Full Name of Nation: The Democratic Republic of Gandoor
Population: 231 million
Type of Government: Unicameral parliamentary democratic republic
Current Leader: Prime Minister Nikolai Olanovich Semenov
Capital City: Gandoor City
Largest City: Osaka
Name of Legislature: Officially the Forum of the Democratic Republic of Gandoor, usually referred to as the Forum
Number of Seats: 1000
Number of Political Parties in Legislature: Four, two major ones (Gandoor Communist Party and New Democratic Party) and two minor ones (People's Party of Gandoor and Gandoor Freedom Group)
Number of Administrative Divisions: Nine, eight yons and one capital district.
Currency (including subunits): Gdyn, divided into 100 cendyns.
Literacy Rate: 99.9%
Side of the Road Driven On: Right
Percentage with Internet Access: 98.9%
Percentage with Television Access: 97.9%
Percentage with Telephone Access: 98.9%
- Code: Select all
[b]Full Name of Nation[/b]:
[b]Type of Government[/b]:
[b]Current Leader[/b]:
[b]Capital City[/b]:
[b]Largest City[/b]:
[b]Name of Legislature[/b]:
[b]Number of Seats[/b]:
[b]Number of Political Parties in Legislature[/b]:
[b]Number of Administrative Divisions[/b]:
[b]Currency (including subunits)[/b]:
[b]Literacy Rate[/b]:
[b]Side of the Road Driven On[/b]:
[b]Percentage with Internet Access[/b]:
[b]Percentage with Television Access[/b]:
[b]Percentage with Telephone Access[/b]: