NationStates FT Free Use Flora and Fauna Index (Open)

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NationStates FT Free Use Flora and Fauna Index (Open)

Postby Neornith » Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:08 pm


Welcome to the NationStates Future Tech Flora and Fauna Free Use Index. The intent and purpose of this thread is to create an index for users to submit non-intelligent species for other players within the Nationstates Future Tech Community to use. Players that post here are indicating they wish to allow others to use their submissions as they desire. Non-intelligent species are defined as fungus, plant, and animal life forms that are incapable of complex thought. Users that wish to submit intelligent species are to do so here.

As with the Species Index, the Flora and Fauna index is intended for original user submitted creations. Please do not submit flora and fauna from existing works or publications, again they will not be accepted.

By posting your submissions you are agreeing to surrender the right to your flora or fauna so that others may use them in whatever manner they desire.

Users who are making a submissions are to use the provided form below. A clear and concise write-up is required to lessen any confusion along with providing other users how to best implement submissions into their own setting . The better a write up is done the more effectively others can use them as they desire

Any players caught plagiarizing submissions from here will be reported too moderation and the offending user will be banned from the thread and have any submissions completed by them removed.

Please do not post OOC questions and discussion here, this thread is for submissions only. If you have questions please feel free too TG me and I will answer as fast as I can.
Last edited by Neornith on Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Neornith » Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:09 pm

Please do not post OOC questions and discussion here, this thread is for submissions only. If you have questions please feel free too TG me and I will answer as fast as I can.

Submissions are to adhere to NationStates’ rules of conduct. Submissions that do not adhere to standards of quality will not be accepted; users will be asked once to rewrite their submission. If the second submission is not up to expectations, it will be deleted.

General Information


Account Name:

IC Nation of Origin:

Physical Characteristics: Please provide an in-depth description here; anything and everything you can think of in regards to providing a precise and succinct rendition of your submission. Please do not provide a picture here, submissions that have a picture will not be accepted.

Biology: This is separate from physical description. Things such as their diet, any unique biological characteristics such as being able to regrow limbs, biological abnormalities, special organ systems, etc?

Preferred Environment(s): What environment(s) does your creation thrive in?

Social Structures (If any apply): Does the species form into herds, prides, packs etc etc. If so how many generally and how is its hierarchy structured.

Known Locations: Are your creation confined to one system or have they become prevalent across the known Galaxy; i.e. has your creation

Sub-Species: Are there any evolutionary deviations from the main species and what are their key differences, does this change their preferred environments, does this change or affect their biology?.

General Disposition(s): How aggressive is the species? Does it attack on sight, does it prefer to avoid people, how does it act if a confrontation is forced?

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[b][u]General Information[/u][/b]


[b]Account Name:[/b]

[b]IC Nation of Origin [/b]

[b][u]Physical Information[/u][/b]

[b]Physical Characteristics:[/b]


[b]Preferred Environment(s):[/b]

[b]Known Locations:[/b]


[b] General Disposition(s):[/b].
Last edited by Neornith on Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Neornith » Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:10 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Flora and Fauna Index?
- The Flora and Fauna Index is similar to the Free Use Species Index in that it is an out of character listing for players to use ICly

Why can't I use a picture?
-Simply because I feel this encourages people ripping off existing publications regardless of where the picture comes from.

What does Free Use mean, and how does it apply here?
- Free Use means content in this thread is available for any and all players to use without seeking permission of the content creator beforehand.

Hey! That guy is using my submission I posted here, but I never said he could! Why is he doing that?
- By adding a submission to this list, you, the content creator, have hereby surrendered your rights to the species being used.

This guy is using my submissions in a way I didn’t want them too, what can I do?
-By posting your submission here you are saying that people can use your submission as they desire, if you think you might have a problem with that I suggest not post it here.

Are these the only options I have?

- No, as always players are allowed to ask others if they can use their creationsthrough TG or create your own.

What sort of creatures can I post here

- This index is for species not capable of complex thought, if you have an intelligent species please feel free to submit it in the Free Use Species Index.

I don't feel like having my species posted here anymore, how do I have them removed?

- Simply send me a TG telling me you longer wish for them to be on the list and I'll have them removed, however there are still going to be people that are using said species.

I need help with developing my idea!

- As always the FT Advice & Assistance Thread is available for questions from people and everyone there is happy to help with any questions you might need assistance with.
Last edited by Neornith on Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Neornith » Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:11 pm


Cyklos.C-Thenesis -contributed by Sactius
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Postby Neornith » Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:12 pm

Last edited by Neornith on Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Neornith » Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:13 pm


Geosectus.B.Somonas -contributed by Sactius
Last edited by Neornith on Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Neornith » Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:14 pm


Nician Wild Cat -contributed by Novus Niciae
Last edited by Neornith on Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Neornith » Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:14 pm

Last edited by Neornith on Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Neornith » Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:15 pm


Technophage -contributed by Perseid Federation
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Novus Niciae
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Postby Novus Niciae » Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:02 pm

General Information

Species: Nician Wild Cat

Account Name: Novus Niciae

IC Nation of Origin The Interstellar republic of Novus Niciae

Physical Information

Physical Characteristics: Striped and spotted fur in a variety of shades of brown and black are common, occasionally solid black fur and albino examples can be seen, they are approximately 60cm-90cm long from nose to end of rump with a tail of equal length, and they stand 30-45 cm tall from foot to shoulder. Their natural weaponry consists of retractable claws on each of their feet which is their preferred weapon , they do have sharp teeth and will use these if needed.

Biology The Nician Wildcat is an obligate carnivore and has an uncanny sense of balance that makes their movements extremely graceful.

Preferred Environment(s): Temperate deciduous woodlands, taiga and tundra.

Social structure: Solitary, although small prides may form during mating season as multiple females choose a dominant male and form a pride.

Known Locations: they are native to Terra Niciae but they have been introduced to most worlds with a significant Nician presence.

Sub-Species Felis Silvestris niceae sapiens , a genetically engineered uplifted variant of the species. They are intelligent and have an average IQ of 90, and are capable of limited speech owing to a voice-box unsuited for speech . This variant was originally breed as a pet and watch animal, but have since been recognized as sentient and granted citizenship. They have extremely low fertility and are extremely rare.

General Disposition(s):. The wildcat is normally aloof and avoids contact with sentient species , however they can be tamed and kept as pets if socialized at birth. They are generally described as being cantankerous and domesticated individuals will only be friendly to a limited number of people. If a confrontation is forced wildcats will fight with incredible fury.
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Postby Sactius » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:17 am

General Information

Species : Cyklos.C-Thenesis

Account Name: Sactius

IC Nation of Origin Fourth Federation of Sactius

Physical Information

Physical Characteristics: Cyklos.C-Thenesis can be simply described as a pseudo-mass of slime matter with colours ranging from bright yellow to earthly tone with interestingly disagreeable rotten egg smell. When observed closely around the clock, one may see Cyklos.C-Thenesis have a somewhat pulsating form with the pulse originating from the central body to its outward appendages that slowly moves in time as the life form search for new nutrients.

Biology : While Cyklos.C-Thenesis appearance suggest it's a singular moving mass of amoeba, its biology closely resembles opportunistic fungus which will spread in anyway it can; Cyklos.C-Thenesis will periodically extend a portion of itself much like how a common fungus would expand their mycelium around in search of food source. The species reproduces like any common fungus with formation of fruiting body and release of spores but Cyklos.C-Thenesis can also spread through division if a substantial portion of its mass was cut and transplanted to food-rich substrate. Cyklos.C-Thenesis chiefly obtain energy by oxidation or reduction of sulphur or phosphorous containing compounds where excess metabolites are used to line some of its cell walls as part of its defensive mechanism.

Cyklos.C-Thenesis may additionally adapt to radiation contaminated areas, utilizing gamma radiation as source of chemical energy albeit with slower growth rate. Thanks to its strange metabolism, Cyklos.C-Thenesis have an infamous capability to be particularly noxious to sensitive sentient noses. Sufficient mass of Cyklos.C-Thenesis in one place can be distressingly combustible or in worst case scenarios, explosive due to its direct excretion of volatile organic compounds of low vapour pressure.

Preferred Environment(s): Cyklos.C-Thenesis prefers damp environments with particular abundance of phosphorous or sulphur or rich organic matter that contain either of the elements. Presence of oxygen is not needed as the organism can survive with chemical metabolization of aforementioned elements-containing compounds.

As per temperature range, the life form can withstand large temperature swings from deep of space to underneath scorching sun albeit it's more comfortable with temperatures ranging from 10 C to 32 C. If the life form is exposed to temperatures outside of the comfortable range, it will go a state of suspended animation and its form will change accordingly; in extreme cold, it will shrink and form extremely sticky globules or in excess hotness, form a crusted hard object.

Known Locations : Common in locality that have rich organic matter and ready access to organometallic compounds.

Sub-Species : Cyklos.V.Kyervi which is an oxygen-breathing variant and metabolize carbon-rich matter. While Cyklos.C-Thenesis have a rotten egg smell, the sub variant have an ozone-like smell. This subvariant have a different colour as well, ranging from dark green-blue to earthly-green colour. Unlike Cyklos.C-Thenesis, Cyklos.V.Kyervi is more tightly massed, occasionally forming a carpet-like texture as the life form periodically form structures to enhance oxygen uptake.

Cyklos.V.Kyervi is also interestingly combustible but leaning to be oxidising and caustic in nature; critical mass of Cyklos.V.Kyervi wouldn't cause an explosion but it could fuel sustained combustion of other materiels, such as wood. Cyklos.V.Kyervi also have a particular trait to aggressively expand on organic-rich matter, moreso than Cyklos.C-Thenesis if given the chance. Both life form cannot co-exist together in one place; their emissions will kill each other if brought in proximity.

General Disposition(s) : Cyklos.C-Thenesis are generally docile until shortage of food source where it may turn out aggressive by forming spore-bearing bodies or expanding its body everywhere though this process is primarily controlled by temperature. Cyklos.V.Kyervi on the other hand is more opportunistic than Cyklos.C-Thenesis, spreading itself on any available surface with direct contact should the surface have sufficient amount of organic matter.

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Postby Sactius » Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:10 am

General Information

Species : Geosectus.B.Somonas

Account Name: Sactius

IC Nation of Origin : Fourth Federation of Sactius

Physical Information

Physical Characteristics : Concentrated mass of Geosectus.B.Somonas bacterium have a hairy-like appearance and a texture suggesting wetness albeit the biofilm isn't wet in any sense. Smaller colonies of Geosectus.B.Somonas on the other hand can be thought as silvers of fine strands with occasional splotches of metallic hue which colour depends on the host substrate. Additionally, Geosectus.B.Somonas colonies may exhibit particular static electricity or strangely warm to touch. Some Geosectus.B.Somonas colonies may cause an unexpected current surge to leap toward the contacted surface upon touch.

Biology : Geosectus.B.Somonas is chiefly an anaerobic bacterium, forming biofilms and nanowires that will spread toward sources of heavy metals or energy sources; the bacterium thrive by 'breathing' heavy metals or processing excess electrons though for healthy growth, the bacterium need occasional input of carbon and nitrogen containing compounds. Colonies of Geosectus.B.Somonas can form tough biofilm on power conduits, subsisting on pure electron flow on the conduit and directly synthesize needed organic matter by charging itself to ionize surrounding air or gases containing carbon and nitrogen for capture.

Geosectus.B.Somonas may additionally metabolize radioactive heavy metals, becoming radioactive in the process as the life form concentrates such compounds in order to conduct radiolysis of nearby fluids for capture and growth. Geosectus.B.Somonas reproduces by fission budding or if enough mass was cut from its biofilm and planted to a rich substrate, it will generate a new colony of Geosectus.B.Somonas.

Preferred Environment(s) : Geosectus.B.Somonas prefers environments containing heavy metals or ready source of electrons such as power conduits, in proximity of gases with carbon or nitrogen content. Presence of oxygen is not needed as it's chiefly an anaerobic bacterium. Geosectus.B.Somonas is most active at temperature ranging from -10 C to 25 C where any temperature falling this range will cause it to shrink and form environmentally-resistant spores until conditions are conducive for growth again.

Known Locations : Chiefly locations with presence of heavy metals and ready source of electrons. Geosectus.B.Somonas may additionally be found on planets with high thunderstorm activities or nebulae with electrical charges.

Sub-Species : None

General Disposition(s) : Docile, although colonies of Geosectus.B.Somonas may cause a nasty shock or radioactive burn if squashed or disturbed.

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Perseid Federation
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Postby Perseid Federation » Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:31 pm

General Information

Species: Technophage

Account Name: Perseid Federation

IC Nation of Origin The Perseid Federation (upon discovery)

Physical Information

Physical Characteristics: A technophage resembles a mix of a species of beetle and a species of locust. A fully adult technophage measures at around 2 1/2 feet tall, and around 4 feet long. Like most arthropods they have an exoskeleton that covers their entire body. They also appear to have wings which deploy when they fly, whether in the atmosphere of a world or in space.

