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The Principality of Oakwood Landing sincerely invite diplomatic communities around the world to establish diplomatic relations with us.
As a country that emphasizes peace and friendly relations among the international community, we will have a comfortable placement for your ambassador. All Embassies will be located our capital city, Treacherous Fjords and will facilitate the business of the ambassadors here.
All applications are forwarded to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for review and acceptance.
There is a strict limit of 20 diplomatic personnel, and no more than 15 security personnel. Weapons allowed no larger than sub-machine guns. No heavy, mounted, or regular sized machine guns are allowed, also no explosives of any kind are allowed. Regular personnel are only to carry concealed handguns. Sniper Rifles or other high powered rifles are not allowed.
Hopefully this invitation receives due attention by all diplomatic counterparts
Thank you

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing