Ajax is a realistic Modern Tech, human-only region with a heavy emphasis on cooperative roleplaying and worldbuilding.
Ajax is a high-quality, mature region that is both adaptive to new entries but well-developed lore. The region has an active and engaging community with an emphasis on cooperative over competitive roleplaying. We have an extensive, well-documented lore and roleplay opportunities for every member, ranging from military conflicts to character-driven roleplays. If you can’t find anything immediately in your interest, then fear not, for Ajax offers both a regional news thread and a miscellaneous story thread.
Interested but not quite sure how you’d fit in? Feel free to hop on our Discord to get to know our members better. We don’t expect you to be active everyday or in every aspect of the region. Interested more in writing IIwiki articles? No problem, Ajax is open to all people regardless of roleplaying experience, and are glad to have any style of play.
Please complete the following application if you’re interested. Once completed, regional members will be with you shortly to offer some suggestions for revisions before accepting you. You will not be denied except in exceptional circumstances.
Some important notices for applicants:
- You may either link to a previous RP post or write a three-to-five paragraph sample from scratch for the RP sample. A good, professional news article is acceptable for a sample for example.
- Please do not claim to be a great power from the start. Try to keep population and GDP per capita reasonable. Please note that GDP figures are scaled differently in Ajax, with more equity across the board. For example, a more high-end economy would have a similar GDP to the UK. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
- Please choose only locations that are available on the Map and when drawing your claim, please use this blank map. Please choose an empty space from the map. We do not accept alterations or additions to the map without good cause.
Please complete the following application in its entirety. See the instructions listed
- Code: Select all
[b][u]Applicant Information[/u][/b]
[b]a) Time on NationStates:[/b]
[b]c) Other nations:[/b]
[b]d) Were you recommended to Ajax? If so, by whom? Has any member of the region spoken to you about joining or applying?[/b]
[b][u]IC Nation & Lore[/u][/b]
[b]a) Nation's IC name:[/b]
[b]b) Brief description of your nation:[/b]
[b]c) Nation's type of government:[/b]
[b]d) What languages are spoken in your nation?[/b]
[b]e) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?[/b]
[b]f) What are the major religions among your population?[/b]
[b]g) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.):[/b]
[b]j) Critically discuss the strengths of your nation (esp. military & economic) and what role you see your nation fulfilling in the region.[/b]
[b]h) If asked to reduce the strength of your nation, how would you do so?[/b]
[b][u]IC Economics & Geography[/u][/b]
[b]a) Nation's IC GDP per capita:[/b]
[b]b) Nation's IC population:[/b]
[b]c) What does your nation excel in exporting?[/b]
[b]d) What does your nation need to import?[/b]
[b]e) What is your country self sufficient on?[/b]
[b]f) What is your preferred location on the regional map?[/b]
[b][u]Roleplay History[/u][/b]
[b]Please provide examples of previous roleplays or worldbuilding. If you are unable to do so, please provide an explanation.[/b]