Biology: These creatures are known to consume and digest almost anything, whether it be organic life or artificial creations. Whenever a technophage eats any material that has metals or metalloids in its structure, the metals become absorbed and form the technophage's exoskeleton. This special mechanism also aids them in camouflage, as the color of the material is retained. For example, if one has just eaten a metal sheet that was painted azure, the paint pigment appears on its skin after a period of time.

This characteristic may be the reason behind the name of this species. Early colonists of the Dione Nebula have encountered these creatures, whose skins seem to turn to metal before their eyes as they ate some of their tools. They mistakenly named them technophages, thinking that they eat technology and become them; however the name has stuck with the technophages ever since.

The average life span of a technophage in the wild is around 10 to 15 years.

Preferred Environment(s): While their range is impressive, they prefer areas that are sparse, sometimes even uninhabited. They can't survive on ice planets, though. However, they can congregate in swarms and wreak havoc on densely populated areas (see General Disposition).

Known Locations: Technophages are known to live in most places in the Sivulon Reach, though it may be theorized that they have a larger range.

  • Chrysic technophage – these technophages are notorious for the damage they often cause in swarms. These are primarily found in the northern areas of the Sivulon Reach.
  • Dionic technophage – they can be found mostly in the Dione Nebula, and is the most well known subspecies of technophage in the Omospondia. They are more docile compared to the chrysic technophages, however they can still wreak havoc on civilized worlds. They are comparatively smaller than a regular technophage.
  • Avisan technophage – a smaller subspecies related to the dionic technophage that primarily is found in the eastern portions of the Sivulon Reach.

General Disposition(s): Technophages are usually solitary creatures that live in sparsely populated areas in many planets. However, whenever the conditions are fruitful, such as the abundance of plant life, this promotes breeding for the technophages, which can quickly grow into large swarms. These swarms can devastate highly civilized planets in their path, the most cited example being the enormous technophage swarm of the Technophage War which devastated the Omospondia for much of the 6th Century XS.

A swarm of technophages can measure for several Xenian Astronomical Units* (XAUs) in size and can pack between 600 and 800 billion technophages into a volume half the size of Daphne. The swarms can cover vast distances throughout the cosmos—trips that can sometimes take many generations of technophages. The technophage swarm during the War had taken several centuries to arrive at the Dione Nebula.

*1 XAU is about 1.083 Terran Astronomical Units (TAUs).
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Postby The Ten Thousand Suns » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:35 am

General Information

Family: Flutterslug

Account Name: The Ten Thousand Suns

IC Nation of Origin: The Grand Empire of Ten Thousand Suns

Physical Information

Physical Characteristics: There are many different species of flutterslug. All are caterpillar-like, six winged creatures, ranging between about one-half to twelve inches in wingspan. All are soft-bodied, though none are slimy as their name implies. A few species possess a painful or even poisonous bite, but this is not common. Most types of flutterslug found outside the Grand Empire have been bioengineered for terraformed worlds or space station greenhouses, and sport bright colors, iridescence, and intricate patterns. A few nocturnal (or bioengineered) varieties are bioluminescent. Most types of flutterslug found outside the Grand Empire have been bioengineered for terraformed worlds or space station greenhouses, and

Biology: Non-bioengineered varieties are herbivores or scavengers. One of the most commonly encountered varieties has been altered to eat almost anything vaguely organic - designed to be a key part of a terraforming project, they breed quickly, and are non-toxic to many species. Also commonly encountered are those engineered for space stations or sealed cities - these produce very little waste, and are designed to feed on trash, dead vegetation and grime.

Unlike terran caterpillars/butterflies, flutterslugs do not undergo metamorphosis, though many species are hatched brown or grey and develop their bright colors as they mature. Living only a few years on average, a few larger species can live up to 10 years. Most species produce a dozen or so eggs every few months.

Preferred Environment(s): Flutterslugs are found in a variety of environments, but most prefer hotter and wetter climates. A few, native to colder areas, have evolved the ability to hibernate through the winter.

Known Locations: Primarily found within the Grand Empire, a few varieties have spread (or been introduced) throughout the Delta and Gamma quadrants.

