International Socialist Congress (OOC/Sign ups)

Where nations come together and discuss matters of varying degrees of importance. [In character]
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The Cardwith Islands
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International Socialist Congress (OOC/Sign ups)

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:44 am




The International Socialist Congress is all encompassing of leftist organizations from socialist/Marxist nations, as well as political parties and organizations that are persecuted in their very reactionary, fascist and/or imperialist nations of residence. In other words, you can still apply if your nation is NOT Marxist/leftist, but the political party you're applying with is. Lastly, this is not a region. No regional transferring necessary. Stay in the region you are in; enjoy it; have fun with those players. This is a politically themed RP organization beyond your usual regional RP. If you have any questions about the type of party or nation you are applying with, feel free to contact me, the OP.

THE ISVC (Is not the ISC with a 'V')
The security/interventionist arm of the ISC is the The ISVC (International Socialist Volunteer Corps). The ISVC is sent to other nations in order to defend members, potential members, or those seen as adherents to the cause, even if they are not members. It is also an interventionist force that may help to foster the birth of such a group to be able to become a possible future constituent party. Likely, intervention will first occur through diplomatic and subversive measures before overt military force is utilized.
Members of this Congress are not necessarily ISVC contributors, and ISVC contributors are not all represented in the Congress. Staunch believers in the communist or socialist causes are not essential to being a member to this organization, only a willingness to learn and RP the part.

IMPORTANT BEFORE YOU FILL OUT APP: If you simply want to sign up, here is the application. We'd appreciate an IC letter to accompany it, but we realize that won't happen with most of you when there's an easy application to fill out and post. Again, to repeat ourselves, you can sign up a leftist political party that is residing in a non-Leftist, non-Marxist, or other non-Socialist nation - such as a monarchy, or capitalist or fascist nation, among many other types of non-leftist nations. Two more things before you fill out the app: Do NOT apply for a representative or observer position to the ISC with an individual who is high up in your government, especially your nation's leader, or has some other job that would keep them from residing and working full time in Bratislava, our Congressional HQ. Moonlighting between two jobs for an ISC representative is just not allowed. This is not about applying for an honorary title but rather a full time position working day in and out with the Congress.

Lastly, certain types of hybrid socialism like social democratic parties, or theological socialists (Christian Socialists, Pagan Socialists, or Islamic Socialists), monarchial-socialists, coalitions with non-socialists, and others can gain observer status, but will not be allowed full member status as they are not seen as a true final form of socialism by the Congress. Please don't be disappointed if you are rejected from full membership when applying with a not truly leftist party or your own made up brand of socialism that doesn't pass ideological muster. Thank you for reading and understanding this, or asking questions if you don't. Put the words 'Marx is boss!' somewhere in your app to show you did read it.

Code: Select all
[u]Your Nation[/u]
[b]Full IC nation name:[/b]
[b]RP National population:[/b]
[b]National leader:[/b]
[b]Ideology of the current government:[/b]

[u]Political Parties[/u]
[b]Name of main socialist/Marxist or other leftist political party that you are applying with:[/b]
[b]Ideology of this party:[/b]
[b]Is this party and all leftists in your nation oppressed by the government, or are they in charge?[/b]
[b]Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation?[/b]
[b]Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties):[/b]

[u]ISC Potential Membership[/u]
[b]Full title and name of the Representative to the International Socialist Congress:[/b]
[b]Full member or observer status?[/b]
[b]Financial Contributor to the IS Congress? (Please state yearly contribution in NSD):[/b]
[b]ISVC Contributor: (Sign up in above listed link if you would like to be)[/b] (Y/N)
[b]Other Information that may be helpful:[/b]
Last edited by The Cardwith Islands on Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:30 am, edited 14 times in total.

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The Cardwith Islands
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Congress and the CC (WIP)

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:45 am

The Central Committee
and the Congress meet in Bratislava, Kraj, Aressna

Trevor Obelanka, Representative of the UFF Party of the Cardwith Islands

Party Secretary
Jiang Xuegang, Representative of the Asian Communist Party of the Pan-Asiatic States

Commissar of Socialist Unity (Foreign Relations)
Valthor Ormussen, Representative of The Socialist Party of The Yellow Star Republic

Commissar of Industry & Finance
Asle Waaler, Representative of the Revolutionary Front of Nanban-ha

Commissar of Justice
Elisa Navarre Moreno, Representative of the Socialist Popular Front of The North American Socialist Commonwealth (Post War America)

Commissar of Revolutionary Action (Defense and Intervention)
Major General Henry Perkins of the Red Bands of the Worker's Socialist Party (Vionna-Frankenlisch)

Commander of Revolutionary Forces (Appointed by Commissar of Revolutionary Action)
Commander Comrade General Joffard Tozimbga (Cardwithian People's Army)

The Congress

Representative Trevor Obelanka of the United Freedom Front Party of the Cardwith Islands

Representative Valthor Ormurssen of the Socialist Party of the Yellow Star Republic

Representative Illia of Valletii of the Socialist Popular Front of the North American Socialist Commonwealth

Representative Tanya Kapoor of the Socialist Party of The Rogue Nation of the Democratic Marxists

Representative Rydhe Táumes of The Socialist Party of The Republic of Gylias

Representative Ashley MacDonald of The Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation of The Confederacy of Western Canada (Tawwassen)

Representative Pierre Bourdain of the Socialist Party of The Socialist Republic of Capisaria

Representative Jonathan Fromenne, Vice Premier of The Free Communist Party of The Republic of the Serene and Free Socialist Okstovskaya

Representative Jarka Kovac, President of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Revolutionary Worker's Party of The Federal Marxist Commonwealth of Aressna

Representative Jiang Xuegang of The Asian Communist Party of The Pan-Asiatic States

Representative Quentin Walker of The Progressive Workers' Party of The Commonwealth of New England

Representative Boris Pavolosky of The Red Vanguard Union Front of The Dienstadi Socialist Liberation Congress

Representative Mikhail Pavlovsky of The Communist Party of The Worker's Republic of Libertasnia

Representative Roza Dagi, PRZ Elector for Dagestan, of The Partizans Party of The Federation of North Caucasian Emirates

Representative Cacile Ngomane of The Mubatan Freedom Movement of The Republic of Mubata

Representative Tondhere Achforth of The Frozen Forestrian Communist Party of The Peoples Republic of the Frozen Forest

Representative Sara Elise of The Aedoran Socialist Party of The People's Republic of Aedora

Representative Aira Jalairo of The Union Party of The Federal Republic of Gaton

Representative Ermita de Guzman of The Philippine Democratic People's Party of The Federal Republic of Democratic Philippines

Representative Aurora Hazarnawarni of The United Front of The Federal Republic of Erystan

Representative Muunokhoi Tsangpo of The All-Union League of Communist Parties of The Union of Socialist People's Republics

Representative Akane Katsuragi of The Republican Communist Party of The Workers' Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Representative Erik Gunnhautrsson of The United Socialist Party of The People's Socialist Union of Leskya

Representative Pesch Bleck of The Crysukon Neo-Marxist Party of The United Crysukon Socialist States

Representative Gérex Kekel of The Partido Načal Kowaní of The Allied States of Kowani

Representative Kristina Smith of The Communist Party of The Union of Albandrite Socialist Republics

Representative Jack Veras of The Change Party of The People's Republic of Huffingshire

Representative Richard Williams of The Revolutionary Front of The Socialist Union of North American States

Representative Sherley Araya of The Socialist Party of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Byzconia

Representative Trần Văn Giao of The Communist Party of Great Viet of The People's Republic of Divine Great Viet

Representative Asamko Rohseih of The Communist Party of Ekamijan of The Soviet State of Ekamijan

Representative Joseph Maxwell of The Worker's Socialist Party of The United Kingdom of Vionna-Frankenlisch

Representative Vera Sunisk of The Rinpek Socialist Party of The Republic of Rinpek

Representative Ulan Isthakove of The United Front of Victores of The Great Socialist State of Victores

Representative Rebecca Levy of The Communist Party of Urarodna

Representative Sasha Yuriko of The Communist Party of Cerinda of The People's Socialist Republic of Cerinda

Representative Martin L. Zabrosa, Sr. of The Anarcommunist Party of The Communes of Archipielago de Filipinas

Representative Nau Yao Yatla of The Socialist Clans of The Confederacy of Mountain Pygmies

Representative Larry Johnson of The Socialist Party of The Federal Republic of Archipelago Territory

Representative Nikolai Stanislavsky of The People's Workers' Socialist Party of The Commonwealth of Herbshire

Representative Sofiya Kovalenko of The Communist Party of The Soviet Socialist Republics of Kakhassia

Representative Alexander Morgan of The Communist Party of The Republic of Arcadia

Representative Aurore Awhina of The Ecradian Socialist Worker's Party of Ecradia

Representative Fless Conner of The Socialist Party of Saarkon

Representative Serena Rogers of The National Worker's Party of Colmarr

Representative Teodoro Colorado of The Socialist Worker’s Party of Cat-Herders United

Representative Elsa Klen of The People's Party of Arkotania

Representative Gerard Feran of The Scandavian Syndicalist Party of The Scandavian Cooperative Syndicates

Representative Jingyi Song of the Foreign Affairs Directorate and the Communist Party of The Democratic Republic of Democratic Tianxia

Representative Karla Marx Smith of the Socialist Workers Party of The United Kingdom of Great Britain (Ideal Britain)

Representative Joli Kratoa of the Communist Party of Kergstan

Representative Timurbek Kurmanov of the United Socialist Peoples’ Party of the Communal Republics of Gazharstan

Representative General Riscard Gaul of the National Party for Communism of The Imperial Dominion of Kazakah

Representative Captain Karl Kin-Yan Chow of the Communal Party of The Federal Republic of Nacrad

Representative Nestor Lunin of the Stalliongradian Communist Party of The People's Republic of Stalliongrad

The Observers Assembly

Honorable Observer Comrade Kornichev of The Vaunguardist Party of The Technocratic Vanguardist People's Republic of Tekistion

Honorable Observer Adirin Jalliday of The Socialist Workers Union of The Commonwealth States of New Hyannis

Honorable Observer Ilya Pushkin, CSD Elector for Krasnodar, PRZ Elector for Dagestan, of The Caucasian Social Democratic Party of The Federation of North Caucasian Emirates

Honorable Observer Alexander Khan of The Islamic Republic of Saranidia

Honorable Observer Madame Delima binti Leman of The Green Party of The Republik of Samporna

Honorable Observer Tepiltzin of Aztecas Rojas of The People's Republic of Aztlan

Honorable Observer Gennady Zyuganov, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Union of Sovereign States and Republics)

Honorable Observer Marco Zarate of El Partido Comunista de Saralonia (PCS) and The Farmer's Party of The Communist Confederation of Saralonia

Honorable Observer Cartimar Florante of Partido Social Democratico Fatimanya (PSDF) of The Fatiman Federation (Indo States)

Honorable Observer Nicholas Mos Borgar al-sisi Kanan XVI of the Lehon Party of Plenty of Northern Lehon

Honorable Observer David J. Venden of the Submissive Libertorian People’s Party of The People's Democratic Republic of Submissive Liberators

Honorable Observer Zhou Wang of the Communist Party of The People's Republic of Strala

Honorable Observer Marsïe Šetlaouwi of The Gouwul of Bunkaiia

Honorable Observer Tomislav Klobučar of the Marxist-Leninist Party of The United Republics, Duchies, and Kingdoms of the United Empire of Eritei

Honorable Observer Vandov Desket of The Social Tosdodanist Party of The People's Federation of Reinkalistan (South Reinkalistan)
Last edited by The Cardwith Islands on Wed Nov 30, 2022 12:55 pm, edited 21 times in total.

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The Cardwith Islands
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Postby The Cardwith Islands » Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:45 am


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Yellow Star Republic
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Yellow Star Republic » Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:43 am


To: The Leaders of The International Socialist Congress
From: Gerta Hildgursdottir, Director General of The Socialist Party of the Yellow Star Republic

To The Glorious Leaders of the Cause of Socialism,

It is again with great enthusiasm that we welcome the continued unity and strength of the International Socialist Congress and firmly believe that our Marxist brethren and sisters in the international community collectively can do the most good in holding back the march of imperialism and capitalism.

We gladly send our delegate, Mr. Valthor Ormurssen, to represent us and act on our behalf in giving voice to the Yellow Star Republic's contribution to the ISC. Thank you for this opportunity and we hope to keep the bond between the YSR and ISC strong.

With strong conviction to the cause,

Gerta Hildgursdottir, Director General, The Socialist Party of The Yellow Star Republic


Full IC nation name: The United Socialist States of the Yellow Star Republic
Is your government officially Marxist or leftist? Y
RP National population: 90 Million
Name of main socialist/Marxist/leftist political party: The Socialist Party of the YSR
Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation? N
Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties): 12,000,000 in the SP. Only party.
National leader: Director General Gerta Hildgursdottir
Ideology: Menshevik style hardliner socialist
Representative to the IS Congress: Valthor Ormurssen
Full member or observer status? Full member
Financial Contributor to the IS Congress? (Please state yearly contribution in NSD): $35,500,000 (we're still broke from a major war, so that's all we can swing)
ISVC Contributor: (Y/N) Yes
Other Information: Additionally, the YSR offers use of Dormavuor, a military training area in the western part of the Republic, in order that ISVC troops, some of whom are from tropical climates, may train in arctic conditions in order to be better prepared for combat in such environments.
Atypical Icelandic/Nordic, hard line Marxist-Socialist nation with a very turbulent history with its neighbors.

Check out Teremara

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Revolutionary Chosun
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Founded: Jan 02, 2018

Postby Revolutionary Chosun » Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:23 am

Full IC nation name: The Revolutionary People's Democratic Republic of Chosun
Is your government ruled under Marxist principles? Yes according to the ideas of Comrade Lenin and Comrade Stalin but updated for the Socialism of tomorrow.
RP National population: 90 million
Name of main socialist/Marxist or other leftist political party: National Working People's Social Democratic Party of Chosun
Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation? the People's Socialist Agrarian Peasant Farmer's Party of Chosun (the only legal opposition party)
Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties): 3 million in the NWPSDP and 1,000 members in the PSAPFP
National leader: The Venerable Comrade Kim Sung Cho
Ideology: Social-Nationalism and Communism
Representative to the IS Congress: Park Sung Sui
Full member or observer status? Full-Member in this Glorious Alliance
Financial Contributor to the IS Congress? (Please state yearly contribution in NSD): 1 million NSD
ISVC Contributor: (Y/N) Yes
Other Information We hope to work with this comradely alliance to defend against SACTO imperialist forces and to help spread socialist principles worldwide. The party is the people, and the working people's masses must organize on a collective basis for direct action and global armed revolutionary struggle.
Last edited by Revolutionary Chosun on Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:54 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post War America
Posts: 8192
Founded: Sep 05, 2010
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Post War America » Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:31 am

Full IC nation name: The North American Socialist Commonwealth
Is your government ruled under Marxist principles? Not really, it is more or less governed by vaguely defined Utopian Socialist principles, or increasingly as a result of Verdean influence, through a bastardization of Ortegan Socialism and Democratic Syndicalism
RP National population: 1,202,286,522
Name of main socialist/Marxist or other leftist political party: The Socialist Popular Front
Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation? Yes, the other large ones are The Revolutionary Left and (arguably) the Social Democrats
Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties): ~221,000,000 registered party members and ~431,000,000 votes in the most recent elections.
National leader: PRESIDENT April Lundergren
Ideology: Market Socialism, Left Wing Nationalism, Syndicalism, Left Wing Populism
Representative to the IS Congress: Illia of Valletii
Full member or observer status? Membership
Financial Contributor to the IS Congress? (Please state yearly contribution in NSD): 100,000,000 NSD per anum (not counting support for military units seconded to the alliance)
ISVC Contributor: (Y/N) The Commonwealth is willing to second a fairly sizable military force for use by the congress:
JTF-101 "Liberation"
Ground Force
23rd Infantry Division
-69th Motorized Brigade
-70th Motorized Brigade
-71st Motorized Brigade
17th Airborne Division
-30th Air Assault Brigade
-25th Airborne Brigade
-26th Airborne Brigade
6th Armored Division
-11th Armored Brigade
-12th Armored Brigade
-18th Armored Infantry Brigade

Air Force
5th Tactical Fighter Wing
-TFS 21 "deBastille"
-TFS 22 "Yelle"
-TFS 23 "di Parraza'
-ASFS 5 "Dragonslayers"
6th Tactical Bombing Wing
-ASDS 11 "Automated Death"
-ASDS 12 "Toasters"
-ASDS 13 "Remotes"

Sea Force
Task Force Liberation
-CNS Avenger
-Escorts on Ad Hoc Basis

Other Information
Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem delendam esse
Proudly Banned from the 10000 Islands
For those who care
A PMT Social Democratic Genepunk/Post Cyberpunk Nation the practices big (atomic) stick diplomacy
Not Post-Apocalyptic
Economic Left: -9.62
Social Libertarian: -6.00
Unrepentant New England Yankee
Gravlen wrote:The famous Bowling Green Massacre is yesterday's news. Today it's all about the Cricket Blue Carnage. Tomorrow it'll be about the Curling Yellow Annihilation.

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Postby Victores » Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:30 pm

Full IC nation name: Sublime(Imperial) Socialist State of Victores
Is your government ruled under Marxist principles?No
RP National population:108 million
Name of main socialist/Marxist or other leftist political party:
Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation? ^
Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties): 21 million people are politically active
National leader: Sierkey Zarkov, Aleksandr Arminius
Ideology: Democratic Socialism, Zykeriacho Thought
Representative to the IS Congress: Kizar Vazencho
Full member or observer status? Observer
Financial Contributor to the IS Congress? (Please state yearly contribution in NSD): 50 million NSD
ISVC Contributor: (Y/N) (N)
Other Information I was part of the rolling disaster that was the United Socialist Nations and Comintern.
Last edited by Victores on Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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New Roma Republic
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Postby New Roma Republic » Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:43 pm

I have no interest in joining, but I took the time to modify an image to make a logo for your alliance. Feel free to use
IC call me NRI, Novus Romanum Imperium, or the New Roman Imperium; OOC call me Roma or New Roma
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The Cardwith Islands
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Father Knows Best State

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:54 am

New Roma Republic wrote:I have no interest in joining, but I took the time to modify an image to make a logo for your alliance. Feel free to use

Thanks. Nice prank. That's the Ingsoc logo, the political party of Oceania in Orwell's 1984. I knew I knew it from somewhere. You had your fun and you got a chuckle from me. From here on out I'd appreciate it if you didn't spam up our thread.


The International Socialist Congress

To all of our Socialist and Marxist brethren and sisters!

We welcome you to the Congress in the acknowledgement that you have already been dedicated activists in the cause of world socialism.
Welcome to our new representatives and observers:
Valthor Ormurssen of the United Socialist States of the Yellow Star Republic, Park Sung Sui of The Revolutionary People's Democratic Republic of Chosun, Illia of Valletii of The North American Socialist Commonwealth, Kizar Vazencho of the Sublime Socialist State of Victores.

We look forward to working together to further the cause of socialism across the multiverse.

Acting Chairman, The International Socialist Congress
Last edited by The Cardwith Islands on Wed Jan 24, 2018 3:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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The Democratic Marxists
Posts: 751
Founded: Oct 20, 2017

Postby The Democratic Marxists » Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:43 pm

Full IC nation name: The Rogue Nation of the Democratic Marxists
Is your government ruled under Marxist principles? It is more of a democratic socialist type
RP National population: 406 million
Name of main socialist/Marxist or other leftist political party: Socialist Party of the Rogue Nation
Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation? Yes, there are many others (e.g. Lenin's Party, Trotskyite Front, Agrarian Platform, United Pacifist League, etc.)
Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties): 700,000
National leader: Tuor Amiran
Ideology: Democratic Socialism
Representative to the IS Congress: Tanya Kapoor
Full member or observer status? Full Member
Financial Contributor to the IS Congress? (Please state yearly contribution in NSD): 150,000,000
ISVC Contributor:(Y/N) Yes
Other Information: We hope to further the cause of worldwide egalitarianism and true justice for the Proleteriat. We would like to contribute to a Socialist Congress that has more longevity than the previous incarnations. We would also contribute to the ISVC, but in the hopes that the idea of world peace preceding war mongering is promoted here. We look forward to collaborating with other comrades to rescue the toiling masses!
Last edited by The Democratic Marxists on Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
I’m a democratic socialist. Yes, I believe in the radical idea of sharing, as do so many other people. Fight me.

Pro: Socialism, Social Democracy, Peace, Environment, Legal Marijuana, Gun Control, Economic Redistribution, Medicare for All, Living Wage, Tuition-Free College, Feminism, Universal Pre-K, Palestine, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jeremy Corbyn, Jacinda Ardern, AMLO, Labour Party, Democratic Socialists of America, Green Party

Moderate: Barack Obama, Tulsi Gabbard

Anti: Casino Capitalism, Ruthless Billionaires, Abortion, Racism, War, The Wall, Israel, ISIL, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Hillary Clinton, Theresa May, Donald Trump, Republican Party, Democratic Party

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The Democratic Marxists
Posts: 751
Founded: Oct 20, 2017

Postby The Democratic Marxists » Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:02 pm

Application for the ISVC (International Socialist Volunteer Corps)

Nationality of volunteers (Demonym): Marxitians

Official contingent of your Nation or is this an unofficial volunteer force? Official

Commander of force (Full name and rank): General Lynne Mary Frank

Second in Command: Lieutenant Emilia Cruz

Official Nomenclature and size of Unit

The Marxitian Guerillas
967 members

# of Military Advisers: 150
# of Infantry, Guerrilla/irregular, or Special Operations: 700
# of Technicians, Engineers, etc: 117

Other specialists (be specific):

Any cultural or other biographical details that would be helpful to RP your volunteer force and its leader (much appreciated):

The Rogue Nation of the Democratic Marxists follows an official policy of pacifism, but has come to realize that some force is required for true justice to arrive for the Global Proleteriat. The Rogue Nation was itself established through a hard-fought Revolution, brought about by Prime Minister Tuor Amiran. It broke away from an oppressive Empire, and brought egalitarianism and power to the people. We believe only in democracy and egalitarianism. Our people are otherwise naturally peace-loving; we will not engage in any fights that involve nuclear weapons, destruction of environment, genocide of innocents, or any other kind of war crime specified by our policy.
Last edited by The Democratic Marxists on Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I’m a democratic socialist. Yes, I believe in the radical idea of sharing, as do so many other people. Fight me.

Pro: Socialism, Social Democracy, Peace, Environment, Legal Marijuana, Gun Control, Economic Redistribution, Medicare for All, Living Wage, Tuition-Free College, Feminism, Universal Pre-K, Palestine, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jeremy Corbyn, Jacinda Ardern, AMLO, Labour Party, Democratic Socialists of America, Green Party

Moderate: Barack Obama, Tulsi Gabbard

Anti: Casino Capitalism, Ruthless Billionaires, Abortion, Racism, War, The Wall, Israel, ISIL, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Hillary Clinton, Theresa May, Donald Trump, Republican Party, Democratic Party

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 410
Founded: Sep 07, 2017

Postby Tawwassen » Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:18 pm

Full IC nation name: The Confederacy of Western Canada (Tawwassen)
Is your government ruled under Marxist principles? Not Entirely
RP National population: 4.7 Million
Name of main socialist/Marxist or other leftist political party: The Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation
Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation?
Currently in the Government Coalition
  • Labour Alliance
  • Democratic-Farmer-Labour Party
  • Christian Left

Other Leftist Parties
  • Communist Party
  • International Socialist Action
  • Progressive Republican Party

Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties): 945,213 (total)
National leader: President Anthony McGuinness
Ideology: Democratic Confederalism, Anarcho-Syndicalism
Representative to the IS Congress: Ashley MacDonald
Full member or observer status? Member
Financial Contributor to the IS Congress? (Please state yearly contribution in NSD): 20,000,000
ISVC Contributor: (Y/N) Y
Other Information We realize we might be at odds with some members of this organization, but we can move past that, and unite against a common enemy... Western Capitalist Vultures.
OOC|Our Leader|Factbook|Q&A|
Current Year: 2019
The Red And Black: Mexican Government retreats from Chiapas, after a crushing defeat at the hands of the Zapaptistas and Black Army Volunteers! Attempts to liberate Tabasco are now underway /// Dolphin awarded the Medal of the People's Revolution after a heroic rescue off the Coast of Tofino /// Kootenay Arms Plant unveils prototype Gauss Infantry Weapon: The GAR-21

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The Cardwith Islands
Posts: 557
Founded: Nov 05, 2012
Father Knows Best State

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:53 pm


The International Socialist Congress

To all of our Socialist and Marxist brethren and sisters!

We welcome you to the Congress in the acknowledgement that you have already been dedicated activists in the cause of world socialism.
Welcome to our new representatives and observers:
Tanya Kapoor of The Rogue Nation of the Democratic Marxists, Ashley MacDonald of The Confederacy of Western Canada (Tawwassen),

We look forward to working together to further the cause of socialism across the multiverse.

Acting Chairman, The International Socialist Congress

Tawwassen wrote:Other Information We realize we might be at odds with some members of this organization, but we can move past that, and unite against a common enemy... Western Capitalist Vultures.

Who would you be at odds with in the organization?
Last edited by The Cardwith Islands on Wed Jan 24, 2018 3:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 410
Founded: Sep 07, 2017

Postby Tawwassen » Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:45 pm

The Cardwith Islands wrote:Members accepted. Still catching up on IC replies for the week, so I hope to edit this shortly.

Tawwassen wrote:Other Information We realize we might be at odds with some members of this organization, but we can move past that, and unite against a common enemy... Western Capitalist Vultures.

Who would you be at odds with in the organization?

We're Anarchists, and I assume a lot of this organization are Marxists. That's my only concern.
OOC|Our Leader|Factbook|Q&A|
Current Year: 2019
The Red And Black: Mexican Government retreats from Chiapas, after a crushing defeat at the hands of the Zapaptistas and Black Army Volunteers! Attempts to liberate Tabasco are now underway /// Dolphin awarded the Medal of the People's Revolution after a heroic rescue off the Coast of Tofino /// Kootenay Arms Plant unveils prototype Gauss Infantry Weapon: The GAR-21

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Posts: 829
Founded: Dec 19, 2012
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Gylias » Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:45 am

Full IC nation name: The Republic of Gylias
Is your government officially Marxist or leftist? The Toni Vallas government is a coalition of leftists, social liberals, greens, and a minority interest party.
RP National population: 22,705,695 as of 2016.
Name of main socialist/Marxist/leftist political party: Socialist Party (democratic socialism, libertarian socialism).
Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation? Yes. The Progressive Alliance is a five-party electoral bloc including the Democratic Communist Party, Socialist Party, Social Democratic Party, Democratic Left, and Labour Solidarity League.
Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties): In total, I'd estimate around 4-5 million.
National leader: President Laura Varnath (head of the republic), Prime Minister Toni Vallas (head of federal government).
Ideology: Gylias has been heavily influenced by anarchism.
Representative to the IS Congress: Rydhe Táumes
Full member or observer status? Full member.
Financial Contributor to the IS Congress? (Please state yearly contribution in NSD): 100 million NSD.
ISVC Contributor: (Y/N) Yeah.
Other Information: The Socialist Party is joining as a full member rather than the entire Progressive Alliance or the country itself (that'd be pretty impossible :P), in case that needed clarification.
Last edited by Gylias on Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:44 am, edited 4 times in total.

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The Cardwith Islands
Posts: 557
Founded: Nov 05, 2012
Father Knows Best State

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:22 am


The International Socialist Congress

To all of our Socialist and Marxist brethren and sisters!

We welcome you to the Congress in the acknowledgement that you have already been dedicated activists in the cause of world socialism.
Welcome to our new representative:
Rydhe Táumes of the Republic of Gylias

We look forward to working together to further the cause of socialism across the multiverse.

Acting Chairman, The International Socialist Congress
Last edited by The Cardwith Islands on Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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New Hyannis
Posts: 181
Founded: Jun 09, 2012

Postby New Hyannis » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:49 am

Full IC nation name: The Commonwealth States of New Hyannis.
Is your government ruled under Marxist principles? No.
RP National population: As per the page, though I sometimes cap it for a specific RP.
Name of main socialist/Marxist or other leftist political party: Socialist Workers Union of New Hyannis.
Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation? There are no restrictions on political parties nationwide.
Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties): This statistic is all but impossible to track, but several thousands is likely.
National leader: The office of President of the Commonwealth States has been empty for several years, and the Corporate Assembly currently recognizes no chief, so the closest equivalent here is likely the Secretary of State, which office is currently held by Ms. Krina Tenson.
Ideology: Socialist parties in the Commonwealth States tend to be anarcho-communist in nature, though some are more traditionally socialists.
Representative to the IS Congress: Mr. Adirin Jalliday, Deputy Chairman of the Socialist Workers Union of New Hyannis.
Full member or observer status? Observer.
Financial Contributor to the IS Congress: Not presently.
ISVC Contributor: (Y/N) No.
Other Information: New Hyannis is likely one of the most rabidly capitalist nations in existence.
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Between them, the various Marxist-Leninist and other Socialist regimes of the world have killed at least one hundred million people. Mao Tse-tung by himself killed more innocent people than were killed by the Third Reich.

