companies can fly domestic routes in Eglaecia.
I. Questions of Place.

Describe the geography of where your society calls home. Eglaecia has a mixed geography. The inland of the six provinces is mostly arid, desert land, but the coast and the islands of Gobre and Kernor are green and typical of other Mediterranean regions.
Describe the climate your society deals with. How severe are their seasons? Eglaecia mostly adheres to a typical Mediterranean climate, but it gets warmer the further inland you go.
What kinds of natural disasters has this society gotten used to? Eglaecia doesn't really have to deal with natural disasters. Small earthquakes do occur in the west of the country, but that's really it.
What importance (spiritual or cultural) do people ascribe to the geography? For the most part, none at all.
How do people feel about local landscapes being altered or used for a purpose other than what is traditional?
What are the most commonly-grown foods? Various vegetables, especially peppers and tomatos, and fruits such as grapes and olives, are grown en-masse.
What are the most commonly-eaten meats? Lamb, Chicken, Beef and Pork are staple foods in the Eglaecian diet.
What foods are considered exotic or expensive? There aren't really any set foods that are exotic in Eglaecia, as foreign food isn't very common. Western fast food, and Indian and Chinese food has grown a lot over the last few decades, so it is no longer expensive.
What forms of alcohol are common? Rare? Wine is extremely common in mainstream Eglaecia, while beer and cider is less popular.
Is there usually enough food and water for the population? Thanks to technological innovation, water is always available, even deep in the inland communities.
What is this place's most abundant resource? Rare metals and oil in the sparsely populated inland of the country are in high abundance, and account for a large portion of the economy.
What is its most valuable resource? Oil.
How do people travel from one place to another? Depends how far and how quickly they want to get there. Cars and buses are quite common in Gobre, Kernor, and short distance along the coast, but for those who are travelling long distances, between the islands and/or mainland, or into the inland, planes and trains are the most common.
Are the borders secure? In what way? Eglaecia maintains a land, air and naval border security force, that guards roads and fences.
How many people live here? 53.4 Million
Where in this place do they congregate? All across the country. The coast is the most densely populated.
What part of this place do they avoid? Why? The inland, due to a historical lack of water, only a few communities congregated here, and even today the communities there aren't very large.
What are the most common domesticated animals here? And what are they domesticated for? Goats and cattle, for food and dairy.
What are the most common wild animals? How are wild animals treated? Mostly antelopes and a variety of birds. There are numerous laws protecting them from being hunted, though some species are allowed to be hunted.
Which animals are likely to be pets? Cats and dogs.
II. Questions of Time.

How far back does this society’s written history go? The first written documents of the modern Eglaecian people go as far back as the mid 600s, but it is believed that there are documents from as far back as the early 100s, written in an ancient script that has not been deciphered.
How far back do its people believe it goes? Folk tales say that the first modern Eglaecians came to the regions near Roussay exactly 2000 years before the unification of Eglaecia, which could mean anytime between 750 BC and 500 BC.
How was this society founded? Who founded it and under what circumstances? It is unknown, but it's mostly believed that it was just tribes that moved from the north and the east to the region around Roussay due to it's geography.
What were the chief powers in the time when this society was founded? Evidence uncovered, mostly folk tales, suggest that villages of around 100 would congregate around large coastal towns of around 1000-5000, with villages led by Chiefs and larger towns lead by Lords. The largest entities began to formulate around 650 AD, following centuries of conflict between smaller entities that plagued the region.
What is the worst disaster they believe they've faced?
What are the major events in this culture's past? The Eglaecian War between 750 AD and 774 AD was the largest conflict in Eglaecian history, and spanned the entirety of mainland Eglaecia. In the end however, Eglaecia entered a period of 600 years of peace. There was also the 1847 Revolution, which resulted in 46 years of instability and economic depression, but ended in the proclamation of the fourth republic, later the Federal Republic.
What was the best thing that ever happened to them? Unification in 1366 and the proclamation of the Fourth Republic in 1893.
What in their past makes them feel ashamed? Nothing really. Unlike other European, Christian nations, Eglaecia doesn't have a history of colonisation or slavery.
What in their past makes them proud? Eglaecia has always been one of the most forward-thinking countries in terms of gender and racial equality, despite being considered a historically conservative country.
What are they hoping will happen? Do they think it likely? Continued peace, prosperity and democracy, and we do think it is possible.
How strongly are people attached or connected to their heritage? Very strongly. Eglaecia is a patriotic country where culture is held with high regards.
What do they assume the future will hold? More success to Eglaecia.
How has this society changed? Do its current members realize this? Society has modernised in a unique way. Modern, cosmopolitan and global culture has been synthesised with traditional Eglaecian culture, and many people recognise this and view it positively.
What are the most popular stories about the past? Folk stories about past leaders who rejected foreign invaders, and revolutionary war stories.
Who in the past is the greatest hero? The worst villain? None really.
Do people think the present better or worse than the past? Better
Do people believe the future will be better or worse than the present or past? Better
III. Questions of Race and Ethnicity.

What are the chief races in the region? White Eglaecians
What are the chief ethnic groups of each race in the region? How are they distributed in place? White Eglaecians are the overwhelming majority across the country, however large cities have larger pockets of foreigners.
What jobs do the chief ethnicities primarily occupy? Are any groups denied work because of racial or ethnic heritage? Ethnic or racial heritage is not a barrier, in fact many companies enjoy having foreigners join them as it gives them a more global outlook on some issues.
What are typical attitudes of the native (or majority) ethnos to immigrants and other ethnicities? Eglaecians welcome all people.
IV. Questions of Family.

How many spouses may a man or woman have? One
Who decides on a marriage? Man and Woman
Can a marriage end in divorce? How? Yes, with the consent of one of the married individuals.
Who usually takes custody of children if a marriage ends for some reason? Statistically, women are more likely to do so.
How are families named? A woman does not need to adopt a husband's family name, but children are legally required to adopt their father's name if he is a native Eglaecian, or the mother's name if she is a native but the father is not.
What happens to orphans? They go to orphanages.
How are boy and girl children treated differently? Traditional gender roles, such as men being the breadwinners and women taking care of the home, are still present in Eglaecian society, but boys and girls are treated the same.
What, if anything, is considered a good marriage gift? Anything from the heart.
How big are families, typically? Most families are composed of a wife and husband, and have two or more children by 30.
What constitutes a household? How many people live in one household? How many generations? It used to be common for up to four generations to live in a household in Eglaecia, but now only 12% of households have more than two generations living in them.
How common is domestic violence? Is it understood to be a problem, or a normal aspect of family life? Domestic violence is not very common in Eglaecia anymore, with stricter punishments being put in place for it, the prevalence of it has dropped significantly.
V. Questions of Customs and Social Life.

What colors are associated with power? With virtue? With death? The shade of red on the Eglaecian flag, known as Eglaecian Red, is associated with power. White is usually associated with purity and virtue, and black is usually associated with death.
If two men get into a fight, how is this supposed to be resolved? This depends on the reasons behind the fight. Physical fights aren't looked down upon in Eglaecia, and very rarely would a consensual fight between two men result in one of them being charged with criminal offenses. However petty squabbles are usually resolved by civil, adult discussion,
If two women get into a fight, how should that be resolved? Civil, adult discussion.
How do people demonstrate grief? Wearing black for three days after the passing of a friend or relative, and not going to school or work for that period is the norm.
Who inherits property? Titles? Position? Inheritance is left down to the person who passes them on, they choose.
When and how does someone go from child to adult? 16 is the age in which people can learn to drive, join the military, purchase and drink alcohol, and leave school, so this is usually when people are considered as adults.
How much free time do people usually get? School lasts from 9:30 AM to 15:30 PM, so children have a lot of free time. Work usually lasts between 8:00 AM and 16:00 PM, so adults usually have less free time, but still get a lot.
What do they spend this time doing? Reading, watching television, going out with friends, playing games are all common pass-times.
Is society segregated in any way? No
What social classes or divisions exist in this society? There are no legally defined classes, but the working class, middle class and upper class is a known social phenomenon.
If so, can people move from one class to another? Are there any benefits to being of one class over another? Of course they can. There are no real benefits other than wealth.
Is there any discrimination against minority groups (racial, ethnic, religious) in this society? Yes but it is not common.
Does the government play a large part in people’s lives? No
Does religion play a large part in people’s lives? Yes

Describe how daily food is obtained. Markets, Stores and Farms are the most common places to obtain foods.
What type of foods are most popular?
What are typical dishes and specialties of the region? Eglaecian food is typical of the Mediterranean
What type of food is the locality or region famous for?
What cutlery, if any, do people use for cooking and eating?
How is the table arranged?
How do people sit when eating? Is there any arrangement by age or dignity of diners?
How many and when are the main mealtimes?
Are there restaurants, popinas, street vendors or other places where food may be bought in public?
Is there a significant risk of food poisoning? How many cases lead to death? Is there understood to be a link between food and poisoning or illness?
How much does a typical meal cost, if bought and not grown at home?
Clothing and Fashion What kind of clothes do people wear? How does this vary by season, ethnicity, age, profession, etc?
How do the genders dress: what differences are there between mens and womens clothing and accessories?
How is clothing made, in small shops or larger factories?
How much does typical clothing cost?
How important is fashion to people? How does this vary by individual?
What kinds of jewelry do people wear? And when?

Does the culture have outlets for dramatic arts (theater, puppetry, cinematography)?
What other major forms of entertainment are there?
Is the populace literate and numerate?
Do people read for pleasure? If so, what do they read?
How much do books, magazines, broadsheets and the like cost?
Is there a public library system? Who uses it?
Who are popular authors and poets?
Who are some of the more famous characters from literature?
How has this changed over time?
VII. Questions of Faith.

Is the culture religious or nonreligious?
What are the major religious groups in the region?
What are some of their core doctrines, dogmas, beliefs and practices?
What is the overall cosmology and eschatology in religious terms?
Is religion a cause of dissatisfaction, dissention or hostility in the region?
Are religious traditions and any scriptures oral or written in nature or a combination?
Is there a set canon of what consitutes officially sanctioned scripture?
How are scriptural / traditional exegesis accomplished and by what hermeneutics?
What is the role of myth within the religion?
Is there a formal creed or set of credal statements that define the faith?
What are typical symbols used in the religion and their meanings?
What ritual objects are used in the religion (relics, talismans, medals, charms, etc)?
What religious officials are there? Is there a formal clergy? How are they organised?
Are there monks, saints, faqirs, nuns, prophets, apostles, disciples, preachers, friars, shamans, martyrs, mystics, seers, vates, sages, ascetics, religious heroes, saviours, redeemers, etc?
What do people believe happens to them after death? How, if at all, can they influence this?
What happens to those who disagree with the majority on questions of religion?
Are there any particular places considered special or holy? What are they like?
Is there a set religious calendar? What are the most popular rituals or festivals?
Are there liturgical, meditative, and contemplative aspects to the religion?
What is the basic structure of the religion (unitary, dualistic, etc)?
What is the basic theology of the religion (i.e., monotheistic, polytheistic, henotheistc etc)?
What do people have to offer to their Deity or deities?
What do people want from their Deity or deities? How do they try and get it?
Are there differing denominations or sects of the religion?
How do their religious practices differ from their neighbours?
Are issues such as orthodoxy, heterodoxy, heresy and apostasy keys in the religious life?
What gender, ethnic, national or racial issues exist within the religion?
Is ecumenism engaged in, or are other traditions treated as adversaries or enemies?
What is the most commonly broken religious rule?
What is the least-violated religious rule?
How are such infractions punished? Is it possible to expel a community member?
How can an outsider join the religious community?
Does the religion send out missionaries? What role(s) do they play?
What factions exist within the dominant religious institutions? How do they compete?
Are the differing groups a result of schismatism or mutual and cooperative separation?
Are there monastic groups? What do they do and how are they organized? How do you join one?
Are there cult groups within the religious community?
How are those who follow different faiths treated?
What relationship do religious and political leaders have?
What superstitions are common? What kinds of supernatural events or beings do people fear?
What kinds of supernatural or other-natural beings exist in this religion (angels, demons, devi, asuras, spirits, ghosts, sprites, etc)?
How are dreams and visions encompassed by the religion?
How is religious action expressed (spontaneous or ritual liturgy, song, dance, music, ritual action, sex, miracle plays, etc)?
VIII. Questions of Labour.

Describe any kind of division of labour, such as into physical versus mental versus spiritual.
Is there any especial prestige attached to some category of labour or a particular job?
What jobs are considered mucky or are particularly depreciated?
What professions or activities are considered masculine?
What professions or activities are viewed as feminine?
What are usual working hours? Are there days of rest or holidays?
How does this differ between different jobs?
What jobs have few workers and why?
What are typical wages for various jobs?
How does work affect lifestyle and health?
What sorts of jobs are preferred by which people? Are some jobs denied to certain groups?
What are the ethical oaths or codes that govern various jobs? Is there a difference in ethics between manual and mental or spiritual work?
XIII. Questions of Education.

Describe the education of the society’s people: formal schooling, apprenticeship, etc.
If education is mainly by apprenticeship, how is this accomplished?
Is education compulsory / offered to everyone? What is the cost of education?
Between which ages does education happen?
How are year groups and academic years arranged?
How are curricula arranged? What courses are typically offered?
What degrees or diplomas are offered by schools?
What do schools / colleges / universities look like?
What are the classrooms like? What is a typical class size
Who is in charge of education in the country, and in each individual school?
Does this society have its own language? Its own writing system?
How common is literacy? How is literacy viewed?
What form and value are books?
Who teaches others? How do they teach?
Who decides who learns to read or write?
Who teaches professions, like carpenter or scribe?
Are foreigners ever brought in to teach new skills? Who does that?
XIV. Questions of Technology.

Are philosophy and science unified, or do they exist as separate and independent disciplines?
What devices and technologies are available for people?
Are such devices taken for granted? If not, how many are appreciated?
How do people envision a difficult or impossible task that could be made easier by using some kind of device or futuristic technology?
How is knowledge distributed? Is it kept unknown to the common people, or is available for all?

What major architectural styles are present? What do they look like?
How does this vary over time and between places in the region?
What major elements are present? How are they pieced together?
What are houses like inside and out?
What are palaces and castles like?
How tall is the tallest building? How big is the biggest building?
What materials are used in typical construction? Do any materials have to be imported?
How are buildings constructed? Are there machines or is work done by hand?
What are some famous landmarks in the region? Why are they famous? Are they famous internationally?
XV. Questions of Transportation and Communications.

How do people get from place to place? Does this vary at all in different places?
Do people make long journeys? If so, what are they like?
Is there a public transport system? Who uses it? How much does it cost?
What are the roads like? How do they vary from place to place?
Do individuals or families own and use their own vehicles?
How safe and clean is the typical transport system?
What major fuels are used?
Apart from face to face, how do people communicate with each other?
Is there a postal service? How fast is it? How much does it cost to use? What restrictions are there on packet delivery? Does the post operate internationally? How likely is it that an article sent in the post will reach its intended destination?
What technical or mechanical means of communications exist?
XVI. Questions of Economics.

What is the local economy based on?
How is commerce engaged in?
If levied, how are taxes collected? What are such revenues used for? How does taxation affect the people?
What do people expect from their government in return for the taxes paid?

What is the local currency like? How is it subdivided? What is it based on (metal, labour, fiat)?
Is currency issued by a central authority or by some decentralised means?
How does it compare to other neighbouring currencies?
How has the value of the currency changed or fluctuated recently?
How are coins and notes produced? How common are forgeries?
How is wealth distributed?
Is there a public banking system?
Who uses it? What benefits does it bring? At what cost?
Is there a large gap between the wealth of the rich and poor? What expectations do each group have from the other?
What constitutes "poverty" in this society?
XVII. Questions of Death and Burial.

What is their understanding of death and dying?
What does this society do with their corpses?
Do they cremate their dead? Or, how are dead bodies disposed of?
Is the family responsible for the body?
What part do the priests play?
Are there cemeteries at all?
Or, does everyone have a crypt in back with all the relatives in it?
Do people visit the dead? If so, how often and why?

What do people in this culture think about suicide?
Is it the greatest sin one can commit? Or is it a sin at all?
Is it the great and last comfort of a tormented soul?
Is it worse than murder?
XVIII. Questions of Government.

What is the form of government? How is it structured? Eglaecia is a Federal Parliamentary Presidential Republic, with the executive comprised of the President, the legislative branch composed of the Parliament (Chambre) and the judicial branch made up of the Federal Court.
What are some of the most fundamental policies of the government? Taking the country forward politically and economically, upholding the Constitution
What is the political status of minority communities? They are equal to everyone else.
How is government chosen? 270 members of parliament are elected through a PR election every 4 years. These 270 members form a government, usually composed of three or more parties.
What is the country’s general foreign policy? Eglaecia promotes democracy and security throughout northern Africa, and is a strong advocate of inter-regional cooperation and global institutions such as the United Nations.
Who decides whether someone has broken a law? How? The courts do, by checking if their actions violated existing laws.
How are new laws created or old ones changed? They are created through the Parliament. If 136 members support a bill, it is passed.
Is there some form of clemency or pardon? What is involved? Yes, the President can pardon one person, or group of people, every month.
Who has the right to give orders, and why? The President, as he is the highest ranking official in the country.
What titles do various officials have? Their title is simply their job.
How are the rules different for officials as opposed to the common person? They aren't.
How do government officials dress? There is no set dress code, however most officials dress formally to formal events.
Is the law written down? Who interprets it? Yes, the Federal Court does.
Once accused, what recourse does someone have?
Is torture allowed? What kinds? Is capital punishment allowed?
How are criminals executed?
Who cannot rise to positions of leadership?
Is bribery allowed? Under what circumstances?
What makes someone a bad ruler in this society? What can be done about it?
What are the most common or dangerous forms of criminal?

City Watch & Sheriffs
Is there a civilian police force, or is law enforcement the province of the military?
Is the police force a nationalised one, or are there multiple regional forces?
How militant or vigilante are they? Are they usually or ever armed?
What is the extent of their authority? Can they shoot you? Can they use magic? Can they torture or otherwise force a confession? Can they use telepathy?
Are there individuals or groups who are above the law?
Is there a secret police?
What is the role of police informants, if any?

XIX. Questions of Warfare.

Does the country have an armed force? What types? What size? The Eglaecian Armed Forces is comprised of 55,000 active soldiers and 175,000 reserve soldiers.
How do the armed forces compare with others in the region or world?
Who declares war?
Who has the power to declare conditions of peace?
How are treaties negotiated?
What happens to prisoners taken in battle?
What weapons are favoured by the various armed forces?
What form of warfare does this society use?
How do battles in the airs or waters or underworlds differ from surface warfare?
Who are the Elite warriors? What distinguishes them?
How does someone get command of troops?
Where do the loyalties of military units lie?
Are there professional soldiers? Do they make up the bulk of the military?
What is campaign or camp life like?
What ethical or moral codes do warriors adhere to?
How are battle injuries treated?
How long do wars typically last?
Has this society ever attacked another? What was the nature of that war? What would make this society go to war?
Has there ever been a civil war or a revolution?
What do soldiers do when there's no war?
Are there any current tensions / wars / embargoes etc with any other nations?
Who are the country’s enemies? Whos winning the war?
What defences are available to cities?
Leader's Full Name: Vincent Ramon Carre
Leader's Full Title: Prime Minister Vincent R. Carre
Leader's Spouse: Amelie Carre
Children: Peter Carre, Anthonie Carre, Elisabeth Carre
Languages Spoken: 5
Fluent:Eglaecia, Gobrean
Conversational: Arabic, German
Enough to Get Point Across: Kernon
Constitutional Amendment Survey
Nation: The Federal Republic of Eglaecia
Can your nation's constitution be amended? Yes
If it can be amended, has it been? How many times? There have been six amendments to the Constitution since it was recognised. The first was in 1919 and the last was in 1996
What are the amendments to your nation's constitution?: The most notable amendment is the 3rd amendment, which was the introduction of "Directive Principles of Social Policy". This was not a change of the law but the constitutional enshrinement of a guiding framework for economic policy.
What is the procedure to amend your nation's constitution?: Parliament will vote on holding a referendum, which requires a majority Yes vote for the amendment to be made.
Does your nation have an official language(s)? Yes
If so, what language(s) are recognized as official? Eglaecian
Does your nation recognize any languages other than the official one(s)? Yes, the regional languages
If so, what language(s) are also recognized? Gobrean and Kernon
Does your nation attempt to regulate their official language(s) in any form? No
If not, are you a member of a language academy relating to your nation's language(s)? Np
Does your nation attempt to promote the usage of the official language(s), if so, how? It is the native tongue of most people, but all immigrants to the country are given access to subsidised courses to learn the language.
Are there special exceptions granted regarding your nation's usage policy towards its official language(s)? N/A
Basic info
Official name: The Federal Republic of Eglaecia
GDP (Nominal): $2.763 Trillion
GDP per capita (Nominal) $51,669
Land area (km²): 418,992 km²
Population: 53,475,000

What considerations should I take about your country?

% of GDP spent on defense 2.5%
What is the homicide rate per 100,000 persons? 1.3
A gang attacks a group of customers in a restaurant downtown. How quickly do police arrive? Within 10 minutes of any emergency call
Is there an independent judiciary? Yes
What % of your population feel corruption is a "serious problem?" 47%
How free is the press? 7
What is the average corporate tax rate? 20%
What is the range of corporate tax rates? 15%-27.5%
How well-enforced are intellectual property laws? 8
What is the average life expectancy? 74.3

% of population connected by roads (including unpaved roads): 99.5%>
What is the quality of roads in your country? (1-10 best) 8 in big cities, 7 in large towns, 6 in small towns, 5 in rural areas and 8 on the Connective Highways
What is the total length of railroads in your country? 11,350~ kilometres
How many airports are there? There are five international airports - Gobre International, Kernor International, Federal International at Roussay, Deshaies International in Roussay, Monnetay et Saulzoir International Airport
% of the population w/ access to electricity? 99.5%>
How frequent are power outages? (1-10 common) 2
% of the population w/o access to safe drinking water: <0.5%
% of the working population w/ access to Internet: 88.5%>
How fast is the Internet on average? 53.21 mbps
What is your country's debt-to-GDP ratio/percentage? 29.4%

