Repercussions- (Time Travel, Sci-Fi, WB, Signups, OOC) -DEAD

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Repercussions- (Time Travel, Sci-Fi, WB, Signups, OOC) -DEAD

Postby Talchyon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:30 pm

"An object in motion tends to stay in motion, unless acted on by an outside force. This basic law of motion usually refers to friction, air resistance, you know, the standard, run-of-the-mill, elementary examples used in the lowest levels of physics instruction...

"But what about something that's not an object that's in motion? What if it's a plan that's in motion, a dangerous plan, the ideas of a madman with some pretty serious tech and funds at his disposal? What if his plan is going to significantly change aspects of the past, by robbery, by murder, no matter the consequences to the present? What then?...

"Yeah. I get it. There are no natural laws of science that apply directly to plans. And this is way beyond elementary level physics. I don't begin to say I understand all of it. But I do get the fact that if this nut succeeds, we may not have this present time left. And that is extremely dangerous to everyone. To history.

"This plan that's in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. And friends? We are that outside force. We are the only ones who can stop it. God help us..."

- Vice Admiral James Grant, USSN, UNESCO


This is the OOC page.
If you want to see the original Interest page, click here
IC page

Pre-Insertion Lab


UN Resolution A/RES/85/1
Never in the history of mankind was there such a scientific uproar as in the closing weeks of 2029. What started as a little-regarded routine observation done in the particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland, turned out to be the greatest scientific discovery in the whole of creation. After physicists from CERN published their findings, which was promptly and reasonably ignored by the scientific community as a whole, a professor of mathematics from the University of Delft downloaded them to test some of his models. It was nothing but the readings from a public showcasing of the accelerator, smashing two positively charged hydrogen atoms together as a demonstration.

This man, Dr. Majoon Tanta, through the use of various models and quite a monster of a computer, figured out that on the level of the most fundamental particles, there was a 0.0005% chance that entropy ‘failed’. In 0.0005% of cases, the second law of thermodynamics did not apply to the most basic of particles. This had not been discovered before because of the monstrous amount of brain power needed to complete the equations at play, but when it was, it caused a tsunami-like ripple that not only shocked the scientific community, but the entire public. It did not take long for all kinds of scientific magazines took up the claims of the Indonesian professor. Of course, as per the scientific method, all manner of scientists tried taking pot shots at the hypothesis put forward by Dr. Tanta, but one by one, they fell for the undeniable truth of the Tanta Equation. Indeed, entropy had a margin of error, which scientists dubbed the ‘Delft Margin’.

Now this discovery would have been enough on its own, but the Tanta Equation and the Delft Margin were taken one step further. Physicist and mathematician Dr. Enrico J. Aldebrandi of Italy took an even more monstrous computer, and an even more gigantic equation, and used it to compile what we now know as the Aldebrandi Principle: that time is not a variable within the Delft Margin. In short: time does not work in 0.0005% of fundamental quark interactions. When taking the Tanta Equation and the Aldebrandi Principle together, the scientist hypothesised, time travel would be possible on the very smallest of scales. This began a flurry of emails sent between Tanta and Aldebrandi, a collaboration in which they worked out all the finer details of their combined hypotheses. The Gravin Formula, named after the pub in which they met, would set the stage for a new decade of scientific advancements.

This wasn’t all taken very seriously by the Powers that Be in the world, until the two managed to apply the Gravin Formula in real life. Using the particle accelerator at CERN, Drs. Aldebrandi and Tanta managed to transport a quark, an electron, and finally, a hydrogen atom, a millisecond into the future, on December 27th 2029. Then, the world really kicked into gear. At a meeting of the UN General Assembly in 2030, UN Resolution A/RES/85/1 was passed, clearing the way for a combined multi-national effort in researching the Gravin Phenomena. Money, scientists and equipment from all over the world poured in, paving the way for the UN Thermodynamic Research Institute, the first of its kind. Headed by Drs. Tanta and Aldebrandi, the institute used the combined knowledge of the world to kick-start research into the Gravin Phenomena.

From there on, things really kicked into gear. In the summer of 2030, the UN-TRI managed to transport a hydrogen atom one second into the future. In December, they transported a hydrogen atom a millisecond into the past. In April 2032, they got a small cluster of hydrogen a second into the past. And in December 2033, three years after the first successful experiment, the UN-TRI was successful in fusing a hydrogen atom with itself, two seconds into the past, thus creating the world’s first intertemporal helium atom. A statue of this atom still graces the front lobby of the UN-TRI headquarters in Geneva.

Of course, humanity cannot be charged with the crime of having too little ambition, and with the push of Dr. Tanta, the UN-TRI headquarters looked on. While Dr. Aldebrandi was more interested in the small-scale, perfecting the methods they had, and doing their research on the small scale, Dr. Tanta seemed obsessed with the sci-fi tech of actual time travel. This caused a rift within UN-TRI, with a few branches devoted to the small-scale operations, and the other aiming for the stars. The latter was funded mostly directly by the various governments of Earth, all of whom had an interest in this piece of scientific play.
The media didn’t help this rift as well. They reported grandly on every scientific leap made by Dr. Tanta, while shoving Dr. Aldebrandi to the side a bit. In 2035, when Dr. Aldebrandi found the solution to the Grandfather Paradox on an atomic level (for those interested: time travel severs the link a particle has with causality, thus breaking the thermodynamic chain), Dr. Tanta sent a nanite back a week into the future to observe its own creation. The world adored Dr. Tanta for his efforts, and more funds were sent his way. Meanwhile, Dr. Aldebrandi was praised by the scientific community but not as big a celebrity to the general public as Dr. Tanta.

The biggest breakthrough of 2036 was actually made by Dr. Aldebrandi. Namely, he established a small but permanent connection with a point in the future, transmitting a constant stream of photons to a moment ten seconds in the future, allowing light to create interference patterns with itself. The quantum mechanical community was shocked, outraged, and in the end, thankful for this advancement in their field. However, this piece of the puzzle was the last Dr. Tanta needed. He took the technology, widened the connection so radio waves could pass through, and for the second time in history, the moon landing was broadcasted live for all to see. From this point on, in the eyes of the public, Dr. Aldebrandi faded into obscurity, while Dr. Tanta became a scientific celebrity. He began to pick up other radio signals, especially those that carried famous speeches, such as the speech of Chamberlain at the start of World War 2, the speech of Martin Luther King, and the first Sputnik broadcast. This was the final piece he needed to complete his masterpiece.

Over the next four years, Dr. Tanta worked tirelessly on his device, which he dubbed the Tempus-Machine, in order to get it running. For it, he built giant magnets to create containment fields, the largest particle accelerator the world had ever seen, a whole laboratory and a construction yard for various devices, and a fusion reactor to power it all. In a final touch of megalomania, he built it outside Jerusalem, so that it might stand as the testament of human ingenuity in the face of conflict. By early 2040, the Tempus-machine was ready for large-scale time travel projects. Using the machine, Tanta sent back a small rover-like vehicle to 1274 BC, proving once and for all that Rameses II had lost the battle fought at Khadesh.

This was the final straw for the UN. Dr. Aldebrandi, with the help of the scientific community, had pressured the UN for years to put a stop to Dr. Tanta’s work. At first, the UN did not comply, fearing popular backlash, but when the images of Khadesh were released to the public, the UN took a stand. At first, they ordered Tanta to stop his work, but when he did not comply, they issued an international warrant for his arrest. Perhaps this was another reason why he had built his device in Israel, because the Israeli government was incredibly slow to comply with the order. Eventually, the prime minster gave in, and an international peacekeeping task force was assembled to put an end to Project Tempus. When the task force finally reached the inner workings of the building, Dr. Tanta was gone, together with a large portion of his staff, much of his technology, and with clear signs that the machine had been activated.

So how does Time Travel work in this RP? First, understand that Time Travel in this RP is still in the early stages for the world. There is going to be some trial and error with regards to figuring out what will help those who do travel, to do so well. But here are a few things that have been learned and also developed.

  1. Time Travel affects your system. Any insertion (sending a person back in time) or extraction (calling a person back from the past) makes a person dizzy, nauseous and weak for at least several minutes (though some have the unfortunate consequence of these side effects lasting longer, up to a half-hour after time travelling.
  2. It is more expensive to send insertions into the future than into the past. While the costs of Time Travel are quite high regardless, and therefore subsidized by governmental and U.N. grants, it requires a higher concentration of radioactive and potentially deadly materials to insert people into the future. And that takes up more funds than Dr. Aldebrandi is willing to us. That means, Dr. Aldebrandi refuses to insert people into the future to see "what's next".
    However, it is feared by many in the upper ranks of the U.N. that inserting into the future is precisely Dr. Tanta's aim - to not only peek ahead at what's coming, but to gain resources, weapons, soldiers, biological weapons of mass destruction, advanced tech, who knows what else... Which may be why he is inserting his own recruits into the past to steal precious treasures.
  3. Temporal Shielding. Changing the past means that the present is in grave danger. What if one of your ancestors was tragically killed before he or she had the children that made up the rest of your family line? What if a country was driven to great poverty, so much so that they could not later provide your project's funding? To help keep things sane, Dr. Aldebrandi developed temporal shielding. This device, worn as a wristband, keeps the wearer from suffering the repercussions that the rest of the world faces, up to a month in-character-time (wherever and whenever that character may be). Each recruit on either side will have one. You don't want to get it broken...
  4. Temporal Beacons. Each traveler will carry up up to two Temporal Beacons. Each beacon is roughly the size of a large grapefruit, with 8 tungsten covered plates that encircle a variant distance stabilizer and a quantum core. (See below for schematics).
    Each beacon has a timer built in with the right delay and encoded information about their coordinates, which is timed to begin transmitting after June 2, 2040. That way, they won't waste power or energy broadcasting a signal that won't get picked up for possibly thousands of years...
    Eachtemporal beacon will also have a callsign that must be programmed that ensures that the party who is asking to be extracted is the same party that went.
    The beacons are synchronized together, so that each beacon will begin transmitting information chronologically at least 24 hours after the previous beacon (e.g., one beacon goes off June 2, 2040. The next goes off June 3, 2040. The first beacon may be from 19th century China and the second from the 800's in France, but each will begin transmission in 2040 chronologically. This will help Dr. Allegrandi keep his sanity. It ensures that he won't wake up one day and see 500 distress beacons going off at once).
    Encoded in the beacon are the coordinates of where and when the beacon is, and the exact time of where and when the inserted party want to be picked up from those coordinates. Both of these coordinates are going to be broadcast from the beacons at the programmed time. The reason is, in case a beacon is found and then moved by someone else, say, a 20th archaeologist, it will still be able to broadcast the co-ordinates of where and when the travelers want to be picked up from.
    Forthis reason, temporal beacons will be well-protected, locked, impervious to fire and uncoded opening.
  5. Time Vaults. As soon as the agents are done with a mission, they bury a signal beacon somewhere deep and safe, somewhere where the general public won't notice. These vaults need to be prepared (about a half-hour's worth of work IC), giving support and ensuring that no interference will block the signals.
  6. Medical Procedures needed before Insertions and after Extractions. Before each insertion, every traveler needs an advanced medical scan and special treatments. This is not only to ensure that the travelers do not wind up with the Black Plague, but also because entire populations and civilizations can be wiped out by coming into contact with the germs and bacteria carried by the travelers. The treatments suppress the spread of bacteria and germs, prevent them from spreading, but only for a single day. After travelers are extracted and brought to the present, they will again need to go through medical scans and treatments.
  7. Language issues. Traveling to different cultures and civilizations in history may require you to understand the language. The problem is, no machine has been built yet that can adequately translate languages. Some come close, but even these are not up to par as of yet. For that reason, each insertion team (from either Dr. Tanta's recruits of time bandits, or from Dr. Aldebrandi's recruits who are trying to protect the time stream) will be accompanied by an NPC interpreter and scholar in the languages needed. The NPC translator characters are open for anyone to use in your posts as needed.
  8. Programming the Tempus-machine. The Tempus-machine (i.e., the time machine) can be programmed to extract a team not to the temporal present (June, 2040), but to another time period in the past. This can be done so that a team who accomplishes their task (robbery, or protecting the time stream) can then move on to another place and time, for their next task. Once the temporal generator is programmed, it will bring any group at the programmed coordinates to the next point and time, unless for whatever reason it is reprogrammed in the temporal present while the team is away.

Welcome to Repercussions! This is a different kind of RP. Our theme is different - time travel. Our method is going to be a lot of "Sandbox" and "Worldbuilding." That's because our world is going to become different with each change in the past.

Any instance of time travel has the potential to cause problems for the present time. In other words, mess with the past, and the past will mess with you. But in Repercussions, the past will be messed with (inadvertently, or on purpose). And as the title indicates, there will be changes made to the present time. Some may be very minor, and inconsequential. Some will be very major. What changes that happen will come as a result of your character's actions, and the actions of Dr. Tanta and his recruits. What will this mean? I don't know. But I'm interested in finding out. The reason I put it this way, is that you will also have a big hand in creating the changes that the present time goes through as a result of actions taken in the past.

OP - That would be me, Talchyon. I promise that I will try to be active, to be fair, and to listen to your ideas. If I feel that we need to go in another direction than your suggestion, I will try to be polite about it and ask the same from you. We're in this together.
Co-OP - Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States

Medical Lab #1


  1. I, Talchyon, am the OP. I have final say in determining the direction this RP goes.
  2. However. I also do not want to abuse this, because I am very interested in the contributions everyone else makes. I have been very impressed with all the thought that has gone into all of the suggestions that have been raised in the Interest thread.
  3. The Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States is the Co-Op. His role will be to assist me in my OP duties. If I am unavailable to interact due to busy-ness, Commonwealths will step in.
  4. There are various ideas and theories about time travel. I'm generally open to them all. But that said, this RP is called Repercussions for a reason. There will be repercussions that take affect for actions done in the past.
  5. What these repercussions will be, is not up for me to decide. Nor is it up to any one player. Instead, around the time of each extraction, or at any other time where it is deemed necessary, ideas will be submitted on this OOC page. After some discussion, the best-argued idea will win out. If there is a tie or if there is other need, I as the OP and Commonwealths as Co-op will decide.
  6. Be respectful to other players in the OOC. Whatever the characters do and however they interact, they are not us.
  7. The rating is PG-13. I for one do not like profanity and may ask you by telegram to tone it down if I feel it gets out of hand. Also, there will be no - absolutely no - scenes that have to fade to black. If boys are blue and girls are pink, there will be no "purpling." (Or "blue-ing" or "pink-ing" - this is not the RP for that).
  8. Due to the sensitivity and deeply held beliefs of many people in the world, we are not going to take on religious themes such as the killing of Jesus Christ before His crucifixion, the assassination of Mohammed in his childhood, or so on. These kinds are off-limits.
  9. If your character goes inactive and is crucial to the plot arc, he or she will be co-opted by the OP, the Co-op, or any other player so designated, to control that inactive character until such a time as is needed.
  10. If for some reason you go inactive, and do not respond to communication either by telegram or on the OOC page, the OP reserves the right to give your character away to someone else, or to kill that character off. If you like your character, be active and post.
  11. The OP will determine at what points and times a character is declared inactive. I will completely understand times when life gets busy. Just let us know here on the OOC page if you have to be away for awhile, and for how long.
  12. I encourage you to read the History of Time Travel above. However, it is not necessary to participate in this RP.
  13. You should, however, read the "Aspects of Time Travel" in the spoiler above. That knowledge will be very important and crucial to understand what is needed for each time insertion and extraction.
  14. When you post, please put your character's name, and the place/time at the beginning (so we all know where your character is. It can get tricky in keeping track of time travel interactions otherwise).
  15. The standard RP rules against godmodding, metagaming, etc.
  16. Let's have some fun!

Operator's Station


The date this RP begins, and the date which is the "temporal present," is June, 2040.

There are two groups who are inserting teams into the past. The first is the group led by wanted felon, Dr. Majoon Tanta. His group desires to steal priceless artifacts and treasures from history, in order to acquire the needed funding to make a time insertion into the future. Dr. Tanta's reasons for this are speculated, but not currently known. Dr. Tanta and his group have indicated that they have no remorse about whatever damages to the timestream they cause.

The second group is led by Dr. Enrico Aldebrandi. This researcher and his team are backed and funded by the United Nations, as well as receiving contributions from other independent countries and private individuals all worried about the effects of time travel and the damage caused by Dr. Tanta. They will travel by temporal insertions to stop Dr. Tanta's team, prevent damage to the time stream, and bring Dr. Tanta to justice.

Physicists, biologists, chemists, lawyers, historians, linguists, anthropologists, politicians, soldiers… All have united in a common cause. No matter the nation of origin, no matter the general opinion, all believe it their sworn duty to put an end to this travesty. No man should misuse that kind of power without punishment. No man should be so careless with his own possibilities.

This is Operation Repercussions

Code: Select all

[b][i]Faction:[/i][/b]  (Are you on the mad scientist felon's side - Tanta; or the side of the group dedicated to keeping the timestream intact - Aldegrandi?  A simple (A) or (T) will suffice).
[b][i]Appearance: (A link or image is preferable)[/i][/b]


[i][b]Skills[/b][/i]: (Note - More than combat skills will be needed.  If your character is an expert at an assault rifle, it doesn't mean it's going to be wise for him to use this ability in, say, ancient Sparta.  A wide variety of skills and abilities will be valued and put to use.  It will be up to you to decide what skills you think would help.)

[b][i]Equipment:[/i][/b] (Note - The world is at a near-future tech level.  The date is June, 2040.  This means that many of the weapons and devices that are around, are basically similar to weaponry that exists now.  There are also a few advanced weapons and gadgets around that have been researched since the mid 2010's.  But it's not going to be too much out of the ordinary.  I will decide any new weapons that are acceptable for each one that is suggested.  I recommend having a limit of at most two higher-grade weapons than what we have available now.)

[b][i]RP Sample: (A link to the post will suffice)[/i][/b]

[b][i]What are this character's strengths?:[/i][/b]
[b][i]What are this character's weaknesses?:[/i][/b]

[i][b]What knowledge or experience can you (the player) bring to help the details of this RP (e.g., fields in science, history, language, etc.)?[/b][/i]

[b][i]How much time are you (the player) willing to commit to this RP in a typical week?[/i][/b]

[b][i]What historical civilizations or eras would you like the RP to travel to?[/i][/b]

Keep for tracking purposes:  #12-04

Schematics of the Temporal Beacon (close to scale)


Giving thanks where thanks is due:
Special thanks go to The Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States for his detailed work in creating and writing the backstory and history of time travel. Also for some great ideas, such as how the temporal banks work.

Special thanks also goes to Riysa for his ideas, his writing and his willingness in running the main villain, Dr. Tanta.

Thanks to all who contributed ideas and suggestions to make this work in the Interest page. There is a lot of talent and creativity here, and I can't wait to see it used in this RP.
Last edited by Talchyon on Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
The Clockwork Circus - Welcome to a steampunk RP rife with crime, gangs, beggars, and starting off as the lowest of the low, in the lowest socio-economic place there is.

Louisianan wrote:Talchyon has great comedic writing, that is true.

