The International Socialist Congress is all encompassing of leftist organizations from socialist/Marxist nations, as well as political parties and organizations that are persecuted in their very reactionary, fascist and/or imperialist nations of residence. In other words, you can still apply if your nation is NOT Marxist/leftist, but the political party you're applying with is. Lastly, this is not a region. No regional transferring necessary. Stay in the region you are in; enjoy it; have fun with those players. This is a politically themed RP organization beyond your usual regional RP. If you have any questions about the type of party or nation you are applying with, feel free to contact me, the OP.
THE ISVC (Is not the ISC with a 'V')
The security/interventionist arm of the ISC is the The ISVC (International Socialist Volunteer Corps). The ISVC is sent to other nations in order to defend members, potential members, or those seen as adherents to the cause, even if they are not members. It is also an interventionist force that may help to foster the birth of such a group to be able to become a possible future constituent party. Likely, intervention will first occur through diplomatic and subversive measures before overt military force is utilized.
Members of this Congress are not necessarily ISVC contributors, and ISVC contributors are not all represented in the Congress. Staunch believers in the communist or socialist causes are not essential to being a member to this organization, only a willingness to learn and RP the part.
IMPORTANT BEFORE YOU FILL OUT APP: If you simply want to sign up, here is the application. We'd appreciate an IC letter to accompany it, but we realize that won't happen with most of you when there's an easy application to fill out and post. Again, to repeat ourselves, you can sign up a leftist political party that is residing in a non-Leftist, non-Marxist, or other non-Socialist nation - such as a monarchy, or capitalist or fascist nation, among many other types of non-leftist nations. Two more things before you fill out the app: Do NOT apply for a representative or observer position to the ISC with an individual who is high up in your government, especially your nation's leader, or has some other job that would keep them from residing and working full time in Bratislava, our Congressional HQ. Moonlighting between two jobs for an ISC representative is just not allowed. This is not about applying for an honorary title but rather a full time position working day in and out with the Congress.
Lastly, certain types of hybrid socialism like social democratic parties, or theological socialists (Christian Socialists, Pagan Socialists, or Islamic Socialists), monarchial-socialists, coalitions with non-socialists, and others can gain observer status, but will not be allowed full member status as they are not seen as a true final form of socialism by the Congress. Please don't be disappointed if you are rejected from full membership when applying with a not truly leftist party or your own made up brand of socialism that doesn't pass ideological muster. Thank you for reading and understanding this, or asking questions if you don't. Put the words 'Marx is boss!' somewhere in your app to show you did read it.
- Code: Select all
[u]Your Nation[/u]
[b]Full IC nation name:[/b]
[b]RP National population:[/b]
[b]National leader:[/b]
[b]Ideology of the current government:[/b]
[u]Political Parties[/u]
[b]Name of main socialist/Marxist or other leftist political party that you are applying with:[/b]
[b]Ideology of this party:[/b]
[b]Is this party and all leftists in your nation oppressed by the government, or are they in charge?[/b]
[b]Any other leftist parties allowed in your nation?[/b]
[b]Number of registrants/members in leftist political party (or parties):[/b]
[u]ISC Potential Membership[/u]
[b]Full title and name of the Representative to the International Socialist Congress:[/b]
[b]Full member or observer status?[/b]
[b]Financial Contributor to the IS Congress? (Please state yearly contribution in NSD):[/b]
[b]ISVC Contributor: (Sign up in above listed link if you would like to be)[/b] (Y/N)
[b]Other Information that may be helpful:[/b]