Oakwood Landing Embassy Program (MT/ Open)

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Oakwood Landing
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Oakwood Landing Embassy Program (MT/ Open)

Postby Oakwood Landing » Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:50 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

The Principality of Oakwood Landing sincerely invite diplomatic communities around the world to establish diplomatic relations with us.

As a country that emphasizes peace and friendly relations among the international community, we will have a comfortable placement for your ambassador. All Embassies will be located our capital city, Treacherous Fjords and will facilitate the business of the ambassadors here.

All applications are forwarded to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for review and acceptance.

There is a strict limit of 20 diplomatic personnel, and no more than 15 security personnel. Weapons allowed no larger than sub-machine guns. No heavy, mounted, or regular sized machine guns are allowed, also no explosives of any kind are allowed. Regular personnel are only to carry concealed handguns. Sniper Rifles or other high powered rifles are not allowed.

Hopefully this invitation receives due attention by all diplomatic counterparts

Thank you
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing
Last edited by Oakwood Landing on Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:28 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Oakwood Landing
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Postby Oakwood Landing » Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:50 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Code: Select all
[b][u][size=150][color=#0080FF]Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application[/color][/size][/u][/b][hr][/hr]
[u][b]National Information[/b][/u]
[b]Full Name of Nation[/b]:
[b]Head of State[/b]:
[b]Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: [/b]

[b][u]Ambassadorial Information[/u][/b]
[b]Name of Intended Ambassador[/b]:
[b]Ambassador Age (30 and above)[/b]:
[b]Ambassador's Gender[/b]:
[b]Brief information about the ambassador[/b]:

[b][u]Embassy/ Staff Information[/u][/b]
[b]Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20)[/b]:
[b]Number of Security Personnel(15)[/b]:
[b]Military or Security Unit in charge[/b]:

[u][b]Equipment Information[/b][/u]
[b]Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols)[/b]:
[b]Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4)[/b]:

[b]Trade Agreement [/b](Y/N):
[b]Non-Aggression Pact[/b] (Y/N):
[b]Any aditional request?[/b][/align][/td][/tr][/blocktext][/table]

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing
Last edited by Oakwood Landing on Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Oakwood Landing
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Foreign Representative

Postby Oakwood Landing » Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:52 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

  1. The Protectorate of Hundredstar -His Excellency Henry Swanson
  2. The Federal Republic of Stevencousin - Her Excellency Juanita de Campos
  3. The Sultanate of Bindu - His Excellency Muaamar Taat Mansur
  4. The Federation of Sekangkang Kera - His Excellency Rosman Yunus
  5. Republic of Irian Barat - His Excellency Cristofor Calderon
  6. The Crown Kingdoms of The Recon Empire - His Excellency Francis Still
  7. The Leftist Communion State of The Independent Hazerls - His Excellency Lorenzo Ferrari
  8. The Democratic Republic of the Tongkang Pechah - His Excellency Muhammad Salleh Perang
  9. The People's Republic of Khacia - His Excellency Milan Milenko
  10. Republic of Ghosnia - His Excellency Faan Yo-Shi
  11. Democratic Republic of Hirvania - His Excellency Javon Erkonulamai
  12. The Principality of Saltbridge - His Excellency Dr. Petrus Colingbridge
  13. The Federation of Thousandsuns - Her Excellency Monica Faberworth
  14. Radiomatics Moorburgh - Her Excellency Mira Merchantwoods
  15. Lathamford - Her Excellency Lisa van Crowstead
  16. Ibica - His Excellency Merle Trevis
  17. Madrinet - His Excellency M. Victorin Quincy
  18. Barleigh - Her Excellency Rita Van Der Byl
  19. Nascadia - His Excellency Albin Luti

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing
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Oakwood Landing
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Embassy Court

Postby Oakwood Landing » Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:56 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Embassy Court

Embassy Court is the official name for the section of Langerworth Avenue, between Penbridge Garden and the North side of the Treecutter Mall, in which embassies, diplomatic missions, and other diplomatic representations are concentrated. By extension, the name may be used to encompass nearby streets which also host diplomatic buildings.

Embassy Court has long been the playground of the aristocracy and the super rich. Having seen residential properties change use to commercial following the Second World War, Embassy Court is currently seeing a residential resurgence. Extremely high specification properties are being built to cater for discerning buyers who wish to take advantage of Embassy Court’s high-end shopping, dining and lifestyle.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing
Last edited by Oakwood Landing on Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Oakwood Landing
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Postby Oakwood Landing » Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:58 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing

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Irian Barat
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Founded: Jun 29, 2016

Postby Irian Barat » Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:12 am

Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application

National Information
Full Name of Nation: Republic of Irian Barat
Head of State: Mr. Kari Chavez
Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: Mr. Derrick Clarke

Ambassadorial Information
Name of Intended Ambassador: Cristofor Calderon
Ambassador Age (30 and above): 30
Ambassador's Gender: Male
Brief information about the ambassador: Mr. Calderon is a former diplomatic staff of Irian Barat in Federation of Semolia. Receive the Ph.D. in International Relation, M.Sc in Sustainable Development Studies and B.Eng in Military Technology from Teluk University of Irian Barat.

Embassy/ Staff Information
Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20): 10
Number of Security Personnel(15): 5
Military or Security Unit in charge: 5

Equipment Information
Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols): pistols
Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4): 4 SUV

Trade Agreement (Y/N): Y
Non-Aggression Pact (Y/N): Y
Any aditional request? viewtopic.php?f=6&t=382763&start=50

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Oakwood Landing
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New York Times Democracy

Postby Oakwood Landing » Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:27 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Dear Mr. Derrick Clarke,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Irian Barat

Your embassy application has been accepted. You have been assigned an embassy in our Embassy Court of Treacherous Fjords, our capital city. Should you have any requests or concerns about your situation relating to your new embassy, feel free to mail them to us. You may now begin to ship personnel and other items that will be used in the embassy. Personal property of the individuals working in your embassy may be brought as well, given that said items are legal in here.

We hope that your staff will find it comfortable in Embassy Court and we can only hope for the best out of this endeavor. We agree to your listed specifications and will allow the listed weaponry to be shipped in. Be sure that when the rifles and pistols are shipped into our nation, they are not loaded, that they are kept unable to fire through a means of a safety lock, and that the clips are not inserted into the weapons themselves. We also must stress that with the exception of the time where they are being shipped to the embassy that they must remain on embassy grounds.

We look forward to receiving H. E Ambassador Cristofor Calderon in our capital, where he can present his Letters of Credence to our leader.

We look forward to forming a strong and lasting friendship with your great nation.

Sincerely and Respectfully

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing
Last edited by Oakwood Landing on Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Recon Empire
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Postby The Recon Empire » Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:50 am

Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application

National Information
Full Name of Nation: The Crown Kingdoms of the Recon Empire
Head of State: HM King Haden I
Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: HE Dame Angelina Putnam, Foreign Commissioner

Ambassadorial Information
Name of Intended Ambassador: Francis Still
Ambassador Age (30 and above): 38
Ambassador's Gender: Male
Brief information about the ambassador: Former Ambassador to Areodessa.

Embassy/ Staff Information
Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20): Please refer to our diplomatic handbook for all your information.
Number of Security Personnel(15): Stated above.
Military or Security Unit in charge: Stated above. Under the Royal Security Council.

Equipment Information
Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols): Stated above.
Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4): Stated above.

Trade Agreement (Y/N): Y
Non-Aggression Pact (Y/N): Y
Any aditional request? None.

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Oakwood Landing
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Postby Oakwood Landing » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:00 am


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Dear H. E Dame Angelina Putnam,
Foreign Commissioner, The Crown Kingdoms of the Recon Empire

Your embassy application has been accepted. You have been assigned an embassy in our Embassy Court of Treacherous Fjords, our capital city. Should you have any requests or concerns about your situation relating to your new embassy, feel free to mail them to us. You may now begin to ship personnel and other items that will be used in the embassy. Personal property of the individuals working in your embassy may be brought as well, given that said items are legal in here.

We hope that your staff will find it comfortable in Embassy Court and we can only hope for the best out of this endeavor. We agree to your listed specifications and will allow the listed weaponry to be shipped in. Be sure that when the rifles and pistols are shipped into our nation, they are not loaded, that they are kept unable to fire through a means of a safety lock, and that the clips are not inserted into the weapons themselves. We also must stress that with the exception of the time where they are being shipped to the embassy that they must remain on embassy grounds.

We look forward to receiving H. E Ambassador Francis Still in our capital, where he can present his Letters of Credence to our leader.

We look forward to forming a strong and lasting friendship with your great nation.

Sincerely and Respectfully

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing

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The Independent Hazerls
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Postby The Independent Hazerls » Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:16 am

Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application

National Information
Full Name of Nation: The Leftist Communion State of the Independent Hazerls
Head of State: President Giovanni Danone
Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: Minister Rebecca Martino

Ambassadorial Information
Name of Intended Ambassador: Lorenzo Ferrari
Ambassador Age (30 and above): 47
Ambassador's Gender: Male
Brief information about the ambassador: Mr Ferrari has been a diplomat for 23 years, and has worked in many nations. He got his degree in International Relation at the Varnys National College and his Ph.D in Politics in the same university.

Embassy/ Staff Information
Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20): 20
Number of Security Personnel(15): 10
Military or Security Unit in charge: 10

Equipment Information
Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols): 10 machine-guns and 10 pistols
Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4): 3 SUVs and 1 limousine

Trade Agreement (Y/N): Y
Non-Aggression Pact (Y/N): Y
Any aditional request? None
Last edited by The Independent Hazerls on Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Oakwood Landing
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Postby Oakwood Landing » Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:44 am


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Dear Minister Rebecca Martino,
Minister of Foreign Relations, The Leftist Communion State of the Independent Hazerls

Your embassy application has been accepted. You have been assigned an embassy in our Embassy Court of Treacherous Fjords, our capital city. Should you have any requests or concerns about your situation relating to your new embassy, feel free to mail them to us. You may now begin to ship personnel and other items that will be used in the embassy. Personal property of the individuals working in your embassy may be brought as well, given that said items are legal in here.

We hope that your staff will find it comfortable in Embassy Court and we can only hope for the best out of this endeavor. We agree to your listed specifications and will allow the listed weaponry to be shipped in. Be sure that when the rifles and pistols are shipped into our nation, they are not loaded, that they are kept unable to fire through a means of a safety lock, and that the clips are not inserted into the weapons themselves. We also must stress that with the exception of the time where they are being shipped to the embassy that they must remain on embassy grounds.

We look forward to receiving H. E Ambassador Lorenzo Ferrari in our capital, where he can present his Letters of Credence to our leader.

We look forward to forming a strong and lasting friendship with your great nation.

Sincerely and Respectfully

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing

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Tongkang Pechah
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Postby Tongkang Pechah » Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:33 am


Salam Sejahtera

The Democratic Republic of Tongkang Pechah respectfully submits the following application. It has been reviewed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and to the best of our knowledge, is complete, and in compliance with the regulations set forth by your government. Should there be any concerns don't hesitate to contact us.