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Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Talchyon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:30 pm

Temporal Monitoring Room


Accepted Characters:
Dr. Majoon Tanta and his Recruits of Temporal Bandits (aka - the "bad" guys)
    -Kyle Wright - Cautious, rational, well-equipped, does not do well in stressful situations. Played by Hank J Wimbleton.
    -Kim Jung Yeon - Strong, able to endure, and conniving. A dedicated Communist. Can become berserk and careless. Endures continual pains due to earlier wounds. Born in the early 20th century. Good at speaking English, Korean, Japanese, Russian, and Indonesian. Played by The Federation of Kendor.
    -David Ward - Former orphan who grew up to be a Marine. Excels at engineering and computer skills. Can speak English (native) and Russian fluently, some Polish and Korean. Also can be stealthy. Has a phobia of fire. Played by Republic of the Cristo.
    -Dr. Peter Mackintosh - Child prodigy grown up to become a Theoretical Astrophysicist. Near-genius levels of intelligence. A researcher on Dr. Majoon Tanta's original team, Dr. Mackintosh disappeared with the rest when things were getting tight with the U.N. Poor self-esteem, social anxiety, and an inferiority complex. He will try to limit his team's damage done to the timestream. Played by Dernland.
    -Agneta Sjöman - Born in 1690 and rescued from history. Excels at seamanship, reading nautical maps and charts, fencing. She is better at firearms from her times, but appreciates the technical advantage of modern weapons. Has had experience as a rare female captain of a ship of the line and can handle lesser ships and boats. Extremely attractive. Is not against using dirty tricks in a fight or confrontation. Greedy to the core. Is used to people following her orders and gets furious when they won't. Played by Barapam.
    -Giuseppe Archo - An Italian assassin who has worked for the highest bidder. In Dr. Tanta's case, the high bid was the opportunity to see things and histories that a poor Italian boy would never have been able to. An expert soldier and marksman, but not academically inclined and struggles with reading. Can speak Italian (native) and English fluently, and some Chinese. Played by Sphinxatopd.

Dr. Enrico Aldegrandi's team of Timestream Preservers (aka - the "good" guys)
    -Capt. Paul Montgomery - Experienced leader, tactician, fighter, and well-read historian. Born in Virginia in the 19th century. Does not do well with most modern technology and gets frustrated if he has to use it. Speaks English and German fluently. Reads Latin and ancient Greek fluently. Played by Brusia.
    -James Tarkin - Well-studied historian and linguist, yet has also picked up some fight training. Curious to explore time periods and may get distracted. Not an overpowering build. Works well with others. Sometimes leaps before he looks. Speaks English (native), French (native), German and Arabic fluently. Played by New Roman Empire.
    -Alexia Setiawan - Calculated, focused and calm. But a risk-taker and can be reckless. Good in combat and skilled at computer hacking. Speaks English (native), Indonesian (native), and a very little of Mandarin. Played by Altito Asmoro.
    -Naomi Holzman - Mossad Black Ops operative and a former Israeli army soldier. Trained in combat and languages. Highly effective, can work well in groups or solo. Prone to taking risks bordering on recklessness. May not work well with people from some nationalities. Speaks Hebrew (native), English (native), Arabic (native) and Persian (native). Played by Dayganistan.
    -Alexander Hathin - A historian and photographer. Can speak English (native) and Tagalog fluently, and some German. Not good in combat. Played by Vulkata II.
    -Luken Gorka - Involved early in the time travel research by pioneering key legal opinions and standards. Personally knows both Drs. Aldegrandi and Tanta. Is closely connected to the U.N., and knows all about the legal situations that time travel presents. Not a fighter. Sees good on both sides and sometimes has difficulties reconciling his current assignment with his legal sensibilities. Played by Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States.
    -Gayle Concture - A historian and archer. Idealistic. Can speak English (native) and German fluently. Also has skills with hatchets. Played by Whalestron.
Last edited by Talchyon on Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:30 am, edited 8 times in total.
The Clockwork Circus - Welcome to a steampunk RP rife with crime, gangs, beggars, and starting off as the lowest of the low, in the lowest socio-economic place there is.

Louisianan wrote:Talchyon has great comedic writing, that is true.

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Posts: 5825
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Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Talchyon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:31 pm

These are places that players have expressed an interest in exploring in the RP:

Ancient Rome (with a request for Late Rome)
Ancient Egypt
Ancient India (Khadesh)
Byzantine Empire
The Aztec and Maya Empires
Mesopotamian (Babylonian, Assyrian, Mede-Persians)
The Persian Empire
Beginning of the Celts (4th - 5th cent. B.C.) (This is the approx. time the Celts came to Britain)
Ancient Greece (especially 356 - 323 B.C., Alexander the Great's time)
Three Kingdoms (China) era (i.e., 220-280 A.D.)
Early Germanic
Early British
Viking Age (c. late 700's - mid 1000's A.D.)
The Dark Ages
Medieval Europe (one request for particularly Russia in order to communize them early)
The Crusades (1095 - 1291 A.D.)
Mongol Empire (1206 - 1368 A.D.) Special emphasis requested for the Pax Mongolica (allowed silk trade routes, think Marco Polo)
Mali Golden age (1240 - 1400 A.D.)
Mamelukes taking control of Egpytian sultanate (1250 - ruled to 1517 A.D.)
Ottoman era (began in 1299 A.D.)
The Renaissance
The Roanoke colony (1585 - 1590 A.D.) - What happened that this colony was deserted?
The Tokugawa Shogunate - (1603 - 1867 A.D.) - The last feudal Japanese military government.
Europe in the 1600s and the 1700s
English Civil War (1642 - 1651 A.D.) (Replaced English monarchy with 1st,the commonwealth of England, then the protectorate governed by Oliver Cromwell)
Imperial Russia (1613 - 1917)
Colonial America
American Revolution
French Revolution
Napoleononic Era
18th - 19th century Indonesia
Victorian era - (1837 - 1901 A.D.)
The Meiji Restoration - (1868) - A chain of events that restored practical imperial rule to Japan in 1868 under Emperor Meiji.
The American old west (mid to late 1800's A.D.)
World War I (also this war from the German perspective)
Post WWI Germany
Warlord Era in China (1916 - 1928 A.D.)
World War II
The Cold War (c. 1945-1980). With a request for Soviet Russia.
Vietnam War
1980's, to kill Mikhail Gorbachev
Communist Afghanistan (1978 - 1989)
Iran-Iraq War (1980 - 1988)
Last edited by Talchyon on Sat Jan 07, 2017 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Clockwork Circus - Welcome to a steampunk RP rife with crime, gangs, beggars, and starting off as the lowest of the low, in the lowest socio-economic place there is.

Louisianan wrote:Talchyon has great comedic writing, that is true.

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Posts: 5825
Founded: May 05, 2016
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Talchyon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:31 pm


Alexandria -
For Dr. Tanta's team: Mr. Ahkmad Hemet, fluent in Latin, can speak some Egyptian
For Dr. Aldegrandi's team: Mr. Geoffrey Ahmadi, fluent in Latin and Egyptian.

Latin is a dead language. Thus, speaking Latin however is different from reading Latin, and will take some effort on the parts of both translators.
Last edited by Talchyon on Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Clockwork Circus - Welcome to a steampunk RP rife with crime, gangs, beggars, and starting off as the lowest of the low, in the lowest socio-economic place there is.

Louisianan wrote:Talchyon has great comedic writing, that is true.

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New Roman Empire
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Postby New Roman Empire » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:38 pm

App coming soon.
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Democratic East-Asia
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Postby Democratic East-Asia » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:45 pm

Revolutionary Communist State set in Asia. PMT.
NS stats are not used.
Actively funding left-wing "terrorist" organizations since its founding.

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Postby Barapam » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:54 pm

Tag! Tanta would be wise to attack the Mali kingdom for gold, but I don't know much about the Mali kingdom...
"nah man the path to true freedom is tsarist national bolshevik posadist monarchism with Japanese influence as is practised in Barapam." - Vladilan

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The Irish County of the Beare-Mor
Posts: 1379
Founded: Apr 12, 2016

App WIP (Will finish later)

Postby The Irish County of the Beare-Mor » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:56 pm

Name:Bryant Clinton
Faction: A
Appearance: (A link or image is preferable) Will find later.

Bio:Will make Later

Skills: Swordmanship, and markmanship. He is a collector of sorts, and he can use many weapons, however, only averagely. Not an expert level.

Equipment: A simple one handed sword and a pistol. Colt .45.
RP Sample:

What are this character's strengths?:
What are this character's weaknesses?:

What knowledge or experience can you (the player) bring to help the details of this RP (e.g., fields in science, history, language, etc.)?

How much time are you (the player) willing to commit to this RP in a typical week?

What historical civilizations or eras would you like the RP to travel to?

Keep for tracking purposes: #12-04
Last edited by The Irish County of the Beare-Mor on Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Member of The Council of the Multiverse community. Click me to find out more!

"Want more comedy in your RP? Join "The Infinites!", the lamest group of D-level heroes who are out to save the day. Still open and still seeking players. OOC and IC

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Postby Riysa » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:14 pm

Reporting in. I hope everyone has fun in this RP - I can certainly say we all put good thought and effort into making this a thing. :)

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Brusia » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:10 pm

Tag, will start on an app ASAP :) (By the way, was it decided that temporal agents could be MIAs from throughout history, or will they all be from the current RP time?)

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Postby Talchyon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:15 pm

Brusia wrote:Tag, will start on an app ASAP :) (By the way, was it decided that temporal agents could be MIAs from throughout history, or will they all be from the current RP time?)

I am fine if temporal agents were MIA's throughout history. They can also be from this time.
The Clockwork Circus - Welcome to a steampunk RP rife with crime, gangs, beggars, and starting off as the lowest of the low, in the lowest socio-economic place there is.

Louisianan wrote:Talchyon has great comedic writing, that is true.

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The Irish County of the Beare-Mor
Posts: 1379
Founded: Apr 12, 2016

Postby The Irish County of the Beare-Mor » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:19 pm

Talchyon wrote:
Brusia wrote:Tag, will start on an app ASAP :) (By the way, was it decided that temporal agents could be MIAs from throughout history, or will they all be from the current RP time?)

I am fine if temporal agents were MIA's throughout history. They can also be from this time.

Do I need a rp example?
Member of The Council of the Multiverse community. Click me to find out more!

"Want more comedy in your RP? Join "The Infinites!", the lamest group of D-level heroes who are out to save the day. Still open and still seeking players. OOC and IC

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Postby Talchyon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:23 pm

The Irish County of the Beare-Mor wrote:
Talchyon wrote:
I am fine if temporal agents were MIA's throughout history. They can also be from this time.

Do I need a rp example?

I would like one. Feel free to use one from Mikhail in our other RP. Ha ha.
The Clockwork Circus - Welcome to a steampunk RP rife with crime, gangs, beggars, and starting off as the lowest of the low, in the lowest socio-economic place there is.

Louisianan wrote:Talchyon has great comedic writing, that is true.

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Hank J Wimbleton
Posts: 2036
Founded: Sep 14, 2013

Postby Hank J Wimbleton » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:23 pm

*Witty snark comment about having lurked for a creepily long period of time*

He's a universal blood donor, doesn't have Toxoplasmosa Ghandi, has no allergies and is also a hypochondriac?

Name: Kyle Wright
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Faction: T
Appearance: Images are generally not what you're looking for, imply different things to different people, and are messy to search for, when you know there's something better out there.

181 centimetres in height, BMI of 19, 64.1 kilograms of weight (borderline underweight). Young, nigh unemployable government employee, yo. Western European facial structure; French-Chinese ancestry, with Korean and Roman bloodlines. Tanned to mildly pale skin, with a lack of body hair (too much information? Well screw you). Lanky and tall appearance, brown to hazel eyes, dull blonde hair with brown streaks. High-set cheekbones, ring finger is approximately 3 millimetres longer than the index finger at neutral "straight-splayed" position (knife hand karate chop). He has a "long" business-man cut haircut. Fingernails are decently manicured, but without extraneus treatment beyond careful cutting.

Bio: Born to a second-generation immigrant family in Washington (immigrated during the Second World War), Kyle was always treated somewhat differently; though not stigmatised or racially excluded at school. His ancestry generally brought up questions about which side of his ancestry he more identified with, but for the most part this was only the occasional event. He excelled within extracurricular activites, such as woodworking, cooking and such, but generally only garnered basic, neutral marks for the rest of his subjects; in particular lacking any motivation or skill within his extra languages, though he consistently got excellent marks for his tests; being great at studying.

Kyle, as true to his parents' culture, had a lot expected of him. He got a job at a McDonalds establishment quite early; eventually going into a law career (he had some connections), and made himself well known as the lanky, extroverted guy who everyone knew, but nobody knew really well. He was pretty much average in nearly every regard; up until the point at which he was inducted into a local government program, medically screened, and deemed an excellent candidate for time travel due to his body.

Did I mention that he he's a universal blood donor, doesn't have Toxoplasmosa Ghandi, has no allergies, possesses a highly efficient metabolism, has a photographic memory and is also a hypochondriac?

Yeah. Fairly certain I said that.

Skills: Cooking a mean and abusive, potentially childhood-trauma related behaviourally inhibited anti-social spaghetti, woodworking, masonry, art and playing the piano, viola and the Starcraft II.

Equipment: Several handbooks for flora and fauna that may be dangerous or useful, a collection of water-filtering straws, a large "grid sheet" of canvas-like plastic which can be torn in several directions and put back together using a water-based solvent, a roll of industrial-grade duct-tape, a rope and a multi-purpose airtight, insulated container. A pencil, a waterproof notebook, a waterproof pen, a corrosion-proof titanium knife and a solar-powered strobe/beam torch.


A taser rifle with up to three charges, that can be recharged using a manual generator. Gotta make sure he has some way of defending himself against the first stray rabbit he sees.

RP Sample:

What are this character's strengths?: Cautious and rational; poly-qualified individual.
What are this character's weaknesses?: Bad in stressful situations and more physical activities. This guy probably couldn't even wheelie over that rock. That bet's on. Fifteen bucks he can't wheelie over that rock.

What knowledge or experience can you (the player) bring to help the details of this RP (e.g., fields in science, history, language, etc.)? Large amounts of research into quantum mechanics and temporal mechanics (But, admittedly, very little depth or understanding), as well as a lot of applied physics. Why, you might ask?

The story involves people with chitin for skin and a debate over whether they'd be laser-proof, a load of dimensional and temporal cross-referencing between several pre-existing universes and franchises, and a discussion about whether a two dimensional character would be considered more powerful than a taco.

I also may have calculated the force of a 50. caliber Barrett bullet around seventeen times by now in my spare time.

I might not have.

You never know...

How much time are you willing to commit to this RP in a typical week? As much as I need to. I'm on holidays for a long while. I basically monitor the threads for the entire day, and if anything comes up, I just post ASAP. If you really need to know, it takes me about 15 minutes to 30 minutes to write a post in its entirety; maybe less it it's a short one (4 decently sized paragraphs or fewer).

What historical civilizations or eras would you like the RP to travel to? Rome.

Keep for tracking purposes: #12-04
I have gazed beyond the bounds of infinity, the folds of reality that keep us entombed in disillusion, hiding us from the treasures of ultimate knowledge, and thus, ultimate power.

If knowledge is power, then we are all powerless and the universe is god.

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The Irish County of the Beare-Mor
Posts: 1379
Founded: Apr 12, 2016

Postby The Irish County of the Beare-Mor » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:26 pm

Talchyon wrote:
The Irish County of the Beare-Mor wrote:Do I need a rp example?

I would like one. Feel free to use one from Mikhail in our other RP. Ha ha.

Just making sure, but I have a different idea for an example.

I'll finish the app, eventually. Just my luck: Work, school, head of an extracurricular activity at school, and I am trying to write a story as well as do the 4 or so rp's on NS, and in school I am taking college level physics.

Anyway, imma go ahead and add the example to my app.
Member of The Council of the Multiverse community. Click me to find out more!

"Want more comedy in your RP? Join "The Infinites!", the lamest group of D-level heroes who are out to save the day. Still open and still seeking players. OOC and IC

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Posts: 5825
Founded: May 05, 2016
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Talchyon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:30 pm

Hank J Wimbleton wrote:*Witty snark comment about having lurked for a creepily long period of time*

He's a universal blood donor, doesn't have Toxoplasmosa Ghandi, has no allergies and is also a hypochondriac?

Name: Kyle Wright
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Faction: T
Appearance: Images are generally not what you're looking for, imply different things to different people, and are messy to search for, when you know there's something better out there.

181 centimetres in height, BMI of 19, 64.1 kilograms of weight (borderline underweight). Young, nigh unemployable government employee, yo. Western European facial structure; French-Chinese ancestry, with Korean and Roman bloodlines. Tanned to mildly pale skin, with a lack of body hair (too much information? Well screw you). Lanky and tall appearance, brown to hazel eyes, dull blonde hair with brown streaks. High-set cheekbones, ring finger is approximately 3 millimetres longer than the index finger at neutral "straight-splayed" position (knife hand karate chop). He has a "long" business-man cut haircut. Fingernails are decently manicured, but without extraneus treatment beyond careful cutting.

Bio: Born to a second-generation immigrant family in Washington (immigrated during the Second World War), Kyle was always treated somewhat differently; though not stigmatised or racially excluded at school. His ancestry generally brought up questions about which side of his ancestry he more identified with, but for the most part this was only the occasional event. He excelled within extracurricular activites, such as woodworking, cooking and such, but generally only garnered basic, neutral marks for the rest of his subjects; in particular lacking any motivation or skill within his extra languages, though he consistently got excellent marks for his tests; being great at studying.

Kyle, as true to his parents' culture, had a lot expected of him. He got a job at a McDonalds establishment quite early; eventually going into a law career (he had some connections), and made himself well known as the lanky, extroverted guy who everyone knew, but nobody knew really well. He was pretty much average in nearly every regard; up until the point at which he was inducted into a local government program, medically screened, and deemed an excellent candidate for time travel due to his body.

Did I mention that he he's a universal blood donor, doesn't have Toxoplasmosa Ghandi, has no allergies, possesses a highly efficient metabolism, has a photographic memory and is also a hypochondriac?

Yeah. Fairly certain I said that.

Skills: Cooking a mean and abusive, potentially childhood-trauma related behaviourally inhibited anti-social spaghetti, woodworking, masonry, art and playing the piano, viola and the Starcraft II.

Equipment: Several handbooks for flora and fauna that may be dangerous or useful, a collection of water-filtering straws, a large "grid sheet" of canvas-like plastic which can be torn in several directions and put back together using a water-based solvent, a roll of industrial-grade duct-tape, a rope and a multi-purpose airtight, insulated container. A pencil, a waterproof notebook, a waterproof pen, a corrosion-proof titanium knife and a solar-powered strobe/beam torch.


A taser rifle with up to three charges, that can be recharged using a manual generator. Gotta make sure he has some way of defending himself against the first stray rabbit he sees.

RP Sample:

What are this character's strengths?: Cautious and rational; poly-qualified individual.
What are this character's weaknesses?: Bad in stressful situations and more physical activities. This guy probably couldn't even wheelie over that rock. That bet's on. Fifteen bucks he can't wheelie over that rock.

What knowledge or experience can you (the player) bring to help the details of this RP (e.g., fields in science, history, language, etc.)? Large amounts of research into quantum mechanics and temporal mechanics (But, admittedly, very little depth or understanding), as well as a lot of applied physics. Why, you might ask?

The story involves people with chitin for skin and a debate over whether they'd be laser-proof, a load of dimensional and temporal cross-referencing between several pre-existing universes and franchises, and a discussion about whether a two dimensional character would be considered more powerful than a taco.

I also may have calculated the force of a 50. caliber Barrett bullet around seventeen times by now in my spare time.

I might not have.

You never know...

How much time are you willing to commit to this RP in a typical week? As much as I need to. I'm on holidays for a long while. I basically monitor the threads for the entire day, and if anything comes up, I just post ASAP. If you really need to know, it takes me about 15 minutes to 30 minutes to write a post in its entirety; maybe less it it's a short one (4 decently sized paragraphs or fewer).

What historical civilizations or eras would you like the RP to travel to? Rome.

Keep for tracking purposes: #12-04

Sounds good. And we have our first character accepted. Welcome to Repercussions.

Let's make this RP last as long if not longer than the last one you and I were involved in.
The Clockwork Circus - Welcome to a steampunk RP rife with crime, gangs, beggars, and starting off as the lowest of the low, in the lowest socio-economic place there is.

Louisianan wrote:Talchyon has great comedic writing, that is true.

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Altito Asmoro
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Founded: May 18, 2012

Postby Altito Asmoro » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:53 pm

Do we need to know about the skills in real-life to apply it to our character, or not?
Stormwrath wrote:
Altito Asmoro wrote:You people can call me...AA. Or Alt.
Or Tito.

I'm calling you "non-aligned comrade."

A proud Nationalist
Winner for Best War RP of 2016

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Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Talchyon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:40 pm

Altito Asmoro wrote:Do we need to know about the skills in real-life to apply it to our character, or not?

No. Of course not.

I just asked so that I knew that if I needed help or information on something that one of you guys knows, I could ask.
The Clockwork Circus - Welcome to a steampunk RP rife with crime, gangs, beggars, and starting off as the lowest of the low, in the lowest socio-economic place there is.

Louisianan wrote:Talchyon has great comedic writing, that is true.

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Altito Asmoro
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Founded: May 18, 2012

Postby Altito Asmoro » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:25 pm

Talchyon wrote:
Altito Asmoro wrote:Do we need to know about the skills in real-life to apply it to our character, or not?

No. Of course not.

I just asked so that I knew that if I needed help or information on something that one of you guys knows, I could ask.

Hmm, sure.
Stormwrath wrote:
Altito Asmoro wrote:You people can call me...AA. Or Alt.
Or Tito.

I'm calling you "non-aligned comrade."

A proud Nationalist
Winner for Best War RP of 2016

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The Solomani
Posts: 332
Founded: Dec 31, 2016

Postby The Solomani » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:28 pm

Can I be Amelia Earhart? I think it'd be fun to be Amelia. She did "mysteriously" disappear, after all.

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Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Talchyon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:36 pm

The Solomani wrote:Can I be Amelia Earhart? I think it'd be fun to be Amelia. She did "mysteriously" disappear, after all.


Give me a reason why Amelia Earhart would now be a time traveler. And maybe send me a possible RP sample by telegram.
The Clockwork Circus - Welcome to a steampunk RP rife with crime, gangs, beggars, and starting off as the lowest of the low, in the lowest socio-economic place there is.

Louisianan wrote:Talchyon has great comedic writing, that is true.

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Posts: 4505
Founded: May 22, 2007
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Brusia » Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:08 pm

Name: Captain Paul Montgomery
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Faction: (A)

Bio: Paul Montgomery was born in Virginia in 1830 to a wealthy family of Southern aristocrats. An intelligent young man, Paul developed a strong love for history in his youth, and spent much of his free time reading every history book he could get his hands on. As he came from a long line of military men, Paul's father also made sure he received excellent instruction in fencing, riding, and shooting so that Paul would be well suited to one day pursue a career in the family business. In accordance with his father's wishes, Paul attended the Military Academy at West Point when he turned 18, where his knowledge of history and the training his father provided ensured that he excelled.

After graduating from West Point, Paul was given the opportunity to further his studies of military history at the University of Oxford, which he gladly accepted. Paul loved his time at Oxford, and he performed quite well in his studies. After successfully defending his thesis on the Second Punic War, Paul received his Master's degree and returned home to the United States. While he was gone however, relations between the Northern and Southern states had deteriorated to an all time low, and a few short years after returning, Paul resigned his commission in the U.S. Army when his home state of Virginia seceded from the Union. When War finally broke out between the States, Paul signed up with the Confederate Army, and was made a Lieutenant in the 1st Virginia Volunteer Cavalry Regiment under the command of then Colonel J.E.B. Stuart.

Paul fought with distinction during the War, and in two years was twice promoted to the rank of Captain. Much like the rest of the Confederate Army however, things took a sharp turn for the worse for Paul at the Battle of Gettysburg. On July 3, 1863 Paul was seriously wounded by a gunshot wound to the abdomen during the fierce fighting with the Union cavalry in East Cavalry Field. When the Confederates were forced to retreat, Paul was left for dead on the field of battle. As he lay on the ground, writhing in agony, Paul prepared to meet his maker; but he met someone else entirely. Just as he was on the brink of death, Paul could only watch as a man in a Union uniform dragged him off the field, and suddenly into a brilliant, bright light. Just as he entered the light, Paul blacked out.

When he awoke, Paul found himself in a strange new place unlike any he'd ever been in before, hooked up to all manner of strange devices. After he recovered from his injuries, the people who saved him explained that he had been brought into the future by a temporal agent to aid in protecting the natural timeline from those who meant to alter it for their own gain. Following a year long training program that brought him up to speed on the major events of the last century, and trained him in the use of modern weapons and equipment, Captain Montgomery was made an official member of Operation Repercussions.

Skills: Well versed in pre-19th Century history, highly talented cavalryman and swordsman, very proficient with revolvers, fluent in English, Latin, ancient Greek, and German.

Equipment: Cavalry saber, Colt Python revolver, bulletproof armor, Bowie knife, canteen

RP Sample: viewtopic.php?ns=1&f=31&t=384650

What are this character's strengths?: Very intelligent, experienced leader and fighter, erudite historian
What are this character's weaknesses?: Not very knowledgeable about post-19th Century history, hates and generally refuses to use fully automatic weapons (believing them to be "uncivilized"), has trouble with much modern technology (though he has become quite fond of modern double-action revolvers).

What knowledge or experience can you (the player) bring to help the details of this RP (e.g., fields in science, history, language, etc.)? I'm a pre-med student, so I can help with anything related to the bio-medical sciences, and I recently took a Roman Civ class covering the Regal and Republican eras of Rome, so I'd probably be of most help in those areas. I've also spent some time studying the Greco-Persian wars, the Hundred Years War, the Thirty Years War, the American Revolutionary War, the American Civil War, the World Wars, and I wrote my senior thesis in high school on the Texas War of Independence so I can help some in those areas as well. Language wise, I took Latin in high school and German in College, but I'm far from fluent in either.

How much time are you (the player) willing to commit to this RP in a typical week? As much as I can. I'm starting my physician shadowing next week though, so my contributions will likely be pretty limited during that time.

What historical civilizations or eras would you like the RP to travel to? The Roman Republic would be great (maybe during the Second Punic War if possible. I wrote my final research paper in Roman Civ on Scipio Africanus' campaign in the Iberian Peninsula during that war, so I could definitely be of assistance if we go in that direction :) ). The American Civil War levels were also quite alot of fun in the Darkest of Days video game, so I might recommend that as well.

Keep for tracking purposes: #12-04
Last edited by Brusia on Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 5825
Founded: May 05, 2016
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Talchyon » Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:19 pm

Brusia wrote:WiP

Name: Captain Paul Montgomery
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Faction: (A)
Appearance: WiP

Bio: Paul Montgomery was born in Virginia in 1830 to a wealthy family of Southern aristocrats. An intelligent young man, Paul developed a strong love for history in his youth, and spent much of his free time reading every history book he could get his hands on. As he came from a long line of military men, Paul's father also made sure he received excellent instruction in fencing, riding, and shooting so that Paul would be well suited to one day pursue a career in the family business. In accordance with his father's wishes, Paul attended the Military Academy at West Point when he turned 18, where his knowledge of history and the training his father provided ensured that he excelled.

After graduating from West Point, Paul was given the opportunity to further his studies of military history at the University of Oxford, which he gladly accepted. Paul loved his time at Oxford, and he performed quite well in his studies. After successfully defending his thesis on the Second Punic War, Paul received his Master's degree and returned home to the United States. While he was gone however, relations between the Northern and Southern states had deteriorated to an all time low, and a few short years after returning, Paul resigned his commission in the U.S. Army when his home state of Virginia seceded from the Union. When War finally broke out between the States, Paul signed up with the Confederate Army, and was made a Lieutenant in the 1st Virginia Volunteer Cavalry Regiment under the command of Colonel J.E.B. Stuart.

Paul fought with distinction during the War, and in two years was twice promoted to the rank of Captain. Much like the rest of the Confederate Army however, things took a sharp turn for the worse for Paul at the Battle of Gettysburg. On July 3, 1863 Paul was seriously wounded by a gunshot wound to the abdomen during the fierce fighting with the Union cavalry in East Cavalry Field. When the Confederates were forced to retreat, Paul was left for dead on the field of battle. As he lay on the ground, writhing in agony, Paul prepared to meet his maker; but he met someone else entirely. Just as he was on the brink of death, Paul could only watch as a man in a Union uniform dragged him off the field, and suddenly into a brilliant, bright light. Just as he entered the light, Paul blacked out.

When he awoke, Paul found himself in a strange new place unlike any he'd ever been in before, hooked up to all manner of strange devices. After he recovered from his injuries, the people who saved him explained that he had been brought into the future by a temporal agent to aid in protecting the natural timeline from those who meant to alter it for their own gain. Following a year long training program that brought him up to speed on the major events of the last century, and trained him in the use of modern weapons and equipment, Captain Montgomery was made an official member of Operation Repercussions.

Skills: Well versed in pre-19th Century history, highly talented cavalryman and swordsman, very proficient with revolvers, fluent in English, Latin, ancient Greek, and German.

Equipment: Cavalry saber, Colt Python revolver, bulletproof armor, Bowie knife, canteen

RP Sample: viewtopic.php?ns=1&f=31&t=384650

What are this character's strengths?: Very intelligent, experience leader and fighter, erudite historian
What are this character's weaknesses?: Not very knowledgeable about post-19th Century history, hates and generally refuses to use fully automatic weapons (believing them to be "uncivilized"), has trouble with much modern technology.

What knowledge or experience can you (the player) bring to help the details of this RP (e.g., fields in science, history, language, etc.)? I'm a pre-med student, so I can help with anything related to the bio-medical sciences, and I recently took a Roman Civ class covering the Regal and Republican eras of Rome, so I'd probably be of most help in those areas. I've also spent some time studying the Greco-Persian wars, the Hundred Years War, the Thirty Years War, the American Revolutionary War, the American Civil War, the World Wars, and I wrote my senior thesis in high school on the Texas War of Independence so I can help some in those areas as well. Language wise, I took Latin in high school and German in College, but I'm far from fluent in either.

How much time are you (the player) willing to commit to this RP in a typical week? As much as I can. I'm starting my physician shadowing next week though, so my contributions will likely be pretty limited during that time.

What historical civilizations or eras would you like the RP to travel to? The Roman Republic would be great (maybe during the Second Punic War if possible. I wrote my final research paper in Roman Civ on Scipio Africanus' campaign in the Iberian Peninsula during that war, so I could definitely be of assistance if we go in that direction :) ). The American Civil War levels were also quite alot of fun in the Darkest of Days video game, so I might recommend that as well.

Keep for tracking purposes: #12-04

Accepted! Welcome to Repercussions!

(Oh, and if you need suggestions on ancient Greek, that is actually a language that I can read, plus I have some lexicons).
The Clockwork Circus - Welcome to a steampunk RP rife with crime, gangs, beggars, and starting off as the lowest of the low, in the lowest socio-economic place there is.

Louisianan wrote:Talchyon has great comedic writing, that is true.

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Posts: 4505
Founded: May 22, 2007
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Brusia » Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:27 pm

Talchyon wrote:
Accepted! Welcome to Repercussions!

(Oh, and if you need suggestions on ancient Greek, that is actually a language that I can read, plus I have some lexicons).

Thanks :) And that'd be great! The only Greek I know is from medical disorders :p

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Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States
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Postby Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States » Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:55 pm

The name's James. James Usari. Well, my name is not actually James Usari, so don't bother actually looking it up, but it'll do for now.
Lack of a real name means compensation through a real face. My debt is settled
Part-time Kebab tycoon in Glasgow.



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