What is the mean year of schooling 11
% of population by tertiary education attainment 36%
In five sentences or less, describe your schools' style of teaching. Eglaecian education is unique from other countries. Children start school relatively late (after 9:00 AM usually) and finish around 3 PM. Between the ages of 5 and 10 children learn basic maths, communication skills, leadership skills, science, history, cultural studies and are introduced to the English language. Between 11 and 13 they are introduced to a wider range of subjects designed to give them a basic understanding of all the fields available to them, and between 14 and 16 they study in specialised colleges that focus specifically on the subjects they're studying - natural sciences & mathematics, cultural subjects (english, art, music etc.), physical & technical subjects, and social sciences. Schools are often heavy handed on discipline but pupils report high rates of satisfaction. Most schools are ran by the Catholic Church.
To what extent does the working population possess basic digital skills 5/10
Refer back to your style of teaching and rate it 4/10

How monopolized is your market? 16
How competitive is the job market? How hard is it to get a job? 11
% of all imported goods subjected to tariffs this year 84.7%
What is the value of all goods imported by your country in 2018? $762 billion
What is the average tariff rate? 6.5%
What is the range of tariff rates? 3.5%-25%
What is the inflation rate? 1.135%
Are employer-employee relations generally confrontational or cooperative? 2.5
Are trade unions permitted? Yes
Are workers allowed to strike? Yes
How do employers hire people into senior management positions? 65>
What is the average yearly salary for males? $72,533
What is the average yearly salary for females? $44,428 (47% of women above 25 are housewives)
What % of your country's 1000 biggest companies were founded after 1990? 23%

The services sector comprises what % of the GDP? 63%
How easily can small businesses attain loans? (1-10) 9
% of the GDP spent on Research and Development 2.21%
Do consumers buy based on lowest prices, or on performance attributes 4
Last edited by Eglaecia on Sat Jan 04, 2020 2:27 pm, edited 16 times in total.
Catholique, Intégraliste, Distributiste | Catechism of Pope St. Pius X | Rerum Novarum | On Integralism
"The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church."
Great British Unionist and Celtic Cultural Revivalist
"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be."

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Posts: 154
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Postby Tekirlemmih » Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:38 am

What music does your leader generally listen to? According to a recent interview, the current Errehstekir Netkavlekcyn Kire generally listens to a tekirlemmian genre known as neo-classicism, which is basically the old classics but redone (or a slightly changed copy) due to Tekirlemmih strictly banning any pre-Civil War media for public usage.
Does your leader play an instrument? Yes.
If he/she does play an instrument, then which one? Triangle.
If he/she does play an instrument, is your leader particularly skilled at it? Netkavlekcyn's music teacher says that his rhythm with the triangle is above average.'

Anything noteworthy related to your leader and music: He played the triangle as apart of the school orchestra and later as part of the Armed Forces' Band of Unity.
Tekirlemmih Dnalsteklof
Official Website | Wiki page | Constitution
The People's Country of Tekirlemmih

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Postby Esparmuran » Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:20 am

I'm going to try and answer all the questions made so far, including the theoretical ones in the OP (except the one about colours as I haven't thought about that too much yet):

What side of the road does your nation drive on?: Both. Esparmuran consists of two municipalities, simply called West Esparmuran and East Esparmuran. In the West, people drive on the right. In the East, people drive on the left. There's a long, convoluted reason behind this, but in short, back in the late 1800s/early 1900s the municipalities really, really did not like each other (to the point where a civil war broke out between 1897-1900). During these early times in the nation, each side thought of as many ways as they could to differentiate and stay as disassociated to each other as possible without outright breaking off from the other. The side of the road you drive on was simply one of these ways. Prior to 1903, both sides drove on the right, but East Esparmuran changed to the left side for "geographical reasons".
What real-world nation, if any, inspired yours?: Esparmuran is pretty much just a much smaller Greenland with some things changed here and there.
How old is(/are) your leader(s)?: Prime Minister Jim Oullie is a strapping young lad of 66 years.
What tech-level is your nation?: Despite the country's old vehicles, complete lack of enviromental laws, concerning pollution rate, old fashioned, heavy usage of coal and even whale oil, Esparmuran is indeed set in Modern-Time. It just hasn't had the technological ability to advance like other nations due to it's extreme weather.

What music does your leader generally listen to? Little is known about Prime Minister Jim Oullie's musical tastes, though it's assumed he listens to the Espar music radio station (which mostly plays old rock classics and top charting pop tunes), as do many Espars.
Does your leader play an instrument? Probably.
If he/she does play an instrument, then which one? If you've ever been in his office, you'll see he owns an acoustic guitar, hung up on the wall. Whether he plays it or if it's just for show isn't exactly well known.
If he/she does play an instrument, is your leader particularly skilled at it? You'd have to ask the guy himself.
Anything noteworthy related to your leader and music: If there's anything we know about Oullie and music, it's that he's at least aware of the Espar 70s rock band Meresulten, which he referred to as "legendary" when he made a speech last year about Espar culture.

What type of electrical outlets does your nation use?: Esparmuran almost universally uses Type A plugs, out of simplicity.

The idea behind this thread is great btw.
Last edited by Esparmuran on Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
A 24 civilization, according to this index.
Population of 1201.
Land Area: 184,334 km²
HDI: 0.760

WCoH 27 Finalists!
Esparmuran is sparsely-populated, freezing wasteland north of the Commonwealth of Crowns. If you like hockey, dog-sledding and clubbing seals, you've come to the right place!
Lead by our Prime Minister, Mr. Jim Oullie, a jolly old man who has no time for your shenanigans.

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What would Yn do in a nuclear war?

Postby Likar » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:09 am

Our nations plan has 5 stages.

STAGE 1: If the nuclear war has begun, but nukes have no dropped on us yet, residents should evacuate to rural areas or take to public bunkers.
STAGE 2: If a small nuke drops on us, residents should IMMIDENTALLY take to bunkers, and border residents should flee. All sea borders shall close.
STAGE 3: If multiple small nukes drop on us, government forces will be sent to all cities across the countries to contain any major chaos and all airports close.
STAGE 4: If large nukes start dropping on us, residents should hide at least 30+ feet underground or evacute to public bunkers. All borders close in this situation.
STAGE 5: If multiple large nukes drop on us, all residents are advised to hide underground and all people on the upper ground are killed.
Last edited by Kyrusia on Mon Jun 11, 2018 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: OP amounts to "see title question" and just a response; no further explanation. Merged to MWT.

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Van Hool Islands
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Postby Van Hool Islands » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:08 pm

Answering the hypothetical questions too for fun.

What side of the road does your nation drive on? Left.
What are the most popular colors of your people? Orange.
What real-world nation, if any, inspired yours New Zealand, the Netherlands, Aruba, and various Pacific island nations.
How old is(/are) your leader(s)? Prime Minister Aitken is 31.
What tech-level is your nation? Modern.
Anita Chow of the Socialist Party of Banduria
Co-admin of the NS Parliament

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Posts: 132
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Postby Picentia » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:18 pm

Move as many people as possible to bunkers or safe places in the hinterland like mountains when world DEFCON reaches 2.
Should a single bunker buster fall on our country, reply tenfold and turn the offending country to ash.
Stuff I like: socialism, Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, democratic confederalism, Third International Theory, Iranian countries, Armenia, Greece, Albania, federalization of Italy, one state solution in Israel/Palestine/whatever, gun rights, late Roman religious syncretism, Catholicism, feminism

Stuff I don't like: US, EU, UK, Turkey, liberalism, conservatism, traditionalism, transexuals, cosmopolitanism, neofascism, anti-Zionism, anti-Palestinism, anti-Jewish/Catholic/Muslim sentiment, really most strains of Protestantism, Hinduism, atheists and anti-theists, extremist forms of nationalism, MRAs

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Ieskarios » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:24 pm

OP questions:
What side of the road does your nation drive on? Right
What are the most popular colors of your people? Green, blue, yellow and white
What real-world nation, if any, inspired yours? Byzantium, Tsarist Russia, Kingdom of Greece (modern), United Kingdom
How old is(/are) your leader(s)? King Michael I (37 years old), Prime Minister Ioannes Pelagius (60 years old)
What tech-level is your nation? Modern, seeing as we have a space program

YN's Leader & Music:
What music does your leader generally listen to? Baroque, folk, church hymns
Does your leader play an instrument? Yes
If he/she does play an instrument, then which one? Piano and cello
If he/she does play an instrument, is your leader particularly skilled at it? Very skilled at piano, somewhat novice on cello

Anything noteworthy related to your leader and music: When King Michael was still Prince Michael, his wife (future Queen Anna) used to sing at local concert halls in the country, and Michael would accompany her on the piano.

Spam Spam Spam wrote:What type of electrical outlets does your nation use?

C and F outlets.
Last edited by Ieskarios on Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Ieskarios is a Hellenistic-inspired nation, with a strong sense of Christianity. About me is below. Flag made by Eiran
I'm 26 years old from Canada, a Roman Catholic, a monarchist (and British royalist) and history buff.
-Pro: Monarchism, Christianity, socialism, British Commonwealth
-Anti: Republicanism, capitalism, Zionism, anarchism, communism

I do not use NS stats, check my factbooks and dispatches!

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Ieskarios » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:33 pm

Citizens on the islands will be told to stay in a shelter, but citizens on the land will have to evacuate to the islands and away from the major urban centers. If evacuation is impossible, citizens will be allowed to stay in the military's underground barracks for safety.

But Ieskarios would likely try remaining neutral in the event of nuclear war.
Ieskarios is a Hellenistic-inspired nation, with a strong sense of Christianity. About me is below. Flag made by Eiran
I'm 26 years old from Canada, a Roman Catholic, a monarchist (and British royalist) and history buff.
-Pro: Monarchism, Christianity, socialism, British Commonwealth
-Anti: Republicanism, capitalism, Zionism, anarchism, communism

I do not use NS stats, check my factbooks and dispatches!

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Sadakoyama » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:35 pm

Shoot first.
Sadakoyama - Foul-mouthed mad scientists create a University in a disease-ridden jungle of death!
We're not Communist and we love noodles.

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New Excalibus
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Postby New Excalibus » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:36 pm

The climate is freezing cold. Only Z-11 missles can make it to Excalibus without freezing up.
✦ excal ✦
complicated signatures are for the weak.

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Postby Aresin » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:38 pm

If the nukes aren't hitting us, or nearby us, we would take no action other than advising citizens to be cautious, and put our military forces on alert. If the nukes are coming at us, we would move our civilians into underground tunnel networks, or into bomb shelters. We would then proceed to attempt to shoot down as many nukes as possible, while also firing our own nuclear weapons.
Insanely OP, PMT, Middle Eastern Ancapistan.

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Civil Rights Lovefest

In which Tinhampton tries to answer everything in the WMBT -

Postby Tinhampton » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:47 pm

Caveat: This is seriously unfinished, will remain as such for some time, and in any case will be perpetually under development. Spoilers are arranged according to author name.
If there's something strange in the Tin City... who they gonna call? NORTH-BUSTERS! :P

SRS: The plan remains classified, although "everybody go underground somewhere and wait until the kablammos stop! I mean, everybody PANIIIIIIIC!!!" appears to be the general consensus among the population
Last edited by Tinhampton on Wed Feb 20, 2019 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Self-Administrative City of TINHAMPTON (pop. 329,537): Saffron Howard, Mayor (UCP); Alexander Smith, WA Delegate-Ambassador

Authorships & co-authorships: SC#250, SC#251, Issue #1115, SC#267, GA#484, GA#491, GA#533, GA#540, GA#549, SC#356, GA#559, GA#562, GA#567, GA#578, SC#374, GA#582, SC#375, GA#589, GA#590, SC#382, SC#385, GA#597, GA#607, SC#415, GA#647, GA#656, GA#664, GA#671, GA#674, GA#675, GA#677, GA#680, Issue #1580, GA#682, GA#683, GA#684, GA#692, GA#693, GA#715, GA#757
The rest of my CV: Cup of Harmony 73 champions; Philosopher-Queen of Sophia; anti-NPO cabalist in good standing; proclaimer of WZTC's move to Palmetto
Tinhampton the player: 49yo Tory woman w/Asperger's; Cambridge graduate; currently reading nothing (sorry)

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New Wolvers
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Left-wing Utopia

Postby New Wolvers » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:37 pm

The Neo Wolverian army has an anti ICBM system that prevents attacks from buclear devices that come through missiles.
But should that fail, there are public shelters and underground cities are on the builds for logistical reasons and safety reasons.
If however the nukes are not hitting us but has hitted one of our neighbors, we will proceed at installing anti-missile equipment and a curfew will happen.
II Wiki page of the Nation
Embassy Program (closed)
NS Stats are Russian propaganda
NWFNews 24 (not active) | I make designs only when in mood
Currently set in: Present days with FT stuff.
ΘΔ Nonhuman!

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Civil Servant
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Founded: Jun 08, 2018

Postby Gnollock » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:37 pm

Most likely, die in nuclear fire.
Sexually dimorphic gnolls riding giant lizards. Anarcho-capitalist and anarcho-monarchist utopia.

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Postby Luminumbra » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:39 pm

We would go all out, targetting all the industrial and agricultural areas of the enemies so they can't feed themselves. Then nuke ourselves and selfdestruct.
Last edited by Luminumbra on Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A 6.3 civilization, according to this index.
Theme/Aesthetic: Think of Theatre Masks, jewelry and cult-like robes, and make a sci-fi country out of it.
Government: Think democratically elected pope, except it's an unorthodox cult.
People: Traditional, Reserved, Soft-speakers.
Elites: Fine wines, wax candles, hallways of gold, violet, ruby, emerald. Parties inspired by the Greek God Dionysus. A conservative, elegant, mardi gras all day, every day.
Common Folk: A contrast to the above--Dark, medieval style alleys. Small, cold, metallic apartments, prone to collapse on terrestrial worlds, or platforms prone to falling to the depths on jovian ones.

Lumin Intergalactic Starport
The National Anthem-Oath of Sacrifice

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Postby Arthropol » Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:09 am

I will (try) answer all questions on this one post.
What side of the road does your nation drive on? Right
What are the most popular colors of your people? Blue, White, Red
What real-world nation, if any, inspired yours? France mostly
How old is(/are) your leader(s)? Prime Minister- 33, King- 42
What tech-level is your nation? MT

Head of State
What music does your leader generally listen to? King Pierre IV likes Classical Period music, especially Haydn and Mozart
Does your leader play an instrument? Yes
If he/she does play an instrument, then which one? Violin
If he/she does play an instrument, is your leader particularly skilled at it? He is of a moderate level, not professional

Anything noteworthy related to your leader and music:

Head of Government
What music does your leader generally listen to? Prime Minister Alard likes Romantic Period music, especially Debussy, Chopin and Lizst.
Does your leader play an instrument? Yes
If he/she does play an instrument, then which one? Piano
If he/she does play an instrument, is your leader particularly skilled at it? She is of a moderate level, and plays for leisure after taking lessons when she was in school

Anything noteworthy related to your leader and music:

We use Type E sockets

If we're getting nuked: Move all people to bunkers, fire retaliatory strikes.
If someone else is getting nuked: Have all people stay near a bunker

Our prisons are similar to those of Norway, it is mostly rehabilitating the criminals to be useful and productive to society by learning a skill.

Head of state: To be head of state, you need to be at the top of the line of succession when the King or Queen dies or abdicates. In addition, you must convert to Catholicism after becoming King or Queen.
Head of government: The Prime Minister is usually decided by the government or the coalition government, it is usually the party leader of the biggest party in the ruling coalition.

Driving side: Right
Total roads: ~500.000,00 km
· Paved(%): near 100%
· Unpaved(%): 0%
Maximum speed: Unlimited on select motorways, 100 km/h on other motorways, 80 km/h on motorway induction charging lanes, 40-60 km/h on most other roads
Average condition of roads: Very good
Amount of vehicles registered: ~31.000.000

1. What does your nation consider a "small" town or local settlement? Under 10.000 residents
2. Do most of the citizens live in smaller communities or larger, major cities? Most residents live in larger towns and cities
3. What is typical life in a smaller community? Is life for a person living in a small community relatively different than one living in a major or urban area? Different jobs and lifestyle

Are video games illegal? No
What is the most popular videogame in YN? Unknown, this type of data is not taken
How do they like to play it? (which platform do they play it on (e.g mobile)) "
Do videogames have negative or positive effects? If yes, list them here. Both
What are the top 10 most played video games in your nation? Unknown, this type of data is not taken
What videogames are banned in your nation, and why? none
How many people play videogames? Unknown, this sype of data is not taken
What is the percentage of people in your nation addicted to videogames? "

France and Non-aligned, in our alternate reality, we basically took the role of France, but we are a neutral non-aligned contry.

