Ajax Regional Application and Recruitment Thread [MT; Open]

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]
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Lacus Magni
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Ajax Regional Application and Recruitment Thread [MT; Open]

Postby Lacus Magni » Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:37 pm


Ajax is a realistic Modern Tech, human-only region with a heavy emphasis on cooperative roleplaying and worldbuilding.

Ajax is a high-quality, mature region that is both adaptive to new entries but well-developed lore. The region has an active and engaging community with an emphasis on cooperative over competitive roleplaying. We have an extensive, well-documented lore and roleplay opportunities for every member, ranging from military conflicts to character-driven roleplays. If you can’t find anything immediately in your interest, then fear not, for Ajax offers both a regional news thread and a miscellaneous story thread.

Interested but not quite sure how you’d fit in? Feel free to hop on our Discord to get to know our members better. We don’t expect you to be active everyday or in every aspect of the region. Interested more in writing IIwiki articles? No problem, Ajax is open to all people regardless of roleplaying experience, and are glad to have any style of play.

Please complete the following application if you’re interested. Once completed, regional members will be with you shortly to offer some suggestions for revisions before accepting you. You will not be denied except in exceptional circumstances.

Some important notices for applicants:
  • You may either link to a previous RP post or write a three-to-five paragraph sample from scratch for the RP sample. A good, professional news article is acceptable for a sample for example.
  • Please do not claim to be a great power from the start. Try to keep population and GDP per capita reasonable. Please note that GDP figures are scaled differently in Ajax, with more equity across the board. For example, a more high-end economy would have a similar GDP to the UK. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
  • Please choose only locations that are available on the Map and when drawing your claim, please use this blank map. Please choose an empty space from the map. We do not accept alterations or additions to the map without good cause.

Please complete the following application in its entirety. See the instructions listed
Code: Select all
[b][u]Applicant Information[/u][/b]
[b]a) Time on NationStates:[/b]
[b]c) Other nations:[/b]
[b]d) Were you recommended to Ajax? If so, by whom? Has any member of the region spoken to you about joining or applying?[/b]

[b][u]IC Nation & Lore[/u][/b]
[b]a) Nation's IC name:[/b]
[b]b) Brief description of your nation:[/b]
[b]c) Nation's type of government:[/b]
[b]d) What languages are spoken in your nation?[/b]
[b]e) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?[/b]
[b]f) What are the major religions among your population?[/b]
[b]g) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.):[/b]
[b]j) Critically discuss the strengths of your nation (esp. military & economic) and what role you see your nation fulfilling in the region.[/b]
[b]h) If asked to reduce the strength of your nation, how would you do so?[/b]

[b][u]IC Economics & Geography[/u][/b]
[b]a) Nation's IC GDP per capita:[/b]
[b]b) Nation's IC population:[/b]
[b]c) What does your nation excel in exporting?[/b]
[b]d) What does your nation need to import?[/b]
[b]e) What is your country self sufficient on?[/b]
[b]f) What is your preferred location on the regional map?[/b]

[b][u]Roleplay History[/u][/b]
[b]Please provide examples of previous roleplays or worldbuilding. If you are unable to do so, please provide an explanation.[/b]

Applicant Information
a) Time on NationStates: How long have you been here? This doesn't have to be precise, but do try to make your best estimate.
b) Previous regions: What regions have you been a member of?
c) Other nations:
d) Were you recommended to Ajax? If so, by whom? Has any member of the region spoken to you about joining or applying?

IC Nation & Lore
a) Nation's IC name: The full name of the nation concept you're applying for. (IE: The United States of America, the People's Republic of China, etc)
b) Brief description of your nation: Tell us a bit about your nation, it's people, and a brief history. Preferably a paragraph or so. This doesn't have to be too detailed.
c) Nation's type of government: Your government type. Are you a parliamentary republic, constitutional monarchy, presidential republic, etc.? Are you a unitary state or a more decentralized, federal state?
d) What languages are spoken in your nation? Please list both the primary languages and any relevant minority languages. Please point out any languages that are unique to your concept.
e) What ethnic groups are present in your nation? List both the primary ethnic groups, and any significant minority groups. Make special note of any ethnic groups unique to your concept.
f) What are the major religions among your population? Both primary and significant minority religions. Also point out any religions unique to your concept.
g) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.): What are the important aspects of your nation's military? What is your expectation of the military in interacting with other nations and the region at large? This doesn't have to be comprehensive, but at least give a good idea.
j) Critically discuss the strengths of your nation (esp. military & economic) and what role you see your nation fulfilling in the region. What makes your nation unique? How is it going to interact with the wider region in terms of economic and military engagement? What type of role do you see your nation playing in international relations? How does your nation fit in and affect the geopolitics of the region? What does it rely on in terms of other nations' lore and roleplay?
h) If asked to reduce the strength of your nation, how would you do so? If your concept needs to be adjusted to fit within the region's power structures, existing lore, etc, what areas would you seek to change first? What areas do you foresee being a potential issue for admission?

IC Economics & Geography
a) Nation's IC GDP per capita: Please keep these numbers reasonable.
b) Nation's IC population: Your nation's population, please be reasonable as a higher number is likely to impact the economic statistics of your nation.
c) What does your nation excel in exporting? The primary products, services, and resources your nation produces much more of than it needs.
d) What does your nation need to import? The primary products, services, and resources your nation doesn't produce enough of to meet its demands.
e) What is your country self sufficient on? What resources are abundant in your nation, but aren't exported? What does your nation produce enough of to meet demand, but not enough for it to be a primary export?
f) What is your preferred location on the regional map? Link to most current version of the regional map can be found above in the important notices section. Also note any specific geographic or climate features you're interested in. Please try to the suggested spot size reasonable. Full discretion is with the cartographer, with your preferred location as more of a suggestion to them. You must include visual map claim.

Roleplay History
Please provide examples of previous roleplays or worldbuilding. If you are unable to do so, please provide an explanation.
Last edited by Lacus Magni on Tue May 14, 2024 5:26 pm, edited 25 times in total.
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Postby Kettu » Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:11 pm

General information
I am not actually joining as Kettu
a) Time on Nationstates:
like 6 months or something
b) Previous regions:
Nomad Land of Inner Mongolia
Nomad Land of Imperial Mongolia
c) Other nations:
IC National information
a) Nation's IC name:
Archipielago del Huerto de la Santísima Virgen nuestra Señora de Las Margaritas
b) Nation's IC population:
c) Nation's type of government:
Parliamentary Democracy
d) Nation's head of state:
e) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable):
Prime Minister
IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation:
A Pacific Latin Island chain
b) What languages are spoken in your nation?:
Spanish, Huerto (mix of prominent Oceanic languages)
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?:
Spanish, Huertan (Native)
d) What are the major religions among your population?:
Catholic, Muslim, other
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?:
Third world Asian islands
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.):
150,000 active duty, 50,000 reserve. Defensive Navy, Defensive land forces, defensive Air forces
IC Geographical/resource
fish, farmland, uh idk actually
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting:
Electronics, Refined Petroleum products
b) What does your nation need to import?:
Raw materials
c) What is your country self sufficient on?:

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?:
Yeah Ghant and Santh

6: Roleplay history

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Arden and Paiden
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Postby Arden and Paiden » Fri Jul 21, 2017 8:00 pm

General information
a) Time on Nationstates: First nation created in October of 2014.
b) Previous regions: Ixnay, Atlas, Septentrion, Aeneas, Ordis, Estrya, to name a few.
c) Other nations: Multiple accounts present throughout NS that will eventually CTE. The only important one is this one and Qassar, which function as my contacts for Atlas, where I control two entities, Sossikaya and Erzibali in local canon there.

IC National information
a) Nation's IC name: Kustaykukunaquchapi (Commonly known as Kustakuna)
b) Nation's IC population: Estimated at this time to be between two and ten million. This number is not definitive as a complete map has not yet been created, and population distribution has not been calculated.
c) Nation's type of government: A confederation of historically aligned and united tribal regions.
d) Nation's head of state: An equivalent to a Chancellor or "Head Elder".
e) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable): This may be applicable, but cannot be determined at this time.

IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation: Map location: (this would be located to Santh's north.)

Kustakuna was merely a collection of tribal regions in prehistorical times, which continued to be the case until the first foreign arrivals from the not!Europe and similar places. It is theorized that Runakuna (the people of Kustakuna) had gained immunity to many diseases from other parts of the world by extended third party contacts, enabling them to fend off many of the things that the arrivals had brought over with them. Due to the Runakuna's fiercely independent nature that originated from inter-tribal conflicts and outside intrusion from modern Santh tribes, the new arrivals were treated with only as much friendliness as required to ensure their timely departure. The Runakuna had no intention of being conquered by the outside world.

As time passed, the Runakuna heard of tales and accounts from elsewhere in the "New World", of other tribes and locations being conquered by the outsiders, and fortified their promise to themselves to be independent, to stay true to their ancestors and heritage. While the rest of the world was progressing, Kustakuna lagged perilously behind, unable to develop independently any new technologies. However, their position in the world near rapidly developing regions, such as Sante Reze and Belfras, allowed them to enter into the trade world. Through trade, the Runakuna began to develop Kustakuna, and through the strong confederal government system of united tribes, the Elders forced the change upon their tribes as new ideas, methods, and technologies were discovered. As a result, Kustakuna developed at a blinding pace, rising to the level of comparable modern powers, although it must be noted that it was not on the level of such modern powers due to its small size and weak relative power.

Throughout the early and late 1800s, Kustakuna continued to keep pace with development and began innovating on its own, accepting the changes of the Industrial Revolution. However, it continued to lag behind not!European powers due to the time that it takes for these ideas and processes to reach the rest of the world. As it did so, Kustakuna was also exposed to the intellectual changes of the world, and began to experience social change. The government and the tribal elders resented this social change that would soon threaten their hold on the confederation, and began to crack down on dissenting opinions. What resulted was a decades long quiet struggle between the power centrality in the government and the suppressed public.

During the turn of the century into the 1900s, these dissenters and the social opinion exploded, leading to violence in the streets. Eventually, there was an open revolution against the Elders and the priestly class that were collaborating to keep their hold on Kustakuna secure. Soon, the revolution would quickly oust the ruling classes and a string of executions followed, presumably disguised as sacrifices to the gods. The leaders of the revolution and its common followers then were tasked with creating a new government. They understood the value of a confederation, and set out to creating a similar style that would have more accountability to the people that the governments were meant to represent.

In the 1920s and 30s, social change spread throughout the country like a plague, with enlightenment and modernist thought finally reaching Kustakuna. Following the revolution, a stronger military for social order and national defense was created, and contacts with the greater international world were established. Kustakuna also welcomed the new technologies and innovations that had happened since the turn of the century, as the revolution had distracted them from things like that. It focused on stringing the major population centers with electricity and telephone lines, and set out to create a more reliable transportation system.

Continuing on, in more modern times, from the 50s to the present day, Kustakuna could be compared with some of the more developed modern nations of the world, with a focus on tourism, banking economics, university and learning centers, raw material exports and processing, and investments in new energies and manufacturing sectors. However, despite all this development, the Runakuna have not lost touch with their ancestral heart, and remain faithful to their core values of independence, sustainability, and brotherhood. Additionally, there continue to be lesser developed and even primitive tribes that pepper the wilderness of Kustakuna, at their request to be left alone.

b) What languages are spoken in your nation?: Quechua
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?: Inca, South American indigenous peoples.
d) What are the major religions among your population?: Pagan Religions.
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?: Nothing particularly important, however, Kustakuna could be an international leader in some areas of development and innovation, as well as a mediator for conflicts and quarrels.
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.): (I'm no good at military stats and roleplay, so I'm likely going to stay away from that, in a hard-military way. However, I foresee having some "outdated" equipment retrofitted for defense and national security purposes, as Kustakuna will have little interest in offensive capabilities.)

IC Geographical/resource
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting: Natural resources in their raw and lightly processed form, usually metals, wood, oils, etc. Manufacturing in the modern industrial sense is still a developing sector. Kunakuna would be a good place for academic advancement, banking operations, and general trade (due to its position between Santh and Belfras).
b) What does your nation need to import?: Standard foodstuffs to supplement the local resources, such as certain grains and livestock, as well as the necessary mechanical, pharmaceutical, and technological materials to support a modern country.
c) What is your country self sufficient on?: Local foods, such as fish and wild grains, as well as the appropriate fruits, nuts, and animals of the region. Additionally, it supplies itself with its own raw and processed resources, however, it imports manufactured and CPG goods.

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?: Recommended, not really. I asked if I could join, and Ghant forwarded me to your Discord, and the rest is history.
6: Roleplay history
I feel like I would be known by a few of the regional officers, but I will certainly respond to a prompt if necessary!
Last edited by Arden and Paiden on Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby The IASM » Sat Jul 22, 2017 7:50 am

I am willing to dicuss and address issues people may have.

General information
a) Time on Nationstates: 5 years now I think,
b) Previous regions:
  • Cornellia
  • Gholgoth
  • Ixnay
  • Tiandi
  • Ordis
c) Other nations:
  • Many puppets

IC National information
a) Nation's IC name: The Holy and Exalted Dituate
b) Nation's IC population: Preferably, 212 million
c) Nation's type of government: Totalitarian absolute theocratic monarchy
d) Nation's head of state: His Holy and Exalted Perfection, the Yinmi Ditu, Hulang Lazin
e) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable): His Celestial Highness, Celestial Prince of the Blood, Sanfu Lazin, Regent of the Yinmi era, Grand Councillor and Imperial Preceptor

IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation: Akai, officially The Holy and Exalted Dituate or archaically known as the God-Empire of Akai (Wannengxu: ꡓꡕ ꡆꡈꡀꡎ, Gongsan: 帝土國 )is a sovereign nation located in the x ocean x. Akai is an absolute monarchy governed by the Ditu - the quasi-theocratic monarch of the current and his oligarchical council called the Grand Conclave, with the centres of government in the capital city of Xuanjing and the palaces of Xungong and Xiaoxiagong. Akai as a collection of islands situated in the south Tempesta ocean, south-west of the continent X and X and south-east of the X. It exercises control over a variety of aristocratic feudal clans, bureaucratic cities and integrated territories due to its formerly quasi-feudal government. Akai geographically is a large nation that covers an area of 6,930,750 km2 and has a large total population of 212,652,365 as of 2015.The Akai government officially describes itself as an aristocratic absolute monarchy with neo-legalist characteristics, but is widely considered a totalitarian securocractic statocratic absolute monarchy with a strong feudal element and a theocratic cult around the Lazins and in particular the Lazin Black Branch of Emperors and Ditus and is incorporated into the canon of Baiqiang. The Dituate is described as being extremely kratocratic in nature, with internal factions especially after Jieke's demise embracing great deals of infighting for power and position.
b) What languages are spoken in your nation?: The Akai languages (basically Mandarin and its sub languages)
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?: The Akai
d) What are the major religions among your population?: Tiandao Jiao is the main religion of Akai, with the Baiqiang sect being officially endorsed and enforced by Clan Lazin as the only correct form of the religion. Otherwise, there is a large Christian minority and regional religions within the country.
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?: I see Akai serving a role as a competitive geopolitical foe in the Asia area which would hopefully lead to interesting RP.
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.): The Imperial Military of His Holy and Exalted Perfection, the Imperial Military or the Ditujun, is the best thought of as two militaries with a variety of branches around them. It is a large military in total, containing over one million active servicemen, with two million conscript reservists. Its main branches are the Order of the Field and the Order of the Seas. Both of these branches are in mutual competition for the leadership of The Order of the Field refers to the army. Generally using equipment comparable to the 90s and early 00s PLA and older, they are a primarily defensive organisation, with their main goal being the security and stability of Akai. With Akai’s history of civil war, their presence is scattered across the nation to preserve peace from a variety of internal threats such as pirates, PMCs and potential rebellions. Many of its generals are members of the isolationist Territorial clique, which promotes a strong army at home with limited excursions abroad and a focus on securing Akai’s economic needs for long term stability. The Order of the Seas, on the other hand, has been in the ascendancy ever since the end of the 1984 incident. It is the best-funded branch and is in competition with army constantly in other to preserve this. It serves as Akai’s main expeditionary presence, being a near-blue navy with the purpose of securing Akai’s trade routes and protecting Akai from potential threats. In contrast to the defensively orientated territorial clique, there is the maritime clique. They desire the Akai domination of its local area, the security of its trading routes, and the undermining its enemies. They seek to create Akai allies, which can be pragmatically used against its enemies, in attempts to undermine them. The other branches of the Imperial Military Orders are that of the Strategic Artillery Unit (strategic weapons), the Void Weapons Unit (the space program), the War Intelligence Department (Geluxu/Junchubu - counterintelligence & intelligence) who are the rising branch of the forces, controlling the majority of intelligence functions of Akai as well as a variety of other clandestine other aspects.
IC Geographical/resource
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting: Mining and ore processing iron, steel, aluminum, and other metals, Coal; Machine building; Armaments; Textiles and apparel; Cement; Chemicals; Fertilizers; Consumer products, footwear, toys, and electronics; Food processing; Pharmaceuticals; exotic fruits, basic agricultural products; rare earth minerals, coal, thorium, uranium,
b) What does your nation need to import?: Electrical and other machinery, oil and mineral fuels; boiler, and machinery components; optical and medical equipment, metal ores, motor vehicles.
c) What is your country self-sufficient on?: Rare earth elements, basic agricultural goods, nuclear materials.

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?: Yes.

6: Roleplay history
I imagine you're familiar with myself now but.
Last edited by The IASM on Sat Jul 22, 2017 7:52 am, edited 2 times in total.

20:22 Kirav Normal in Akai is nightmare fuel in the rest of the world.
11:33 Jedoria Something convoluted is going on in Akai probably.
Transoxthraxia: I'm no hentai connoisseur, but I'm pretty sure Akai's domestic politics would be like, at least top ten most fucked up hentais"
18:26 Deusaeuri Let me put it this way, you're what would happen if Lovecraft decided to write political dystopian techno thriller
20:19 Heku tits has gone mental
20:19 Jakee >gone
05:48 Malay lol akai sounds lovely this time of never

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Postby Ahkad » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:37 pm

You have little to no information on your economy and geography. It is better to put down something wrong than to leave it blank.
Unrelated to my opinion, but still worth improving, a wiki-style application is always best (i.e. fewer first person statements)

Arden and Paiden
Quality idea. Please provide more details and avoid depending heavily on real-life references. When you want to reference something, describe it instead and change it to suit your needs. Unrelated to my opinion, but still worth improving, a wiki-style application is always best (i.e. fewer first person statements)

I was never attracted to Akai conceptually and would have preferred something new.
Last edited by Ahkad on Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Mokranshi was an isolationist, you are a degenerate

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Postby Ghant » Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:22 pm

Need more details, will hold off on voting for the time being.

Arden and Paiden
In favor

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Postby Leasath » Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:24 pm

Kettu wrote:General information
I am not actually joining as Kettu
a) Time on Nationstates:
like 6 months or something
b) Previous regions:
Nomad Land of Inner Mongolia
Nomad Land of Imperial Mongolia
c) Other nations:
IC National information
a) Nation's IC name:
Archipielago del Huerto de la Santísima Virgen nuestra Señora de Las Margaritas
b) Nation's IC population:
c) Nation's type of government:
Parliamentary Democracy
d) Nation's head of state:
e) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable):
Prime Minister
IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation:
A Pacific Latin Island chain
b) What languages are spoken in your nation?:
Spanish, Huerto (mix of prominent Oceanic languages)
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?:
Spanish, Huertan (Native)
d) What are the major religions among your population?:
Catholic, Muslim, other
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?:
Third world Asian islands
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.):
150,000 active duty, 50,000 reserve. Defensive Navy, Defensive land forces, defensive Air forces
IC Geographical/resource
fish, farmland, uh idk actually
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting:
Electronics, Refined Petroleum products
b) What does your nation need to import?:
Raw materials
c) What is your country self sufficient on?:

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?:
Yeah Ghant and Santh

6: Roleplay history

Not a bad start, but I'd like to see expansion - and if that comes with conversation in discord that's great. Expansion on the brief description of your nation (how did it originate? Are there natives? What was its colonial history -- or lack thereof -- like?). I don't know whether you've hashed all this out in discord already (and if you have, disregard) but I'd like to see these apps updated with whatever information comes on chat so that the rest of the region can see what's been developed and how that might look if you are accepted.