Terima Kasih
Dr Maznah Hamid
Menteri Luar The Democratic Republic of the Tongkang Pechah
The Democratic Republic of the Tongkang Pechah Minister of Foreign
Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application

National Information
Full Name of Nation: The Democratic Republic of the Tongkang Pechah
Head of State: Dr Mohammad Kamal Abdullah
Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: Dr Maznah Hamid

Ambassadorial Information
Name of Intended Ambassador: Muhammad Salleh Perang
Ambassador Age (30 and above): 44
Ambassador's Gender: Male
Brief information about the ambassador: Muhammad Salleh Perang currently serve as our Deputy Ambassador to The Peaceful Republic of Anollasia

Embassy/ Staff Information
Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20): 10
Number of Security Personnel(15): 10
Military or Security Unit in charge: Special Agents from Keselamatan Diplomatik (Diplomatic Security)

Equipment Information
Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols): Non Lethal Weapon
Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4): 6 SUV

Trade Agreement (Y/N): Y
Non-Aggression Pact (Y/N): Y
Any aditional request? N

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Oakwood Landing
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New York Times Democracy

Postby Oakwood Landing » Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:38 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Dear Dr Maznah Hamid,
The Democratic Republic of the Tongkang Pechah Minister of Foreign

Your embassy application has been accepted. You have been assigned an embassy in our Embassy Court of Treacherous Fjords, our capital city. Should you have any requests or concerns about your situation relating to your new embassy, feel free to mail them to us. You may now begin to ship personnel and other items that will be used in the embassy. Personal property of the individuals working in your embassy may be brought as well, given that said items are legal in here.

We hope that your staff will find it comfortable in Embassy Court and we can only hope for the best out of this endeavor. We agree to your listed specifications and will allow the listed weaponry to be shipped in. Be sure that when the rifles and pistols are shipped into our nation, they are not loaded, that they are kept unable to fire through a means of a safety lock, and that the clips are not inserted into the weapons themselves. We also must stress that with the exception of the time where they are being shipped to the embassy that they must remain on embassy grounds.

We look forward to receiving H. E Ambassador Muhammad Salleh Perang in our capital, where he can present his Letters of Credence to our leader.

We look forward to forming a strong and lasting friendship with your great nation.

Sincerely and Respectfully

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing

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Khacia (Ancient)
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Postby Khacia (Ancient) » Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:27 am

Ten Khacian Ministerstvo Çasto Zahraničných Vecí
(The Khacian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

'Hrúbka, Jednota, Přátelství!'

TO: To Whom It May Concern,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
The Principality of Oakwood Landing

FROM: Pavol Ivanović,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
The People's Republic of Khacia


Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of his excellency, President Miroslav Kováč, I have been ordered to extend the People's Republic of Khacia's diplomatic ties. As part of this process, the Great Leader has decided that opening embassies in foreign nations would be beneficial for both the host nation and Khacia. Thus, the Great Leader has commissioned the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to apply for an embassy in the Principality of Oakwood Landing.

Our Conducător firmly believes that the opening of a Khacian embassy in Oakwood Landing would strengthen both Khacia and Oakwood Landing. The President is certain that this would lead to the further development of our respective economies, cultures and governments. In these turbulent times, our Great Leader feels that it is important for nations to gel together and begin friendships, opposed to starting conflicts. Regardless of the political differences our nations may have, forming strong diplomatic bonds is essential to prosperity and success in our separate countries.

Please find our application attached to this communiqué. We at the Khacian Ministry of Foreign Affairs look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,
Pavol Ivanović,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
The People's Republic of Khacia

Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application

National Information
Full Name of Nation: The People's Republic of Khacia
Head of State: President Miroslav Kováč
Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: Minister Pavol Ivanović

Ambassadorial Information
Name of Intended Ambassador: Milan Milenko
Ambassador Age (30 and above): 35
Ambassador's Gender: Male
Brief information about the ambassador: Former member of the K.P.B.S (Khacian Podvratný Bezpečnostná Služba) (Khacian Subversive Security Service), lost an arm engaging the terrorist group Z.K.Z.

Embassy/ Staff Information
Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20): 20
Number of Security Personnel(15): 15
Military or Security Unit in charge: The D.Z.N (Diplomatickej Zabezpečenia Nabożeństwo) (Diplomatic Security Service)

Equipment Information
Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols): 15 Heckler & Koch VP70's
Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4): 1 armoured Mercedes G-Class for the ambassador and his family, 3 Mercedes GLA's for the security staff

Trade Agreement (Y/N): Y
Non-Aggression Pact (Y/N): N
Any aditional request? No
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Oakwood Landing
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New York Times Democracy

Postby Oakwood Landing » Thu Aug 11, 2016 12:50 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Dear Pavol Ivanović,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, The People's Republic of Khacia

Your embassy application has been accepted. You have been assigned an embassy in our Embassy Court of Treacherous Fjords, our capital city. Should you have any requests or concerns about your situation relating to your new embassy, feel free to mail them to us. You may now begin to ship personnel and other items that will be used in the embassy. Personal property of the individuals working in your embassy may be brought as well, given that said items are legal in here.

We hope that your staff will find it comfortable in Embassy Court and we can only hope for the best out of this endeavor. We agree to your listed specifications and will allow the listed weaponry to be shipped in. Be sure that when the rifles and pistols are shipped into our nation, they are not loaded, that they are kept unable to fire through a means of a safety lock, and that the clips are not inserted into the weapons themselves. We also must stress that with the exception of the time where they are being shipped to the embassy that they must remain on embassy grounds.

We look forward to receiving H. E Ambassador Milan Milenko in our capital, where he can present his Letters of Credence to our leader.

We look forward to forming a strong and lasting friendship with your great nation.

Sincerely and Respectfully

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing

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Posts: 193
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Postby Ghosnia » Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:17 pm


Republic of Ghosnia


As a part of Ghosnia's expanding foreign relations program, we would like to establish an embassy in your wonderful nation. We believe the ties between our two nations will grow stronger, and one step at a time, we can create a better, more peaceful world for all realms. We have attached our application to this letter, ready for your evaluation. Thank you for your time.

Lin Cho-Wa
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Ghosnia

Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application

National Information
Full Name of Nation: Republic of Ghosnia
Head of State: Hana Yo-Sonn
Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: Lin Cho-Wa

Ambassadorial Information
Name of Intended Ambassador: Faan Yo-Shi
Ambassador Age (30 and above): 38
Ambassador's Gender: Female
Brief information about the ambassador: Faan Yo-Shi has served embassies in four nations so far, and has always been the first diplomat on foreign missions. Mrs. Yo-Shi graduated Chi-So University of Joko with a Master's degree in Political Science and a Bachelor's in Linguistics. She has since been an ambassador and personal friend of President Hana Yo-Sonn.

Embassy/ Staff Information
Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20): 15
Number of Security Personnel(15): 10
Military or Security Unit in charge: G.D.S.S. (Ghosnian Diplomatic Security Service)

Equipment Information
Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols): 10 YU-43 Pistols
Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4): 4 Sedans

Trade Agreement (Y/N): Y
Non-Aggression Pact (Y/N): Y
Any aditional request? No
A Southeast Asian nation with a Hindu/Buddhist culture, speaks Ghosnian, a language written in the Kthii script developed in 405 AD
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Oakwood Landing
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Postby Oakwood Landing » Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:40 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Lin Cho-Wa,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Ghosnia

Your embassy application has been accepted. You have been assigned an embassy in our Embassy Court of Treacherous Fjords, our capital city. Should you have any requests or concerns about your situation relating to your new embassy, feel free to mail them to us. You may now begin to ship personnel and other items that will be used in the embassy. Personal property of the individuals working in your embassy may be brought as well, given that said items are legal in here.

We hope that your staff will find it comfortable in Embassy Court and we can only hope for the best out of this endeavor. We agree to your listed specifications and will allow the listed weaponry to be shipped in. Be sure that when the rifles and pistols are shipped into our nation, they are not loaded, that they are kept unable to fire through a means of a safety lock, and that the clips are not inserted into the weapons themselves. We also must stress that with the exception of the time where they are being shipped to the embassy that they must remain on embassy grounds.

We look forward to receiving H. E Ambassador Faan Yo-Shi in our capital, where the ambassador can present the Letters of Credence to our leader.

We look forward to forming a strong and lasting friendship with your great nation.

Sincerely and Respectfully

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing

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Postby Hirvania » Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:47 pm

Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application

National Information
Full Name of Nation: Democratic Republic of Hirvania
Head of State: President Omra Sakra
Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: Walar Menis

Ambassadorial Information
Name of Intended Ambassador: Javon Erkonulamai
Ambassador Age (30 and above): 36
Ambassador's Gender: Male
Brief information about the ambassador: Javon used to work as administrative in the Hirvanian Government.

Embassy/ Staff Information
Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20): 15
Number of Security Personnel(15): 8
Military or Security Unit in charge: Hirvanian Police Forces

Equipment Information
Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols): 1 Hand pistol per each guard (8)
Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4): 1 Alfa Romeo C4 Spider

Trade Agreement (Y/N): Yes
Non-Aggression Pact (Y/N): Yes
Any aditional request? No
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Oakwood Landing
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Postby Oakwood Landing » Tue Jun 15, 2021 4:11 am


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Walar Menis,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Democratic Republic of Hirvania

Your embassy application has been accepted. You have been assigned an embassy in our Embassy Court of Treacherous Fjords, our capital city. Should you have any requests or concerns about your situation relating to your new embassy, feel free to mail them to us. You may now begin to ship personnel and other items that will be used in the embassy. Personal property of the individuals working in your embassy may be brought as well, given that said items are legal in here.

We hope that your staff will find it comfortable in Embassy Court and we can only hope for the best out of this endeavor. We agree to your listed specifications and will allow the listed weaponry to be shipped in. Be sure that when the rifles and pistols are shipped into our nation, they are not loaded, that they are kept unable to fire through a means of a safety lock, and that the clips are not inserted into the weapons themselves. We also must stress that with the exception of the time where they are being shipped to the embassy that they must remain on embassy grounds.

We look forward to receiving H. E Ambassador Javon Erkonulamai in our capital, where the ambassador can present the Letters of Credence to our leader.

We look forward to forming a strong and lasting friendship with your great nation.

Sincerely and Respectfully

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing

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Posts: 298
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Postby Lathamford » Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:26 pm

Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application

National Information
Full Name of Nation: The United Kingdom of Lathamford
Head of State: President Gabriel Farbridge
Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: Minister Dr. Maximus Ponsonby

Ambassadorial Information
Name of Intended Ambassador: Ms. Lisa van Crowstead
Ambassador Age (30 and above): 55
Ambassador's Gender: Female
Brief information about the ambassador: Ms. van Crowstead currently serves as Senior Diplomatic Officer at Ministry of Foreign & Regional Affair

Embassy/ Staff Information
Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20): 15
Number of Security Personnel(15): 10
Military or Security Unit in charge: Diplomatic Security Office, Ministry of Foreign & Regional Affair

Equipment Information
Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols): 10 x Arcus 94C pistol, and 5 x ARSENAL SHIPKA Sub-Machine Gun
Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4): 4 Volvo XC90

Trade Agreement (Y/N): Y
Non-Aggression Pact (Y/N): Y
Any aditional request? N

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Oakwood Landing
Posts: 112
Founded: Oct 30, 2015
New York Times Democracy

Postby Oakwood Landing » Sun Jul 04, 2021 5:26 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Dear Minister Dr. Maximus Ponsonby,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of The United Kingdom of Lathamford

Your embassy application has been accepted. You have been assigned an embassy in our Embassy Court of Treacherous Fjords, our capital city. Should you have any requests or concerns about your situation relating to your new embassy, feel free to mail them to us. You may now begin to ship personnel and other items that will be used in the embassy. Personal property of the individuals working in your embassy may be brought as well, given that said items are legal here.

We hope that your staff will find it comfortable in Embassy Court and we can only hope for the best out of this endeavor. We agree to your listed specifications and will allow the listed weaponry to be shipped in. Be sure that when the rifles and pistols are shipped into our nation, they are not loaded, that they are kept unable to fire through a means of a safety lock and that the clips are not inserted into the weapons themselves. We also must stress that with the exception of the time where they are being shipped to the embassy that they must remain on embassy grounds.

We look forward to receiving H. E Ambassador Lisa van Crowstead in our capital, where he can present his Letters of Credence to our leader.

We look forward to forming a strong and lasting friendship with your great nation.

Sincerely and Respectfully

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing

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The United States of Ibica
Posts: 1169
Founded: Mar 02, 2018
New York Times Democracy

Postby The United States of Ibica » Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:55 am

Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application

National Information
Full Name of Nation: The United States of Ibica
Head of State: President Todd Hunter
Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: Secretary of State Darrel Blackbourne

Ambassadorial Information
Name of Intended Ambassador: Merle Trevis
Ambassador Age (30 and above): 39
Ambassador's Gender: Male
Brief information about the ambassador: Former head of consular affairs to the Ibican Embassy to Hundredstar

Embassy/ Staff Information
Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20): 15
Number of Security Personnel(15): 15
Military or Security Unit in charge: Diplomatic Security Service (Primary, 9 Agents), Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (Honor guard Unit, 6 Marines)

Equipment Information
Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols): 15 handguns, 9 tasers (if permitted)
Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4): 4 Civilian SUVs

Trade Agreement (Y/N): Yes
Non-Aggression Pact (Y/N): Yes
Any aditional request? Not at this time

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Oakwood Landing
Posts: 112
Founded: Oct 30, 2015
New York Times Democracy

Postby Oakwood Landing » Tue Jul 06, 2021 2:21 am


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Dear Secretary of State Darrel Blackbourne,
The United States of Ibica

Your embassy application has been accepted. You have been assigned an embassy in our Embassy Court of Treacherous Fjords, our capital city. Should you have any requests or concerns about your situation relating to your new embassy, feel free to mail them to us. You may now begin to ship personnel and other items that will be used in the embassy. Personal property of the individuals working in your embassy may be brought as well, given that said items are legal here.

We hope that your staff will find it comfortable in Embassy Court and we can only hope for the best out of this endeavor. We agree to your listed specifications and will allow the listed weaponry to be shipped in. Be sure that when the rifles and pistols are shipped into our nation, they are not loaded, that they are kept unable to fire through a means of a safety lock and that the clips are not inserted into the weapons themselves. We also must stress that with the exception of the time where they are being shipped to the embassy that they must remain on embassy grounds.

We look forward to receiving H. E Ambassador Merle Trevis in our capital, where he can present his Letters of Credence to our leader.

We look forward to forming a strong and lasting friendship with your great nation.

Sincerely and Respectfully

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing

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Posts: 255
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Madrinet » Sun Jul 11, 2021 3:57 pm

To: Dr. Xavier Sambridge Crawford, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Oakwood Landing
Note №: O-LAN1/AMA21

Monsieur le Ministre,

His Majesty's Department of External Politics presents its compliments to the Ministry and has the honour to draw its attention to the following.

I have the honour to enact His Majesty's fervent desire to cultivate and improve the relations of friendship and good understanding which happily subsist between our two nations, to which I end I hereto attach the appropriate documentation for establishing a Royal Madrinetan Legation within the Principality of Oakwood Landing.

His Majesty has appointed His Excellency Victorin Quincy, a diplomat of twenty years meritorious service in His Majesty's Department of Diplomacy and possessed of talents that assure His Majesty that he will zealously discharge the duties of his mission in accordance with His Majesty's wishes and in such a manner as to merit your approbation. His Majesty trusts you will receive him with benevolence and give entire credence to all that he may communicate to you on His Majesty's behalf.

His Majesty avails himself of this opportunity to renew to His Great and Good Friend President Robert Slater the assurances of His highest consideration.

x Bartolome de Grizio
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Department of Diplomatic and Consular Relations
His Majesty's Collegium of External Politics

Foreign Diplomatic Ties Application

National Information
Full Name of Nation: The Kingdom of Madrinet
Head of State: HM Amadeus X
Minister of Foreign Relations, or equivalent: His Illustrious Highness Sothséne di Mesniel, Count of Bélogne (Director of the Department of Diplomatic and Consular Affairs)

Ambassadorial Information
Name of Intended Ambassador:His Excellency M. Victorin Quincy
Ambassador Age (30 and above): 56
Ambassador's Gender: Male
Brief information about the ambassador: His Excellency obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree (1991) and Master of Laws degree (1993) from the Tonelli Institute of Law, and initially worked as an advocate in Madrinet prior to accepting a commission in the Royal Land Service in the Legal Services branch. His diplomatic career began upon his appointment as a Legal Adviser to the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Embassy/ Staff Information
Number of Diplomatic Personnel(20): Mme. Juelina Bonnet (Minister Counsellor for Finance and Commerce)
Mme. Matildis Geffroy, Minister Counsellor for Political Affairs
M. Lambertus Dubost, Minister Counsellor for Public Affairs
M. Jaquemin Pelletier, Counsellor for Agricultural and Environmental Affairs
Two IT mangers
One management officer & executive assistant
One receptionist-typist
One chef
One chauffeur
One caretaker.
Number of Security Personnel(15): None.
Military or Security Unit in charge: N/A

Equipment Information
Number/Type of Weaponry (only sub machinegun/ pistols): N/A
Number/Type of Vehicles (not more than 4): N/A

Trade Agreement (Y/N): This is best dealt with by way of a separate treaty.
Non-Aggression Pact (Y/N): N
Any additional requests? Staff of diplomatic rank and their families request the use of a Roman Catholic chapel if no public Catholic church is available within reasonable distance of the Embassy. If this request cannot be accommodated, please include a personal chaplain among the service staff accompanying the legation.
------------------------------------The Kingdom of Madrinet------------------------------------
Avanti Madrinallia!
HM Amadeus X | Embassy programme | Clarault Gazette | Currency: Madrinetan florin (ƒ) | Population: 1,198,000 | Map

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Oakwood Landing
Posts: 112
Founded: Oct 30, 2015
New York Times Democracy

Postby Oakwood Landing » Sun Jul 11, 2021 8:15 pm


|Application| Foreign Ambassador Detail|Our Envoy| Home|

Dear His Illustrious Highness Sothséne di Mesniel,
Director of the Department of Diplomatic and Consular Affairs
The Kingdom of Madrinet

Your embassy application has been accepted. You have been assigned an embassy in our Embassy Court of Treacherous Fjords, our capital city. Should you have any requests or concerns about your situation relating to your new embassy, feel free to mail them to us. You may now begin to ship personnel and other items that will be used in the embassy. Personal property of the individuals working in your embassy may be brought as well, given that said items are legal here.

We hope that your staff will find it comfortable in Embassy Court and we can only hope for the best out of this endeavor. We agree to your listed specifications and will allow the listed weaponry to be shipped in. Be sure that when the rifles and pistols are shipped into our nation, they are not loaded, that they are kept unable to fire through a means of a safety lock and that the clips are not inserted into the weapons themselves. We also must stress that with the exception of the time where they are being shipped to the embassy that they must remain on embassy grounds.

San Colorado de la Pena is the biggest Roman Catholic chapel in our city and close to Embassy Court which your ambassador, family, and staffers can visit.

We look forward to receiving H. E Ambassador M. Victorin Quincy in our capital, where he can present his Letters of Credence to our leader.

We look forward to forming a strong and lasting friendship with your great nation.

Sincerely and Respectfully

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conquest Square, Treacherous Fjords, XV1000, Glockbourne, Oakwood Landing



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