-Blue Assassin - a bright iridescent blue flutterslug with a four-inch wingspan. The blue assassin is one of the few flutterslugs with a bite, and a particularly nasty one as well, injecting a small amount of strong acid. While it only has enough acid for a few defensive bites, the pain is intense and lingering to most species, and can cause significant damage if the acid gets into a vein. While they are somewhat aggressive, they are not carnivorous, instead stripping plants of bark and leaves. Their lack of predators and quick breeding cycle have made them a hazard on a few worlds.

- Flutterroach - a brown and red species, about half an inch long with an inch wingspan. The flutterroach was bioengineered to be a key species in terraforming projects. They will eat almost anything that doesn't move and breed very quickly, making them a serious and hard to eliminate annoyance on farming worlds.

- Garbageman Flutterslug - a blue, green, and black species with a five-inch wingspan. The garbageman is a very hardy species, engineered to seek out and eat toxic substances, which they incorporate into their skin in tiny cysts, making them quite toxic in turn. They have a long (for a flutterslug - about nine years) lifespan when they don't become so toxic they poison themselves, and they have few natural predators. They are often seen as a bit of color on highly polluted industrial worlds.

- Spacegarden Flutterslug - a white (it shines in the ultraviolet) species with an inch and a half wingspan. Spacegardens were designed for space station greenhouses - a nectar-drinking species engineered to minimize the waste they produce, they are not commonly found outside of sealed environments.

- Starking Flutterslug - a purple and yellow species with a ten-inch wingspan. Like the spacegardens, starkings were also designed for sealed environments. Unlike the spacegardens, the starking eats dead vegetation and non-toxic trash. Slow breeders, they rarely threaten existing ecosystems, and have been safely introduced to several planets, where they rarely stray outside of cities.

General Disposition(s): Aside from a few species (see the blue assassin above), flutterslugs are generally peaceful, skittish, and gregarious creatures. A few that prey on other species are solitary, but most can be found in swarms of a couple dozen to several thousand. They tend to avoid larger animals.

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Postby Varagoth » Sat Jul 01, 2017 10:54 pm

General Information

Species: Gamma Ketos

Account Name: Varagoth

IC Nation of Origin: Varagothian Vikingar(Upon Discovery)

Physical Information:

Physical Characteristics: The Gamma Ketos are generally very large space creatures almost similar to large aquatic mammals. However their skin is of a thick kind that is layered to protect it from very high temperatures and allow them to mostly travel unharmed during storms that occur in Gas Giants. They have a large mouth and have fins to help the Ketos navigate space quite well.

Biology: They are non-bio engineered and are typical omnivores. They are non-toxic and are known to be a source of food for civilizations living along their most used trails when on the move.

Preferred Environment(s): Gamma Ketos can be found largely in the Gamma Quadrant, but their biggest presence is in the northern reaches of Gamma. They typically prefer Gas Giants as places for them to mate and reproduce, such could last for several solar months before they move on. They are generally nomadic and are known to move around the quadrant.

Known Locations: Gamma Ketos within the areas of Gamma that the Varagothian Vikingar actually inhabit are generally found moving through different systems and or congregating within Gas Giants. They are overall primarily found within Gamma Quadrant.

Sub-Species: The Gamma Ketos is of it's own species and no known sub-species exist at the moment.

General Disposition(s): They are generally against confrontation and will likely try and avoid confrontation from predators or other species who may be after it. They can be quite destructive if in a herd, which could prove dangerous for near-by space-faring vessels who happen to get caught in the middle of a Gamma Ketos herd or during their general migration period when they are in greater numbers.
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Postby Megathalassa » Sun May 31, 2020 8:31 am

General Information

Species: Megathalassan

Account Name: Στροματα μεγαθάλασσας (Stromata megathálassas)

IC Nation of Origin Megathalassan Supracolony

Physical Information

Physical Characteristics: A Megathalassan colony is composed of polyps. They are chemotrophic, absorbing energy from molecules containing carbon and producing methane in the process. The median length of a polyp is three millimetres, while the median heigh is four centimetres, although this can vary depending on the type of polyp. Flagella (singular: flagellum) located at the base allows polyps to move, and detect chemicals and temperature. They surround the gastric opening, which serves as both the mouth and the anus. Polyps excrete limestone towards the ground, which forms bones. The skeletal system protects the polyps of the nucleus, and provides structure to the colony.

(ignore the lungs)

Biology Megathalassans are eukaryotic lifeforms, meaning their cells contain nuclei. Additionally, Megathalassans are carbon-based lifeforms, with all biological molecules being composed of carbon. As members of the Chemotrophia domain of Europan life, Megathalassans practice chemosynthesis. They convert molecules containing carbon (including carbon dioxide and methane) and other nutrients into chemical energy. The energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules within cells. As Polypodes, Megathalassans are highly social, and form tight and structured social groups. The ability to secrete volatile organic compouns (VOC) allows Megathalassans to communicate more directly; a trait of the Myrodies order. As members of the Skyrodemata family, Megathalassans bind together to form one superorganism. Finally, Megathalassans are distinguished from other members of the Skyrodemata family through complex divisions of labor within a non-moving colony, akin to an organ in an animal body. Complex interactions between the polyps of a colony have led humans to declaring colonies as a sentient supraorganism, but not the polyps themselves.


Preferred Environment(s): Megathalassans require high water pressure, and can die from exposure to ultraviolet rays present in sunlight. Hydrothermal vents and tectonic plate boundaries are home to some of the densest Megathalassan colonies, and are their preferred environment. Nonetheless, Megathalassans reside outside of such locations, and can survive extreme temperatures, ranging from -220°C (-360 °F) to 400°C (750°F).

Known Locations: Megathalassans are native to, and are only found in the Jupiterian moon of Europa. An agreement between the Megathalassan Supracolony and the humans under the United Nations includes a clause, in which the two sides will exchange members of their own species for examination.

Sub-Species Megathalassans arose around 350,000 years ago, and have no sub-species.

General Disposition(s): Individual polyps, which are granted a 'job' to work in the different organ systems of a colony, are generally loyal and earnest, living to keep the organs of their colony functioning until their deaths. As non-predatorial producers, Megathalassans rely on manipulating their symbiotic relations with the various creatures that call Megathalassan reefs their home. Farmer polyps have an inclination to attack predators and herd schools of fish.

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Postby Qhevak » Sat May 29, 2021 10:31 am

General Information

Species: Banshee Hawk

Account Name: Qhevak

IC Nation of Origin Novitor Colony

Physical Information

Physical Characteristics: The Banshee Hawk is a large avian flyer, resembling a large - 10 meters on average - long-necked pterosaur. It is bipedal, and has a pair of large wings stretching from it's feet to the start of it's neck, with an 12 meter wingspan enabling flight in the half-gee environment of it's homeworld. A typical adult specimen masses around 400 kilograms for males and 300 for females. It's eyeless, beaked head is dominated by a very large melon, used to focus sound for echolocation. The Banshee Hawk is entirely black, and has thick, lightly scaled skin.

Biology The Banshee Hawk is a blind avian predator adapted to the low light environment near the terminator line of a tidally locked world, with an oversized melon allowing it to “see” through exceptionally powerful ultrasonic echolocation. This echolocation is powerful enough to produce sound intensities on the order of 200 decibels at a 2 meter distance when focused into a 10 degree cone, powerful enough to rupture human organs. At longer distances, this is usually used to stun prey from the air before going in for a kill.

The Hawk is a carnivore, usually preying on midsized grazing animals roaming the tundra. Due to it's high energy need, it hibernates for up to eight months of the year. It has an average lifespan of 25 years in the wild.

Preferred Environment(s):
Banshee Hawks tend to prefer cold deserts and tundra, with few places for grazing animals to hide. The evolutionary pressures required to produce such a creature means that lifeforms of this type are usually found on the cold edge of a tidally locked world’s twilight zone.

Known Locations: The Banshee Hawk evolved in the twilight zone of Novitor, a tidally locked world in the Alpha Quadrant, but has been imported off-world, mostly to zoos and terraria. It is occasionally also used as a guard animal by some wealthy individuals, where it's powerful echolocation comes in handy. The Hawk is incapable of flight above 0.8 gees, making it unsuited to the wilds of most habitable worlds.

Sub-Species Upper Novitor Banshee Hawk, Forenian Banshee Hawk

General Disposition(s):. Generally solitary, aggressive towards isolated prey but most have learned to fear humans. Is fairly intelligent (similar to a bear) and can be trained if raised from birth.
Last edited by Qhevak on Sat May 29, 2021 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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