Arden and Paiden wrote:General information
a) Time on Nationstates: Been here since October 2014.
b) Previous regions: Ixnay, Atlas, Septentrion, Aeneas, Ordis, Estrya, to name a few.
c) Other nations: Too many to count, but the only active one worth giving a damn about is Arden and Paiden(Qassar/Erzibali) in Atlas and then whichever one I end up making that will (eventually) go in Ajax.

IC National information
a) Nation's IC name: Kustaykukunaquchapi, commonly known as Kustakuna.
b) Nation's IC population: A few million, give or take. Might go into the low tens, depending on how many cities I put on the map.
c) Nation's type of government: Collective union of tribal regions, probably a sort of representative republic with less freedom than expected.
d) Nation's head of state: Some Head Elder or something.
e) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable): Maybe applicable, can't determine at this time.

IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation: Your standard native American culture that evolved into modern day with little foreign interference, except in cases of cooperation and advancement. The country would have rejected imperialist incursions, aided with more organization and more technology than IRL natives would have had, along with the required medical immunity through contacts from third parties. Kustakuna would grow into a collection of tribal regions that united for strength, and eventually forming a confederation that would evolve into a modern republic.
b) What languages are spoken in your nation?: Quechua
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?: Inca, southern American indigenous peoples.
d) What are the major religions among your population?: Pagan Religions
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?: Nothing particularly important, just a nice piece of canon. Hopefully I can contribute in some way to international canon.
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.): I'm no good at military stats and roleplay, so I'm likely going to stay away from that, in a hard-military way. However, I foresee having some "outdated" equipment retrofitted for defense and national security purposes, as Kustakuna will have little interest in offensive capabilities.

IC Geographical/resource
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting: Probably all the standard things you'd see coming out of northern South America - ores, oil, wood, and the occasional tons of illegal drugs.
b) What does your nation need to import?: Probably standard foodstuffs to supplement the local resources, like certain grains and livestock, as well as the necessary mechanical, pharmaceutical, and technological materials.
c) What is your country self sufficient on?: Raw materials are likely our specialty. Simple processing seems natural, although more advanced stuff will be less likely to be found in Kustakuna.
Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?: Recommended, not really. I asked if I could join, and Ghant forwarded me to your Discord, and the rest is history.

6: Roleplay history
I feel like I would be known by a few of the regional officers, but I will certainly respond to a prompt if necessary!

Pretty much the same, a good start and a cool concept I haven't really seen before on NS. Just adding whatever has come up on discord and/or creating some basic lore to add meat to this app would be fantastic. If there are parts that you don't really know how to fill out please feel free to ask as well, this process is here to help you guys create the concept -- not to shoot them down out of hand.
Known as Malay

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Posts: 86
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Postby Kettu » Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:31 pm

General information
I am not actually joining as Kettu
a) Time on Nationstates:
like 6 months or something
b) Previous regions:
Nomad Land of Inner Mongolia
Nomad Land of Imperial Mongolia
c) Other nations:
IC National information
a) Nation's IC name:
Archipielago del Huerto (
b) Nation's IC population:
c) Nation's type of government:
Parliamentary Democracy
d) Nation's head of state:
e) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable):
Prime Minister
IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation:
An Asian nation, post colonial, which has just freed itself of a dictator. Currently trying to catch up to its neighbors and compete on the global scale.
b) What languages are spoken in your nation?:
Spanish, Huerto, Cantonese (mix of prominent Oceanic languages)
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?:
Spanish, Huertan (Native)
d) What are the major religions among your population?:
Catholic, Muslim, other
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?:
Third world Asian islands, mass producer of goods
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.):
150,000 active duty, 50,000 reserve. Defensive Navy, Defensive land forces, defensive Air forces
IC Geographical/resource
fish, farmland, minerals, labor
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting:
Electronics, Refined Petroleum products, manufactured goods
b) What does your nation need to import?:
Raw materials, luxury goods
c) What is your country self sufficient on?:
Foodstuffs, some finished goods

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?:
Yeah Ghant and Santh

6: Roleplay history
Last edited by Kettu on Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Leasath » Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:01 pm

Arden and Paiden/Kustakuna has an aye from me contingent on finalization of map placement/population statistics.
Known as Malay

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Postby The IASM » Sat Jul 22, 2017 4:33 pm

I was recommended that I put these explanations here, in order to clarify some things.

The main reason why I give Akai a pop as it has is that it makes sense for a nation like Akai, given how it is based off China to have that aspect to it as well as it enabling its form of economy. It allows me to more easily explore the difference in status and class through differences in scale. You would not get something similar if it had the pop of let's say SK. they'd have to care more about its subjects. Generally speaking, I want Akai to be different to European nations yet I do not want it to be easily crushed, ignored, etc. I want it to be an inconvenience/challenge which is interesting to RP in that sense. This is why in part Akai's GDP per capita is closer to Russia than China as within rules typically would require me to have a pop larger than Akai's currently to get that. It is a compromise I find unsatisfactory but it works. Nowadays I use the economic stats derived from Lyn's calculator but I will be willing to reduce that it if it works better in the region.

On the topic of the GDP increase.
One reason, I was told that my military was not realistic with the budget I have with the GDP I had from Arth so in order to be realistic I increased it to something which would work. In turn, once I realised that this was not what was desired I reverted afterwards and worked with Arth to create something better as even then it was unrealistic. That was my main desire than in doing so, to make it plausible. I just happened to go about it the wrong way.

I did not do it to gain power but rather to try and ensure something was plausible in other words.

If anyone seeks to ask about things, please do and hopefully, I can deal with them.

20:22 Kirav Normal in Akai is nightmare fuel in the rest of the world.
11:33 Jedoria Something convoluted is going on in Akai probably.
Transoxthraxia: I'm no hentai connoisseur, but I'm pretty sure Akai's domestic politics would be like, at least top ten most fucked up hentais"
18:26 Deusaeuri Let me put it this way, you're what would happen if Lovecraft decided to write political dystopian techno thriller
20:19 Heku tits has gone mental
20:19 Jakee >gone
05:48 Malay lol akai sounds lovely this time of never

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Founded: Jul 22, 2017

Postby Gungheguo » Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:55 pm

General information
a) Time on Nationstates: I posted on Jolt
b) Previous regions:
  • Haven
  • Statesmanship dot co dot uk
  • Maredoratica
c) Other nations:
  • Taihei Tengoku (main)

IC National information
a) Nation's IC name:Chosen Gohogoku (朝鮮合法国)
b) Nation's IC population:80 million (flexible up or down, depending on land/sea power and wealth)
c) Nation's type of government:Unitary one-party "Futurist" (market socialist) state
d) Nation's head of state:Premier Goro Haifu
e) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable): Chairman Nakau Hisao

IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation: Various tropes from Korean/Japanese history until ~1900. Old Regime overthrown in the early 1970s, replaced by a revolutionary socialist state. The destruction wrought by the civil war and the utter failure of the first Five-Year Plan causes a second, internal, revolution within the new socialist government, with the developmentalist bloc taking over. Rapid economic growth ensues. Looking to sustain such growth in the face of its "demographic shadow," the Chosen government is considering altering the geopolitical status quo in the East.
b) What languages are spoken in your nation?:Japanese (ICly "Chosen-go"), some others
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?: Japanese (ICly "Chosen-jin"), some others
d) What are the major religions among your population?: Atheism, indigenous paganism, Zensunnism
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?: An active "rising power" in the East Asia area. Also, milsperg
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.): The Chosen People's Army is approximately a million men strong, organized into five branches:
  • Chosen People's Army Ground Forces: The land army, in the midst of sweeping reforms.
  • Chosen People's Army Navy: A green-water navy, focusing on submarine and anti-submarine warfare.
  • Chosen People's Army Air Force: A competent air force with aging planes.
  • Chosen People's Army Airborne Forces: Airborne troops similar to the VDV.
  • Chosen People's Army Strategic Forces: A "strategic support force" responsible for maintaining national assets ranging from its missile program, cyberwarfare, satellites, and special forces.

IC Geographical/resource
a) What does your nation excel in exporting: Consumer goods, machine tools, etc
b) What does your nation need to import?: Petroleum, food, finances, labor
c) What is your country self sufficient on?: elan

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?: No

6: Roleplay history

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Posts: 3513
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Postby Afalia » Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:55 am

General information
a) Time on Nationstates: I have played on and off since 2009. My most recently active period was around 2011-2014 before I resurrected my nation late last year in December 2016.
b) Previous regions:
  • Aurora
    Other temporary places, including my current region Osiris, which is where I was refounded
c) Other nations:
  • None

IC National information
a) Nation's IC name: Kingdom of Afalia/Aafaaliiaa
b) Nation's IC population: 25.4 Million
c) Nation's type of government: Unitary Parliamentary Democracy With Constitutional Monarchy (It should be noted there is an ongoing debate IC about federation)
d) Nation's head of state: HM Queen Amelia, Queen of the Afalians
e) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable): The Hon. Jessica Shaw MP, Prime Minister of Afalia

IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation: Afalia is an ancient, large island with an ancient people and animals. The word Afalia comes from the Traditional Aafaliiaans, the indigenous inhabitants of Afalia for over 45,000 years, meaning 'beautiful, endless, sacred plains.' Colonisation was mostly peaceful, due to a treaty, and saw the modernisation and economic development of the country alongside Christianity and the English language. Successive home rule bills and finally an independence referendum in 1952 saw the country go on its own from its colonial parent and turn inwards. Isolation was the name of the game until the 70s reforms saw a huge influx of immigration and with it a flourishing of culture and the economic base. In 2013 a horrific attack by a rogue state brought Afalia crashing into the twenty first century and though its new enemy was easily defeated by a coalition of allies Afalia has been shaken to its core.

It is a rich, prosperous country enjoying relative peace, security and stability with a mature, multicultural democracy and high living standards. Conversely Afalia still suffers with reconciliation between the descendants of colonial settlers and Traditional indigenous inhabitants, a high rate of tax and sluggish economy and a state welfare and education body which many feel is unsustainable. The legacy of the 2013 war has left a long scar on the country in terms of its place in the world but it might be thought of as something of a middle power in its back garden that promotes multilateral solutions, nuclear non-proliferation and, since the end of its semi-isolation, support and membership of regional and global institutions as the bedrock of security and prosperity.

RL equivalents and inspirations are Australia (as the name may give away a little), the UK, Ireland, a touch of New Zealand, Spain, France and just a hint of America.

b) What languages are spoken in your nation?: There are no official languages but English and Traditional Aafaliiaan are recognised, as are sign language and hundreds of Traditional Aafaliiaan dialects.
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?: Anglo-Afalian 60.6%
Traditional Aafaliiaan 19.7%
Mixed Race 8.6%
Black 6.3%
Others 4.8%
d) What are the major religions among your population?: The 2013 census indicated that 80.4% of Afalians were religious. Unlike most Western countries religion continues to play a major role. The established Christian, Anglican church in Afalia is the Church of Afalia, with over fifty percent of the population members. 10% of Afalians are Catholics, 7% other Christians, 3% Islam, 3% Judaism, 0.9% Hinduism with nearly twenty percent either no religion or did not answer on the census.
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?: As above, something of an Australian role, perhaps close to but not quite a middle power. A once colonial jewel a long way from home that is now a multicultural and different place, whilst still maintaining very close links with the 'motherland,' and its own respective alliances. Since 2013 it has been much more active internationally and would have been far more involved in regional affairs. Afalia would probably be quite important in its own sub-region but on a global or wider regional scale, more limited. Afalians probably like to think they can punch above their weight in world affairs but this is only sometimes true and there is, sometimes, a degree of humouring the country at large international events.
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.): The Afalian Armed Forces were founded in 1952 and underwent a major reorganisation in 2013 during the Titanic War, including red scare style defence spending and modernisation. It has just over 100,000 active personnel with 52,000 reservists. The Royal Afalian Navy is the most important of the three branches and the pride of the armed forces. It is the main line of defence for Afalia, as an island, and also used as a power projection tool and deterrent. It patrols the coasts, the wider open seas and the region. It has about 80 modern, technologically advanced ships and receives by far the most funding. The navy also undertakes a number of humanitarian missions, anti-piracy initiatives and operations with its allies and partners.

The army has the most personnel with 50,000 active personnel and 30,000 reservists-half active, half standby. All army soldiers are trained in specialised guerrilla warfare in case of an invasion type scenario like the Titanican War in 2013 to act as the final line of defence in Afalia, hiding in the bush and conducting missions to hamper any enemy occupier in the hopes of relief arriving in the form of allies. They have recently spent three to four years in a major operation on Afalia's Harling Island in a sectarian conflict but since the end of the conflict are mostly being withdrawn. The army also takes part in peacekeeping operations and has been deployed a number of times to aid allies in conflicts elsewhere.

The air force is, perhaps, the least important of the three forces but still plays a major role. Its main purpose is the preservation of territorial integrity and it conducts regular flights across and around Afalia. It has seen little action in conflict however with many of the Navy's Air Fleet's ships being used in place. Despite this the air force is still viewed as an essential, integral part of Afalia's defence and it figures heavily in frontline defence scenarios.

Although the armed forces swear allegiance to the Queen in practice it is the Prime Minister and Parliament, via votes of war and military action, that command. The Security Secretary is responsible within the cabinet for defence and the armed forces.

IC Geographical/resource
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting: The major exports of Afalia are all mining related, including iron ore, precious metals, coal. Alongside this a huge agricultural and farming sector means exports of things like meat, wool, wheat and grain are common. Manufacturing is an important sector but not as large as mining and agriculture. Despite this Afalia exports things like machinery, medicines and pharmaceuticals, transport technology. A few other small, but proudly Afalian exports include things like certain chocolate brands, drinks and cultural entertainment, especially films and movies.
b) What does your nation need to import?: Major imports include a number of different types of machinery and high tec equipment, cars, oil, certain medicines. In addition Afalia’s relatively youngish nature means it attempts to ‘import’ culture via films, TV, music, as well as more broadly human talent and creativity via students, academics, experts etc.
c) What is your country self sufficient on?: Coal, but this is being used less as nuclear technology becomes more popular and items like meat and wool.

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?: Yes, Ghant has recommended me. I also know a number of players from previous regions and RPs.

6: Roleplay history
Unto the Breach
Queen Amelia Coronation
First Impressions
A Bleak and Bloody Storm

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Postby Ahkad » Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:28 pm


You state that you import most of your cultural products, but that you also export cultural products, please clarify this contradiction. Would you be willing to convert to regional religions instead of using IRL ones? What are the restrictions on marriage of royals to foreigners? Would you be willing to adapt your history to associate with regional colonial empires that may not be english-speaking?
Mokranshi was an isolationist, you are a degenerate

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Postby Arthurista » Sun Jul 23, 2017 2:43 pm

Hi Afalia, would you like to keep the previously-discussed plan we had for your Cornellia app re Afalia being an ex-colony of mine?

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Postby EsToVnIa » Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:18 pm

Gungheguo: Accepted.

Afalia: Accepted.
Most Heavenly State/Khamgiin Tengerleg Uls

Weeaboo Gassing Land wrote:Also, rev up the gas chambers.

The United States of North Amerigo wrote:CUNT

12:02:02 AM <Tarsas> premislyd is my spirit animal tbh

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Posts: 3513
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Postby Afalia » Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:44 am

Ahkad wrote:Afalia

You state that you import most of your cultural products, but that you also export cultural products, please clarify this contradiction. Would you be willing to convert to regional religions instead of using IRL ones? What are the restrictions on marriage of royals to foreigners? Would you be willing to adapt your history to associate with regional colonial empires that may not be english-speaking?

What I mean to say is that whilst Afalians are mad about culture and enjoy sharing it and exporting it with the world, their desire for more also means they import a lot. In terms of the importing I mean more raw talent-we want the people and skills necessary to make TV programmes, films, music etc. but such an industry already exists within Afalia, just on a smaller scale than many would like.

In terms of religions, if there are existing churches and religions which are equivalents to the ones I listed in my census then I would be fine adopting those.

There are no restrictions on royals marrying foreigners. Indeed, my Queen is married to a foreigner.

I would be willing if things don't fit with Arthurista.

Arthurista wrote:Hi Afalia, would you like to keep the previously-discussed plan we had for your Cornellia app re Afalia being an ex-colony of mine?

That would be excellent and suits me perfectly. I'll be able to keep the bulk of my history, culture etc. with a few minor edits, if it's still all good with you?

Estovnia wrote:Gungheguo: Accepted.

Afalia: Accepted.

Thank you very much!
Last edited by Afalia on Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Norday » Thu Aug 03, 2017 6:18 pm

General information
a) Time on Nationstates: November, 2009
b) Previous regions:
IC National information
a) Nation's IC name: Great Heavenly Kingdom (alternatively: Nordanese Heavenly Realm or Heavenly Realm of Norday)
b) Nation's IC population: 34,478,697
c) Nation's IC GDP per capita: $51,280.95 (nominal); $50,091.19 (PPP)
d) Nation's type of government: Confederal Theocratic (absolute) monarchy (similar to a Caliphate in practice). Monarchy operates under Enatic Ultimogenture succession.
e) Nation's head of state: Förstatta Sol IX av Alrikid
f) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable): Förstatta Sol IX av Alrikid

IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation: Norday is a confederation of various duchies, bishopric-analogous polities, principalities, and counties united through common culture and religion. The hallmark of Norday is its inherent matriarchal culture, an oddity amongst the nations of Ajax. This is reflected most clearly in the monarchy, which utilises enatic succession laws. (Right now, the idea is that gender equality is similar to real life, just the sexes are “switched”; i.e: the glass ceiling exists for men rather than women, men make $0.79 for every woman dollar, etc. I would expect this to change sometime in the future since this was only intended to be temporary.)

The Nordane government is a political stable entity, that, as described under the Constitution of Norday (Lagboket), is officially an absolute diarchy with power shared between the First Daughter and the King of Norday. In reality, power is often shared between the First Daughter and Påfet, the second-highest religious authority in the nation behind the First Daughter. Because of the nature of succession within the nation, the First Daughter is often merely a figurehead for the Påfet, since, in the event that the successor First Daughter is under age (21-years-old according to canonical law), the Påfet serves as regent. Legislatively, the Stáramot (lit. “Great Assembly”) is a unicameral legislature composed of 125 thegns.Thegns can be any person; priestess, politician, business representative, etc due to the constitutionalised nonpartisanship. Elections for thegns are staggered every two-years, resulting in a term length of 4-years total. The “speaker” of the Stáramot is the Högtalare or “Lawspeaker,” whose job is to maintain order within the Stáramot, provide diplomatic consul to the First Daughter, and ensure bills are voted on in a timely fashion. The judiciary operates under a mixed civil/common law system. The Court of Last Resort (High Court) has the ability to exercise judicial review.

The cultural aspects of Norday is probably the least fleshed out part of it, simply because by not being a stereotypical NS matriarchy, I’m not sure what sort of issues would develop in such a society aside from omnipresent gender issues. I would guess just by its very nature, Nordanese culture is very socially liberal, at least compared to the seemingly conservative tang seen on Belisaria. (This part will probably always be a WIP since I don’t think I can see myself getting something that I truly consider plausible).

Economically, Norday has an economy based off both the Nordic model, syndicalism, ecology,, integralism and corporatism in what the Nordanese government officially refers to as a “Syndicalist Technocracy,” combining extremely high rates of unionisation, use of various planning committees, a large public sector (at around 45% of the Nordanese workforce), and a cradle-to-grave welfare state. While not the largest economy by any means, the nation fills a niche market for X continent (I don’t know what other people are like, so I’ll refrain from saying “world”). Norday's largest specific SITC categories of exports include; medicaments, glycosides and vaccines, watches, orthopaedic appliances and precious jewellery. Additionally, the financial sector makes up approximately 15.7% of the its GDP.

b) What languages are spoken in your nation?: Nordanese (Swedish with more Old Norse-influenced spelling and the removal of more obvious Latin loanwords) and Old Norse (de jure official language and used strictly for liturgical purposes)
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?: Peoples analogous to North Germanic ethnicities.
d) What are the major religions among your population?: The majority of Nordanes practice Månnism (derived from the Old Norse “máni” (f.) meaning “moon”), a syncretic, monotheistic religion that is centred around a diva triformis worship of the Moon and Shinto-esque animism/ancestor worship. (Depending on location, this could be perhaps changed out to a developed religion centred around Luna/Diana/Juno if near Latium, or centred around Selene if near Eagleland)
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?: As a national polity, Norday will probably not have a very active role on the international scene aside from perhaps being used as a neutral location to mediate international disputes. I imagine due to the factors listed under “Brief description of your nation” that Norday would be politically isolated: the nature of its monarchy (not to mention the matriarchal society) would ostensibly put it at odds with the generally conservative, patriarchal BC, while, ironically, its monarchy would do the same to the nations of INTERCOM despite Norday being a moderately far-leftist polity through and through. On a subnational level, however, Nordanese Think Tanks and other organisations provide funding for women’s and minority advocacy groups and environmentalist organisations abroad.
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.):

Norday operates a small military for self defence purposes. Operating under armed neutrality since the late-1880s, the Nordanse Defence Force is used purely in a humanitarian role in the rare instances where it is deployed abroad as part of an international coalition. Historically, the military has always received the metaphorical “short-end of the stick” when it comes to funding, leaving Norday with what would be considered a second-rate military by Arthuristan standards.

g) Critically discuss the strengths of your nation (esp. military & economic) and how they may affect existing regional power structures: Norday is a minor power at best, and very likely wouldn’t affect regional power structures in any meaningful way. The nation does not have hard power projection (i.e: military) nor soft power projection in the form of culture or royalty. Ostensibly, Norday might have some impact on the environmental longevity in Ajax, but even then that would be entirely dependent on the the larger Belisarian nations.
h)If asked to reduce the strength of your nation, how would you do so? I could lower the GDP per capita, add a larger disparity between nominal GDP and GDP (PPP), and/or lower the population to one agreed upon by the regional-at-large that is better reflective of the nominal GDP per capita.
IC Geographical/resource
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting: Medicaments, glycosides and vaccines, watches, orthopaedic appliances and precious jewellery.
b) What does your nation need to import?: Medicaments, cars, precious jewellery, petrol/LNG to some extent, other chemical goods.
c) What is your country self sufficient on?: Luxury goods
d) What is your preferred location on the regional map? We will have to work out an appropriate location. (This is more for posterity but I think turning Canada into not!Scandinavia because of Skrælingia might be a good idea/different)

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?: You could say that

6: Roleplay history I’m lazy, but when I do write stuff, I’ve been told “it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever read.”
Weeaboo Gassing Land wrote:Also, rev up the gas chambers.

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Lacus Magni
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Postby Lacus Magni » Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:00 pm

Norday: Accepted
Admin and Member of Ajax (Discord)
Active Projects
Latium (Map) | Sydalon (Map) | Gelonia (Map) | Vardana (Map)

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The Demphorian Kingdoms
Posts: 69
Founded: Feb 07, 2016

Postby The Demphorian Kingdoms » Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:46 pm

General information
a) Time on Nationstates: jesus, I think it's 7 years now? That's a problem
b) Previous regions: Cornellia, Elysium, Esquarium, Aeneas, etc.
  • region A
c) Other nations:

IC National information
a) Nation's IC name: Kingdom of Demphor, Élbannian & Duís
b) Nation's IC population: 67,301,376
c) Nation's IC GDP per capita: NS$34,334.52
d) Nation's type of government: Semi-presidential constitutional monarchy in personal union with Deweden (if that's still IC?)
e) Nation's head of state: Robert I, Àrd-Rìgh nà Démpharás, Élbaniøs & Duís
f) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable): Almira Eibhlín, Ceannard nà Démpharás, Élbaniøs & Duís

IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation:
b) What languages are spoken in your nation?: English (known as Common), Demphorian
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?: Demphorians, Ghantish, Dwedes
d) What are the major religions among your population?: Demphorian Catholicism, Roman Catholic, Irrelegious, Islam, Judaism, Church of Deweden
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?: Angry Scottish nation that has a concerningly good army and sings to the Corries excessively. A monarchy and a regional power. No necessarily in the role that the US plays, but more as a France on the IRL geopolitical scale.
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.):
g) Critically discuss the strengths of your nation (esp. military & economic) and how they may affect existing regional power structures: Energy production, which accounts for 52% of GDP and employment. Nàiseanta Dealan Aonaichte (NDA), the main electricity generation and distribution company in Demphor, is also one of the world's largest producers of electricity. The second largest industry is tourism. The Demphorian Defense Forces (DDF) is comprised of the Naval, Ground and Air Forces. The Demphorian Defense Forces are at a current state of 1,694,728 servicemen and servicewomen evenly divided among the 3 branches.
h)If asked to reduce the strength of your nation, how would you do so? This depends on what aspect, I believe?

IC Geographical/resource
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting: Above average people and war, as well as energy production, tourism, a military industrial complex and general food production
b) What does your nation need to import?: Automobiles, computer technology, some energy and oil.
c) What is your country self sufficient on?: Food, energy and mining.
d) What is your preferred location on the regional map?

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?: Yes

6: Roleplay history
I hope that many of the nations that I've worked with in this region can attest to it. If you'd like examples I've love to provide them!
I've been on this website for far too long.

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Posts: 99
Founded: Jun 08, 2014
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Estoni » Wed Aug 09, 2017 4:21 pm

Demphor's app is approved
Florys wrote:14:20 Flo "And on your left you can see a local militia finishing off a mass grave." "Oooh look honey, gosh they look so much like people, get a photo with me and the harrowing poverty."
Tericio wrote:03:09 Tericio "For a genocidal regime, Estoni has incredible trust in human goodwill."

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Posts: 39
Founded: May 26, 2010

Postby Rabinovska » Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:55 am

General information
a) Time on Nationstates: Active since May 31, 2010
b) Previous regions:
c) Other nations:

IC National information
a) Nation's IC name: The Rabinovskan Empire
b) Nation's IC population: TBD, roughly 85 million
c) Nation's IC GDP per capita: $29,896.76
c) Nation's type of government: Federal Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
d) Nation's head of state: Michael II Alexandrovich, Emperor and Autocrat of the Rabinovskans
e) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable): Prime Minister Nicholas Maklakov, Conservative Party

IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation:

The Rabinovskan Empire is an eastern-Belisarian constitutional monarchy, consisting of ~85 million citizens. The current Emperor, colloquially referred to as the Tsar or Czar, is Michael II Alexandrovich Rostov, who ascended the throne in 2004 after the death of his father Alexander IV. As a constitutional monarch, Michael has the power to appoint and dismiss an elected parliament, consisting of two houses - the lower, directly elected State Duma, and the upper, indirectly elected and appointed State Council. The former consists of 550 seats, while the latter consists of up to 720 and as little as 600 seats, though as of January 1 2017 there are 694 seated Councillors. The Prime Minister, who is elected from amongst the members of the Duma and serves as the head of government, is currently Nicholas Maklakov; he and his Conservative Party were elected in 2005, and reelected in 2010 and 2015. The next election is scheduled for 2020.

Rabinovska is a nation of massive historical internal and external strife, and as such it maintains a sizable military force in order to keep a consistent grip on the nation and borders with semi-hostile countries. The Army and Land branch of the military is the most powerful, and actually de-facto controls the Air Force branch by merging the positions in charge of each branch; the Navy remains independent under the de jure purview of the Tsar, and de facto control of the Duma. Rabinovska is not a nuclear state (OOC: up for negotiation as well).

Culturally, Rabinovska is all over the map; though minorities make up a relatively small portion of the population at less than 20%, there are a vast amount of them and they are scattered across the entirety of the country. There are a number of official languages of the Empire, though the most popular is Ravinok, spoken by the majority Rabinovskans and most other citizens; additionally, the native Borov and Yakast ethnic groups speak Miestri; Symkarians and some Rabinovskans speak Cathrik, whilst Carpathians and Marsoviks often eschew the "mother tongue" entirely in speaking a number of minuscule minority languages as well as a bastardized version of Miestri-Lyonnois. Foreigners are often Latin or Lyonnois speaking, and a number of south-western citizens speak Eesti. The nation does find some unity in religion, with most citizens following the Orthodox faith whilst a number of others stand as atheist or non-practicing agnostics. There is little religion-based discrimination, and even Fabrians are able to live with relative safety in the Empire but for cultural and ethnic divides.

Politically the Empire, as in most things, is heavily divided; while a Conservative government has held power for over a decade, it is led by a de facto coalition of heavily centrist men and women who work in avoidance of problems and prevention of regression in most areas, rather than promoting progression. Abortion is legal under some circumstances, as there has been little dangerous opposition to the principle; civil unions are legal for LGBT individuals, though the institution of marriage remains out of reach for them. Evolution and science-based education is the basis of Rabinovskan public schooling. A number of minor parties stand for the various minority ethnic groups in Rabinovska, and there are also a number of geographically-based parties in the Duma which advocate for increased devolution, autonomy, and in some cases even independence. As of the Eesti [rebellion/secession/etc] in [theoretical year], Communism as an ideology and party is banned across the nation. (OOC: haven't had the chance to work on this with Estoni so validity is shaky)

Economically Rabinovska is weaker than its western cousins, and there is a heavier basis on manufacturing and the primary sector across the country rather than more lucrative services. The GDP (PPP) estimated for 2017 was $2,507.19 billion, while the estimated GDPPC stands at $29,896.76. The labour force is roughly 32.96 million workers strong, with an unemployment rate of a worrying 7.12% as of August 2017. The HDI is a 'very high' .811, while the current Gini is 40.7. The labour force breaks down as follows; 24.49% of workers operate in the primary sector, while 44.19% operate in the manufacturing sector and the richest share of 31.32% work in the service sector. The state controls a number of major industries, and those that are nationalized include the postal service, healthcare, and a large variety of nuclear and oil energy companies. Roughly 52% of all energy is powered by nuclear power plants, followed by fossil fuel based power sources (33%) in addition to wind (5%) and hydro power (12%). Labour conditions are regulated to a degree - there are mandatory vacation time allotments of at least 5 weeks per year, and the work week is set at 40 hours p/w.

b) What languages are spoken in your nation?: Ravinok (Russian), Lyonnois (French), Miestri (Native), Cathrik (Native), Eesti
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?: Rabinovskan, 83.0%; Borov, 1.6%; Yakast, 1.5%; Carpathian, 1.2%; Symkarian, 0.9%; Marsovik, 0.8%; Others, 11.0%
d) What are the major religions among your population?: Ravinok (Russian) Orthodoxy, Alban Christianity, Fabrian Catholicism
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?: An opponent and foil to the BC, especially Vannois
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.): The Imperial Military stands at roughly 546,680 servicemen and women as of August 2017. Of these, some 267,000 are active, while 278,000 stand in reserve. The Army, Air Force, and Navy stand as the three major branches of the Military and of these the Army is the largest branch, followed by the Air Force. Their role is mostly as a land-based defensive force on the western and southern borders, in protection against the Vannoisian State. Other major elements of the Army also serve in cities and the capital, as well as across the country, as elements at arms in case of civil unrest. The Royal Family is guarded by elements of the Army.
g) Critically discuss the strengths of your nation (esp. military & economic) and how they may affect existing regional power structures: Definitely a second-world-like nation, Rabinovska is mainly going to oppose actions by the Belisarian Community internationally; however, due to its not so stellar economy and thus lacking in actual hard power, it will be limited in most of its own moves countering the BC. It will also provide a foil for Vannois, and affect the standards of living and a number of historical and present laws and ideas concerning terrorism as well as ethnic conflicts there. Militarily the country is theoretically relatively strong, but most of its time is spent quelling internal issues rather than actually threatening anyone else.

IC Geographical/resource
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting: Exports include minerals and gold, forestry and wood products, livestock and grain, conventional arms and automobiles, as well as (possible oil/gas/etc?) rubber.
b) What does your nation need to import?: Import goods such as Coffee, Home appliances, Processed steel, Seafaring vessels, some Alcoholic beverages, Shoes, Tourism, Video games, Health services, Financial services, Professional services
c) What is your country self sufficient on?: Most food products involving grain, meat, etc., some primary sector goods
d) What is your preferred location on the regional map? Bordering Vannois and Estoni

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?: Yup

6: Roleplay history
Examples include:
Last edited by Rabinovska on Sat Aug 12, 2017 8:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor and Autocrat of the Rabinovskans, Tsar Michael II Alexandrovich
His Excellency, the Prime Minister, Nicholas Maklakov
The Rabinovskan Empire

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Posts: 37
Founded: Aug 05, 2017
Capitalist Paradise

Postby Sydalon » Fri Aug 11, 2017 12:33 pm

General information
a) Time on Nationstates: Six-seven years
b) Previous regions:
  • Ixnay/Greater Ixnay
  • Cornellia
  • Ajax
c) Other nations:
  • Lacus Magni/Latium (main)

IC National information
a) Nation's IC name: Kingdom of Sydalon
b) Nation's IC population: 8,230,291
c) Nation's IC GDP per capita: $23,425
d) Nation's type of government: Unitary limited parliamentary executive monarchy
e) Nation's head of state: King Jordan IX
f) Nation's head of gov’t (if applicable): Lord Premier Konstans Balbie

IC National information
a) Brief description of your nation:
Sydalon was first founded as a Holy Marcher State (crusader state) following the First (or only) Holy March in the 1230s/1240s, following a call by the Pope at the urging of Latin Emperor Philip V Augustus to enlist the Catholic community to re-establish control over lost or abandoned territories formerly held on the continent of Scipia. Many of the Marchers were led by second or third born sons of Latin noble families and even those across the Catholic communities of Belisaria after the promise of lands, riches, fame and eternal rewards in heaven. The Marchers would eventually establish feudal holdings over the conquered lands, with the Lord Palatine based in the city of Sydalon.

The territories nominally pledged fealty and allegiance to the Latin Emperors from 1250 though 1403 until the assassination of Emperor Maurice “the Boy Emperor.” This resulted in a Latin civil war and the abandonment of nearly all non-essential holdings, including Sydalon. The Catholic lords in the realm of Sydalon remained in control of their territories following the abandonment though would, over time, retreat and abandon territory to reach their modern day borders. Since Latin abandonment, Sydalon gradually developed its own cultural identity, with its language still being based on Latin and culture being a mix of Belisarian, Tarusians (natives) and the occasional influence from neighboring Norday.

Today, Sydalon retains its monarchy after being elevated to Kingdom status by the Pope in the 17th century. Sydalon is nominally an absolute monarchy with a limited parliamentary system. The Monarch is the head of state, of which Jordan IX has reigned as King since 22 January 2010. Succession to the position of Monarch has followed absolute primogeniture since the 17th century, with the current heir being Crown Princess Melisende of Sydalon – King Jordan’s granddaughter. The Monarch holds considerable powers in government, though often acts in concert with his or her cabinet.

Sydalon operates with a cabinet government, with ministers selected by the Monarch and the Lord Premier serving as the leader of the reigning Monarch’s cabinet and head of government. The Lord Premier must be a member of the High Court, which is the upper house of the Sydalonian bicameral legislature or Senate. The High Court is a fully appointed body and holds much of the limited legislative power within Sydalon. Its current membership consists of 105 members and includes members of the nobility, clergy and other prominent citizens.

No other members of cabinet are required to be sitting members of either the upper or lower house. The lower house if the Popular Assembly, which is a recent addition to the Senate and consists of 79 popularly elected representatives by party-list proportional representation. There are no term limits, but Assembly members are elected to serve for a two-year term. The Assembly is led by the Speaker, whom is the leader of the largest party within the Assembly’s coalition.

Fabrian Catholicism is the official state faith of Sydalon, and requires that all members of the High Court be followers of the faith.

Sydalon's major ethnic group consists of Sydalonians, which are more of a construct of the government than a single ethnic group. Ethnic Sydalonians are largely descended from the native Tarusian population, though many have intermixed with ethnic Belisarian settlers. Other ethnic groups present consist of Belisarian populations, largely descending from the Holy Marchers, and Nordanes peoples.

b) What languages are spoken in your nation?: Latin and Sydalonian (or Sydaloni) are the two official languages of Sydalon; however Sydalonian/Sydaloni is the national language of the country and is a southern/Scipian Romance language (probably similar to what a surviving African Romanace language would look like). Nordanese is also commonly spoken in parts of the country.
c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?: Sydalon is a nation primarily consisting of Sydalonians, which are a mix of the native Tarusians and those of Belisarian and Latin ancestry. Nordanes is also spoken to some degree throughout parts of the country.
d) What are the major religions among your population?: Fabrian Catholicism is the official state faith of Sydalon. Other religions are followed by a minority of the population, including: Alban Christianity, Månnism, and Judaism.
e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?: Sydalon will likely try to play the BC nations, NATA nations and Liothidia jump between them when it suits their gain. Likely using it’s location in proximity to the southernmost BC nations to earn more favorable arrangements with the BC. There would likely be some popular inclinations by the citizenry to favor other catholic states, but not so much at the highest levels.
f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.): The Monarch is the Supreme Commander of Sydalonian Armed Forces, which include the Army, Navy, and Air Force with an active personnel of roughly 35,000 to 40,000 across all branches. Most equipment would likely be
g) Critically discuss the strengths of your nation (esp. military & economic) and how they may affect existing regional power structures: As stated above, Sydalon will likely try and move between the major power blocs of Belisaria and at the point of a major sea-trade route leading into the Periclean Ocean. Its military is likely no better than a national defense force and is primarily geared towards national defense to secure the territorial integrity of Sydalon. It is likely considered “second-rate” by the nations of Belisaria, though has a proud tradition due to the Holy March and history of Sydalon’s establishment.

IC Geographical/resource
General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting: Oil, minerals and precious metals, fish, motor vehicle parts, clothing and textiles, electric components, etc.
b) What does your nation need to import?: Food stuffs and wine, consumer and luxury goods, etc.
c) What is your country self sufficient on?: Missionaries, oil, etc.
d) What is your preferred location on the regional map? Bordering Norday

Regional history
a) Were you recommended to Ajax?: Basically

6: Roleplay history
Y'all already know me, but this is my most recent RP: Brothers War

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Posts: 16
Founded: Apr 19, 2017

Postby Norday » Sat Aug 12, 2017 5:09 am

Rabinovska wrote:-Snip-

Hi and thank you for applying to Ajax. While we here appreciate your interest in the region, it should be noted that the application you used is the wrong one and out of date compared to our current one. Please fix this and we can continue from there. Thanks.

Sydalon: Accepted
Weeaboo Gassing Land wrote:Also, rev up the gas chambers.

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Posts: 39
Founded: May 26, 2010

Postby Rabinovska » Sat Aug 12, 2017 8:50 am

Norday wrote:
Rabinovska wrote:-Snip-

Hi and thank you for applying to Ajax. While we here appreciate your interest in the region, it should be noted that the application you used is the wrong one and out of date compared to our current one. Please fix this and we can continue from there. Thanks.