Head of State
Name? Lucie Chardin
When did they marry/enter a relationship with YL? Married in 1999, met while studying at high school
Gender? Female
Sexual orientation? Heterosexual
How did they meet YL? While in the same class in high school
Birthday and age? 19 Jan 1979, 39 years old
Birthplace and ancestry? Born in Bordeaux, European ancestry
Spoken languages? French, Occitan, Spanish, Italian, English
Have they had any children with YL? Yes, Marie, Charles and Isabelle
Occupation? Queen
Portrait (optional) Image
Head of Government
Name? Édouard Périer
When did they marry/enter a relationship with YL? Married 2008, started relationship at school
Gender? Male
Sexual orientation? Heterosexual
How did they meet YL? Met while studying at the same school
Birthday and age? 29 Jul 1984, 33 years old
Birthplace and ancestry? Born in Arthropol City, European, mostly Arthropolian ancestry with a bit of German
Spoken languages? French, Occitan, German, English
Have they had any children with YL? Yes, Adélie
Occupation? Chemical engineer
Portrait (optional)
Last edited by Arthropol on Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
Kingdom of Arthropol - Royaume d'Arthropol
Capital: Arthropol City
Language: French
Population: 72 million
Economic: centre-left
Social: moderate
Nationality: Australian
Sex: Male
Economic: fairly left-wing
Social: moderately authoritarian
Not really active on NS forums anymore, still posts once in a while on F&NI and F7. IC views do not represent my real political views. NS stats not used.

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Garden at 6th Mile Road
Posts: 711
Founded: Sep 20, 2017
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Garden at 6th Mile Road » Sat Jun 09, 2018 3:26 am

Well, in the fashion of what has been said in the OP,

What inspires you to build your nation?

As for myself, the inspiration comes in as soon as the name itself. Back in Yangon, my childhood home was around this semi-suburban area, and the greenery is quite plentiful. We are fond of calling it "Chunt Mile Chan", which is 6th Mile Garden(Home) in Burmese.

I dedicated to this home a lot because it was my very first home, and a good 99% of my childhood took place there. The little short driveway with garden on both sides, the sound of crickets in the evening, collecting shot down kites (by wind, broken string, etc.) that landed on our home (no one claimed it, so we kept it).

I would pay to buy it back, but... It's on the order of millions, or even billion USD. 3 embassies have been built there, and owners are not exactly fond of selling it anymore.

I'll add the other responses later; mobile is a little hard.

What music does your leader generally listen to? Sounds of nature, and in some weird fashion, Holly also loves alternative punk.
Does your leader play an instrument? Yes.
If he/she does play an instrument, then which one? Violin.
If he/she does play an instrument, is your leader particularly skilled at it? Not too well, but she's learning from the books she got.
Anything noteworthy related to your leader and music: She's not a fan of electronic music, denouncing it as skillless and noise.

What side of the road does your nation drive on? Nil.
What are the most popular colors of your people? Blue, and Light Blue.
How old is(/are) your leader(s)? Chronologically, Holly is 40 years old.
What tech-level is your nation? No tech exists in Holly's dimension, other than her gloves that protect the people touching her.

As for the electrical survey, err... It's invalid, given the nature of this dimension.
Last edited by Garden at 6th Mile Road on Sat Jun 09, 2018 4:04 am, edited 6 times in total.
Factbooks. No NS Stats for this nation!

• Self-proclaimed King of Forum 7, a.k.a. Forum 7 dweller that your mom warns you about. (Got inspiration from Folknoren).
• Favorite catchphrase: Nani the f**k, so many ninjas.
• A dimensional rift created from nuclear bombs.
• Violently violated the Laws of Thermodynamics with shoddy writing.
Ruled by * takes a deep breath *
Holly De Stralend en Wonderbaarlijk Licht Koningin Aurora Symantha Vreugde Lavender Astrid Lilac Marlie Nova Radiant Starlight.
(SSCG(3) ↑TREE(3) g64)! Joules,
g64 = Graham's Number, TREE(n) = TREE sequence, SSCG(n) = Friedman's SSCG function, n! = Factorial, and an b = Knuth's Up-Arrow Notation.

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Posts: 45
Founded: Aug 24, 2017
Father Knows Best State

Postby Northurland » Sat Jun 09, 2018 5:30 pm

What music does your leader generally listen to? Classical music mostly, but also traditional Norse music and adult contemporary hits.
Does your leader play an instrument? Yes, but rarely
If he/she does play an instrument, then which one? Piano
If he/she does play an instrument, is your leader particularly skilled at it? Basic level skill.

What side of the road does your nation drive on?: Right
What are the most popular colors of your people?: Red
What real-world nation, if any, inspired yours?: Iceland & Norway
How old is(/are) your leader(s)?: 44
What tech-level is your nation?: 2008 CE

What type of electrical outlets does your nation use?: Type C and Type F

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Posts: 4848
Founded: Mar 27, 2011
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Vallermoore » Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:49 pm

What does your leader and your nation in general think about Changelings?

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Posts: 2978
Founded: Dec 07, 2014

Postby Amuaplye » Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:10 pm

It's called Protocol Weak Tiger. Basically, it goes into these steps:

1. In the event of nuclear war, but no nukes have hit us, make the country go into hibernation. The stock market closes, transportation is prohibited, the government shuts down, etc.

2. If a small nuke hits, send several back.

3. In the case that Amuaplye is sure that they're going to lose, as a last hurrah, send all of the nukes into major cities, allies, enemies, neutral parties, everyone.
I'm a dude.
Also, call me Amuaplye, not Amuapyle, or Amu.

Electrum on Discord wrote:Please do not ping me a list of body parts.



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