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The Cardwith Islands
Posts: 557
Founded: Nov 05, 2012
Father Knows Best State

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:15 am


The International Socialist Congress

To all of our Socialist and Marxist brethren and sisters!

We welcome you to the Congress in the acknowledgement that you have already been dedicated activists in the cause of world socialism.
Welcome to our new observer:
Mr. Adirin Jalliday, Deputy Chairman of the Socialist Workers Union of The Commonwealth States of New Hyannis

We look forward to working together to further the cause of socialism across the multiverse.

Acting Chairman, The International Socialist Congress

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Posts: 3697
Founded: Sep 16, 2010

Postby Capisaria » Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:16 pm

Full IC nation name: The Socialist Republic of Capisaria
Is your government ruled under Marxist principles? No, sizeable "marxist" contigency in the south of Capisaria.
RP National population: 148.03 Million
Name of main socialist/Marxist or other leftist political party: Power changes with election cycles. Current dominant party is the Socialist Party.
Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation? Yes. 2 other large political parties, an authcom party and a syndicalist party.
Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties): Majority of the country is registered to at least one party.
National leader: Jacques Vugo
Ideology: (of country or leader?) Jacques Vugo is of the Socialist Party. The constitution of Capisaria lays out a leftist framework that all left ideologies can work within.
Representative to the IS Congress: Pierre Bourdain
Full member or observer status? Full member
Financial Contributor to the IS Congress? (Please state yearly contribution in NSD): 1 Billion NSD
ISVC Contributor: (Y/N) Yes
Other Information
Last edited by Capisaria on Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Cardwith Islands
Posts: 557
Founded: Nov 05, 2012
Father Knows Best State

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:40 pm


The International Socialist Congress

To all of our Socialist and Marxist brethren and sisters!

We welcome you to the Congress in the acknowledgement that you have already been dedicated activists in the cause of world socialism.
Welcome to our newest member:
Mr. Pierre Bourdain of The Socialist Party of Capisaria.

We look forward to working together to further the cause of socialism across the multiverse.

Acting Chairman, The International Socialist Congress

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New Hyannis
Posts: 181
Founded: Jun 09, 2012

Postby New Hyannis » Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:59 pm


So I was considering an RP of an abortive left-wing uprising in New Hyannis at some point. Socialist ideas are not well-received here, but there are believers here, as anywhere. So would anybody here have any interest in something like that?
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Between them, the various Marxist-Leninist and other Socialist regimes of the world have killed at least one hundred million people. Mao Tse-tung by himself killed more innocent people than were killed by the Third Reich.

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The Cardwith Islands
Posts: 557
Founded: Nov 05, 2012
Father Knows Best State

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:01 pm

Possibly. Like the ISC/ISVC coming to the aid of their socialist comrades in your country?

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New Hyannis
Posts: 181
Founded: Jun 09, 2012

Postby New Hyannis » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:10 pm

That would probably make the most sense, yeah. I've got one guy from my region interested in supporting the local government and anti-Socialist factions already.
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Between them, the various Marxist-Leninist and other Socialist regimes of the world have killed at least one hundred million people. Mao Tse-tung by himself killed more innocent people than were killed by the Third Reich.

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The Cardwith Islands
Posts: 557
Founded: Nov 05, 2012
Father Knows Best State

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:16 pm

I have a bit on my plate to catch up on, but I might consider it. If some other member of the Congress or ISVC wanted to take lead, though, I would totally support that or if we could all collectively RP. Or if nothing else, we might be willing to let you claim ISVC troops to use to help your socialist faction. Depends also on what level of conflict this will get to...Will it be a full blown war, or more low level political and military action and intrigue around your capital?

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New Hyannis
Posts: 181
Founded: Jun 09, 2012

Postby New Hyannis » Sun Feb 04, 2018 1:22 pm

This is all still in the nascent stages, and in fact had originally been intended to be a comedy more than a proper RP, but there will be open fighting.
Free Banking.
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Between them, the various Marxist-Leninist and other Socialist regimes of the world have killed at least one hundred million people. Mao Tse-tung by himself killed more innocent people than were killed by the Third Reich.



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