Sydalon: Accepted

His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor and Autocrat of the Rabinovskans, Tsar Michael II Alexandrovich
His Excellency, the Prime Minister, Nicholas Maklakov
The Rabinovskan Empire

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The Arthurian Isles
Posts: 283
Founded: Feb 26, 2016
Left-wing Utopia

Postby The Arthurian Isles » Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:34 am


Application to Ajax

General information

a) Time on Nationstates:
2 years, 7 months.

b) Previous regions:
  • Noctur
c) Other nations:
  • None

IC National information

a) Nation's IC name:
The Arthurian Federation

b) Nation's IC population:

c) Nation's IC GDP per capita:
US$50,728 (PPP) - A422,733

d) Nation's type of government:
Federal Semi-Direct Directorial Parliamentary Democracy w/ Constitutional Elective Non-Hereditary Principality

e) Nation's head of state:
Raðmaður Marý II

f) Nation's head of gov’t:
Stortinget (The Federal Council)

More IC National information

a) Brief description of your nation:
Historically, there are only a few moments in Arthurian history that break from the norm of peace and isolation:
  • 910 AD. Arthurian settlers arrive in what is now Arthuria, having fled from aggressive tribes and nations in their homeland and other areas where they had attempted to resettle. They establish multiple non-feudal agricultural societies.
  • 1750s AD. Foreign explorers discover Arthuria. The country is opened to businesspeople from other countries, rapidly industrialising but destabilising its formerly egalitarian society and politically dividing the cantons.
  • 1815 AD. The Conservative Cantons attempt to stifle the reforming efforts of the Liberal Cantons. Thus begins Efteraret - The Fall - Arthuria's civil war. The Liberal Cantons fight and win in order to restructure Arthurian society along rational, liberal concepts. They also end the age of foreign industry and develop Arthuria's native economy.
  • 1955. Vinsters Bundet (The Left Alliance) wins the federal election and many cantonal elections. It gradually introduces a more centralised economic system to Arthuria. This is the age of social democracy.
  • 1990. Fjalserälset (The Liberals) win the federal election and many cantonal elections. They end the social democratic age by liberalising the economy in reforms which continue to this day.

Culturally, because of its isolated and heterogenous population, Arthuria demonstrates a cohesive national character more clearly than many countries. That character is attributed to the inhospitable landscape, the constant darkness of its winters, the reality of death in close-knit communities, and the need to work together in order to survive. Consequently, Arthuria is above everything a blend of individualism and egalitarianism. It is both tolerant, free and peaceful, as well as neutral, isolated and calculating. Its people harbour a strong belief in compassion, love and grace, and yet they accept the harsh realities of the duties thrust upon them by life. They are characterised by their reasoned debate and cool character, but they are known for placing importance on emotional awareness and spiritual practices. The country rests on the fault lines of differing philosophies, constantly relating itself as a paradox.

Socially, Arthuria can be revealed by the fruits of its actions. Arthuria comes across as a typical Scandinavian-inspired state: it has liberal views towards abortion, the LGBT+ community, gender equality. same-sex marriage, the death penalty and short-shorts. It is home to a collective bargaining culture, a strong belief in both personal and more specifically digital privacy, a high degree of public safety and a complex social insurance scheme which mixes private and public funding and provision. Arthuria has reluctantly accepted the need for firearms within its uniquely-positioned society, has legalised marijuana, and has refused to accept tipping. Culturally, its attachment to reason and rational thought is evidenced in its constructed language and its own calendar. With a quick glance, then, Arthuria appears as a typical bastion of liberal thought. But it is also tempered by its politics; Arthuria has imposed limitations upon itself which make it an almost insignificant global strategic player, and it is content to remain as such.

Politically, those constraints are epitomised in its Declaration of Neutrality, a commitment to permanent, armed neutrality in any international conflict. This is perhaps the single greatest influence on Arthuria's international standing and its importance to Arthurians should not be underestimated. Thus, while Arthurians enjoy extensive civil liberties and political freedoms, its government will not promote human rights abroad, choosing instead to value the sovereignty of all other states above its own philosophical beliefs. Though fundamentally and philosophically a pacifist country, it still maintains a sizeable defence force and, until recently, maintained its own small nuclear weapons programme. The public referendum which called for that programme's dismantlement was a sign of the struggle within Arthurian politics of the desire to defend its sovereign independence at all costs, against those who would use its foreign policy as a tool for transmitting its principles overseas. The tensions within its government are exacerbated by its directorial system, which requires much deliberation before executive action is taken. This is overcome somewhat by the role of the Folkting (the Federal Assembly - Arthuria's lower house of parliament) in the law-making process, but decision-making is still a highly proceduralised matter, made more complex by the country's federal structure. Still, of late Arthuria has shown patterns in its policies, including the liberalisation of the economy over the past two decades, the pursuit of free trade, investment in exporting tidal and carbon capture technology, and its focus on sporting and cultural achievements.

The best way to understand Arthuria is through its people. Their nature is reflective of the society in which they were crafted and which they help to develop. For example, Runný Arnadóttir, the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, responds with delight at the chance to open up her country to foreigners, reflecting the perhaps-naïve hope of many Arthurians for a better world. Her compere on the Storting, Federal Minister of Justice Thor Hammarskjöld, is similarly keen to expand Arthuria's horizons, but is more calculating in his visit to Koppurauth, a sign of his negative view of humanity's nature and yet of its possible redemption. The Federal Minister of Nature and the Environment, Lief Kierkegaard, discusses war in a way that most politicians would not, and in a way which challenges Thor Hammarskjöld's thoughts on intervention. Hafey Sturludóttir's presence at the Hass Tribunal betrays a wider Arthurian perception of international law and its hollow origins, while the interaction of all of these views is most evident in Stortinget's deliberations on the Karasian War. In cases of individual challenge or suffering, the Arthurian character can be seen clearly too, such as the conduct of Arthuria's teams during the Noctur Cup, when those unversed in the game they play decide to compete anyway, despite the odds. More sombrely, the reaction of Zander to his father's death is a chilling reminder of the paradox of deep emotion and reserved character that defines the Arthurian spirit, shown just as well when AAndri discovers that his best friend is dying.

Economically, Arthuria might typically be thought of as a socialist state: incredibly generous paternity leave, government-funded job training for the unemployed, free healthcare etc. But underlying these interventionist policies is a core of liberal economics. Public spending is 49% of GDP, but this has been in decline for nearly two decades and is continuing its downward trend. In the same period, public debt has more than halved from 70% of GDP to 34% thanks to a shift in the budget from an 11% deficit to a 0.8% surplus. A lot of this has come about by allowing private companies to provide public goods by competing for contracts alongside public providers (healthcare is a notable example of this). What this sort of system amounts to is not the free market guiding the public sector, but being allowed to contribute to a well-developed welfare state. Since the initial wave of liberalisation efficiency savings haven't budged much and there is continued debate about whether private firms provide the same quality as public-run services. In essence, Arthuria attempts to balance a competitive business environment with a high level of public provision of goods and services. It does not do so by sticking rigidly to the traditional free-market vs. planned economy dichotomy, but by focusing on the ends it wants to achieve (such as a higher quality of life, happiness and individual autonomy, among others) and determining which means will best accomplish them.

Arthuria's political system is well suited to this economic approach. Human capital is at the centre of the government's economic agenda, and its directorial democratic institutions offer an atmosphere of trust and stability which facilitates continued safe investment. Society's egalitarian nature and easy mobility further reassures Arthurians of the system's success and ensures their support for it. While the state does employ around 30% of the labour force, the focus of policy is on individual autonomy within an open economy rather than on state direction. This is why the private sector has been brought back into state policy after clumsy top-down planning of the mid-to-late 20th century (when Arthuria was an explicitly social democratic state). As one example of 'intelligent government', Arthuria uses a form of 'flexicurity' that allows firms to sack employees with considerable ease, but then uses government resources and facilities to provide these unemployed citizens with generous benefits and considerable assistance in finding new work. Similarly, the government uses resources to invest in innovation within problem areas, rather than trying to solve those problems through taxes which historically proved ineffective within Arthuria. Essentially, the government tends to turn political projects into business plans. In other areas, such as education, the government refuses to consider private involvement, but in these cases tends to offer a considerable degree of autonomy to the local providers rather than centrally-directing efforts.

In the 1990s, Arthuria suffered a deep recession following the collapse of a telecommunications bubble The government's long-term response has been to encourage a wider range of vocational courses throughout the education system and to support graduates in creating diverse start-ups through a venture-capital fund. The fund is controlled by the Federal Technological Innovation Agency, which works alongside large businesses to provide support and advice to high-potential start-ups. This example is simply to show that innovation and entrepreneurism are strongly encouraged in the Arthurian economic system. Its flaws are twofold: (1) many start-ups remain small in scale, or (2) they move abroad when they do begin to significantly expand. Recent government efforts to counter these problems have seen corporation tax reduced from 32% to 25%, and there is talk of further cuts.

A noteworthy strength of the Arthurian economy is its financial services industry. It is the largest single sector by far, benefiting from an extremely stable political situation (Arthuria has not seen war for over two centuries now), a long-term commitment to the industry, a neutral environment which can interact with all of the countries of the world, and strong secrecy laws which draw (sometimes unsavoury) foreign custom.

Onto the major flaws. As already mentioned, larger corporations tend to head abroad at the sight of corporation tax rates. The balance of trade is also hugely in the red, for though Arthuria produces some goods, they are high-end and are not exported in the same quantity and value as most consumer goods. This has made Arthuria heavily dependent on foreign markets and the health of the overall world economy, and is not helped by mild protectionist policies still in place against outside imports. The balance of trade deficit also highlights the Arthurian reliance on imports of raw materials and mid-range consumer goods, of which few are produced or extracted within the Isles themselves. A tipping point was reached in the Autumn of 2016, when Arthuria officially entered recession. The recession ended in the Summer of this year. A final, and potentially much darker weakness, is that while income equality is higher-than-average amongst Arthurians, the immigrant community is noticeably worse-off in terms of employment and income. Government programmes have so far not been able to assuage these social problems, and crime in immigrant communities is on the rise, causing a minor backlash against them by native Arthurians and a climbing re-emigration rate.

b) What languages are spoken in your nation?:
  • Modern Arthurian - an official language of the Federation and first language for all Arthurians. It is a constructed language dating from the late 9th century A.R. (18th century AD) combining Danish and Icelandic vocabulary, Afrikaans sentence structure, and various simplified grammatical rules.
  • British English - an official language of the Federation and second language for 82% of Arthurians. This is included because it was the international language of my former region. If the international language of Ajax is different, this can be changed.
  • Arthurian Sign Language - an official language of the Federation and understood by 4.5% of Arthurians.
  • Arthurian Brail - an official language (or more correctly, writing system) of the Federation and understood by less than 1% of Arthurians.

c) What ethnic groups are present in your nation?:
Arthurian is the only major ethnic group in the Federation. Because of its historical isolation and unappealing natural environment, Arthuria has not attracted any significant migrant populations from elsewhere. Its society is consequently extremely heterogenous.

Arthurian is a Nordic-based ethnic group. Physically, they are characterised by a tendency towards blond hair, blue eyes, a taller-than average frame, and long faces. This is, of course, the stereotypical Arthurian; there are countless who break this mould.

d) What are the major religions among your population?:
Christianity is the primary religion of Arthuria. However, it is far from many of the forms of Christianity seen in Europe today. It is a blend of Quakerism and Christian Existentialism, and is more a way of life than it is an organised religion. If anything, it shares more similarities with Eastern religions such as Shinto and Zen Buddhism than it does with dominant Catholic or Protestant churches. It is certainly rooted more in philosophical discussion than in doctrinal Christianity, and so a visitor from abroad might have difficulty recognising typical Arthurian church services.

Other popular religions include Unitarianism, Humanism (though they might consider it rude to be labelled religious) and Seventh-Day Adventism.

e) What role do you see your nation fulfilling within the region?:
Essentially, hipster. Arthuria follows a policy of permanent, armed neutrality and has historically been isolated from most global affairs, or else disinterested (though not uninterested). It therefore actively avoids involvement in any serious matters of geopolitics and, due to its location and size, is left unharassed by others. When choosing to enter into international affairs, Arthuria must do so without compromising its neutrality, and it achieves this in four main ways:
  • Mediation: Arthuria offers its good offices to mediate between larger powers during wars or crises. It can also act as a protecting power to enable communication between countries who have otherwise cut diplomatic ties.
  • International Law: To the extent that any international legal system exists, Arthuria's impartiality has in the past made it the first choice for tribunals or attempts at codification. This is backed by the history of legal research amongst Arthuria's courts.
  • Global Commons: Arthuria is a country of activists, and it directs this energy towards issues of the global commons such as poverty reduction, sustainable development, peace and environmental protection. It feels it can do so because these issues affect all countries, and so it would not be a breach of the Declaration of Neutrality to support them.
  • Free Trade: Arthuria pushes for freer trade in order to lessen the burden of imports and to enable its high-tech exports, especially from the energy sector, to flourish.

Arthuria is also currently in the midst of a domestic debate about the role of its armed forces. Most argue that they should be retained in their purely defensive role, but some have proposed that the country is ideally placed to act as a peacekeeper or peace supporter in certain situations, if called upon by members of the international community.

f) Briefly describe your nation’s military (including size, role, branches, etc.):
Forsvars Strík is the Arthurian Self-Defence Force. It is based upon a small core of professional volunteers and brought up to full strength through the militia system, which involves the conscription of all 18 year olds (though a large minority of 18 year olds choose to serve their conscription in the civil service or gain exemption for other reasons). As a result of this structure, Forsvars Strík can field up to 2,001,984 soldiers of fighting age in the case of a ground invasion of the Isles (this is a higher estimate). For obvious reasons, this is unsustainable in any other situation, and so the regular strength of Forsvars Strík is 300,000 professionals and militia.

The military's role is purely defensive. They have never operated overseas and the only war in which they have been involved was Arthuria's civil war in 905 A.R. (1815 AD). Forsvars Strík uses locally-manufactured equipment as much as possible in order to facilitate self-sufficiency, a core of its defensive plan. Until 1106 A.R. (2016 AD), it possessed a small nuclear arsenal, seen as essential for deterrence against larger countries. Unilateral disarmament ended this brief era in Arthuria's military history, after a Popular Initiative saw the population turn against the concept. In a demonstration of Arthuria's defensive mindset, one pillar of their nuclear strategy - Tijr - would have involved the launch of its nuclear arsenal at the Isles in order to destroy all overrunning enemy forces and deny any strategic value that may have been gained by occupying the country.

Forsvars Strík is subdivided into four branches:
  • Jörðforsvars Strík (Ground Self-Defence Force): The G-SDF is the largest single service, at a regular strength of 195,000 militia and 20,000 professional soldiers. Their speciality is fighting in Arthuria's mountainous terrain and dense forests, and they field a number of unique units in order to do so, such as their ski battalions. Arthurian ground strategy involves the active defence of potential amphibious landing sites, retreat to the National Redoubt in the mountains, active defence of this mountainous fortress and constant raiding of enemy rear lines through littoral operations. Their equipment is modern, but not cutting-edge.
  • Marinienforsvars Strík (Maritime Self-Defence Force): The M-SDF is the second-largest service, at a regular strength of 40,000. Their role is primarily to defend the inviolability of Arthuria's territorial waters and, in the case of an invasion, to harass enemy naval units along the coast. They are also intended to be used to transport ground troops in case of a retreat from enemy amphibious landings. In peacetime, the M-SDF operates some vessels around the oceans as part of an ongoing mapping project, as well as to facilitate intelligence gathering on developing crises against which the government may need to affirm their neutrality. The M-SDF's fleet is relatively modern, but does not include any large warships; its largest combat vessels are a class of command ships, similar to the Danish Absalon-Class.
  • Luftforsvars Strík (Air Self-Defence Force): The A-SDF is the third-largest service. It comprises a regular strength of 25,000 largely professional servicepeople. Its role is to prevent an enemy from gaining aerial superiority and to use its own superiority to support the G-SDF's defensive operations. This includes harrying enemy rear lines. It is assumed that, due to its distance from any other landmass, Arthuria will hold air superiority in the case of an invasion. The air fleet is fairly modern (the frontline fighter is based of the F/A-18 Super Hornet) but is optimised for operations in Arthuria's difficult weather and terrain. The A-SDF also engages in space operations where possible, and so possesses some ASatMs.
  • Upníretningforsvars Strík (Information Self-Defence Force): The I-SDF is Arthuria's smallest service, at a regular strength of 20,000. Its mission is to defend Arthuria against cyber threats, to gather information on enemy operations, and to act as a peacetime foreign intelligence service. Their role in case of an invasion extends to reassuring the population and implementing evacuation measures by means of emergency communications. They will support the efforts of the remaining branches by engaging in electronic warfare.

g) Critically discuss the strengths of your nation (esp. military & economic) and how they may affect existing regional power structures:
I do not think that Arthuria will affect the regional power balance. It has both inherent and self-imposed weaknesses:
  • Isolation: Arthuria is geographically isolated and has decided to remain permanently neutral in all international conflicts. It has therefore forfeited any right to have a say on the regional power balance.
  • Strategic Insignificance: Arthuria is small, with few natural resources and no control over strategic waterways or other routes. It cannot wield these factors as hostages, nor can it attract the attention of more powerful countries.
  • Economic: Despite its generally stable and developed economy, Arthuria is affected disproportionately by global trade. It has emerged from recession in the last month, which was caused by a downturn in another country.
  • Political: Arthurian politics is currently divided between those who seek a more active (but still neutral) foreign policy and those who would retain the traditional non-intervention of the past. This debate is affecting the general public too.
  • Climate Change: Situated on the Antarctic Circle, Arthuria is victim to sudden weather changes. Harsh weather already hinders its citizens and economy to an extent, but is at least predictable.

h) If asked to reduce the strength of your nation, how would you do so?
I believe that Arthuria is already a relatively weak country, but these options could further weaken it:
  • Military: The pool of militia ready for call-up in case of an invasion could be reduced. The level of fortification in the National Redoubt could also be lessened.
  • Economic: The prevalence of domestic industries could be reduced. The liberal reforms could face stronger opposition from the other parties in the Storting and Folkting. The last recession could be extended so that it is still in effect.
  • Political: The divide in politics could be deeper and taint other projects. This divide could also be deeper amongst the population, dragging the government in directions they do not desire.

IC Geographical/resource

General lists, we don't expect you to know all the details before joining and getting a map place.
a) What does your nation excel in exporting:
  • Financial services. This industry is a combination of Swiss secrecy laws and regulation and Arthuria's tendency towards socially responsible capitalism.
  • Research and development. This focuses on high-end electronics and mechanical engineering.
  • Armaments. Primarily for sale to the Arthurian government, some equipment is exported.
  • Ship-building. Arthuria is particularly known for being a major constructor of icebreakers.
  • Energy. Particularly tidal energy platforms, geothermal technology, hydroelectric and carbon capture.
  • Fish.
  • Beverages. Primarily these include rye whiskey and clear spirits. Multiple 'health soft drinks' are exported too.
  • Agricultural products. Cattle, dairy, barley and rye make up the majority of these exports.

b) What does your nation need to import?:
Almost all raw materials and consumer goods need to be imported.

c) What is your country self sufficient on?:
Most of the main export areas are also areas of self-sufficiency. Energy and armaments are the most valuable areas in this regard, and the government either subsidises them or acts as their primary customer.

d) What is your preferred location on the regional map?
As discussed, Arthuria would sit well on the Antarctic Circle to the west of the peninsular jutting out of the Antarctic continent. The Arthurian Archipelago looks like this.

Regional history

a) Were you recommended to Ajax?:

b) Roleplay history
The above answers contain most of my roleplays and other country-development posts. Below are some of the ones which I particularly like:
  • On Tea - my first story and still my favourite. It is the greatest reflection of Arthuria's character.
  • On Bureaucracy - a military-inspired story, and an attempt at dark humour.
  • On Sorrow - an emotionally-driven story.



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